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Domestic Tampering to Culturally Implant Catholic Principles

Avro Manhattan. (1967). Catholic Power Today, 69.

We Shall Overcome

When we Catholics are in a minority, we demand freedom in the name of your principles; when we Catholics are in the majority, we deny freedom in the name of our principles.
~Louis Veuillot
Author: The Liberal Illusion

To be sure, the Church is no longer appareled in crude vestments of old. It has mantled itself in the vestments of ecumenism, democracy, liberty, freedom, equality and such slogans. The Catholic Church is speaking the language of the contemporary world, and has come to the fore as the champion of liberties of other credos, religions, social systems, and ideologies.

Another and more subtle weapon will be used to attack Catholicisms religious rival, Protestantism. The first offensive along this denominational front has already been launched. It is ecumenism, which from its very beginning,resulted in the enfeeblement of the major Protestant bodies.

The second assault will be even more insidious. It will come appareled as a pseudo-religious claim for social justice and economic equality.

The (Global) Occupy Movement

Avro Manhattan. (1982). The Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance, 329-330.

The need to defend citizens rights of conscience is the most critical issue before our country right now. We will continue our strong defense of conscience rights through all available legal means. Religious freedom is at the heart of democracy and rooted in the dignity of every human person. We will not rest until the protection of conscience rights is restored and the First Amendment is returned to its place of respect in the Bill of Rights.

Bishop William Lori, Chairman, USCCB Ad Hoc Committee on Religious Liberty

Senate Showdown: Contraceptive Mandate Upheld in Congress. The National Catholic Register, March 11-24, 2012, page 1.

Religious Freedom

The Devils Mask

Religious freedom, the freedom to practice ones own religion in private and in public, is an essential prerequisite for a stable, durable democratic society. If the United States want to foster democracy that lasts, it must focus on fostering religious liberty, especially in its public manifestations, properly limited in a way that advances the common good.
Thomas F. Farr. (2008). World of Faith and Freedom: Why International Religious Freedom is Vital to American National Security, insert

Roman America
Alito Kennedy




If Catholics ever gain a sufficient numerical majority in this country, religious freedom is at an end.
-Bishop of St. Louis, November 23, 1851

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