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0 Introduction
Company background
Xtreme Creative Sdn. Bhd was started their businesses in Kuala Lumpur at 1989. The main product of xtreme is mainly produce eyewear products and reading glasses. The xtreme word is idea come from Dato Liaw Choon Liang which marked the creative and innovative of their company that would appeal the customer wants and builds customers loyalty to its products. The founders are Anderson Yong and Dato Liaw Choon Liang. Their vision is lead the focus group as an eyewear leadership to the international market in future and contributed significantly to the company growth and development. Extreme Care Sdn Bhd (the branch of Xtreme) was established in Kuala Lumpur to provide services and support to their retail branches. At the same time, their company headquarter was located at Dataran Prima in Kuala Lumpur to provides a lot of technical helps to their branches. Their mission is to achieve customer satisfaction through quality, product and services. Xtreme will construct variety of promotion in many areas to appeal the curiosity of customers to increase the demand of their products. Xtreme Creative SdnBhd not only product oriented but also customer oriented, its also provide services to the customer that could help them to long run success development.

Product background

Xtreme Creative Sdn. Bhd is actually develop many types of the products such as ordinary spectacles, it helps consumers can have a nice and clear vision although he/she is short-sightedness after wearing their spectacles. Recently, they found out the new product that name Supine reading glasses. These reading glasses were found by William Ong (technician of Xtreme Creative Sdn Bhd) at 11 March 2010. Supine reading glasses is actually used for reading book or magazine when lying on the bed; its lightweight glasses employ two optical-quality glass prisms that bend your vision 90 degree providing easy reading from a recumbent position. The supine glasses are made up of plastics, metal, and some of non-metal materials. There will two types of supine reading glasses which are ordinary supine reading glasses and limited edition supine reading glasses. The limited edition supine reading glasses will be studded diamond around the spectacle frame. This product price is relatively high, its costs about RM 350 per unit, but it just an estimation. This product is havent released yet in market, it is now waiting for test market, marketing forecasting and survey making.

The Supine Reading Glass

2.0 Marketing/Sales Objectives


The marketing objectives that we must achieve from The Supine Reading Glass are: i. Increase product awareness among the target customers by 30 percent in one year. ii. Gain 30% market share in optical industry of Malaysia within 5 years. iii. Increase 15% of sales in one year.
iv. Achieve 30000 units of total sales of Supine Reading Glass in Malaysia in one

year period.
v. To deliver our products features and benefits to target customers.

3.0 Marketing Environment Analysis

Micro Marketing Environment

Xtreme Creative Sdn. Bhd has more than 100 branches in Malaysia and every branch is located at the strategic location. Besides, our company also had a strong brand reputation of quality and excellent customer service in optical industry. The company also had a well management system which will maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of the organizations operation. Advanced Research & Development (R&D) is one of the strength of our company. We have strong R&D team and advanced technology which can continuously innovate the new product and to differentiate with other competitors. However, our company faces high rate of employee turnover. According to the report from human resource department, 65% employee has been hired for replacement of employee turnover. It is a higher cost to replace these employers a lot in both time and money. Another weakness is the production cost is high. To produce high quality of glasses, our company must use high quality of imported raw materials. The price of these raw materials is high and this may lower the profit of our company.

Michael Porters Five Forces Model

Threat of new entrants

Threat of new entrants of The Supine Reading Glass is low because the production cost is high. The raw materials of the supine reading glasses are from Japan, and its production uses latest and advance technologies which imported from Japan. With the latest technology from Japan, other optical manufacturers are very difficult in replicate our product.

Threat of substitutes
So far, Xtreme Creative is the only manufacturer that produces Supine Reading glasses. So, consumers have no other alternative with the function of supine reading glasses. Hence, threat of substitutes of our product is low.

Bargaining power of supplier

The bargaining power of supplier is high because there are only few suppliers of raw materials. This is because we are using high quality raw materials which are all imported from overseas.

Bargaining power of buyer

The bargaining power of buyer is low because they have no other alternative for the supine reading glasses. Supine reading glasses are new product, so people that need it have no other choices; they have to buy 90 Degree.

