Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin No. 62 February 2012

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NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin for NHS Primary Care in North Staffordshire

Issue No: 61 February 2012

About this Bulletin: It aims to draw attention to some of the key documents and reviews on clinical effectiveness that have been published in the previous month. Where possible, links to the full text documents are included. If the article is in a journal, you can contact the Health Library for a copy. Link to request form: [Please note - a charge of 2 per request is payable for most copies] If you need further assistance, please contact the Health Library or the NHS Outreach Librarians, details below. The bulletin can be e-mailed to colleagues who may also find it useful. A list of websites checked in the production of this bulletin is on the first page. Please suggest further useful sites. Feedback is always welcomed to inform future issues of the bulletin.

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Bulletin produced by NHS Outreach Librarians Tel: FeatureNet 8429 (External calls 0300 123 1535 ext 8429) E-mail:

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NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

Sources for Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin Please suggest further sites that should be monitored in the production of this bulletin Websites Cochrane Library CRD Centre for Reviews and Dissemination - DARE (Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects) - NHS Economic Evaluation Database Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Database Daily Health Bulletin Department of Health Kings Fund NeLM (National Electronic Library for Medicines) news bulletin NICE SIGN

NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire Contents in this issue:
Alcohol ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Carers ....................................................................................................................................... 4 Cancer ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Cardiovascular Disease ............................................................................................................ 5 Children and Young People ...................................................................................................... 5 Commissioning ......................................................................................................................... 6 Competition............................................................................................................................... 6 Dementia .................................................................................................................................. 7 Diabetes.................................................................................................................................... 7 End of Life Care ........................................................................................................................ 8 Falls .......................................................................................................................................... 8 General Practice ....................................................................................................................... 8 Guidance .................................................................................................................................. 9 Health Reforms ....................................................................................................................... 11 Infections ................................................................................................................................ 12 IT ............................................................................................................................................ 12 Kidney Disease ....................................................................................................................... 12 Learning Disabilities ................................................................................................................ 12 Long Term Conditions............................................................................................................. 13 Maternal Health ...................................................................................................................... 13 Mental Health.......................................................................................................................... 14 Migraines ................................................................................................................................ 14 Nutrition .................................................................................................................................. 15 Nursing and Midwifery ............................................................................................................ 15 Offender Health ...................................................................................................................... 16 Older People ........................................................................................................................... 16 Organ Donation ...................................................................................................................... 16 Osteoporosis........................................................................................................................... 16 Patient Care and Safety .......................................................................................................... 16 Pharmacy and Prescribing ...................................................................................................... 18 Physical Activity ...................................................................................................................... 19 Public Health ........................................................................................................................... 19 Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults ........................................................................ 21 Service Management .............................................................................................................. 22 Social Care ............................................................................................................................. 24 Substance Misuse .................................................................................................................. 24 Vaccination ............................................................................................................................. 24 Womens Health ..................................................................................................................... 24 Workforce ............................................................................................................................... 25

NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire Alcohol

Items in the Public Health section may also be of interest. [back to topics]

Malnutrition and caring: the hidden cost for families Carers UK This report looks at the impact on carers of caring for a person who finds it hard to eat or to take on nutrition, and the carers needs for advice, information and support.
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Alemtuzumab for patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia Cochrane Library. Skoetz, N et al. This review outlines the evidence on the benefits and risks of alemtuzumab.

Cancer Survival e-atlas West Midlands Cancer Intelligence Unit This interactive e-Atlas presents relative survival data for cancers diagnosed in the West Midlands. One, three and five-year relative survival data are presented.
Developing excellence in cancer networks Cancer Campaigning Group This report calls for the NHS Commissioning Board to establish cancer networks as Strategic Clinical Networks and recommends a series of quality markers for what cancer networks can achieve when theyre working at their very best. The impact of patient age on clinical decision-making in oncology Department of Health This report investigates the extent to which age is a factor in oncology treatment decisions. It suggests clinicians may over rely on chronological age as a proxy for other factors which are not necessarily associated with age, e.g. comorbidities, frailty. e/DH_132796

