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a stirring account of one of the

most remarkable periods in the annals

of history

the political, religious,


ascendancy of Florence under the


The Florentine when genius was


Renaissance was a time

stimulated by spirited

and honored by generous pa

tronage. It was a time distinguished by


artists as


Fra Lippo Lippi and Bot Verrocchio and Donatello, Ghiber-

mid Bruuelleschi, and by such widely di veu en i writers and scholars as Boccac


Pico della Mirandola. Outstand



reigned over the



lue Lorenzo the Magnificent the benign prince and invisible tyrant and Savon

arolathe visionary who carried Florence with him on a wave of mystical enthu

What was

it like,

then, to



Florence during such an era?

Obsessed by money-making and im bued with a congenital zest for pointed schemes and the public ie, the FlounI








de wure, a love the beautiful, and



unique and



From con

t-uporsry diaries






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and cust:in


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945.5 L933d 68-70405 Lucas-Dubreton Daily life in Florence in the time of the Medici


0l 34


fl9/ MAY 26197551,;

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Daily Life

Time of Homer Emile Mireaux by

in the

Daily Life


Peru wider


Last Incas

by Louis Baudin

DaUy Life

in Carthage at the Time of Hannibal by Gilbert and Colette Charles-Picard

Cosimo de Medici


surrounded by

artists, architects

and engineers

(clockwise: Tribolo, Tasso, Vasari,

Ammanati, Bandinelli and

Fresco by Vasari in the Palazzo Vecchio, Florence





In the Time of the Medici






This translation

George Allen



Ltd, 1960

Translated from


Librairie Hachette, Paris,



par Presse-Avenir

All rights reserved no part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the pub

except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in magazine or newspaper.

First Printing

Printed in the United States of America

Library of Congress catalog card number: 61-8190


page 7

A City divided against Itself

The Signoria and Florentine Trade




HI Various Aspects of the Florentine Character IV Cosimo de Medici and the Advent of the Bankers


Lorenzo the Magnificent: an Era of Culture and


a Turning-point
in the

VI The Last Days of Lorenzo:

Daily Life of Florence



A Tour of the City and the Countryside

in Florence

VUUL Home-Life


IX Home-Life

in Florence


Public Life


Burghers^ Artisans

and Taxpayers

1 55



The Barbarian and the Prophet Uncertainty of the Times


171 185


Lives of the Artists


253 281


and Anecdotes


Life in the City during the Siege and under the Tyranny of Alessandro
Florence under the Yoke


The Decline:

the Gallery

of Masks








Cosimo de Medici







Panorama of Florence by Vasari facing page 32 Details from a fresco by Ghirlandajo: Matteo Franco
and Luigi Pulci, Lorenzo

Magnifico with Sassetti



Piero de Medici





Battista Alberti

by de


Detail from Gozzoli s Journey of the Magi*


6. 7.

Horse race

in the streets of Florence


Fresco by Ghirlandajo: Ficino, Landino, Poliziano and G. de Becchi Supposed Self-portrait of Botticelli



Cosimo de Medici, with

Fagade of the

Brunelleschi and Ghiberti





Vasari s portrait of Lorenzo de Medici

10. Festival in the Piazza della Signoria Jousting in the Piazza S. Croce 11.


Procession in the Piazza del The Mercato Vecchio



12. Florentine lady

with her two


Birth of the Virgin showing Florentine interior



The martyrdom of Savonarola

14. Piero di

Lorenzo de Medici Francesco de Medici Pier

Goldsmith s shop



Woollen manufacturing


wese musiraaons have been


taken from the Mansett Collection and are

by permission

Although Florence ruled over the territories surrounding her, she was not a State in the true sense of the term, but a City;

alone profoundly modified the daily



of her inhabi


Her boundaries were

birth to.


but not the ideas she gave because she was a city of intellect and also of

passions, rich in every kind of possibility, the events of history

echoed here more loudly than elsewhere. Whereas in great States such events are so to speak diluted and usually affect only certain classes of the population, they

were so much more powerfully concentrated

Florence, in as
in public

in the case of


as the Florentines


more or


a kind of equality prevailing

among them. The

nobleman did not

reside in his distant casde as in other States,

but in the town; the peasant was also a citizen; and there was a perpetual two-way traffic between town and country,

follows that Florence has been perpetually marked and

that history

moulded by history,

the very


of the City of

the Flower*, and cannot be separated from




be to risk distorting our picture of the


of the

an incomparable life, constantly in motion and with few parallels in the annals of mankind.



Guelphs and Ghibellines The origins of Florence - The
medieval city -Party

The Tumulto



Condottieri and Caballeria

lords, one named Guelf and the other Gibelin, were close but one day when returning from the hunt they quarrelled about a bitch and became mortal enemies, so that the barons and lords of Germany

Two German


were also divided, some siding with Guelf and others with Gibelin. Now, as the latter felt they were the weaker party, they appealed to the Emperor
I; their adversaries then appealed to Pope Honorius HI, who was at odds with the Emperor; and that is why the Holy See is Guelph and the Empire Ghibelline, and all because of a wretched bitch. Now it came to pass in the year 1215 that this evil strife invaded Italy, and in the following manner. There dwelt in the house of the Buondelmonti in Florence a wealthy and valiant knight who had pledged his troth to a daughter of the AmideL As he was passing the house of the Donati one day,


a lady called to

him and


Messer, I am astonished that you should have a leaning for one who would be scarce fit to unloose your shoes. I had been reserving my daughter
for you. I desire that


see her.*

And she forthwith called the girl, whose name was Ciulla, fairer and more
pleasant than any other maiden in Florence. I reserved for you/


she said,


the bride



in love at first sight.

ready to do as you wish. Ciulla for wife and gave her his ring.




before leaving he chose


Amidei and
his opinion

they heard that Buondelmonte had taken a different wife, the their friends swore to take vengeance. Each man was giving

when one said: Cosa fatta


which means

that a dead


never makes war*.

Buondelmonte was on his way back from breakfast bank of the Arno. Wearing a white gown and mounted on a snow-white palfrey, he was at the lower end of the Ponte Vecchio by die statue of Mars which the Florentines used to worship when they were pagans and where fish is sold now, when a band of men rushed out, pulled him from his horse and killed him.

On Easter morning
the far




Florence was in an uproar, and this man s death led to a cleavage among the nobility: the Buondelmonti became leaders of the Guelphs and the Amidei of the Ghibellines. Next, the seeds of evil faction were sown all over Italy,

and lords and peoples separated into two camps. Thus the Guelph and Ghibelline parties sprang up in Germany on account of a bitch and in Italy

on account of a woman.1

which reads like a philosophical tale, we owe to a novelliere of the fourteenth century, Ser Giovanni Florentine, a man famous among his compatriots, who were naturally enthusiastic for a city so exceptional and passion ately interested in its remote origins and in the dramas so numerous


throughout its history. The story has at least the merit of explain ing in a concise and artistic form the origin of the factions with

which the


of Florence was so often to be


How did the name of the city first arise? Was it from Fiorinus,
s generals? Or from the vast number of flowers that in that region? The former view was held by Benvenuto grow Cellini, the sculptor and goldsmith who lived for a time in the

one of Caesar

Petit-Nesle in Paris.


rejected the

etymology which made

Florence derive from Flttenda on the ground that the Arno flows (*flue ) through the city. This, he asserted, is utterly improbable,

because the Tiber does the same in


therefore believe and maintain that

Rome and the Seine in Paris. we are descended from a

man of valour. The artist

adventurer held, then, for Fiorinus.

the other hand Benedetto Varchi, that distinguished historian of the sixteenth century who was better to have


etymology. Flowers and lilies in the plain of the Arno, hence the name of grew abundantly

opinion, favoured the

the city built


among flowers. Supported by a passage in Vardhi also informs us that the first occupants of the

1 This classification was not destined to remain rigid. In the course of time and under the pressure of circumstances, it was to break down. Some times there were Guelphs who favoured the Emperors and Ghibellines who sided with the Pope.



country came down from the hill of Fiesole to establish ware houses in the plain, where they built cabins and later houses, because here they found it easier to market their produce. Florence was presumably founded, then, by merchants of Fiesole,

no matter for surprise that the Florentines have remained great merchants*. In the twelfth century they always threw off the yoke of Fiesole and annexed its territory. They were
and so
it is

great warriors in those days, but they were to get over it. The present view of scholars is this1 : Florence, which was


city and was certainly a Roman Camp divided into four quarters and having a capital and forum, was so called because of the abundance of wild flowers.

doubt an old Etruscan

Animated by the youthful energy which arose for some mysteri ous reason during the twilight of the Feudal Era, the Florentines established a Commune. It was the product of an economic revival of which they were literally the artisans. Thanks to a

new social group had been slowly making a group utterly different from the Societa deUe appearance, torri\ the men of the towers , nobles, more or less, of Germanic
privileged situation, a

origin, who were connected by birth and lived close together under the shelter of their fortified towers. It was, as we shall see, by means of a professional organization associated with an art

that the people

were able to force


way upward. This


was the dressing or finishing, and the dyeing, of woollen fabrics; and when the corporations in question had attained their full development, a dash with the nobility would be inevitable the beginnings of the class-war, for which Florence gave the signal,
as she did for so


other things.

In the twelfth century, however, the infant Commune appears to have been relatively quiet If we are to believe Dante, whose
testimony is rather suspect, since exile had inspired in him a certain nostalgia for the past, she remained sober and modest within the circle of her ancient walls . From this high moral tone
the declension seems to have been rapid. Political intrigues sprang up like a crop of toadstools, and the tribe of rhetorlciai^ whose

Antonio Panda, Storm

Firert$e (1949).



to appearance was inevitable in an age which was beginning honour the ancient world, were learning how to call together in

some public square

the disinherited classes and those



to better material conditions. This

was the call to parliament , another innovation, and one which was to be fruitful. Here the regime was transformed, constitutions were elaborated, magis trates and officials appointed. Disorder became the rule, and the ill calculated to quarrel between Guelphs and Ghibellines was


must now note a few

stages of this internecine struggle

which throws so



on the


on the years of

Medici domination.

The year 1250 saw the victory of the Guelphs, the adoption of the Constitution of the Primo popolo and the appointment of the
Capitano del popolo^ entrusted with the protection of the people s interests. Ten years kter the Tuscan Guelphs were defeated at

Montaperti by the Ghibellines of Siena, and Florence which was on the brink of destruction was saved only by a patriotic Ghibelline.


the wheel of fortune took another turn, and the Guelfa gained the upper hand.


But what is exceptional in all this is that, in spite of faction fights and sanguinary rivalries, the handicrafts, industries and commerce of Florence continued to develop. Florentine banks outstripped all others, entering into closer and closer relations with France, the Papacy and Southern Italy. This marked the advent of capitalism and of a new social class which was equally opposed to the nobles and the common people namely, the wealthy merchants or, if you like, the aristocracy of the counter. The year 1293 marks an important step in the evolution of Florentine politics. This year saw the promulgation of the Ordtnamenti delta Giastipa, by virtue of which every citizen was
obliged to enroll in a guild, or arte. He who did not enroll became a scioperato, a second-class plebeian. The noble was not exempt, far from it. The regulation was directed him. If he did against not enroll, he remained indeed a noble but had no to the

of citizen, was excluded from government and had no vote


in the Council.

his social


degrade a man, Florence



If Florence became the home of a higher culture, she owed it to the Republican spirit and still more to the existence of this mercantile aristocracy which was so different from the others.

The Venetian




a clique of conspirators,

who trembled in face of a and invisible police-state. The Neapolitan noble was mysterious an idler for whom honour consisted in^ar rdente. The Papal States
standing aloof from the populace

men who would


harboured another kind of nobility, pastoral and agricultural refuse to soil their hands in trade. In Florence,

the other hand, the democracy aimed at disparaging the old nobility and at the same time at absorbing it.



how men



speak of the feudal lords:


up the virtue of one s ancestors only by main hordes of dogs, falcons and horses, and by riding through taining woods and forests, is to seek nobility among animals. . . .
pretend to keep

Enthusiasm for hawking or hunting savours no more of nobility than birds* nests, or the lairs of wild animals, smell of a rosebower. Petrarch says: One is not born noble, one becomes


Florentine Palmieri writes:

The man who


reference to his ancestors virtue, exempts himself from merit. To give an example by one s own efforts, not by personal one s family s, is to merit honour. Thus the real noble is die child


of his own achievements. This was the creed of a true

citizen: work is the law, and a of the increasing share in public life taken by the consequence ard or guilds was to oblige the noble to carry the label of

commerce, even if he despised it. By reason of its organization which was founded on the crafts, the Pane Gudfa now dominated
the Republic.



It was not a state within the State, but the State aim was to level the classes, a task rendered easier

the feet that, unlike his fellows in France, the lord did not live in an isolated castle but in the city, in the Sacieta delle torn.


This process of levelling was not at all of a nature to promote peace. The arts were divided in their outlook and their policies.




the major arts, namely the wool carders and the bankers, were not averse to financing a war if it was likely to open up foreign markets and facilitate trade; whereas the minor arts, those of the stone-mason, the blacksmith, the innkeeper and so on,

were desirous only of peace,which favoured their trades; and soon a struggle was to begin between the popolo grasso and ihzpopolo mtnuto ,the fat* and the lean But this was not all. Behind the lean people thronged the horde of real plebeians, illiterate labourers, idiots ,1 who also wanted to force their way into the Republic and share in its deliberations and offices. Democracy has been defined as the soul of the citizens united in the common will This is good patter for
. .

the orator; but if the idea


pushed to




will lead to



And on all this was grafted a new occasion of discord in which the protagonists were now the upper middle-class whose wealth
was founded on trade and, on the other
side, the feudal patricians.

May Pia^a deUa Trinita the ladies were cele amid games and dances the return of summer. Festivity, brating and not tragedy, was in the air, when, of a sudden, a band of
1300 in the


(patricians) rode into the square

with the clear intent to

few members provoke a riot, and began to hustle the onlookers. of the Cerchi family (wealthy burghers) were violently jostled and

Swords were drawn, blood flowed and the crowd fled in panic. Several people lay wounded in the square, including one of the Cerchi whose nose had been

took the intrusion for an



These hostilities were duplicated by a war of factions, which broke out in the subject-town of Pistoia, between the Bianchi and
the Neri.

The former were backed by the

Cerchi, the latter

by the

Donati, there was more fighting and each side in turn banished its adversaries. Dante was the most celebrated of the exiles. The

had the upper hand, but not for long. Their leader was accused of aspiring to be tyrant and was killed in 1308.


From Greek


idiotes, Latin idiota^ originally a private individual, and a vulgar or unskilled person. (Translator)


men were overcome

or defence.

In a city rocked with such convulsions there were times when with fatigue and incapable of either attack

the Republic and fall into the or soldier of fortune. But such interludes power of a foreign prince usually brought the dictator to a bad end, and Florence would

They would then forget

then return to her succession of political contrivances and short lived constitutions. After the plague of 1358 she added a new


to her


in the

form of an admonition, of which

the object was to prevent anyone suspected of being a Ghibelline from accepting or filling a public office; the Ghibelline being

always regarded as the enemy. This admonition was equivalent to proscription, since men s minds were now so imbued with the
idea of public life that to be excluded from it seemed to reduce one to a mere cipher. But if one was excluded from office or usually outvoted, there



a means of possible redress: one could appeal to the

Consiglio delpopolo. It was a dangerous expedient. wealthy merchant and dema Salvestro de Medici, had recourse to it, and this led to gogue,


artisans who were not plebeian insurrection. The small in power, destroyed organized in guilds rose up against the classes

the old Republic, cancelled the burghers privileges and pro claimed a new republic of the poor. They set up the gallows in the Piazza della Signoria; and, as a symbol and occasion for merri

ment, hanged the bargello or chief of police. They next threatened the members of the government, who had shut themselves up in the palaffo, that they would kill their wives and children if they
did not surrender; and the lords* (signon^ then hastened out one by one, handing over the keys to the insurgents.



were headed by a certain Michele


Lando, a


workman who carded wool plebeian, a ragged and down-at-heels in a textile factory and whose wife and mother sold vegetables near the Stinche, the town gaol. But Michele was no common

He took possession of the Gonfalon della Giusdpa, installed himself in the palace and issued orders. His first move was to 1 Hence the Talazzo della Signom . (Translator)

establish three


new minor arti or guilds, including that of the or companions, a name which became attached to this Ciompi, revolution. 1 The establishment of the minor arts liberated the

plebs from the crushing patronage of the Arte delta lana, or Wool Weavers Guild. The registers of this guild were burned, and all
the guilds were

placed on a footing of equality. the Ciompi proved so brutal, incapable and Unfortunately absurd that Lando, whom they had raised to power, was over


come with

disgust and assisted in their overthrow. The art* of the Ciompiy the lowest of all the guilds, was suppressed, and reaction followed. At the beginning of the fifteenth century the

and the major

arts regained control

of the govern


who once visited Florence was amazed to hear and to see people running along the street with drawn shouting


What is

happening?* he asked.

nothing serious.

They are simply sharing

out the magis-


and other public offices. Umori that is, disturbances provoked by rival factions were the daily bread of the city. They were so usual that most people paid no attention unless these umori took a dangerous turn. Government worked in a succession of jerks and starts. The party in power would banish its rivals and proceed to remodel the government to suit its own interests; while, from far away, the
discontent in the city. Pistoia, Prato and Arezzo, which were subject to Florence, jealous of her power and at the same time torn by faction within themselves, joined in
exiles strove to stir


tbese intrigues.




Thus the Republic grew weaker and distrustful notion of a confederation with other Republics,

which would have increased her power and perhaps have made for stability, seemed quite inconceivable. At the end of the fifteenth century we find three parties in being:

The Tumulto









founded on the major


an aristocracy of

wealth into which the old

territorial aristocracy

was merging;

the middle class; and the artisans proper.

parties, fair Italy would dominate the world/ This observation of a satiric poet of the Renaissance errs by reason of ambitious pride, but is true in the sense in which and first of all, Florence dominated Europe by her Italy commercial expansion and intellectual and artistic brilliance. By 1338 Florence possessed more than two hundred factories producing annually eighty-thousand pieces of cloth; she was
silk industry, which had come from Sicily towards the thirteenth century, and the weaving of tapestry, an art intro

If she had no great

developing the

duced by French and Flemish workmen. Her merchants, who were

better informed than

anyone regarding the

financial condition


the nations, travelled throughout Europe, visiting their ware houses and founding banks. The Florentine florin was the princi
pal currency, the strongest and the most sought after. Florence in brief was become more than ever the seat of capitalism.

Meanwhile, unaffected by these practical and terrestrial interests, pure art continued to flourish. We shall explore this pleasaunce
in a later chapter. SufBce

to refer here to the buildings of an

urban or

civic character,

such as the Loggie of the Grano and the

Bigallo (near the Campanile and the Baptistery), and especially the Loggia dei Lanzi, as we now call it, which incarnated the majesty of the Republic*, as it was from there that the rulers

harangued the people. Finally a college, the Studioy was founded in the year of Dante s exile; and the works of Dante himself were
explained and

commented on by Giovanni Boccaccio.

This prosperity, alas! had its drawbacks. The Florentine had found a marvellous vocation for the arts of peace and lost any vocation for the art of war. It was natural. War distracted him

him from attending to business and making money. The maxim that A shopkeeper cannot go and fight was currently accepted, and the task of defending the country was entrusted to mercenaries. These soldiers of fortune, who were often foreigners^ served
his favourite pursuits, prevented



condottiere, a military leader

under a
of the





and sometimes tyrant of one man would hire out his


and thus was organized a sort of nomadic despotism. Hence the relations between Florence and the condottieri took the form of a commercial deal. A military enterprise involved only


considerations: the expense of supporting the troops which been hired, and the risk of being pillaged by the enemy. One

purchased a mercenary band as one would buy any other com modity. When a king of Naples asked a Florentine envoy how
Florence proposed to


resist him, the envoy replied: With your was in fact so. But if soldiering meant nothing to them, the Florentines liked to




pose as noble warriors. This


weakness is noted by Francesco

Look at all these workmen, he wool carders, odd fish of every description. They all says, bakers, want to be made knights, and not one of them has a horse or knows how to handle a weapon. Masters of smuggling who do exactly the opposite of what chivalry ordains. This is not cabatteria
Sacchetti, that racy news-writer.

but cacalerial





tournaments are their delight. A seventy-year-old fagade. Sunday was to remain famous as the hero of one of these tourneys. lawyer The pastime was harmless enough, after all, since the jousters hardly dreamed of running each other through. But the serious part of it was that for these amateur warriors the power of the State rested more on its finances than on the courage of its citizens.

and the bourgeois enjoy

this warlike





-The Gonfaloniere - The - Commercial Organization and the Hierarchy Growth of Trade in the fifteenth century
four quarters of Florence


He who would create a State in our day would find it easier to do so among men of the mountains where civilization does not yet exist than in the
it is

already corrupted. Thus a sculptor will more easily extract from a shapeless block than from a piece of marble roughly shaped by a clumsy hand.

fair statue

observation of Machiavelli, the founder of political


science, applies exactly to his like a block of marble


country, which was

constantly chipped and broken and

which never managed

stability, except in the


become a

with any chance of

hour of dictatorship.

Many countries, including France, have played at constitutionmaking, but none has ever surpassed Florence at the game. Her political character seems to have been congenitally deformed. It would be painful for the reader to follow all the ups and downs of these political schemes, which our own age has inured us to, and in which some of our compatriots, such as Sieyes, took a
positive pleasure. In any event, it is easy to diagnose the case of the Florentines. They were the first people, since the andent

a chronic

Greeks, to be infected with the mai}ia for constitution-making disease. Such subjects as the relations between social

classes, the characteristics

of various regimes, the rule of the middle-class versus lower-class, pure demo nobility, tyranny,

of democracy, government by a ruling house, theocracy and so on these were what excited their interest and on these they founded doctrines, theories and
cracy, modified democracy, facade

perilous experiments, Florence was a sort of political laboratory, ill-kept and so



encumbered with apparatus that we shall study only one of the durable forms of government which gives some notion of what can be produced by a marvellously intelligent people1 when it
loses itself


die ruts of political sophistry.

Florence was divided into four quarters: San Spirito (beyond the Arno), Santa Croce, Santa Maria Novella and San Giovanni;

each quarter being in turn divided into four gonfalons with individual names: the Ladder, the Shell, the Dragon, the Golden
Lion, the Viper, the Unicorn, and so on. There was not a citizen but enrolled under one of these sixteen gonfalons, or banners, and
in case of need

had to repair to the Palazzo della Signoria to fight for the people s liberty. Thus the gonfalon was the civic unit. The supreme magistracy at first belonged to eight Priori, two

from each quarter, then to twelve Buoni Uornini (or Buonomini\ three from each quarter, who acted as counsellors, and finally to the Gonfcdordere della Giusti^ia^ a creation of the famous egali tarian ordinances of which we have already spoken. Priors, good men , and gonfalonieri such was the trium virate which formed the Signoria. The gonfalordere had to be at
least forty-five years

of age. On the morning when he entered he received the banner with a red cross on a white ground, and this he kept in his room in the Palazzo della Signoria. If he rode out, everyone escorted him. like ceremonial attended the appointment of the Priors. The shops closed, the


his duties,

people assembled in the square, received the outgoing Prior and

accompanied him to his home. During their term of office, these lords were lodged in the palace, where they were excellently treated and waited on by a large body of servants in green livery, bearing the insignia of the

Commune. The


was hung with

tapestries, the table



fair linen


silver plate, the

food excellent

thanks to a

Conversely, Walter Bagehot argues that a certain degree of stupidity needed in a nation if it is to have a good and stable government.






of three hundred gold florins. To add to the monthly there were singers, musicians and buffoons, in addition to luxury a notary who recorded the proceedings and a chancellor who

attended to the correspondence. It was a lordly establishment, and one to be envied. Citizens

was not easy. If you was necessary that your father or grandfather should himself have been invested with one or other of the three magistratures. In that case your name was imborsato, that is, placed in a purse, or urn, from which it might one day emerge. Then you would be either seduto^ which meant that you were in posses
infinite pains to


be elected, but

aspired to office,

office; or veduto^ a word reserved for a person who for office, but had not in fact exercised it. eligible All these refinements of red tape lent themselves to the shadiest man would intrigue to be imborsato even if he could schemings.

sion of a public


the conditions, or if he wanted to keep out a rival. But the purse, what an honour! You donned the lucco, the gown of pink, violet or crim



your name should indeed be drawn from

son; ushers and mercenary guardsmen with long bucklers escorted you to the palace, and here you received ambassadors and were a

great man.

Although he was not paid, the lord did well out of his position. While maintaining his commercial activities, he exploited his temporary influence to favour his friends and bully or persecute his competitors; and he took precautions to reduce the number of the latter by means of the specchio^ a book in which, for each quarter and gonfalon, the names of those who had not paid their taxes, or were otherwise debtors of the Commune, were in scribed. If your name was in the speccfdo^ you were ineligible

for office.
Signoriy being usually at odds, would fail to reach any become bogged down in votes on contradictory motions or on the question when to use the beans placed before


decision and

them, a black bean meaning yes, a white bean no. Once, towards

midnight the story goes, the Gonfalonlere delta Giustupa who was presiding called for the keys of the hall, sat on them, and swore



no one should leave if the meeting did not agree to what he desired; the members would be served with food in the hall itself until they had given in.
another occasion, the Gonfaloniere this time an easy going big-wig read out the proposal for discussion. The talking began and trailed on and on. ... During all this time one of the
lords, a remarkable politician named Niccol6 Uzzano, shall meet later on, slept like a log. After several hours,


whom we

whether he had had his sleep out or had been awakened, he climbed heavily to the rostrum, said what he thought in a few words, and

everyone agreed.


was the prototype of a Parliamentary


existed, in addition to the Signoria, three important

officials were not Florentines: an arrangement designed to ensure their impartiality, at least in theory. These were the Podesta^ whose existence dated from an early period and who, with the assistance of notaries and doctors of law, supervised



and dowries and looked after civil lawsuits; die Capitano del Popolo* who was guardian of the city; and the Executor* whose business was to keep an eye on any intrigues on the part of
the grandi against the people, whether grasso or minuto*. All three had to deal with persons condemned by the courts: exiles,

homicides, thieves, forgers, etc. Here, you might think, is a fairly ample sheaf of institutions. You can be reassured: there were others. The Priors deliberated
in conjunction with other councils: the Consiglio del Popolo (ten members from each gonfalon), the Ten Counsellors of ,



heard complaints relating to fraud, deceit or molestation; the Ten of the Balk*, who functioned in war-time; and the Eight of the Guard* who were the State Police. This was not all; but the m3m point is that this swarm of debating-dubs, these wheels within wheels that suggest some monstrous piece of machinery, dogged any efficiency in government. Six meetings were required


the Constitution of 1325 the Podesta presided over the Consiglio del

Comtme, which contained 125 nobles and 125 popolanL The Capitano presided over the ConsigKo del Popdo.





to veto the smallest credit, to send a dying man to the hospital, or to have a wardrobe repaired. Red-tape the plague of modern



or not


its letters

of nohility.

still, Signoria held office for only two months, which meant that elections were perpetually in candidate for the post of Prior would be progress. feverishly



member of the

canvassing, while the Prior in office was doing his best to exploit the last days of his greatness.

malady of minute controls. The exact making a helmet, for example, was fixed; the objects a shopkeeper might sell were limited: one was not allowed to trespass on one s neighbour s specialities. Then, as they prepared to vote, the people would rebel in exasperation. It was a means of blowing off steam sfogarsi. Men flew to arms, fought, killed and banished each other. Florence was like the sick man described by Dante as continually shifting his position in bed


this the

amount of steel

to be used in

in order to escape pain.

The cultured burgher felt little respect for a political system so absurd, and ended by despising democracy. The stupidity of appointing a cobbler to deliberate on the making of laws, the
administration of the Republic and the conduct of war! you know what the bell-ringer does when he wants to advise the


government? He comes down into the square and sings. Oh, the folly of sacrificing rest and liberty in order to be preceded by trumpeters or to brandish a baton as you walk! Such men respect so far as these bring them profit, they justice and honesty only value know how more than anything else, get in tow behind an
influential citizen, join those sects or coteries that will assist their in intrigues, in order to get their shop on the side of the men

power*, so as to make money and find dowries for their daughters and the Republic suffers. Riddled with corruption, it prevents

men of wisdom and

merit from making their way; or, if they


succeed, they are beset with so much jealousy and persecution that they rebel out of disgust, and either die or are driven oufc.





a few examples of local politics that reveal the tenor of

in Florence:

-e delta Giustipa. receives promise of support from the most influential elector in his quarter; but a friend he has in another quarter puts him on

A citizen of merit aspires to become Gonfalonier

That man he





deceiving you.

It s


who moved

your exile, and the proposal will be put through in a fortnight. There s nothing to be done. The good citizen was in fact banished, and simply because he was a capable man and his fellow citizens
did not want

him to outdistance them. was the case of Agnolo Acciaiuoli, a member of an old family, whose only fault was that he kept in touch with certain exiles. One of his kinsmen, on hearing that the Signoria in suspicion, galloped to his held him property, rushed into his



and threw into the fire all the papers he found there very compromising papers which would have landed him into a sorry mess Hardly were the documents consumed when the maceoffice

bearer of the Signoria arrived, searched the premises but drew a blank. As, owing to lack of proofs, it was impossible to prosecute he was banished to Cephalonia. Agnolo,


as regards banishment the record

was unquestionably held

by Palla Strozzi, an eminent citizen, a distinguished Hellenist and a very handsome person. People had only to see him pass by, to
exclaim- "There goes Messer Palla". He had everything a man needs to be happy: a charming wife and thriving children. But for fiscal reasons (he was overburdened with taxes and found difficulty in paying) and political reasons (he favoured peace and

was opposed to innovations ), the Signoria exiled him to Padua. Although he was then sixty-two the age for repose at home, his Mographer says he accepted his misfortune philosophically, idfiising to speak ill of Florence, or even to hear the city dispar aged After ten years, his exile was renewed; and ten years later it was again renewed. When he was informed of the Signoria s <Iedsion he merely observed that his good conduct had been of no
use to

Mm. One of his

sons was murdered, another died, then he lost his






whom at his age he greatly needed The last of his children,

the fortunes of his house, died await death, which came when

who he had hoped would restore also. He had now himself only to

he was over ninety-two, sound in body and mind. In the times of the Roman Republic, he would have been a great man/ Examples of such dogged malice were not uncommon. Matteo
Bandello, the great sixteenth-century noveUiere^ went as far as
people who have been driven from Florence, and all miserably assassinated, were gathered together, they would populate a city far greater than Florence is today.
I think that if all the

who have been

Whether by its own fault or its evil destiny, the Pearl of the Arno was marvellously subject to internal discord and division ,
to the frightfully complicated

mechanism of



ment, which was continually hatching



Florentine trade was saturated with politics, nor did




this, at least as

regards simplicity. Let us inspect these

corporations, where the seven major arts* confronted the fourteen minor arts , and not forget the Florentine maxim recorded by


He who

has no possessions


regarded as a mere




and the source of

civic wealth,

was the guild of

Calimala, a name famous in Italy and derived perhaps from a street of ill repute, the Calis malus or Via Mala. Its object was to import

raw or undressed cloths, which were put back on the looms and worked up into fine cloths. The Florentines obtained their raw material from Flanders, England and especially from France. They had branches or warehouses, as weD as hostelries, in Paris,
Caen, Rouen, Provins, Montpellier, Avignon, Marseille and Toulon; so that a considerable Italian colony, augmented by the
influx of exiles,


installed in

France under the direction of a

Captain General. Note that to reach Avignon from Florence took fourteen days, Montpellier sixteen and Paris twenty-two,



The rough imported





who undertook

to full


press and smooth, and

the corpora finally cut

For the purpose of dyeing the fabric, they used guado (blue), robbia (red) and oricello (crimson). With oricello and a little robbia one obtained scarlatto d oricello a very fashionable colour. When each piece of cloth had been prepared and marked with the seal of the corporation and with a label, it was rolled into a bale of felt, or coarse linen, doubled, and stamped with the arms of Calimala. In view of the instability of civic government, this Guild of the

Cloth Merchants1 very wisely governed

dated from the

itself. Its statutes,


early fourteenth century, were a marvel of minutiae. Every six months the merchants elected four consuls and a chamberlain, and these representatives then appointed their Prior. All had to be Guelphs and well affected to the Roman

Church. Each shop was protected like a private domain, no cloth might be transferred, no street-display was allowed, business was


no games of chance (so injurious to good business) be played on the premises, and the opening and closing of might the cash-books were strictly controlled. A notary saw to it that the statutes were duly observed, and enquiry was made if any com


workman or apprentice appeared

richer than

he ought to

No companion could marry outside Florence without special



consuls were responsible for enforcing the observance of Saints Days, according to the rites of the Church

and the

rules of Calimala. Finally, no cloth might be sold, or indirectly under penalty of a heavy fine unless it direcdy were of French, Flemish or English origin. One had to keep one s customers. Thus the trading Republic operated within the frame work of the political Republic.

o Hamdadnrers

the Guild it, of Woollens2 imported its raw material from Spain, Portugal and England, and processed the wool from begin 3 ning to end. The Silk Manufacturers Guild had been prosperous

Calimala set the general pattern. In company with


dd Mercand di



Arte detta Lana.


