Work Experience Policy: November 2008

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November 2008

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Work Experience Policy

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Sharon Dean



November 2008



Work Experience Policy

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November 2008

1.0 Introduction
As the NHS looks for new and imaginative approaches to recruitment, work experience has proved an excellent recruitment tool for a wide variety of careers within the NHS. Work experience has also enabled the forging of excellent links with the local community including Schools and Colleges. The overall aim of this policy is to raise the awareness and support future recruitment of young people into the NHS. The Trust is committed to providing safe and appropriate work experience placements whilst ensuring the safety, security and privacy of patients. This policy has been drawn up to safeguard people whilst on work experience placements with Bolton Primary Care Trust.

1.1 Who the policy applies to The policy covers work experience placements with Bolton Primary Care Trust undertaken by all people over the age of 16 (and in exceptional cases aged 15 - see section below). This policy does not relate to students already on a recognised professional course All work experience placements must be in accordance with this policy. Should the process not be followed, the individual making the arrangements may be held personally responsible by the enforcing authorities e.g. Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and may be the subject of disciplinary proceedings. The nature of all placements must be educational, for people to observe and learn. The Trust aims to give young people a quality placement comprising of knowledge, information and observation. The Trust will not normally accept requests for work experience from people under the age of 16years of age. However, the Trust will consider applications from Year 10 students under 16 years on an individual basis. 15 year olds will require a personalised risk assessment. Parental consent must be obtained for all young people prior to starting a work experience placement.


16 18 year olds

Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, organisations offering work experience placements have a responsibility for ensuring, so far as reasonably practicable, the health and safety of young people on work experience, including those young people who find their own work experience placements. Under the Health and Safety (Training for Employment) Regulations 1990, the provisions of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 apply to people receiving relevant training. This means that all people receiving training or work experience with the Trust are deemed to be employees for the purposes of health and safety legislation.

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A young person as defined in Health and Safety law is anyone under 18 years old, a child is anyone who has not yet reached the official age at which they may leave school, just before or just after their 16th birthday. Work experience is viewed as an essential pre-requisite for individuals applying to Medical School and for most University health related courses. It can be a way of allowing keen individuals to have a taster of a job before applying for employment and thus help recruitment (see section 3.5). 2.1 Risk Assessment Due to the pressures on service areas it is recognised that it is extremely difficult to take on the extra responsibilities of work experience, linked to this process are the additional risk assessments to ensure a safe quality placement. Under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (MHSW) Regulations the Trust must protect young persons from any risks to their health and safety, which are associated with the young persons lack of experience, lack of awareness of existing risks, or immaturity. Therefore there must be no hands on patient contact during work experience placements; they must be of an observational nature only. Specific legislative requirements concerned with the protection of young persons include the MHSW 1999, and the Working Time Regulations 1998. The MHSW Regulations 1999 requires the Trust as the employer to carry out a risk assessment of the risk to young persons, ensure certain information is given to employees and to parents/guardians of children, and protect young persons from any risks at work. The Trust may not take young persons into employment unless a risk assessment has been carried out, or an existing risk assessment is reviewed, in order to ensure that any risks to those young persons are identified and addressed. When carrying out the assessment or review of the risks to young persons, the Trust must take the following factors into account The inexperience and immaturity of young persons Their lack of awareness of risks to their health and safety The fitting out and layout of their workstation and workplace The nature, degree and duration of any exposure to biological, chemical or physical agents The form, range, use and handling of work equipment The way in which processes and activities are organised Any health and safety training given or intended to be given Risks associated with the agents, processes and work listed in the Annex to EC Directive 94/33/EC. The requirement to identify potential risks can, depending on the area, be achieved by means of a job description and by reviewing existing risk assessments listed in the yellow binder - health and safety policy workplace index.

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If the results of a risk assessment deem that an area is unsuitable for a young person then the placement must not go ahead.

