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The 99 are a powerful team of young people, each of whom possesses a Noor Stone -- an ancient gem of great power and wisdom. The 99 are not typical super heroes. They are normal young people suddenly granted extraordinary abilities, and offered a chance to participate in changing the world for the better. They operate out of an informal headquarters in Seville, Spain run by Dr. Ramzi Razem. Some Stone Bearers live and train there, while others reside elsewhere -- for personal or family reasons, or out of simple preference -- and maintain contact with Ramzi on an irregular basis. Because new Noor Stones are being located all the time, the 99s core membership -- the heroes based in Seville will change periodically. At any given time, between six and twelve students comprise the core team, with others called in as necessary. The 99 perform best, and most frequently, in groups of three, joining their power together in what they call a triad link. Triads are chosen very carefully, usually by Ramzi at the start of each mission. The link enhances all three members abilities, and allows them to learn the cooperation and teamwork that might well serve as an inspiration to the different nations they come from.



With the exception of a handful of multi-part stories, each 22-minute episode of The 99 should seem complete in itself. Due to our use of multi-episode story arcs, certain narrative threads will undoubtedly be left hanging at the end of most episodes, but this doesnt mean that each episodes major (or A) story shouldnt come to an emotionally satisfying conclusion at the end of 22 minutes. The format of most episodes should be as follows: a short, cold-opening teaser, followed by main titles; a break for commercials; Act One, which will open with episode credits and end with a cliffhanger; another break for commercials; then, Act Two, and finally, closing credits. Literal cliffhangers are okay (as in the old serials, where the hero would fall off a cliff, thered be a break, and then the hero would catch a fortuitously placed vine on his way down), but, because our episodes will be televised in a wide variety of venues and formats, we need to keep in mind that episodes might be shown without commercial breaks in which case, those old fashioned serial-style cliffhangers will look a bit awkward when shown without a break. Its better to end an act on a moment of jeopardy, go to a commercial, then come back to a different scene. Itll be easier to edit, and not necessarily less effective or suspenseful than the more traditional cliffhanger. Two other notes. First, action and violence arent always the same thing. Ramzi wants the kids to use their powers to help people, not hurt them, so, in no uncertain terms, he lays down the law to them in regard to solving conflicts with violence. This will rule out most of the physical aggression that has been so much a part of animated adventure shows, but it leaves the door open for all sorts of chases and for the heroes to be involved in a variety of disasters, both natural and man-made. Theres also room for indirect violence that will allow the heroes to physically thwart villains without actually striking them. We also have to keep in mind another cultural sensitivity: romance. These kids should view each other as comrades-in-arms or brothers and sisters, rather than potential boyfriends and girlfriends. And our adult outsiders should be just as chaste. Try to think of it this way: everyones got too much on their minds to think about romance right now.



Episodes 1-4 our feature will be similar to whats in comics, but with a significant twist: the father figure who initially unifies the kids is Rughal, not Ramzi. Rughal will present himself to the kids as Ramzi, so readers of the comics might think were adhering to the original story. But then things start happening. Things that will make the kids and our audience start to question the intentions of the new mentor. By the end of episode 4, the kids have figured out who Rughal is, escaped from him and have allied with the real Ramzi who must then unteach them much of what Rughal has taught them. Episode 1 opens in mid-story, starting cold with the knock on the John Wheelers door. The scene will play pretty much as written in the comic, except Ramzi and Rughal will be switched around, so its Ramzis men who try to prevent Wheeler from going with Rughal, Jabbar and Noora. In the ensuing chase, these characters explain what little they need to, to a very confused Wheeler. By doing it this way, we probably run the risk of confusing our audience, but its a better and more involving choice than having them sit through 10 to 15 minutes of exposition about the Noor Stones. That material will come later in the pilot, in small, easily digested bites. (And theres nothing new about starting a story in the middle; even Homer did it.) Episodes 5-8 might be considered Rughals revenge. Infuriated by his loss of the Stone Bearers and the destruction of his business empire, Rughal forms an alliance of convenience with a massive multi-national corporation and brings in scary bad guys like Blackwolf, the Sphinx and the Murk to help him get the Stone Bearers back. This puts our heroes on the defensive; theyll be forced to learn how to properly use their powers in a hurry. And theyll soon realize that their powers arent enough; they must bring other young stone-bearers into the group. Episodes 9-18 should be about this building process. But there needs to be more than just the drama of forming a team. The heroes need to become proactive here; due to Ramzis influence, they want to use their powers for good; helping victims of disasters like fires, floods and earthquakes many of which are caused by Rughal in his quest for the stones... and, by his desire to spread so much chaos, the world will yearn for a new god him! Around episode 13, things come to a head between Rughal and his underlings. As in the comics, the underlings betray him in hopes of taking over the corporation for their own selfish purposes. So, half-way through the 26 episodes, it seems as if Rughal has been killed. But soon after his apparent death, he re-emerges, stronger and more determined than ever, just as he did (or will do) in the comics.





In episodes 19-22, well use another element from the comics and have the original group of heroes kidnapped or cut off from Ramzi (in a way that doesnt involve Rughal drugging them and experimenting on them as he did in the comic its too adult). With our main kids out of the picture for a while, it allows us to introduce some new kids who will be forced to step into leadership positions in order to rescue our missing heroes. Episodes 23-26 will be the climax. Despite their best efforts, the new kids ultimately fail, and it looks like Rughal is finally going to be able to accumulate all the stones. Hes even going to get the legendary 100th stone that will supposedly stabilize all the others and allow Rughal to have the power of (a) god. But of course, the hundredth stone isnt quite what Rughal was expecting, and instead of ruling heaven and earth, Rughal gets a quick trip to oblivion instead. Naturally, these arcs will be modified as we move through the series, and we wont stick strictly to the comics arcs either. For example, Rughal will begin the series with a large operation of his own, which is destroyed by our heroes at the end of episode 4. Soon after, Rughal will link up with a huge multi-national corporation. By contrast, Ramzis operation will be much smaller, far more intimate and much less high tech than it was in the comics. One thread that will carry over, however, is that each kid has an untapped aspect of his or her character that needs to be developed in order for them to become complete human beings. This would give us a nice metaphor for the transition from childhood to adulthood.



To understand the origins of the Noor Stones, we must look back to a dark point in history... Thirteenth-century Baghdad was the capital of the Muslim empire, a global center of culture and discourse. Its great library, the Dar al-Hikma, contained within its hundreds of thousands of volumes all the accumulated knowledge of humankind. In 1258 AD, the armies of Hulagu Khan -- grandson of Genghis Khan -- looted, burned, and conquered Baghdad. The Khans armies flung the librarys accumulated books of history and scientific knowledge into the Tigris River, then burned the building to the ground. But unknown to them, they were actually carrying out a desperate plan hatched by the Dar al-Hikmas librarian-scholars. In the river, the running ink from the ruined books mixed with a specially-prepared alchemical solution called Kings Water. Then, many kilometers downriver, the librarians unveiled their secret weapon: ninety-nine gemstones. Very, very special gemstones. The scholars dipped the gems in the river, where the stones made contact with the Kings Water solution...and absorbed the accumulated knowledge of the Dar al-Hikma, preserving it for future ages. When removed from the water, the gems glowed with a fiery light. The Noor Stones were born. The librarians carried the newly minted Noor Stones to Andalusia, Spain, where the gems were incorporated into the structure of a great dome designed by the finest artisans of the time. The dome -- known as the Husn al-Marifa, or Fortress of Knowledge -- was constructed over a period of decades, each piece interlocking and fitting together perfectly, like a melding of different cultures and beliefs. When it was finally complete, the Husn al-Marifa became a haven for all who sought knowledge or answers, from any walk of life. And the Noor Stones glowed atop the inside of the dome, shining their light and wisdom down on all who ventured within. When bathed in the light of particular gems, a few people seemed to manifest strange powers. But one man became obsessed with the gems power, and eventually brought about the downfall of the entire Husn al-Marifa. His name was Rughal.