3 Arte della Seta.






from the end of the thirteenth century. It also had its consuls and was distinguished for the splendid fabrics it produced for lords and great ladies; silken garments adorned with paintings, or
of gold, spangles or filigree

As he prospered

in trade, the Florentine, as

Dante observed,

naturally embarked on money-changing and banking. Hence a new 1 major art, that of the Banker, who sat in the Mercato Nitovo^ in

front of his office or Banco^ beside a table covered with green the colour of administration a purse and a ledger. cloth

Since the letter of exchange had been invented, there was


more fear of theft. Money circulated invisibly all over Europe, thanks to the Florentines who had their branches and factors*
had become everywhere, and dealt in a sound currency. Florence and its money was at a premium. a banking-house

Calimala, wool-stapling, the silk trade and banking constituted the leading arts; while the judges and notaries were their legitimate
as a Florentine proudly observed, Bologna is the offspring. If, for doctors of the law, our city is the nursery for doctors nursery

in the profession of notary/ After the jurists came the apothecaries and druggists, important dealt not only in drugs but in spices and other pro because


duce from the Levant, including precious stones. The fact that in of this guild is enough to 1295 Dante registered as a member
indicate its prestige.
furriers completed the group of the seven privileged Here too the regulations were detailed and meticulous, and A bankrupt had to delinquents were remorselessly prosecuted. to obtain his discharge, had, repair to the Mercato Nuovo, and, with his bare behind, to strike three times on the site of the chariot of the city. This was a circular carroccio, the symbolical with marble flags, alternately white and black. In a space paved merchant community the sanction for discharge had to be public. Each major art of course had its banner: golden stars on a field azure for judges; a white sheep on a bright red field for wool-




an Agnus Del on a


azure for furriers.



dd CamKa*



After the suppression of the Ciompi the minor arts had been reduced to fourteen* At the top came the butchers whose stalls




in the

Mercato Vecchio (Piazza Vittorio-Emmanuele);

. .

then the blacksmiths, shoe-makers, carpenters, tavern-keepers, hotel-keepers, tanners, dealers in oil, salt and cheese . and lastly
the bakers,

whose guild was the most despised because


was the

of access.
democratic organization was a mere fagade, and naturally under which one could register were such


so, since the conditions

of about a hundred thousand, only three were real citizens, eligible for public office. thousand five hundred Power had to be kept respectable.
that out of a population

In the course of time the guilds were modified and concentrated.


now in the hierarchy came the judges and notaries, and they

began to absorb each other. The wool-staplers ran 273 shops, the silk-weavers and mercers 84 a prosperous community. Banking became more and more concentrated. Of the 72 banks that
existed in 1422, only 33 remained fifty years later, but they

were sound and flourishing concerns. The tentacles of commerce, meanwhile, were reaching out in

every direction. Thus in 1421 twelve young men belonging to the best families set out for Alexandria to negotiate with the Soudan*

and to found warehouses and banks. Florence was soon to outstrip the East in the manufacture of brocades and cloth of silver; and, along with Venice, to become the great depot for the supply of jewels^ pearls and objects of finery. The Acciaiuoli installed themselves in Naples and even in Athens; the Scolari, who had o^ce been banished, settled in Hungary. But the country with which Florence maintained the steadiest commerce was France. Guelph sympathies had drawn them together of old, and when in 1452 ambassadors were sent to the court of Charles VII, they were instructed to remind the King of the dose bonds which had united the two countries for centuries, and also to recall that Charlemagne had once delivered Florence

(above} Matteo Franco

and Luigi Pulci


Details from a fresco in


CMesa de

S, Trinita







with three members of the







from the Lombards. It is true that the social system beyond the Alps was very different. In France even in cities which had tradeguilds, there existed a large proportion of craftsmen

who worked


imposed, was

yet the opposite system, which Florence not a source of inferiority.


The City of Flowers* was a great commercial establishment; and in her eyes Venice and Genoa were simply rivals to be sup

Even Dante, in the course of his wanderings through 1 Hell and through Heaven, never loses sight of the florin and, like others, dreads anything that might debase its value. Gradually
at first realising

and without

the Florentine merchant was

becoming a cosmopolitan, practical and experienced, enriching and polishing his personality by contact with other customs and

man who has breathed the sea-air and is the exact of a narrow-minded fossil. opposite At the same time his aptitudes were widening, and we shall soon see him changed into a diplomatist. Diplomacy is after all a kind of trade, under fair and somewhat obvious colours , as

Comines remarks. To maintain a nice balance between upright ness and knavery, to preserve the outer appearance of an honest man and, once your reputation for honesty is established, to act

you please and tell lies when convenient such was the good method which Machiavelli was to formulate. If it was not very satisfactory from the moral point of view, who was to blame?
those princes who, by deceiving your ambassadors, have compelled them to use the weapon of deceit.
that the Florentine, whether merchant or of, and that was to be a dupe.


There was one thing politician, had a horror

1 The Florentines had Begun to coin florins in 1252, to commemorate die extension of their power in Tuscany, following their victory over Pisa and






independence-!. B.




- Some


comic -Grace

expressions and refinement - Love

- The


complete of

of gambling




Religion notable churchmen


as they

were with


and money-making,


the Florentines might well appear as a most unattractive and Dante first of all people, and there were writers

did not spare them.


of men, greedy and envious Arrogance and of quick profits have so corrupted them that Virtue is treated love as an enemy and driven out like a snake Fosterling of Lucifer; or,

A conceited race

to quote the politicians, the well-steered bark ! And what of the Arno? a stream that rises where unclean swine wallow, then flows

past the snarling curs of Arezzo, lingers long enough for the wolves of Florence to lap its waters, and finally descends to the foxes of Pisa!

This chaplet of anathemas, which Dante so liberally bestows on Tuscany as a whole, would prove (if proof were needed) to what extremes the Florentines let themselves be carried by partisan hatred. But Varchi shows us the other side of the picture:


Florentines excel other nations in



they apply themselves


Apart from commerce, which reputed to be great men and

the real foundation of their city, they are skilful; expert also in the arts of painting,

It sculpture and architecture, which they exercise at home and abroad. was they who revived the study of Greek and Latin. I have always been very much surprised to see that in these men who have been accustomed from childhood to carry heavy bales of wool and baskets of silk and who spend all day and a large part of the night glued to their looms and


there should dwell so great a spirit

and such high and noble thoughts.



Varchi ascribes this privilege to the climate, Florence lying midway between the ratified atmosphere of Arezzo and the heavy

adds that his countrymen are better fitted to rule and that they are incapable of any kind of modera than to obey,

of Pisa.


tion. If fools, they are great fools, if clever extremely clever; but the intelligent outnumber the stupid, and it has been said that to destroy the world, you would have first to remove

the time of the jubilee of 1300 Pope Boniface VIII had proclaimed that the Florentines constituted
the Florentines.







fame had gone on



Nicholas V, a highly cultured Pope of the fifteenthcentury, was asked why he had no Italian servants, he replied:

Because they are too lofty of spirit and always wish to climb higher; whereas a Frenchman or a German, whatever work

you put him beyond it.

to, is satisfied

with his task and does not look



was not

in fact a stick-in-the-mud.

grasso or minuto

or lean

he would

strive to

Whether become an

singolare, quite naturally,


He would make

himself singular


his dress, if he

modesty or hypo had no

other means.

To follow the herd was abhorrent to him; he was no

on the occasion of a sus copy-cat. Emile Gebhart relates that at the end of the nineteenth century, the picious epidemic, Italians set up furnaces on the frontiers and at the entrance to
cities, to

fumigate newcomers, and foreigners were more or


undergo this unpleasant ordeal. When on Florence Gebhart smelt no whifFof the poison which the reaching had made him breathe at Milan and Bologna, he
to politely required


asked the strapping porter

who was

you don t fumigate

are in Florence!



carrying his luggage: So Signer*, was the reply. Here we

in these words.

Everything was
creating his

summed up



prided himself on being

own world

ordinary rules; and he

initiating, inventing, exceptional, a world not built according to the had the requisite qualities for the task. He


was sharp-witted, fundamentally


with a passion for




the novel, the rare and the beautiful; merry too and ever ready amuse himself at the expense of others.
If you are to deal with a Tuscan,

is certainly helpful on such occasions, but he is so and good-humoured, and he has so keen and often so charming profound an understanding of the way of the world. Here is a specimen of the complete Florentine, endowed with

Chi ha a fare con Tosco nan vuole esser losco^ runs an old proverb. you can t afford to be one-eyed.

every gift a man whom we encounter at the very moment when the Medici dynasty is about to take root. Born at Genoa in 1404, but into a Florentine family which had


exiled, persecuted

been executed, and


and decimated (three of his kinsmen had had been hired to dispose of others), and hard



Battista Alberti spent his early years in poverty to Florence, however, he was returning


Cosimo de Medici, who caused his property to be restored to him; and he now became a horse-tamer and a sort of athlete.
he could jump over the shoulders often he was unmatched in fencing with a pike, he could pierce an iron breastplate with an arrow. Supporting his left foot against the wall of the Cathedral, he would throw an

Holding his

feet together


in succession,


placed on the ball of his foot, he would make his horse circle round without moving the rod. His feats made one think of a succession of
ancient bas-reliefs.

right over the dome. Sometimes, mounted on horseback holding a slender rod in one hand, with the lower end


This Alberti of the strong and youthful features was more than a gymnast. Musician, singer and organist, he had a vocation for the arts. He knew Latin, Greek and Law; he studied until he


weak; then conceived disgust even for the letters of the alphabet which he likened to twisted scorpions, and decided for a life of
gaiety; only to return before long to his studio. friend of Brunelleschi, Donatello and Luca della Robbia, he would disconcert them with his eccentricities; bearish and taciturn

one day, amusing and witty on the morrow. But everyone admired his universal genius. Tell me , people said, what that




man hasn t known about He wrote on the breeding of horses, on offences and punishments, on the secrets of women s clothing,
on navigation and
read with interest.




His book on painting may still be art , he wrote, of which the study

or the practise, at any age, brings greater pleasure to those He invented numerous recipes familiar with it, or unfamiliar
for pigments and instructed beginners in the theory of tonal an values, for he was a painter himself. He was even more architect. The Medici palace in the Via Larga was partly his work,

and he was responsible for the Church of St Francis



a pure Renaissance edifice. He was liberal in giving the public the benefit of his ingenuity as he was tireless in every manner of invention. In his chamber

of optical illusions you might see in succession, thanks to a

contrivance of lights and shadows, vast landscapes; or the moon and stars shining above sombre mountains, or misty gulfs, or

waves. Such marvels, including a number of ships cleaving the in his treatise on mathematics distorting mirrors, are explained

amusement. He painted a panorama of Rome, salvaged a Lake of Nemi, composed a dialogue on galley from the home life, family management and female perversity. And he


wrote only in Italian; he felt no respect for the pedantic theorists and smug admirers of classical Latin, because he wished to be readable and accessible to all men, and so, like Dante, he defended



which he declared to be

as clear

the language of the humanists.


here too, as

and elegant as we shall see, he

was original. While free from the




ancient art, he never superstitious cult of that was fair of form: a flower, a landscape,

had a rule, or canon , for under and was as much at ease in the standing the beauties of nature, air as in his studio. Open to every kind of experience, curious open of Leonardo da Vinci and and inventive, he was a true man,


and animal.


precursor enable us to realize the greatness of Florence. But Alberti was an exceptional being. What distinguished the he had ceased to regard the average Florentine was the fact that

one of the men




world in the medieval way, that is, as a place of exile for penitents, but as a source of joy which man should know how to make the most o He was like the sundial: Sine Sole Sileo "When there is no sun I am silent/ Gay parties he adored, parties where you could in all freedom, and laugh play, or sing, or gossip and tell stories
at the specatacle of the

human comedy. And

so he tried to follow

the advice of the poet of Ferrara: Let every man put his troubles in a box, and there lock up his sorrows and gloomy thoughts . . .

and then lose the key/ Although violent on occasion, he was by nature cheerful and independent, and his language racy and picturesque. When happy he would say: It s raining caresses/ When He is good for my skin , someone pleased him: Mi va alpelo or again, 1 carry him in the palm of my hand/ If he understands his wife s character, he knows the trot of his mare If hesitant:

hover on wings , or I am picking my brains/ If, like a good tradesman, he is afraid of losing his time: Don t think that I shall go away with my hands full of flies/ If angry, he puts his

patience under his feet . To hate his neighbour


to tear out his tongue


the neck

to bungle a business deal is to remain with dry teeth ; to compli cate it is to look for five legs on a sheep . To learn how to himself: See that you don t practise patience, he would repeat to
is to pound water in spoil the pheasant s tail/ To do a useless job a mortar or to wash bricks . long-faced, melancholy fellow seems to him to be holding back his soul with his teeth ; but a


man is as heavy as macaroni water*. common sense is summed up in such maxims as: He who transacts his own business does not soil his hands or A bird in

worth two in the bush/ 1 Keen of eye and sharp of tongue* defined the Florentine. His rejoinders could be cutting. An irritable young woman once called her man an ass. If you were an ox instead of a cow , he



Literally: *A chaffinch in the hand is worth a thrush in the bush/ Some of the above expressions sound very odd in English; but to replace them with

English idioms


to lose something of their flavour.





Ve should look well standing with the Holy Family by

the manger.

And nothing delighted him more than Ions mots and which he would take pride in repeating. Once when a woman was drowned and her husband was seen looking for her upstream, You should look for her downstream , a friend advised 1 should never find her , was the reply. When alive, she him. was so strange and contradictory that she can now only be moving against the current. And here was another story that amused him: A priest who had found only bad pennies in the offertory and who responded by having sulphur burned in the censer, explained to the faithful, disgusted by the smell, that when he went to market he was given sulphur instead of incense just as they, the faithful, had given him bad pennies instead of good.

Some anecdotes, such as the following, are particularly instruc A Duke of Milan was displaying his treasure to the ambassa dor of Florence with the idea of intimidating him. The piles of
ducats, he thought,

The ambassador took up

would demonstrate his ability to make war. a few in his hand. Tine things. he
it s

murmured, and all bearing the stamp of our city. You can imagine

how many we have,

we who

coin them.

The Florentine also loved quaint stories and practical jokes. Mountebanks enchanted him. There was the story of one who, on
drinking bout, rose at dawn to get a breath of But he opened the wardrobe by mistake for the window, and seeing it was dark inside, crept back into bed. And then there was the adventure of the she-bear. One night the great bell of Santa Maria in Campo began to ring furiously, which brought people out of their beds, running hither and thither and asking where
fresh air.

morrow of a

was a fire. The parish priest ordered his clerk to light a sacred candle, in order to exorcise the evil spell, and to go to the church. With his hair standing on end, the poor fellow took two


for everyone

plucked up

his courage,

he took forward. Finally, having he approached the church exclaiming:

In manus tuas, Domine/ But, oh, father, die devil is in there/ All that was in the church was a tame she-bear that some practical
jokers had fastened to the bell-rope*


the citizens remarked


amid their laughter that it would not have happened if the clergy had been less negligent. The church door had remained open because they would not spend a mere five soldi on a bolt.
If we need proof of the artistic subtlety of the Florentines, we shall find it in their songs; for they were essentially singers, no doubt of those fine voices we admire in their possessed

descendants. Here


the refrain of a dancing-song:

An hundred,

and yet one, are we; In heart and will we re all united.

Let every dancer jump for glee. And he who will not dance, be blighted!

Or again,

a song in praise of the fain

More white than mother s milk are you. More red than dragon s blood your hue.



your casement you appear,

The sun is risen*, we declare. The sun is rising, the moon sinks lower, (Say good morn to your lover). The sun has risen, the moonlight goes
(Say good even to your rose).



You were And:


O rose that I plucked from the green bough,

planted in a garden of love



my rosy lips my husband is stranger to


But the grace of these melodies can only be conveyed


in the

the Divine

These people know Dante s ballads. They even sing verses of and sometimes murder them1 To Comedy vary the 1 Once, when passing the forge of a blacksmith who was thus

tongs, and threw them into the street. What the devil are you doing? cried the blacksmith. And what areyo* doing? Following took. trade; and you are spoiling If you don t want me to don t mine. damage your

his verses,

Dante walked


in, seized the

hammer and






subject, they are expert in


composing part-songs, accompanied by pantomime, on themes taken from everyday life. Now it is the townsman setting off to fish or hunt, or to see a house on fire;

now, a girl going to gather flowers, or again, to get herself weighed


the miller.


tone here

is less


How fat you are, my girl!*

*May Heaven

you, churl 1*

The Florentine also had a peculiar passion for games of chance,

and, despite the veto of the Church and the lay authorities, he would play in the open street. The city was always in the van

guard of novelties. At the end of the fourteenth century a certain Buonaccorso Pitti inspired pride in his compatriots. He was a
merchant, a traveller, a speculator, a diplomat and a professional gambler who won and lost sums so enormous that no one but

from Savoy, Brabant or Bavaria would play with him a frequenter of gambling dens long before Casanova. This love of risk and the chance of gain brings us back to the trader, with his utilitarian morals. Here is a merchant s advice to
his son:
It is



wise to be inconspicuous in one s person, one s family and way of life. people know more than half of what you own, and so never have

your crops brought to the house, because the neighbours will say you have enough for six families. Send the produce straight to market. Never trust anyone. . . One need not be afraid of lying, provided it harms no one; but one should lie only just enough to win a reputation for truthfulness.

Happy the man who can

sighs another merchant,


most from the poor

Commune ,

less scrupulous.

Bernardino of Siena, a famous preacher who was travelling round




about that time, was particularly severe on the merchants on Sundays and feast-days, sold on credit, traded in

*You are singing from my book, but not as I have no otter trade, and you are spoiling it,* composed On another occasion he met a peasant who, while singing the Divine Comedy, was crying: Gee up!* to his nag every few moments. *I didn t write that word,* growled the poet, as he smote the man over the shoulders.

What am



to seek a fortune abroad.

Church or left their wives

He denounced

the cunning of those who counted out change hurriedly so as to filch a part of it: See now, see now . . . i, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14,
17, 19, 20!* He urged the draper not to stretch his tape-measure too tightly, and not to take advantage of the customer s ignorance.

You go and sell your wares in the public square. If a stranger asks: How much is that? you reply: Thirty soldi*. But to a citizen you sell it for twenty.
to his inspiration, Bernardino strives to inculcate charity in these skinflints. Their wives, he says, should take a little cooked food, a few small garments, to the poor*.


vests, I

did you take to those wretched prisoners? I ask you. A couple of m told, and two pairs of drawers and a pair of old stockings full of

holes. I think

you ll

die in the midst of your trading.

Yet these Florentines who are for ever conning their accountbooks, for ever bent on filthy lucre, are creatures of imagination, prone to believe in visions and accept fantastic rumours. They tremble when someone tells them that near Como, four thousand dogs have been seen running towards Germany; and after them a great herd of cattle, and after them a crowd of armed men on horse and on foot, some without heads, others with heads scarcely visible, and lastly a gigantic rider. They are terrified of ghosts,

To exorcise an apparition, they the grave, quarter the body, burn the heart and cast the open ashes to the four winds of heaven.


they consider maleficent.


More and more,

becoming obsessed

in these years, every class of society was by anything fantastic or even absurd. Super

remained firmly anchored in their minds. sceptic endowed a wealth of Renaissance enlightenment , a man who affects with

to deride the supernatural or miraculous elements of religion, open-mouthed to tales of fairies and wizards, and remains

the most credulous of mortals.


in vain that

Dante had depicted a procession of sorcerers,

in Hell, with their heads twisted so as to look only to the rear. They had wished to see the future and now their tears flow, not


to their breasts but into the

hollow of

their backs.




people admired and sought them out. prosecute and punish those who call up






capable of doing


continued none the


less to

operate underground.

People consulted them, and

century that they began to

was only in the early sixteenth lose favour and to emigrate northward.

But astrologers exercised their mystery in the open. They were scholars, university professors or state officials. It was all very well for Matteo Villani the chronicler to say: Astrology is a
vice that the Florentines have inherited with other superstitions 5 from their idolatrous Roman ancestors. As early as the thirteenth

century Florence had her municipal astrologer in the person of Guido Bonatto, whose business was to indicate the day most
favourable for a great enterprise, such as war. Saturday was

regarded as of ill omen. In later times maestro Pagolo, who conferred with monks and led an ascetic life, tried to turn astrology into a moral science, and

Cosimo de Medici among


others listened to him. Sceptics were

A belief in the influence of the stars was general, especially

the exiles whose numbers were legion in an age of civil Soon every family of consequence maintained an astrologer


a poor sort of devil, as a rule who cast the children s horo scopes and advised the master of the house. But in this respect the
Florentine was merely imitating the great ones of the earth, from the prince to the condottiere, who all kept planetaries* (as they

were then



their retainers. 1

Alchemy also had its adepts. One of the most famous was Cosimo Rosselli (1439-1506), a Florentine painter of great talent, whose passion for the science was such that he squandered all his substance on it and fell from ease into poverty. And lastly, in the lowest rank, came the practitioners of sorcery, an art with many adherents. Its principal centre was at Norcia, in
the high Apennines, but it had an important branch at Fiesole near Fontelucente. Here you might see strange beings coming to draw water: creatures with false


Duchy of Spoleto, among

eyes which they remove and put back as old men do with their 1 Recall Scott s description of Louis XPs astrologer.



spectacles and false teeth, which they change as women change their frisons; they stroll ab out in the markets, and even in churches,

and scrutinize you closely. Beware of the ghouls! Here to conclude this excursion into the fantastic




of a magician who is both and sorcerer. He is tall and handsome, with an imposing astrologer glance, a sombre countenance and a black beard that descends on
novelliere Grazzini s portrait

to his breast.

The quest of the philosopher s stone has ruined him.


possesses philtres, magic letters, phylacteries, alembics, furnaces, eyes of lynxes, the slaver of a road dog, a dead man s bones, a cord that has hung a man, daggers that have been used


assassins, the collar-bone and knife of Solomon, plants and seeds gathered during the various phases of the moon. He under stands astrology, physiognomony, chiromancy, and a hundred

other sciences as subtle, firmly believes in old witches, 5 and takes part in all witches sabbaths. spirits



has neither father nor mother, although he is otherwise fairly comfortable, he remains alone. No one dare approach him, and no servant will work for him. He is alone too when he goes
secretly congratulates himself on the fact. His beard is always matted; he never combs his hair, and is invariably dirty, and so, in the eyes of the populace, he passes for a great philosopher

As he



and necromancer.
passes a red belt round and puts on a helmet garlanded with artificial snakes that are extraordinarily lifelike. Then, holding a marble vase in his left hand and a sponge tied to a dead man s leg-bone in his right, he draws a book from under his cloak, mutters incantations, kneels,
his waist
kisses the earth, dips the sponge into the vase which contains an infusion of Brasil wood and says: Let us now trace Pluto s circle

When officiating, he takes a white alb,




s blood.

. *

/ Then the



If the portrait is colourful, one behind the irony.


discerns a

shadow of fear



following parable

to be found in the NoveUino^ an old


of Italian




sultan in need of


sent for a rich



in order to

plunder him, and began by asking which was the best of the religions. If the Jew answered: The Jewish , this would be an insult to the Sultan s faith; if The Saracen , this would be apos
tasy. Either


afford a pretext for confiscation. But the

held in reserve a story (which had perhaps been invented

in Babylon).

My Lord, once upon a time there was a father who had three sons and also
a ring set with a precious stone, the finest on earth. Each of the sons asked to satisfy them all, the his father to leave him the ring when he died*



summoned a master-goldsmith and

and put in each a stone

said: Master,

make me two


like this one,

like this one.*

so alike that no one except the father could the genuine one. He then sent for each son separately and told distinguish each the secret, and each believed he was to receive the original ring, which

The goldsmith made the rings

only the father could distinguish.

the father,


my Lord, is the story of the three

who has given them, knows which is the best, and religions. Only each of his sons, that is ourselves, we each believe that we have the right one.
This parable pleased the Florentines, who, owing to their relations, cultural and commercial, with the Arab world and with Byzantium, were now imbued with the spirit of free enquiry and
toleration. Add to all this their keen interest in the discovery of the ancient world, and it will be readily understood that on the banks of the Arno religious feeling was of a rather special variety.

According to certain preachers, the young Florentine became a pagan more easily than a Christian; he knew more about Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and Cybele than about the Father, the Son and the 1 Holy Ghost and in consequence true faith was despised and virtue disregarded. Everyone thought of saving his body; no one
his soul.

A man in peril on the deep would rather have an inflated

gourd to support him than the Gospel of Saint John. Scholars and writers, on the other hand, were so far from
opposing paganism to Christianity that they attempted to reconcile

It is fair to say that the

pagan gods had been Christianized and in a

large measure assimilated, especially to our Lord and to the Virgje. See (Translator) J.-J. Seznec, La Survivance des dieux antiques.



interpreted Plato as a forerunner of Jesus;

and sound

doctrine was not improved by all this. The sense of sin, and of repentance,
degrees; people ceased to

grew weaker by slow

worry about


The worst that

can happen to you



to a character in Machiavelli s , according Mandragora, is to die and go to Hell. But such multi

tudes have died before you, and in Hell there are so many nice He people/ Such remarks did not scandalize the Florentine.

thought them witty

which was what counted and left it to others to split hairs on questions of faith. 1 He was not far from agreeing with the historian Guicciardini, that too much religion effeminates and damages society*. In any event, religious controversy did not interest him and he could be
an unbeliever with impunity provided that he did not openly attack the Church. Notable cases of incredulity were however rare, down to the end of the fifteenth century, and no heresy
ever established
itself in

Florence. 2

Religion remained outwardly in honour. Walking along the

turn. chapels and oratories at every On the doorways were sacred images. Every guild had its church. At Ave Maria the workmen s fraternities sang a hymn; and at the

you would come upon

hour of curfew everyone kneeled down.

winter on the grave of a


arouse enthusiasm, as witness the roses that

saint, or the

was sure to bloomed in mid


olive-branch which, during a

Savonarola used to say: The Faith of little heat is enough to melt it/




wax: a

In the sixteenth century, a certain Antonio Bruciolo did not scruple to disparage the secular clergy and the monks. One of his enemies, an orthodox believer, used to say: The Brucioli are fit only to be burned/ Bruciolo

means a caterpillar. When people warned Antonio about his imprudence, he would answer: To speak the truth is to do no wrong/ But being suspect, he was summoned before the Council of Ten, who fined him fifty gold ducats. He pleaded that he hadn t a penny on him. We ll make you find the money!* shouted one of the judges. I beseech your lordships , was the reply, to make me find a hundred, because I need fifty more/ This humorist, who was accused of Lutheranism (he had travelled in Germany), was punished with banishment, a penalty which sensible Florentines thought altogether
excessive. This took place in 1529.



itself to the starry robe worn by the image of procession, attached the Virgin, and which could not be torn off: this foretold an era of

shed tears of emotion over an infant which one peace. People Good Friday refused to be suckled, so blessed was its soul. If war broke out, or the plague the moria yesterday s free

the preacher

were carried away on a wave of piety, and rushed to hear who lavished his exhortations on them, such as this
becoming mad
for the sake of Jesus

prescription of joy at

Mix at least three ounces of hope with three of faith,


of love and two of


set the

mixture over the flames of fear.

certainly. Terrified





omens which everyone

reported when times were bad, the Florentine would return to the
traditional beliefs

of his forefathers; for he had never ceased to read


the admirable Fioretti of St Francis of Assisi, now he would sing lauds like the following:



a prey to war and great famine.


a judgment on thee! Such are the fruits of thy blindness. faith. Alas! Alas! Alas!

has sent the plague as thou of little

kind of profanation inspired horror, especially when the defiled city was in peril. One day a marraney or Jewish convert, several statues of the Madonna, including the one by the outer

And Any

the chorus would answer: Yes, indeed. Alas! Alas!

of Or San Michele. He threw dirt in her face, he scratched the eye of the Bambino and the eye of one of the saints, Seeing this, children began to throw stones at the Jew; after which, the men laid hands on him and finished him off with paving-blocks. he preached in Significant also is the feet that, in a sermon which

Santa Maria del Fiore, the Franciscan Bernardino da Feltre persuaded the people to expel the Jews. Hastening to carry out the to the house of a plan, a number of children made their way
certain Manollino, a money-lender who did business at the Sign of the Cow, near the Archbishop s Palace, in order to rob and murder him. But on this occasion the police (the Eight of the Guard as they were called) intervened, threatened to hang the self-appointed executioners and so put out the fire*. Next day,



the preacher was asked to leave the country, so as to obviate further trouble. This however, to a people Vho wished to live
like Christians

seemed of


omen. Bernardino was regarded

as a saint.