3.0 Methods of entry

Students must apply through a suitable representative of their School/College using the application form in appendix 3. Individual applicants will be sent the application form to be returned. Please see flowchart in appendix 1. People requesting work experience who are not at School/College - refer to Section 3.5 3.1 Administration NHS Careers have issued paperwork to be used as guidance. Work experience placements must not go ahead without the following paperwork requirements. The paperwork will be available on the Human Resources Policy area of the internet. Work Placement Agreement/ Honorary Contract (copy in appendix 2) Work Placement Agreements/Honorary Contracts need to be signed and returned prior to the start of any placement. Two copies of the Agreements must be issued to and signed by the student and returned to the Human Resources Department. One copy to be kept by the Human Resources Department, and one should be passed on to the manager of the department where the placement will take place. The Agreements will detail supervision arrangements and dates of placement in particular. Risk Assessments A copy of any important information relating to department risk assessments must be made available to be sent out with the Work Placement Agreement/Honorary Contract. Application for work experience or observation placement which includes the parental consent and medical declaration form (copy in appendix 3) The application form must be sent out and returned completed prior to any offer of placement. If there is a medical condition declared, then this must be referred to the Trusts Occupational Health service. The placement will not go ahead unless there is clearance by Occupational Health. Evaluation Form At Induction all students will be issued with an Evaluation form (copy in appendix 4) to be completed during placement and sent to the Practice Education Facilitator when completed.

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3.2 Supervision All work experience students must have a nominated supervisor responsible for: Arranging and monitoring them whilst on placement to ensure an appropriate and safe experience Ensuring that local induction is carried out (see section 2.1 and 3.4) Reporting any problems relating to behaviour or non-attendance to the Practice Education Facilitator, and any accidents/incidents to the Risk Manager as per Risk Management Arrangement No1 Ensuring appropriate clothing is worn. Ensuring that if a work experience student moves out of the department to another area that supervision is arranged and maintained. 3.3 Access to Patient Treatment Activities It is anticipated that in normal circumstances an observational placement in an appropriate Health Centre, Practice or department will provide a useful insight into the organisation of a Primary Care Trust for those who are planning a medical or nursing career. For clinics, prior approval of the Consultant(s) whose clinic is to be observed, must always be obtained; the consent of patients must always be obtained in order to preserve patient confidentiality in line with the consent policy. Young people to whom this applies to will normally be studying A-levels and be seriously contemplating a career in medicine, nursing or allied health profession. All young people must be given sufficient information and instruction by the department in which they are placed to enable them to comply with Trust Risk Management Arrangements. Every effort must be made to ensure that young people are not distressed during their placements. 3.4 Induction In line with Health and Safety and CNST requirements, all work experience students must have an induction before starting a placement. During induction students will be issued with local induction checklists (Appendix 5), which will be signed off by the Manger to provide evidence in line with CNST requirements. After induction ID badges will be issued if required. The manager must arrange for the student to attend HR, Huntingdon House and have their photograph taken and ID Badge produced. Young people must wear their ID badge at all times. ID Badges will only be issued for a 5-10 day placement, these will be obtained from Huntingdon House, . A placement that last between 1 5 days will be issued with a temporary ID Badge, this will be hand written information and obtained from the Practice Education Facilitator in the Learning and Development Department. Local Induction at departmental level must be carried out using the checklist on the first day of placement and will cover:
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Introduction to relevant people/ colleagues. Tour of department including fire exits, instructions for evacuation(s), first aid procedures. Department information where appropriate Awareness of any potential local health and safety risks Any required standards of etiquette Need for confidentiality Once complete, copies need to be kept at departmental level and a copy returned to the Practice Education Facilitator. 3.5 Length of placement In normal circumstances placements will be for a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 days including the time spent on induction. One or Two Day work experience placements Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) and Health Care Scientists (HCAs) need a 1 or 2 day placement as a pre-requisite to them applying for a university course. To facilitate this, Appendix 2 and 3 need to be completed for these placements. People not on a recognised further education course, and therefore unable to obtain authorisation from their school/college, must provide two references. These will be obtained by the manager where the individual will be placed, and must include a reference from their current employer (Appendix 6) before being considered for the placement. The above people must not attend domiciliary visits and are advised that they cannot work on a one to one basis without other members of staff being in the vicinity. (This is to protect both staff and clients). 3.6 End of placement All students must return any uniform and ID badges before they leave the Trust. The paperwork relating to the work experience placement will be kept by the Practice Education Facilitator until the work experience student has reached the age of 21 years. If a Health & Safety incident occurred whilst the student was on placement then these records will be kept for a further 7 years.