In time, fearing the approach of King Ferdinands armies, the Huras al-Hikma decided to dismantle the Fortress before its inevitable fall. But in 1490, before the Guardians could carry out their plan, Rughal bathed himself in a special solution of Kings Water and, with the aid of a lunar eclipse, concentrated all the light of the Noor Stones into himself. The resulting explosion destroyed the dome, apparently killing Rughal -- and scattering the Noor Stones far and wide. And so they remained, lost and forgotten until the dawn of the twenty-first century. Doctor Ramzi Razem was raised to believe that humankind will only find a proper path to the future by understanding the wisdom of the past. He vowed to locate every one of the missing Noor Stones and to help their young users -- his 99 -- to wield the gems together, in the cause of peace and international harmony. Each of the Noor Stones represents one of the ninety-nine attributes of God. Each stone is drawn toward a young person who embodies its individual characteristic, who carries that particular strength within him or her. Stone Bearers choose the gems, but the Noor Stones also choose their Stone Bearers. Some of the gems have been passed on through the generations. There may well have been past versions of Jabbar, Noora, and the others; because of the gems scattered history and almost mythical nature, very little information on past Stone Bearers has been recorded. We do know that Baeths grandfather wielded the gem, and was himself known as Baeth, in his youth. The Noor Stones glow when in use, in the presence of their own Stone Bearer, or when other gems are nearby. They work best in groups of three -- triad links -- at which point they glow brighter than before, and their power is greatly enhanced. They are the heart of The 99s power, and the living symbol of their bearers hopes and dreams for a better world. Finding all ninety-nine Noor Stones is a long, arduous task. Worse, another man is also searching for the gems. That man has survived for hundreds of years...and his ambition has only grown over the centuries. His name -- still, and always -- is Rughal. (See the Ramzi and Rughal entries for more information.)






Super strength, near-invulnerability, and durability.

Gender Male Age 19 Height 224 cm Weight 193 kg Eye Color Brown Hair Color Dark Brown Gem Color/Glow Blue Real Name

Nawaf Al-Bilali

Home Country

Saudi Arabia

Category 99

Core Team Member

Nawaf Al-Bilali was a typical teenager until, one day, tragedy struck. While fleeing blackmailers with his little sister Noaf, Nawaf stepped on a land mine. The explosion shattered a hidden gem, embedding shards of the stone in his skin. Nawaf saved his sister, but the slivers of gemstone that lodged in his body triggered a startling transformation. Suddenly, the gawky teenager was transformed into a man-mountain, a giant standing over two meters tall and weighing almost 200 kilograms. Nawaf has a direct, almost childlike outlook on the world, but his moral sense is very strong, and he sometimes serves as the conscience of the team. He is very good friends with Noora, who joined the team right after him; and with Mumita, who serves as his sparring partner and whom he helped recruit. Jabbar is also the only team member whose Noor Stone is actually embedded in his body, which means he cannot lose it or give it away. One fragment, lodged in his cheek below his eye, resembles a teardrop.

If he loses control, Jabbars powers could easily make him a danger to himself and everyone around him.



Noora can see the light of truth in others and allow them -- or force them -- to see it in themselves. This manifests as areas of dark and light within a persons silhouette. Able to create realistic light projection images, which can mask the team from view. Can produce light-based illusions, such as masks. See below -- Noora has the potential to develop further powers.

Real Name

Dana Ibrahim

Home Country


Category 99

Core Team Member

Gender Female Age 18 Height 167.5 cm Weight 66 kg Eye Color Brown Hair Color Brown Gem Color/Glow Yellow-Orange

Dana Ibrahims father gave her everything she ever wanted, but he never had time to spend with her. Surprisingly, Dana didnt grow up spoiled -- just very lonely. One day, while attending university in Sharjah, Dana was kidnapped and held for ransom. Imprisoned by her captors in a deep hole in the earth, she tried to tunnel her way out using only her hands. As Dana burrowed through the dirt, she found an old box with a glowing gemstone in it. Using the gem as a light, Dana managed to escape, but not before her kidnappers saw her and chased after her. A struggle ensued, followed by a flash of blinding light. When the authorities arrived, they found the kidnappers lying in shocked states around a terrified and quietly sobbing Dana. Danas new power over light also allowed her to see the darkness and the good within people. She soon became Noora -- a light to shine through the darkness -- and joined the 99 as their second member. She has a close friendship with Jabbar and a rivalry with Mumita, who considers Noora a spoiled rich girl. Noora is still a teenager, but in many ways, shes the most adult member of the team. She will have Dr. Ramzis ear, more than any of the others, and he trusts her to lead teams into difficult situations.

In the comic, our plan is for Nooras powers to develop further, especially once she forms a semi-regular triad with Mujiba and Soora (neither of whom shes met yet). Eventually she may be able to emit light blasts, and manipulate coherent light forms, and even levitate. As written and drawn, Nooras kidnapping/origin (back in issue #1) may be too violent for the current vision of the series. It could be toned down a bit without losing the core story.



Intuitive engineering and electronics genius. Is able to make hundreds of different types of devices that attach to his Tekjacket.

Real Name

Miklos Szekelyhidi

Home Country


Category 99

Core Team Member

Gender Male Age 13 Height 175 cm Weight 71 kg Eye Color Green-Blue Hair Color Dark Brown Gem Color/Glow Violet

Miklos Szekelyhidi was born to overachieving parents who gave him little attention and love, but who granted Miklos two incredible gifts: a superior, genius-level intelligence and a family heirloom locket that, unbeknownst to them, would allow that intelligence to grow exponentially. In his early years of schooling, Miklos was a socially underdeveloped child, possibly autistic, or perhaps an idiot savant. He was often tormented by his classmates. Eventually recognized as a child prodigy, he was transferred to the Nahomtech Robotics Research facility in Hungary, where he lived and studied from ages 7-13. Mikloss studies blossomed, but he remained poor at interacting with people, and to this day he remains much more comfortable among machines and robotic gadgets. He has an odd speech pattern and an even odder listening pattern. Through the use of his Noor Stone, Miklos is able to intuitively see the derivations, blueprints and foundations of any existing or potential machine. He creates mental schematics that appear as complex holographic blueprints around him. He is also able to use his self-created Tekjacket to assemble them. Miklos will always remain a loner; the other members of the 99 tolerate his frequent lack of tact, but he isnt close to anyone. He often complains about the other members of the team not allowing him to concentrate. He talks frequently to himself and to various imaginary friends, including a giant bespectacled teddy bear called Doo-Hickey who acts as Jamis sounding board and assistant on difficult projects. Jami also engages in a constant battle of wills with Zoran Kryzneski, the 99s trainer. Zoran appreciates Jamis intelligence and the equipment hes created in the training bunker; but Jamis short attention span often leads him to leave his work half-finished, which infuriates Zoran. Yet, paradoxically, Zoran is probably closer to Jami than anyone else.

Jami is a really fun character, but he works best as a foil to the others or in solo subplots. His lack of attention span (he probably has ADHD) can cause interesting tension with the other members.



Enhanced speed, strength, agility, and reflexes. Nearly invulnerable.

Real Name

Catarina Barbossa

Home Country


Category 99

Core Team Member

Gender Feale Age 17 Height 168 cm Weight 65 kg Eye Color Black Hair Color Black Gem Color/Glow Red

Catarina Barbossa was a runaway teen who lived on the streets and fought for everything she ever had. She traveled from country to country, often as a stowaway. And along the way, she became an expert fighter. When Catarina reached the UAE, she entered the Abu Dhabi Grappling Championship pretending to be a boy. She won several matches before her ruse was discovered. Booted out, Catarina was approached by operators of an illegal fighting ring based in Cairo. Catarina became a champion fighter for the organization, still disguising her true gender. Nawaf, known to The 99 as Jabbar, hoped to convince Catarina to join Dr. Ramzis cause. After a grueling battle, Catarina chose to join Jabbar and teamed up with him to fight their way out of the arena. Mumita wears her gem in a custom-designed brass knuckles-style combat gauntlet. She retains many of her rough edges; shes often sarcastic, particularly to Noora, whom she regards as a spoiled rich girl. But since joining the 99, Mumita has tackled her studies with a vengeance and discovered a hidden talent for chess. Dr. Ramzi has told her more than once that she must learn when not to be the Destroyer, as well as when to embrace her power. It has been hinted that Dr. Ramzi sees Mumita as a possible successor to him someday, if she can master her violent nature. This causes further friction with Noora, who, as one of the most senior members, sees herself as a natural leader.

