A Project Report ON Production Process AT Katraj Dairy Industry

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ACKNOWLEDGEMNT First and foremost I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the staff members of the katraj industries pvt.Ltd. for providing me with much of their cooperation precious time valuable resources on completing this project report of the production process of katraj dairy.

From the bottom of my heart I express special thanks to respected madam Sabiha.N Shaikh for constantly guiding me and boosting my moral and the valuable and the unstated help rendered by my friends in completion of this project and also we are grateful to Dr.Vivek Kshirsagar (managing director), Mr.

P.R Thorat (deputy manager), Mr Bapu Saheb More (assistant manager)

who have sacrificed their valuable time and provide us information regarding the production process of Katraj dairy industry.

PREFACE In B.B.A degree there is subject namely project work which we have to do during our academic year for which are required to visit a particular organization, this gives us the practical knowledge about the course. Being a student of management, I also got this opportunity to undertake the project work. It is going to be highly beneficial for my master degree as well as in job market.


S.NO. CHAPTER 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3

TOPIC Introduction


Objective Scope Assumptions Limitations Significance Data collection Company profile Review of literature Data analysis Conclusion & suggestion Bibliography



Dairy farmers are in the business of producing food. They aim to ensure that the safety and quality of there raw milk will satisfy the highest expectations of the food industry and consumers. On farm practices should also ensure that milk is produced by healthy animals under acceptable conditions for the animals in balance with the local environment

The overreaching principles applying to the production, Processing and handling of milk, milk products are ; From raw material product to the point of consumption, all dairy products should be subject to combination of control measures . Together , this measures (good agricultural practice-GAP and good manufacturing practice-GMP) should meet the appropriate level of public health protection . Good hygienic practices should be applied through out the production and processing chain so that milk and milk products are safe and suitable for the intended use.


To know about the production process in a practical manner. To make a project research regarding it process with all others related aspects. To improve the background knowledge of the students regarding the production management.
To give opportunity to students express their talents and capabilities

Scope and significance

These studies mainly focus on the production of milk and we are not aware of its qualities and cost of production. The information collected from the internet is not sufficient for the real status view of the industry. The fact in the figures provided in the data may be approximation and not accurate and also statistics provided could have changed with time. The policies and the production process may get altered as per the as per the companies term and policies. The time allotted was insufficient to cover vast studies regarding the subject matter.



Introduction production management

Planning, implementation, and control of industrial production processes to ensure smooth and efficient operation. Production management techniques are used in both manufacturing and service industries. Production management responsibilities include the traditional five M's: men and women, machines, methods, materials, and money. Managers are expected to maintain an efficient production process with a workforce that can readily adapt to new equipment and schedules. They may use industrial engineering methods, such as time-and-motion studies, to design efficient work methods. They are responsible for managing both physical (raw) materials and information materials (paperwork or electronic documentation). Of their duties involving money, inventory control is the most important. This involves tracking all component parts, work in process, finished goods, packaging materials, and general supplies. The production cycle requires that sales, financial, engineering, and planning departments exchange informationsuch as sales forecasts, inventory levels, and budgetsuntil detailed production orders are dispatched by a production-control division. Managers must also monitor operations to ensure that planned output levels, cost levels, and quality objectives are met.

Definition of production management

Administrative discipline for the effective use of resources in onschedule production of the targeted number or quantity of end products that meet the specified cost, performance, quality, and waste requirements. Production management is the process of planning, organizing, Directing and Controlling the activities of the productions functions.

Objectives of production management

Primary objectives:
Manufacturing costs Products quality Manufacturing schedule

Secondary objectives
Machinery and equipment Materials Man power Manufacturing services


Long term decisions

Product selection Product design Plant location Plant layout Capacity planning

Short term decision

Production planning and control Inventory control Quality control Cost reduction Maintenance and replacement