Rivalry among competitor

Rivalry among competitor is low because Xtreme Creative the only one company that produce supine reading glasses, so they dont have any competitor.

Macro Marketing Environment Analysis


Social factor-health conscious

In recent years, Malaysias family is increasingly concerning about their children healthiness. Most of the parents believe that reading in lying position is harmful towards their children health. Basically it is true because reading in lying position can make children become lazy. Most of the time they will lazy to move around especially after they read a lot, this is because they had used lots of sight energy to read. Days after days they will become inactive in outdoor activities and this leads to an unhealthy body. As so, we are mainly offer our products to clinic and hospitals patient who is paralyzed or unable to move, in order to let them read on the bed when they feel bored.

Political factor-supporting innovate products

Malaysia is putting much effort in developing local business in order to achieve the 2020 developed country mission. As so, they come out with a lot of policies help to grow local business. For example government is giving subsidies to help local business to innovate new products. Other than that, the process of applying intelligent right towards new products also become efficiently. As so, this circumstance is benefiting us to innovate a new product which is the supine reading glass.


5.0 Market analysis

Segmentation STRENGTH:
Strategic location of company. Have a strong reputation and excellent customer services. Advance R&D Well management. OPPORTUNITIES: Fewer competitors in the market. No other alternative product.
Government policy.

WEAKNESSES: High employee turnover. High production cost.

THREAT: High bargaining power of supplier.

Cause healthy problem indirectly.

Demographic Segmentation Xtreme Creative Company has segmented the customer into small group and relatively homogenous group such as the gender, age, and income status of the family. This can help them a depth understand the group of customer and produce the product that suitable the different group of the customer. A part of that, they also can determine the purchasing power of the customers. Psychographics segmentation Xtreme Company also has a division of a population into group that has similar psychological characteristics, values and lifestyle. This company segmented the customers that are lying on the bed when reading the book, lazy to reading the book and status of the people. The high le people might to purchase the high standard products compare to normal customers.

Xtreme Creative Sdn Bhd is using the differentiated targeting method produce different types of spectacles such as normal short sight spectacles, supine reading glass and etc. The different types of this products actually targeting to different types of customer based on segmentation of the customer to satisfy the different needs and wants of the of the customers. We will target our supine reading glass on hospital, high level class consumers and other optical shops (retailer).

Xtreme Creative Sdn Bhd actually successfully positioning in the customers mind. When people talk about the Xtreme Creative Sdn Bhd , public will think about produce the creative and innovative new spectacles products in the the markets. This is actually in the mind of the customers. Supine reading glass is best example to what the statement said produce the creative and innovative new spectacles products in the the markets.

6.0 Product strategies


Brand name
An effective and critical brand name is very important to a product. So Xtreme Creative emphasized in their products brand name. Supine reading glass has a brand name, called 90 degree. This is a simple brand name so that consumer can recognize, pronounce and remember it easily. Xtreme Creative uses this world as a brand name because supine reading glass can turn the vision in 90 degree. Xtreme Creative creates their own brand to increase their reputation and attract more customers. Brand mark of the supine reading glass is actually the 90 degree symbol in graphic form. The symbol is black in colour with silver colour background. And the 90 degree words will be in gold colour, shows that it is a grace brand name and this makes it look sharp and high class. Furthermore, with the 90 degree brand name, consumer may know about the main purpose and function of the supine reading glass. Xtreme Creative also realizes that good brand name can facilitate expansion in to international products because in future, supine reading glass has big potential to be developed into the international market. So brand name of a product is very important to be understood and recognized by all country.

The logo of our product, 90 degree supine reading glass.


We plan to use the traditional plastic box/protector to pack Supine glass. For sure, good quality plastic will be used, with a layer curtain inside and use a thick layer of plastic to make the boxes/protectors for it so that Supine glasses inside will not be damaged easily even if it has gone through a long way of distribution. Besides that, it can also protect the Supine glasses for customers if they have accidentally dropped their glasses onto floor. Nowadays, many people choosing a product based on the packaging of its, a good packaging can actually attracting people to spend money on our product. In order to satisfy some customers crazy colors desire, we would like to produce few colors of boxes/protectors for Supine glasses. No doubt, Xtreme Creative logo will be printed on the boxes, somewhere that can be seen by people. We plan to use recyclable plastic to respond to consumer preferences which are now moving toward environmental-friendly trend, at the same time, using recyclable plastic can reducing the total cost. And the main point is, using recyclable plastic can save our motherland, Earth.