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3.7 Insurance All work experience students on site are indemnified by the Trust in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Trusts insurance arrangements. 3.8 Age No one under the age of 16 should normally be accepted for a work experience placement. However, the Trust will consider applications from Year 10 students under 16 years on an individual basis. 15 year olds will require a personalised risk assessment. It is recommended that this procedure be followed for anyone of the age of 18 or over. 3.9 Confidentiality and Code of Conduct All work experience students during induction must have the issues around confidentiality explained then sign a confidentiality agreement, which should be requested from the Human Resources Department. It is the responsibility of the supervisor to ensure that the student is fully aware of the consequences on disclosure of patient information. Any student who wilfully discloses information relating to patients will be dismissed immediately and further action considered. Any work experience student whilst on placement who knowingly breaches any Trust Policies will be dismissed immediately and further action considered. 3.10 Hours of work Under the Working Time Regulations 1998 work experience students are entitled to a rest break if their working time is more than four and a half hours. The rest break should be at least 30 minutes, consecutive if possible. All placement hours of work must be agreed in advance, young people may not be assigned to a placement between 2200 and 0600 hours and work more than 35 hours in any week in which they are not required to attend school.

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Appendix 1

Enquiries from Schools, Colleges and Individuals 5 10 day Placement

Enquiry from School/College/Individual
Details forwarded to Practice Education Facilitator, Learning & Development Team. Age must be considered at this point.

1 2 day placement
Enquiry from School/College/Individual
If appropriate applicant, manager sends out relevant paperwork. Appendix 2 and 3

Practice Education Facilitator sends out Application form and relevant paperwork. Parental consent/medical declaration obtained.

Upon Receipt of completed paperwork and if suitable according to The Work Experience Policy, administration process and dates are arranged between manager + student.

Practice Education Facilitator liaises with appropriate contact re placement.

Placement found, date(s) arranged and confirmed with Trust contact

Practice Education Facilitator sends out work placement agreement/honorary contract and risk assessment details if necessary. And Identity Badge Application Form 2 weeks before placement.
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Appendix 2


Our Ref: Address of Department Date:

Dear I have pleasure in confirming our offer of a work experience placement with Bolton Primary Care Trust. Please read the terms and conditions carefully and sign both copies of this letter, returning one copy to me. This placement is for the period Please report to.. Who will be responsible for your supervision throughout this placement? If you are unable to attend for any reason, please contact the above person on telephone No. Confidentiality: Any matters of a confidential nature, in particular information relating to the diagnosis and treatment of patients, individual staff and/or patients records, and details of contract prices and terms must under no circumstances be divulged or passed on to any other unauthorised person or persons. Security Badges: If required will be issued either prior to the placement or on induction. Health and Safety at Work Act: You are reminded that in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, you have a duty to take reasonable care to avoid injury to yourself and to others by your work activities, and are required to comply with the Trust policies in meeting these statutory requirements. A copy of the Health and Safety policy is available for inspection. Loss/Damage of Personal Effects: No liability can be accepted for loss or damage to personal property on Health Service premises by burglary, fire, theft, or otherwise. Staff are advised accordingly to provide their own insurance cover. During the period of your placement you will not, at any time, except where the law requires, be regarded as an employee of the Trust, and will not be eligible for remuneration in respect of your work placement with the Trust. Yours sincerely

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Form of acceptance I accept this placement on the terms and conditions outlined above and have retained a copy.

Signed: ____________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________

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Appendix 3

Application for Work Experience or Observation Placement

Please complete this application form in black ink. Information will be treated in the strictest confidence. Personal Details Title: ______ Surname:_________________________ Forenames: ________________________

Address for Correspondence:_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Postcode: _____________________________

Telephone no: ________________________________ Date of Birth: _____/_____/_____

Next of Kin: __________________________________ (If applicable)

Daytime Tel no: ______________________

School/College/Employment Status: ____________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Careers Advisor: ______________________________ Tel no: _____________________________ (if applicable) Dates of Work Experience: From: ____/____/____ to: ____/____/____ Area/Dept required: ________________________________________________________________ Education Subjects Expected/Achieved Level e.g. Grade/Grade GCSE, AS level

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Student, Parent and Teacher Agreement to Trust requirements 1. The Trust places considerable importance on the need for attention to Health and Safety at work. You have the responsibility to acquaint yourself with the safety rules of the work place, to follow these rules and make use of facilities and equipment provided for your safety. It is essential that all accidents, however minor, are reported. 2. The Trust will also expect you to observe other rules and regulations governing the workplace which are drawn to your attention. Please note that there is a No Smoking Policy covering the whole working environment and that there are securtiy arrangements applicable to most locations. 3. The Trust fully supports equal opportunities in employment and opposes all forms of unlawful or unfair discrimination on the grounds of ethnic origins, gender, disability, age, religion or sexuality. 4. There will normally be no payment for meals or travelling expenses. I have read and understood the above requirements.

