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Table Of Contents
AppV 4.6.1 Sequencer Console
Sequencer Console Properties Tab About the Properties Tab How to Change Package Properties Deployment Tab About the Deployment Tab How to Change Deployment Properties Change History Tab Files Tab About the Files Tab How to Modify the Files Included in a Package Virtual Registry Tab About the Virtual Registry Tab How to Modify Virtual Registry Key Information Virtual File System Tab About the Virtual File System Tab How to Modify File-Mapping Information Virtual Services Tab About the Virtual Services Tab How to Modify Attributes of Embedded Services OSD Tab How to Edit an OSD File How to Edit an OSD File Using a Text Editor

AppV 4.6.1 Sequencer Console

Sequencer Console
Updated: December 1, 2008 Applies To: Application Virtualization The Application Virtualization Sequencer Console enables you to perform a variety of tasks, including sequencing an application, modifying a sequenced application package, configuring the Application Virtualization Sequencer, and more.

In This Section
Properties Tab1 Provides general information about the Properties tab, along with related procedures you can perform. Deployment Tab2 Provides general information about the Deployment tab, along with related procedures you can perform. Change History Tab3 Provides general information about the Change History tab. Files Tab4 Provides general information about the Files tab, along with related procedures you can perform. Virtual Registry Tab5 Provides general information about the Virtual Registry tab, along with related procedures you can perform. Virtual File System Tab6 Provides general information about the Virtual File System tab, along with related procedures you can perform. Virtual Services Tab7 Provides general information about the Virtual Services tab, along with related procedures you can perform. OSD Tab8 Provides general information about the OSD tab, along with related procedures you can perform. Did you find this information useful? Please click the following link to send your suggestions and comments about the documentation to the Application Virtualization Doc Feedback alias 9

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Properties Tab
Applies To: Application Virtualization The Properties tab provides basic statistical information about a sequenced application package.

In This Section
About the Properties Tab1 Provides general information about the Properties tab. How to Change Package Properties2 Provides the procedure to change package properties using the Properties tab.

See Also
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About the Properties Tab

Applies To: Application Virtualization Use the Properties tab to view basic statistical information about a sequenced application package. The information is automatically generated unless otherwise noted. This tab contains the following elements.

Package Information
Package Name Thesinglenameusedforasequencedapplicationpackagethatmightcontainoneormoreapplicationsforexample,MicrosoftOfficecouldbe used to label a sequenced application package that contains Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel applications that run in the same virtual environment. Comments Displays a short description of the software package that will appear in the Open Software Descriptor (OSD) file ABSTRACT element. This item is optional. Package Version The sequenced application package version. Package GUID The globally unique identifier (GUID) automatically assigned to the sequenced application package to distinguish it from other sequenced application packages that might be running on the computer to which a sequenced application package is streamed. Package Version GUID The sequenced application package version GUID. Root Directory The directory on the sequencing computer in which files for the sequenced application package are installed. This directory is also created on the computer to which a sequenced application package will be streamed. It is recommended for backwards compatibility that this be an 8.3 format directory name at the root of the Q drive, such as Q:\MyApp.1\. Created The date and time the sequenced application package was created. Modified The date and time the sequenced application package was last modified. Package Size The size of the package in megabytes. Launch Size The size in megabytes of the portion of the SFT file that is required to start the application.

Sequencing Parameters
Block Size Specifies the size of the primary and secondary feature blocks into which the SFT file is divided for streaming across a network. All blocks equal the specified size; however, the last block might be smaller than specified. You will see one of the following values: 4 KB 16 KB 32 KB 64 KB

Note After the initial package has been created, the block size value is not changeable.

See Also
Tasks How to Change Package Properties1 Other Resources Sequencer Console2

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How to Change Package Properties

Applies To: Application Virtualization You can use the following procedures to modify an Application Virtualization package name and its associated comments. If this is the first time the package has been created, you can also change the sequencing parameter block size, which determines how a sequenced application package is streamed from an Application Virtualization Server to an Application Virtualization Desktop Client. Note When selecting a block size, consider the size of the SFT file and your network bandwidth. A file with a smaller block size takes longer to stream over the network, but it is less bandwidth intensive. Files with larger block sizes might stream faster, but they use more network bandwidth. Through experimentation, you can discover the optimum block size for streaming applications on your network.