Excellence in our line of business Promotes your growth. THE COMPANY Katraj was incorporated in 1960 with an intension of providing an organized facility of milk collection for the village level farmers situated in Pune district. Katraj Dairy started with milk collection of about 0.30 lakh (30.000) litres in the first year of operation and today, has steadily grown to over 3.25 lakh (0.32 million) litres per day and has a financial turnover of over Rs.150 crores (Rs.1500 million / US$ 33 million). Katraj with its six plants spread almost all over the district has an installed milk handling capacity of over 5 lakh (0.50 million) liters per day. The main plant of Katraj is equipped with Pasteurizer, homogenizer, Cream separator, Ghee processing, automatic packing of products and other quality testing devices and well equipped labs. Katraj has an installed processing capacity of 2 lakh (0.2 million) liters per day. Katraj with its six plants spread almost all over the district has an installed milk handling capacity of over 5 lakh (0.50 million) liters per day. The main plant of Katraj is equipped with Pasteurizer, homogenizer, Cream separator, Ghee processing, automatic packing of products and other quality testing devices and well equipped labs. Katraj has an installed processing capacity of 2 lakh (0.2 million) liters per day. Katraj manufactures / Distributes products like Pasteurized/ HomogenizedCow/ Standardized Milk, Toned Milk, Cream, Ghee, Shrikhand, Amrakhand, Malai Paneer, Matka Dahi, Flavored Milk, Lassi, Jeera Tak, Table Butter, Milk Powder, Softy Ice cream and in the near future plans to introduce sterilized products like bottled flavored milk. All these products are available at Katraj owned parlors at various locations in Pune City and through appointed distribution and retailing circuits. Very soon, Katraj plans to introduce an online ordering system for its distributors/




Katraj products have been in use in thousands of homes in Pune since 1961. Katraj Milk, Katraj Ghee, Katraj Shrikhand, Katraj Softy Ice cream and Katraj Milk Powder have made Katraj a leading food brand in Western Maharashtra. Today Katraj is a symbol of high-quality milk products sold at reasonable prices, the genesis of a vast co-operative network triumph of indigenous technology, the marketing savvy of a farmers' organization.


Shri. Rambhau Sambha Tule Chairman 02119-223177 / 9890880977

Shri. Ramchandra Dhondiba Thombre Director 25380671 / 9822094908

Shri. Gopalrao Ramchandra Mhaske Director 26990031 / 9822088558

Shri. Balasaheb Mahadev Shete Director 02135-284240 / 9881393931

Shri. Balasaheb Jayvantrao Dhamdhere Director 24479422 / 9822376592

Shri. Vishnuseth Dharmaji Hinge Director 24213424 / 9822502963

Shri. Balasaheb Shankar Newale Director 02114-266088 / 9850039415

Shri. Ramesh Vishwanath Bhujbal Director 26685422 / 9766188088

Shri. Sandeep Maruti Jagadale Director 02115-278130 / 9850828030

Shri. Diliprao P. Thopte Director 9822010599

Shri. Narayan B. Phadke Director 9764877009

Shri. Balasaheb K. Khilari Director 9011079696

Shri. Bhagavan Pasalkar Director 9850107494

Shri. Arvind Chintamani Mormare Director 9421922359

Shri. Arun C. Chambhare Director 9822960439

Smt. Keshartai S. Pawar Director 9822833444

Smt. Surekhatai B. Bhadale Director 9850968454

Smt. Vaishali B. Nagawade Mahanand Representative 9422359284

Shri. M. A. Muktadeer R.D.D.O. , Pune 9422130119

Shri. Ranjan Lakhe Regional Registrar Co-op Soc. Milk, Pune 922637411

Shri. Anil S. Sonawane Special Auditor, Class- I 9822294364

Dr. Vivek Hindurao Ksheersagar Managing Director 9970066786


To know about the production process in a practical manner. To make a project research regarding it process with all others related aspects. To improve the background knowledge of the students regarding the production management. To give opportunity to students express their talents and capabilities



The data was collected by visiting the plant and by interacting with the staff members of the plant.

SECONDARY SOURCE The data was collected from the website of the organization.


Flow chart?????????????? MILKING AND COLLECTION

The production process starts with the milking and collection. With an intention of providing an organized facility of milk collection for the village farmers situated in Pune district. Today the collection of milk is more than 1500,000 liters per day. The milk is stored in the village at a chill place

After the collection of the milk, it is stored in the chilled room at village the milk is transport to KATRAJ DAIRY INDUSTARY.