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Physical activity for cancer survivors: meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials Fong, DYT et al. The authors outline a range of positive effects which physical activity has for survivors of both breast cancer and other cancers. BMJ 2012; 344 doi: 10.1136/bmj.e70 (Published 31 January 2012)
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Cardiovascular Disease
Meta-Analysis of Statin Effects in Women Versus Men Kostis, WJ et al. The authors concluded from their meta-analysis of 18 trials that statin therapy has benefits for both women and men. J Am Coll Cardiol, 2012; vol 59 p.572-582, doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2011.09.067 Effect of statins on ventricular tachyarrhythmia, cardiac arrest, and sudden cardiac death: a meta-analysis of published and unpublished evidence from randomized trials Rahimi, K et al. The authors concluded there is evidence that statins have some impact on preventing sudden cardiac death, but there is no evidence statins have an impact on ventricular arrhythmic events. Eur Heart J (2012) doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehs005 First published online: February 3, 2012 National heart failure audit April 2010 - March 2011 The National Institute for Cardiovascular Outcomes Research The audit makes recommendations for improving the quality of the audit itself, clinical practice, and directions for heart failure research. Stem cell treatment for acute myocardial infarction Cochrane Library. Clifford, D et al. The authors concluded that bone marrow-derived stem cells may be more effective than standard treatment, but that further research is needed.

Children and Young People

Behavioural and cognitive-behavioural group-based parenting programmes for earlyonset conduct problems in children aged 3 to 12 years Cochrane Library. Furlong, M et al. This review analyses the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of these interventions, taking into account the possible long term costs of conduct problems. It also makes recommendations for future research.
Items in the Mental Health section may also be of interest. [back to topics]

NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire Commissioning

Guide to Commissioning for Maximum Value The SROI Network for the Local Government Association The guide deals with what value is and how it may be better understood and taken into account in decision making throughout the cycle of commissioning. Improving health and social care in London: supporting integrated commissioning London Councils This analysis shows what resources could be available if commissioning support was fully integrated at a local level. It shows the upper limits of what could be possible to help local areas think about how far they wish to integrate commissioning support, and where they can achieve most benefits through exploring options for working together. mmissioningreport.htm Joint Strategic Needs Assessment NHS Information Centre The NHS Information Centre has collated key indicators and data to help commissioners across health and social care complete their Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA). Programme Budgeting PCT Benchmarking Tool Department of Health The tool was updated on 2 February 2012. g/DH_075743
Items in the Dementia, Health Reforms, Maternal and Infant Health, Mental Health, Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults and Service Management sections may also be of interest. [back to topics]

Does Competition Improve Public Hospitals' Efficiency? Evidence from a QuasiExperiment in the English National Health Service London School of Economics This study uses length of stay in hospital to compare the impact on public providers of competition from (a) other public providers and (b) private providers. Healthy competition Reform This report presents ten case studies of successful health reform. Each case study shows how a radical change in the delivery of healthcare can improve quality and productivity. 6

NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire Dementia

Guidance for commissioners of dementia services Royal College of Psychiatrists Developing supportive design for people with dementia: design principles Kings Fund The principles are presented around five desired outcomes of: easing decision making; reducing agitation and distress; encouraging independence and social interaction; promoting safety; and enabling activities of daily living. Each section lists a series of elements that support, encourage and enable people with dementia in unfamiliar buildings. Free registration required to access this resource. n.html Enhancing the Healing Environment Assesment Tool Kings Fund This tool contains seven overarching criteria and a set of questions to prompt discussions about the physical environment of care and how care is being delivered. Although primarily designed for ward environments, it has been successfully used in outpatient departments, assessment units and other clinical areas. Free registration required to access this resource. n.html Cognitive stimulation to improve cognitive functioning in people with dementia Cochrane Library. Woods, B et al. This review found some evidence for the benefits of cognitive stimulation for people with mild to moderate dementia in improving self reported quality of life and well being, and makes recommendations for future research.
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Diabetes Community Health Profiles Yorkshire and Humber Public Health Observatory The Profiles bring together a wide range of data on diabetes in adults for the purposes of benchmarking. Profiles are available for each PCT in England, and are designed to provide an overview of key areas of diabetes care and highlight issues for further investigation.
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NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire End of Life Care
Critical success factors that enable individuals to die in their preferred place of death NHS National End of Life Care Programme Highlighting good practice from seven Primary Care Trusts across the country, this report identifies the critical success factors associated with improving end of life care and enabling a person to die in the place of their choice. Developing end of life care practice: a guide to workforce development to support social care and health workers to apply the common core principles and competences for end of life care NHS National End of Life Care Programme This guide aims to ensure that workers involved in supporting someone who is at the end of their life are properly trained to be able to undertake their work effectively and appropriately. A Practice scenario is included to show how the competences are connected and how they can be used in practice.
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Breaking Through: Building Better Falls and Fracture Services in England Age UK The report sets out the current barriers to implementing a comprehensive falls and fracture prevention service across England; the opportunities for improving services as a result of the current proposed NHS reforms; and suggested actions for local and national partners.

