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4 6 8 9 Sample Ads Worksheet EQ Appeal Assessment Worksheet Product & Promotion Enhancements Worksheet Other CTC Resources

Sample Ads Worksheet

Notes: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________

Notes: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________

Notes: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________

EQ Appeal Assessment Worksheet

The following chart will help you undertake a more systemic assessment of your business best customer by EQ type. Here are the step by step instructions for completing it: 1. Concentrating on your business and its attributes, start filling in the left hand column of the chart (starting at the top and ending at the bottom): a) Fill in the Demographic section with a couple of key demographics that describe your best customers (we suggest education level and household income). Next, under Value Appeal, fill in the social and travel values that align with your product/experience. Finally, fill in your products experience appeal listing the key activities, experiences and/or programs that your business offers.

b) c)


Identify one of your geographic markets. Go to that country in the EQ Worksheets for SMEs, found in your EQ SME Toolkit (compact disc or online at Intuitively, eliminate any EQ types that dont fit your business (Note that the EQ Worksheets for SMEs may only provide information on a limited number of EQ types in each country area, as these are seen as appealing targets due to their travel behaviours and love of travel.)


4. Then, starting with Demographics, and using the EQ Worksheets for SMEs as your reference, work across the sheet horizontally, place a where the demographic is a match for that specific EQ type. For example, if you listed average-high household income, you would place a in the box corresponding to an Authentic Experiencer. 5. Then, again using your EQ Worksheets for SMEs as your reference, start evaluating each of the items listed in the left column against its appeal for the Free Spirit, using the following scoring system. Blank Extremely high appeal Very high appeal High appeal Neutral/dont know (or not referenced in the EQ Worksheets for SMEs) Low appeal Very low appeal

Continue the exercise with the rest of the EQ types profiled for that country. 6. When you are finished, add up the arrows and subtract the arrows and write the resulting number at the bottom of each EQ type that you have assessed. This will reveal your business best customer.

When you are finished, take a close look at the results. If a traveller type has been revealed that you dont intuitively think matches your business, it could be that you have missed a key value or experience

attribute, resulting in an incorrect score for your product. Go back and add or subtract accordingly and rescore. Country: Demographic appeal NHT FS CHB GE VT CE AE Rej PHE

Value appeal

Experience appeal


Product and Promotion Enhancements Worksheet

The template below is used to evaluate existing product, then determine how it could be enhanced and promoted. This exercise can be repeated against any EQ type. EQ Type: Top Values: Product /Experience Existing Attributes and Elements Promotion Messaging: What are some of the key words or phrases?

Top Travel Motivators:

Images and Videos: What will be the major components? Top Activities:

Potential Enhancements


Other CTC Resources

1. CTC Toolkits and Brand Canada Library: Access them online at


CTC YouTube Channel

3. CTC Flickr Channel 4. CTC Media Centre Access it online at

5. CTC Market Research Access it online at

6. EQ Authorized Trainers
Mary Mahon Jones, President Mahon Jones & Associates 604-833-3290 Services: Training, facilitation, product development, marketing, industry development, visitor experience development, strategic planning Kathryn Tector, Senior User Experience Consultant 902 225 5821 Services: Web, CRM, usability, marketing Jane Osler, Principal P J Osler & Associates 604-512-1197 Services: Training, facilitation, marketing, product development, visitor experience development, strategic planning Kim Whytock, Principal Kim Whytock & Associates Inc. 902-462-2680 Services: Training, facilitation, marketing, product development, visitor experience development, strategic planning

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