FAs told in the comics, Mumitas origin -- like Nooras -- may need to be toned down to work with the current vision of the series. Mumita is a difficult character because her inherent nature is violent. Our most successful stories with her have involved her fighting to rise above that nature, while still using her skills to help the team. In early issues, Catarinas surname is Barbarosa -- it has been revised to Barbossa.



Real Name

Toro Ridwan
Home Country

Creates and manipulates portals in space, which allow him to journey instantly to any location. Can only travel through the portals alone, or with other Noor Stone wielders while actively linked. In a triad, his powers are more versatile; but carrying other members also tires him greatly. With experience, perhaps Fattah can learn to use his powers to traverse time as well as space. Category 99


Core Team Member

Gender Male Age 19 Height 224 cm Weight 193 kg Eye Color Brown Hair Color Dark Brown Gem Color/Glow Blue

In his native Indonesia, Toro Ridwan had worked in fast-food restaurants for most of his life. His existence was pretty dull, until one day a customer left a set of keys on the counter. As Toro rushed to the door of the restaurant to try to return them to the woman, the Noor Stone fragment that adorned the keychain flared to life. Toro stepped through the door and suddenly found himself in the middle of an Antarctic snowstorm! He panicked, wishing he could be somewhere warm, and unwittingly activated the Noor Stone a second time. Another spatial portal opened, transporting him to the mouth of an active volcano. After a bit of practice, and a few more adventures, Toro learned to control the portals and teleport himself back home. Over the following weeks, Toro realized that he was able to use these new powers to go anywhere. Toros powers have proven invaluable to the 99, allowing them to travel instantly to anywhere on Earth. But he can only teleport alone or while linked in a triad, and he can only teleport himself and other Stone Bearers. His powers also have limited effectiveness on inanimate objects (see the entry for Baeth). At Ramzis place, Toro with the help of Miklos will eventually create a permanent portal to distant places that looks like a waterfall. Fattah is the cockiest, most self-confident member of the team. Initially, Fattah doesnt tell his parents about his ability to instantaneously travel vast distances, or about his membership in The 99. All they know is that hes occasionally late for dinner. But this minor deceit will backfire on him eventually. Fattah is also prone to neglect his studies, leading him to small conflicts with Dr. Ramzifrom which Fattah invariably backs down. But inside, hes a good kid. He just needs to grow up a little.

Fattah is a character whose power changes the whole way the team operates. This is tricky because the entire series revolves around Ramzi choosing teams carefully for each mission; but Fattah is valuable on almost any mission because he can get the team on-site so quickly. In general, this is something to deal with but not to draw alot of attention to, because it unbalances the value of the various members too much. Weve had some fun with situations where two or more emergencies crop up simultaneously, and Ramzi must decide which one Fattah is best suited to. Also: Because only Stone Bearers can travel through Fattahs portals, Dr. Ramzi must sometimes lag behind, arriving after the conflict is resolved. As a character, Fattah is fun because of his cocky personality. Its entirely possible that, somewhere along the line, Fattah could screw up and inadvertently help The 99s enemies. Once Baeth the Sender joins the team, there may be tension between Fattah and Baeth, as Baeth can transport inanimate objects. Fattahs power is greater, but each of them can do things the other cant.



Darr can stimulate any organisms nociceptors, the nerves associated with feeling pain. With greater effort, he can also take away a person or animals pain.

Real Name

John Weller

Home Country


Category 99

Core Member

Gender Male Age 22 Height 190 cm Weight 91 kg Eye Color Brown Hair Color Blonde Gem Color/Glow Green

John Weller was a promising young man with a bright future ahead of him -- until a drunk driver collided with his car, killing his family and paralyzing John from the waist down. Confined to a wheelchair, John became disillusioned and bitter. Then Johns friend Nancy gave him a special stone that she had bought for him from a Native American. She suggested that the pretty gem might have certain spiritual qualities that would help John heal his scarred psyche. John was skeptical, but after the visit, he found himself able to cause physical pain just by focusing his hatred on any living target, human or animal. John reveled in his new power. He began using it to punish people who had caused vehicular homicides. He took a particularly harsh revenge on the driver who had killed his family, causing a seizure that left the man catatonic. Eventually, he will learn to take away pain. Darr remains confined to his wheelchair. He is a troubled character, but before his accident, he was a sensitive young man and a gifted storyteller. Those traits still live inside him. In the pilot, Miklos/Jami will modify Whellers chair so that it can transform into a very fast Segway-like vehicle.




Gender Male Age 35 Height 188 cm Weight 77 kg Eye Color Brown Hair Color Black

Real Name

Dr. Ramzi Razem

Home Country

not established

Category Founder & Leader of The 99

Ramzi is very much a perfect mentor character. The only flaw thats really established for him is a tendency to get distracted by a big problem, but in general, hes sharp, almost always on point, and unswervingly dedicated to his mission.

Dr. Ramzi Razem is a psychologist, historian and lecturer on a wide variety of topics, ranging from ancient civilizations to alternative medicine. But his true passion is the ancient Noor Stones, which led him to form The 99. As a direct descendant of one of the Huras Al-Hikma (Guardians of Wisdom), Ramzi grew up hearing the legends and stories of the gems. He was captivated by the pain and potential that forged the Fortress of Knowledge, fascinated by the hope that he believed Stone Bearers could bring to todays fractured society. But they were just stories, werent they? One day, when Ramzi was a graduate student, he was consulted on the meaning of an ancient Arabic scroll that had recently been discovered in the archives of El Escorial, Madrid. He eagerly translated the scroll, which showed a blueprint for an ancient building fitting the description of the Fortress! Finally, Ramzi had some measure of confirmation that the stories had been based on truth. And if the Fortress really had existed, then perhaps the Noor Stones were real as well. Over time, Ramzi learned even more about the legends of the Fortress and of the Noor Stones, and assembled an audacious plan to locate the gems. Scraps of historical information, urban legends, and stories hidden in religious strongholds across the world all spoke to unexplained paranormal phenomena -- and of people, usually young people, who seemed to possess extraordinary powers. Ramzi analyzed these accounts, then tried to link them to specific regions of the world and individual family lines. Slowly, he zeroed in on the long-lost Noor Stones. And he soon realized that these young people hadnt just found the stones, the gems had found them, as well. Every member of The 99 contains within himself or herself the characteristics that make him or her the perfect guardian and partner for one, individual gem. Ramzi now realizes that finding the Noor Stones is only the first step. He must then convince each gem-wielder to help change the course of human civilization -- convince them that others could benefit from their powers, and that Ramzi could protect the wielders from those who might seek to exploit them. After a lifetime of waiting, wondering and working, Ramzis work has just begun.



Rughal is very long-lived; his exact lifespan is unknown. He has seen visions of the past and future, but cannot recall them clearly. Rughal also has an uncanny knack for manipulation and for business. More than once, he has built an empire out of nothing, and he will probably do so again.

