Questionnaire:: Hospitality Inn

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Q1. Number of employees: a. <300 b. 400-600 c. >700 Q2. How many departments are involved? a. 10 b. 20 c. 30 Q3. Patent registration: a. Never b. Rarely c. Regularly

Q4. How management?







_______ Q5. Fully automated system: a. Yes b. No Q6. How often you do inventory? a. b. c. d. Annually Half yearly Quarterly regularly

Q7. How do you communicate with your managers? a. Verbal b. Nonverbal c. Both a and b Q8. Which type of communication do you follow? a. Formal b. Informal c. Both a and b

Q9. Which style of communication you follow? a. b. c. d. Upward Downward Lateral Diagonal

Q10. Which type of communication network do you follow: a. Chain b. Wheel c. All channel Q11. Do you provide your employees fringe benefits? a. Yes b. No Q12. How increments are given to employees? a. Annually b. Half yearly c. Quarterly Q13. Your decision making is a. Centralized b. Decentralized c. both

Q14. Do employees take any part in decision making? a. Yes b. No Q15. Is management consulted and involved in innovation system? a. Yes b. No Q16. Do you use talent management schemes? a. Yes b. No Q17. What are the aims of innovation management in your company? a. b. c. d. Process evaluation Product evaluation Product service engineering No innovation management installed

Q18. Do you implement incentives in the area of process of innovation/ product management? a. Successfully implemented b. Partially implemented c. Never implemented Q19. Do you use software for management productivity? a. Yes b. No Q20. How is staff errors handled? a. b. c. d. Penalty Training for future avoidance Search of error researching process Others .

Q21. How do you recruit?

a. b. c. d.

Annually Half yearly Quarterly As required

Q22. How do you advertise your Hotel? a. b. c. d. Broachers Via sales person Advertisements Others teaser campaign Q23. Do you offer membership? a. Yes b. No Q24. How many types of memberships do you offer? a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5 Q25. Is that membership applicable for your overseas branches? a. Yes b. No

c. Collection of Information:
Information was collected on our visit to the branch of Hospitality Inn, Lahore. We met the HR Manager, Mr. Farukh Sohail. We had a meeting of the period covering more than 2 hours. Our session summarized with the following things: Management, Managers, Organization, Planning, Motivation, etc

d. Number of Visits:

We visited Hospitality Inn, Lahore Branch once and it was very kind of the HR manager that he gave us his valuable time and information about their organization.

e. Discussion in the Class:

The discussion in the class proved to be very Beneficial. Knowledge was dispersed and we got to know about all the aspects of the Hotel regarding its management.

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