Packaging of the 90 degree supine reading glass


The logo Xtreme Creative will be printed on the boxes/protector for Supine glasses. It will be recognition of our brand, but also capture shoppers attention toward our brand, Xtreme Creative. The website of Xtreme Creative will also be printed inside the boxes/protector so that customer can get more information about the Supine glasses since the boxes/protector has limited space for all information about the product.

New Product Planning

Xtreme Creative concentrates on finding new markets for existing products, which are spectacles; this called market development strategy. 90 degree is an existing product which has been developed into a modified spectacle and introduced into new markets like high-level income people, home-bound patients and hospital industry. 90 degree is actually a spectacle which has been advanced into a spectacle that has a superior function. People can only resolve their astigmatism, presbyopia, short-sight and long sightedness vision by wearing spectacle. But now, people with/without these weaknesses can read book while lying on bed. So, Xtreme Creative is aiming on home-bound patient and hospital industry which are new market for spectacle. For the reason aiming on high12

level income people, this is because they have more money to spend on shopping goods which are not really a need for their life.

Business to consumer product

In this case, supine reading glasses is a featured product for Xtreme Creative resulting it to develop new market and seek out new potential customers to maximize their profitability. Supine reading glasses marketed at high price because they want to make customers feel that supine reading glass is a shopping good that are relatively highquality (psychology pricing), this product is mainly consumed by people with high-level income. They are affordable to the high price of the supine reading glasses because they have more money to spend on shopping goods. When products have produced, Xtreme Creative can distribute and delivery it directly to Xtreme Creative branches toward customers.

Business to Business (B2B)

If Supine glasses are sold as B2B product, Xtreme Creative can choose to distribute it to well-known glasses retailer or wholesaler in whole Malaysia to resell it like CK Optical shop, 100 Optical Shop and England Optical Shop. With the help of the promotion made by retailer, Supine glasses maybe will become a common use for all level of people and even become a new trend of wearing supine glass, this is because people exposed to the advertisement about Supine glasses frequently and this makes Supine glasses are no longer strange to them. Supine glasses have another potential organization customer, which is hospital. We are targeting on it because we realize that there is a lot of home-bound patients which are not flexible in moving their bodies in hospital such as bone broken, paralyze and aftersurgery patients, with the function of supine reading glass, they can now read book without changing their body position, but just lying on bed. So hospital will be another target market for Supine glasses in B2B marketing. Hospital needs it badly because it can reduce the work burden of nurses, and at the same time it helps hospital in improving their services toward their customers. On the other hand, hospital can rent the glasses to their customer in order to gain more profits.

Product type
Supine reading glass is considered the shopping goods because the price for the supine reading glass is relatively high. It is a high price for middle-level income customers; they will not buy it for many times. They buy for one time or buy only when it is spoiled. Supine reading glass available in every branches of Xtreme Creative Sdn Bhd .So it is very important to set up a good image for the seller and a convenient location for the product.

7.0 Pricing strategies

Skimming price policy is more preferable because the company can theoretically get the maximum profit from each level of customer. The Supine Reading Glass goes through skimming pricing strategy to set the high initially price. By using this pricing

strategy, the company can makes fewer, but more profitable sales. The market will bear with the high price because we have advantage for reasons based on the special features not available on other competitors products.

By using skimming pricing strategies, our company concern on The Supine Reading Glass quality and image, so that it can support its higher price. Besides that, the costs at low volume cannot be so high because the high cost, cancel the advantage of charging more on the price. The Supine Reading Glass has 2 differentiate categories, which is limited edition and normal type. The raw material for the limited edition Supine Reading Glass is different and the quality is better than the normal type. The design for the limited edition Supine Reading Glass is also more exclusive and appeals to status conscious consumers. Skimming pricing strategy permits marketers to control demand but also attracts competitors due to relatively strong profit margin. To ensure that competitors will not be able to enter market easily and undercut the price, our company set the high barrier to The Supine Reading Glass. The advance technology to produce The Supine Reading Glass is monopoly by our company. The competitor will not able to get the technology easily.