Real Name

Rughal (given name unknown)

Home Country


Category Major


Centuries ago, Rughal was a member of the Huras al-Hikma. A brilliant scientist, Rughal was unable to convince the Huras to be more proactive and aggressive in their use of the gems. So, on the day of a lunar eclipse, Rughal secretly entered the fortress. He lay at the exact spot where the rays from every gem would focus on his body, and waited for the precise moment. He thought he was prepared -- but the eclipse caused the gems to act in a way he had not imagined. The resulting power surge ripped Rughals body apart, incinerating him and transforming him into pure etheric energy. Everyone believed he was dead, but in truth, he had been changed -elevated -- into something different. Rughal became one with the gems, a part of everything the universe had to offer. His disembodied mind -- barely able to recall the flesh and blood he had once been -- sailed through the Void, past moons and suns, through galaxies and across time, past and future, becoming a part of the very fabric of time and space. He saw things no human mind should ever see or comprehend. Then, slowly, his mind began to piece itself together. In 1859, at the dawn of an age that would rip mankind from its agrarian past into an industrial future of steaming steel and greed, Rughal was reborn. He reappeared in human form in Titusville, Pennsylvania, site of the first discovery of oil -- drawn, as always, to the presence of energy in all its forms. Rughals voyage through time and space affected him deeply. He had seen snippets of tomorrow in fractured forms, knew secrets but still needed to understand what he saw as it unfolded. He aged slowly,avoiding connections that would reveal his true age, and all the while constructing an enormous multinational business consortium. But he wasnt mindlessly searching for wealth and power. Rughals original vision his personal mandate was to harness the knowledge of the Huras al-Hikma and the power of the Noor Stones to remake the world according to his own vision. Rughal believes that all he needs to realize his vision are the missing gems and 99 people to wield them. He has spent decades searching, and has spared no expense in his clandestine hunt. He has even sought help from people whose beliefs run contrary to his own. Unknown to Rughal, he has a daughter -- Simpei -- who has been working secretly against him. But Simpei has a secret of her own that has not yet been revealed. (See The Sphinx.)

Gender Male Age 589 Height 193 cm Weight 83 kg Eye Color Blue Hair Color Black



Can alter the shape and density of his body into a dangerously malleable shadow-form. An experienced gunman and a very dangerous fighter.

Real Name

Thiab al-Daham

Home Country


Category Major


Gender Male Age 40s Height 178 cm Weight 76 kg Eye Color Gray Hair Color Dark Brown

Blackwolf first encountered Rughal while operating as an underground fight manager. Using artificial means to imperfectly replicate the Noor Stones effects, Rughal caused Blackwolf to manifest strange powers, which allow his body to become fluid and impervious to harm. Blackwolf honed his abilities, learning to completely hide himself in the darkness and to make his new shadow-form almost incorporeal at will. Blackwolfs powers allow him to pass through solid objects, and he can make his body rock-solid or gaseous at will. This makes him a formidable opponent, but he remains vulnerable to energy-blasts. Blackwolfs relationship with Rughal is complex. He owes Rughal a great deal, and is fiercely loyal to him -- as long as Rughal returns the favor. But for his part, Rughal regards Blackwolf as a lackey, not an equal. That arrogance may turn Blackwolf against him eventually.






Hadyas brain works like a GPS system and powerful telephoto satellite. She is able to map out any location and figure out how to get there. When linked in a triad, she can pinpoint locations with much more precision. With her Noor Stone, she can project her maps as three-dimensional images in the air for others to see. She can act as a bloodhound, tracking a missing person from a piece of his/ her clothing or an object the person has recently touched. Real Name

Amira Khan

Home Country

United Kingdom

Category 99

Core Team Member

Gender Female Age 17 Height 173 cm Weight 57 kg Eye Color Brown Hair Color Black Gem Color/Glow Violet

Amira Khan was a sweet Pakistani-British girl who lived with her mother, uncle and siblings in London. Growing up in a traditional Pakistani household, she was expected to be a dutiful daughter and eventually marry a good Pakistani boy in a pre-arranged wedding. But Amira rarely paid any attention to what was expected of her, and her mind was usually wanderingeverywhere it could. A smart girl who rarely focused on her studies, Amira preferred to spend her time exploring the city. Almost obsessively fascinated by maps and incredibly adept at reading them, Amira would occasionally draw London street diagrams from her own imagination. As she grew older, Amira began mapping out entire countries and solar systems. Her maps became more and more detailed and intricate, sometimes appearing as three-dimensional images all around her. This information came to her as if it was innate to her very being. And so it wasamplified by a Noor Stone encrusted in small medallion, a family heirloom that she carried with her everywhere. Hadyas power enables The 99 to zero in quickly on trouble spots, track missing people (including their own members), and find their way out of difficult situations. She and Fattah are a formidable combination; Hadya can locate a set of coordinates and Fattah can then transport the team there instantly. Hadya is very quiet and professional, generally staying out of the minor conflicts between Noora and Mumita, for instance. In a way, she is the quiet rock at the core of The 99.

Hadyas powers are useful and well defined; her personality, less so. Of the six core members, shes probably the one who could use a bit more character development. At the same time, she is useful as the one character whos just steady, always there when you need her. Our internal notes on Hadya show that she may be slowly developing life-guiding abilities, with philosophical divinations that create interpretation problems for her. This has not yet been explored in the comic. Its an interesting idea that grows, philosophically, out of her power; but it would require some room to develop.



Can levitate any object into the air, no matter how heavy. Can also lift himself into the air, ef fectively giving him the power of flight. Can levitate and maneuver several objects at once, creating a barrage of rocks or other debris to disorient and defeat his opponents.

Real Name

Murat Uyaroglu

Home Country


Adopted Country


Category 99

Auxiliary Member

While growing up in Istanbul, Murat Uyaroglu happened upon a Noor Stone. Like many members of the 99, Murat was ini tially puzzled by the powers the gem granted him. Soon he learned he could lift huge objects and levitate himself into the air. Driven by a strong sense of family obligation, Murat sought out a distant branch of his family in Petra, a remote section of Jordan. There he met the troubled Carateba tribe, whose desert lifestyle was as different from Murats urban upbringing as he could possibly imagine. Today, the Carateba are victimized by criminals who seem to be smuggling goods through their territory, but, well find out later, are actually working for Rughal, trying to find Noor Stones. Murat uses the powers of Rafie the Lifter to guard the tribe from the smugglers. Like many auxiliary members, Rafie the Lifter is on call when Dr. Ramzi needs him. He is not yet aware of Baeth the Sender, a distant cousin of his who is a member of the Carateba tribe but who lives away from home (see notes below).

Gender Male Age 16 Height 173 cm Weight 72 kg Eye Color Brown Hair Color Black Gem Color/Glow Red

Rafie is the 99s Superman -- the most powerful member of the team. Hes brought in, if hes available, when the situation is so dire that great power is required. The link between Rafie and Baeth is as follows: After the fall of the great dome in Andalusia, two brothers carried Noor Stones off in separate directions. One settled in Petra, Jordan, and the other in Istanbul, Turkey. They became the ancestors of Baeth and Rafie, respectively. Baeth found his Noor Stone and left home for college before Rafies arrival at Petra. In the comics, the two characters have only met in passing, and are not yet aware of their relation ship. Thats a plot thread we will pick up at some point.



Ability to transport inorganic objects, as long as he can envision both the objects origin and destination points. Fadi has hidden storerooms, where he keeps various objects and items that he may need.

Real Name

Fadi Hassem

Home Country


Category 99

Auxiliary Member

Gender Male Age 18 Height 173 cm Weight 72 kg Eye Color Brown Hair Color Black Gem Color/Glow Green

At Computer College in Amman, Fadi Hassem always had the right tool to fix the motherboards and CPUs he slaved away on every day. But his parents and classmates worried that his cluttered workshop and his compulsive hoarding might indicate some sort of psychological problem. Then, one day, things changed abruptly. Fadis pockets were no longer filled with junk, his desk at college and bedroom transformed from curiosity shops to clean and orderly workspaces. The reason: Fadi had made a miraculous discovery a few days earlier. When Fadi was a boy, his grandfather had given him a Noor Stone, explaining how he himself had used its power to help their tribe when he was young. Fadi kept the stone, cherishing his grandfathers memory. Years later, while trying to complete a project for one of his classes, he found he needed a tool which he had left in the lab. As Fadi visualized exactly where he had left the tool, his Noor Stone began to glow. The tool suddenly materialized in his hand! Through trial and error, Fadi discovered that he had the power to send and receive inorganic objects from to and from any location he could visualize in his mind. Dr. Ramzi visited him soon after, offering him the chance to join The 99. Fadi chose to remain in Amman and finish college first, though he stays in touch with Dr. Ramzi and helps out The 99 on occasion.

Baeth hasnt been used much yet, but he may eventually become The 99s quartermaster, providing hidden tools as needed from one of his hidden storehouses far away. Has an unrevealed family relationship with Rafie; see Rafie entry.



Superhuman stamina and endurance. Can run for hours and never tire. Hatem suspects that his body may never break downthat he may never age. But that remains to be seen.

