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Capitol University

Corrales Extension, Cagayan de Oro City COLLEGE OF COMPUTER STUDIES

Using Remote over the Projection of Windows Environment

Submitted by: Nio Joe Rizol

Submitted to: Mrs. Cyril Jane C. Ranido

October 19, 2011


The aim of this research is to prove the possibilities for utilizing and adapting contemporary gaming technologies to use as adaptive assistive devices, to facilitate as an effective Windows Operating System controller on its projected image. The Wiimote can communicate with the host via standard Bluetooth protocol during device inquiry the host will find the discoverable Wiimotes. After that the host can establish a Bluetooth baseband connection to the Wiimote and computer. When the Bluetooth baseband connection is established the HID channels can be opened and used for reading and writing reports from/to the Wiimote. The Nintendo Wiimote also offers motion sensing capability, enabling the user to interact with the system via movement and pointing. The Nintendo Wiimote has 3 Accelerometer for X, Y and Z transitional motion Tracking. An accelerometer is a transducer or a device that convert real life analog events into electrical signals that can be read by the computer. It has also an IR camera that is setup to track an IR LED that will triangulate the Wiimote position and determine the mouse movement. The IR camera has a filter so only Infrared light can be seen. This project will used the scripting program called GlovePIE to assign the buttons available on the Wiimote to each functions and to have a refine movement of the triangulation of the IR camera for mouse cursor.

Chapter 1
The technology has gotten a big participation in our lives today. The most of the people now want everything about their job to be done fast and easy. Because of that people invented different kinds of gadget devices that can help to make the work of every individual to be fast, easy and done well in just a click. The most of the teachers or even students, businessman and other professionals made their presentation on the computer and present their work using the projector for the wide view of the presentation. The current available projection systems allow presenters to display images and convey information to the audiences. With a program such as Microsoft PowerPoint, the user can advance the presentation with a wireless lesser presenter remote pen. Such devices allow the user to navigate the presentation while away from the computer. However, these devices typically only have a few buttons so they can only used for limited number of functions. Also, navigating away from the presentation to open a separate file for demonstration requires the presenter to move to the computer terminal (Briget M. Gutting, Jason R. Hallenbeck, Christopher S. Pekelnicky, 2009). This way of presentation can disrupt the flow of the presentation by returning to the terminal to control the presentation or to display different information.

However, we can use the Nintendo Wiimote as a useful tool to allow us to have a complete control over the windows environment. Because the Wiimote has 3 accelerometers, force can be detected when it moved or accelerate forward, backward, left, right, up and down. It has also an infrared (IR) camera that is setup to track IR emitters in a 2 dimensional plane. The IR tracking is used for cursor movement pattern that can be from IR source (Clemens). The Wiimote can be connected through the standard Bluetooth adapter and the program can read the data that the Wiimote is transmitting (Clemens). This project will use the scripting program called GlovePIE because of its flexibility; GlovePIE is a program for windows to emulate devices on the computer, PIE stand for Programmable Input Emulator (Kenner, 2010).


General Objective
To use a device that can help the presenter, to allow the presenter to have complete control over the windows operating system without having to return to the computer terminal during the presentation.

Specific Objectives
To access the windows environment by a remote. Easy for the presenter to point and discuss certain area on the display and also easy for the audience to locate what is being pointed and discuss. To minimize the possible disruption during the presentation. To perform the presentation using hi-tech gadgets.

Significance of the Study

This project is important on every multimedia presentation like in power point presentation. This project will also be beneficial to Students, teachers and businessman in doing their presentation in a strategic way of presenting to the audience; in using devices that will help the presenter to less the effort during the presentation, like the Nintendo Wiimote as a remote control over the projected image. Moreover, this project will provide recommendation to simplify and enhance the presentation report of every individual.

