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Part 1: Producing Patience Main Point: Discuss how various temptations can produce patience so that we may be perfect

and complete in Christ. James 1:2-4 2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. Have you ever heard or said the phrase, no one is perfect? Usually its a response meant to comfort a person after they have made a mistake in a particular area. I think that we have all been on one or both sides of that phrase at least once in our lives. Though it is probably meant in the best of intentions, some have heard it so much that they have adopted it as a personal philosophy. It can become an excuse to fail in the same areas every day and be ok with it because Hey! No one is perfect. But, what if I told you that there is a way for us to become perfect and complete so that we lack NOTHING?! According to Gods word, there is, and the answer lies in how we handle temptations in our life. A temptation is something that entices you to sin, whether arising from your own desires or from outward circumstances. Questions: 1. Have you ever experienced temptation? 2. Name some ways you have been tempted in life? (emotionally, mentally, physically, 3. How do you handle the temptation when it comes? Read James 1:2 4. What does James say we should do when we fall into various sorts of temptations? (Count it all joy) Q: Sooo Youre saying that I should be joyful when I am tempted to sin? That sounds backwards. A: Yes! And, I know it sounds a bit weird. Thats why James says we must COUNT (or consider) it all joy. Temptation is not a joyful thing but we should consider it joy because it helps us to build a very essential Christian characteristic.


Questions: Read James 1:3-4 What characteristic is produced when your faith is tested by temptation? (patience) 6. Why is it important that we produce patience? (so that we may be perfect and complete,
5. lacking nothing, Its a fruit of your new man spirit [Galatians 5:22])

Galatians 5:22

But the spiritual nature produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness, and self-control. There are no laws against things like that.

When you became a new creature in Christ, you were reborn spiritually. Embedded in that new spirit are certain essential characteristics called the fruits of your spirit. Patience is one of those fruits. These characteristics must be developed so that we can reach maturity in Christ Jesus. The perfect workout:
Treat patience like a muscle in the human body. In order to develop muscles you have to lift weights and exercise. James is saying; see times of temptation as an opportunity to exercise your patience. Once patience has had a complete workout, you will be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

We are all faced with temptations against our faith every day. I encourage and challenge you to strive for perfection in Christ Jesus by using every temptation as an opportunity to develop your patience.

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