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Profit and Loss Account For the year ended March 31, 2010 Column1

I. Rs. in 000 Year Ended Rs. in 000 Year Ended Column4 31-Mar-09 163,322,611 32,906,035 196,228,646 89,111,044 55,328,058 29,340,152 173,779,254 22,449,392 25,746,345 48,195,737 5,612,349 4,253,841 722,940 5,900 2,244,939 938,660 (138,550) 34,555,658 48,195,737

INCOME Interest earned Other income Total

Column3 31-Mar-10 161,729,000 38,076,106 199,805,106 77,862,988 57,644,827 34,810,282 Total 170,318,097 29,487,009 34,555,658 Total 64,042,667 7,371,752 5,492,919 912,305 9,343 2,948,701 1,994,599 (14,900) 45,327,948 Total 64,042,667


EXPENDITURE Interest expended Operating expenses Provisions and contingencies [includes provision for income tax of Rs. 1,340,44 lacs (Previous year : Rs. 1,054,31 lacs)]


PROFIT Net Profit for the year Profit brought forward


APPROPRIATIONS Transfer to Statutory Reserve Proposed dividend Tax (including cess) on dividend Dividend (including tax / cess thereon) pertaining to previous year paid during the year Transfer to General Reserve Transfer to Capital Reserve Transfer to / (from) Investment Reserve Account Balance carried over to Balance Sheet

V. Basic EARNINGS PER EQUITY SHARE (Face value Rs. 10 per share) Diluted Rs. 67.56 66.87 Rs. 52.85 52.59

Rs. in 000 Year Ended Column5 31-Mar-08 101,150,087 22,831,425 123,981,512 48,871,146 37,456,168 21,752,268 108,079,582 15,901,930 19,320,397 35,222,327 3,975,483 3,012,680 512,005 621 1,590,193 385,000 25,746,345 35,222,327

Rs. 46.22 45.59

Balance Sheet As at March 31, 2010 Column1

CAPITAL AND LIABILITIES Capital Equity Share Warrants Reserves and Surplus Employees Stock Options (Grants) Outstanding Deposits Borrowings Other Liabilities and Provisions Total ASSETS Cash and Balances with Reserve Bank of India Balances with Banks and Money at Call and Short notice Investments Advances Fixed Assets Other Assets Total Contingent Liabilities Bills for Collection 154,832,841 144,591,147 586,076,161 1,258,305,939 21,228,114 59,551,495 2,224,585,697 4,790,515,044 81,248,646 135,272,112 39,794,055 588,175,488 988,830,473 17,067,290 63,568,314 1,832,707,732 4,059,816,885 85,522,390 125,531,766 22,251,622 493,935,382 634,268,934 11,750,917 44,027,411 1,331,766,032 5,930,080,864 69,207,148 210,618,369 29,135 1,674,044,394 129,156,925 206,159,441 2,224,585,697 4,577,433 4,253,841 4,009,158 142,209,460 54,870 1,428,115,800 91,636,374 162,428,229 1,832,707,732 1,007,685,910 45,949,235 163,158,482 1,331,766,032 111,428,076 3,544,329 Rs. in 000 As at Rs. in 000 As at Column4 31-Mar-09 As at Column5 31-Mar-08


Column3 31-Mar-10

Financial Ratios : Liquidity Ratios Column1 Column2

Current Ratio

Qucik Ratio ( Acid Test ) Cash Ratio Leverage Ratios

Debt Equity Ratio

Debt Asset Ratio

Interest Coverage Ratio

Fixed charge Coverage Ratio

Turnover Ratios

Inventory Turnover

Debtors Turnover

Average Collection Period

Fixed Asset Turnover

Total Asset Turnover Profitability Ratios

Gross Profit Margin

Net Profit Margin

Return on Assets

Return on Capital employed

Return on Equity Valuation ratios

Price - earnings Ratio ( PE )

Market value to Book value

Q - Ratio ( also known as Tobin's Ratio )


Column4 Column5 Column6 Mar-10 Mar-09 Mar-08 Current Assets Current Liabilities Current Assets - Inventories Current Liabilities Cash and Bank + Marketable Securities Current Liabilities 0.86 0.77 0.71







Debt Equity Debt Assets Profit before Interest and tax Interest




0.0580589 0.8292387 0.7911563




Profit before Interest and tax + Depreciation Interest +( Repayment of Loan )/1-Tax Adjustment

COGS Average Inventory Net Credit Sales Average Debtors 365 Debtors Turnover Net Sales Average Net Fixed Assets 7.6186231 9.5693347 8.6078463

Net Sales Average Total Assets

0.0727007 0.0891155 0.0759518

Gross Profit Net Sales Net Profit Net Sales Profit after Tax Average Total Assets Profit before interest and tax Average Total Assets Profit after tax Average Equity
















Market price per share Earnings per share Market value per share Book value per share

9.4434577 12.071902 13.803548

3.9126509 2.6629691 2.0904074 163.0608 239.5822 305.20367

Market value of Equity and Liabilities Estimated replacement cost of assets

Column7 Remarks / Definition

Column8 Column9

Industry considers current ratio of 2:1 as satisfactory. It is noticed the ratio is increasing and so recommended to maintain a consistent growth. Industry considers quick ratio of 1:1 as satisfactory. As the ratio is near to the standards we recommend to maintain it. Marketable seucrities mean Short term Investments

Debt means long term OR long term + short term Equity means Equity share Capital + Reserves & Su Normally,Bankers do not accept debt equity ratio more than 2:1. As the ratio is decreasing it is feasible from both the perspectives. Debt means long term OR long term + short term Asset means Total of Balance Sheet Ass The ratio is favourable over the period of yrs as the assests are financed more through equity rather than debt. Interest is interest on Debt At this point of time the company is not generating sufficient revenues to satisfy interest expenses.

Tax adjustment is tax rate

It seems like the assets of the company are not well utilized as compared to previous year

In 2009 assets were generating better sales or revenue as compared to 2008 but in 2010 asset T/o ratio has fallen d

The gross profit margin has shown significant rise in 2010 as compared to 2009 which is good from the point of vie

Net profit margin is safety cushion for a company. However higher margin is preferable for the company.

Higher the ratio,indicates that the assets are well employed which is highly contributing in generating revenues.

ROCE should always be higher than the rate at which the company borrows.

Earnings per share = Profit after Tax / No.of equity shares Lower ratio denotes that there is lack of confidence in the company and the market overlooks the stock of the com

Book value per share = Net worth / No.of equity shares Net worth = Equity Share Capital + Reserves & Surplus

share Capital + Reserves & Surplus

ans Total of Balance Sheet Asset side h equity rather than debt.

rest expenses.

010 asset T/o ratio has fallen down again which signifies lower efficiency in generating sales or revenue.

h is good from the point of view of the company.

le for the company.

ng in generating revenues.

overlooks the stock of the company.

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