Pricing policies
Our company pricing policies on The Supine Reading Glass is leader pricing policies and price-quality relationships policies.

Leader pricing
The Supine Reading Glass price is sets slightly above the production cost to avoid violating minimum markup regulations and earn a minimal return on promotional sales. The Supine Reading Glass feature does not exist in the market. So, our companies consider as first mover and the price of The Supine Reading Glass can set slightly above the production cost.

Price-quality relationships
The Supine Reading Glass has limited edition and normal type. The limited edition Supine Reading Glass with the exclusive design can be sold in high price. Customers often associate prestige with high price. On the other hand, the normal type of Supine Reading Glass can be set in the lower price. The price of the normal type Supine Reading Glass also cannot set too low. If the price sets to be too low, consumer may begin to suspect the quality or the price is affecting the image that the brand carries. Towards this pricing policy, it is important to known well the maximum and minimum price limits that customers expect on The Supine Reading Glass.

8.0 Distribution Strategies

Marketing channels
In order to convince authority of clinic and hospital in purchasing our supine reading glasses, we will use direct selling method to sell our products to them. The reason we use this method is because our products require extensive demonstration to show the functions of the supine reading glasses in order to convince them to buy our products. Direct selling helps us understand our customer better, in the sense of what is their actual

need and want from our products, as so we can enhance our product to meet their expectations. Other than direct selling method, we will hire an agent to represent us in selling supine reading glasses to the other optical shop. As so, customer can purchase our products from other optical shop in the area which do not have our optical shop. This makes our products easy to obtain and purchase and hence our sales will be higher. In this case, the agent takes charge of our burden in dealing with them. With this, we can save time and resources and focus on improving the supine reading glasses.

Manufactur er

Custom er

Manufactur er


Custom er

The above diagram shows the marketing channel uses in managing the supine reading glasses.

Distribution intensity
In determining distribution intensity, we will use selective distribution strategy to distribute the supine reading glasses. Selling our products to certain agent and other optical shops helps us save total marketing cost in promoting our products and in the way that give us more control over products advertising, pricing, and display. For example, we can check whether other optical shops sells the supine reading glasses in a higher price than the standardize price. As so, the process of selling our products will be in a smooth way which reduces unnecessary mistakes.


Selling the supine reading glasses in our own optical shops is a necessary in promoting our products. Customer can have a comfortable buying experience when they purchase our products in our every retail optical shops. Dealing with our customers directly in our retail shops helps us know more about their opinion and buying behavior towards our products. As so, we can maximize our sales by suiting their needs and wants. In order to attract customer to purchase our products, we have to decorate our retail store in a way which is harmony, modern and yet not lost our company identity. Such store atmospherics can make customer remember our company whenever they want to purchase spectacle-related products. For our retail store, it has to place in the area which is convenience to people, letting them easy to purchase our products. As so, we can gain competitive advantage and higher market shares.

As we know, internet selling and buying is becoming a new trend of transaction, due to its efficiency and effectiveness. As so, in order to make a big sale, we will sell the supine reading glasses on the web. Web selling helps us promote our products to those people who are from rural area, by letting them free from going out to buy our products. Besides, web selling helps us save cost in hiring employee, renting and decorating store thus we can offer higher quality of services to satisfy customers.