Moreover, the

them was thrown by mad.

his horse

Eight suffered misfortunes. One of and broke his neck; another went
respect for those

The moral
preach the

was, that

you should show




God and

inspire fear for

His judgments.


an eloquent sermon, a certain monk died of chest trouble , die congregation rushed forward suddenly to kiss his feet; and, to prevent a continuance of such frenzy, the body was buried in secret by night.
after preaching

But when times were good, all this righteous talk was forgotten and the Florentine relapsed into the tepid Christianity that was
natural to him. If a preacher began to speak of unlawful contracts, or irregular deals, or to recommend the restitution of ill-acquired

wealth, the citizen would begin to murmur and even retort. Such questions did not concern the clergy; people should mind their own business. Only to make sure of divine favour the same

would return

to his




he would, for

example, go to the Fattimagini, in the Via dei Servi, to buy a wax doll, more or less like himself, and would suspend it in the Church

of the Annunziata as a means of devoting himself to the protection of the Virgin.



would however be a mistake to suppose that all the Floren were either sceptics, unbelievers or merely conventional

Christians. Florence also


produced men of remarkable character, whose strong and practical faith

greatly impressed the masses. The names of three in particular have been recorded by the bookseller Vespasiano Bisticci, whose journal is the more attractive for being that of an ingenuous

of Cardinal Branda, an old friend of Pope Eugenius IV, inspires Bisticci with whole-hearted admiration.




Branda s servants were few in number and wore no livery. His meals, which he took in company with a bishop, were abstemious, while for diversion he perused religious texts or discussed theology with his companion. His supper consisted of bread and chicken broth. No costly hangings adorned his bed only a curtain of
blue cloth, embroidered with his coat-of-arms, and a single wax candle to give light. Nothing in his way of life to bespeak the

splendour of Roman prelates. Cardinal Cesarini, the child of a poor family, was charity in carnate. His manservant said to Bisticci: Don t be surprised if see Monsignore walking to the palace without a cloak, for,

you by Heaven, he gives away what he has and even what he hasnV He was broad-minded, too. One day he said to Bisticci: T)o you want to be a priest? If you do, I will help you to study, and then about it and let me know in a fort give you a benefice. Think At the end of this time Bisticci replied that he did not feel night. he had a vocation. If I can help you in any other way, I will do so , the Cardinal told him. Cesarini was to end up gloriously as

the Turks, in 1444. Papal legate at the battle of Warna, against But the churchman who about this time inspired more respect

and even fear, than any other, was Antonino. He thought only of winning souls for Christ, of promoting peace in the city, of for the founding schools for handicapped children, and hospitals innocents , or illegitimate infants who had been abandoned by
their parents. In times

of famine he distributed bread in


When he

the only orna appeared on foot or on his little mule, ment of his household , everyone kneeled as he passed by. to the Fearing to be made Archbishop, he fled with a frate

woods. It was all in vain. A messenger sought him out and announced his elevation. As the messenger stood waiting for a Antonino said, 1 couldn t have received worse news. gratuity, And my companion and I haven t a soldo between us only the


are wearing.

But he could be


occasion. In Santa Maria del Flore

he glared so sternly at the women and the young idlers, the who were whispering together, that they aE slipped scioperati,



away without waiting


for more. Once, when he saw some game under the Loggia of the Buondelmonti, he bore down on them and overturned their tables. Gambling in public! What a

horrible example!
selves again.

And the

offenders did not dare to

show them


morals of the Signoria also displeased

him, and he censured so roughly the trading in votes that a number of citizens threatened to have him removed from his

Do so, by God , he retorted. I shall be greatly obliged to you, and you will relieve me of a heavy burden. I shall return to my cell in San Marco; the key hangs here at my girdle; and then I shall
dwell in holy quietness. I could not receive a greater pleasure. What hold had one over a man who, when sounded as to

whether he would accept a Cardinal s hat, refused point-blank; observing that he could hardly attain this dignity without peril to

all this,

he was a man of culture who wrote in simple and ended by forcing the admiration of the archi language mandrites of fine writing . His poverty was truly apostolic, for all he had to bequeath at his death was a few kitchen utensils and the little mule that carried him about.





The *men of figures - Giovanni de* Bicci - Cosimo the big merchant - His exile The business world and the world of - A Rothschild of the fifteenth century A patron politics of the arts - Piero de Medici

rhythm of life in Florence pursued its which was one of civil discord. At the beginning of the fifteenth century, power was in the hands of an oligarchy headed by the Albizzi and supported by the major arts . Some people were beginning to think that stability could in its only be assured by a government more and more limited
the meantime the


habitual course,

of membership; the example of Venice, controlled by a handful was most instructive in this respect, In Florence, however, citizens,

the regime was acquiring an increasingly monarchical appearance. small faction now held the reins of power. Decisions were

taken in secret council, often over a meal, and all that the Signoria and its associated councils had to do was to confirm what had
already been decided. The system did not please everyone. The minor arts , the multitude of the popolo minuto, found it hard to endure the
insolence of their present masters.



bad world of ours,

nine hundred out of every thousand are living like sheep, with their eyes bent on the ground and their minds full of folly and

his city and its wicked ways, and or the fishes who neither do evil

who dreamed of leaving thoughts/ Thus wrote a Florentine of going *to live with the birds
nor speak

This discontent on the part of the plebeians was surreptitiously about the year encouraged by a family which had come down, of Mugello, to the north of the city. 1200, from the valley

They were of peasant

origin, but they

now owned

large estates




and a country house with battlemented towers, known


We have already, in

Medici, who had revolt of the Ciompi. Since that time the family had continued to enjoy popular favour, and had been opposed to the oligarchy of
the rich. At the beginning of the fifteenth century it was represented

1378, encountered a certain Salvestro de played the principal part, albeit off-stage, in the

by Giovanni

de* Medici, or *de



belonged to a different branch of the clan

he was called, who from Salvestro s. He


was a big dark-faced


more of a humorist than


choly countenance suggested; a good sort of country squire who concealed, under a mask of innocence, a deep fund of knavery and

was in vain

that the Albizzi had stripped

him and

the other

partisans of the poor of their possessions. Giovanni de Bicci repaired his fortunes by commerce, banking and foreign exchange, and before long he was nearly the richest man in Florence. He

provided dowries for respectable girls who could not otherwise have got married; he was benevolent and increasingly popular. At critical moments he lent large sums to the Republic; he became

banker to Pope Martin V; and


was he who commissioned

Brunelleschi to build the sacristy of San Lorenzo. This prudent Florentine avoided political coteries and refrained

much as possible from appearing in the


before his death, in 1429, he


Palazzo della Signoria. the following advice to

his children:

Never hold an opinion contrary to the will of the people, even if this same peopk should prefer something that is perfectly useless. Do not speak with
the air of giving counsel, but prefer rather to discuss matters gently and not turn the palace into a shop; on the contrary, wait Benevolently. for the palace to invite you . . - 1 Try to maintain the people in a state of peace,


and to promote


Be as inconspicuous

as possible.



were not to be

on Giovanni

s children;



Meaning, presumably: Do not seek public office, with a view to making out of it; but wait until you are urged to take office. (Translator)



he had already cleared the ground and laid the foundations of the house of Medici.
Florentines are regarded as having a natural bent for in figures everything that relates to expressing daily life, whether


household or business

The Medici were no



estate-management or even politics. exceptions to this rule: they too dealt with were such prudent business-men and bankers that

they contrived in the course of time to be princes while remaining

private individuals, and to govern without appearing to give orders. Thanks to this skill, they were to become the hereditary counsellors of the Florentine people , the interpreters and

executors of public opinion, and

Wealth was

only instrument was a gift for inspiring confidence. Only their suc cesses , says Herman Grimm, were seen in the light of day; the



without title or mandate. but their active and secret weapon,

all this

means to


their success remained in shadow/ Giovanni de Bicci died, his son Cosimo was more than He had never been young or handsome, and had no taste

wine and women; he detested mountebanks and buffoons. A business-man from his youth upward, he was expert in the art of

coining to the point without flowery preamble, answering questions in a word or two. He was fairly cultured, knew more Latin than was fitting in a business
persuasion, saying very

man*, even a little Greek, and was a constant reader of the Scrip tures. By the age of twenty-five his fame was such as to provoke

and Germany for two on his return home, he was warned that his enemies as, years; were still hostile and that he was in danger of death, or banishment, he engaged a number of men of mean condition* as bodyguard,


therefore travelled in France


and shut himself up in his town-house in the Via Larga the Palazzo Riccardi. His kinsfolk had lived more modestly by the
Mercato Vecchio.

Although he did not appear to covet honours although the name of Medici figures much less often in the list of officials than the names of ambitious families like the Pitti and the Pazzi he continued to grow in power. His bank was now paying 428



florins a year in taxes,

whereas on his personal budget he paid This made his competitors anxious, especially as a war only 44. with Lucca was going badly and costing a great deal. On the initiative of Rinaldo Albizzi, a plot was formed. Among the
citizens registered in the Specchio, that is excluded from public office for not having paid their taxes, was a certain Guadagni.

Albizzi cancelled his debts, had him appointed Gonfaloniere, in return for which Guadagni promised him the head of Cosimo and

a reform of the Constitution.


was a risky move, even,

a stupid one.

pointed out.

The The people are behind it. Whereas our and divided by nature more than by chance/
listened to him.

Niccolo Uzzano frankly admitted, Medici party is united and in agreement , he






summoned to the palace. Or San Michele and besought him to return home, Cosimo I mean to obey my lords/ On replied: No matter what happens,
reaching the palace he was asked to go up to the higher floor, where the Captain of the Guard arrested him and confined him in
a dark cell hollowed out of the massive wall of the tower, a

On September 7, 1433, Cosimo was When one of his kinsmen met him near

which was facetiously known as the Alberghettino^ the little inn, and which Cosimo called the Barberia. Now that the Medici was caged, Albizzi and his friends summoned the people to parliament , which meant a public meeting in the piazza where, under the eye of armed men who kept them well in hand, the people voted by acclamation any measure that was proposed. A revolutionary practice which, in the words of the ever-wise Uzzano, boded no good for the State.

The first man who summoned a parliament dug his own grave. 2 Power was now assumed by two hundred citizens who had been chosen by Albizzi. The Medici were officially stigmatized



and truculent enemies,

incendiaries, authors


unless otherwise specified, apparently refers to the Palazzo

Later on, this proverbial saying became current: Chi disse portamento &sse guastamento.

della Signoria, 2



in spite

and every kind of devastation, and yet

of their

diabolical character tolerated

people of Florence

5 .


the singular benignity of the the same time an attempt was made to


poison Cosimo. But Cosimo had been warned by the Captain of the Guard, who was his companion at meals. A little later he told a friend, who had been allowed to pass the time with him, to go to Santa Maria Nuova and take a thousand ducats from a sum he had on deposit there. These thousand ducats went into Guadagnf s pocket, the

now selling himself to Cosimo as he had previously done to Albizzi. And Cosimo afterwards observed that his per
secutors were not very clever, as they might have extracted ten thousand ducats or more from him, so anxious was he to get

In any event, he had saved his life. On September 29, 1433, he was banished to Padua for ten years on the charge, which was absolutely unjust, of having advocated the war with Lucca.


emotion had passed away, he appeared very the Signoria; and his departure had something of calmly before the air of a triumph. As he mounted the hillside at Pistoia, the

natives offered
at the passage

him the

presents of honey

which were customary

lord. In

of ambassadors.

was a gilded

worthy of a great

Padua he was

surrounded by a kind of court. In Venice, where there was a branch of his bank, he lived in the monastery of San Gregorio and

had the library decorated at his expense. Everywhere he was treated with deference, and never a word did he breathe against
his enemies.

Meanwhile, however, in Florence his partisans were using the methods their adversaries had previously employed, and now

Uzzano s prediction was accomplished. On September 29, 1434, was a new summons *to parliament*. This time the wind was blowing from the opposite quarter. Cosimo s exile was cancelled by acclamation, Riiialdb Albizzi was banished and his kinsiuen
that is sent to sit down and descendants pasti a sectere excluded from public office. The exile reappeared in Octoberc



Cleverly abstaining from a triumphal return, he lodged at the inn, and awaited the moment for vengeance. For Cosimo was no saint. He temporized at first, but once he

of intermediaries.

himself firmly in the saddle he struck ruthlessly by the hand The Signoria obeyed him without question.

Great numbers of citizens, including Palla Strozzi, were exiled, and it was at this time that many Florentine businesses were founded in France, especially at Lyons. Hangings were frequent.
After these executions a painting was made of the victim, sus pended by his feet and with his names in large letters, and this

was displayed on the front of the Podesta s palace. A poet was then employed to compose verses that would blacken his memory; and if anyone hinted to Cosimo that he was going too far and that
such measures of repression were depriving the city of men of honour, the response was dry and laconic: Better a city devastated than a city ruined/ The fox had turned into .a tiger.

The image of the new prince survives in the portraits and medals of his age. He is of middle height, rather lean, with a wrinkled and olive-coloured face, a long nose broad round the nostrils,
and strongly-marked



deep malignity bespeaks the crafty politician

of benevolence concealing a who likes to seem

gentle. Wearing his characteristic headgear, he makes one think of a clerk who has grown old in harness, or a cashier behind his


Like his ancestors he loved the country and made frequent sojourns at one or other of his estates, especially when there was

an outbreak of plague
should leave

in the city.

At such
s skin.

times, he said,


business and save one



man whom you

clothing, digging in the garden or pruning his vines or grafting a fruit tree, was one day to be addressed as follows by the Pope: You are the arbiter of peace, of war, of the

might see in peasant

have everything but the name. great deal has been written about the Medici dictatorship, which so deeply modified the daily life of Florence. Some

Of kingship you

up to execration, others extol it. One must that the family could only conserve its wealth simply recognize
historians hold



through control of the State. Lorenzo, the son of Piero, says this in so many words. Thus for the Medici, the control of the Signoria, that is the Lordship of Florence, was perhaps not the outcome of
ambition, but a matter of vital necessity. They became lords someone has written, *as a measure of legitimate self-defence/

has anything to do with morality is another question. Cosimo made use of the populace in order to crush his

But whether

but once


was done he


about extending his domina

tion over every class in the community; and Florence, harassed as she was by faction and discord, meekly accepted the yoke. In

return for this she gained several decades of comparative tran a feet that one should not forget when contemplating the quillity,

of the grim old merchant.


He lost no opportunity of pleasing the Florentines. He offered

shows, assemblies of notables, flattering ceremonies. In 1439 he arranged for the Council which was to proclaim the union of the Greek and Catholic Churches to meet in Santa Maria
del Fiore,



and did his best to make the meeting particularly the side where the Gospel was read were seated

Eugenius IV in his pontifical robes, the Cardinals in their copes, and the Bishops wearing mitres of white damask; on the side where the Epistle was read, the Emperor of Constantinople, a handsome bearded personage wearing a very rich doublet of damascened
brocade, in the Greek manner, and a small pointed hat adorned with a splendid jewel; around him, the Greek Bishops were after arrayed in silken robes. The Pope sang a solemn mass,

which the

privileges of the Greek union* were vast multitude attended this solemn act,

read with great and the

Florentines observed that the vestments of the foreign prelates were much more dignified than those of the Roman. As to the
spiritual bearing

of the union,

this interested



than the

costumes of the
the Platonk

The foundation of the first


library, the first

meetings of

Academy which was open to all men of culture and which helped to give the Florentines inteiectiial ease and fireedof% were otber means by which Cosimo showed Ms felow-citizefis

that they


were in the van of civilization.

No wonder

that he


admired and respected. People collected and repeated the sayings of this uncrowned monarch. The Albizzi in exile sent word to him: We are not asleep/
have deprived you of sleep/ When they again warned him that hen is brooding , he answered: The hen cannot brood away from her nest/
I believe




His experience enabled him to become an adviser of princes. care of your lands and revenues. That is what confers real strength in this world of ours/ Dreamers and idealists he held

Take good

low esteem. You are pursuing the infinite, I the finite. You raise your ladders towards heaven, I set mine on the ground,
in very

so as not to fly so high that I risk a fall/ He now refused any open fight with his enemies.

You and I are like big dogs who sniff at each other and then, as we both have teeth, return to our own affairs. Go about yours and I will go about mine/ He also observed that there is in gardens a plant
which one ought to leave dry, although most people water




called envy.

This sententious countryman, whose dwellings were of royal splendour, never himself departed from the modesty befitting

an ordinary


feigned to live on an equal footing with everyone

never had an escort or bodyguard and else. Yet he was

a great builder, and not merely in Florence. He built a palace in Milan, an Italian College in Paris; he restored the Church of the

Holy Ghost

in Jerusalem and the Badia at Fiesole; he enlarged the monastery of San Marco. If he was a free-thinker, he gave no appearance of it. Never , he declared in his mercantile idiom,

never shall I be able to give God enough to set him down in my books as a debtor/ But he nourished no illusions about humanity. I know the men

of this

years will not pass before we are driven out; but Oitur buildings will remain,* For that reason, for the sake of glory, and sometimes also to salve his conscience on account of money
city. Fifty

dishonestly acquired, he spent without counting the cost: 400,000 florins, much of it in charity.



But not a soldo was ever wasted. He kept a firm grip on his debtors and never lent unless he was sure of his man. When asked for a loan of 100 ducats on behalf of a poor monk named Tommaso Parentucelli, he agreed at once. The money was well placed.

Tommaso became Pope Nicholas V, and Cosimo was his banker.

So the House of Medici prospered; it had banks everywhere; crowned heads, like Edward IV of England, were among its customers. Comines, a stateman whom no one could tax with
admired the head of the house, a man worthy the very great. And his house, which was a trading establishment, was I believe the greatest that has ever existed in this world; and its servants enjoy such credit from the
credulity, greatly

of being named

name of Medici


you would marvel

to hear


I have seen

in France and England/

And he commends

princes for

keeping on good terms with these merchants, and dealing honestly with them, for they know not in what hour they may little have need of them. ... money is sometimes of great


was not enough for Cosimo to be the Rothschild of the fifteenth century, he was also its Maecenas. Thanks to an unfailing memory, he could converse with anyone; he had the matter , the thinkers and literary or theological, at his disposal. So all the artists, too, from Brunelleschi to writers were on his side, Donatello, and including L.-B. Alberti. To assemble a library he had recourse to the good Bisticci, allowing him an unlimited credit on the Medici bank; and in less than two years, with the help of forty-five scribes, Bisticci collected two hundred volumes, including the Holy Scriptures, various Fathers of the Church, and works of Aristotle and Aquinas.

To keep Florence peaceful, or at least docile, the programme was a simple one. The structure of the Commune was left intact, but Cosimo so arranged matters that all the key-posts were in the
hands of his
imborsad^ that





who were

placed in the purse* or was entrusted to accoppiatari, assemblers , who saw to it that only c the names of reliable men were drawn from the pufse*. To
eligible for office




preserve an appearance of democracy, a Council of the Hundred* was established all hand-picked men and the Priors of the

Arts became Priors of Liberty

a clientele, dominated

at the

very moment when liberty


was disappearing. The government was, in brief, a government by

by a


man and



people who,

without sharing actively in the conduct of affairs,


that they were protected and defended. And if a burgher of attempted to resist the master, the latter had a sure means

bringing him to heel.

the fiscal cudgel, a

He overwhelmed him with taxes, employing

perfectly adapted to a trading




So Cosimo could take

tain stream that flowed

his ease


On the banks of a moun

under the shady


his villa at Careggi,

he would converse with scholars and

Once, when

member of


the circle suggested that they should discuss the or disadvantages of providing amusements for the

that the populace, Cosimo, before replying, prudently arranged who had come to consult him about farming should be peasants

taken away. After this the company talked and talked until it was time for dinner, when the menu was choice though not sumptuous,


of a Platonic banquet.

In July 1464 the

that his

end was

man who was to be called Pater patriae* felt One evening at dusk, when his young

of protege, Marsilio Ficino, was with him, he began to speak death. He declared it to be a benefit. That also was the opinion

me a copy

of Xenocrates, a disciple of Plato , observed Ficino. Then bring of Xenocrates, and read to me , said Cosimo. Taking to his bed, he remained in a state of suspension and

this astonished his wife, Contessina de Bardi (who to oiie of the reputedly noblest families), When you belonged are going into the country, he said, you spend a fortnight in

and as



t it






who must journey



world into the next, should meditate awhile?* After

which, being a business-man after all, he made a little parting speech to Contessina and his son Piero. He reviewed the pattern

of his


from the time of his accession to power,




political doings,


he expressed regrets, offered a great deal of advice and ended by giving minute directions for his funeral at San Lorenzo, at which there were to be neither display nor demonstrations, and no more candles than at an ordinary burial.

His family were amazed by a mind that remained absolutely clear. When the moment for the last parting approached, he kept
his eyes obstinately closed.


do you


your eyes


that, Father? asked Caterina,

who was


at his bedside.

Daughter/ he replied, them any more.

it is

to accustom myself to not opening




1464, the merchant-prince


his final exit.

He was


who was more subject than Cosimo to gout and rheumatism, was far from being a mediocrity. He loved old books and befriended men of letters; he supported Alberti s campaign
His son Piero,

on behalf of the Italian tongue and favoured the literary competi tions in which the winner received a crown of wild olive. Botticelli,
then a poor young artist, received help and protection from him, and it was he who employed Benozzo Gozzoli to paint the wonder
ful frescoes in the

Medici palace.

For business he was less gifted. He followed bad advice when he announced that he was retiring, temporarily, from trade and demanded repayment of the loans his father had advanced. This and violent protests, even bank step provoked a general outcry Once again the city was riven by faction. One party was ruptcies. led by Lucca Pitti, a former creature of Cosimo, and very wealthy the man who had built the great palace on the hillside or hill; beyond the Arno. This was the faction of the Poggio,
the faction of the Piano^ or plain, remained devoted to the Medici. The two parties watched each other like china dogs, each to bite the other. One day when Piero was being carried


from Careggi in a litter to Florence, hired assassins lay in wait for him by the roadside; mid he would have been murdered had not his son Lorenzo, then a boy of seventeen, told them that fais



. .

was following him and would soon be there. . Piero meanwhile made his way into Florence by another road. The Pitti next had recourse to the Gonfaloniere Niccold Soderini, but the latter did not know how to set about the task. And when the people were summoned to Parliament they acclaimed Piero and invested him with power for ten years (September 1466). His enemies were banished, and Lucca Pitti died in obscurity. Thus the Medici were victorious. Piero, more gouty and stiffjointed (except as regards his tongue) than ever, emerged from the ordeal with even greater powers than Cosimo had enjoyed. It was he who added three golden lilies, emblems of his friendship the famous for France, to thepalle, or balls, on his coat-of-arms balls which showed, according to humorists, that the family s ancestor had been an apothecary. 1 As to the revolt, there had been no long period of repression, Piero judging that the best way to reduce his enemies was to force them to lick rather than bite His wife Lucrezia Tornabuoni, whose family was associated with the Medici bank, encouraged a policy of benevolence. Lucrezia was a remarkable person. She was the mother of Lorenzo and Giuliano de Medici, and grandmother of Popes and Clement VII. Of her beauty we can judge from the Leo for whom she was the model in Ghirlandajo s Saint Elizabeth fresco at Santa Maria Novella. She was shrewd in the direction of her house, which she maintained in a state of splendour, taking we read, in the quiet joys of the family circle, in the pleasure*, innocent pleasures of life, the study of literature and poetry . For she was a poetess herself, not in the manner of the neo-Platonists or the Humanists, who wrote only in Greek or Latin, but in the medieval vein. She composed lauds, Hymns to the Virgin, and translations of the Bible; her History ofthe chaste Susannah is not

without charm.

The garden-door being




into the fountain in

her naked loveliness.

Susannah stepped She had


character, too,

and was a good observer of men and


Hie name of Medici of course suggests something of the kind.




arranging a marriage between her son Lorenzo and the Roman maiden, Clarice Orsini, she sent her husband the following
description of the bride: She has a pleasing figure, a fair com plexion, a gentle manner if not as gentle as ours. She is shy, but the whole, much better than the average, but tall and slim


not comparable to our maidens/ Obviously, a hold a candle to a Florentine.


could not

Piero held the reins of state from his bed, and at the same time superintended the education of Lorenzo. At the age of eighteen
sent to the princely courts of Bologna, Ferrara, 3 Milan, Naples and Venice. Take heed , his father told him, to be old before your time; to behave as a man and not as a boy/ But


boy was

Piero s


days were numbered. Towards the end, according

to Machiavelli,

he severely admonished his fellow-countrymen:


you evade

think that

your neighbour of his goods, you haggle ,over matters of the law and you oppress peaceable citizens. ... I don t the whole of Italy offers as many examples of violence and

rapacity as Florence. murder her?

Did your

city give birth to


so that

you might

After thus prophesying the fall of the principate, which was to be caused by the excesses of the aristocrats, Piero departed this

on December

2, 1469.



A princely marriage - The Florentines
polished society

- The



-A gay and darling* - The affair of Volterra strong hand of the Pazzi Reprisals


before dying, had seen his son married; which was wise, because the democrats looked greatly askance on this union with the daughter of a Roman prince, and efforts had

been made in advance to placate them with fetes and rejoicings. Thus on February 7, 1469, the sons of the greatest families
assembled in the Piazza Santa Croce for a magnificent giostra, or 1 tourney. Lorenzo and his younger brother Giuliano bore as their
lilies of France covered with gold, silver and precious Each knight was escorted by pages and trumpeters, and brandished a banner on which appeared the likeness of his lady. One, clad all in white, held a crown of oak-leaves in one hand

device the

while a captive leopard crouched at her feet. Another, in a purple gown, was throwing arrows of love into a meadow. Lorenzo s
lady, bathed in sunbeams and arrayed in a bright-blue dress of Alexandrian fabric, was weaving a laurel-wreath (by allusion to Lorenzo), and on the standard bore three French words: *Le

temps revient\ Everyone knew and admired this lady, the beautiful Lucrezia Donati, the young prince s mistress.

Although scarcely inured to weapons and hard blows, as he admits himself, Lorenzo received the prize of valour from the hands of Lucrezia, amid the plaudits of the multitude. It was a
helmet adorned with


and bearing an image of Mars as


This giostra


the subject of

one of Poliziano






Detail from

GozzoliVJoumey of the Magi

in the Palazzo Riccardi



mu ies







Florentine dress


The wedding was
celebrated in the following June.



hundred and fifty calves and two thousand brace of capons had been brought in, together with great casks of Tuscan and foreign wines. Then, amid fanfares of trumpets and musical instruments the red-haired Clarice Orsini rode on horseback into the palace in the Via Larga. Olive-boughs had been placed in all the windows
as a

symbol of the happy


The Medici did the thing well. In the Loggia and gardens of the
were given in the course of three days. Fifty palace five banquets ladies sat at the bride s table, while the older ladies dancing


were seated

under the presidency of Lorenzo s mother, Lucrezia Tornabuoni. Other tables accommodated the young dancing men* and the older men. When the bride attended Mass at San Lorenzo, it was observed that she was the
at another table


marvellous book, written in holding a little book of our Lady, a letters of gold on ultramarine paper, and covered with crystal and



the daughter of a great Roman family transplanted into the mercantile, if splendid, court of the Medici. She was to have some difficulty in adapting herself. The scepticism and the Florentines shocked a person care-free, egalitarian gaiety of the

Thus was

who was

and pious. She was obliged, naturally haughty, rigid however, to tolerate them and try to become easy-going. after Piero s death, certain of the notables asked that

Two days

who was Lorenzo, who was then twenty-one, and Giuliano, direct the government and be heads of the Republic sixteen, should
as their father

and gnmdfather had been. Lorenzo hesitated, he would incur, but accepted in pleaded his youth and the perils the end in order to preserve his fortune; because he knew that in like Florence it was difficult to remain rich unless one was in a

control of the government. This succession of Medici rulers, after Gosimo, Piero, and after seemed a scandalous novelty to Piero, Lorenzo and Giuliano when on bad terms with the to afl Lucca Pirn s old


law or the Signoria, had once found refuge in the palace beyoad the Arno. Yet there were no disturbances* Six Imacbedt supporters



into a dynasty.

of Lorenzo swore loyalty to the family. The dictatorship of

Cosimo was turning


not forgotten his father s last words against the nobility, strove to humble all those citizens who were dis tinguished by birth, wealth or reputation; and those whom he did

who had

not altogether exclude from public


but admitted to certain

councils were always outnumbered by men of mean condi tion, partisans of the Medici who really controlled the govern


This was to bring Cosimo s policy to perfection. Instead of openly wielding the rod, Lorenzo had become a kind of invisible

who governed by means

of his



old con

stitution continued to survive; the

number of councils was even

augmented by the addition of a Consiglio Maggiore of two hundred members who exercised sovereign power in the name of the

two hundred deputies were nominated by a group of forty, and the forty were selected by ten accoppiaton or assemblers , themselves appointed by Lorenzo, the head accoptrick was done. The tyrant sat on the top of piatore; and so the the pyramid and below were his creatures who were supposed
people. But these
to represent the people.

Thus was democracy engulfed

feeble flame of liberty

in darkness, thus did the last



Truly strange was the

figure of the


prince. His lean,

hollow-cheeked and deeply furrowed mask seemed to be set in a perpetual grimace; and all this, with a snub nose, big round eyes, a jutting lower jaw, an olive complexion like his grandfather s,

and long black hair, lent something simian to his appearance. His voice was harsh and disagreeable; he liked singing and sang out of tune. For the rest, he was tall and strong; very short-sighted and with no sense of smell. And yet this man, who looked like a
plebeian, completely devoid of kindness or gentleness, was the most refined and intelligent man in the world, the most Florentine

of the Florentines




are our darling

cried the poet Luigi Pulci,

one of



he was, had seen and learned a great deal, and was well acquainted with men and affairs. He had received a princely education under the best masters, and knew Latin and



letting himself be obsessed, like so many with the cult of the ancient world. An even rarer gift was others, his sense of poetry; and his verses, which are in Italian and not in

Greek without however

Latin, are especially charming flowers and of woman:

when he

speaks of the country, of

How purple is


thy bloom, fresh violet. white the hand that gathered theel

While the fetes he organized were splendid,

own way of life

remained simple. In winter he wore a purple cloak and hood, in

the lucco, a short Florentine jacket; his son-in-law Franceschetto Cibo was to be astonished later on at the modesty


of his ways. There was no court in the palace of the Via Larga, but only a family and friends for whom the door was always open and
the table laid. In the street Lorenzo stepped aside in deference to older persons, and he advised his son to behave in the same way,

reminding him that he was a private


of Florence.

was *a marvellous people means of enriching one s brains by the brains of others ; but he talked little for his own part, and then only in concise language. When my mind is busied with an affair, I have no time to think of anything else/ He liked to be understood merely by a gesture.
listen to

He would

s opinions, as

Before he begins to speak, wrote the Venetian ambassador, his eyes speak for him.

and the country-life at his villas and and Poggio a Caiano, which last he had just had built. There he talked in dialect with the peasants, and laughed over the adventures of Piovano Arlotto, who, when setting out in search of the thirst which had abandoned
liked the




castles, at Careggi, Cafaggiolo

him, carried at his belt bags of salt-meat, herrings, sardines a&d




Angelo Poliziano, a poor devil of a Greek scholar, in frayed doublet and down-at-heel shoes, whom Lorenzo had sheltered and made his companion, tells us of a stroll which he and his patron and his patron s friends took one day outside Florence. As far as San Miniato, they sang or reasoned on sacred topics so as not to forget that the season was Lent; then they stopped to drink a ^appolino; they read a little from St Augustine, and ended the day with music. What more could one desire? Under Lorenzo s shadow, wrote Poliziano, Florence can repose in peace and joy.