After the transportation, the milk is processed at the KATRAJ dairy industry. Different testing is done at dairy, the protein, sugar and fat is tested. The sugar is tested by Lactometer and the fat is tested by pedometer.

The term pasteurization refers to the process of heating each & every particle of milk to at-least 63 C for 30 minutes, or 72 C for 15 seconds in approved and properly operated equipment. After pasteurization the milk is gradually cooled to 5 C or below.

Homogenization refers to the process of forcing the milk through a homogenizer with the object of sub dividing the fat globules


after the mention process (like: collection and milking,

transport, processing, packing, distribution) it reaches to consumer. Consumer is the person one who consumed or uses the product

PRODUCTS Amrakhand Cream Ghee Lassi Matka dahi Milk Malai Paneer Srikhand Table Butter Jeera Tak

When milk fat is concentrated into a fraction of the original milk, that portion is known as cream. Cream is a rich portion of milk fat. Cream is the product of cow or buffalo milk or a combination thereof which contains not less than 25 % milk fat.
The various types of cream are:

Table Cream Light Cream Coffee Cream Whipping Cream Heavy Cream Plastic Cream

containing 20 - 25 % milk fat

containing 30 - 40 % milk fat containing 65 - 85 % milk fat

Katraj Dairy has been manufacturing plastic cream with 65 - 75 % milk fat. Composition
Water Fat Protein Lactose Ash Total Solids SNF 22 - 32 % 65 - 75 % 1 - 1.2 % 1.2 - 1.5 % 0.3 - 0.4 % 68 - 78 % 2.5 - 3.2 %

Packing Sizes 1000 Grams poly bag

Ghee is the pure clarified fat derived solely from milk or from desi (cooking) butter or from cream to which no coloring matter is added. Ghee is the clarified butter fat prepared chiefly from cow or buffalo milk. Ghee is used as a cooking or frying medium, in confectionary, for direct consumption with rice chapattis etc. Cow ghee is mainly used in indigenous pharmaceutical preparations (Ayurveda).

Milk Centrifugal separation Cream Ripened or unripe Ned Heating up to 110 C Ghee Cooling packing & storage (room temperature)

Milk Fat Moisture Free Fatty Acid (oleic) Packing Sizes 500 gms poly pack 15 Kg tin not less than 99.7% not more than 0.3 % max 1.4 %

Lassi is a fermented Milk beverage popular in all parts of India. The technology of lassi making is however confined to only households. Lassi has a great potential in the Indian Market.

Standardization of whole milk

Heating (85 C for 10 mins)

Cool at 35 - 37 C

Inoculation starter culture & mixing

Incubation at 37 C

when curd is set : addition of sugar in the form of syrup which has already been pastuerized and cooled separately

smooth consistency of lassi is obtained by passing the mixture through a homogenizer

Pouch packing

Storage at refrigerator temperature


Water Total Solids Fat SNF Protein Lactose with sugar Ash Lactic acid Packing Sizes 200 ml poly pack

75 - 80 % 20 - 25 % 3-4% 6-7% 3-4% 12 - 15 % 0.4 - 0.6 % Maximum: 0. 75 %

Std or Whole Milk Heating (85oC for 10 mins) Cooling (at 35 to 37oC) Inoculation starter culture and mixture Filling in mud pots (Matkha) with mixture for setting Incubation at 37oC Capping and refrigerating

