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He was a project engineer for Chevron directing projects all over the world.

He is also a Kiwanian (I guess he likes breakfast meetings!!) Mikes presentation, and his current priority as mayor, centers on the condition of roads in the city. He presented a report prepared by the Metropolitan Transport Commission entitled Pothole Report. Moragas 56 miles of roads are among the worst in the area. The roads serving the neighborhoods are faring the worst.

March 13th, 2012

NEXT MEETING, March 20th PROGRAM: Our Water and Sanitation, Speaker Kit Ohlman of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District

Invocation & Greeter: Al Simonsen


*Mar. 27 The Lamorinda Patch J.D. OConnor *April 3 Moragas Chamber of Commerce Frank Melon, CEO Moraga Country Club and Pres. Chamber of Commerce *April 10 Super Bowl CommercialsTed Klauber, Advertising Executive *April 17 Club Assembly *April 24 Andy and Wendy Schek Lamorinda Weekly
*Indicates a regular Tuesday noon luncheon meeting
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Mike reviewed the current operating budget of the city ($6.4 million). He indicated that the source of city funds is largely from property taxes and the citys share is determined by a set formula from Prop 13 days where revenues were reduced by two thirds. . Moraga receives one of the lowest percentages of property tax funding in the area. The bottom line of this discussion is that Moraga has no money from operating sources to pay for road repair and maintenance. Any road projects attempted recently have received special funding. This will need to be the case to fund the large road infrastructure repair required today. The cost to Moraga will be $25 million in 2011 but will rise to $75 million by 2020. We can expect no help from the state or federal governments so we have to figure out a way to take an emergency funding proposal to the voters. The study of how to proceed is underway. Mike ended his discussion by answering questions and identifying some of the options that are being considered.

GUESTS Brian Loy and his wife Georgia Loy Rotary Club of Sparks, NV Mike Metcalf Mayor of Moraga and our speaker Sharon Metcalf, Wife of our speaker. Jose and Marcela Avelar Orinda Rotary Club Pam Reneau Spouse of Kevin Mary Sue Erickson Honorary Club Member and spouse of John Ron Schopke Spouse of Louise Anne Damaschino Spouse of Doug Peggy Render Spouse of Rich Linda Fox Guest of Barbara Bruner Leslie Lynch Spouse of Lad Linda Campbell Honorary club member and spouse of Jim Linda May Spouse of Frank

What Else Happened?


Ron Mucovich introduced Mike Metcalf, the mayor of the City Of Moraga. Mike, his wife Karen and their two children are long time residents of the city. Mike is a civil and project engineer receiving his education from the University of Pennsylvania and Stanford (PhD).

This evening meeting is the first (or the second if you include the Valentines Day dinner) evening meeting for our club. It is hoped that these once-a-month evening meetings will allow people to become involved in Rotary who are not available for noon meetings. The meeting was opened with an invocation by Frank

May describing a story of personal community service and recommending that we all expand our view of what is possible in this area. Frank also discussed our Nite at the Races event held this past weekend. He thanked everyone for their participation and promised a recap meeting in about ten days after all of the dust has settled. Nite at the Races was a fun event that was enjoyed by all of those in attendance. Kevin Reneau announced that our initial Employee of the Month award will be presented at our next meeting. Al Pynes will receive the award. His boss from Moraga Royale, Diane Wilson, will also be in attendance. Debbie Roessler announced that The White Elephant sale grossed $1.8 million a new event record. She thanked Cliff Dochterman, Mary Elena Dochterman and Barbara Bruner for their help with the event.


Mar. 16-17 Disaster Preparedness Conference Berkeley Marina Doubletree Inn Apr. 21 E-Waste Collection Day May 12 Moraga Community Faire May 19 District Assembly, Vallejo. May 30 Moraga Rotary Annual Field Day June 16 Bocce Ball Tournament, Martinez June 26 Annual Demotion Dinner
Watch for these dates to come: Barbecue for Rotaract and Interact

Going forward into the next Rotary year there will be an ever increasing need to increase the membership in not only our club but in all clubs throughout the district and the United States. There is a new district program called Ignite which will bring attention and focus on obtaining short term growth. Our evening meetings and associate membership programs are attempts to allow more members of our community to be able to attend Rotary. We will need to reach out to both the St. Marys College and Moraga business community inviting them to join our efforts. Using these new capabilities, we all need to ask our friends and associates to consider joining Rotary here in Moraga.

Debbie Roessler celebrated HER 35 Wedding Anniversary with her husband, Lou. They postponed the actual celaebration for a week or so due to Nite at the Races fatigue. Ron Mucovich offered a Happy Buck for the performance of the St. Marys Gaels, the University of Nevada at Reno and the Cal Bears basketball programs. Ann Damaschino offered offered a buck for her granddaughter being named one of the top eight water polo playes in the nation. Rich Render offered a buck in honor of the work being done by Ron Mucovich running the Serbian Church facility. Linda Campbell offered a buck for the support of the Hall Closet thrift Shop by the White Elephant Sale. This shop, which supports the county juvenile facility, received excess merchandise from the sale to add to their inventory. Kevin Reneau stated that his accidental fall at the Nite of the Races event was his fault and he felt an attorney would not be necessary!!

Rotary International Theme for 2011-12 REACH WITHIN TO EMBRACE HUMANITY

MORAGA ROTARY BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2011-12 President..Nora Avelar President-elect..... Frank May Past President .....Tony Schoemehl Secretary.........Kevin Reneau Treasurer..Louise Schopke Community Service Chair.Barbara Bruner New Generations....Rich Render International Service Chair..Colin Barnard MembershipFrank May Rotary Foundation...... Lad Lynch Public Relations Gary Irwin Director at LargeDebbie Roessler Director at Large..Mary Elena Dochterman Director at Large...Cliff Dochterman President, Rotary International...Kalyan Banerjee District Governor, 5160 ...David Dacus Assistant District Governor.Debbie Roessler
Newsletter Editor for March Frank May

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