And indeed there now reigned in the Arno valley such calm as
had not been known for
the future
centuries; some people imagined that in more poems would be written about the battle between

the dogs and the birds than about battles between men. Life was very good, thought the intellectuals; paeans of praise rose to

heaven, and

men thanked God for being born in an age which had

produced more genius and brighter wits than had been seen for a thousand years. Florence was the meeting-place for men perfect in all the arts, for criticism was not only permitted but encouraged;
to pass muster, one had to prove oneself ingenious; and the very air one breathed inspired in every profession a thirst for glory and


Lorenzo conducted this orchestra with remarkable tact and skill. He was an open-handed Maecenas. He employed such artists as Antonio PoUajuolo, Baldovinetti and Ghirlandajo, and they responded by portraying him in their pictures and frescoes. In the garden of San Marco he founded a school of sculpture which was placed under the direction of a pupil of Donatello s, and where the young Michelangelo was to receive his first lessons and to be treated as a son by Lorenzo. Here, as in the Platonic Academy, there were no formalities or ceremonial. The newcomer took his seat beside the prince, while the latter was examining busts and medals. All topics were freely debated aesthetics, philosophy,
poetry, even politics. What men generally considered excellent was now subjected to the closest scrutiny; the critical genius, a of Florence, enjoyed every freedom; and the most speciality



daring opinions caused no scandal whatever. For these subtle minds art was as necessary as salt and bread , It was a polished but in no way pedantic society, as one might from Luigi Pulci (known as Gigi), who occupied a promi judge nent place in it. This favourite of Lorenzo, after going into exile to escape his creditors, had led a wandering life, trading in cloth and bricks. He was burdened with many children and was a poet into the bargain. To amuse his patrons, he was encouraged by

none other than the pious Lucrezia Tornabuoni to compose a mock-heroic poem on the theme of Roland, a piece of buffoonery in which the giant Morgante, who used a big bell-clapper as his weapon and a fir-tree for a tooth-pick, vies with the cunning dwarf Margute in deeds of prowess.

The Morgante Maggiore is a sort of fairy tale told in a succession

of fantastic episodes; the verses rush along in glittering cascades, 1 deliberately absurd for all their clarity. But at least the author has
the merit of having freed himself from the pedantic discourses in vogue among the humanists who, with their Aristotle, appeared


to be studying

on the top of a

he took

singular liberties

large melon*. For the rest, with exegesis; he wrote that the soul

body like jam which you put into a sandwich of bread from the oven ; but again, no one was scandalized. Lorenzo, though married to the strait-laced Clarice, was no more ascetic than his contemporaries. Deaf to the advice of his old tutor who had urged moderation in amorous enterprise , he had an extraordinary weakness for the sex and was a frequent
enters the



And yet, while committing follies to make you he remained much attached to Lucrezia Donati, his , titular mistress. He even became her troubadour:



the sky bright or clouded when we met? Summer dwells beneath those eyes,


that fair face creates a paradise.

1 This poem, and the subsequent work of Oasti, were the first great models of burlesque poetry in Europe. Byron, during his sojourn in Italy, was fascinated by them, and they inspired, both as to manner and metre,


Beppo and


Don Juan*




When it came to organizing a fete, Lorenzo was an altogether remarkable impresario, or festaiuolo. To share in the nocturnal triumphs , the populace was provided with appropriate costumes

and marched torch in hand beside the carriages that were escorted by masked cavaliers. Then the songs would begin, first with one voice, then four, and then in chorus. Lorenzo had arranged the
procession, written the verses that set the key for the rejoicing; and his carnival songs have remained famous.

memorable was the tourney held on January 28, Cattaneo, wife of Marco Vespucci 1475, cousin of the discoverer of America) and mistress of Giuliano (a de Medici.1 Lorenzo paid homage in verse to the beauty of this young Genoese, and one can well understand it when, in the Chantilly museum, one sees her portrait, attributed to Pollajuolo.

n honour of Simonetta


silhouetted against a purple cloud: a delicate nose like Roxelana s, a long flexible neck, a breast of

childish profile


dazzling whiteness set off by the dark coils of a snake-like pendent, the hair set with precious stones and surmounted by a brocchetta,

a kind of lightning-conductor. Alas! the lightning-conductor was no defence against destiny. In the spring of 1476 the fair Simonetta died of consumption.

which Robert de



They carried her to the grave with face exposed. As she lay dead, it is recorded, you would have thought her as lovely and graceful as when living/ Even death seem dfair upon so fair a face, as Petrarch had once


was called) as a would be a complete error. His was, on good-natured prince occasion, the iron hand in the steel glove. If in need of money, he had a particular way of devaluing the currency. The State would
only accept the old money after deducting a fifth of the nominal value; but the State s own payments were always made at the
She is supposed to figure as one of the Graces in Botticelli s Primavera the one with head turned towards the youth (Giuliano?) who is reaching


describe Lorenzo the Magnificent (as he


to pluck

an apple from the





nominal value; and the people paid the expenses of this ingenious operation. If, however, the Medici was in serious straits, he taxed shall meet with further them without scruple. examples of his



His major anxiety, however, was to prevent the rise of other great families. More and more he put the curb on them. Even their marriages had to be licensed by the State; otherwise they

might be too


profitable to the contracting parties. If his personal in peril, Lorenzo struck ruthlessly. Thus, soon after

light in as the conspiracy but, might have put ideas into their heads, Bardo and eighteen of his accomplices were hanged with their feet in the air.

his accession, the plot

of a certain Bardo Nazi came to




made no move,

And when

repression was

trade, that sacrosanct thing, was threatened, the still more severe. Florence had always been the

rival of Siena, which blocked the road to Rome, and of Pisa, which blocked access to the sea. But in Lorenzo s time it was the

subject-city of Volterra that caused trouble. Volterra possessed mines of alum, a mineral indispensable for drapers, and Florence

had taken these mines on



the lease


due for

renewal, the Volterrans asked for a higher rent, which led to disputes and finally to a withdrawal of the concession. Lorenzo



no such


and on Volterra

s rebelling,


loose a condottiere


despite his relative mildness,


unable to prevent the sack of the town. There were murders and hangings, and houses burned to the ground. The rebels had to be

thoroughly frightened.

A strong fortress


built at Volterra,

of which the keep still and the alum mines continued to


enrich Florence.

Yet this affair was a herald of calamity. The sky now began to darken over Florence, and threatening clouds appeared on the southern horizon. Sixtus IV, first of the bellicose Popes, wished

Ms nephew, Girolamo Riario, the city of Imola which to the Duke of Milan. Riario was to become a prioee. belonged But Lorenzo feared to see the Pope possession of a place which



stood on the confines of Florentine territory; and so he asfced his



colleague, the banker Francesco Pazzi, a very ugly and violenttempered little man who lived in Rome, not to lend the Pope the

forty thousand florins that were required for the purchase of Imola. Pazzi, however, was jealous of Lorenzo and anxious to win the favour of Sixtus. He therefore advised the latter of Lorenzo s

move, whereupon Sixtus withdrew from the Medici the office of Comptrollers of the Papal Finances, and gave it to the Pazzi. Hostilities had begun.

The Pope

Pisa, to replace

next appointed Francesco Salviati as Archbishop of a Medici. Lorenzo refused to recognize the new

Archbishop, and in 1478 there was open war. The Pope and his nephew were supported by Naples and Siena, while Florence had
the backing of Venice and Milan: such coalitions were constantly arising throughout the course of Italian history.
Riario, who was now lord of Imola, saw in Lorenzo and the Venetians an obstacle to his ambitions in Romagna. If his uncle



he would be caught as in a vice between Florence and was necessary that Lorenzo be removed.

Francesco Pazzi the banker


now declared himself ready to help

nominal Arch


found another

ally in Salviati, the

bishop of Pisa. The three got in touch with a sort of bravo named Montesecco; and although the aged and wealthy Jacopo, who was head of the Pazzi clan, thought the enterprise was folly, a con

was hatched.
and Montesecco

Riario, Salviati

now had

an audience with the

Pope. Their plan was approved, on condition that no one should be killed; simply, the Constitution was to be changed. Holy
Father/ said
the boat.
Salviati, as


they were going out, leave us to manage will steer it with a sure hand.*


Jacopo Pazzi had ended by joining in the plot. At Montughi, country-house near Florence, active participants were now enrolied: Bandini and Francezi, young hotheads; Bracciolini, a
of funds; and two priests, Antonio da Volterra, hated Lorenzo for having destroyed his city, and Stefano,
in need

poor devil


a tutor in the Pazzi household.

Troops were posted round Florence ready to invade the city once die plan had succeeded,



for, despite the Pope s verbal injunction, it was understood that both Lorenzo and Giuliano should be killed, as otherwise the survivor might take vengeance. But how find an opportunity for

the deed?

IV provided one. He gave a Cardinal s hat to Raffaelle a boy of twenty a nephew of Girolamo and made him Riario, Legate to Perugia. On his way to that city he would pass through

Florence, and there

would be a reception and a


The scheme



The new

Cardinal invited the Medici brothers

to dinner at a villa belonging to the Pazzi. But Giuliano was unwell and did not come. In the following week Lorenzo held a

reception at Fiesole in honour of the young Cardinal, but again Giuliano was absent. This was ill luck indeed! To bring the thing
to a head, Salviati instructed Raffaelle Riario to express a desire to hear Mass in Santa Maria del Fiore on the morning, of April 6, 1478, before going to dine in state at the Medici Palace, where

great preparations were in hand. Lorenzo and Giuliano would escort him to the Cathedral, and afterwards take him back with


The elevation of the Host was to be the signal. The bells would
then ring, and

would be the cue

for Salviati



the Palazzo della Signoria. Montesecco would kill while Francesco Pazzi and Bandini dealt with Giuliano. Lorenzo, But Montesecco, who had been kindly received by Lorenzo and


also was averse to shedding blood in church, drew out. He was replaced by the priests Antonio and Stefeno, who had no such


was kte. Pazzi and Bandini, of him. They amused assigned for the murder*, went in search him with jests, and, under pretence of caressing him, felt him with their arms and hands to make sure he had no breastplate or hidden weapon. The victims were now ready*. In the church there was a vast concourse. At the moment of the elevation die two brothers wexe walking round the oiifcskie of the and Baodiri, choir, when the bells began to ring. Francesco Pazzi who were still accompanying Ginfiano^ diew their daggers; and




Bandini struck Giuliano so violently in the side that the latter recoiled several paces before he fell. The two then rushed upon him with such fury that Pazzi wounded himself in the leg. At the same time Antonio and Stefano were attacking Lorenzo.

A friend covered him with his body and was killed, but this gave
Lorenzo time



weapon and defend

received only a slight


wound in

himself, so that he the neck. Pazzi and Bandini now into the

came up; but Lorenzo had already had time to jump over

He ran across

in front of the altar


Someone pushed him

and reached the sacristy. and the bronze door closed upon him.

Panic and howls of terror broke out in the Cathedral. Some

people ran home; others sought arms to defend Lorenzo. Suddenly
cries arose outside the sacristy:

Come out, come




A young man who was with Lorenzo climbed up to the

and returned with the news that friends had
sacristy, Lorenzo now had asked to suck the


cantoria of the organ, arrived.


so, after

remaining an hour in the


emerged under a strong


wound on

his neck, as



feared that the

weapon had been

poisoned; a scarf had then been used to bandage him, and he was taken to his home. As to Cardinal Raffaelle, he had remained

trembling before the altar until the priests took him in charge. was provided with a guard and confined in the Palazzo.


Archbishop Salviati had left the church, stating that he was going to see his mother. He took with him some thirty men, including his brother and Bracciolini and a number of exiles from Perugia, and made his way to the Palazzo
hearing the


della Signoria.

Half his company he took into the courtyard and

told them to hide in the Chancellery; and the conspirators prudently closed the door behind them, not realizing that they

had imprisoned themselves. The door could only be opened from

Salviati, in the

meantime, went up the stairway and asked to see

at this

Cesare Petrucci, the Gonfaloniere, who was required by regulation

never to leave the palace, and who


was a man of humble


moment was at breakfast. who owed everything to the




He was amazed as he listened to the Archbishop stammer and confusedly explaining some mission with which the Pope ing had entrusted him. There was nothing clear about it, and, besides, the visitor was constantly turning towards the door as if to make

a sign to people outside.


who had some

experience of these


called to his men-at-arms.

On Bracciolini s suddenly appearing, he

him by the hair, swung him round and threw him to the guards. The Priors meanwhile ran to the kitchen and armed
themselves with spits and larding-pins, while the guards searched
the building and discovered Salviati s friends in the Chancellery. The wretches were brought out one by one, stabbed in succession

and thrown out of the window on to the paving-stones of the


Suddenly there was a great clatter. It was old Jacopo Pazzi, who appeared on horseback in front of the palace, followed by a

hundred armed men all shouting: Liberty! The word had ceased the cry was soon drowned in the howl of the to mean anything

And although the Pazzi now attacked hurled down on their heads a hail of the palace, the defenders stones with which the place was always well provided, and so
Mediceans: Talle! PalleP1
forced Jacopo to retreat. He saw that the game was up, had one of the city-gates opened, and fled with his followers towards


News of the outrage quickly spread through the city. Giuliano had been killed, with fifteen dagger-wounds. His elegance, his love of games, his beautiful mistress, had made him the idol of the younger generation, and Florence was seized with a frenzy for
revenge. On the order of Petructi and the Priors, Archbishop Salviati was forthwith hanged from a window of the palace. His purplelike the stockinged legs, dangling below his cassock, looked His brother and BracdoHni were dispatched clappers of a belL in the same way. The others were l>utcho:ed aftear which thek

bodies were


down over die Piazza, where the people cut them

The balls
badge of ifae Medici



in pieces and carried the fragments in triumph on the end of staves. priest who had been in Salviati s service had his head and

legs severed,

and quarters of his body with one arm* were paraded the streets amid cries of Death to the traitors! The through apothecary Landucci witnessed this spectacle.


Twenty-six men were thus disposed of like butcher s meat. one body, which had been hanged, fell to the ground, the soldiers quarrelled over the hose and other garments. Only one man escaped, crouching for four days under a wood-pile. When discovered, nearly dead of hunger, he was pardoned.

The Florentines meanwhile had rushed to the Medici palace. The multitude filled the street, acclaiming Lorenzo, who had to show himself, with his neck bandaged. But victims were still

Led by the prince s bravoes, the crowd invaded the Pazzi mansions. In one of them they found Francesco, lying wounded on his bed. Despite his small stature, he drew himself up courage
ously and defied his executioners, while they insulted and spat

on him. Finally they dragged him to the Palazzo and displayed him as a trophy at a window on the first floor. From here he could
see a stiff corpse, wearing a cassock that had been pulled up above the thighs. It was the Archbishop. Other bodies were hanging

head downwards.

neck, they pushed him

cord was then passed round Francesco s out, his body swayed, he struck the

Archbishop s, moved his legs and opened his eyes for the last time without hearing the obscene cries of the multitude. And the Pazzi continued to be hunted down. One of them, disguised as a woman, had hidden in a corner of the Church of Santa Croce. He and another were taken and led to the Palazzo.


Signoria had, in the meantime, sent out riders to capture or

get news of any who had managed to escape. Three of the Pazzi, who were picked up in this way, joined the chaplet of hanging
bodies, and the populace never wearied of disembowelling the
corpses. Another, Renato Pazzi, was surprised just as he was leaving the city disguised as a peasant. He was hanged on the spot, although he had disapproved of the conspiracy and taken no

part in



Old Jacopo was



at large.


the eve of the attempted

merchan coup d etat he had paid all his debts and handed back the

which he had been handling for the customs, so that, in the event of failure, no one should suffer. He was now galloping over the mountain roads. But the Signoria s horsemen came up with him and brought him back in a litter to the Palazzo. He had begged in vain. He ended like the mountaineers to kill him on the way
his kinsfolk.

He was buried in

Santa Croce. But a rumour arose that before

and the proof being hanged, he had given his soul to the Devil,
that continual rain

was now threatening to destroy the


Why have buried


blasphemer, this gambler, in holy ground? band of men, chiefly peasants, stole the body from the church; the sun came whereupon the sky cleared, the rain stopped and

an obvious sign that Vox popuJi was Vox Dei*

outside the walls in unconseJacopo was again buried, this time rest long there. On May I7th, under crated ground. But he did not the guidance of brutal men, a number of children dug up the body, fastened a cord round its neck and dragged it through the streets. at intervals to tie it to door-bells, and call out: would

They Knock

to messer Jacopo di PazziP This was children are usually afraid of death, amazing, wrote Landucci, for think how, from April 27th to May iTth, he must have and
at the

stop door!



been stinking! These horrors went on until the Signoria had the into the Arno, thai body thrown from the Rubaconte bridge the children cried out: swollen with the spring rains, while Messer Jacopo goes off in the Arno. But downstream a little
other children fished out the body, hung it on a willow-tree, it back. People were said to have seen it flogged it and then threw the bridges at Pisa* floating down undo: Antonio and Stefano, who had been the first to assault Lorenzo,

had already been executed,


after their noses



had been

hacked by the populace, first Seventy corpses, slashed and Piazza. Montesecco, the faired agent* who were now lying in the had cried off at the last moiBent, let himself be taken. After being

he questioned at length,

made a

written confession and was then



beheaded. Francezi and Bandini had managed to escape. The former enlisted in the Neapolitan army, and was to die a year later; the latter took refuge in Constantinople, but he was

order of the Sultan at the request of the all-powerful and was hanged as soon as he reached Florence. For Lorenzo,, Lorenzo not mean one of his brother s murderers to survive. And the reprisals continued. Those of the Pazzi who were still alive were imprisoned in the fort at Volterra, save only one who, being related to Lorenzo, was permitted to go into exile. The conspirators were depicted on the walls of the Bargello, hanging head downwards, and Lorenzo himself is said to have written Bandini s epitaph, which ran as follows: *I was another Judas, a traitor, a murderer in Church. Finally, a medal was struck in commemoration of the crime, and bearing the words: Public Mourning. On it the conspirators were depicted as they were



stabbing Giuliano. The name of Pazzi was deleted from the registers, and those





were obliged to adopt another. Everything that

cancelled: armorial bearings, devices

recalled the

name was now

and escutcheons. The crossroads known as the Canto del Pa^i was renamed. Anyone who should take a wife among the descend ants of the Pazzi, or give his daughter to one of them, was to be ammordto^ excluded from public office. The family was abolished. Two hundred and seventy victims such was the outcome of this clumsy conspiracy, undertaken without assurance of popular support. Giuliano s youth and popularity, together with the fact that he had been murdered in church at the moment of the elevation, inspired pity and horror. Later on, people were to extol a bastard he had had by a girl of the Gorini family. The child was born after its father s death, was brought up with Lorenzo s children, and became in due course Pope Clement VTI.



Courage and

of Lorenzo


*Bel Vivere

Pomp and dictatorship - Omens of misfortune Prosperity


of the conspiracy infuriated Pope Sixtus. In a brief of June i, 1478, he excommunicated Lorenzo, that

son of iniquity , together with the Priors, possessed by the Devil, carried away with the frenzy of mad dogs , who had
actually dared to hang an Archbishop in public at the gates of their palace! Of the outrage in a church there was not a word.

Lorenzo was not much impressed. He had Montesecco s con fession, which proved that the Pope and the Archbishop were implicated. On June 5th, however, he set Raffaelle Riario at

According to a chronicler the young Cardinal reached Siena more dead than alive, after the mortal terror he had passed through. He still imagined he could feel a rope round his neck.

But the Vatican was not



this single act

of grace, and

on July yth a Papal

herald arrived in Florence with a declaration

of war, in which it was stated that His Holiness bore no ill will to the Florentines but only to the tyrant, and that if the latter were
driven out, everything could be settled. Lorenzo cleverly as usual offered to sacrifice himself.


was told that his life was inseparable from that of the Republic, and he was given a bodyguard as a mark of sovereignty. Where upon Rome hurled a bull of interdict against the city: there were to be no more masses or sacraments or beH-ringing. But the citizens showed BO repentance and reacted violently. A pamphleteer insulted the Pope, treated him as vicar of Ae Devi, and appealed to a General Council of tfae Chinch.



Yet Lorenzo

was by no means comfortable, threatened as he was by Rome, Siena and Naples. After weighing a resolution that did credit up the pros and cons, he now, with to his political genius, decided to throw himself on the mercy of one of his enemies, that old scoundrel Ferrante of Naples. He first sent a Strozzi, as ambassador, and merchant,

Filippo wealthy meanwhile he addressed the Florentine notables

as follows:



enemies maintain that they have no hatred for the city, but only for have therefore deemed fit to go personally to Naples. It will be a useful if they If enemies desire they will get me; but




desire public

harmony, one can make terms.



am placing

myself in

yet I


to disposed to prefer the public weal




house and family to your

This noble attitude inspired the most compassionate sympathy. Everyone remembered the fate of the condottiere Piccinino who, in 1465, had trusted to the good faith of Ferrante, and who had

been coolly assassinated. But Lorenzo was made of other stuff. After arriving in Naples he kept a watch on the secretive Ferrante,
studied his
character, impressed him by his own skill as a political analyst, and after five months got him to sign a He then, with the treaty in his pocket, returned favourable

mind and


to the Pope who had intended to quietly home, paying no heed force Lorenzo to seek pardon on his knees. The Florentines

welcomed him back

as a saviour;

and Sixtus, being

now without

the support of Naples, raised the excommunication and the interdict. Everything was settled, though not as the Pope had


Never had Lorenzo

fortunes stood so high.

a giraffe,

The King of
and pleasant,

France called him his dear brother and treated him as a friend.

The Sultan of Egypt sent him

gentle as a lamb*; a big

very tall,




and strange goats and sheep,

of which were greatly admired. And yet, since the conspiracy, the atmosphere had seemed less clean. In the street, the prince was



armed and cloaked


one of whom, a


man of


Pistoia named Salvalaglio, marched in front of him a naked sword. It was a Pretorian Guard. More than ever holding now Lorenzo kept an eye on the great families; he had spies at

every party and assembly; he maintained secret relations with every He group, without any one suspecting what another was

had an eye to everything his friends, his interests, the very attitude of the citizens. Distrust was the order of the day.

Not only
of anxiety.

State business

but his private


were a source

appeared from the Monte, the great ledger in which were recorded the banking and commercial debts of the Medici

house, that there was not enough money to pay the creditors. The various branches of the Bank, and notably the one at Bruges,

Lorenzo then coolly drew from the Why any embarrassment? Taking advantage of his popularity and the peace he had negotiated, he had established a new regime. The various councils had been replaced by a single council of seventy members, all Mediceans, and they appointed the commissioners of the Signoria: the eight who dealt -with foreign affairs, the procurators who attended to home affairs, and the

had suffered heavy

public funds.


controlled the police. Officially, the Republic still subsisted; in reality nothing was done save by the will of Lorenzo, and he was now far more than a lord with a rod : he
eight officers



a genuine dictator.


rumour was a

occasion a youth


pretext for severity. On one had killed a favourite of the Signoria s

was handed over to the bargello. He was an attractive-looking fellow and the crowd which had collected cried out to him:

Some of the notables interceded for him The latter gave them fair words, and had the with Lorenzo. young man hanged. Four of the people who had told the youth to make off received each four lashes of the whip and were
Clear off! clear off!

And Lorenzo

did not leave the Piazza until calm had

been restored.
In September 1480 a pilgrim who had called at Poggio a Caiano, Lorenzo s country-house, was arrested under suspicion of intend ing to assassinate the prince. Men were detailed to scrape the

soles of his feet


and then to roast them until the fat flowed out; he was then made to walk over a bed of coarse salt. The poor wretch died without having been proved guilty. Lorenzo had
descended to the level of the other Italian tyrants. On the other hand he retained popular support by the spectacles and festivities he organized; and he was still the Maecenas, adored







His house was a museum, a

school, a meeting-place for great minds. Let us look over this house, the palace in the Via Larga. Here is the chapel, and the bright frescoes by Gozzoli, and here the

bedroom, the great bed of inlaid wood with its green canopy, its embroidered coverlets and velvet, gold-bedizened cushions. On
the wall are illuminated brackets supporting a figure of Christ between the two thieves, and a women s head though whether

our Lady, or the Muse of Poetry, one can hardly be sure. Then there are crests and helmets, gilded spears, Byzantine
it is

mirrors, bronze cherubs, coffers adorned with scenes from


and Hercules triumphing over Antaeus. The austere Clarice finds it hard to accept this intrusion of paganism. She would like her children to be brought up in a more Christian
history in relief,

atmosphere and not in the doctrines of the Greek and Roman whom their masters prefer. This Poliziano, for example,

says so


wilderness, and her

horrid things! But she was a voice crying in the strictures on Florentine life left her husband

completely cold.

Apart from politics Lorenzo was at this time obsessed with his passion for a married woman, Bartolommea de Nasi, hardly beautiful but amiable and graceful. He was so much in love that when she was living in the city and he in the country, he would go by night to see her and return with an escort before daybreak. But this kind of life was exhausting him. To gout, which was hereditary, was now added severe stomach trouble. He
sought hot springs at Vignone, in Siennese territory, where Saint Catherine tried scalding herself in order to have a foretaste of Purgatory.
relief at the

Life in Florence at this time

was not perfectly





moria, or plague, was raging and tradesmen left their shops and withdrew to the country. There was famine too, and war in Lombardy. Whole families were seen emigrating southwards,

dragging after them


wretched cooking pots, stoves and


other poor utensils, tied to the back of a donkey Sometimes also the severity of the Signoria provoked a


mur, though scarcely more.

national festival

On Midsummer Day
was detected


people s the offertory was being taken, with no regard for belt-tags the solemnity of the occasion. He was hanged from the window of the Capitano del Popolo and remained there until the evening,

a Bolognese



there arose such a storm of rain and hail as had never been

seen the like

were torn to shreds,

true that in

which had been pitched on the Piazza on account of this act of homicide. It was the previous week the men of Bologna had burned




straw lions (the arms of Florence) in derision. But after


the sun shone again. It was in a tranquil a term of setting that the Magnifico and admiration ended his days. His last care was to set courtesy

everything settled

down and

up his son in an established position. This Giovanni de Medici was a little snub-nosed fellow, quite without charm; his mouth, with its jutting lower lip, was usually half-open. But he had been a good student at Pisa, and as he was destined for the Church, his father was hunting for benefices with such importunity that Innocent III, the reigning Pope, called him a hunter of flies But Innocent was a timid and irresolute man, he was afraid of Naples, he needed Lorenzo and entrusted himself entirely to that



latter exploited his


Once more he became

banker to the Holy See and, ipso facto, counsellor to the Vatican. He petted Innocent, sent him bottles of exquisite Trebbiano,
delicate cheeses

and Florentine cloth of the

finest texture.


he reaped his reward. His daughter, the amiable Maddalena, was married to Franceschetto Cibo, the Pope s nephew (really his son); and Giovanni de Medici was made a Cardinal. You are ,


his father,

not only the youngest of the Cardinals




but of all those

who have ever lived/ And Machiavelli was


comment: This business was a ladder by which the Medici

climbed up into heaven.* The list of his successes was thus complete. At the age of fortyfour he was a decrepit old man. Feeling that his end was near, he
sent for Savonarola, a terrible those pagans , the Medici, and

Dominican who was made him presents to

hostile to


him; but the monk remained haughtily unbending. It s he who will depart , he said. *I shall remain/ And again: When you throw a piece of meat to a watch-dog, he puts his teeth into it and is
quiet for a little; but he soon drops it against the brigands and oppressors/

and barks


more loudly

Did the watch-dog refuse absolution to the oppressor? This was probably a legend invented by Savonarola s followers with a view to Republican propaganda. In any case, the Magnifico s death was accompanied by sinister omens. A furious hurricane
began to blow, bringing torrents of rain; the Medici escutcheon was shattered; a lion, in the den at the Signoria, was devoured by
the others; and an ox breathing fire through its nostrils was seen pursuing a woman. All this, the experts explained sub rosa, was because the Magnifico had freed a spirit which had been kept for

years imprisoned in a ring and which he had



out on falling

In the villa at Careggi where he was dying, Lorenzo heard that the cupola of Santa Maria del Fiore had been struck by lightning. On which side? he asked. They told him. Well then, I done

was in replied. my vain that his doctor, Pier Leoni of Spoleto, administered a beverage the normal remedy for a containing powdered diamonds great financier. He died on April 8, 1492.



It fell

on the





was a national calamity. The whole population attended his which was conducted without pomp. Everyone feared there would be new misfortunes. The doctor s body was discovered at the bottom of a well near San Giovanni: had he been murdered or committed suicide? No one knew. Preachers, astrologers, men of letters and all shared in the and philosophers


general alarm,




of the departed rose on every hand.

What would happen

him? Landucci wrote

as follows in his journal:

man was in the eyes of the world the most glorious and wealthy you man of greatest estate and reputation. Everyone said that it was he who governed Italy, and truly he was a wise man. All his designs
could find, the
prospered, and he realized what no citizen had ever managed to accomplish, by raising his young son to the rank of Cardinal and by ennobling not only

house but the whole of our


inscription, which had been engraved in 1490 under Ghirlandajo s fresco in Santa Maria Novella, seemed to be true:




and noble through her

victories, her great


her crafts and houses, enjoys abundance, health and tranquillity/ Under Lorenzo, in fact, culture and the bel vivere had flourished.
Florentines have marvellously augmented their state , cried Landucci. They have learned how to build more decently and


more sumptuously than other nations, and how to esteem the most excellent artists, and this redounds to their incomparable glory. Ariosto was likewise to extol Florence. If all your scattered palaces , he said, were gathered together within one circle of walls and under one name, two Homes would not be your equal.
Florentines being well fed did not think of complaining; for the city was crammed with food and every kind of trade was


Did not this people enjoy peace, pleasure and renown? seemed to have forgotten their former liberty and the passion They for politics that had once possessed them, as also the rough jolts which had followed the conspiracy of the Pazzi. They were united for once, in servitude no doubt, but could they have

desired a better or

more agreeable master


they, subtle

and refined


they were, have endured a coarse and uncultured


when he thought it necessary, but courtly in his behaviour and very much of a lady s man, a poet and artist too, Lorenzo de*

Medici represents the most finished type of the Renaisssance Italian. His skill and courage enabled him to maintain a balance




of power

of the balance

the Italian States, and he was himself the needle He tried to constitute a league of these States

which would,

if acting in concert,




clear to

oppose any attempt at foreign him: he foresaw the irruption

of the barbarians


while he consolidated the position of his

country, he did not, like the good merchant that he was by tradition, forget the greatness of his own house. One could






ground which had been covered from the time who had first brought the name of Medici into

had supported the revolt of the plebeians against the 1 wealthy classes, of the magri against the grassi . Once Lorenzo had gone, the balance was upset, political

confusion followed, party feeling reawakened, the preachers thundered from their pulpits, and the old apostles of liberty
raised their heads.



whole epoch was sinking into the grave. this when he concluded his Istorie began to sprout which, a little later, could have cleared them away,

with the following words: Immediately after the death

evil seeds

of Lorenzo, those
in the absence

of a

man who

ruined and are


ruining Italy.