9.0 Promotion Mix Strategies

Personal selling
We will use personal selling for promote our The Supine Reading Glasses to the Business-to-Business (B2B) market and also Business-to-Customer (B2C) market. We will send our well-trained salespeople to connect with the hospital, reseller and the consumers. The well-trained salespeople will follow the personal selling process according to AIDA concept which is attention, interest, desire and action to promote this Supine Reading Glasses to the reseller and the consumers. This will help to build and

maintain long-term customer relationships. There are three major personal selling approaches which are relationship selling, consultative selling and team selling to meet customer needs. We will focus on relationship selling approach with the hospital. Hospital and disability hospital is the regular customers for us, so we must maintain the regular contacts between our sales representatives and hospital over an extended period to establish a sustained buyer-seller relationship. If we success create sustained, long lasting relationships with these hospital, our company will earn a lot of profit. For higher level class of consumers, we will implement the team selling for promote this reading glasses. As we known, consumers will not so confident with the new product features. With using team selling approach to promote our reading glasses, the customers will feel better served by a team approach compare with only one person approach. The consumers will faster accept and build confidence on our product. It also will build a strong brand position in customers mind.

Advertising plays an important role to promote the product to the market. Advertising is a non-personal communication tool. We do advertising through the media such as newspaper, television, radio, magazine, and the internet. We will use celebrity testimonials as our advertising strategy. We will invite some wellknown celebrity spokespeople such as Louis Koo, Jordan Chan from Hong Kong, Rynn Lim from Malaysia etc for promote our reading glass. This will increase our popularity of our product to the consumers. The celebrity spokespeople will express their experiences after using our new product, Supine Reading Glasses. If their favorite idol is wearing our

reading glass, they will follow the trend and purchase the product from our company. This will help to increase companys sale and the popularity of our new product.

Direct Marketing
We will use catalog to increase the popularity of our new product among the consumers. Print catalog or online catalogues can help to increase the reputation of Supine Reading Glasses in the short period. Consumers can easily know where can buy it and the price is how much. Besides, we also use direct mailing that include sales letters, brochures, catalog to our main customer such as hospital. We can direct mail the catalog and brochures to the target group around of the world and they can receive it easily and immediately. In addition, we also use the direct marketing via broadcast channels. We use the directresponse advertisement on television or radio to catch attention of the consumers. The 60 or 120 seconds long direct-response advertising can create awareness of the product to the consumers. The consumers will aware that there is a new product which is released by our company.

Public Relations
We will use marketing public relations (MPR) which is narrowly focused public relations activities that directly support marketing goals. With proactive MPR, we will takes the initiative and seek out opportunities for promoting our product, often including distribution of press releases and feature articles. We will ask public relations to send press release about the new products to newspaper, magazine, television station and our company website to let the public know about what we are selling. It will be a powerful tool for us because it adds news coverage that reinforces direct promotion activities.


10.0 Conclusion
As a conclusion, all marketing method is help Xtreme Creative Sdn Bhd to understand the customer in depth and has a basically understand what customer needs and wants. We can see this from market analysis. At the same time, marketing mix (4P) help to make an analysis about product and services in order to achieve the plan of the company. Pricing strategy help Company to set the rational and critical prices to the customer and benefits to Xtreme Creative Sdn Bhd. Product strategy help company to understand about product features and brand about products, supine reading glass known as 90 degree brand name because want to positioning easily to the customer mind. Promotion strategy is about effectiveness of promotion towards the customers groups. The example of promotion is

personal selling, advertising and direct selling. The places are about the channel that delivery the product to the final customers. This can help company to cut unnecessarily cost such as shipping cost and others. Xtreme Creative Sdn Bhd also identifies the macro and micro environment of the company, this can help Xtreme Company to change depends on change of the macro environment, so that Xtreme Company can adapt new external environment. Identification of the microenvironment can understand own company weaknesses and strength. SWOT analysis is important to understand the strength, weaknesses, opportunity and threat of the company. The company has a long run competitive advantages compare with company without SWOT analysis to their company. Michael Porters five forces also plays an important role to help Xtreme company to analyze the product ability to compete with other substitute products in the markets. This all methods are help the Board of Directors can more understand what the company are and background of the products. After done this all method, Board of Director can make good decision to see whether plan to expand the supine reading glass into the market or not.

11.0 References
1) liquid-eyesed product launch presentation (12/11/2009) retrieves from 2) Marketing teacher (2010) retrieve from 3) By Glen Smale (2005) the global automotive marketing report. Retrieves from 4) David L Kurtz (2008) Principles of Contemporary Marketing. USA. Thomson SouthWestern.


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