The remainder of the package properties on the Properties tab is automatically generated and cannot be modified on this tab.

To change the package name or comments

1. Click the Properties tab. 2. In the Package Name text box, enter or edit the single name used for the package, which can contain multiple applications. 3. In the Comments text box, optionally enter or edit any comments. The suggested best practice is to provide detail information about the package and sequencing. 4. From the File menu, select Save.

To change the block size

1. Click the Properties tab. 2. On the Block Size drop-down list, select 4 KB, 16 KB, 32 KB, or 64 KB. 3. From the File menu, select Save.

See Also
Concepts About the Properties Tab1 Other Resources Sequencer Console2

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Deployment Tab
Applies To: Application Virtualization The Deployment tab in the Application Virtualization Sequencer Console enables you to specify parameters for the deployment of a sequenced application package.

In This Section
About the Deployment Tab1 Provides general information about the Deployment tab. How to Change Deployment Properties2 Provides procedures for changing package properties by using the Deployment tab.

See Also
Other Resources Sequencer Console3 Did you find this information useful? Please click the following link to send your suggestions and comments about the documentation to the Application Virtualization Doc Feedback alias 4

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About the Deployment Tab

Updated: December 1, 2008 Applies To: Application Virtualization Use the Deployment tab in the Application Virtualization Sequencer Console to change the information for an application you are about to sequence. This tab contains the following elements.

Server URL
Use the Server URL controls to specify the virtual application server configuration settings.


Description Enables you to select the protocol that will stream the sequenced application package from a virtual application server to an Application Virtualization Desktop Client. The following protocols are available: RTSPThedefault,itspecifiesthattheRealTimeStreamingProtocolcontrolstheexchangeofvirtualizationenabledapplications.


RTSPSSpecifiesthattheRealTimeStreamingProtocolwithTransportLayerSecuritycontrolstheexchangeofasequenced application package. FileSpecifiesthatthesequencedapplicationwillbestreamedfromafileshare. HTTPSSpecifiesthatSecureHypertextTransportProtocolcontrolstheexchangeofapackage.

Enables you to select the virtual application server or the load balancer in front of a group of virtual application servers that will stream the software package to an Application Virtualization Desktop Client. You must complete this item to create a sequenced application package, but you can change from the default %SFT_SOFTGRIDSERVER% environment variable to the actual hostname or IP address of a virtual application server. Note Hostname If you choose not to specify a static hostname or IP address, on each Application Virtualization Desktop Client you must set up an environment variable called SFT_SOFTGRIDSERVER. Its value must be the hostname or IP address of the virtual application server or load balancer that is this client's source of applications. You should make this environment variable a system variable rather than a user variable. Any Application Virtualization Desktop Client session that is running on this computer during your assignment of this variable must be closed and then opened so that the resumed session will be aware of its new application source.


Enables you to specify the port on which the virtual application server or the load balancer will listen for an Application Virtualization Desktop Client's request for the package. This information is required to create a package, but you can change it. The default port is 554. Enables you to specify the relative path on the virtual application server where the software package is stored and from which it will be streamed. This information is required to create a package if the SFT file will be stored in a subdirectory of CONTENT; otherwise, this information is not required.


Operating Systems
Use the Operating Systems controls to specify the application's operating system requirements. If an Application Virtualization Desktop Client cannot support any of the selected operating systems, the application will not start.



Available Operating Systems Displays a list of operating systems that can support the applications in the package. Selected Operating Systems Displays a list of selected operating systems that support the applications in the package.

Output Options
Use the Output Options controls to specify the output options for the application to be installed.


Description Use to select the method for compressing the SFT file for streaming across a network. Select one of the following compression methods:

Compression Algorithm

CompressedSpecifiesthattheSFTfilebecompressedintheZLIB1 format. Not CompressedThedefaultspecifiesthattheSFTfilenotbecompressed.