The Topolo grasso* was, members of the *Arti maggiorT.

speaking, the

name given

to the





Ramparts and suburbs Bridges and gates Convents, - Markets - Streets - Middle-class and churches palaces houses, shops and country-villas Valuation of an estate
Peasants and their relations with city-folk




been captured by Turkish

was planning his escape spoke as follows to pirates and a fair Moslem whom he wished to fly with him to Italy:

Under the most temperate sky is seated Florence r my very dear home, which I may say without disparagement of other cities is unquestionably the most beautiful in the world. There you will
see temples, palaces, private houses, broad streets and noble all around, gardens and villages in abundance, each squares: and, of which will seem to you a paradise.
this the voice

of an exile boasting of his home? or a


Let us see what Florence was really like. story for dancing-girls? Since the Middle Ages the City of the Flower had grown con
out beyond the Arno. It had tinuously. Its suburbs now stretched overflowed from the ancient walls, which had been replaced by a second wall at the end of the twelfth century, and by a third, of

which remnants


survive, in 1284.

In the fifteenth century the city s appearance was as follows. Some sixty square towers rose from crenellated ramparts which were more than two leagues all round. There were as many inside
the walls. Seen from a distance, the city was shaped like a spindle, narrow at the ends, very broad in the middle. Along the walls,

of about three hundred and twenty-seven yards, there was a tower; but when from time to time the constitution was
at intervals

principate changed and the Republic was gradually replaced by these old towers, which were the pride of the city, were broken




with sorrow.
turned into dwelling-houses. contemporary noted all can picture the fine effect they made when One

down and

of Santa Maria Novella and of Giotto

one sees the campaniles of the Signoria, the Podesta, the Badia, s campanile at Santa Maria del Fiore , he observed. Owing therefore to the distrust of her

tyrants, Florence lost the great crown of towers which had once stood out in jagged silhouette; and anyone who is curious as to the

appearance of the medieval




take a look at San

four fine stone bridges spanned the Arno. Starting from the east, there was the Rubaconte bridge, named after a Milanese Podesta, Rubaconte da Mandello, who had had

On the other hand,


built in 1237. Six massive piles supported houses, shops and a chapel. Later on, it was to be renamed the Ponte alle Grazie.
rebuilt in 1345. It

The Ponte Vecchio had been

was longer and

broader than the others and was covered with shops and houses. The Ponte Santa Triniti, dating from 1250, was very handsome:

was occupied only by a

small hospice for

monks and

a stone

sundial. Finally the Ponte alia Carraja, so called from the name of an ancient city gate, had no houses on it. This bridge commemor

had collapsed under the weight representation of Heir, on a platform of boats and rafts in the river. presented
ated a disaster.

On May



of the spectators

who had assembled for a

In the sixteenth century Benedetto Varchi conceived the happy notion of describing the city. The streets, says this famous historian, are fairly wide , and nearly all paved with flagstones, thanks to the active Rubaconte. On each side was a and
a gutter to carry rain-water


to the

remained dry and free from the


Arno, so that the streets and slime which you found

elsewhere in winter. In summer, on the other hand, the flagstones radiated the heat, and from noon until one could

evening only remain cool in the usually spacious ground-floor rooms of the
Varchi next takes us on a
barbicans* There
far side.

the gates and fortified of Florence, and five on the Beginning from the east, you had the Porta della

visit to



on this






so called because malefactors were executed there; then the Porta Croce, with a great suburb covered with shops and a vast

hostelry. It

the city to go to the monastery of Vallombrosa or to Pontassieve in the Casentino. The Porta di Fiesole led you along the convent of the Camaldoli

was by

this gate that




and beside a marvellous garden to the famous Badia, which had built at great cost by Cosimo de Medici. There, you could
see Fiesole

had been

making eyes at her old rival: Fiesole which, men said, by Atlas under the sign of a star so favourable that assured the Fiesolans of peace of mind, rest of body and a joyful



Further on stood the Port a San Gallo, and beside it an Augusconvent founded by Lorenzo de Medici, and one of the

finest hostelries

where the



for relaxation

and amuse


When business

took them to Romagna, the

citizens left


the Port a Faenza. In this direction lay many territories subject to Florence, such as Pistoia and Montemurlo of which we shall



Lastly, there was the Porta al Prato, beyond which were play grounds and the stadium. Here they practised jumping, and played
at palla al calcio, or football.

This was also the starting-point for the horse-races, the course running through the entire length of the that city to the Porta Santa Croce. And it was through this gate the Medici passed when they went to rest at their villa of Poggio
a Caiano a villa so rich that



Emperor Charles

V saw


in 1535 he said it could not be the villa of a private citizen. Let us now cross the Arno. If you wanted to go to Pisa, over

forty miles away, you would leave by the Porta San Friano, where there was a monastery and a suburb, and away beyond, very
to agreeable villas including the Selve^ or woodlands , belonging Messer Filippo Strozzi. If you went out by the Porta San Pietro

you saw a

fountains, and these

and great number of villas, palaces, gardens commanded a superb view of Florence. The

Porta San Giorgio, standing on the highest ground, took you to the Piazza dei Giullari, so-called on account of the festivities and
displays of jugglery of which

had formerly been the




Further on, from the Porta San Miniato, you could see,


on the

hilltop, the fortress-church raised to the


of San Minias, one of the few Florentine saints; while the last gate on this side, the Porta San Niccol6, was a very busy one, because

led to the valley

of Chianti, famous for the number of exquisite


wines that were produced there, and worthy of admiration because it is harsh and rocky
* *

In their capacity as merchants the Florentines had for long been well versed in accountancy and statistics. Varchi tells us that seven
or eight children, rather fewer girls than boys, were baptised every

day at the Church of San Giovanni, where the civic register had been kept since 1450. Prior to that, people had been simply
required to drop a black pea into a
for a girl, to record births.

boy and a white pea Now counting the number of hearths

for a


which was 10,000, and excluding the suburbs, the resident popu lation was estimated at 70,000,*monks including the religious and frati who were continually increasing. In spite of its libertines and free-thinkers, the city contained over a hundred convents, including forty-nine for women. Since

Dominican and Franciscan orders had life. We have today, in witness of it, the Dominican church of Santa Maria Novella, the Franciscan church of Santa Croce, the Carmine founded by the Carmelites, and Santa Annunziata, founded by the new order of
imparted a great impetus to monastic
the Servi di Maria. Lastly, on the foundations of the old church of Santa Reparata had risen Santa Maria del Fiore, begun in 1296 by Arnolfo da Cambio. Giotto s campanile was added in the next century, and in the fifteenth, the cupola of Brunelleschi, that
architect whose life every Florentine could relate to you. His family lived opposite the present church of San Gaetano, beyond the Via Tomabuonl He had learned drawing in a gold smith s shop, and discovered a gift for architecture when helping

the thirteenth century the


Most authors regard

this as

tained at least 90,000 or even 100,000 inhabitants.

an underestimate. Florence probably con




to rebuild a


at the

Mercato Vecchio. For the

of the Signoria he recommended arcaded openings in the antique manner, which created a sensation. To build the cupola of Santa Maria del Fiore he had to compete with Lorenzo Ghiberti,
the famous sculptor

who had

carved the doors of the Baptistery.

Furious at being obliged to work with him, he feigned sickness, and when people came to fetch him from his home: Go and talk

But Lorenzo will do nothing without Well, I can manage quite well without him/ he replied. you. Ghiberti withdrew, for a consideration; and Brunelleschi com

Lorenzo , he grumbled.

which is the pride of the pleted the daring cupola, or dome, Florentines and the glory of the great cathedral which Leone
Battista Alberti


to extol.

This temple (he wrote) unites grace with majesty, a charming delicacy with the solid and the robust. Each of its parts seems to have been built to have been designed for eternity. Within, one please the eye, everything to freshness of spring. Outside there may be frost, fog breathes the

perpetual or wind; but in this retreat, closed to every wind, the air is quiet and mild. What a pleasant refuge from the hot blasts of summer and autumn And if it be true that delight resides where our senses receive all that they can

demand of nature, how can one

hesitate to call this temple a nest of delights?

and gladness present Here, wherever the eye comes to rest, images of joy themselves. A delicate perfume fills the air; and, what I appreciate above all, is that when one hears the voices of the priests as they celebrate those rites which the Ancients called mysteries, one has a marvellous sensation of

This peculiarly Florentine eulogy might almost have been



a pagan.

Let us


consider the palaces,


some of which had


Such was the palace of the Podesta the aspect of a medieval was taken in hand begun in 1255; the palace of the Signoria which when the Arts assumed power, in 1258; and the palace of the
the great era of palaceGuelph party with its battlements. But the fifteenth century. Between 1450 and building dates from continued 1478 thirty new ones were raised, and the movement

the years that followed. Varchi describes the residence of the Twenty-one Arts, with their sculptured arms, the admirable

grow in



Or San

Michele, which had once been a storehouse for grain (horreum), and then an oratory where the archives of the Republic

were housed on the upper floor; the Hall of the Pope, built in 1418 in the convent of Santa Maria Novella and reserved for the supreme pontiff when he visited Florence; and the Sapienza
Vacchia, near the Church of the Nunziata
the studio


professors lectured in every faculty . One should add that the more distinguished families possessed,

near their


a loggia or casolaro, an open-air pleasaunce


with an arbour and colonnades. Here

would come



verse, or arrange business-deals, or play games. Such was the Loggia dei Tornaquinci near the Palazzo Strozzi; and the Loggia

of the Innocents. The most remarkable of these






that of the Signoria,

now called

the Loggia dei


But Florence was particularly proud of its hospitals, where the invalids of both sexes were lodged and treated free of charge. The oldest and wealthiest, thanks to an accumulation of endowments, was the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova, 1 which controlled all the

These included San Pagolo, near Santa Maria Novella, the hospital of the Incurables in the Via San Gallo, the small
receivingcentres for poor folk and travellers, and especially the great hospital of the Innocents, with its gardens, where, through the hole of a little window , foundlings were taken in. There were over a thousand there, in Varchi s time.

busiest centre remained where the Roman Forum had once stood, that is, in the Mercato Vecchio, now the Piazza della Here you might see the Repubblica. greengrocers with their movable booths, the butchers and their open stalls, the fishmongers and innkeepers. At each angle of the crowded square stands a church. Here and there barbers are shaving people in the open, except on Sundays when they have to remain in their shops (they


are forbidden to shave at home).





like that

of a poultry-


Cellini lived near by, in the

Via della Pergola.



yard; people hailing each other or quarrelling, and the barber threatening the apothecary whom he looks on as a competitor. The Via Calimala is noisy with the shouts of apprentices. Here



Or San


was founded. This street leads us to the Michele, to the palace of the wool-merchants and a sloping alley to the Mercato Nuovo. Here the murmur

of voices

In shops or under awnings, the dealers in and other textiles ply their trade, while the money-changers

gravely at their desks.




may be

sold here, for this


what we should
a wild boar.


the Exchange. The Loggia bears the image of here two streets, the Calimaluzza and the Canto

di Vacchereccia, with its many goldsmiths shops, take us to the Piazza della Signoria, another centre of commercial and political

palavering, a birthplace for combina^onL The Via Calzaiuoli well known to the modern tourist, was the Street of the Hosiers

then divided into three portions: the Corso dei Amidei, the Via
dei Pittori

and the Via dei Formaggi.


In the course of time

these streets

became more open and

ornate. Buildings were replaced with a constant eye for beauty. Thanks to Brunelleschi and Alberti, the house in Renaissance
style (there

was no Gothic palace

in Florence as there



Siena) replaced the fortress-dwelling; a taste for elegance, luxury and comfort prevailed over notions of war and strife.

Florence already possessed open spaces, some fifty squares, or those in front of the four churches of the four piafte*) including


as well as 138

gardens and vegetable


But there
a stinking

were sombre spots

like the Stinche^ the state-prison,

where the walls harbour vermin gaol , according to Machiavelli, so huge and swollen that you might compare them to butterflies*.
This was near the Badia, where the Podesta had charge of the
city s banner.


felt as

though a policeman was lurking


every corner. The Florentine normally lived in the open. In good weather he would sit in the street which served as the outer room of his
house, and there he would play at chess or dice.



Michelangelo lived in the Via Ghibellina, near the Piazza Santa Croce.



commented on every move,

but, owing to the restricted space, the least untoward incident might occasion a panic. Thus one day Rinuccio di Nello s old horse, a sort of camel with a humped

back, a head like a

and the crupper of a lean ox , suddenly materialized in pursuit of a mare. Rinuccio, who had been warned by a cobbler that his horse had broken loose, came running in

The Mercato Vecchio was, as usual, crowded. Alarmed of St George! St George! and thinking that there was a by cries riot, the second-hand clothes-dealers closed their shops. Butchers
stalls were overturned, drapers hastily threw their rolls of cloth into the shelter of their booths. hurricane seemed to be passing. which led to Or San Michele, and where corn and Along the alley

grain were sold on open counters, the damage was terrible. group of blind folk standing in front of the Oratory placed them

on the defensive. And when at last the horse and its pursuers emerged on to the Piazza della Signoria, the magistrates thought a revolution had broken out. The doors of the palace were
bolted, and the public executioner hid himself. But visitors admired Florence. Rabelais, some years later, was to write: were a right goodly company of studious folk,


greedy to see the wonders of Italy; and so, with curious gaze, we contemplated the ... beauty of Florence, the great building of the
the sumptuous temples and stately palaces. At the of the nineteenth century Stendhal observed that in beginning twenty different parts of the city, as for example if the visitor walked from the Ponte alia Trinita and past the Palazzo Strozzi, he might think himself back in 1500. How well one realizes , he

Duomo, and

remarks, from the solidity of these palaces, built of enormous blocks of stone undressed on the outer surface, that was


often rife in these streets.


It is

the absence of danger in the streets

makes us so small and petty/

a privilege for Florence! in other lands. 1
* *


The plant



born there

more robust than


*La pianta


nasce piu robusta in Italia che in qualunque altra saying of Alfieri s, repeated by Byron and others. (Translator)





The burgher

house, as compared with the palace, was

very splendid residence. The home of a notable in the wool trade, for example, had a vaulted portico, two galleries paved with surrounded marble, and three floors. Beside it was the
Loggia by was hot, you took refuge on the first floor in a room with glass windows and curtains to hide you from the street. More modest houses also had their comforts terraces,


the sun

courtyards, stables, passages, antichambers and at least one well of fresh water. Better still, a fairly well-to-do Florentine owned a
casa^ or dwelling-house, a farm in the country.

shop where he worked, and a



In the Mugello, for example the upper part of the valley of the Sieve, a tributary of the right bank of the Arno the merchants had their country homes. Old dismantled castles had

been turned into quiet residences, where the prosperous dealer in silk or woollens took his ease with his family. There were 800 of such houses in a space of twenty miles, surrounded by stone

and honoured with the name of palaces.

the city stretched far beyond its walls. Florence, accord to Alberti, is surrounded by innumerable villas where the air ing is pure as crystal, the landscape most pleasant, the views wonder


In those parts there are no fogs or harmful winds. Everything good, the very water is pure and wholesome. Bird-songs and

fresh verdure gladden the heart, the streams go leaping down or hide under runnels of overhanging herbage You see the lamb trotting behind his mother. Another lamb has just been born. The good shepherd is carrying it in his arms, while the faithful

dog keeps watch over them all. A sort of pastoral poem! This countryside was endowed with every blessing. In


country-farm the merchant cultivated cereals and vegetables;

also provided him with wine, oil, forage and wood. It supplied all his needs and he sold the surplus. Blessed villa , cried Albert!,


home of good


which rewards one with countless

verdure in spring, fruit in autumn, a meeting-place for good men, an exquisite dwelling. Let us take the case of Agnolo Pandolfini, a cultured merchant

y. (afave) Details

from a fresco by Ghirlandajo in the Chiesa

di S.

Maria Novella:

(kft to right) Ficino, Landino, Poliziano

and G. de Becchi




Supposed self-portrait of from his Adoration of


(below right) Ghirlandajo,

in the Chiesa S.


a fresco,

Maria Novella






whose ancestors had made a fortune in trade at Naples. He owns the fine villa of Signa, where he has everything a gentleman could
desire: dogs, falcons

and various kinds of nets for small game or

He receives and lodges everyone; he even goes out into the

road and invites the wayfarer in, gives him water to wash, seats him at his table, and when he has lunched, thanks him and sends him on his way, as he does not wish to embarrass him. He is a modern Lucullus. When hunting he is always accompanied by a

and they

score of cavaliers, apart from the kennel-men and whippers-in, kill hares and roebuck.

A philosopher into the bargain.

age of eighty-five

Shortly before he died at the

had been only forty counselled his friends to give more thought to the welfare Agnolo and prosperity of the city than to their private interests, though
as keen-witted as if he

he added:

And after all that, I know you will do


nothing of what



Here now is a countryman of another stamp, an official dis missed from his post in consequence of a political upheaval. Niccolo Machiavelli is now eking out a poor sort of existence in a
modest house, the Albergaccio, not far from San Casciano. Rising before dawn, he makes ready his snares for birds and small game, or goes into his coverts to pass the time of day with the wood
cutters who always have a bone to pick among themselves or with the neighbours. Yet the slender resources that remain to him furnish him with many and many a good story.

traps he reads Dante, Petrarch the public road he talks to wayfarers, listens to gossip, observes human nature; then, after a meagre supper, betakes himself to the inn where, with the host, the butcher, the miller and the lime-merchant, he loses caste or at least lowers

While making the round of his

or Ovid.



by playing


cards or

backgammon. The players

squabble and hurl insults at each other, and the noise carries as far as San Casciano. Machiavelli plunges into such low life to preserve his brain from getting mouldy ; but then, on his return home, changes his clothes, dons his old court-dress and renews his mind and spirit by reading the ancient classics.


loses his practical sense of business.


Yet he by no means


have a sort of survey and description he made of two countryhouses which his friend Francesco Guicciardini a shrewd official

who had

contrived to keep his job


house, Finocchieto,

Arabia Petraea. The

thought of renting. The first situated in a melancholy spot, a sort of house is poor, the rooms small, the windows

or remnant of a field, but the high. In front is the beginning earth has been denuded and fresh soil will be needed, as otherwise

only the bones will remain.

A hundred ducats would have to be

on the

expended in restoring the place, planting vineyards above the house, and making ditches.

other property, the Colombaja, 2 looks better. The land seems good, and the place has all the conveniences usual for a



near Florence, a church, a butcher s shop, a road and postal service As regards the house, you enter by a large courtyard; a balcony; to the right, an anteroom facing you is a loggia, with

and bedroom; to the left, the hall with another room and ante room. All these apartments are decent and fit to live in. Opening on the courtyard are the kitchen, the stables and the still-room. The poultry-yard is in a smaller court. Below are two winecellars; upstairs are three habitable for a gentleman

rooms which can be


easily rendered


roofs are neither

good nor bad.

By spending a hundred and fifty ducats in repairing the doors, and basement; in patching up the kitchen, gutters, drain-pipes the buildings to give them a brighter appearance, and
touching up

would be able to live there decently and 3 the time comes for the last voyage


This survey and valuation of property by a great writer gives one a vivid notion of the daily life of the times; the more so as it is
quite without literary pretension.

The Fennel-Farm. (Translator) The Dovecote. (Translator)

the great sea* Literally, for entering

an old Florentine expression for




peasant, or contadino^

whom you meet can be recognized without a cloak and often without by grey garment trunk-hose, by a broad belt and a cape with flaps hanging down on each side. He is no ordinary peasant, tied to the soil, but ranks
his long

as a free

man and


more comfortably

off than the peasants of

other lands.

Tuscany between the city and the were inhabited by peasants who, on village. Many small towns from the fields, called themselves citizens. A shepherd returning from the Mugello could leave his flock and join a trade-guild in Florence. There was constant communication between town and
There was no
real barrier in

country; the contadino benefited from the prosperity of the merchant; and if he were a tenant he could by signing a contract with the proprietor become a free farmer. Peasants revolts were

unknown in Tuscany. The countryman knew how

year after year,

to defend his rights.



story of one peasant who, seeing his parcel of land nibbled away,

by a wealthy squire, had the funeral-knell in his village. People rushed out in alarm. are they ringing the bell?



Because law




are ringing for the repose of the

soul of law, which


An original way of mobilizing public

rarely at a loss.





doubt as Pulci, Lorenzo

s familiar,

observes, the contadino

understands nothing about the great debates regarding the soul, and as to where it enters the body and where it leaves it . He does

not trouble his head

by wondering why

the peach contains a


stone, and people who discuss such problems something wrong with their brains.

him as having

The cultured burgher, on the other hand, holds the peasant in low esteem or even regards him as a sink of corruption. According

whom we have already spoken, the peasant gives his whole mind to cheating you. He never makes a mistake to his disadvantage and always tries to get the better in a bargain. Even if he had more money than the owner,
to Pandolfini, the squire of Signa of




he would complain more loudly. When the harvest is good, he keeps two-thirds of the best for himself; when the yield is poor,

owing to storms or other mishaps, he always makes you pay for the loss. However, says Pandolfini, it would be a mistake to avoid
contact with these cunning rustics

who teach one how to contend

amuse one.

with scheming townsmen and remain vigilant. They are professors

of distrust, and in the end their


On the whole, therefore, the Florentine burgher did not regard the peasant with the perfect scorn of a French lord for his villein;



case the villano

would not

rough, but

his brain is subtle/

care a rap. *His shoes are Although violent on occasion he

by nature independent, cheerful and gay. His amusements are simple. At a country fete he brings out a donkey with cymbals tied
back and a thistle under its tail, so that it is constantly to. fidgeting and making music for everyone to dance in Tuscany had from early times afforded a Country-life

subject for art.

fresco in the city-hall at Siena (fourteenth century) depicts a peasant dragging his pig to market; contadine


dancing roundelays; farm-servants leading an ass; women with on their heads; and ploughmen at work. This feeling for

well expressed by Lorenzo de Medici in a passage describing the advent of Spring: When the Earth, clad in her new vesture, appears so fair to the eye, she will be

nature and the open air

saying to herself:


now I am




The tyrant took a personal interest in the peasants his neighbours. Nencia da Barberino was the girl

who were



selected as typical and whose love-affairs he recorded in the rustic vein. She is a lily-flower, without leaves, so soft and white that

she makes you think of the fat round a kidney/ She shines more in her chin enhances her brightly than a goblet; the dimple

charms; she has seven rings in a little box, and makes prettier Florence. No one is her equal for curtseys than any lady in wicker-baskets and straw-hats, and everyone admires her plaiting when she goes to Mass in her Sunday gown. Vallera, the young contadino, has fallen in love when watching her gathering herbs

one April for a



goes to town to buy her a pennyworth



of needles, some rouge in a box, and a ribbon of blue silk. But he has rivals who are promising her a pair of pretty little shoes.

When the lord of Florence took this tone with his peasants, the
merchant would have shown ill grace by being haughty or distant. To draw a complete picture of the environs of Florence, we
should have to push as far as the subject-cities of Pisa, Volterra, where the Pistoia, Arezzo and Cortona, the many territories As a in the morning gates were closed at night and opened

mark of submission and by way of tribute, the hundred wealthiest territories were required, on Midsummer Day, to offer a palio, a

of cloth which served

as a prize for the races that

were run


that festival.

The poorer

lands, to the

number of thirty, gave

candle as symbol. One should add that, internally divided as she was and often torn between rival factions, Florence never contrived really to

these vassal-cities.

She treated them



regard or affection, and she was to pay the penalty

when evil days

came upon







Regulation of weddings Life in the household a husband instructs his wife - Birth and education of - model wife children - Pedagogues and pedants

at a






the day

of his birth to the day of his death, no one escaped the observation of a great number.

In medieval Florence



married at the age of twenty

or above. In the fifteenth century they did not wait as long. Marriage was arranged by the sensale^ a go-between, who informed
the state-official of the names of the couple in question; but it could not actually take place unless the bride had a dowry which had been amassed and recorded in the Great Book 1 Towards

the end of the fifteenth century, a modest middle-class amounted to 2,500 or 3,000 florins. 2


ring, as a symbol of engagement, was celebrated lunch and a supper. Presents were exchanged; but the fiancee s must not have cost more than a hundred lire. On the

The gift of the

wedding-day the young men stretched a ribbon or a garland of


In the Monte, which was the State Bank, a

man who

wished to establish

for his daughter a dowry of say 1,000 florins signed himself at the Monte as in debt for 104. The Commune paid no interest, but after fifteen years the

ready. If he left it with the Monte, then he received interest. According to Varchi, the gold florin, which was still called a ducat, and later a crown, was worth seven lire. The lira was worth twenty soldi or sixty quattrinL But there were different kinds of florin; there were fiorini larghi

dowry was

or di camera, and fiorini di sugello. It is therefore difficult to estimate their value in present-day currency. According to Rodocanachi, the gold florin

was equivalent

250, and the florin

French pre-1914 currency. Multiply this by would be worth 3,000 French francs at the rate current in The French gold crown under Francois i er was equivalent to about
to 12 francs in
at the 1957 rate.

750 francs



The most handsome of them then

flowers across the street.

complimented the bride, offered her a bouquet, and received a present; after which the bridegroom broke the obstacle. The party
then proceeded to the church of San Giovanni. Here, near the
Baptistery, above the Loggia of the Bigallo, the trumpets sounded, each trumpet carrying a square pennon with a red lily on a white ground. The bride then advanced to the altar, wearing a conse

symbol of chastity. Before the ceremony she was allowed to ride from her parents home on horseback, escorted by at most ten women. But she had to return on foot, with only two women or two men, under pain of a fine of 100 lire. Marriage was not consummated the first night, out of respect for the sacra
crated veil as a



the marriage-dinner there were not to be more than twentywomen, apart from members of the family, and not more than
eight serving-men. After the

two days devoted to no trumpet or timbal-playing was permitted, and no dancing, or carole, outside the house. The cook was required to report to a public official what he intended to serve, the menu being strictly controlled. Only three dishes were allowed and twenty-five trenchers (or plates) with each. If veal was served, no other kind of meat might be consumed. Supper was limited to two courses: a stew, followed by a jelly or a tart. And the bride was not allowed to distribute or send any trinket, purse, waist band or wallet, but only a few gratuities. The Signoria insisted on

men and

the wedding,

economy. But what happened in fact? One can guess by turning to the journal of the coppersmith Masi. He wrote here, on his weddingday: We had a fine banquet as befitted our quality in the groundfloor room, and there were more than thirty people at the first table. This was an honourable of our marriage-feast for
class/ Thirty people,


at the first table!

moralists stigmatized marriage customs as deplorable. the Romans, they said, Among people scattered nuts to make a noise and prevent heard from the bride s


chamber. anything being Today, under Christian laws, young maidens ride on horseback,

in public,


lasciviously painted , and preceded by the people were being summoned to witness though the unbridled audacity of a courtesan.

decked out,

trumpeters as

regulations often therefore remained a dead-letter, in the case of great families. Certain especially marriages cost several thousand ducats. The wedding of Lorenzo and Clarice


Orsini has been already described; that of another Lorenzo de* Medici, a rather second-rate person, with a French lady in 1518, shows how far the old republican habits had fallen into disuse.

who was an
in the

eye-witness, describes the event as follows.

Via Larga was surrounded with new silk tapestries representing animals and imaginary figures, which would not have been more beautiful had they been painted. There

The garden

were more than three hundred of these tapestries, and the smallest was worth over fifty gold ducats. Banquets were served to a suc cession of guests for three days running. More than two hundred calves were disposed of, as well as kids, hares, capons, geese, pheasants, peacocks and every other kind of poultry. And how
describe the splendid attire of the people



all this

food? Masi was overcome with amazement.

But celibacy was gaining ground at the expense of marriage a sign of the decadence of morals which was partly due to the example of the debauchees of Athens and Rome in ancient times.

If everyone were like you, a mother told her sons, would long ago have come to an end. The devil is not

the world
as black as


devil, in the eyes

of these youths, was a wife a woman home and expects to be boss. The usurps Signoria tried to react against the trend, but many people per sisted in thinking that to take a wife was to saddle oneself with an



authority at

unendurable burden.

Here, on the other hand, is a picture of a model household. After their marriage the burgher takes his young wife over the

house from top to bottom, from the

attic, where



stored, to



after shutting the door,

the cellar, for wine and

everything , and then,

wood. He shows her Vhere to put shows her the great chest in the bedroom where valuables are kept, money, clothes and jewels. He does not show her his ledger and account-book.
Next, kneeling beside her at the tabernacle of Our Lady, he prays to God to give her grace to make good use of all the things which
in his

bounty he now shares with her; he prays that they may live long together in joy and concord and have many male children. For himself, the merchant asks for riches, powerful friends and

that her desire great honours; for her, a stainless reputation should be to her husband (she blushes and lowers her eyes) perfect respectability and the virtues of a good housekeeper.

After which, instead of playing the fool like so

explains to his better half

many people, he

what he expects of her. Remember



says, because I shall not say another

word of



flatters himself,

The wife, who

has been used to obeying her mother,



timid at the outset: melancholy, out of her element and oqosetta. So when the husband returns after the day s


work he

greets her good-humouredly, to make her smile and understand that joy should reign in the home.

Gradually she grows used to things. The husband, as a good business-man, teaches her a horror for waste, a respect for

economy, for he
in other people s



no money

in his wallet will find less

A villa, if one owns one, provides all the food that is needed, and
the income from trade, whether in
If the housewife

Expenditure should be proportioned to income.

wool or silk, adds

to the credit

a spirited

woman, her consort

teaches her

shout as an imbecile habit, worthy ofcountry wenches who call to, and answer, each other from hilltop to hilltop. She should also prevent certain classes of people from

not to raise her voice

like those arrogant creatures


though the whole family were deaf

collecting in front of the door buffoons, itinerant singers, ne er-do-wells and hooligans who, in their fantastic costumes, try to wheedle money out of spendthrifts.



another chapter of the marriage-code:

how to

train the

She was often a slave1 ; in the market at Venice, she would have fetched from six to eighty-seven ducats, according to age and ability. She might be an Italian; but in any case she had to be kept well in hand. Listen to Fra Bernardino of Siena on this subject:
Is there sweeping to be done? Make her sweep. Pots to be scoured? Make her scour them. Fruit or vegetables to be peeled? Make her peel them. Laundry? Set her to washing. Make her look after the children, and every thing else. If you don t accustom her to doing everything, she will become

a good


lump of flesh, buanpegetto di came. Don t give her any leisure,

I tell you.

As long as you keep her on the go, she will not remain leaning out

of the window.

These precepts seem to have been literally followed. And there was little generosity. Rare were the housewives who could boast
of having given their servants enough cloth to bandage a finger*; and the wise would exclaim: After all that, how can you expect them to be faithful, affectionate and hard-working? The housewife should know how to cook, to prepare the most delicate viands and add the appropriate condiments. For this
cooks who purpose, she will take lessons from the professional watch them attentively are engaged for big dinner-parties; she will
so as not to be obliged to have recourse to them on every occasion, which would be difficult, for that matter, in the country where the cooks are not good and where one entertains more strangers. Not to handle the food and dishes; but she must that she is

be able to instruct and

direct the maids.