General Practice
Attribution dataset GP registered populations scaled to ONS population estimates, 2011 NHS Information Centre This publication contains information about populations registered with GP practices at Strategic Health Authority and Primary Care Organisation level in five-year age bands by gender, for England and Wales. Tackling list inflation NHS Primary Care Commissioning This paper offers a how to guide to tackling list inflation or list cleansing, as it is sometimes known.
Items in the Health Reforms section may also be of interest. [back to topics]

NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire Guidance

NICE Clinical Guidelines Patient experience in adult NHS services CG138 NICE Technology Appraisals Exenatide prolonged-release suspension for injection in combination with oral antidiabetic therapy for the treatment of type 2 diabetes TA248 Pharmalgen for the treatment of systemic reactions to bee and wasp venom allergy TA246 Rheumatoid arthritis - tocilizumab (rapid review TA198) TA247
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NICE Quality Standards Patient experience in adult NHS services NICE Consultation Documents Behaviour change: scope consultation To comment, contact the registered stakeholder organisation that most closely represents your interests. Closing date for comments: 27 March Colorectal cancer Quality Standard To comment, contact the registered stakeholder organisation that most closely represents your interests. Closing date for comments: 22 March Dyspepsia/GORD: scope consultation To comment, contact the registered stakeholder organisation that most closely represents your interests. Closing date for comments: 22 March

NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

The guidelines manual: consultation on the 2012 update Closing date for comments: 9 May ualConsultation2012.jsp Head injury: scope consultation To comment, contact the registered stakeholder organisation that most closely represents your interests. Closing date for comments: 30 March Neutropenic sepsis: guideline consultation To comment, contact the registered stakeholder organisation that most closely represents your interests. Closing date for comments: 28 March Smokeless tobacco cessation - South Asians: draft guidance consultation To comment, contact the registered stakeholder organisation that most closely represents your interests. Closing date for comments: 24 April Stable angina Quality Standard To comment, contact the registered stakeholder organisation that most closely represents your interests. Closing date for comments: 22 March Stroke: review proposal consultation To comment, contact the registered stakeholder organisation that most closely represents your interests. Closing date for comments: 19 March
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Other Guidance British Guideline on the management of asthma SIGN Public Health Operational Guidelines for Typhoid and Paratyphoid (Enteric Fever) Health Protection Agency eports/1202Opguidelinesforentericfever/
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NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