store at refrigeration temperature

Milk is an almost ideal food. It has high nutritive value. It supplies body building proteins, bone forming minerals and health giving vitamins and furnishes energy giving lactose and milk fat. Besides supplying some essential fatty acids, it contains the above nutrients in an easily digestible and assailable form. All these properties make milk an important food for pregnant women, growing children, adolescents, adults, invalids, convalescents and patients alike. Milk may be defined as a whole, fresh, clean, lacteal secretion obtained by the complete milking of one or more healthy Milk animals excluding that obtained within 15 days before or 5 days after calving or such periods as may be necessary to render the milk practically colostrums free and containing the minimum prescribed percentage of milk fat and milk-solids-not-fats. Pasteurization: The term pasteurization refers to the process of heating each & every particle of milk to at-least 63 C for 30 minutes, or 72 C for 15 seconds in approved and properly operated equipment. After pasteurization the milk is gradually cooled to 5 C or below.
Homogenization: Homogenization refers to the process of forcing the milk through a homogenizer with the object of sub dividing the fat globules.
Standards of different Milks Class of Milk Cow Milk Standardized Milk Toned Milk Double Toned Milk Skimmed Milk Full cremed Milk Buffalo Milk 3.5 4.5 3.0 1.5 Less than 0.1 6 6 Minimum
% M. Fat % SNF

8.5 8.5 8.5 9.0 8.7 9.0 9

Katraj also deals in Bulk milk supply to customers purchasing minimum 3000 liters of milk and in multiples of 100 liters thereof

Malai Paneer

Paneer refers to the milk solids obtained by the acid coagulation of boiled whole milk & subsequent drainage of whey. The acids commonly used are citric in both natural & chemical forms. Traditionally paneer has been a variety of pressed channa, used mainly in preparing cooked vegetable dishes like palak paneer, paneer butter masala etc.

Paneer refers to the milk solids obtained by the acid coagulation of boiled whole milk & subsequent drainage of whey. The acid commonly used are citric in both natural & chemical forms. Traditionally paneer has been a variety of pressed channa, used mainly in preparing cooked vegetable dishes like palak paneer, paneer butter masala etc.

standardization of whole milk ( 4.5 to 6.0 % fat )

pasteurization ( 85 C for 10 mins ) cool at 70 - 75 C coagulation with 1 % citric acid solution whey draining with muslin cloth moulding & pressing cutting, packing and storage below 4 C

Composition Moisture Total Solids Fat Ph 50-55 % (Not more than 70 %) 45- 50 % (Not less than 30 %) 26 - 28 % (Not less than 50 % of dry matter) 6.0

Packing Sizes 200 gms poly bag 500 gms poly bag 1000 gms poly bag

Shrikhand is a semi-soft sweetish - sour whole milk product prepared from lactic fermented curd. the curd (dahi) is partially strained through a cloth to remove the whey and thus produce a solid mass called chakka (the basic ingredient for shrikhand). This chakka is mixed with the required amount of sugar, cardamom, jaiphal etc. to yield shrikhand.

standard buffalo milk ( 4.0 to 4.5 % fat )

pasteurization ( 72 C for 15 sec ) cool to 37 C addition of lactic culture ( 1% ) incubation at 37 C for 8 - 10 hours when acidity 0.7 - 0.8 % : placed in a muslin cloth bag & hung for the removal of whey for 8 - 10 hours solid mass production called chakka mixing chakka with sugar, cardamom, jaiphal etc. packing and storage below 4 C

Moisture Fat Protein Lactose with sugar(with sucrose) Ash Lactic acid Solids(% by weight) Packing Sizes 100 gms poly Cup 250 gms poly Cup 500 gms poly Cup Max: 42% 8.5% <= dry basis 9% <= dry basis 72.5% >= % by weight, dry basis 0.9 % >= dry basis 1.4 % <= (% by weight) 58% <=

Table butter Composition: Milk Fat Not Less Than 80% Salt Maximum 3% Milk Solids less than 1.5% Moisture 16% >=(m/m) For years together, table butter is being cherished as a tasty food, popularly eaten with bread. It also forms a good topping on indegeous food like Pav-bhaji, Thalipith (Pan Cake). Katraj Table Butter is Marketed by Katraj Dairy Manufactured by Dynamix Dairy Industries Ltd., Baramati, Maharashtra, India.
Packing Size: 100 gms, 500 gms

Jeera tak
Jeera Tak is also called chhas or mattha refers to desi buttermilk.

standard buffalo milk ( 4.0 to 4.5 % fat )

pasteurization ( 71 C for 10 mins ) cool to 37 C addition of lactic culture ( 1% ) incubation at 37 C for 8 - 10 hours

when acidity 0.7 - 0.8 % :Addition of water, sugar, salt and jeera powder.