Thus will she bring great


honour to her husband, and win him many friends. 2 But let her not take it into her head to wear the trousers Some did so. A caricature dating from 1450 depicts the women
of authority. And let her struggling violently to seize this badge not spy on her husband to discover his thoughts, like the moon


in everywhere at night, in peers and pries Let her be always correct and defiance of blinds and shutters*.

woman and

Circassian or Tartar.


de* Medici, the pater patriae\

had a


named Carlo by a Circassian girt The trunk-hose, strictly speaking. (Translator)



reserved, and let her avoid make-up! One day when Agnolo Pandolfini had invited some of his relatives, he saw that his wife

had put on paint and face-cream and was playing the coquette. He took her aside and said, smilingly: Poor me! Wherever did you go and daub your face in that way? Did you put it in the frying-pan? Go and wash yourself, so that people won t laugh at you. The wife listened and cried, and Agnolo gave her a cloth to wipe away the tears and the paint.

Somehow or other life settles down into its humdrum routine. The housewife gets up early, gives the necessary orders and sees
that everything
is in its place. Orderliness comes first. There must be no disputes or scenes with the servant, none of those grumblings and outcries that make a house sound like bedlam, no rows because the servant has not received her ration of dried off until the return of her husband, figs. The wife will work on and and she will give him a nice welcome, if not from her heart, at least in appearance. If a stranger arrives unexpectedly, she is to do the honours of the house without bustle or excitement, without a great shifting of chairs and stools, and without fussing round the room and making him wait two hours for a meal and then offering him as the main dish a couple of fritters, with an egg and a half in each, as a special treat! Given these conditions or rather the

avoidance of these horrors, domestic peace will be possible.

Material conditions had quickly become more elegant and refined in Florence than elsewhere. Formerly, after a meal, the bones of game or fish were thrown under the table, the room was

cleaned only on Saturday, and people lived among their animals. was the fashion to keep house-dogs wearing silver collars,

and geese; the former to keep an eye on the latter, and both to guard against burglary. Fallow-deer and chamois sometimes roamed in the gardens and courtyards. The Signoria, as we shall see, set an example with its menagerie; and Rabelais speaks of the ostriches and porcupines he saw in the Palazzo Strozzi. Florentine houses were now equipped with large beds for several people, soft and springy, where you slept naked; they had valuable carpets and fine toilet-sets. Tapestries or other hangings



covered the walls, and splendid vases stood on the sideboards. There were big chests (cassoni) too, for the trousseau, and these were decorated with genre-paintings or marquetry. Artistic wood work, or intarsioj was now competing with sculpture.

The linen seems to have been abundant. One mother is recorded as having made for her son four large towels for small ones to put round his shoulders when he did his washing, hair; and some rather rough, round towels which were most
suitable for


face . Machiavelli, however, out on a diplomatic mission. setting His wife Marietta gave him only two shirts, two towels, two caps, two pairs of socks and four handkerchiefs.



from the

less well treated


The Florentine, who regarded the German as the very type of a

changed his personal linen on Saturdays and went to the public baths of which there were four in the city. Like he considered bathing salutary*, and did not believe Montaigne
dirty sloven,

that a

man was any better for keeping *his limbs encrusted and the

pores of his skin stopped up with favour dirtiness.



should not

a baby was expected, the mother went to church for confession. She was advised not to sneeze, as this would be


harmful to the


When the event had taken place, her friends

them in Ghirlandajo
s fresco in


to visit her.

We see


Maria Novella, one offering die mother a cordial on a tray, another amusing the baby, while a splendidly attired kdy of
followed quality advances gravely into the room, a basket of fruit on her head. servant-girl carrying



This can scarcely have been typical. When Marietta, Machiavelli s wife, had given birth to a little boy in 1503, she wrote as
follows to her husband:




well for the moment.


He is

Hke you, with a skin white



snow, but his head

covered as

The example of Maximilian Sforza of Milan was well known in Florence* This lord brought back from Germany, where he had been reared, siich dirty habits that he never changed *his body linen\ and that the ladies of quality
could never persuade him to do so.



He is hairy like you; but, as he resembles you, he appears handsome in my eyes. People think he looks a year old; he opened his eyes almost before he was born and made enough noise to fill the house/ This sounds more homely.
with black velvet.

The standard principle was that a mother should nurse her own
were hired, she should in no circumstances belong to one of those savage peoples, like the Tartars or Saracens. She should be a young and healthy woman, of good character; and
child. If a nurse

her husband should be kept away. The child should be left as much as possible in the open air. If he cried, he should be allowed
to cry.


could sometimes be taken to church but never to the

pleasure-grounds. As the child grew older, he learned his first words. He said: babbo and mamma. Bread was pappo^ wine lombo^ quattrim la nanna* (farthings) were dindi, meat ciccia, to sleep was fare

But for Heaven


don t

ill-tempered father, children all day in your arms, embrace


cried an spoil him too much! Ah! will it profit you if you dandle the

them and lick them, sing them songs, tell fables, frighten them with tales of do all you can ogres, deceive them, play bo-peep with them, and to make them handsome, fat, merry, laughing and well-satisfied them lying
with material pleasures/
deference to this puritan, we must remember that such children are the ones which Donatello and Delia Robbia depicted

With all

and which we now admire at Prato and in the Hospital of the In nocents. Happily there were burghers more kindly and indulgent, such as the paterfamilias who once presented his quiver-full to Clarice Orsini: Madonna Clarice, here is my daughter. Come
forward now, touch the lady s hand. . . And this girl, and this one. This is my granddaughter, and so is this one and this one. All these are my grandchildren. See now, stand up straight, be

nice. I

want to make this boy a

priest, this girl

a nun. This


has just been married, this one makes Venetian fringes, this one makes ribbons. . . /



traditionally held that a child


born on Sunday was




a fool; because the salt-shop was closed that

day, and


you could not buy any






to have the child baptized in San of Florence harboured a number of quarter Still, a fool was an exception in Florence.

As regards education, some people maintained that prior to


age of seven children were unable to acquire any knowledge; to which others replied that this was to show more concern for any trouble to the teacher than for the benefit of the pupil. It was
better therefore not to waste time but to give the children at least a smattering of knowledge; they would thus, by the age of

eleven, when they were handed over to a master, have acquired a few rudimentary notions.

The Florentine, always in the van of progress, had early desisted

from the use of the rod. It was contrary to nature, he declared, and better fitted to promote servility than freedom; besides, it left behind it *a resentment which weakens the natural affection of the heart. . . Only donkeys should be beaten/ Rely more on reasoning than on command, or, as Fra Bernardino recommends,

follow the example of

ceeded? Exactly like the mother with the small child

Our Lord. Do you know how he pro who doesn t


up! Ah, if I get up!" And she threatens the child, and makes a semblance of preparing to punish him. God does likewise.
if I get

behave as he ought. She

The schoolmaster taught in a private family, who paid him, or in a regular school where he was paid by the State. He was usually a poor devil of a pedant, with his little bonnet and his threadbare

gown which had seen at least five jubilees. His property consists of
a small bag containing two shirts, four handkerchiefs and a few books. According to the satirists he is at once conceited and
incurably stupid, with the stupidity that comes only of years of study. He is the ape of other men s books, incapable of grasping

anything unless the authority of a book is behind it. To make study easy and pleasant is the least of his concerns: he has sweated
so long to learn what he knows that others have to sweat in their turn . Armed with his manuals, namely Donato s grammar, the

Cornucopia and the Doctrinal, together with a few Latin or works, he is an incarnation of Rabelais* pedant, whose

knowledge is


foolery, and who stultifies noble minds and corrupts the natural flowering of intelligence: filthy in his person, insipid in his teaching, closed to any feeling for charm or beauty, a perfect blockhead and the living negation of the aspirations of the time.

house-pedant spun out Latin periods in imitation of and sold his words night and day in order to buy food, Cicero, drink and clothing. He would try to win favour with the mistress of the house; hence many middle-class families preferred to send their children to school,1 where however the master was scarcely of higher degree. This booby s discourses, half in Latin, half in
the vernacular/ wrote a newsmonger, are like those mythological creatures who look human though they have the feet of a goat. If


you happen to speak of love, he reels off a page of Plato; in the event of some misfortune, he quotes Seneca at you.* He was
therefore generally despised, his trade was considered the lowest of all trades. He was to become a stock-type in satirical comedy,

in Italy and later in France. How, in the meantime, was the

young Florentine educated?

In grammar, geometry and the paraphernalia of Latin. Machiavelli s son wrote to his father: *I am today beginning to study the

and Ser Luca (his master) has read to me nearly the whole of the first book of Ovid s Metamorphoses. As soon as you come back, I want to recite all this to you by heart/ Plutarch was the other author; although, as he was not always available in Florence, one had to write to Venice for a copy. The monks cursed this kind of pagan education as corrupting the hearts and

morals of the young. Austerity was a thing of the past, as even free-thinkers felt bound to recognize. Young men are more profligate than ever in
their dress,

and spend exorbitant sums on banquets and



women and

They are idle, they waste their substance on gambling. Their whole study is to go about in fine

clothes and talk craftily.

The man who


cleverest at biting his

read has been calcu

The number of children who were then learning to

lated as 8,000 or 10,000; those learning arithmetic as 1,000 or 1,200; taking lessons in grammar and logic as 600.

and those



had often

most admired.* The fault decked out and titivated their son, and entrusted him to a master who let him read things shocking enough to raise the dead, and turned him into
esteemed the wisest and


lain with the family: parents had

a thorough-going wanton.

The pedant s influence, fortunately, was limited. His pupil was expected to become a man able to maintain his family s honour
and to defend

gramme was

his country . In this respect, the educational pro like that of ancient Greece, calculated to achieve an

harmonious balance between the physical and intellectual sides. Thus the schoolboy and the youth were allowed many hours for recreation, hours devoted to gymnastic exercises of a manly nature, such as football, running, jumping and wrestling, which
developed grace and suppleness of body.

The stadium was never


The education of girls had also undergone notable changes. In former times, parents had been mainly concerned with teaching them how to spin and sew. This would occupy their leisure and in case of misfortune serve as a means of livelihood. Reading and of burghers; writing might, at a pinch, be suitable for the daughter
for a daughter of the people, it was perfectly useless and even harmful. It is not too good for a woman to know how to read


you want her

to be a nun.

At the age of seven, a girl was separated from her brothers and
and scouring the pots. Her conduct was strictly supervised. If she was allowed to dance, it must be with decorum. Her parents would tell her
trained in housework: sweeping, polishing the silver

anecdotes like the following: the daughter of a knight, who had been promised in marriage to the Duke of SterEch, danced so
vivaciously that she fell and broke her leg. longer willing to marry her.

The Duke was no

a girl should neither greet people nor answer any To avoid signs that are made to her. She is to shun society-games. the love-passion she wears a topaz, that precious stone that quells

In the




the flames of Eros or helps you to resist them. Finally, if she marries, she should on receiving the ring lower her eyes as a

mark ofemotion, while maintaining a quiet and modest demeanour. All this was now quite out of fashion, and we shall later on be
able to measure



to note that

by now girls

feminine education had progressed. were not only learning to read

little girl , says the the finishing touch to adds Florentine had struck.

and write but they were also taught Latin.

poet Bembo, should learn Latin. It her charms/ The hour of emancipation

maiden no longer wore a topaz, and she openly sang of the beauty of young men:
Young man with the goodly locks, let them hang loose, do not tie them up. Young man, how noble is your step, They look like threads of gold or silk how fair your countenance Wherever you pass, the trees burst into blossom. Your eyes are dark as jade: what love they inspire Young man with the
! 1

curly locks, the golden locks that adorn your face,

you look


an envoy

from heaven, an angel of paradise.

Such a youth might have stepped out of a picture by Botticelli. The old educational system, with its gloom and confinement,
had gone with the snows of yester year. Before long, people would be saying the riskiest things in the presence of nice, stories that would make respectable girls ; they would be telling
a gargoyle blush.


But before we forget the old times when morals had been strict, us glance at the life of Alessandra de Bardi, the model of her

sex and the honour of Florence.

She was a lovely creature, so tall that she never wore pattens. Reserved and at the same time active, she would be first up in the morning, constantly busy about the house or sewing or making clothes. Never was she seen idling at the door or window. When
going to Mass with her mother she wore a veil, whereas other of making themselves conspicuous. girls of her class thought only Her parents wished to marry her to Lorenzo Strozzi, a son of


Palla Strozzi

whom we have already encountered. After



the interview, which was modest and proper , the marriage was celebrated in the Piazza della Signoria. platform extended from the Statue of the Lion to the Palazzo della Mercatanzia, and the

was attended by the most distinguished members of Alessandra s generation, the young men clad in green, the girls

wearing dresses very modestly


After her marriage (1432) Alessandra became the ornament of every fete and reception. On such occasions she did not scorn to of go round with a linen napkin over her shoulder
offering trays

confectionery and cups of wine to the guests, making a pretty curtsey that was natural and not forced.

In the street she was always accompanied by an

spite of this, a young man was so much that he ventured to declare himself

elderly maid. In

bewitched by her beauty although Alessandra obstin

ately lowered her eyes. As he persisted, she tried to cure him of his folly. One day he went down on his knees and held out a
knife, exclaiming: Since


refuse to see me, take this knife


me! She made no

reply, but remained firm and pure as a


diamond; in face of such constancy, the youth at last husband simply laughed.


Two years after her marriage, Alessandra s father and fatherin-law were banished; four years later her husband Lorenzo suffered the same fete; while she herself remained alone with her
three children. Happiness was now a thing of the past. 5 to know God better in adversity , she murmured. As

One comes
is tried


refined in the furnace of affliction, so misfortune

seemed bent

on afflicting her. She lost her mother, and then her husband, who, to make a living, had become tutor to a young lord of Gubbio
and was murdered by him. From her youth upward Alessandra had deprived herself of material comforts; she wore rough undergarments and slept on a mattress on the floor. Dressed now as a widow in a narrow skirt, with an unpleated hood and a headband above her eyes, she

wore a cloak

that almost concealed her face. Still beautiful, site

an avalanche of misfortunes, and brought up her children decently and respectably.



the age of fifty-four,



she had been a


for four

teen years, she caught fever, and said: *I want to leave 3 and dwell with God. And so she died.

my body,

life, and one to meditate, concludes Vespasiano the Plutarch of Florence. Bisticci,




Eating and drinking


- The rales of good manners - Palmistry and medicine - Funerals

Florentine was a home-bird because he was economical.

considered it harmful, costly, annoying and incon venient to change houses , and, as far as possible, he tried not to sink to the level of a lodgei; but to have his own house in a



respectable quarter so that his wife should make only honourable acquaintances. He did not like separating his family because to
live under the

same roof appeared to him to have solid advantages, because it economized lighting and heating. only Like most Italians, he was neither a drunkard nor a glutton;


though the excesses of the Swiss and the Germans disgusted him, he was not averse to good cheer. The first family meal was taken between 9 and 10 in the morning, the second before nightfall. In the days of modesty

and sobriety these meals had been of the simplest. Husband and wife ate from the same dish and drank from the same cup, the menu being mainly composed of bread, herbs , jam and fruit.

Meat was eaten only on Sundays, and when a pig was slaughtered, one gave black-pudding to one s neighbour, who was angry if one forgot to. The fare became more delicate as the years went by. Boiled Md or peacock might now be served, followed by coloured

in the shape of



or animals. This Flor^itme

made of almond-milk and other ingredients, cow as it was called, and sometimes goffer came in only with the sixteenth century. even scented. Pastry For a burgher or merchant it was the same thing in Florence It meant busbess-custou^fs as entertaining was an obligation.
invention was

coloured with saffron, or

well as friends. Here, according to an expat adviser, were ttbe the guests should not be less requisites for apleasant dinner-party:



than three, or more than nine, because, if more are invited, they will be too many to listen to each other or hold consecutive con

which may be


and because

asides spoil

the pleasure and create confusion. One should therefore invite a reasonable number of people, sociable and on good terms with

each other; they should be entertained in a pleasant room, at a convenient hour, and the service should be faultless. The guests should be neither babblers nor of taciturn disposition, but mod
topics of conversation should not be subtle, uncertain or hard to understand, but gay, amusing and useful.
erate talkers.


One must not

forget to be practical.

The table is set feeing the garden-door which lets in the fresh air. The host has a ewer of water passed round so that the com
take their places, ladies alternating with gentlemen. Slices of melon are served, then a and sugar. This berlingoffpj which is a cake made of flour, eggs
their hands.

pany may wash

They then

boiled capon, fat and in perfect condition, prime 1 quality sausages and veal, a good stew, roast chicken, or else thrushes, pigeons or pheasants, and sometimes trout, to appease



the voluptuous and so fit the mind to cope with the things of this world. Something must be allowed to the weakness of the flesh/

This was a rich

man s menu for festive occasions* There would

be music for merriment: the kettle-drum, played with two sticks, or the Jew s harp, an iron band bent double and fitted with a tongue to serve as a spring. It was held between the teeth, and the tongue vibrated as you pushed it with your finger. While this was going on, the servant would be running back wards and forwards from the kitchen and grumbling about her mistress: She works hard talking, and I walking, and I have only two legs and down-at-heel shoes.

These Florentine banquets were, by the way, matched by the

meals usually eaten in France, at least in the sixteenth century,

1 Did all the guests take all these courses? Probably not, but we do not know. If however (another query) the Florentines were still on the twomeal-a-day r6gime, this would make a great difference to their capacity.






are to believe the economist Jean Bodin, whose strictures are People are not satisfied, at an ordinary dinner, to have

three dishes; boiled meat, roast meat and fruit. They must have meats prepared in five or six different ways, with so many sauces,

mince-meats, pastries and every kind of hotch-potch and other

fancy dish, that there is great intemperance. But Florence was ahead of France in the use of that instrument

which the Latinists designated as ^fusdna and we call a fork. It was considered vulgar to dip one s fingers in the gravy; one should either with a knife or a fork,1 pick up the food one wants

The average Florentine, of course, dined less expensively than the rich merchant. He would begin with a salad, followed perhaps
by a small
pigeon, goat

milk cheese and


He was very fond


pasta, which he prepared

a sort of liver sausage. But his basic diet was already in various ways, while the preachers

railed at his self-indulgence.

You are great gourmands , cried one of them. It s not enough for you to eat fried pasta, but you must flavour it with garlic. When you eat ravioli, it s not enough for you to boil them in the pan and eat them with the broth, but you must then fry them in another pan, together with cheese. Wine, too, had its votaries, and everyone sang the praises of
it nourishes the Vernaccia, Trebbiano, etc. Drunk in moderation, hastens digestion, calms the intellect, body, improves the blood,

makes the heart joyful, enlivens the spirits,


expells wind, increases

the warmth of the body, fattens convalescents, rouses the appetite,

in the right places, on. It was the object of a cult. Luigi Pulci writes in the Morgante *I believe no more in black than in white, but I believe

the blood, removes obstructions, distributes nourishment to the cheeks , and so gives colour and health


in boiled or roasted capon, andl also believe in butter and beer. . . . wine and deem that he who But above all I have faith in


believes in

it is


The fork, like so many of die amenities of civilization, was invented in to have been modi in vogue in England before the Italy. It does not appear
end of the seventeenth century. (Translator) 2 kind of beer tte Romans made. Cervisla*, to be exact. It was die



in favour.

Drunkards and gluttons were not however



a good time but without swilling and gormandizing that was the rule for most people, and they practised a delicate epicureanism. An English protonotary apostolic, who was staying in Florence

and had been accustomed like his fellow-countrymen to spending four hours at table, was amazed by Florentine sobriety and ended

by conforming to


There was no lack of inns and taverns in the city, and one of them, the Tavern of the Snail, near the Mercato Vecchio, was
famous. Better-class citizens did not usually frequent them; but if a merchants wife and children had left for the country, he would and unless friends had invited him out take his meals there

home only




rules of courtesy

and good manners are


out by a

1 talented writer, Giovanni della Casa, in the Galatea, a sort of manual which shows how Florentines behaved or should

2 or crouch are eating, do not masticate noisily over the food without raising your face, as if you gluttonously were blowing a trumpet. Don t hiccup. That is not eating but

When you

devouring; and then too you elbows, and dirty the cloth/


your hands and even your

Avoid nibbing your teeth with your napkin, or, worse still, with your fingers. Do not scratch yourself, or spit, or at least only 5 3 do it "reservedly . I have heard , remarks Della Casa, that there
are nations so polite that they never spit;

and we might well

Delia Casa was born in the Mugello; he published the Galateo in 1558.



also for his sonnets,

of which the form influenced Milton.


A Frenchman observed in this connexion: *The Germans keep their mouths shut when masticating, and consider any other way unsightly. The French on the contrary half open their mouths and consider the German way unsightly. The Italians go about it very gently, the French rather more Italian way too refined (cf. A. Lefranc, La briskly, and they consider the
Vie. quotidienne

au temps de

la Renaissance^ p. 150).





. . .

Inviting people to drink repeatedly is not

one of our habits and we describe it by means of a foreign word: a reprehensible custom which one should not "fare brindisi",
adopt. I thank Heaven that, among the scourges that have come from beyond the Alps (a reference to Germany and France), this
one, which is the worst, has not gained a footing here; I mean, to consider it amusing and even estimable to get drunk/

In no circumstances should you bend over the glass of wine or

the plate, where someone else is going to drink or eat, in order to take a sniff. And do not offer your neighbour a pear or other fruit

which you have already bitten. On rising from table, do not stick your tooth-pick in the back of your mouth, which makes you look like a bird carrying a twig a to its nest; and do not wear your tooth-pick in your collar
strange accoutrement for a gentleman. After blowiog your nose, do not look into your handerkerchief as if pearls or rubies had

been deposited in it; and do not drum with your fingers on the table or wave your legs about. This shows little consideration for
other people. If you wish to speak with someone, do not go so close to him as to be breathing in his face. One does not always like to smell

other people s breath.

And do

not nudge people with your

elbow, and repeat: Messer So-and-So?



that true?

And what do you



Avoid expressing yourself


with the point of the

fayeUor inpunto about your wife, or the children, or the nurse; and refrain from as though they were wonderful long descriptions of your dreams, or important. To lavish advice on those who have not asked for it is equiva
lent to saying that

della forchetta.

Do not for ever be talking

and that they are done between close friends. And can only be incompetent. This the same applies to counsels of health. To say with the gravity of a physician: You ought to take this electuary, or that kind of to dean another man s field when one s own is is like


are wiser than they,



of thorns and





In conversation, generally, do not be so anxious to hold the ball you snatch it from your neighbour, as one often sees a hen

in a farmyard snatching a straw out of the beak of another . And if you want to make the company laugh, refrain from twisting

your mouth, rolling your eyes, puffing out your cheeks or making other grimaces. The goddess Pallas amused herself for a time by playing on the bagpipes. She became an expert player. But one
day, being thus occupied at the edge of a pool, she happened to see her image in the water and was so much ashamed that she

threw away the instrument/ Imitate Pallas, and shun ridicule. And stop making noises with your mouth to express surprise or


A few instructions now as to how one should appear in public.

ear, or

Do not be seen wearing your nightcap, or put on your garters in front of other people. Do not leave your office with your pen
above your
holding a handkerchief between your teeth. Do not put a leg on the table; avoid spitting on your fingers. Your dress should be neither so pretty nor so elaborate as to

make people remark

are wearing Ganymede s hose and Cupid s doublet. If your legs are too fat or too lean, or slightly twisted, do not order from your tailor hose in gaudy colours or of a conspicuous cut, which would simply invite attention to your



Observe the code of the Galateo and you plished man of the world.


be an accom

Well-informed though he was, the Florentine did not



from consulting palmists and having his hand read. It has in been established that the hand is the organ of every part of the body and that the natural disposition of the individual is revealed in its lines and contours. Why are there four lines in the hand? Because we have four principal organs: the heart, the liver and the brain, which counts for two. The palmist Bartolomeo Codes says so. A short hand is the sign of a person subject to cold humours ; a long hand with short, stiff fingers denotes a




phlegmatic individual, without much courage; a long hand with a broad palm warns us that the person will be mischievous, even a knave and a thief. As to a woman, if her hand is short but her
fingers excessively long, she will

be in


of child-birth*.

Palmistry was of course no antidote

the physician?

What then of He belonged to the fifth of the major arts the art
for sickness.

of drugs and groceries, which included the spepale, or apothecary, with whom die physician sometimes lodged. He had formerly

been a


man of modest appearance, in spite of his tall hat trimmed He had worn a long fur gown, so shabby and thread

bare that a furrier could not have guessed what animal had pro 5 vided the skin . In these days, however, he dressed with studied

and capacious robe, trimmed with scarlet, heavily begemmed rings, and gilded spurs, like a knight s. Following the example of Pier Leoni, Lorenzo s doctor, he had abandoned Arabic medicine in favour of Greek. Educated until recently in the medical school of
elegance, wearing a long
squirrel-fur and bands of

Salerno, he practised astrology as

much as medicine, and was now

acquiring a reputation abroad, especially in France. In 1479 sixty-six doctors are recorded as practising in Florence.

They mainly prescribed simples, cabbage for example, which they

regarded as a panacea. But in spite of his noble appearance, the more than the physician was not taken very seriously, hardly
pedant. Years before

Petrarch had described doctors as

sick persons*. ignorant spectators of maladies and them as follows: Poggio addressed



You visit the patient, inspect his water and excrement with attentive eye and puckered brow as if his malady required the most important attention. Then you feel his pulse, where you recognise the forces of nature. Next as to the you consult your colleagues and after much discussion agree has been remedies, as you call them. If by chance the beverage you prescribe from extolling the cure; if it has done harm, you effective, you never cease blame the patient.
have died from taking too many pills doctor had prescribed containing aloes and cardamom, which a for him.

said to



In cases where the patient entered one of the city s numerous hospitals, he found a high degree of comfort: abundant food, choice wine, competent nurses, and great cleanliness in his room

and bed.


a Florentine died

or entered the great sea

as dying

was called the Signoria regulated the procedure. The body was to be simply dressed in white muslin lined with taffeta, with a plain cap on the head. In burying a woman, no ring was to be left on
her fingers, unless
to be buried,





a man,

no armour was


doublet, penon, flag or shield.

The body

on a common palliasse. At the interment, two

containing at

candles were permitted, or

two torches

thirty pounds of wax between them, or else four small torches. Candles or torches were to be extinguished


immediately after the ceremony and returned to the dealer, the spe^iale in this instance, who was not allowed to sell candles

weighing more than fifteen pounds, including the paper and candle-end. It was unreasonable to provide lighting for the dead,
a useless display; and those who infringed the law were liable to a fine. This went into the opera, the fund for church-building and

by mourners garbed in was only loosely stitched so as not to spoil the material which would later serve to make clothes The wages of those who announced deaths and of the under taker s men the beccamorti were fixed at a maximum of eight soldi. The widow was not to receive from the heirs either a gown, or petticoat, or girdle, or head-dress, but simply a skirt and a
to the grave

The body was followed

black; but

this funeral attire

cloak lined with

funeral dinner.


Two courses only might be served at the

The interment took place at the charnel-house, or in the case of

important persons, in the church. In Paris it was not until the middle of the sixteenth century that, on the occasion of an
epidemic, the famous

Dr Fernel

and a colleague, having heard of

the fetid smell that



hung over

the Cemetery of the Innocents,

recorded the fact that in dangerous times the houses near the said

cemetery have always been the first to catch the contagion and have remained infected longer than other houses in the city*.



warning remained a dead


In Florence, however, as early as the fifteenth century, Bishop Narcissus, who was of Catalan origin and who had observed how

crowded the Florentine churches were with sepulchres, gave the following warning: The House of God, being clean and pure, should not be sullied with the presence of corpses. It is the monks

who have introduced this custom. The primitive Church not only did not permit the burial in church of those who are now buried

but even raised objections to the interment of holy men.


Narcissus cited the reply which a

Pope had made when

asked by some prelate for permission to inter the bodies of two martyrs in his church: Place them at the entrance, but not else

Florentines unfortunately remained deaf to the words of this foreigner who was so concerned for the purity of a holy place without realizing it, for public health. and, perhaps



Dress and fashions - Protests of the moralists - Entertain

ments in the

street -

- Fetes and

- The palio - The innovations of Piero di triumphs* Cosimo

Music - Wild beasts - The


the ancient times praised by Dante, Florentines dressed in cloak and hood, a plain cap coarse cloth or even in skins. and leather on their feet* made up the whole of their accoutre

ment. Even well-to-do

content with a scarlet petti coat of coarse material, an old-fashioned waistband and a cloak of coarse green linen. They did not deck themselves out with little chains, necklaces, fine buskins and girdles prettier than those

women were

who wore them

The average artisan often remained Thus Masi the coppersmith ordered
reddish-black fabric and a

faithful to these customs.

monastic cloak

in a

hood of the same material,

which he

and of which he was very proud. His shirts were made by nuns. If he found a good bargain at the second hand shop, he bought a pair of linen sheets, twenty handkerchiefs,
paid eight florins

napkins and two towels. All this, together with a gold ring set with a red stone, cost him a little over thirty-four lire.

In the time of Lorenzo the Magnificent the standard dress con of the lucco, a long gown usually black, which fell to the

ankle; a jacket underneath, and a hood or black bonnet with a ribbon hanging behind, the civilian cap*. But fashions were

changing. Most of the citizens


their shoulders, to wear a beard, though this was still exceptional. beginning Those who did not follow the mode were called hairy and con sidered antiquated.

on to

who had hitherto worn long hair now had it cut short and were

A noble or a doctor now wore a cloak that might be pink or



open in front, gathered in at the top, and held at the neck a clasp. The hood, which is said to be of Flemish origin, now by contained three parts: the cap proper, which was made of flock covered with cloth; thefoggia which protected the left cheek; and
the becchetto, a long strip of cloth, sewn double, and thrown over the right shoulder or rolled round the neck. This was the correct

A man who simply wore a sleeveless cape was regarded as a


mercenary or a cut-throat, and Benvenuto

in that fashion,



was held in contempt by the magistrates. In spite of the regulations which these magistrates issued, the well-to-do citizen had a passion for novelty, for some kind of
singularity that


please the ladies. It




per donne*.

This youth you see wearing a pink cape edged with a broad band of velvet, white velvet hose variegated with silver lace-

work, a white

satin jacket, a velvet cap set off with a feather,

velvet shoes, scented gloves, a gold medal, a dagger, a sword, a gold chain worth sixty crowns, and so many rings that his fingers
are invisible



truly the lion

of the day, the Beau


of Florence. But this pursuit of the rare and unexpected was nothing to that which possessed the ladies. Already Giovanni Villani, the old reason and chronicler, had written with some bitterness that the

common sense of women


of men are overthrown by the excessive appetites

it is

There were sumptuary laws,



in 1330

women had been

no doubt by

true, as in all well-regulated forbidden to wear

painted dresses





needlework , were tolerated. dresses with embroidery, paintings But what needlework! We read of a dressi of which both sleeves were embroidered, one with an arm emerging from a cloud and
covered with a design of flowers with scattering flowers, the other
branches of pearls; and the buttons were so delicately worked that they looked as though made of thread. And what was

one to say of a cloak on which were painted* parrots and other aod pagodas, the whole interbirds, white and red roses, dragons




mingled with

red and scarlet!

composing a device? And in crimson, green, Prices varied, of course, according to the quality:
silk dress

100 florins for a

Women wore their


de luxe; 75 for a dress in ordinary fabric. on their backs.