Real Name

Hatem Al Johary

Home Country


Category 99

Auxiliary Member

Gender Male Age 15 Height 152 cm Weight 79 kg Eye Color Brown Hair Color Dark Brown Gem Color/Glow Yellow

Hatem Al Joharys father worked as a laborer on the construction of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the new Library of Alexandria. While there, Hatems father found an odd, attractive stone on the ruins of the original Library. He took it home and gave it to his son on the boys fifteenth birthday. Soon after, Hatem discovered he no longer tired when playing sports, and that he could run for twenty hours straight without resting or becoming tired. Realizing that his son was keeping something from him, Hatems father took the stone from himand Hatem immediately collapsed. Hatems father then sought out the Chairman of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, who explained that Hatems gem was a Noor Stone. The chairman suggested that Hatems father contact Dr. Ramzi Razem, a researcher in this field who might be able to help Hatem develop his gifts. But Hatems father refused, insisting that his sons gifts must be used to help his own family. Dr. Ramzi has since made contact with Baqi, who has helped out the 99 once. But Baqi still lives with his family in Alexandria, and uses his powers locally.

Weve gotten some humorous story mileage out of Baqis father, who wants Baqi to use the Noor Stone to make money for the family. Baqis priorities are more humanitarian.



Chemical control of the brain, which enables Widad to induce love, compas sion and happiness in others. When she induces happiness in a subject, that person becomes susceptible to her persuasion.

Real Name

Hope Mendoza

Home Country


Category 99

Auxiliary Member

Gender Female Age 21 Height 157 cm Weight 61 kg Eye Color Hazel Hair Color Brown Gem Color/Glow Pink

Hope Mendoza works for Hope International, a relief organization headquartered in the Philippines. When a ruthless bandit murdered her friend and mentor Alicia Ratner, Hope became the possessor of a Noor Stone. That gem, which had been passed down from generation to generation in Alicias family, has given Hope the power to influence other peoples emotions. She has sometimes used her powers of persuasion to help get funding for her relief organization, which delivers supplies to some of the most dangerous places in the world. When Hope met Dr. Ramzi, she was torn: Would she be more effective as a member of The 99 or as a relief worker for Hope International? She chose to stay with her aid agency, but she helps Dr. Ramzi whenever he calls on her -- and vice-versa.

Hope International, Widads relief organization, provides a useful plot device to get The 99 into stories involving humanitarian crises.



By touch, Bari can increase a persons energy levels, curing them of specific, small ailments and injuries. Can instinctively tell which part of a persons body is sick or damaged.

Real Name

Haroun Ahrens

Home Country

South Africa

Category 99

Auxiliary Member

Gender Male Age 19 Height 183 cm Weight 79 kg Eye Color Green Hair Color Brown Gem Color/Glow Red

Haroun Ahrens grew up on a farm in South Africa, trying to look after his family after first his father, and then his sister died. While digging his sisters grave, Haroun discovered a small piece of colored rock. Touching it made him feel somehow better and he buried it in a small box just below his sisters gravestone, hoping her soul would feel some of the same comfort and peace that he felt in the stones presence. Life continued to be hard for Harouns family. A few years later, his mother fell sick. Frantically searching for anything that could help, Haroun remembered the stone. He took it to his mothers bedside and, miraculously, cured her. Word of the miracle soon spread and people came from all around to be healed by Haroun. Eventually, the demands of the people became too much for him and he fled to live a life of seclusion, until a Swedish businessman named Einmann (see separate entry) sought him out, offering to help Harouns village. Haroun worked with Einmann until the 99 revealed the businessmans corrupt motives and stopped him. Haroun returned to his family, but later joined The 99. Baris powers are extremely limited by the nature and duration of the illness or injury, but he is more powerful when linked in a triad. Of all the 99, Baris power exacts the highest price from him, requiring serious recuperation after he heals someone.

Baris power must be used very sparingly; as Naif says, Hes not Jesus. Longstanding or severe injuries or illnesses are beyond his power. Currently in the comic, Bari lives at the Foundation; but because of his limita tions, we only use him occasionally, so hes listed him as an auxiliary member.



Super-enhanced hearing. He can hear sounds at great distances and can even hear sounds that are beyond normal levels of human hearing, into the ultrasonic range. Has potential to transfer and amplify sound. Has potential to manipulate sound waves as a weapon. Adept at sign language, which he uses to communicate with his father and with The 99. Real Name

Nizar Babikr

Home Country


Category 99

Auxiliary Member

Gender Male Age 16 Height 165 cm Weight 70 kg Eye Color Brown Hair Color Black Gem Color/Glow Green

Nizar Babikr lived in Sudan until he was 10. Then his mother died from malaria and his father decided to move the family to Paris. Nizar had not spoken since birth and his father wanted to find a way to help his mute son. Nizar had always responded well to music and so his father enrolled him in an arts school for the sensory-impaired. While on a camping trip with the arts school, Nizars gem-abilities first manifested themselves. A boating accident occurred and he was able to hear the cries of his classmates even though he was miles away. Nizar rushed to the scene of the accident but he was unable to call for help. Instinctively, he was able to pick up on the voices of his schoolmates and, using a gemstone given to him by his late mother, manipulate the ambient sonic energy so that others heard their cries for help. Sami sometimes works with the 99, who are also based in Paris. But because of Samis heightened sense of hearing, the chaos and noise of the Foundation can cause him pain and mental distress. He has shown some ability to manipulate sound as a weapon, but his Noor Stone training has only just begun.

In the comic, we have used Sami as a way into the Batina story, which will become an important part of our overall plotline. With his enhanced hearing, Sami is the only one who can locate Batina when she is using her Noor Stone to conceal herself. She then convinces him to spend some time at the isolated Himalayan retreat where she lives, and where other as-yet-unknown Stone Bearers dwell. This quieter setting proves a better place for Sami to develop his powers in peace. See the Batina entry for more details.



Ability to intuitively organize anything, creatingforcingorder out of chaos in a wide variety of ways.

Real Name

Abena Liza Dagate

Home Country


Category 99

Auxiliary Member

Gender Female Age 18 Height 183 cm Weight 79 kg Eye Color Brown Hair Color Black Gem Color/Glow Orange-Red

Abena Liza Dagate is a young woman with an obsessive personality that compels her to organize her surroundings to maddening degrees of order. As a young girl in primary school in Ghana, she constantly complained about any inefficiencies in teachers programs or even in the school cafeterias serving method. When her parents died, Liza moved to Harlem in New York City to live with her aunt and uncle. There she adopted her traditional name of Abena and quit calling herself Liza as she had in school. She was anxious to show her traditional identity in her new world. When Liza arrived, her aunt and uncle were in danger of losing their home to gentrification. Her aunt was selling some items to the local pawnshop, including an old gemstone. Suddenly, Soora the Organizer was born. She could see clearly what forms to file, in what order, and how to deal with the banks in order to save the family home. She then resolved to use that ability to help other longstanding Harlem natives to stay in their homes. Eventually, Soora finds her new compulsions too challenging, and seeks peace in Batina the Hiddens Himalayan retreat. That is where The 99 will encounter her for the first time.

Soora is one of a group of Stone Bearers were planning to introduce through Batinas Himalayan retreat. See Batina entry for details. Soora will eventually form a semiregular triad with Noora and Mujiba (see separate entries). Mujiba can read the truths buried in the Noor Stones; Soora will help her sort and organize the information; and Noora will allow them to present it to others in the form of light-projections.



At unpredictable times, Aleem can see visions of possible futures.

Gender Male Age 8 Height 106 cm Weight 29 kg Eye Color Brown Hair Color Black Gem Color/Glow Yellow
Real Name

Naser Ali

Home Country


Category 99

Auxiliary Member; Founding Member, Junior 99

Naser Ali, who inherited his Noor Stone from a family member, wears it in a locket around his neck. The locket also contains a photo of his parents at home in Qatar. For almost as long as he can remember, Naser has seen unusual images -- visions of possible futures. The visions dont always come true, so Naser has learned to use discretion about sharing them with others. Naser meets members of The 99 while waiting for his fathers flight to land at New Yorks Kennedy Airport. He is agitated by a vision of his fathers plane landing in a fiery collision with another plane. Dr. Ramzi notices the boy, and calls on The 99 to help avert the crash. The team befriends the boy, who visits The 99 in Seville when they need his help. He now lives in Los Angeles, but is also a member of the Junior 99, a secret team of the youngest Stone Bearers.