One significant advantage also of this project is that each mouse movement and action can also be performed by the remote because of the number of buttons available on the Nintendo Wiimote.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This project is intended for every multimedia report presentation on the display of the projector to have direct control on it using the Nintendo Wiimote. This project is capable in sensing the motion and action of the Nintendo Wiimote. In this project, the Wiimote should not be too far away from the computer terminal. Due the Bluetooth range capability, it is difficult for the Wiimote to control the windows environment if it is beyond 10 meters away from the computer. It is also difficult for the Infrared camera of the Nintendo Wiimote to continuously track the IR LEDs that stand as the sensor bar that will triangulate the Nintendo Wiimote. This is mainly due to the brightness of the LEDs and the surrounding environment. If the LEDs are not bright enough, it is difficult for the Wiimote to detect them. The Bluetooth connection that bond the Wiimote and the computer are also interrupted due to the signal interference this lead to the disconnection between both devices.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

The primary use of the projection technology today is for creating large flat display that provides a shared viewing experience for presentations or entertainment (Lee). However, this could be served as a pattern for the two IRLEDs put on the bottom on it that serve as a sensor bar. The projection now can extend the primary usage because you can also have a direct control on it without returning to the computer terminal. We can change the view using a contemporary gaming technology that can be use as a remote device to control the projection. Today smoothboard has grown into a trusted and indispensible tool that is used in thousands of classroom all around the world. The smoothboard for Mac software will be an excellent for Mac OS users (Frantz, 2009). The smoothboard system is being used for projection presentation. This system can completely manipulate the operating system projection. But it is exclusively for Mac users and not all individuals can afford to have a Mac computer because of its expensive price. The smoothboard also requires a specific projector to be use that is compatible to the system. The smoothboard system is using an infrared pen to interact on the projected image so this requires the user to be near the projected image. This give me an idea to make a thesis project similar to the smoothboard, but the concept of the project is different from the existing smoothboard system. Basically, it is intended for windows OS users, compatible to any projector, the user can be far from the projected image and it uses a contemporary gaming

technology device to remotely control the operating system projected image from a distance.

There are also available devices that can control the projected image of the presentation over a distance from the computer terminal. It is called a lesser presenter remote pen; this device can only be used to specific software like the Microsoft power point. In addition, the current available wireless presentation remote they typically have between 3 and 6 buttons which have predefined functions that the user can not change (Briget M. Gutting, Jason R. Hallenbeck, Christopher S. Pekelnicky, 2009). The current available device also offered not enough buttons and features to perform the functionality of the mouse.

The Wii Remote (also known as the Wiimote) is the primary controller for Nintendo's Wii. A main feature of the Wii Remote is its motion sensing capability, which allows you to interact with and manipulate items on screen via movement and pointing through the use of accelerometer and optical sensor technology. Another feature is its expandability through the use of attachments.

The contemporary gaming device use to remotely control the windows environment is the Nintendo wii remote because of the available features it have. The Nintendo wii remote has a three axis motion tracking accelerometer and a 1024x768 infrared camera with 4 point tracking at 100 Hz sampling rate (Briget M. Gutting, Jason R. Hallenbeck, Christopher S. Pekelnicky, 2009). Another feature that the wii remote have is the Bluetooth capability, the Bluetooth communications of the wiimote communicate with the host via standard Bluetooth protocol. After the Bluetooth

baseband connection is established the HID channel can be opened and used for reading and writing reports from the wiimotes. The HID standard allows devices to be self describing, using a HID descriptors block. This block includes an enumeration of reports that the device understands (, 2011). In the typical Nintendo wii remote the controller communicates wirelessly with the console via short range Bluetooth radio, in which it is possible to operate up to four controllers as far as 10 meters approximately 30 ft away from the console. However, to utilize pointer functionality the remote must be used within 5 meters approximately 16 ft of the sensor bar (Wii Remote). In the bottom of the windows projected image theres a two infrared LEDs place on it. This two infrared LEDs serve as a sensor bar, it is the pattern to provide a triangulation to the IR camera of the wiimote. The only way to confirm that the IR LED is lightning or not is to view the LED while the switch is depressed using a digital camera, digital camcorder or cell phone camera (Infrared Pen, 2008).

Chapter 3

Research Methodology

Research Design

This project using the Nintendo Wiimote as a remote to control the windows environment was design with an objective to minimize the effort of the presenter during the presentation. Also, as oppose to the lesser presenter that only offered a control to Microsoft PowerPoint and a lesser pointer being attach on it. This project provides more functionality to the user to have access to his/her computer over a distance.