mixing of water, sugar, salt, jeera powder and dahi with agitator or mixer. Pouch packing storage below 4 C

Water Total Solids Fat SNF Protein Lactose Ash Lactic Acid Packing Sizes 200 ml poly bag 95 - 96 % 4-5% Min: 1% 2.0 - 2.5 % 1 - 1.5 % 1.2 - 1.5 % 0.4 % Max: 0.35 %

Rate card
(profile) The products and prices displayed here are for information only and are subject to change without prior notice. Please confirm the product availability and applicable prices at the time of ordering.
Sr. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Details Tonned Milk (1 ltr) Tonned Milk (500 ml) Tonned Milk (250 ml) Tonned Milk (loose in cans) Double Tonned Milk (1 ltr) Double Toned Milk (500 ml) Double Toned Milk (250 ml) Double Toned Milk (loose in cans) KATRAJ Slim Milk (1 ltr) KATRAJ Slim Milk (500 ml) KATRAJ Slim Milk (250 ml) KATRAJ Gold (1 ltr) KATRAJ Gold (500 ml) KATRAJ Gold (loose in cans) Standardized Milk (1 ltr) Standardized Milk (500 ml) Standardized Milk (loose in cans) M.R.P. (Rs.) 22.00 11.00 05.50 19.75 21.00 10.50 05.25 17.75 16.00 08.00 04.00 26.00 13.00 23.00 24.00 12.00 21.75

18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

Cow Cream -1 Kg Cow Cream Loose (1 Kg) Cow Butter (Loni) - (1kg) Cow Ghee (500 ml) Cow Ghee (200 ml) Cow Ghee Tin (15 Lit) Buffalo Ghee (500 ml) Buffalo Ghee Tin (15 Lit) Buffalo Cream 1 Kg Buffalo Cream Loose (1 Kg) Paneer 1 Kg

130.00 120.00 155.00 90.00 38.00 2600.00 100.00 2850.00 140.00 130.00 120.00

29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.

Paneer 500 gms Paneer 200 gms Shrikhand 500 gms cup Shrikhand 250 gms cup Shrikhand 100 gms cup Shrikhand -Loose ( 1 Kg) Amrakhand 500 gms cup Amrakhand 250 gms cup Amrakhand 100 gms cup Amrakhand Loose ( 1 Kg)

65.00 33.00 46.00 15.00 76.00 75.00 40.00 67.00 15.00 76.00

39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57.

Chakka 1 Kg Chakka 500 gms Chakka Loose ( 1 Kg) Table Butter - 100 gms Packet Table Butter - 100 gms (1 Kg) Table Butter - 500 gms Packet Table Butter - 500 gms (1 Kg) Matka Dahi 200 gms Matka Dahi 100 gms Dahi Loose ( 1 Kg) Flavored Milk 200 ml Jeera Tak 200 ml Lassi 200 ml Pedha - (250 gm) Pedha - (500 gm) Pedha - (1 kg) Khao -(500 gm) Khao -(1 kg) Khao -( loose -1 kg)

75.00 40.00 67.00 20.00 200.00 90.00 180.00 16.00 10.00 36.00 09.00 08.00 11.00 45.00 80.00 160.00 80.00 160.00 145.00



Katraj dairy milk company is well known as milk Product Company having its plant just inside Pune. Since its establishment to this present day the company has grown by lips and bonds. The company takes optimum care of its workers in every possible ways which we observe amply. To start with workers are provided with shoes hand gloves etc. Along with subsidized food in the canteen. While it will be unfair to judge and compare its market standing with other industries of the same sector, however this study focuses on the production procedure of this particular company also this study bring out many interesting facts and figures which are incredible and enlightening.

Katraj dairy mainly produce milk products over the years it has proved its creditability. Even the company is doing well in term of overall sales the following suggestion can be implemented to improve their service. The company should have tie ups with some of the branches. As a company with a turnover of (33 million $) it should employ more workers. As milk products is related with the health of people the plant cleanness is an important area which a lot is remained to be achieved.



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