The Junior 99 debuts in the upcoming issue #16. It consists of Aleem, Wassi, and Samda, and is led by Jabbars bossy (but non-powered) sister Noaf. All the kids are in the 8- to 11-year-old range, and take pride in running away from their older counterparts to have secret adventures. Dr. Ramzi and the regular 99 dont yet know of the younger teams existence.



Wassi can temporarily enlarge or elongate isolated parts of his body -an arm, a leg, his neck. When linked in a triad, he can enlarge his entire body at once. With training, he may eventually be able to do this alone.

Real Name

Ashok Mohan

Home Country


Category 99

Auxiliary Member; Founding Member, Junior 99

Ashok Mohan lived with his older sister on the outskirts of Jaipur, the Pink City. With both their parents dead, Ashoks sister managed to care for her younger brother by working in a tourist hotel in the city. Ashok is smart and resourceful, and a bit of a smart aleck. He obtained his Noor Stone as a gift from a teacher who noticed a special quality in the youngster. After Ashok received the Noor Stone, he began to experience some startling physical changes. Parts of his body would grow and then shrink uncontrollably. During the Gangaur Elephant Festival, Ashok caused a disturbance by stretching his neck up ten feet to see the elephants. The crowd panicked, causing the elephants to stampede. The 99, having travelled to India in response to newspaper reports of a Giant Boy, took charge. Noora and Jabbar worked with Ashok to control the frantic elephants, and Ashok learned for the first time about his Noor Stones power. Some time later, Ashok made his way to The 99 in Seville, where Dr. Ramzi asked Jami to help the younger boy adjust. Jami barely tolerates the younger boy, but at least Jami has someone smaller to pick on now.

Gender Male Age 11 Height 122 cm Weight 40 kg Eye Color Brown Hair Color Black Gem Color/Glow Green

See the Aleem entry for details on the Junior 99.



Samda emits a force field that protects her, and anyone near her, from all harm. Cannot be moved once she plants her feet.

Real Name


Home Country


Category 99 Auxiliary Member; Founding Member, Junior 99

Gender Female Age 8 Height 91 cm Weight 31 kg Eye Color Brown Hair Color Black Gem Color/Glow Yellow

Aisha TBD is an eight-year-old Libyan girl who lives with her extended family in the city of Tripoli. Her uncle is an amateur archeologist who goes into the desert to search for fossilized trilobites, sometimes bringing the children along. One night, Samda found a small, crumbling wooden box hidden among the rocks -- with a Noor Stone inside, wrapped in silken rags. A sudden windstorm whipped up out of the desert, overtaking Samda, who heard her uncle yelling her name through the wind. Clutching the stone, she planted her feet, leaned into the wind, and miraculously stayed in place. When the uncle found her, he retreated to safety behind Samda, whose newfound force field protected him as well. Later, the family observes that when Aisha uses the gem, nothing can touch her. They learn of Ramzi and The 99 from the news and Aisha travels to Paris, where she stays with Jabbars family and becomes best friends with his little sister Noaf. As Samda, Aisha is a member of The Junior 99 (99 #16). Aisha is a very calm, fearless little girl, because she knows she cannot be harmed. She dresses in a stylish hijab of her own choosing. In the Junior 99, Aisha defers to Noaf, who is one week older than her; but she secretly finds Noafs bossiness amusing.

See the Aleem entry for details on the Junior 99.



Batina can blend into any background and become nearly invisible. She is very quiet, and can only be detected by super-sensitive hearing like Samis.

Real Name

Rola Hadramy

Home Country


Category 99

Auxiliary Member

Gender Female Age 17 Height 183 cm Weight 64 kg Eye Color Dark Brown Hair Color Brown Gem Color/Glow Blue

Little is known about Batina the Hidden, whose mastery of her gemstone gives her the ability to become invisible. She has visited The 99 a few times, always undercover, and her last visit led to a misunderstanding -- The 99 thought she was an enemy. In truth, Batina has lived for many years in a remote retreat, invisible to human instruments, high in the Pakistani part of the Himalayas. This Retreat is a haven for Stone Bearers, particularly those, like Soora or Sami, who have difficulty coping with their gifts. Their paths will cross with The 99 very soon. While Batina is intensely curious about the outside world, she isnt yet equipped to deal directly with it. She prefers to lurk in the shadows, observing but not participating in the lives of The 99.

Batina is our pathway to introducing a new series of Stone Bearers, including Soora and Mujiba. In the upcoming issues #22-24, The 99 will discover Batinas hidden Retreat and realize there are more Stone Bearers than they know. At the end of the story, at least one 99 member will remain at the Retreat, and Soora and Mujiba will return to the Foundation with The 99. At this writing, we are still working out the details.



Mujibas mind is a living library, able to read the Noor Stones and access all the knowledge of the books of the Dar al-Hikma. She knows the square root of 363 and the engineering principles behind the Pyramids of Giza.

Real Name

Dayana Samsudin

Home Country


Category 99

Auxiliary Member

Gender Female Age 19 Height 165.1 cm Weight 49.4 kg Eye Color Brown Hair Color Black Gem Color/Glow Blue-Violet

Dayana Samsudin is a young geology student, originally from the interior of Malaysia but now studying at the University of Kuala Lumpur. Her only living relative -- her grandfather, Rahsia -- pays for her studies. A retired tin miner, his stories have inspired young Dayana to pursue a career in geology. Dayana struggles with her studies due to dyslexia, but retains an amazing amount of practical information from field studies. One day, Dayana, an amateur rock hound, steps into a small shop in the bustling Chinese section of the city, where she finds a curious gem. She works hard at several part-time jobs to earn enough money to obtain the gem. When the proprietor of the shop finally hands her the stone, she is overcome with a rush of information and collapses on the floor. Dayana recovers. Later, as she experiments with the gem, she again feels a rush of information flowing into herconnecting her to the timeless wisdom of the Dar Al-Hikma. She is Mujiba the Responder, and the answers her Noor Stone channels into her are all from the books that were in the Dar Al-Hikma. The wealth of information is overwhelming to Dayana. At first, she worries that the gem may be coated with some sort of poison or hallucinogen. She carefully limits her exposure to the stone, and seeks to learn how to work with it. This leads her to Batinas Himalayan retreat, which eventually leads her to Dr. Ramzi and The 99. Ironically, the 99er with a book-learning disability, the one who has always struggled with books, becomes a living conduit to the ancient tomes. Dr. Ramzi, aware that the stone overwhelms Mujiba, puts Jami to work on a device that enables her to filter out the unneeded information and focus on a single reference section at a time. When Mujiba is partnered with Soora and Noora together, she will eventually operate without Jamis filter. Soora helps her to organize the tremendous amount of information inside her mind, while Noora projects it into a light creation. In time, they could potentially recreate an illusory ancient city or historical figure.

As noted, Mujiba will be discovered along with Soora in Batinas Himalayan retreat. Mujiba, Soora, and Noora will then form a semi-regular triad that enhances all three of their powers. Mujiba does not understand most of the information in her head. Complicating her situation is the fact that the knowledge extends only as far as 1258 A.D. She knows the world is not flat, but texts from that time period keep trying to convince her that it is. When the team asks her to solve a problem, she sometimes comes up with information derived from ancient superstitions or alchemy texts. Often these solutions dont work, but sometimes they do. Mujiba knows, for example, the recipe for the Kings Water that helped create the Noor Stones.



Can shoot balls of fire. Atash cannot burst completely into flames like Johnny Storm of the Fantastic Four, but he can use his hands like flamethrowers. Can control flames. Is immune to harm from fire.