Research Design

The system model that is used in this project is a Prototyping model. Because of the sequential process of this model really fits the flow in making this project. The Prototyping model is build up with the following process. Requirements before the project is being constructed, the researcher first gather enough information that will needed to work the project based upon the purpose being wanted. Design after the requirements is thoroughly and exhaustively identified and understood. The design plan for the equipment needed in the project is made.

Prototyping Base upon the design plan of the project, all the equipments needed for the project is constructed for prototype.

Evaluation After the prototype of the project is made. The researcher evaluate if the project meet the requirements and satisfaction for the expected outcome. When the outcome doesnt meet the requirements and users satisfaction it will go to the phase of refining the requirements. Until the expected outcome will be complied it can go over to the development phase.

Refine requirements When the expected functionality is not fully achieve the researcher review the needed requirements and make changes on it. Then applied it to the design phase and reassemble the project prototype and evaluate it on the evaluation phase.

Development After the project meet the satisfaction of its functionality. The development phase is to develop the final project that came from the prototype being made.

Test In this phase the project is being tested if it really works upon the expected functionality. Part of this testing is scanning for some errors or malfunctions that occurs.

Implementation After the testing of the project is being finished, the implementation of the project is being started base from the design and how the process of functionality flows.

Prototyping model





Refine Requirements





Bluetooth Connection X,Y, Z value 0x01 0x08 0x02 0x04 2 IR LED Detected










0x10 0x80 0x10 0x02 0x01


FRONT 0x08


IR camera The IR camera of the device is capable of tracking IR LED. When the device is turn on and it seen an IR LED the IR byte will be then identified. IR LEDs The two IR LEDs are put on the bottom of the display; this would serve as a pattern for the IR camera. To make the IR camera as the centre point of the triangulation.

Accelerometer When the device is on free fall; it will report a 0 acceleration, if

it at rest it will report upward acceleration (+z), Horizontal move will be (+x, -x).

EEPROM The Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM (EEPROM) is place

on the circuit board to store small amounts of instructions or data. This is a rewritable chip that hold its content, EEPROM are bit or byte addressable at the write level, which means either the bit or byte must be erase before it can be rewritten.

Broadcom The Broadcom chip is used for the Bluetooth pairing so that the
device can connect to the host through Human Interface Design (HID). This will deliver the descriptor or the data from the EEPROM to the host or to the computer device. In addition, this is similar to the mouse being connected to the computer.

Bluetooth This device is built in mostly on the laptop computer, it is similar to

the Broadcom chip on the wii remote but the role of this is to receive data from the Broadcom chip. System The system contain a script for the assignment button of the wii remote device and also the calculation of the accelerometer this will simulate both functionality. The script is running to the application called GlovePIE, PIE means Programmable Input Emulator. This emulator is being used mostly emulations games.

1. From the 2 IR LEDs put on at the bottom of the projected image. These serve as a pattern for the IR camera to get the 2 bytes of value for the accelerometer. Specifically, the 2 bytes is to determine the x, y and z value. The two IR LEDs will determine the last 2 bytes of the 8 bytes of data being transmitted by the wii device to the host. 2. The Accelerometer receives the two bytes of data from the IR camera. The accelerometer have now value for the three bytes, the value for Z, X and Y. 3. When the accelerometer identifies the value for the Z, X and Y, this will be delivered to the Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM or also known as EEPROM. The EEPROM will hold a small amount of data, the 8 bytes of descriptors will be stored at the EEPROM. 4. The Broadcom chip that is on the circuit board of the wii device will receive the 8 bytes of data stored at the EEPROM. 5. The Broadcom chip will send the data of the wii device through the host via Bluetooth connection. The computer will receive the data from the wii device. Because both devices the wii and the computer are connected via Bluetooth connection and will also establish a Human Interface Device (HID). It is more likely, when you connect a flash disk or mouse on a computer that is connected by HID. 6. When the data is received the system will simulate the data and perform the corresponding functions. The script written on the GlovePIE is to perform or emulate the mouse action and some keyboard keys. 7. This will display the visual of the computer using a projector.

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