Enforce Security Descriptors Generate Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) Package

Select to enforce security descriptors of the applications in the package after it is deployed to the client.

Select to install or deploy a sequenced application package with the Windows Installer. If you have made any changes using the sequencer the changes will not be included with the Windows Installer file. The Windows Installer file will always be created using the .sft file saved on the hard disk.

See Also
Tasks How to Change Deployment Properties2 Other Resources Sequencer Console3

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How to Change Deployment Properties

Applies To: Application Virtualization You can use the following procedures to change the Deployment tab information for an application you are sequencing, including the Application Virtualization server URL, the operating systems required by the virtualized applications, and the output options for the virtual application to be installed.

To change the server URL

1. Select the streaming protocol from the drop-down list box. 2. Enter the host name of the virtual application server or the server group's load balancer. You can use the actual host name or IP address. 3. Specify the port number on which the virtual application server or load balancer will listen for an Application Virtualization Desktop Client request for the streamed application. 4. Specify the relative path on the virtual application server where the software package is stored.

To change the application operating systems requirements

1. To add the required operating system(s), select it in the Available list and click the arrow button pointing to the Selected operating systems list control. 2. To remove an operating system, select it in the Selected list control, and click the arrow button pointing to the Available operating systems list control.

To change the application output options

1. From the Compression Algorithm drop-down list, select the compression method to use when streaming the application. 2. Select the Enforce Security Descriptors check box to ensure security descriptors of the packaged applications are enforced when deployed. 3. Select Generate Difference File to generate a difference file for the application from the previous sequenced version. 4. Select Generate Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) Package to create an installer package.

See Also
Concepts About the Deployment Tab1 Other Resources Sequencer Console2

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Change History Tab

Applies To: Application Virtualization After you sequence an application and before you save it, you can use the Change History tab to view the historical information about a sequenced application package. This tab is read only and cannot be modified. It contains the following elements.

Modification Date
Modification Date The date a sequenced application package was modified.

Package Information
Package Version GUID The GUID for the version of the sequenced application package that is loaded, which can be used during deployment to specify a particular version of the package.

Sequencer Information
This section of the Change History tab displays specific information about the Application Virtualization Sequencer (the Sequencer) that was used to create the sequenced application package. It contains the following elements. Sequencer Version The version of the Sequencer used to create the package. Sequenced By The name of the sequencing engineer. Sequencing Station The sequencing computer used to create the sequenced application package. Package Upgrade Indicates whether the sequenced application package was upgraded and saved. Save Mode Indicates the method used to save the application package.

Windows Information
Windows Version The version of Windows used to create a sequenced application package. System Folder The path on the Sequencing computer of its System folder. Windows Folder The location on the sequencing computer of its Windows folder. User Folder The location on the sequencing computer of its User folder. System Type The type of operating system on the sequencing computer.

System Information
Processor The processor of the sequencing computer system. Last Boot Normal Indicates whether or not the sequencing computer's most recent boot-up was normal. Terminal Services Indicates whether Terminal Services are operant on the sequencing computer system. Remote Desktop Indicates whether Remote Desktop is operant on the sequencing computer. .NET Framework Version Indicates the availability of any version of the .NET Framework on the sequencing computer. Internet Explorer Version Indicates the availability of any version of Internet Explorer on the sequencing computer. Windows Media Player Version Indicates the availability of any version of Windows Media Player on the sequencing computer.

See Also
Other Resources Sequencer Console1

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Files Tab
Applies To: Application Virtualization Use the Files tab to specify whether a file in a sequenced application package will be available to a specific user or to all users in the community.

In This Section
About the Files Tab1 Provides general information about the Files tab. How to Modify the Files Included in a Package2 Provides the procedure to modify the files included in a package.