Real Name

Atash Azria

Home Country


Category 99

Auxiliary Member

Atash Azria is an 18-year-old university student, spending his summer holiday doing charity work. He is helping with the reconstruction of the historic Iranian city of Bam, which was devastated by an earthquake in 2003. During the school year, Atash studies sustainable environments at university so he can become an aid and development worker like his aunt, Buran Shirazi, a colleague of Dr. Ramzis (see separate entry). Amid the rubble of Bam, Atash finds a curious gemstone. When he first picks it up, he feels strong and inspired. But then his hand becomes hot, and flames shoot from his hands onto the half-constructed houses nearby. He panics and flees. The 99 are called to investigate a series of unexplained fires at the Bam site, just as Buran learns that her nephew has gone missing. They track down Atash, putting out fires along the way, and assure him that they can help him learn to control his powerful new talent. As he learns to control his power, Atash will also use his abilities to enhance his studies of sustainable projects worldwide, as he tries to understand sustenance living in rural environments across the developing world. His intimate knowledge of fire control may allow him to help develop new sources of energy. Jaleels gemstone was, in fact, not one of the Noor Stones that was carried across the world by the librarians of Baghdad. His gem is a legendary stone that was lost during the original siege, and was carried by a lotus flower into the Gulf, across to ancient Persia. A poor man saw it, gathered it up, and became the worlds first known Stone Bearer.

Gender Male Age 18 Height 183 cm Weight 77 kg Eye Color Brown Hair Color Black Gem Color/Glow Orange

Jaleel will be discovered by The 99 in issue #21. The history of his gem will be revealed separately, and the 99 will discover it later.



As a Stone Bearer, he has super-heightened awareness of all events and emotions around him. He can eavesdrop from long distances and perceive the inner workings of buildings and objects. As a member of a paranormal think tank and Canadian government agent, he has access to intelligence from around the world.

Real Name

Blair Davis

Home Country


Category 99

Auxiliary Member (retired)

Blair Davis is a native of Vancouver, Canada, although he works out of Ottawa for a governmentsponsored think-tank. Blair is a field agent often assigned to work with investigatory branches of international governments, and with Interpol. Blair has become something of an urban legend in Canada he solves or prevents crimes that most people never even hear about. Blair has a generally cheery outlook on life, and fancies himself, somewhat self-mockingly, as the Canadian version of a dashing secret agent. At the same time, hes ruthlessly pragmatic and quick to sound the alarm when trouble pops up.

Gender Male Age 33 Height 188 cm Weight 82 kg Eye Color Blue Hair Color Blond Gem Color/Glow Blue

In the comics, Raqib was one of the earliest Stone Bearers found, and used his power to aid The 99 frequently. He recruited several other members, including Fattah and Hadya. However, it was decided that the Noor Stones should only be used by young people, so we arranged for him to give up his gem. Within the story, Raqibs reasons were twofold. He received a promotion in his day job as an international field agent, which left him less time to be a part-time super hero. And, more importantly, the gem itself seemed to be telling him: We are for the young. Blair is a valuable supporting character because of his intelligence connections, and because of his upbeat personality. One way he could be used in the animated series would be to introduce him with his Noor Stone -- but have him realize its not for him and give it up soon after, then keep him on as a non-powered supporting character. That would drive home the nature of the Noor Stones, rather than violating it. One possibility, down the line, is to introduce a new, younger character as a replacement Raqib the Watcher. We have considered this in the comics, but havent made any decisions about it. In the early comics stories, Blair has a dog companion named Harold. This was phased out. For cultural reasons, its best not to use the dog.




Gender Female Age Not established Height Not established Weight Not established Eye Color Brown Hair Color Brown

Real Name

Buran Shirazi

Home Country


Category 99

Support Staff

Burans nephew is the 99 Auxiliary Member Jaleel the Magnificent (see separate entry).

Buran Shirazi was an international aid worker, travelling around the world doing humanitarian work with her husband. Following her husbands tragic death (under circumstances not yet revealed), Buran needed a changeand found it in an unusual job offer from Dr. Ramzi. Buran now serves as Dr. Ramzis good right arm. Her pragmatism and sometimes caustic wit serves as a counterbalance to Ramzis idealistic nature. She is sometimes called on to guide 99 teams on tricky missions, if Ramzi cannot perform the job himself or if her experience is relevant.



none (his robot arm is just an artificial limb)

Gender Male Age Not established Height Not established Weight Not established Eye Color Blue Hair Color Black

Real Name

Zoran Kryzneski

Home Country


Category 99

Support Staff


Zoran Kryzneski lost an arm, and a lot of good friends, in a bloody war. Now, as The 99s Tactical Training Officer, he trains an army dedicated solely to peace. Equipped with a robot arm, Zoran serves as The 99s irascible, hard-bitten drill sergeant, training them in defensive techniques and general physical fitness. He and Jami carry on a bickering friendship, working together as Jami designs testing regimens for specific members of The 99 under Zorans direction.



Sharp claw-weapons mounted on her gloves. A fierce, savage fighter. The Sphinx has no supernatural or superhuman powers.

Real Name

unknown (see below)

Home Country


Category Villain

Gender Female Age Unknown Height Unknown Weight Unknown Eye Color Unknown Hair Color Unknown

The Sphinx is one of the most mysterious characters in The 99s world. Enlisted by Blackwolf in Rughals service, she was trained at a remote, elite martial arts academy, where her achievements earned her the ancient claw-weapons she wields. She is a formidable hand-tohand fighter and clearly intimidates some of Rughals other minions, even those with powers that outstrip her own. The Sphinx allows little of her personality to slip past the mask she always wears, but its clear she possesses an odd, twisted sense of humor. She has been known to ask riddles of her prey before taking them down. See notes below for the Sphinxs secret, which is subject to change.

The secret of the Sphinx: In the comics, the Sphinx is a long-running mystery character. Her features are completely hidden by her mask, though its hinted that she has some connection to The 99. Our eventual plan is to reveal her as Simpei, Rughals daughter. Simpei hates her father for killing her brother (Rughals son), and has infiltrated his organization in order to destroy him from within. She will also cultivate an alliance with Raqib and Dr. Ramzi against Rughal, in order to learn The 99s secrets. Shes playing both sides against each other. As of issue #15, Rughal is presumed dead. The Sphinx and Blackwolf have assumed control of his business empire, which they plan to rule together. Blackwolf is the only character who knows the Sphinxs true identity. Initially, the two of them have little interest in The 99s Noor Stones; however, they will eventually begin to follow in Rughals footsteps, hoping to harness the power of the ancient gems for their own purposes. And then Rughal will return, which will lead to the revelation of the Sphinxs true identity.



Highly enhanced strength and muscle power, due to the steroids he constantly uses.

Gender Male Age Unknown Height 203 cm Weight 127 kg Eye Color Blue Hair Color Blond Real Name

Guenther Gerhardt

Home Country


Category Villain

Growing up in Germany, Guenther Gerhardt watched old, grainy films of wrestling matches from the United States and Mexico. He was captivated by the outlandish characters, bouncing around the ring dramatically. He worked out and trained feverishly to become a professional wrestler but somehow, he was never quite good enough. Then Thiab al-Daham, also known as Blackwolf, offered Guenther the chance to make a fortune in an underground fight circuit. All he had to do was agree to a regimen of experimental steroids, which are constantly pumped into his body from the pack on his back. His muscles grew to enormous bulk, and Guenther became a star under the nom du guerre Hammerfist. Hammerfist is a fierce, strong fighter, but the steroids cause him intense migraine headaches and stomach pain, and he seems to have a bit of a glass jaw. He lost a crucial match against Mumita, back when she was fighting in the arena. Since then, he has fought against The 99 at Rughals and Blackwolfs command.

As with some other characters, Hammerfists origin, violent nature, and the drug-connected nature of his powers make him difficult to use under the current guidelines. He might have to be toned down somewhat.



Creates and manipulates portals in space, which allow him to journey instantly to any location.

Gender Male Age 37 Height 161 cm Weight 70 kg Eye Color Red Hair Color Unknown Real Name

James Higgins

Home Country

United Kingdom

Category Villain

Like The Murk, Red Shroud has only appeared once, in issues #5-6. At the climax of that story, Jami the Assembler stabbed him with a powerful, electrically charged tuning fork. This disrupted Red Shrouds entire molecu lar structure, causing him to dissipate into thin air. He is presumed to have survived the experience, but has not resurfaced.

