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Attitudes are evaluative; that is, they reect a person's tendency to feel, think or behave in a positive or negative manner towards the object of the attitude.

Different aspects of the job or the job as a whole can become the target of the evaluations

Job Satisfaction

Job Satisfaction
Internal positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job

Organizational Commitment

Roznowski and Hulin (1992) concluded that after an individual joins an organization, a vector of scores on a well-constructed, validated set of job satisfaction scales is the most informative data an organizational psychologist or manager can have about an individual employee and his or her likely behaviors.

Job attitudes are generally reliably and moderately strongly related to relevant job behaviors

Job attitudes are generally reliably and moderately strongly related to relevant job behaviors
Specic job behaviors may include the following: Attendance at work Turnover decision Decisions to retire Psychological withdrawal behaviors Prosocial and organizational citizenship behaviors Prounion representation votes Prevote unionization activity Etc.

Job attitudes are generally reliably and moderately strongly related to relevant job behaviors

A job is not something we think of only occasionally as most do about religion, capital punishment, an honor system on campus, or donating blood.

Job attitudes are generally reliably and moderately strongly related to relevant job behaviors A job is not something we think of only occasionally as most do about religion, capital punishment, an honor system on campus, or donating blood. The salience and importance of jobs and job attitudes may ensure that job attitudes and job behaviors are more nearly congruent than are many social attitudes and social behaviors.

Fishbein and Ajzen (1974, 1975) further argued we need to distinguish among attitudes toward an object, attitudes toward a behavior, and behavioral intentions to carry out that act

Theory of reasoned action

Fishbein and Ajzen (1974, 1975) further argued we need to distinguish among attitudes toward an object, attitudes toward a behavior, and behavioral intentions to carry out that act

Theory of reasoned action

Relations between attitudes toward an object and intentions to engage in specic behaviors related to that object are occasionally moderately large but are generally modest.

Theory of reasoned action

Relations between attitudes toward acts and behavioral intentions are generally high.

Theory of reasoned action

Intentions, however, are related to behaviors

THEORETICAL MODELS OF JOB ATTITUDES What determines a person's job satisfaction?

THEORETICAL MODELS OF JOB ATTITUDES What determines a person's job satisfaction? Keyword: COMPARING

Perceptions VS Standards

What determines a person's job satisfaction?

Cornell model
Standards: Frame of reference, inuenced by economic factors Perceptions: Work outcomes (working condition, pay, benets, etc)

What determines a person's job satisfaction?

Thibaut & Kelly's Comparison Level model
Standards: Comparison level, based on past work role & the best alternative role available now Perceptions: Work role outcomes (working condition, pay, benets, etc)

What determines a person's job satisfaction?

Value-percept model
Standards: Individual values Perceptions: The gap between value content & value provided by the job

What determines a person's job satisfaction?

Job Characteristic model
Standards: Individual's Growth Need Strength Perceptions: Growth opportunity provided by job characteristics

What determines a person's job satisfaction?

Job Characteristic model (Hackman & Oldham, 1976)

What determines a person's job satisfaction?

Disposition inuence

Personality, PA-NA taxonomy, core self evaluations, psychological needs

What determines a person's job satisfaction?

Affective Event Theory

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