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About the Files Tab

Applies To: Application Virtualization The Files tab displays the complete list of files that are included in a sequenced application package. The left pane displays, in a standard file browse format, the complete list of files in the package that was created during the application sequencing. These files include the package root directory (the directory you specified during the application installation phase), the Virtual File System (VFS) folder, and the virtual environment files. The right pane displays the file name, file attributes, and the Sequencer attributes.

File Name and Short Name

File Name The name of the file is in the left pane. The files displayed in the left pane are created during sequencing. Short Name This is the name of a file selected in the left pane, written in the 8.3 format naming convention.

File Attributes
File Size The size of the file in bytes. File Version The version of the selected file. Date Created The date and time the selected file was created. Date Modified The date and time the selected file was last modified. File ID The file GUID.

Sequencer Attributes
User Data Select this attribute to specify that an application must retain the information of an individual user. Application Data Select this attribute to specify that an application must retain the general information of a group of users. Override When selected, the Application Virtualization Desktop Client overwrites the corresponding file when the sequenced application package is upgraded and streamed to the client. If this check box is not selected, the client determines whether or not to overwrite the selected file.

See Also
Tasks How to Modify the Files Included in a Package1 Other Resources Sequencer Console2

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How to Modify the Files Included in a Package

Applies To: Application Virtualization After you sequence an application but before you save it, you can manually modify a sequenced application package to specify how it will retain its settings. Use the Sequencer attributes section to specify whether a file in a sequenced application package will be available to a specific user or to all users in the community.

To modify Sequencer attributes

1. Click the Files tab. 2. Select User Data or Application Data, depending on how you want an application to retain its settings, and select Override to enable the client to overwrite the cached application. 3. Click Apply.

See Also
Concepts About the Files Tab1 Other Resources Sequencer Console2

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Virtual Registry Tab

Applies To: Application Virtualization Use the Virtual Registry tab to view and modify the virtual registry key information.

In This Section
About the Virtual Registry Tab1 Provides general information about the Virtual Registry tab. How to Modify Virtual Registry Key Information2 Provides the procedure to modify the virtual registry key information by using the Virtual Registry tab.

See Also
Other Resources Sequencer Console3 Did you find this information useful? Please click the following link to send your suggestions and comments about the documentation to the Application Virtualization Doc Feedback alias 4

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About the Virtual Registry Tab

Applies To: Application Virtualization A virtual registry is created during sequencing. The Virtual Registry tab displays all the registry keys and values that are required for a sequenced application package to run. Use this tab to add, edit, and delete registry keys and registry values. YoucanalsochoosetoignorethehostingsystemskeysbyselectingOverride Local Key, or you can create a merged view of the key from within the virtual environment by selecting Merge with Local Key. The changes to the virtual registry Settings tab affect applications that are part of the specific sequenced application package, but they do not affect the operation of other applications that are streamed to or locally installed on the Application Virtualization Desktop Client. Note Exercise caution when changing virtual registry keys and values. Changing these keys and values might render your sequenced application package inoperable.

The left pane of the Virtual Registry tab displays the full list of virtual registries created during the sequencing of an application.

Name The name for the entry in the virtual registry. Type How the entry stores its data. Data The value stored by the entry. Attributes Displays the file attributes.

See Also
Tasks How to Modify Virtual Registry Key Information1 Other Resources Sequencer Console2

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How to Modify Virtual Registry Key Information

Applies To: Application Virtualization After you sequence an application but before you save it, you can modify its registry settings. Use the following procedures to modify a sequenced application package's registry values and registry keys.

To modify a registry key

1. Click the Virtual Registry Key tab. 2. Double-click the Registry folder to expand its contents. 3. In the left pane, right-click the folder you want to modify and select Key. 4. To create a new registry key, on the menu, select New. A new registry key will appear in the folder you selected. 5. To rename a registry key, on the menu, select Rename. Type a new value name in the text box. 6. To delete a registry key, on the menu, select Delete. 7. To override the local key, on the menu, select Override Local Key, or to merge with the local key, select Merge with Local Key.