James Higgins was a normal, working-class British electrician -- until he met Rughal, the mysterious businessman whose obsessive quest is to control the energies of the ancient Noor Stones. Rughal gifted Higgins with powerful new abilities based on an imperfect, artificial application of the principles inherent in the Noor Stones. As the Red Shroud, Higginss body generates a perpetual field of static electricity, which can be discharged at his enemies to stun or electrocute them.



Genius-level intellect and knowledge of nanotechnology. Carries around cans of smart dust, a spray-mist that can form 1800 sepa rate chemical compounds at his command, including knockout gas. Can create other weapons as needed for a given situation.

Real Name

I. M. Nanno (original name unknown)

Home Country


Category Villain

A quick-minded genius, Dr. Nanno -- like his sometime partner, The Pathologist -- was once a leader in his field, that of nanotechnology. That prestige ended abruptly when he performed a dangerous, unauthorized experiment, resulting in a major soccer stadium being filled to the brim with trillions of microscopic nanobots -during a playoff game. The resulting chaos and panic led to a legal injunction forbidding Nanno to come within five hundred feet of a nanotech lab. To avoid several thousand civil lawsuits, Nanno accepted witness protection, relocating to Paris and changing his name to one reflecting his own, warped sense of humor. Unlike The Pathologist, Nanno is very focused and directed. He has no special powers, but his obsession with microscopic gadgets drives him to put in long (illegal) hours in the laboratory. He is very clever and often quite pleased with himself, but cowardly in the face of physical danger.

Gender Male Age 38 Height 155 cm Weight 54 kg Eye Color Blue-Black Hair Color Gray

Nanno is a fun character -- a mean little scientist.



Wields deadly, mentally-controlled medical instruments, which are fused onto his body, with pinpoint accuracy. Sees through and inside people, allowing him to instantly assess their weak spots and pain centers.

Real Name

Audric Blondel

Home Country


Category Villain

Gender Male Age 49 Height 187 cm Weight 59 kg Eye Color Blue Hair Color Grey

Growing up in Paris, Audric Blondel was obsessed with learning how different organisms worked, how peoples bodies functioned and what made them fail. In medical school, his colleagues called him cruel, but they couldnt deny his genius. Over time, Blondel built himself an array of custom medical instruments...many of them not approved by the reputable medical community. A dangerous experiment grafted these instruments onto his body, giving him precise mental control over them. But the experiments effects went beyond this physical change. It also altered Blondels perceptions, allowing him to see into and through people...their internal organs, their illnesses, their centers of pain. Inanimate objects, like machines, became distorted to him, like childrens toys seen through a funhouse mirror. Under Blackwolfs command, Blondel -- now known as the Pathologist -- used dangerous chemicals to increase the strength of fighters at the Underground Battledome Fighting Arena. Later, he was enlisted by Rughal to fight The 99 and to attempt to replicate the powers of the Noor Stones artificially. He has been unsuccessful at both. The Pathologist is a problematic character; see notes.

The Pathologist is a difficult character to use under the current series guidelines: Hes basically a sadist and hes on drugs all the time.



Enhanced strength, speed, and agility. Some weapons training.

Gender All Male Age varies from 20 to 44 Height varies Weight varies Eye Color varies Hair Color varies Real Names


Home Countries


Category Villains

The Drone Warriors are basically Rughals attempt to overwhelm The 99, whose power is greater, with huge numbers.

One of Blackwolfs duties for Rughal involves the training of an army of loyal Drones. Despite their robotic appearance, these warriors are quite human. They come from a variety of countries and circumstances: Some are mercenaries for hire, others are drifters, and still others are desperately poor men seeking only to feed their families. The Drones power, like that of Red Shroud and Blackwolf himself, derives from a process designed to artificially simulate the energy of the fabled Noor Stones. This process is flawed; the results do not even begin to approach the power or precision of The 99s genuine Noor Stone bearers. At best, the Drones are slightly more powerful than ordinary, armed mercenaries. However, there are an awful lot of them.



Enhanced strength and agility.

Gender Male Age unknown Height not established Weight not established Eye Color White (no pupils) Hair Color Red

Real Name


Home Country


Category Villain

Basically only used in one early newspaper strip starring Mumita, and then as part of an attack force in issues #11-12.

A fierce fighter in the Underground Battledome Fighting Arena, The Savage was defeated in combat by Hammerfist. Later, the two of them worked together for Rughal against The 99. The Savage was treated with many of the same steroids as Hammerfist, at a lower dosage. This may explain the profuse hair all over his body. Little else is known of him except that he has a very bad temper.



Enhanced strength.

Gender Male Age unknown Height not established Weight not established Eye Color Brown Hair Color Black

Real Name


Home Country


Category Villain

Our most obscure character! Has only appeared in an early Mumita newspaper strip, where all he did was get coldcocked.

Razors Edge is another fighter from the Arena, a very mean little man known as the minimauler. He presumably was treated with the same steroid compounds as Hammerfist and The Savage, but this is not known for sure. Mumita defeated him soundly.








Seville, Spain



Ramzi Razem will operate out of an old manor house on the outskirts of Seville, near an archaeological dig. Seville, in southern Spain, has a very strong Islamic influence in its architecture and its culture. In the story of the Noor Stones, the Husn Al-Marifa is built in Andalusia because Andalusia or Al Andalus, as the Muslims called it represented a relatively safe haven for their religion and culture. Seville is the capital of Andalusia. It also happens to be one of the most beautiful cities of southern Spain and is replete with Islamic design and atmosphere. Ramzis house has living quarters that accommodate Ramzi, Buran, Zoran and as many as a dozen members of The 99. The house is also a showcase for Ramzis interest in botany. Part laboratory, part library, the place is initially far less high tech than Rughals headquarters. Not that Ramzi particularly likes it that way, but, as a perpetually under-funded academic, finance is always an issue for him. Eventually, Ramzi, and especially Buran, will prove themselves to be almost as adept at gathering loans and grant money as they will prove to be at gathering Stone Bearers. Ramzi doesnt publicize the location of his headquarters, but hes not one to take unnecessary chances. Jami is constantly setting up new alarms and defense capabilities, which will include lasers, motion detectors, and Noor Stone energy detectors. These measures will enhance Ramzis more organic defenses, which include quicksand, noxious plants and even a hive of ever-vigilant wasps. Once Jami settles in, hell rig Ramzis computers so that theyll have direct feeds to several intelligence data bases.








A stones throw from Ramzis manor house is The 99s underground training area, set in ancient, relic-filled caverns. These caverns are directly beneath the ruins of the old dome, a location imbued with a mystical, timeless power. Ramzi, a direct descendant of one of the Huras Al-Hikma, is not only trying to re-unite the Noor Stones and their powers hes also trying to bring them together at the ancient location of the Husn Al-Marifa, where their united presence will unleash even greater power. Of course, Rughal also knows that the ground that the Husn Al-Marifa once occupied has great mystical power. At the moment, hes trying to recreate a replica of the Husn Al-Marifa in his corporate headquarters in Hong Kong, but his ultimate desire is to reconstruct the actual Fortress at its original location, with the Fortress and the 99 gemstones under his direct control. Unknown to Rughal, Ramzi is already one step ahead and has constructed the training facility for The 99 beneath the ancient ruins. The ruins of the ancient Fortress of Knowledge look just like neglected Moorish ruins, over-grown and unkempt. But beneath Ramzis manor, theres a large boulder that only Nawaf can lift, and beneath this boulder there is a tunnel to the large and elaborate underground training facility where The 99 hone their powers.





Mamluk International, Hong Kong



Rughal will have the highest high tech office imaginable in the corporate headquarters of Mamluk International, in Hong Kong. This office will hide an extraordinary inner chamber: a small-sized replica of the inside of the great dome, the Husn al-Marifa. Rughal hopes to adorn it with the Noor Stones that he intends to take from The 99. Outside of Rughals office is an elegant waiting area, adorned with lush curtains and chandeliers and ancient spears and columns.



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