Verb and Preposition

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Nguyen Van Minh M.

A Verb and Preposition

Exercise 1: Verb and preposition

1. She accused me ............ telling lies.
2. You can always borrow a dictionary ............ the library.
3. Do you believe ............ ghosts?
4. The history teacher asked us to comment ............ the events taking place in AIghanistan.
5. I am accustomed ............ having a lot oI money.
6. When the guests arrived ............ my house they gave me a bottle oI wine.
7. Some people stupidly believe that we are in school to prepare ............ our Iuture jobs.
8. The old woman suIIered ............ lumbago.
9. Oh, you are so right! I agree ............ you completely!
10. She is very dependable. I always know I can count ............ her absolutely.
11. I want to congratulate you ............ your success.
12. You won't always be able to rely ............ your parents.
13. When you are a mountain guide, you sometimes have to wait a long time ............ the
14. My banker told me not to draw all the money ............ oI my bank account.
15. I must insist ............ your learning these verbs!
16. Are you accusing me ............ being too strict?
17. How does the man account ............ having all that money in his pocket?
18. The workment would like to speak ............ the manager.
19. The visitors objected ............ the horrible rooms.
20. I always try to agree ............ my twin sister, because it makes her angry iI I don't.
21. I just couldn't agree ............ his plan, it was much too dangerous!
22. Young people today can communicate ............ each other using a lot oI diIIerent
23. It was your Iault! Don't try to blame me ............ the accident!!
24. The head teacher threatened me ............ expulsion iI I didn't behave better.
25. Don't Iorget to thank your parents ............ putting up with you all these years!

Exercise 2: Verb and preposition

1. The young woman with the broken leg leaned ............ the ambulance assistant.
2. Mothers tell their children not to stare ............ people.
3. The teacher was very happy because all the students laughed ............ her jokes.
4. Please protect me ............ the bad people!
5. During the holidays I always think ............ you.
6. My mother likes it when I write her e-mail messages; she loves to hear ............ me.
7. The politician asked me to vote ............ him.
8. What does this dish consist ............ ? Just rice and beans.
9. Please include me ............ your plans; I would very much like to go to the cinema with
10. I recently received a cheque ............ my uncle.
Nguyen Van Minh M.A Verb and Preposition

11. Don't thank me ............ preparing this exercise; it was a real pleasure Ior me.
12. Oh, go away! Disappear ............ my sight!
13. My teachers are always trying to prevent me ............ doing something stupid.
14. I approve ............ the president's Ioreign policy.
15. She was very amused ............ what they did.
16. His parents told him he would never be great; they thought he would never amount
............ anything.
17. I cannot cope ............ small children; they make me very tired.
18. She was always very pleased ............ her students.
19. I always say "Hope ............ the best, but prepare ............ the worst."
20. II you know what's good Ior you you won't interIere ............ me or my plans!
21. The thieI conIessed ............ the robbery.
22. You should always reply ............ my e-mail messages.
23. It is always wise to protect oneselI ............ bad people and situations.
24. She always conIused Spanish ............ Portuguese.
25. Don't Iorget to pay ............ your shopping beIore you leave the store.

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