To modify a registry value

1. Click the Virtual Registry Value tab. 2. Double-click the Registry folder to expand its contents. 3. In the left pane, right-click the folder you want to modify and select Value. 4. To add a string, on the menu, select Add String. 5. To add a binary, on the menu, select Add Binary. 6. To add a DWORD, on the menu, select Add DWORD. 7. To delete a registry value, right-click a value and select Delete. 8. To rename a registry value, right-click a registry value and select Rename.

See Also
Concepts About the Virtual Registry Tab1 Other Resources Sequencer Console2

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Virtual File System Tab

Applies To: Application Virtualization The Virtual File System tab allows you to view and modify the file-mapping information.

In This Section
About the Virtual File System Tab1 Provides general information about the Virtual File System tab. How to Modify File-Mapping Information2 Provides the procedure to modify the file-mapping information by using the Virtual File System tab.

See Also
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About the Virtual File System Tab

Applies To: Application Virtualization The virtual file system is created during sequencing. It maps directories and files that are added or modified outside the package root directory. The Virtual File System tab displays the entire virtual file system for a sequenced application package. It also allows you to add, edit, and delete file associations. Forinformationaboutthevirtualfilesystemanditsuse,seethesectionVFSInstallsofAdvanced Sequencing Topics1, at

From Displays the application's component files in the SFT file as they will be distributed on an Application Virtualization Desktop Client. To Displays the application's component files as they have been distributed by the application installer on the Application Virtualization Sequencer.

See Also
Tasks How to Modify File-Mapping Information2 Other Resources Sequencer Console3

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How to Modify File-Mapping Information

Applies To: Application Virtualization After you sequence an application but before you save it, you can manually modify the virtual file system. Use the following procedures to add, delete, or edit a file in the virtual file system.

To add a file in the file system

1. Click the Virtual File System tab. 2. Right-click a file under the virtual file system root in the left pane. On the menu, select Add. 3. Complete the following tasks in the New Virtual File System Mapping dialog box: a. To specify the new file association type the full network path to the new file. b. Click OK. 4. To override the local directory, right-click the file you just added and, on the menu, select Override Local Directory; or to merge with the local directory, select Merge with Local Directory. 5. On the File menu, select Save to save this change.

To delete a file in the file system

1. Click the Virtual File System tab. 2. Right-click a file in the virtual file system, and select Delete. 3. Accept the confirmation message by clicking OK. 4. On the File menu, select Save to save this change.

To edit a file in the file system

1. Click the Virtual File System tab. 2. Right-click a file in the virtual file system. On the menu, select Edit. 3. Complete the following tasks in the Edit Virtual File System Mapping dialog box: a. To edit the file association, specify the full network path to the new file. b. Click OK. 4. To override the local directory, right-click the file you just edited and, on the menu, select Override Local Directory. 5. On the File menu, select Save to save this change.

See Also
Concepts About the Virtual File System Tab1 Other Resources Sequencer Console2

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Virtual Services Tab

Applies To: Application Virtualization Use the Virtual Services tab to view and edit the attributes of embedded services.

In This Section
About the Virtual Services Tab1 Provides general information about the Virtual Services tab. How to Modify Attributes of Embedded Services2 Provides the procedure to modify the attributes of embedded services by using the Virtual Services tab.

See Also
Other Resources Sequencer Console3 Did you find this information useful? Please click the following link to send your suggestions and comments about the documentation to the Application Virtualization Doc Feedback alias 4

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About the Virtual Services Tab

Applies To: Application Virtualization During sequencing, a list of embedded services are identified and sequenced. Embedded services help an operating system run. The Virtual Services tab displays a list of embedded services. It also allows you to edit the properties of the individual services.

Name The name of the service. Description A description of the service. Startup Type Indicates whether virtual services on the client are set to manual or automatic start-up. Logon As Indicatestheclientlogonidentityforexample,LocalSystem. Services Type Indicates the type of service running on the Client.

See Also
Tasks How to Modify Attributes of Embedded Services1 Other Resources Sequencer Console2

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How to Modify Attributes of Embedded Services

Applies To: Application Virtualization After you sequence an application but before you save it, you can use the following procedure to manually modify the sequenced application package.