Sometimes it amused them to imitate men s fashions. They would wear the cioppa^ or short cloak, and high-heeled sandals. Others who affected simplicity would sport a petticoat of ciam1 bellotto, a fabric made from goat s hair. The preachers railed against them: *O women! You provoke

God by your extravagance, by the excessive length of your trains,

your low-cut
dresses, the paint

you daub on your


and your

indecent garb in church/

disgruntled burgher of old-fashioned outlook was especi fashion. One of them ally shocked by the somersault changes of wrote as follows:


The fashion-modes of courtesans, once regarded as indecent, have now been adopted by the noblest ladies, worn at festivities and considered Florentine dames wear dresses graceful and engaging. At one moment the so low-cut that they display their bodies well below the arm-pits; at another, they suddenly make a jump and conceal themselves in little collars that come up to their ears and gowns as tight as strait-jackets so tight that they cannot look at then feet. After which, having tried the too little and the too much, they resign themselves to the intermediate; and this will last until

the next

new moon.

Everyone was running


the newest fashion.

Cried a

fine thing it is to see girls who normally look respectable decking themselves out in finery, sporting helmet-shaped headgear like societywomen, wearing necklaces with strings of little animal-trinkets, and sleeves

that are

more like



a stupid, damnable


useless fashion!


cannot raise a glass from the table without soiling their sleeves or when they set It down, the table-cloth. When helping themselves to gravy, they drop

more of it on

their gloves than could

be held in a hood.

ladies thus attired might easily be confused with public

women. Chi imbianca


la casa


vuole appigionare

(He who

Hence the modern French word camelote (our shoddy




house wants to

let it)

was a proverb applied to

coquettes who used rouge and make-up to excess. When one such

person was arriving for Mass she noticed a villano standing under the church-porch and apparently apeing the gentleman. She asked him mockingly whether the Mass for rustics was over. *It is,

Madame/ he


Be quick and

and they are join them/


beginning the Mass for

So great was the scandal that the authorities introduced a new sumptuary law, but the women dressed as conspicuously as ever. When the lawyer who had been instructed to draw up a list of offenders was taxed by his superior with being too indulgent, he

Monsignore, I have studied law all my life; I thought I knew something about it, but I now perceive I know nothing. When on the look-out for adornments which, according to the orders you gave me, your women are forbidden to wear, I could not in any law find arguments equal to those they brought against me. I will give you a few examples. I meet a woman wearing a lace headband above her head-dress. I stop hen Give me your name. You have a lace headband.
in her

The good woman removes the pin that holds hand and tells me it is a garland.

die thing in place, takes


Further on, I see a person wearing long rows of buttons on her dress. I c buttons.* She replies: Oh yes, Messer, I can say: You cannot wear those wear diem. They are not buttons, but cupels, and if you don t believe me,
just look, they

In the same way, suckling s fur/

have neither eye, nor holes. if I see a lady wearing ermines, she
I ask.


me: *This


What is

this suckling?

a kind of animal.*

The man of law


declared himself beaten.

was generally held that Florentine women knew how to look

nice. See the

young lady who


gold embroidery and


wearing a skirt of red satin with buttons, and a blouse of gold tissue.


who managed to impose real reforms on Florence, was held

for laws to regulate the use of silk

up when he asked

prohibit excessively low-cut dresses, curls, ringlets in his sermons, the Florentines brought up the subfect again and again attire. refused to give way; they would accept no reform in feminine

and jewellery, and to and so on. Although he



carries a lace handkerchief, her hair is arranged


with a


bun behind and ringlets round her face, and she has a cluster of pearls hanging on her neck: the sort of girl of whom people say: She s made of such fine flax that she will easily get a spindle and
distaff to spin

An excellent handbook was

by the Tuscan Alessandro

published in the sixteenth century Piccolomini, with a view to saving the

dames of Florence from being baffled by problems of good taste. Here, through the mouth of an experienced person, the Raffaella, one received such advice as the following:
I like



fashion. If she invents a


often to change her style of dress, and never to neglect a new one, she should not hesitate to bring it


not so


as to be inconvenient or to

The gown and bodice should be ample, not skimped, and yet make it necessary to raise the skirts
in the dust.

behind so that they do not

Do not behave like those women

we see hurrying along

the street in a sort of fury, and with such a clatter of that they seem to have the devil at their heels. pattens

Dress as a whole should sometimes be elaborate, slashed,

braided, or daintily embroidered; sometimes the ensemble should be plain. Variety is the sign of elegance. And colours that clash
as, for example, green and yellow, or red and should take care that the fashion she adopts lady brings out the advantages of her person and conceals its defects. Nor should she forget the importance ofportatura carriage and

should be avoided,

pale blue.



In winter the middle-class citizen wore a smock and a fur cap; summer a serge gaberdine and a light-weight cap. At night he

wore a toque and a cape, which last however was considered bad form in the daytime, being suggestive of the soldier. The knight s costume consisted of a hooded cloak, more or less thick according
and hose slashed at the knee with sewn-in of parti-coloured velvet. These, together with his shirt, he strips changed at the week-end.
to the season, a felt hat,

It was not customary to uncover when saluting someone, unless were a bishop or cardinal. In presence of a knight, a doctor or a



canon one lowered one s head as a sign of respect, and slightly raised one s forelock with two fingers. The second person singular was used in addressing people, and they were called by

name or surname. Doctors and canons had

, .

plainly the right to be

called Messer

a physician Maestro , a monk Don and a friar But in general equality obtained. It was not for nothing that the Florentines had destroyed the social hierarchy. As soon as he had laid down his work, which was often late



he was a great worker better than the merchant.

into the street or

the artisan, according to Varchi, lived

He went from tavern to tavern, and then

on to the public square, and enjoyed himself, observing the crowd or arguing endlessly. He might be seen at the

Banchi, unrestrained in his speech, prompt in retort, and not in the least disillusioned by political and other kinds of gossip which

were the daily bread of his existence. The atmosphere was joyous, noisy and sometimes feverish; and people spoke with their hands: With the hands one summons or dismisses, one rejoices or
sorrows, calls for noise or silence, for prayers or threats, for peace or rioting; one affirms and denies, demonstrates and counts. The

hands reason, argue and finally agree; they adapt themselves to each one of our intentions/ So writes Matteo Palmieri, a merchant

who knew




Sometimes on summer nights the strains of a concert, or the human voice, might be heard. In the days of Lorenzo the Magnifi cent it was a virtuoso named Luigi Pulci (different from the poet that the young Gigi) who improvised; and so great was his talent rushed to hear him as soon as he discovered his Michelangelo

Every Florentine loved music. It beguiled the fatigue of the workman toiling under the hot sun; it cheered the peasant girl who had risen before dawn to spin and weave; nature had taught
music to the nurse to pacify die wailing infant. The study of music therefore was recommended. Its rapid measures made the


alert and "trained it to adopt graceful attitudes . It exercised and nurtured the mind, corrected the voice and rendered pro

nunciation soft, accented, grave or sonorous.



In the course of time the sway of music increased, instruments were improved and diversified; organ, harpsichord, violin, lute, all lyre, cello, harp, horn, trombone shaped in forms elegant or
bizarre. In 1480 a school

of harmony grew up in the entourage of Lorenzo de Medici and under the direction of Antonia Squarcia-

famous organist. It was a sort of academy, and included painters and sculptors who were also musicians (note by the way the part played by musicians in Italian painting). 1 Here recitals
lupi, a

would be given by a quartet of stringed instruments, quattro viole da arco. For song, one voice was preferred to a choir,
because one voice could be better heard, enjoyed and judged. At the beginning of the sixteenth century a revolution was

Music was

Stefanello, who was organist at St Mark s in Venice. now allied to drama, which it supported and developed. There was now not one orchestra but several, with different


instruments, each orchestra being attached to an individual actor. Thus in Poliziano s Orfeo, the contrabass viols accompanied

Orpheus, the treble viols Eurydice, the trombones Pluto, the and bag-pipes the shepherds. Curiously enough, Charon, the ferryman of Hades, was accompanied by guitars. In the pre ludes and ritormllidk the instruments took part; the accompaniment

as the actors

was then a symphony, the musicians executing the same partitions were to sing, or had sung, on the stage.
return to the open street, here complete liberty seemed to obtain, although the police-spies kept an eye on certain classes of


men, such




who had

been recalled in cases where

to the city.

their ability or their

work was advantageous


carrying of arms and observation of the curfew were also super vised. Yet, on the whole, the Florentine had no feeling of being curbed or bridled, and he also enjoyed great freedom of mind in
the midst of civic disturbances.
Street-scenes delighted him, and some of them are worth recording. Thus in April 1489, when the foundations were being
As, e.g., in Raphael s Santa Cecilia in the Accademia delle Bella Arti at Bologna: a small picture, rather brightly coloured, which inspired Shelly to (Translator) transports of admiration.

laid for the


Palazzo Strozzi, a small tradesman named Tribaldo


de Rossi arrived at the spot and threw into the trenches an old soldo, bearing a "commemorative lily. He then called his little

boy Guarnieri and his daughter Francesca. Tita, our servant/ he relates, had come to the shop for meat, as it was Thursday.
She then went to fetch the children, and my wife Nannina sent them both dressed to me. I took them to see the foundations, and raised Guarnieri in my arms, so that he could look down into them.

As he had a little bunch of Damascus roses, I made him throw them down and said: "You will remember this, won t you?" He

They were with Tita, and Guarnieri was exactly and two days old. Nannina had recently made him a four years new jacket of shot-silk, green and yellow. The foundation of a palace for a great family was a public

event in Florence. But Tribaldo and his fellow-tradesmen were

never at a loss for diversion.

at Careggi, the

They could visit the botanical garden Medici villa, where many different kinds of trees

were growing; and in Florence itself, near the Palazzo, the Here there was a den of lions, who were serraglio or menagerie. esteem as the lion was the emblem of Florentine held in special To touch him was a independence. He figured on the city arms.
crime. His sicknesses or his death were a presage of catastrophe; when on the other hand a lioness bore many cubs, this was a sign

of prosperity. The lion-keeper, a bearded and hairy

held in fearful veneration.



In addition to

lions, leopards, bears,

wild boars and bulls

as for example at the reception played a part in public festivities, Pius II, a Siennese, in 1453. Th^ day, however, the lions of Pope

were a disappointment, as they lay down and refused to attack the other animals. A ball was given in the Mercato Vecchio by way of
consoling the public.

sometimes brought in, and the fete Stags and buffaloes were a hunt. The apothecary Landucci describes then took the form of one which took place in 1514 in the Piazza della Signoria. In the middle of the square a grove of verdure had been arranged, with a fountain, where the animals could rest and quench their thirst.


Never had
there been so many visitors and strangers. There were even cardinals in disguise, garbed in black, wearing swords and

concealing their faces.

and contractors had paid up to forty florins for building platforms along the house fronts. In the open were shelters known as tortoises , under cover of which men goaded the animals with lances. Once again the lions remaind torpid. One of them, after killing a dog, lost all interest in the



There were casualties, however, three men being killed and a fourth knocked senseless by a buffalo; but what Landucci especially deplored was that, in the presence of 40,000 women and children, a mare was loosed with a stallion.
Sometimes, for the sake of variety, there would be a sham assault on a wooden castle. In such cases the actors lost control and

even killed each other. Fortunately, as we know, there were more innocent amusements like the calcic, a sort of football, in which one played less with the feet than the fists. This became a regular
sport, with formal rules. But the most popular diversion, the sport

par excellence^ was Immediately after dinner all the women, decked out in their finery and covered with flowers and jewels, took their children

some point

Three strokes of the

in the street along which the horses bell in the great tower of the



Signoria were

the starting-signal; whereupon the horses would leap forward, bearing the insignia of their owners, who were sometimes great lords from distant cities. The race-track traversed the city in its


from the Porta al Prato to the Porta Santa Croce. The



judged the race

sat at the

finishing-post. After

which the polio, which was the prize, was set on a four-wheeled car, adorned with a lion at each corner. This polio consisted of a piece of crimson fabric, trimmed with fur and having a fringe of gold and silk, and it was worth three hundred florins. The custom arose later of making the horses race without
jockeys. Sometimes they would break into the line of spectators, the city would pay for the damage. But the polio was too to be abandoned. There was popular even, on the festival of St




James, a water-palio, with boats on the Arno; and bitter was the disappointment if there was not enough water in the stream.

theatre had for long remained exclusively religious. sacra rappresenta^ione took place in a church, or cloisters, or a who refectory, or in the open, and the actors were


young boys belonged to a religious association and who had been trained by the festaiuolL These impresari! in expended their

ingenuity devising scenery and stage-machinery. There would, for example, be a sky filled with moving figures, lights which came on and went

out as in a lightning-flash, a celestial sphere with two companies of angels flying round it, and from which the archangel Gabriel descended in a machine shaped like an almond a pretty inven tion of Brunelleschi s.


St Apollonia,

torture and execution of martyrs were also represented: when the executioner broke all her teeth, St

Margaret, tied to the stake and crying out: Now I rise to a higher station, like gold which is refined in the furnace/ And people

admired the fervour of St Barbara, who, when confined in a tower with only two windows, pierced a third one, so zealous a

was she

in the



public did not feel out of its element when an angel advanced to explain the action by way of prologue. The actors were like the spectators, belonged to the same age, shot with


bow-and-arrow, drank Trebbiano, paid in florins and were familiar with the inns of the Buco and the Pomco. 5 All this was very innocent. In the sacred representation of
Nebuchadnezzar, one saw the sculptor Donatello summoned by the king of Nineveh, who had sent his seneschal to the

Master, I inform you that you are to appear before our king/ What does that mean? I haven t a moment s rest. I have to
deliver a pulpit for Prato/

You must come at



cannot refuse, but I have to carve the Dovipa (Abundance)




will be set on a column in the market-place, and for the next quarter of an hour, I cannot undertake more work/ Such dialogue was well-calculated to please the artisan.

As time went by, the stage became definitely secular, pagan and



Machiavelli s Mandragora^ which was presented in 1526 Company of the Trowel , enables one to see how absolutely

the tone had changed. The plot is far from edifying: a husband stupidly lending a hand to his marital misfortune, a casuistical

monk, and,

new kind of

in the wife only, a rather half-hearted virtue. But this play was completely successful. The Florentines

adored anything witty, astute or farcical, any ingenious ways of getting out of a difficulty. And Machiavelli achieved a similar
success when, in the garden of his friend Fornaciaio, he produced the Clifia, a play imitated from Plautus. The garden had been
levelled so as to allow

of a stage, artists were engaged to paint the and the play was followed by a banquet of which all scenery, classes partook, patricians, burghers and common people. The fame of this performance spread all over Tuscany, and even as far


became more exquisite, greater attention was paid to the wardrobe. It was popular now to attire the actresses as nymphs, in a blouse of crimson damask and a skirt of fine Cyprus fabric encrusted with gold, and raised half-way up the leg. They wore a garland of flowers and leaves round their heads, and carried a bow, with a quiver suspended behind the shoulder. These pastorals were accompanied by songs, now sentimental, now even free and hearty: With water from the fountain, my brunette bathes her face and
the theatre


tender breast/

your skirts of white linen, and mountain top, dance with joy and gaily bound, 1 and strew your roses all around.

Come, fair neighbours, attired come from plain and valley, from




again, in a different vein:

O my


show me thy

angel face, bring thy

to Princess Ida.

goddess, appear at thy Taddeo a bowl of

soup and a

slice of salt pork. With acknowledgements


Poliziano, Pulci and Lorenzo himself


composed some of these


And what conferred a peculiar lustre on the entertainment

was that every class shared in it, everyone understood the bearing and symbolism of the show, whether historical, mythical or

Of the ecclesiastical festivals the most popular was that of May

Day, when the
wearing their spring frocks and carrying leafy branches, danced in the Piazza Santa Trinita. Next came the Feast of St John, a patron of the city. On the

previous day

all the arts had decorated their shops with silk and of gold (enough to bedeck ten kingdoms), pictures and cloth excellent engravings. Towards noon, the clergy formed a pro cession, bearing the sacred relics; they were escorted by laymen

dressed as saints and angels, to the accompaniment of wonderful singing and music. In the cool of the evening the citizens marched,

two by two, under the sixteen banners of their respective quarters,

to offer candles in the baptistery of St John s. On the day itself, the Piazza della Signoria presented a magnifi cent appearance. One hundred gilded towers, borne on wagons,

symbolized the tribute paid by the

subject-cities; these


were covered with

soldiers, girls



relief representing


dancing roundelays, animals, trees, fruit, in short, 5 everything that could charm the eyes and the heart An interior mechanism caused the towers to revolve so that every side of them

would be

visible. From a hundred masts erected on the balcony of the palace floated the many-coloured standards of the tributary

The morning was devoted to offerings, of which the first was made by the Captain of the Porte Guelfa. He was followed by the citizens and peasants, the workmen of the Calimala, and the
church in money-changers, each group appearing in succession the of San Giovanni, while the square in front was covered with blue tents adorned with yellow lilies. Here and there one might see
a foreign merchant from Flanders or Brabant, who had come to the race which was run after the midday meal witness the polio

and the



As you make your way along the streets

[wrote an eye-witness] the houses

hung with tapestries, and the chairs and benches covered with taffeta. Everywhere you see girls and young women dressed in silk and bedizened with jewels, precious stones and The whole city, that day, is pearls.

given over to revelry and feasting, with so many fifes and music, songs, dances, and other festivities and merry-making, that this earth seems like a

Another and exceedingly popular spectacle was the Triumph The chariot, which plays a great part in the Divine Comedy (Beatrice rides in one) and which symbolized the triumph, was perhaps at the origin of the custom. These displays, in any event, became more numerous in the course of time and acquired a more secular character. Rival societies displayed the utmost ingenuity in presenting allegorical triumphs. One would figure the three of man; another, the ages of the world symbolized by ages episodes from Roman history. During the Carnival, which went on for days and days, there would be a series of processions, with a swarm of masked participants, on foot or on horseback,


the chariots.

The latter bore the figures of Jealousy with four faces

armed with

spectacles, the four Temperaments and their corres ponding planets, the three Fates, and Prudence on a throne with Hope and Fear in chains at her feet.

Mythology was held

in honour. Eros appeared at the Carnival

and with multi coloured wings- while Bacchus, Ariadne and Paris were accom

as a child in swaddling clothes, blindfolded

nymphs, beggars, hermits, astrologers and were gay or moving, and devils, sometimes obscene. And then would come the refrain proper to


chanting in chorus songs that

the Carnival:

How fair is youth!


and, alas,

how fleeting!

Let him

who will,

For what

will the

morrow bring

In the matter of triumphs as indeed of other popular festivals, the Florentines were innovators, thanks largely to a strange artist who deserves to be better known.
Piero di Cosimo, born in 1462, was the son of a goldsmith and had studied under the and alchemist Cosimo Roselli. A painter



who was

always building castles in the

he led the


vineyard. All should be left loved rare plants and strange animals, and talked nonsense about them. Sometimes he would stop to contemplate a wall covered with the of sick persons- on this he spittle imagined he saw dream-cities and battles of horses. He saw similar
to Nature.

of an animal rather than a man, so Vasari one to sweep out his room or hoe his

tells us.

He allowed no



in the clouds.

Comfort was unknown

to him.



on eggs which he

boiled in the same receptacle as he made his gum; hated children s or men s crying coughing., loathed the sound of bells; but loved to see the rain streaming off the roof-tops. If however there was thunder, he would hide himself under a cloak and crouch in a corner of his studio.

Growing more eccentric as he grew older, he ceased to take pupils, and though crippled with paralysis strove to vanquish his hands and compel them to hold the brush*. The neighbours were moved to pity. Piero however did not think he was going to
although a good Christian, kept putting off making his with God He was furious with the doctors, their enemas peace and syrups and other kinds of martyrdom such as not letting you
die, and,


when you want


or having to

your kinsfolk weeping in a darkened room. condemned to die seemed enviable to him:

make your will or to see The lot of a criminal

A fair thing

it is


go to the place of execution in the open air,

while the multitude consoles you with sweetmeats and kindly words. You have a priest, the people pray for you, and you go to

heaven with the angels. Lucky



man who

departs thus

suddenly! Piero departed suddenly, but not by the hand of the was found dead at the foot of his ladder.

kw. He


this gifted

savage had
it is,



by organizing

to see twenty-five or thirty pairs of horses, richly caparisoned, the riders attired to represent the subject of the triumph, and each escorted by six or eight

triumphs. *A


by night,

armed lackeys wearing the same livery and carrying

torches; while


the chariots are full of ornaments and gaudy rags and quaint fantasies; something that sharpens men s wits and gives the people

much pleasure and satisfaction. One day Piero di Cosimo conceived the idea of a Triumph of Death. The car and wagon he built secretly in a hall of the convent
crosses painted

of Santa Maria Novella; a huge black vehicle with bones and white on it, and drawn by buffaloes. Death stood in the

wagon, very tall and armed with his scythe, while closed coffins were ranged all round him. When the wagon came to a halt, the coffins opened and from them emerged shapes garbed in black cloth, with skeletons painted on them, so that the white stood out from the black. The whole thing, with the torches and skulls, was terrible to look upon. Finally, to the strains of muffled instruments and lugubrious trumpets, the skeletons would arise and chant: Dead we are, as you see. So, one day, we shall see
you*, to an accompaniment of funereal music. In front and behind rode dead men on horseback, and for this

purpose the leanest and sorriest hacks had been

escorted him. These were followed



rider represented a skeleton, as did the four attendants


by ten black standards painted with crosses and skulls, and during the whole march-past the Miserere was sung in chorus and with trembling voices.


people were

terrified and never forgot the Triumph of makes one think of an Italian Albrecht Diirer.




Outlook of the average Florentine - Civic ambitions - Some representative men -Journals and those who kept themLives

of artisans - Travel

- The




budget and

fiscal instability


FRENCH bourgeois

in the time of the Renaissance


was a

with a

home of

own and

social ambitions.


his profession,

whether he were magistrate,

man of

law, banker, merchant, physician or master-craftsman,

he invariably wanted to become a noble, he sought to obtain one of those offices which would distinguish him from his fellows.

Things were quite different in Florence, as we may judge from the example of Francesco Sacchetti, the author of a collection of NoveUe. He came of an old family of Popolam and was a white

Guelph , that is, a moderate. He revered the Pope as an enemy of the Emperor, but did not want him to have much hand in Florentine politics. It was not for clerics to intervene in civic

own life was full of ups and downs. He conducted perilous

missions in Slavonia, then became Prior of the Quarter of San Giovanni, and was ambassador to Genoa. He married three times,

and each of his wives


He lost part of his fortune and towards

the year 1400 we lose trace of him. He had been a conservative; once his missions were accomplished, he looked no further than
to the campanile of the


the palace of the Signoria, the

Mercato Vecchio, the old fortified towers symbols of liberty and the dark little shop, where the merchant pocketed florins

from every comer of the known world. His very Christianity, as Emile Gebhart observes, was municipal Now this important citizen not only regarded the men of law as plagues to the commonwealth and promoters of civil strife, he jeered at the



nobles, mocked the principles of chivalry and derided the mer chants who wished to ape lords and parade in tournaments. This

he regarded

as the last

word in the ridiculous, and herein he antici

pates the Morgante Maggiore. The Florentine was a man of positive, if not prosaic, outlook, who was averse to any excess whether in vice or virtue. The art of
in his eyes, was to take account of men s good or evil attributes and to profit from them to the utmost. The art of managing men, within certain moral limits, is superior to useless or ill-conceived heroism/ 1

Thus, when the form of government changes, the man who ancestors and criticizes the new persists in thinking like his

not wise.


should adapt oneself to the times.

There is much



said for opportunism; and, in short, the main sure one has a credit balance. Agnolo Pandolfini


gives exact instruction in this matter:

There is nothing that I esteem less than filling a public office. It is a source of peril, dishonesty, injustice and instability. Does it really suit you to give up your shop and your business in order to serve other people s ambitions? stupidity of men who deem it glorious to march with the staff of office in their hand, while trumpets blow before them! and who thus abandon their tranquillity and their freedom. He who would ride the steed of the Common wealth will be thrown by it!


says elsewhere:

Distrust the plebs, the ignorant plebs, a glib-tongued and unreasonable

breed, like a broken instrument that never rings true. Distrust the lords, who are always borrowing and never paying back. Remain in your shop. The merchant s hands should be ink-stained. He should write down everything:

purchases, sales, contracts, goods received, goods dispatched.


have the pen in your hand.



keep an eye on your




how to







which sound a little too theoretical, were not often the case of Donato del Corno, a wealthy parvenu


tried to



to civic honours* In the

hope of being

imlorsato, or eligible to public office, he lent money free of interest

Cf. L. Passy, Francesco Vettori, II, p. 38.


to influential


men and

or assemblers

got his friends to write to the accopiatori, His shop had become a meeting-place for gossipers,

gamesters, intriguers and politicians

ill-fame, full



a house of

of drunkards and prostitutes.

And what good did this

do him?
Fortunately, many merchants were able to hit the happy mean between their political aspirations and a strict attention to business. Matteo Palmieri was a case in point. A man of humble birth, he sold drugs and groceries in the Canto delle Rondini, a fact which

did not prevent his serving on occasion as ambassador, as Gonfaloniere of his company, and as Prior. Being something of a
mathematician, and dabbling also in literature, philosophy and theology, he was one of those who tried to leave a name behind

him, following Dante

s lines

on Como Fuomo seterna (How man

He wrote a La Citta di Vita^ in which he argued philosophical poem that our souls are the angels who had remained neutral at the time of Satan s rebellion and whom the Creator has sent into our bodies so that we should be obliged to take sides between good and evil*.
perpetuate himself)- This led him to authorship.

Although the book remained in manuscript, it was condemned by the Inquisition. But Palmieri s principal work was the Vita civile, a kind of manual of good breeding, which shows how a man should behave in his family, in society, and in the State. It is written in dialogue form and in the vernacular, in that famous and

glorious Italian tongue,



remains as

more worthy of praise than Latin or a valuable document for the history of
and handsome man, prematurely which made his appearance the more and ennobled his family by his singular


Matteo Palmieri was a

white-haired, tutto canuto,

impressive; and he raised virtues, or so we are assured

by Vespasiano Bisticci whom we have of Cosimo, the pater patriot. already encountered in the company who was the first bookseller in the wider sense of that Bisticci,
with the rise term, had been bom in 1421, and fais career coincided of the Medici. Literary men foregathered ia his shop. He knew the price of rare manuscripts and where to find or k*rrow them.




oracle in his own line, he supplied books to burghers, lords and popes, and his business extended to every part of Italy. He declared he had no gift for fine writing, but undertook all the same to be the Plutarch of his age; and his new Lives ofFamous Men is a work of unique interest, for he understood better than anyone else the curiosity and general outlook of his fellowcountrymen. He knew how to observe and express himself

simply, and he conveys a vivid notion of his environment. Vespasiano was an ingenuous soul, a man pure in heart and mind, and

one of the most attractive figures of the age. He died in 1498 and was buried in Santa Croce. There were philosophers in his circle, like that Zembino da Pistoia who got tired of teaching and decided to live on his
private income. After selling the corn he had harvested and putting his wine in casks for a year, he settled in Florence. The money he

had made for

his corn

He then

fixed his diet


he kept in a sack, which hung by his pillow. and way of life. He would have two loaves
thing with them.

a day and some

this regime,


never departed from

and busied himself by writing a history of the world, C from the Creation, with the dates! A life without beginning
fraud or deceit/
Bisticci s gallery, if one

may so

call it,

of course contains many

other figures. Salviati, once a great and wealthy merchant, had visited every trade-fair in Europe; but, convinced that the world

was a hotbed of deceit and imposture, he restored, on his return home, everything he seemed to have on his conscience The rest of his money, which he had made honestly, he gave to God, and c then took refuge in the well-shielded nest of religion

Bisticci introduces

us also to the son of a poor peasant of Chianti

who had been brought up by a Florentine burgher: a smiling little man clad in a purple jacket and a long cloak reaching to his ankles. Every morning, at Ave Maria, Ser Filippo attended Mass, and
then went to the Palazzo to attend to civic affairs. In the course of

would visit his friends the monks, call at the bookshop were anything to buy and to chat with the literary afterwhich hewould return to the Palazzo to give interviews. men;
the day he
to see if there



banished after a time, like so

was devoted to study. Although many others, he at last obtained to live near Florence, and settled down to work in the permission monastery at Settimo. From his speech, his manners and his attire, you might have thought him a philosopher of the ancient world. One might recall other noble or inoffensive specimens from the Bisticci collection, such as Lappo Mazzi, an unquestionable Christian, a serious, charitable and rather simple-minded person
his time

The remainder of


used to read to his small boys the Fioretti^ the incomparable legend of St Francis. But little by little this atmosphere of decency

and ingenuousness evaporates, and models for Plutarch become rare. Consider the illegitimate child who had been brought up in an orphanage but who one day attracted the favourable attention of a Bishop. The prelate sent him to Florence, where he was placed with an excellent woman who treated him as her own son.
After reaching man s estate, he lived in a happy-go-lucky way on an allowance or annuity, and he thus accounted for himself to
his companions:


is all I

know about my birth. As

thing except running through

public. I


have made friends by my man who has often asked me to dinner without being able to get me. That how I pass my life, and now let s have a drink!

I have never been capable of any allowance, I take what I need from the intrigues, and I could tell you of a great

Of all

the Florentines

who knew how

to observe




record what they observed, the most useful for our purpose are those who kept a Jiarw^ and who thus convey a notion of what will choose two such men. life was like.


Luca Landucci, whose impressions of various events we have were well-to-do already recorded, was born in 1436. His parents who lived in the parish of San Piero Maggiore. When people, Luca was fourteen, they entrusted him to a schoolmaster named
Calandro with

whom, he





lessons to the

of God/

Two years later, he was apprenticed to the apothe


in cary Francesco, at the sign of La Sccda,

Mercato Vecchio.




But he hankered after independence, and at the age of twentywent into partnership with a certain Spinello di Lorenzo to
in a

open a shop

clothes-dealer. It

house that had belonged to a second-hand was not a good idea. The hope of greater


tells us,


to sacrifice a secure position.



shop had to be renovated and furnished, and Landucci spent a small fortune on it. A cupboard cost fifty florins, and, to make matters worse, Spinello was penniless. Less than a year after
signing their contract they separated, Spinello undertaking to pay what he owed by a fixed date. Luca fortunately had money.


the age of thirty, he bought a shop in the Canto dei Tornaquinci, in a good situation at the angle of the Via Tornabuoni and

the streets of the

New Vineyard and the Sword. The undertakers,


the way, lived in that quarter.

