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generating solutions to behaviourial challenges

London Training
Autumn Edition
Introduction London Centre Training Programme with Course Dates

NHS London has funded the establishment of the London Social Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
Marketing Unit through the National Social Marketing Centre. The Unit
has been established to work for Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) in improving Introduction to Social Marketing 19th 4th 14th
public health through:
What Makes a Good Social
• basing actions on insights into people’s lives Marketing Project?
19th 12th 3rd
• leveraging the scale of the region
Commissioning Effective Social
• greater collaborative development and collective action 11th 22nd 10th
The Unit is currently delivering against four key strands of work: research and
development, marketing services, partnership development and capacity development. Getting Started: Generating Usable
Customer Insight and Scoping a 9th 11th
Social Marketing Project
The aim of this last programme is to improve the capacity of PCTs in London to effectively
commission and manage social marketing projects and programmes but also to embed
Insight into Action 26th 24th
those principles in their overall philosophy and approach.

This brochure outlines the initial offering which will be available in the coming months. Evaluating Social Marketing Projects Available Q2 2009
This training programme will offer participants the opportunity to learn more about the key
social marketing principles, the technical skills needed to apply them and issue-specific How to follow-up Social Marketing
Available Q2 2009
knowledge (audience understanding, successful intervention and services) drawn from a initatives
variety of sources. Other workshops will focus on healthy weight, smoking cessation and Course dates may be subject to change depending on demand
immunisation and will be communicated separately.

We will be using a variety of formats for the sessions as the subject matter requires from Enrolment Form
full-day courses to ½ days and also we intend to trial short ‘on-line’ seminars. Across A downloadable version of this form can be found on our website:
the five technical skills courses we have allocated 15 places to each PCT to use at your
discretion. You may want to consider identifying a small number of staff to participate Name:............................................................................................................................................
across a number of sessions, thereby becoming ‘champions’ within each PCT, or use the
sessions to help develop your LSPs by involving colleagues from local government. The Job Title:.......................................................................................................................................
‘knowledge transfer’ workshops will be targeted for specific subject or audience leads and
Course: ........................................................................................................................................
will not fall within the capacity identified above.
Date: . ...........................................................................................................................................
This brochure details the current technical skills sessions available through to March
2009. More are under development and we will inform you about these in due course. In Reason for attending this course:...............................................................................................
particular, a further course is being developed looking at turning insight into action. This
will concentrate on how PCTs can use consumer insight to inform strategy and select ......................................................................................................................................................
appropriate interventions. Dates for these workshops are included and you are invited to ......................................................................................................................................................
register for these now. Further details on the objectives and outcomes of these workshops
will be available to PCTs in December. ......................................................................................................................................................

To book a place on one of these courses please e-mail an electronic copy of the Approved by :...............................................................................................................................
enrolment form to Please ensure that you have obtained
(Line Manager)
authorisation from your line manager and that they are copied into the booking e-mail.
Courses are free to authorised PCT staff.

2 | Training programme Training programme | 3

Introduction to Social Marketing What Makes A Good Social Marketing Project?
2008 19th Nov, 4th Dec. 2009 14th Jan 2009 19th Jan, 12th Feb, 3rd Mar

Target Audience: Anyone who has an interest in or desire to learn social marketing skills Target Audience: Individuals who have an interest in applying social marketing skills
Duration: One day Duration: One day
Location: Central London Location: Central London
Class size: A maximum of 30 people Class size: A maximum of 30 people
Level: Introductory Level: Introductory
Pre-requisites: None Pre-requisites: None

Course Details Course Details

Objectives: Objectives:
At the end of this session you will be able to: At the end of this session you will be able to:
• Define social marketing • List the National Benchmark Criteria
• Understand the similarities and differences between social marketing and other • Explain the purpose of the National Benchmark Criteria
types of active interventions • Describe how the National Benchmark Criteria can be used
• Introduce the key components of social marketing including the eight National • Illustrate each of the National Benchmark Criteria using the Road Crew example
Benchmark Criteria
• Apply the National Benchmark Criteria to your own context
• Understand the process for planning a social marketing intervention

• Understanding what the National Benchmark Criteria are and are not
• Definition and core concepts of social marketing including the eight National
• Defining customer orientation, the ‘customer in the round’
Benchmark Criteria
• Using the National Benchmark Criteria in stages
• Total process planning
• Appreciating the holistic nature of the National Benchmark Criteria
• Case study examples
• Practical activities to put knowledge into practice
• Where to find contacts and other useful information
• Attendees will understand how the National Benchmark Criteria can be applied
• They will recognise the importance of each one of the National Benchmark Criteria
• They will be able to assess whether interventions meet the National Benchmark
• Attendees will understand what social marketing is and isn’t
Criteria and where to focus attention
• Consider how to use social marketing as an effective tool in achieving public health
• Understand how the National Benchmark Criteria contribute to making a good social
marketing project
• Understand what needs to happen in a successful social marketing intervention

4 | Training programme Training programme | 5

Commissioning Effective Social Marketing Getting Started: Generating usable customer
2008 11th Nov. 2009 22nd Jan insight and scoping a social marketing project
2008 9th Dec. 2009 11th Feb
Target Audience: People procuring social marketing services

Duration: One day

Target Audience: People looking to conduct or commission effective scoping
Location: Central London
Duration: One day
Class size: A maximum of 30 people
Location: Central London
Level: Secondary
Class size: A maximum of 20 people
Pre-requisites: Introduction to social marketing
Level: Secondary
Pre-requisites: Introduction to social marketing
Course Details

Course Details
At the end of this session you will be able to:
• Understand the role of social marketing as a behavioural intervention
• Recognise the complex nature of commissioning social marketing
At the end of this session you will be able to:
• Learn the planning process required for effective social marketing
• Define the scoping phase of the social marketing process
• Know the timeframes and organisational resources required
• Plan and execute or commission a scoping activity
• Appreciate the NSMC criteria which can be used for evaluating social
• Use different market research methods to achieve your aims
marketing tenders
• Determine actionable insights to motivate positive behaviour

• Defining your problem – what am I looking to commission and why?
• Exploration of elements of the scoping process & their importance
• Using the total process planning model to commission in stages
• Situational analysis
• Organisational resources and external expertise
• Market research methods to gain valuable audience insight
• Evaluating competitive briefs
• Competitor analysis
• Keeping it all on track
• Stakeholder analysis and engagement
• Did it work? Evaluation to inform future learning
• Developing actionable insights
• Practical use of scoping tools
• Attendees will understand the complexity and challenges of commissioning social
marketing Outcomes:
• They will recognise the importance of commissioning in stages and having a robust Attendees will:
framework for competitive evaluation of briefs • Understand how to use scoping to achieve public health targets
• They will be able to manage the organisational commitment required to develop • Be able to produce a full scoping report
and sustain effective social marketing

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The technical skills sessions have been organised into a structure (see below)
to provide a basis for planning personal development. We have structured
the programme to provide a means of progression for anyone, whether they
are new to social marketing or have existing experience.

Developing your capacity

Introductory Secondary Advanced

Introduction to Insight into
Effective Social
Social Marketing Action

Getting Started:
What Makes
Usable Customer Evaluating
A Good Social
Insight and Social Marketing
Scoping a Social Projects
Marketing Project

How to Follow-Up
Social Marketing

National Social Marketing Centre

20 Grosvenor Gardens

Phone 0207 881 3031

Fax 0207 730 5851


London Social Marketing Unit Website

National Social Marketing Centre Website

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