To remove an embedded service

1. Click the Virtual Services tab. 2. Right-click the service you want to remove, and select Remove. 3. In the Sequencer dialog box, click Yes.

To modify the properties of an embedded service

1. Click the Virtual Services tab. 2. Right-click the service whose properties you want to modify, and select Properties. 3. In the Office Source Engine Properties dialog box, complete the following tasks: a. In the Display Name text box, type the name of the service. b. In the Description text box, type a description of the service. c. In the Path to Executable text box, enter the path to the executable file. d. From the Startup Typedropdownlist,selecthowtheserviceistostartupmanually,automatically,ornot. e. Click OK.

See Also
Concepts About the Virtual Services Tab1 Other Resources Sequencer Console2

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Applies To: Application Virtualization Use the OSD tab to edit and customize the Open Software Descriptor (OSD) file.

In This Section
About the OSD Tab1 Provides general information about the OSD tab. How to Edit an OSD File2 Provides the procedure to edit the OSD file by using the Virtual Services tab. How to Edit an OSD File Using a Text Editor3 Provides the procedure to customize an OSD file by using a text editor.

See Also
Other Resources Sequencer Console4 Did you find this information useful? Please click the following link to send your suggestions and comments about the documentation to the Application Virtualization Doc Feedback alias 5

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How to Edit an OSD File

Applies To: Application Virtualization Use the following procedures to modify a sequenced application package's Open Software Descriptor (OSD) file by adding or deleting an element or an attribute. Note Some elements do not have an attribute, so it is not possible to add an attribute to every element.

Important If you use the OSD editor to change the .sft file name, the HREF attribute of the CODEBASE element in the OSD file, you must use the Save As command to save the change to the project files.

To add an element
1. Click the OSD File tab. 2. In the navigation pane, select the sequenced application package's OSD file you want to modify. 3. In the navigation pane, right-click the element that you want to modify. On the menu, select Element and select Add. 4. Fromthemenu,selecttheelementyouwanttoaddforexample,Codebase. 5. From the File menu, select Save.

To delete an element
1. Click the OSD File tab. 2. In the navigation pane, select the sequenced application package's OSD file you want to modify. 3. In the navigation pane, right-click the element that you want to delete. On the menu, select Element and select Delete. 4. From the File menu, select Save.

To add an attribute
1. Click the OSD File tab. 2. In the navigation pane, select the sequenced application package's OSD file you want to modify. 3. In the left pane, right-click the element to which you want to add an attribute. On the menu, select Attribute and select Add, choosing from the listed available attributes. 4. From the File menu, select Save.

To delete an attribute
1. Click the OSD File tab. 2. In the navigation pane, select the sequenced application package's OSD file you want to modify. 3. In the navigation pane, right-click the element from which you want to delete an attribute. On the menu, select Attribute and then select Delete, choosing the attribute you wish to delete. 4. From the File menu, select Save.

See Also
Tasks How to Edit an OSD File Using a Text Editor1 Concepts About the OSD Tab2 OSD File Elements3 Other Resources Sequencer Console4

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How to Edit an OSD File Using a Text Editor

Applies To: Application Virtualization Use the following procedure to edit an Open Software Descriptor (OSD) file by using a text editor.

To edit an OSD file by using a text editor

1. OpentheOSDfileusinganyXMLorASCIItexteditorforexample,MicrosoftNotepad. Note Before modifying the OSD file, read the schema prescribed by the XSD file in the install directory. Failing to follow this schema might introduce errors that prevent a sequenced application from starting successfully.

2. Edit the OSD file using your XML or ASCII text editor of choice, adhering to the prescribed schema and the following guidelines: a. Ensure that named elements are nested within the <SOFTPKG> root element. b. Ensure that element names are in all uppercase letters. c. Be aware that attribute values are case sensitive. d. Type carefully, and observe the XML specifications.

See Also
Tasks How to Edit an OSD File1 Concepts About the OSD Tab2 OSD File Elements3

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