Auto Biography

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Marco Barnut

I can only imagine what my mom must have been feeling on that fateful autumn day. Temperatures, violent and unforgiving, soared well into the early 100's, and humidity blanketed the surfaces of her small, sterile hospital room like molasses. She'd been in labor for nearly 4 hours...the slow hands of the clock seemingly taunting her...when finally, a sharp pain in her lower abdomen signaled my arrival... I was born in Romania, Resita which is in Europe. Resita is in the middle of a mountain range called the Semenic Mtns. After I was born we moved to a nearby town called Bocsa. Bocsa was the place where I made all of my Romanian friends. I lived there for about 6 years but lets not get too ahead of ourselves. I was one of the richest people in town with one of the biggest houses. We had all our money and fortune from my grandparents who made a living make clothing and working with electricity. When my mother married they decided to build a house with a quarter of the family fortune. My aunt was married at that time too. They decided all to live in one big house. The whole family. It took them 2-3 years to build the house. The house was as huge as the Empire State Building! It was 4 stories high with a 1 acre backyard and a 30 meter front yard. In the front yard, they made flower beds and planted trees. Half of the backyard was used for a giant garden filled with all sorts of vegetables and fruits. We also had hens, roosters, and geese. We had a small storage area for wood and thats where we kept all our firewood for the winter. We didnt have air conditioners and heaters back then because they didnt exist. The interior of the house was glamorous. It looks like you are in a palace or castle. It is very big and spaced out. The first story was where my family would live and the second story was were my aunts family would live. The 3rd and 4th stories were used for playrooms and other entertaining rooms. We had a beautiful house that we were very proud of.

When I was born, my very first friend was my dog. His name was Zero. I dont know why my parents named him that. You see, my dog was born before me. He was older than me. He died two years ago this day. I always loved him. He was a very protective dog and he lived till the end of his age. My dog was 2 years older than me. He was a Rottweiler. The rumors said that he was the second most protective dog in the world according to scientists. The first was the Bulldog. One time, my family was sleeping and my dog started barking really loudly all of a sudden. I woke up and heard the gate shattering and clanking. I was scared. I didnt know what to do. As it turns out, the following day, a person on the news was reported entering a hospital with a huge bite on his arm. The only explanation for a bite that big was a dog. I was proud of my dog as a recycle maniac after cleaning 3 beaches of trash. Another friend that was my best human friend was Danny. Danny was with me in the same class since kindergarten. We had some of the best years of our life. We were the kings of that school. We made our own clubhouse which was next to the school. Every time we had a break we would run to the clubhouse and sit there sharing stories and making up stuff like we were pilots or and international spy agency. Everybody wanted to be part of our clubhouse. So we decided to make it into a club. We would only let certain people in and as all boys are when they are young, NO GIRLS ALLOWED! The VIPS would pay with money which were rocks. We had water for our drinks and grass for food. Now that Im thinking back to it, we were treating our clients like cows. The funny part is that they actually liked it and said they would come again. Of course they didnt it the grass. It was just a dcor. I had many other friends but I wouldnt like to use them as examples. When I first came to the United States, I didnt know any English. At first I used to sit there only understanding some of the stuff the teacher was saying. As I got adjusted to the language, I understand and read and wrote English at an incredibly fast rate. In month, I understand

everything that I needed to know and I could speak the language fluently. I made friends very fast. At first I lived in Chicago, Illinois. I lived there for about 2 months. I moved to Florida after that. My parents like sunny cities more than windy cities. When we moved her, we bought a house and I started going to a new school. I was still in 1st grade so I went to an Elementary school. The school I went to was Dania Elementary. That school was an ocean. Filled with people from everywhere and really big. I loved that school. It was one of my best years of my life. I was the announcer on Wave TV so most of the whole school knew who I was. I had many friends who are in Olsen today. I stayed there until 5th grade when it was time for me to move to another school because we had bought another house. My first day at the new school was horrible but I made a couple of friends. I had to leave all my friends behind from the other school which was pretty hard but I kept the memories we had and all their names. I got accustomed to the new school pretty quickly but it was never like the other school. Every day I would wish I could get back to the other school. Thats all I wanted. At this new school, I was a nobody that nobody knew. I just popped up in the middle of the 5th grade year. People accepted me but I was still lonely as ever. Nobody knew me, nobody knew who I was or what I do or what I want. The teachers here were nothing like the others at my old school. I decided that I was going to stick to it and not give up. The past was the past. You have to look at the future. I still yearn for those days of elementary school where youd have fun every day talking to your friends at recess. As I got older, I started to grow more and more mature and by the time I got to 7th grade, I decided I would turn to the cool side. I started acting differently, dressing differently, making my hairstyle differently, etc. I made new friends at Olsen in 6th grade and I saw my old friends from Dania Elementary. I still hang out with them to this day. I have really cool teachers like Mrs.Preuss and Coach Peloquin. Mrs.Preuss likes to have fun while screaming at you in every

way possible and she doesnt like to use real passes. Coach Peloquin is cool and talks crap about everybody that doesnt do the exercises perfectly. Hes cool though. He lets us play what we want and he likes most of us. For High school, I would like to go to Nova or McArthur. I would like to go to Nova because its a good school and my friend goes there. He said that its a good school and he likes it. I would like to go to McArthur because it is also a good school but its not better than Nova. In Nova you have to get picked from a special lottery to get in. in McArthur, you just have to pay. Well, I think Ive gone too far about my autobiography but still, like I said, you have to look at the future... Your mind is like a tree. It takes stuff in and releases stuff out. Its always growing. Well, I think Ive rambled on enough so I guess this is the end. I hope whoever is reading this has a fun time reading it.


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