Other Health Technology Assessments Verteporfin Photodynamic Therapy for neovascular age-related macular degeneration: cohort study for the UK Reeves, B et al. The verteporfin photodynamic therapy cohort study found that treatment and follow-up were much less frequent in routine clinical practice than in research trials and the costeffectiveness was similar to the highest previous estimate. Health Technol Assess 2012 16(6) Group art therapy as an adjunctive treatment for people with schizophrenia: a randomised controlled trial (MATISSE) Crawford, M et al. This trial found that referring people with established schizophrenia to group art therapy did not appear to improve global functioning or mental health of patients or provide a more costeffective use of resources than standard care alone. Health Technol Assess 2012 16(8)
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Health Reforms
Commissioning Support BMA. General Practitioners Committee. This document summarises the Governments plans and outlines the Committees concerns; discusses principles underlying good commissioning support; and suggests models for CCGs who wish to host or share NHS commissioning support. Joint CQC and RCGP statement : CQC registration and the RCGP Quality Programmes. CQC, RCGP Resources for clinical commissioning groups Towards establishment: Creating responsible and accountable CCGs This guidance is intended to support GP practices, and all those with whom they work as they put in place the arrangements they need in order to apply to the NHS Commissioning Board to be established as a CCG. Developing commissioning support: Towards service excellence The purpose of this document is to help those leading change on the ground move forward to a future where all CCGs, and the NHS CB, can get access to the right commissioning support they need. A short guide to health and wellbeing boards Department of Health
Items in the Commissioning and Public Health sections may also be of interest.


NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire Infections

Oral antihistamine-decongestant-analgesic combinations for the common cold Cochrane Library. De Sutter, A et al. The authors investigated the benefits and risks of over-the-counter medications for the common cold in adults and children. They did not find evidence for the effectiveness of these medications in young children.
Items in the Public Health section may also be of interest. [back to topics]

Impact of electronic medical record on physician practice in office settings: a systematic review Lau, F et al. The authors concluded that use of electronic medical records (EMR) has a limited positive impact in an office setting, and that implementation is more successful when it takes account of lessons already learned about EMR. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2012, 12:10. doi:10.1186/1472-6947-12-10 Systematic Review of Factors Influencing the Adoption of Information and Communication Technologies by Healthcare Professionals Gagnon, MP et al. This review ranks the most common facilitators of adoption of IT, and suggests strategies for encouraging successful uptake of new IT systems. Journal of Medical Systems Vol 36(1) p.241-277, DOI: 10.1007/s10916-010-9473-4
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Kidney Disease
Items in the Patient Care and Safety section may also be of interest.

Learning Disabilities
Death by indifference: 74 deaths and counting Mencap The report concludes that, although some positive steps have been taken in the NHS, many health professionals are still failing to provide adequate care to people with a learning disability. It highlights the deaths of 74 people with a learning disability in NHS care over the last ten years, which Mencap believes are a direct result of institutional discrimination.


NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

Learning disability reports Care Quality Commission CQC is currently undertaking a series of unannounced inspections of learning disability services. Reports have recently been published for: The Woodhouse Independent Hospital, Cheadle Full review: Easy read version: Bucknall Hospital and the Telford Unit at Harplands Hospital Full review: Easy read version:

Long Term Conditions

Effective pathways for long term conditions NHS Improvement This guide is based on work with patients and carers, and looks at how to provide high quality care in 4 key areas across the pathway: Stabilising the condition to get patients back to living their lives Supporting patients to live their lives through monitoring and review Timely intervention to the appropriate service when things go wrong Providing choice and support towards the end of life Long-term conditions and mental health: the cost of co-morbidities Kings Fund This paper suggests that more integrated support for people with mental and physical health problems could improve outcomes and play an important part in helping the NHS meet the quality, innovation, productivity and prevention challenge. The authors conclude that the prevailing approach is at risk of failing unless we recognise the role of emotional and mental health problems in reducing peoples ability and motivation to manage their physical health.
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Maternal Health
Massage, reflexology and other manual methods for pain management in labour Cochrane Library. Smith, CA et al. The review found 6 studies looking at the use of massage in labour, and concluded that massage may reduce pain, but further research is needed.
Items in the Public Health section may also be of interest. [back to topics]


NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire Mental Health

Guidance for commissioners of liaison mental health services to acute hospitals Royal College of Psychiatrists Guidance for commissioners of mental health services for young people making the transition from child and adolescent to adult services Royal College of Psychiatrists Guidance for commissioners of primary mental health care services Royal College of Psychiatrists Job well done: Employment and mental health problems, a guide for funders New Philanthropy Capital The economic cost of mental health problems is mainly down to unemployment, sick leave and poor performance at work. This document is a guide for funders keen to reduce these huge costs and improve lives. It identifies effective approaches for helping people with mental health problems get back to work. Using an assets approach for positive mental health and well-being IRISS and East Dunbartonshire Council IRISS has developed a digital map which details all the local assets identified during the workshops, in order to share the assets that individuals find useful for their well-being. IRISS have also developed a tool to assist practitioners to determine the strengths and capacities of users of services as a means to help them better help themselves.
Items in the Long Term Conditions section may also be of interest. [back to topics]

Diclofenac with or without an antiemetic for acute migraine headaches in adults Cochrane Library. Derry, S et al. The authors examined the effectiveness of diclofenac for pain and other symptoms associated with migraines, and also the risks of adverse events.


NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

Sumatriptan for acute migraine attacks in adults Cochrane Library. Derry, C et al. The authors examined the effectiveness of various forms of sumatriptan for pain and other symptoms associated with migraines, and also the risks of adverse events. Intranasal: Oral: Subcutaneous:

Items in the Carers section may also be of interest. [back to topics]

Nursing and Midwifery

Going upstream: nursings contribution to public health: Prevent, promote and protect RCN This guidance outlines the relationships between nursing and public health, and the principles underpinning nurses involvement in public health. It also gives a number of case studies highlighting current examples of good practice. Inflammatory bowel disease nursing: results of an audit exploring the roles, responsibilities and activity of nurses with specialist/advanced roles RCN This report provides preliminary data about the role of IBD nurses and their services. It explores their qualifications and training, clinical responsibilities, and interaction with patient groups and with each other. It raises concerns about the support systems, both clinical and academic, in place for IBD nursing roles. The RCNs UK position on school nursing RCN School nursing teams are central to meeting current and emerging public health challenges. The RCNs position is that there is a set of core values which must guide the development of school nursing across all parts of the UK. This paper sets out those value statements, applying the principles to school nursing. t_V5FINAL.pdf Spirituality in nursing care: online resource introduction RCN This resource allows health care professionals to engage with and address important questions about the spiritual aspect of care. It provides an introduction to basic concepts, and gives links to additional resources.
Items in the Patient Care and Safety section may also be if interest.


NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire Offender Health

Safe Management and Use of Controlled Drugs in Prison Health in England National Prescribing Centre This report makes recommendations to reduce the risks associated with controlled drugs in a prison setting, for commissioning, policies and procedures, and training. nt_and_use_of_controlled_drugs_in_prison_health_in_england_final.pdf
Items in the Substance Misuse section may also be of interest.

Older People
Items in the Cancer section may also be of interest.

Organ Donation
Building on Progress: Where next for organ donation policy in the UK? BMA This report documents improvements that have been made to the infrastructure for organ donation and the projected 34% increase in donation rates over the four years to April 2012. It also notes, however, that even if the Taskforces target of a 50% increase in donation rates by 2013 is achieved, people will still be dying unnecessarily while waiting for an organ.
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Denosumab, Raloxifene, and Zoledronic Acid for the Treatment of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis: Clinical Effectiveness and Harms Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health This review looked at the impact of these medications on different types of fractures, and makes recommendations for taking this information into account when selecting treatment.

Patient Care and Safety

Delivering Dignity: securing dignity in care for older people in hospitals and care homes. A report for consultation. NHS Confederation The draft report sets out ten key recommendations for hospitals and ten key recommendations for care homes to help them tackle the underlying causes of undignified care, as well detailed recommendations on the changes the Commission on Dignity in Care believes need to take place across the wider health and social care system. Closing date for comments: 27 March 16

NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

HES: Deaths within 30 days of a hospital procedure or of an emergency admission to hospital - Financial year 2009/2010 NHS Information Centre NHS Patient Experience Framework Department of Health In October 2011 the NHS National Quality Board agreed on a working definition to guide the measurement of patient experience across the NHS. This framework outlines those elements which are critical to patients experience of NHS Services. e/DH_132786 Outpatient survey 2011 Care Quality Commission This survey asked people about their most recent visit to an outpatient department. It included questions on waiting times, hospital facilities, and tests and treatments. Patient Experience Overall Measure: update to include 2011 Outpatient Survey results 388 Renal Patient View: A system which provides patients online access to their test results. Final Evaluation Report NHS Kidney Care This report evaluates Renal Patient View, and is designed to increase understanding of how patients and healthcare professionals perceive this model of data access, and its impact on patient participation in decisions about their own health and their capacity to self care. Towards co-production: Taking participation to the next level Social Care Institute for Excellence This report details the findings of an independent evaluation of SCIEs participation function and describes SCIEs new strategy to work towards co-production.
Items in the Learning Disabilities and Workforce sections may also be of interest. [back to topics]


NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire Pharmacy and Prescribing
Community pharmacy: our prospectus for better health Pharmacy Voice The Prospectus consists of four linked strategic themes: medicines optimisation, public health and pharmacy, quality outcomes and reforming the pharmacy framework, and collaboration with commissioners and clinical leaders. r_Better_Health.pdf Guidance on consent General Pharmaceutical Council This guidance outlines how to obtain consent from patients and what to do if consent is refused. It also provides information about how to assess a patients capacity to give consent, and how to manage a situation where an adult, child or young person lacks capacity. pdf Guidance on confidentiality General Pharmaceutical Council This guidance sets out the steps to take to protect the confidential information obtained in the course of professional practice. It also covers circumstances when it may be appropriate to disclose confidential information. tiality.pdf Guidance on maintaining clear sexual boundaries General Pharmaceutical Council This guidance includes information on the use of chaperones. 20boundaries.pdf Guidance on raising concerns General Pharmaceutical Council This guidance sets out the responsibilities of pharmacy professionals if they believe patients and the public are at risk. It also sets out how to raise a concern and where to go for support. Employers are advised of their responsibilities to support staff to raise concerns and to take appropriate action in response. 20concerns.pdf Modernising pharmacy regulation: a consultation on the draft standards for registered pharmacies General Pharmaceutical Council This document includes an overview of which premises GPhC intend to register; the proposed draft standards, and a description of how they plan to secure compliance. Closing date for comments: 7 May 18

NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

QIPP: medicines management options for local implementation National Prescribing Centre A summary of the relevant evidence is given with each option. The document also includes data on progress in implementing these options over time. Safe management and use of controlled drugs: review of private prescribing and requisitioning of Controlled Drugs in England National Prescribing Centre This project aimed to identify potential problems with the governance and operational arrangements for the private supply of Controlled Drugs (CDs) by practitioners in England. It has relevance to a range of healthcare settings and includes the arrangements associated with the use of the established CD private prescription and requisition mechanisms. _anduse_of_controlled_drugs_review_of_private_prescribing_and_requisitioning_of_controlle d_drugsinengland.pdf Twenty Years of Using Economic Evaluations for Reimbursement Decisions: What Have We Achieved? University of York. Centre for Health Economics This paper examines the impact of economic evaluation on the reimbursement process for pharmaceuticals. It looks at differences between guidelines on economic evaluations, and changes in reimbursement including a trend towards requiring the measurement of more meaningful clinical endpoints and increased engagement between manufacturers, drug regulators and payers. It concludes there is evidence that economic evaluation has assisted price negotiations and enabled reimbursement agencies to target drugs to those patients who will benefit the most. mic_evaluations_for_reimbursement_decisions.pdf
Items in the Offender Health section may also be of interest. [back to topics]

Physical Activity
Items in the Cancer section may also be of interest. [back to topics]

Public Health
Acceptable Behaviour? Public opinion on behaviour change policy Ipsos Mori This survey asked citizens across 24 countries how acceptable they find different levels of government intervention on four policy issues, including smoking and eating unhealthy foods. 19

NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

Conceptions in England and Wales 2010 Office for National Statistics ESBLs A threat to human and animal health? Department of Health This report reviews the current state of knowledge on extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL)-producing bacteria; assesses the impact on human and animal health; and provides a range of recommendations for public health and animal health. e/DH_132531 Building a Public Health England People Transition Policy Department of Health This policy is a first step in setting out how the principles of the HR Transition Framework will be used to transfer and appoint staff to Public Health England. e/DH_132712 Building safe, active communities: Strong foundations by local people Department for Communities and Local Government This report brings together new ideas, case studies, and resources which can support communities. It also sets out progress on Baroness Newlove's three priorities - tackling problem drinking, turning the civil service into a 'civic' service, and finding a web 'hub' for community activists to use - and outlines a 1 million new Alcohol Fund to help tackle problem drinking. It also provides an update on the twelve challenges to action around antisocial behaviour and alcohol in Baroness Newloves first report. Summary: European Health Profile Tool North East Public Health Observatory This tool enables the selection of similar regions based on demographics, health risk factors, morbidity and mortality, through a regional comparator tool. The information is presented in the form of map, spine chart and bar chart. Information is also available on how to use the tool, health care systems and health care financing of the countries included in the tool, population pyramids and a link to the I2SARE website. Government Response to the House of Commons Health Committee Report on Public Health Department of Health e/DH_132547


NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

Keep Warm Keep Well Department of Health This leaflet gives information on staying well in cold weather. Marmot Indicators for Local Authorities in England, 2012 London Health Observatory These are in spine chart format, and contain the following indicators: Male and female life expectancy Slope indices of inequality (SII) for male and female life expectancy Slope indices of inequality (SII) for male and female disability-free life expectancy Children achieving a good level of development at age 5 Young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) People in households in receipt of means-tested benefits Slope index of inequality for people in households in receipt of means-tested benefits Statistics on Obesity, Physical Activity and Diet: England, 2012 NHS Information Centre
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Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults

Advice on child internet safety 1.0: Universal guidelines for providers Department for Education, UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS) These guidelines draw together the most effective messages for keeping children safe online. Providing this advice across all online services used by children ensures that children and their parents benefit from consistent advice that has been proven to work. Commissioning care homes: common safeguarding challenges Social Care Institute for Excellence This guide aims to identify the issues that commonly lead to safeguarding referrals from care homes. Prevention checklists are provided to help both commissioners and providers to work towards a reduction in occurrence of these issues. Additional links to resources are included. Safeguarding and quality in commissioning care homes Social Care Institute for Excellence This guide aims to support NHS and local authority commissioners of care homes to ensure that safeguarding is central to the commissioning process and a primary concern for residential and nursing care home providers.
Items in the Pharmacy and Prescribing and Workforce sections may be of interest.


NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire Service Management

Confirmation of Payment by Results (PbR) arrangements for 2012-13 Department of Health e/DH_132654 An evaluation of the reimbursement system for NHS-funded care Monitor The evaluation identifies areas where reimbursement mechanisms can be improved, including Payment by Results, block contracts and local tariffs. The systems performance is assessed against three elements of a reimbursement system information, incentives, and compliance. Launch of Single Operating Model: Part 1 - SHA Development and FT Assurance for NHS Trusts in the pipeline Department of Health Building on best practice, the Single Operating Model underpins the way in which SHA clusters will support the delivery of an all FT landscape. H_132804 New organisational models for delivering health and social care Health and Social Care Partnership South East This briefing is aimed at commissioners interested in stimulating the creation of new forms of organisation as an alternative to direct service provision or conventional outsourcing, and staff who may be interested in setting up some form of employee ownership and/or social enterprise. 20MODELSbriefing1.5.pdf NHS Foundation Trust Annual Reporting Manual 2011/12 Monitor NHS Knowledge Management Online Learning Resources Department of Health The resources are designed to help develop and implement a strategy for knowledge retention and sharing; plan how an individual, team or organisation can learn from the experience of others; and understand how knowledge management techniques have helped other organisations


NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

The National Inquiry into Ethical Decision Making in the NHS Centre for Innovation in Health Management This report sets out simple, practical advice to help NHS organisations make better ethical decisions. It also looks at specific ethical issues fairness, justice, equity, equality, openness, honesty, transparency which will play a role in decisions made by all trusts at some point, and includes a checklist to influence decision-making at all levels of the organisation. Paying for quality? Assessing the effectiveness of quality payments in London This report analyses the impact of CQUINs in London, examining which issues were incentivised in 2010/11, how providers performed against their targets, and the financial impact of this performance. It considers the implications for providers across the UK. Personal budgets and NHS continuing healthcare Department of Health The document defines personal health budgets and NHS Continuing Healthcare. It discusses how personal health budgets are relevant to people receiving NHS CHC and how personal health budgets change the NHS CHC pathway. It also goes through some practical considerations and next steps, and gives some useful case studies and Q+As. Reforming public procurement: EU proposals for a new public procurement Directive NHS Confederation This briefing outlines the key changes proposed to the EU legal framework and seeks views from NHS organisations on the likely implications for the NHS. Seven day working NHS Improvement This guide and case studies give examples of service delivery models that are being used to deliver clinical services outside the standard working hours and across the weekend. Sustainability in the NHS: Health Check 2012 NHS Sustainable Development Unit The 2012 Health Check provides three pieces of new research: 2 surveys, of NHS leaders and the public, focusing on their views on sustainability, and the latest NHS carbon footprint. Related Rand Corporation report:
Items in the Commissioning, Maternal and Infant Health, Patient Care and Safety and Workforce sections may also be of interest. [back to topics]


NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire Social Care

Social Care House of Commons Health Select Committee The report gives evidence that integration can prevent hospital admissions and support the independence of older people. It argues that the Government taken little action on integration and that the proposals in the Health and Social Care Bill will not simplify this process. The report makes recommendations for improving integration, including a single commissioner for older people at local and national levels, a single outcomes framework for older people, and support for carers. Updated review of research on risk and adult social care in England Joseph Rowntree Foundation The review summarises the current focus of research on risk and adult social care and highlights gaps in knowledge.
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Substance Misuse
The effectiveness of opioid maintenance treatment in prison settings: a systematic review Hedrich, D et al. This review looks at the benefits of opioid maintenance treatment in prison, and the relationship between community based programmes and programmes in prisons. Addiction. vol. 107(3) p. 501-17 DOI: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2011.03676.x
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Vaccine Update 186 January/February 2012 Department of Health
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Womens Health
Short and long term effects of tibolone in postmenopausal women Cochrane Library. Formoso, G et al. This review looks at the effectiveness of tibolone in comparison with combined hormone replacement therapy or placebo. It also highlights an increased risk of breast cancer and stroke for some patients using tibolone.
Items in the Cardiovascular diseases section may also be of interest.


NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire Workforce

Annual Report 2010/11 National Leadership Council Workstreams featured include NHS Top Leaders (with board development), Emerging Leaders, Leadership for Equality, Provision Support and Commissioning Development, Clinical Leadership including the NHS Leadership Framework, and the Leadership Awards. Apprenticeships that work: a guide for employers Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development This guide aims to be a one-stop-shop for employers looking to offer apprenticeships for the first time or to improving their existing offering. It addresses some of the issues and questions involved and ensures employers have the support they need to take on an apprentice. NHS Employers press release: Guidance for the Investigation Committee and case examiners when considering allegations about a doctors involvement in encouraging or assisting suicide GMC The General Medical Council is consulting on new draft guidance for the Investigation Committee and case examiners (decision-makers) to use when they are considering allegations about a doctors fitness to practise that relate to encouraging or assisting suicide. Closing date for comments: 4 May 2012 Language competency: good practice guidance for employers NHS Employers This document outlines the importance of language competency assessment. Mobility of health professionals across Europe. 2012: crunch time for recognition of professional qualifications? NHS Confederation Recent high-profile cases in the UK have focused attention on concerns about the clinical competence and language skills of some healthcare professionals from other European member states. This briefing provides an update on recent developments and outlines the key issues for NHS organisations, notably in their role as employers. NHS Pension Scheme proposal: factsheets Department of Health A general pension fact sheet and one specific to nursing have been compiled.


NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

P3M Resource Centre NHS Connecting for Health NHS organisations are planning for change, so the need for effective portfolio, programme and project management (P3M) is more apparent than ever. This Resource Centre brings together support materials and tools to improve P3M practice and skills in the NHS. Partnership Agreement Department of Health An agreement between the Department of Health, NHS Employers and NHS Trade Unions. e/DH_132584
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