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Civil Interpretation of the Law of God

A.T. Jones. The Columbian Exposition and Meaning of the Four Centuries, 26

To accept as correct the decision which Congress has made, is to admit that Congress is competent to decide for the people what the meaning of the word of God is. To admit this is to admit the infallibility of Congress; and to admit the infallibility of Rome just as soon as Rome can secure a controlling influence or a deciding influence in Congress.

Cardinal Gibbons Archbishop of Baltimore in 1888

Grover Cleveland U.S. President in 1888

Cardinal Gibbons Archbishop of Baltimore in 1888

Grover Cleveland U.S. President in 1888

Fifteen thousand department clerks are under the surveillance of Rome. It if be not true, as is charged, that a private wire runs from the White House, in Washington, to the Cardinals Palace, in Baltimore,
Justin D. Fulton. (1888). Washington in the Lap of Rome, vii-viii.

and that every important question touching the interests of Romanism in America is placed before his eye, before it becomes a public act, it is true that the Cardinal is a factor in politics.
Justin D. Fulton. (1888). Washington in the Lap of Rome, vii-viii.

A Nation of Catholic Church-States

A.T. Jones. The Columbian Exposition and Meaning of the Four Centuries, 30

A Nation of Catholic Church-States

A.T. Jones. The Columbian Exposition and Meaning of the Four Centuries, 30

Romanism is the dominant power in the Capitol of the United States. Lincoln, Grant, and Arthur withstood it, and suffered the consequences.
J.D. Fulton. (1888). Washington in the Lap of Rome, vii-viii.

The Supreme Court of the United States has unanimously declared that this is a Christian nation. As the starting point and leading proof of this, the court has cited the commission to Christopher Columbus,

the religion intended to be propagated by Ferdinand and Isabella was the Catholic religion. The religion which Columbus revered and which he hoped to be the instrument of spreading abroad, was the Catholic religion, and that alone.

Therefore, as this royal document is adduced as evidence that this is a religious people and a Christian nation; as the only religion contemplated or considered in connection with the document or its purposes was the Catholic religion; as all but Catholics are heretics and not Christians; it follows that the religion of this nation is the Catholic religion, and that this is a Catholic Christian Nation.

Error of the Transcendent Government

James H. Fairchild, Moral Philosophy, 184-186.

Government is never the gainer in the execution of a law that is manifestly unjustConscientious men are not the enemies, but the friends, of any government but a tyranny. They are its strength, and not its weakness. Daniel in Babylon, praying, contrary to the law, was the true friend and supporter of the government; while those who, in their pretended zeal for the law and the constitution, would strike down the good man, were its real enemies. It is only when government transcends its spheres that it comes in conflict with the consciences of men.

Legislative Encroachment

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