Signed (student): ________________________ Date:_____________________ Please obtain the following signatures: (under 18yrs.) Parent/Guardian I have read the work experience/observation programme information and understood the requirements. I confirm that: * (i) he/she does not suffer from any medical condition, which could result in an unnecessary risk to his/her health or safety or to the health or safety of another person. (Should you be in any doubt, please consult the teacher responsible before signing this form). * (ii) he/she does suffer from the following medical condition, which should be advised to the employer. (Please attach details). * Please delete as appropriate


Date: ___________________

School Careers Advisor (if under 18 yrs): I have read the work experience programme information and give permission for _____________________ To attend the course and observe during his/her visit to Bolton PCT. I also confirm that he/she is currently studying at _____________________________
Signature _____________________ Work Experience Policy Page 14 of 21 Sharon Dean



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Appendix 4
Work experience placement Evaluation Form

To enable us to assess how useful you found your work experience/observation it would be very helpful if you could answer the following questions. This information may be used to develop programmes for future students.

1. What did you hope to learn from your placement?

2. Has this been achieved?

Yes / No

3. Do you feel your placement has given you a better understanding of the work that is undertaken in the Primary Care Setting Yes / No? If no please give details

4. Which part(s) of your placement did you find the most interesting?

5. Which part(s) of your placement did you find the least interesting?

6. Do you feel it would have been useful to be provided with any more information before your placement? Yes/No If yes please give details:

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7. Has your placement influenced your choice of career in any way?

8. Please add any other comments you feel would be helpful

Thank you for your help in completing this questionnaire. Please return to the Learning & Development Department, Pikes Lane, Deane Road, Bolton BL3 5HP

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Appendix 5

Work Experience Local Induction Checklist

Students cannot start a placement without this form being completed with a suitable member of staff on their 1st day Local Induction date Student Name Supervisor Name Requirement 1 Who is the person responsible for supervision? Signature Signature Evidence Student to initial

Please identify fire alarm point(s), how do you raise the fire alarm?

Where are the fire exits?

Where is the fire assembly point?

What is the procedure for reporting accidents?

Where is the health and safety policy kept?

What equipment are you not allowed to use? Which areas are you restricted from entering? Have you been made aware of any risks relating to the local area? What equipment will you be allowed to use?

ALL (observation placement only).

NONE (observation placement only)

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10 Will you receive training to use this equipment?

NO (observation placement only)

11 What Personal Protective Clothing do you have to wear? 12 What are the welfare arrangements e.g. toilets, drinking water, canteen facilities? I have completed an induction with the above named work experience student. Signed Date

Please copy, file and send to the Learning & Development Department.

Note: This is an observation placement only. DO NOT engage in Moving and Handling Patients.

All information relating to patients and staff gained through this experience is confidential. Disclosure to any unauthorised person is a serious offence.

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Appendix 6
Name of applicant: Reference to support work experience at Bolton PCT Please complete part A and/or part B, sign overleaf & return in pre-paid envelope PART A TO BE COMPLETED EMPLOYER 1 2


PREVIOUS/CURRENT From: ................................... To:

Period of employment

In what capacity/position - Excellent Good Average Poor

Working relationships: with colleagues with patients/customers 4 Standard of work 5 Time keeping 6 Communication skills Additional comments on any of above, especially with regard to candidates character and suitability for work experience in the NHS: .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... Disciplinary Record Does the applicant have a disciplinary record? If yes please give details Yes No

.................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... Would you re-employ this person? Would you recommend them for a period of work experience in the NHS? Any additional comments (continue on a separate sheet if necessary) .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... Yes Yes No No

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PART B TO BE COMPLETED BY A PERSONAL REFEREE: How long have you known this person? What is your relationship: .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... Please comment on the candidates suitability for a period of work experience in the NHS, commenting on character and particular strengths and weaknesses: .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... As far as you are aware is the candidate in good health? .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... Years.......... Months...........

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Would you recommend them for a period of work experience in the NHS? .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................

Name: ............................................ Job title: ...................................................

Signature: .............................................

Date: ......................................................

Organisation: ..........................................................................................................................

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