Before occupying his new house, Luca had married. On May 24, 1466, eve of the Festival of the Holy Ghost, he took to wife
Salvestra di


di Pagni, a girl


dowry of 400


of seventeen. She brought and the following trousseau: a light-

blue dress with tight sleeves, embroidered with pearls; a purple skirt and gown with brocaded sleeves, twenty-four handker
chiefs and six towels, twenty-four child s handkerchiefs, eight chemises, twelve hats and three berets in various colours. Luca, for his part, expended a fair sum on trinkets, ribbons, jewels and


This time the partnership was successful. Luca described his wife as a dear companion and virtuous without a peer . They were to live together for forty-eight years without her ever making him

mad and


have twelve children.

model in business Cosimo de Medici, 1 Luca prospered. He was the first to import sugar from Madeira, an island which had been colonized by the King of Portugal. In 1490 he opened a new shop, at the sign of the Stelk, opposite the
as his

He was a man of equable temperament, religious, merciful in his dealings, and a lover of liberty. Though living in
Palazzo Strozzi.

When Florentines were arguing about business matters, they would say:
think you are Cosimo de Medici/




Florence he was well-informed as regards foreign affairs. In 1477 he had noted the death of Charles the Bold, at the hands of the Swiss. Charles he held to have been as cruel as the Sultan of 5 Turkey: Both took delight in the shedding of blood. In 1492 he hailed the conquest of Granada by the Spaniards, the defeat of
the Crescent, and herein he saw great gain for faith in Christ and the beginning of the submission of the infidels . But he was anxious for the safety of his own country. Florentine

he observed, were more interested in larceny than in fighting. One of these days the Oltramontani (the French and Spaniards) will have to teach us how to make war. Like every citizen he had his troubles. When there was an

outbreak of the plague, he and his family fled to his villa of Dicomano; but in January 1490 this very villa was damaged by a

snowstorm followed by an ice-storm1 which devastated the oaks and chestnuts so that those who witnessed it thought it was the end of the world/ Later, the house attached to his shop in Florence was destroyed by fire. He lost all his rooms, his reserves of cloth, his wardrobe, all his library with books worth more than twenty-five ducats , and there he found himself in a shirt, together with his children, one of whom had had to leap naked out of bed, when awakened by the fire. As for me, he concludes, *I accept adversity as I accept prosperity, and render

thanks to


for one as for the other.

was associated with a taste for building. at his disposal, he applied to Simone del Polkjuolo, Having capital the architect, to carry out a plan he had long meditated, namely,
to raise a temple with a fair cupola to the glory of San Giovanni, so that, in face of San Lorenzo, we may have an advocate in

Heaven in the person of St John the Baptist, who was the favourite of Christ 2 But this plan he was never able to realize. In 1514 he had the sorrow of losing his dear companion

phenomenon much commoner



North America than

in Europe.


One wonders whether

good apothecary was confusing

the Baptist

with the Evangelist.





years later he followed her to the grave and


buried in Santa Maria Novella.

After the apothecary, the coppersmith. 1 Bartolomeo Masi s father, who had married a baker s daughter, was in a very comfort
able position. Apart from the house and shop which he rented in the Via dei Ferravecchi (now the Via Strozzi), he owned a parcel

of land which he had bought from Filippo Lippi, the artist, in the Via Ventura (now the Via Laura), and another piece of land on which he built a new house. His coat-of-arms showed two lions
facing each other, but separated


a mountain

which appeared an arm holding a sword This was the sign of his trade.

that pointed

on the top of downwards.

His son Bartolomeo was born in 1480 and had as godparents a wool-comber and a coppersmith named Sandro di Giotto. Entering the Company of the Children of St John at an early age, he received a pious education. This company brought together a number of boys, of ages between thirteen and twenty-four, who
desired to be well trained in the three

ways of life, the contempla

the active and the moral, under the patronage of St John. secular guardian, who had to be a bachelor of at least thirty years

of age, and

who was

controlled the

by other officers and confessors, company and maintained it in purity, calm and

Lauds and prayers were sung inltalian, and sometimes one enjoyed a little collation of jam and wafers, cakes and wine of

Bartolomeo, who had acquired a liking for these confraternities, later became a member of the of St company of the

Benedict, which met in the convent of Santa Maria Novella, and then of the Company of St Cecilia which met on the hill of

under the Franciscan monastery. At the age of seven he had been registered by his father in the art of the locksmiths, his father paying the entrance-fee. After the rudiments of the trade, learning including arithmetic, at the

Probably also a hardware-dealer.




school of Giovanni del Sodo, he began to work in the shop, the only one that he was ever to know. At the age of eleven he began

keep the ledger, which contained a record of goods bought and sold, with the prices. This early training was to serve him well.

He became one of the notables of his guild, was councillor on four

occasions, and never failed, when it was his turn, to entertain to 5 dinner his colleagues and the notary of the art . Had he failed to



he would have been

liable to a fine

of ten


At the age of thirty-five Masi was free to go into partnership with his father and brother, in the hardware trade. May it please

God he

wrote, that

we make good and




for the

time his uncle, who was a notary, came to live at the shop, "sharing bread and wine Again, a contract was signed. The uncle was to furnish annually
salvation of our souls and bodies. About

sixteen bushels of grain, eight barrels of red wine, one of verjuice, 5 and thirty lire on account ; in return for which he would be

lodged with table, fire and candle . Masi did not remain mewed up all the time with iron pots and copper cauldrons. He liked to see the world and would occasion

he went away with a goldsmith, a mercer, a cobbler and a woollen-worker to visit a second-hand clothes-merchant whom they knew in the Val di Pesa. They
ally take a holiday.


in 1502

arrived after midnight and junketed for a couple of days. On the return Bartolomeo conceived the plan of visiting Siena, of which

he saw

the whole

Volterra, the party

then, after stops at San Gimignano and returned to Florence It was the first time that

they had ever left it. In September of the same year Bartolomeo and his friends went to Arezzo, which had recently rebelled and been severely handled.

The streets were full of filth, and the bed in which they slept stank worse than a stable There was little to eat, and that costly. They 1 consoled themselves at Laverna, where the Franciscan brothers received them with every courtesy, showed them all the holy
5 .


Readers of Wordsworth will recall how much he was impressed with Ttie monastery, which he visited in May 1837, and the poem it inspired,
at Laverna*.





places, including the spot where St Francis received the stigmata, and all his miracles . Here they were given a decent little room

with a good fire (for pared for them.


was cold) and a good bed

specially pro-

Bartolomeo had an attack of what he called Trench pustules , he took a vow that if cured, he would go to Loretto, on the Adriatic coast. On recovering, therefore, he accomplished his pilgrimage on foot. Here was his itinerary. He slept one night at an inn near the Lake of and visited Perugia next day. Perugia,




morrow he

left at


for Assisi,

where he saw the

visited Santa

Maria degli Angeli and completed his


ledge of the Franciscan community. Then, by way of Foligno and Recanati he reached Loretto, paid his devotions and had dinner.
crossing the harbour at Aiicona he met a boatman who was returning to Venice with four ladies who had come on pilgrimage


from that city. As it was very tempting to see Venice, the com petitor and adversary of Florence, he embarked. In the evening
they touched at Sinigaglia, and being held up by a storm, bought food for their supper. Finally, by way of Pesaro, Rimini, Ravenna
(Masi says nothing about Dante) and Chioggia, they reached Venice* The Florentine put up for five days at the inn of the Two

Swords, near the Rialto; after which he returned home by Ferrara and Bologna. Apart from the lap between Ancona and Venice, he had made the journey on foot in three weeks.

And so now, serene and yet joyous, and rendering thanks to God and to the very glorious Virgin Mary of Loretto for giving
him good company both going and coming, he regained the shop and saluted his father, his brother and his uncle. For a Florentine artisan, by nature a stay-at-home, Bartolomeo Masi has the air of a globe-trotter. He was not longlived, however, and was buried at the age of fifty in the family
in the Via dei Ferravecchi

vault in Santa Annunziata.

One of the reasons for

sance lay in the country

Italy s pre-eminence during the Renais

wealth. Florence was continually increas-



ing her trade and banking operations, and although the city s income was inferior to that of states like Venice and Naples,
Florence none the

where there were the

remained the source of gold , the city greatest private fortunes. In less than forty

years in the fifteenth century the Medici expended over 600,000


florins, in charities, buildings

Statistics, for

and taxes. which the Florentines had a

particular bent,

enable us pretty accurately to judge of the city s prosperity. In 1422 there were seventy-two counters of money-changers in the

Mercato Nuovo, and two million gold florins were in circulation. The new industry of thread of gold and of silk stuffs was booming,

and in


same year the


Florentine galley weighed anchor

for Alexandria. The luxury-trade was constantly increasing. Fabrics spangled with gold and silver were produced, and various kinds of damasks, wood-carvings, arabesques on marble and

sandstone, marquetry, portraits in wax, goldsmith s work and now the home of elegance and refinement.1 jewellery. Florence was
protectionist, as much to defend industry against foreign imports as to preserve the secrets of manufacture. Almost every import was subject to duty.


trade policy


Wealth brought speculation in its train. The stoccki, by buying wholesale, caused a rise in commodity prices. While prices were high they sold the goods; then, when the market collapsed, they
bought them back, and thus killed their victims as if with a stocco more terrible were the usurers, (rapier), whence their name. Still for the most part or Jewish converts who charged from Jews 20 per cent to 30 per cent interest. One of them ran four moneylending offices in the city; but a Pisan Jew destroyed and sup
planted him. It was to limit or hinder this trade that, with the approval of the Holy See, the Franciscans founded offices where any citizen

could borrow against the deposit of security, but free of interest.


was provided by voluntary contributions, collections and endowments. This was the origin of the Monti Ji Pieta

As early as the fourteenth century, the forty-four goldsmith s siiops the Ponte Vecchio were worth 800 gold florins in annual rent fio tfce Sta^e.



mountains of money 1 of which the mass of poor folk were supposed to be the owners. The Franciscans were, in point of fact, extremely well-versed in questions of finance. In the fifteenth century one of them, a Tuscan named Luca Paccioli, wrote a
methodical treatise on the money-market, a treatise based not on canonical texts or the interpretations of casuists, but on an exact
analysis of the various kinds of exchange: the cambio minuto, or 2 ordinary kind, the royal , the dry and the fictional; and his

compatriots derived




this. It is

evident that

everyone, whether layman or



had a




This outlook will lead us to take a glance at the State Budget, and to ask how it was made up. On the side of receipts, there were the sales taxes, municipal tolls, collected at the city-gates, on salt, meat, wine, etc., and also the tithes or tenths , ordinary, extraordinary and arbitrary. In the sixteenth century the total amounted to roughly 300,000 gold florins, and it had not been very different in the fifteenth. But in finance as in politics the Florentines never had leisure to suffer from monotony, because taxation, like the form of government, was perpetually changing. At the outset only real estate had been
taxed, but this encouraged reasonable people to put their money into moveable property or even to conceal their wealth. In 1427,


the motion of Giovanni Bicci de


introduced. This affected

Medici, the catasto* was kinds of property, moveable or

immoveable, including credits, goods in hand and rural livestock. In each quarter of the city, ten persons assessed the capital of the


paid so


per cent; and the

money was rigourclasses, to

ously collected.

In pursuance of his policy of flattering the lower



of course of pity


means exchange without endorsements. catasto means a tax on real estate, or the office where it is assessed. Today,

In the fifteenth century


appears to have designated income tax in general.




he opened the highest offices in the State and whom he clad in the scarlet cloaks of the old nobility , Cosimo de Medici

in 1442 replaced the catasto by the arUtrio^ a sort of forced loan which was assessed not on stable property but on trade and credits.

This mainly

hit the well-to-do, and was applauded by the lower middle-classes and the artisans. The nature of the people*, c observed Guicciardini, is to overburden those who are in a

the Medici, who studied to remain popular, superior position ; and used the arbitrio as a dagger and a stick . The taxpayer s declara
tion of income was public and subject to examination; any sums he concealed were confiscated to the benefit of the State and the informers. Confiscation was subsequently replaced by a fine; the poor scholar, Gianozzo Manetti, had a bitter experience of what





disliked him,

condemned him

to a


of 135,000 gold florins, which reduced him to beggary. Thus taxation was an instrument of policy. In 1443 a new tax, known as the graposa, was introduced. Under this system an assessor fixed what every individual was to

rate varied from 4 per cent to 33^ per cent, and anyone did not pay cooled his heels in the State prison. Others, to who in the country; but they were stig escape the tax, went to live


matized as morosi,

men in arrears, and some of them were banished.

does nothing but pay , sighed poor Alessandra de Bardi, miraculous how although the city is quiet and we are at p eace. It s


much money they take from us. But by thus overburdening the

wealthy, who contribute to maintain a balance in the State or to restore the situation in times the city as a whole was impoverished. In of financial
the end the Florentines discovered a more equitable and less the decima. All the citizens (except the arbitrary tax. This was workmen as regards their wages) were to pay a tenth of their or of their salary or pay, or income from land, or industrial

from bonds registered at the Monte. This was the advent ofincome tax and its obligatory accompaniment of fiscal inquisition. The interlude of Savonarola s r^ime brought about a complete

Now, only real estate was taxed at

10 per cent.




and banking escaped; and yet Savonarola imagined he was making the rich pay, from their the poor. superfluity, in order to benefit Work , he said, on the poor; it is from the poor that only

the lords


their salaries

and income and


while they

neglect their duties.


think only of pleasures and


the same with the Bishops, and prelates and beneficed No fatigue for them. They are rich in land while their clergy. subjects are dying of hunger. St Ambrose had said that the super
it is


is robbery. Proudhon was to enlarge the formula. After the fall of Savonarola the experts considered what forms

of property could best be taxed. A tax on income from landed property would not meet the needs of the State. Profits from trade

and banking were difficult to estimate and dangerous to publish, because business was mainly founded on credit. Food and com modity-goods could not be over-taxed without the risk of a
popular revolution. Florence was in fact ready for a graduated income tax. The city now returned to the dedma, but it was scalata^ or graduated in

such a


as to hit the upper classes.

annual income paid only 5; a so that the former was taxed only at 10 per cent whereas the latter was taxed at 25 per cent or even 33 \ per cent. But now came the

A man with 50 ducats of man who had 300 paid 80 or 100,


decima scalata could be raised twice or three times in

an income of 50 ducats paid a quarter or a third, while at 300 ducats one paid one s whole income; and, as the rate steepened, one might reach the point of paying one and a half


year. So,

s income. The lower class thought this but the rich, who had been lightly touched hitherto, wonderful, felt themselves cut to the quick

times or even twice one

The popular government which ruled

Florence between 1527

and 1530 extracted nearly a million and a half gold florins from the population; at this rate the source of taxation dried up and disMeaning no doubt the wealthy classes in general. It would be interesting feudal nobility had survived; most of them had probably been driven into commerce or had intermarried with rich

know what remnants of the






appeared . . and the Republic with it. The fact is noted by the wise Guicciardini in a passage which explains the close connection


crises in public finance, uncertainty as to a quiet and stable regime, and the faults or incompetence of government:

There was disorder in the great assemblies, debates were long and held too late, State-secrets were divulged. We were not enlightened as to the general Then we were unexpectedly surprised by mis trend of Italian politics. . fortune. As the public funds were now handled by various people, divided among a number of negligent officials, the money was squandered even before it was collected. It was thrown away uselessly and too late. Hence the enor mous taxes which crushed the citizens. The Signoria, being always short of money, was continually extracting forced loans from the wealthiest members of the community. Honest men turned their back on politics. The city, bled white and dishonoured, was going to its doom at a hundred miles an hour
. .

(andarne alTn gib cento rrdgUa per ora). The rich, incensed by arbitrary taxation, desired a form of government such that, whoever might be in con trol, they themselves would not be ruined. Even the lower class was weary

of taxation and ready to accept reform, provided


was not


Good finance, good government, and vice versa. The principle is To this dark and mekncholy chapter, which affords a lesson for tax-payers in all ages, one may add a few minor docu
not a new one.

ments in


Here, for example, is the tax statement made by Donatello to the officials of the catasto in 1427: He has no fortune apart from a

few pieces of furniture for himself and

his family.

He lives on the

proceeds of his shop, in company with Michelozzo, a sculptor and coin-designer/ And the beginning of this declaration by the notary
Pietro di ser Guidi da Vinci (Florence 1470) who mentions among 5 *the mouths he has to feed, that is, his dependents, his wife (aged
74), two sons, two daughters, and at the end Lionardo fighdo de ser Pietro non kgiptimo d etai the illegitimate Leonardo da Vinci.

As an illustration of the history of contraband through the ages, the following anecdote has its charm. well-to-do citizen named Messer Antonio wished to avoid paying the toll on eggs. So,

before coming into town, he stowed



thirty in his breeches*


The toll-collector, being suspicious, made him What have you got there that I hear cracking?*




The yellow yoke was flowing down Antonio s legs, and he had to bribe the collector to keep his mouth shut. One can imagine his
wife. Did you reception on reaching home. What!* cried his curse on your want to hatch eggs as though you were a hen?

meanness, and the shame you ve brought on us! Everyone be pointing his finger at you, and all for two farthings!





The French
in Florence

- An

- Savonarola and the city becomes a monastery burning of the Vanities - Resurrection of political parties - Martyrdom of the prophet End of the theocracy

outburst of mysticism

- The


successor of Lorenzo the Magnificent was not the man his father had been. Robust, and at the same time frivolous,

impulsive and unintelligent, he had inherited from Clarice

Orsini, his mother, the haughtiness of the Roman barons. He meant to be blindly obeyed; and as he found two of his cousins

he placed them under police supervision and thus created a centre of opposition within his own family. of a governor

And yet Florence had never been in such need who could unite everyone under his leadership.
Called in

Moro, tyrant of Milan, the French King Charles VIII was planning the conquest of Naples. He had ancestral claims on that kingdom; and he now descended into Italy, although it had been described to him as the lion s den : you see

by Ludovico

the tracks of those


who go





the invasion of the Barbarians

but no tracks coming was beginning, and


the era of calamities.



17, 1494, a Florentine

ambassador wrote to Piero de* Medici: lf we are beaten by the French, it will be the end of Italy, tutto a bordello. If we prevent

them from marching through,

great expense.



there will be enduring hatred and florins to be expended will come out of

your pocket/
and Piero scarcely knew what to do. He at last decided to go and meet the King of France at Sarzana; and as he had neither the skill not the force of character



were not


of his


he ended by signing a shameful treaty, handing over

several fortresses

which were the keys to Florentine




Florence immediately rose in opposition; a parliament was called, and the people brought out the rusty swords and daggers

which had lain unused since the conspiracy of the Pazzi. On the morning of November 9, 1494, Piero found the Palazzo della the signifi Signoria closed. He was ordered to go in alone. When fled by way of the Porta San cance of all this dawned on him, he Gallo and made for Bologna. The city was now in an uproar. Young Cardinal Giovanni, the future Leo X, was seen on a
himself on his balcony, trembling with fear and commending to God. He then disguised himself as a Franciscan and fled knees

with his brother Giuliano.

The Medici were proclaimed rebels, their palace was pillaged, and of the booty, worth at least 100,000 crowns, the Signoria had its share. The exiles returned, and notably Piero s cousins, who, to make it plain that they had nothing in common with the family of the tyrant, replaced the balls on their coat-of-arms with the red cross of the Guelph party, on a silver field. Like good demagogues
they styled themselves Popolani.

should be ready Signoria had given orders that everyone to receive the French billeting officers, and these, on their arrival,


marked with chalk the houses and rooms that most appealed to them, this one for Lord X, that one for Baron Y. Then, as Landucci writes in his journal, the men-at-arms knocked on the doors, to whether it was a crying: Open there! , without troubling as man s house or a rich man s. They intimated that they would poor ox s horns, pay, but few did so, and if they paid, It was with the

while they ate the flesh As a measure of precaution the young girls had been sent to convents or to relatives in the country; but the fact was that these

strangers behaved very properly, and not one used indecent language to a woman. Landucci thought they were afraid. When

they asked what was the population of Florence, they were told
that at the sound of the bell 100,000 people would assemble, from the city and the environs; and this dissuaded them from any

inclination to pillage.

On November i6th, two columns adorned with the arms of the


King of France were


up outside the doors of the Medici palace (which had just been sacked). It was truly a triumphal sight/ And on the lyth, according to a French in Florence

surnamed the

. there took place the entry of armed horsemen and footmen that ever was seen in

beautiful or the pleasant

the Italics

Entering by the Porta San Friano, Charles VIII appeared on horseback under a canopy of cloth of gold. Wearing a great white hat, a doublet of gold brocade and a blue mantle, he carried
his thigh, like a conqueror. Behind him rode barons superbly armed, dressed like princes and mounted on great maned

his lance





rible aspect. Saluted

had been cropped to give them a more with acclamations of VivaFranczal the



advanced to the sound of music, along streets strewn with sweetsmelling herbs and under houses hung with tapestries and banners.
After crossing the Arno by the Ponte Vecchio, he proceeded by way of the Piazza della Signoria to Santa Maria del where

which was illuminated with thousands of candles. At nightfall he dismounted in front of the Medici palace. When people saw him on foot his renown seemed to diminish, for in truth he was a very small man, ill-favoured of countenancehe had big shoulders, an aquiline nose and feet like those of a

he kissed the

goose, with


1 his toes tied together/

But, as he was not really antipathetic, he received a sincere and

hearty welcome. Everyone s body was full of lilies/ Were not the French old friends and good customers? Could one receive

them inhospitably without compromising the position of all the Florentine merchants who were living in France? And then, never had such an army been seen! The long halberds of the Swiss
infantry caused a sensation; and a by the fifty-four pieces of artillery
greater one was produced drawn by horses, when Italian canon were merely mounted on wagons and drawn by oxen. All this gave one furiously to think. While the King was in Florence, everyone with a house overstill

Italian said that

Charles was wearing square-toed dippers of black velvet. Another he had the feet of an ox.



looking the street was required to keep a light burning in one

window; it gave a festive air to the place. Yet no one felt easy. The French had just liberated Pisa, which Florence used as her seaport, and people were now wondering exactly what this webfooted king meant to do. Was he going to enslave the city, and
bring back Piero de Medici?

The atmosphere grew threatening. The citizens, preparing to defend themselves, laid in a store of bread, weapons and stones; and contemplated, in case of need, a repetition of the Sicilian

Vespers. contado?
in these

The rich gathered round them the peasants of the The French for their part felt little stomach for fighting

narrow alleys, among palaces which looked like citadels and from which they could easily be subjected to a hail of stones and rocks. By way of precaution, they occupied the Porta San Friano and the Carraja bridge.
Charles, meanwhile, adopted a haughty tone. He told the commissaries of the Signoria that he intended to occupy the city

he had conquered; to which they replied that the Republic had

as a friendly guest, not as a victorious Negotiations regarding the terms of capitulation now acrimonious, ending in a scene famous in history.



enemy. became

we shall sound our trumpets the Bang is recorded as retorted the commissary saying. And we shall ring our bells who proceeded to tear up the capitulation, and then Capponi, withdrew with his colleagues. The French again became prudent.

Charles recalled Capponi and treated the matter as a joke.



3 Chappon, Chappon! , he cried. You are a naughty capon/ Calm was restored, and an agreement was reached and sworn to in the Cathedral. The freedom of the city was recognized in return for a payment of 120,000 gold florins. The King ordered

that the Florentines should


be paid what was owing to them, and

The The

wholesale massacre, in 1282, of the French in Sicily.


round the



In later years, Machiavelli celebrated the crowing of this capon, sur rounded by so many cocks Galli (which means Gauls, as well as cocks.



the Signoria, unwilling to do less, instructed the population not to exaggerate the bill. Anyone who should give offence to a

Frenchman was

to have his

hand cut


On November 28th Charles left Florence and marched towards

Rome; but a taxpayer had already seen the moral to be drawn from

We Florentines , he said, follow the wise custom of giving money to those who come to pillage our country, and so, of paying for the damage they have done. It will be the same in the future. Let anyone who wants our money come and ill*

this experience.

treat us.*

Looking back on these times Guicciardini was to regard Charles VIIPs passage through Florence as the beginning of an avalanche of misfortunes. States would be transformed, kingdoms fall, cities and whole countries be ruined. There would be fearful butcheries^ new ways and morals would arise, and war would become more bloody. The picture is scarcely exaggerated. One might add that economic prosperity was declining. But at the end of 1494 the Florentines were overjoyed at being freed from French occupation, and they ascribed it to the monk Savonarola who was
presumed to have persuaded Charles VIII was obeying the will of God.

by going away he

Whence came


monk who was

to transform Florence and

carry the city with him on a wave of mystical enthusiasm? been born at Ferrara in 1452. His parents had hoped to

He had
make a

his vocation was for something quite physician of him, but different. One day, while he was playing a sad melody on his lute,


as if possessed by a spirit of she cried in despair, *this is the sign that we divination. *My son, are soon to be parted.* He arose and continued, though with

mother suddenly turned to him

trembling hand and lowered eyes, to touch the lute-strings, visionary who believed himself to be inspired by God,




respect for temporal princes.

When appointed

of San Marco^ he had not even troubled to superior of the convent call on Ms patron, Lorenzo the Magnificent. Yet this puny and

ailing little


monk, this hollow-chested creature, had the nose of an eagle, and his great dark eyes glittered under thick red eye lashes. When he spoke, his prophecies inspired terror, and his thin
hand was a herald of the Apocalypse. The judgment is nigh at hand. A sword hangs over your heads. has been condemned for her iniquities, condemned for the Italy sins of the Church and of the tyrants, condemned for your sins, O people! for the sins of your fathers and mothers, and of you,

of God", he cried,

young men, blaspheming

A new and which echoed strangely in the hearts of the menacing voice, Florentines, who were Christians rather by habit and not particu

children that



larly subject to spiritual torments.

But Savonarola did not lose himself in vague declamation. Although stating that he had never wished to concern himself with the political problem, and politics, he resolutely grappled with once the Medici had been driven out and a treaty signed with the French, he set himself to consider the best form of government. It was not easy. As a disciple of Aquinas he had a theoretical preference for monarchy, but he thought such a regime unsuited to Florence. To see more clearly, he consulted the citizens. The debates dragged out interminably, as usual, and there was little sign of agreement. One wants boiled meat, another roast. In the end Savonarola decided for a republican and democratic constitu

He even exploited the jealousy of the lower classes as regards the well-to-do, and he warned the latter. I will come out of my 3 convent, he told them, and armed with the fury of the people, I
It was your palaces and I will say: "Here we remain the tone of the Ciompi^ a recognition of the right of insurrection. By the new constitution of December 1494, Florence was to be

will enter

33 3

governed by a Great Council composed of citizens whose parents or kinsfolk had occupied certain offices. Invested with legislative

this council


to appoint all State 3,200 citizens were placed at the head of 90,000




or 100,000 people; but this democracy, which wore something of the aspect of a Venetian Oligarchy, was of a particular kind. In

had no master, apart from the man who was the voice

er) is

Cosimo de Medici


presented with a model of








Fresco by Vasari in the

Palazzo Vecdhio

ight} Facade of the




Vasarfs portrait of Lorenzo de* Medici






God announcing

His will to the


Savonarola the

Judgeras in ancient Israel. And

new govern by ment, in which the Signoria was obsessed with the visionary, took on the appearance of a theocracy.
a natural trend the
Florence,* cried the Judge, God wishes to content you. He wishes to give you a leader, a king who will govern you. This



the Christ.

Gone were the times when Cosimo de men are not governed with paternosters.

Medici used to say that

Will you have Jesus for your King?* Savonarola asked the
Yes, long live Jesus Christ, our King!*
Foreigners and older citizens rubbed their eyes they no longer recognized the City of the Lily, once so lively and noisy with festivals and joyous songs, a city where men scarcely worried

themselves with thoughts of the inevitable end.

You would


thought now that you were in a monastery. Thirteen or fourteen thousand people would sometimes throng the Cathedral when Savonarola was preaching. They reserved

from early dawn. One devotee took down the prophetic words in short-hand, without missing an iota, and that by divine 5 permission, for he is a good man The children were accommo
their seats

dated on


of benches, modestly dressed, with

their hair cut

short and each carrying a red cross in his hand. And they sang the Lauds so sweetly that everyone wept, saying: This is the work of

the Lord. There



such holiness in this church that





Then there were processions. Five thousand girls and boys dad
in white, wearing crowns of olive-leaves and carrying branches followed the tabernacle on which was painted Our Lord riding

into Jerusalem on an ass. At the sound of fifes and trumpets aH the children would sing in chorus: Long live Christ our King!

Rough amusements,

bestial and stupid* games, were abandoned.

Noisy street-cries were replaced by hymn-singing. The population fasted and, in accordance with tfatfrates command, brought their savings to the Monte di Pieta* Tlie woman laid down their finery




and read the service of the Mass as they walked though the

Workmen beguiled their leisure by studying the Bible. People met to pray and converse of holy matters. And they grew more and
more emotional, whence the name of piagnoni (weepers) which was given to Savonarola s partisans.

The prophet

in fact subjected these

Athenians of Italy to a

severe discipline. The taverns closed at six. On Saint s Days the shops were shut and no trade or business might be transacted.

There was

no more luxury-trade in clothing, no more or indecent books by pagan writers, works of licentious pictures the devil . Blasphemers would have their tongues pierced;
to be

debauchees and those guilty of sodomy would be in danger of the As to the courtesans, thefrate desired that, to put shame upon them, they should be conducted to the Signoria amid a blare

of trumpets; and when it was pointed out to him that they were so numerous that the whole city would be thrown into disorder, he then you can go on to the others. replied: Begin with one,
Savonarola in his zeal engaged servants to spy on their sounded employers. The very children who, when singing Lauds, like choirs of angels, became his policemen. They went about the

from young girls any ornaments they thought unseemly, demanding from passers-by alms and gifts for the Monte di Pieta, hunting down dice-players and card-players.
streets snatching

When the cry arose:

took to his

Here are ihefrate s children , every gamester

These beardless policemen, none of whom were over fourteen and who carried a crucifix instead of a truncheon, entered private houses confiscating harps and flutes, boxes of perfume and books of secular poetry. These all went to swell the pyre of vanities , the talamo which the Judge Savonarola was having built in the
Piazza della Signoria for the Carnival of 1497. It was a grotesque and lamentable sight. All these trinkets, these often charming knick-knacks, articles of beauty or pleasure,

were piled up along with valuable books. Above them were set paintings of celebrated women such as Lucretia and Cleopatra or of courtesans like Bencina la Bella and Lena Morella; for such was


the persuasive


power of the monk that he had won over the artists and that Botticelli, Lorenzo di Credi, Perugino and even Michel angelo were his devoted followers and that some, like Fra Bartolomeo, themselves brought their studies from the nude and threw them on the pile. Then the flames went up. The priests, accompanied by the Te Deum. Bells rang, trumpets sounded. All this people, sang the was what Savonarola and his piagnord called sacred folly for the love of Christ. But when the pyre of vanities had been consumed,
the sacred folly took another form. In the square in front of the convent of San Marco, of which Savonarola was superior, a
set up and three circles were formed round it. In great cross was the innermost were ranged the Dominicans, interspersed with

groups of children dressed as angels; next came a circle of young laymen and clerics; finally an outer circle of old men, priests and burghers all crowned with flowers and dancing. Once again it

was a

revival of Biblical times:

King David dancing before


Ark of

the Covenant.

But the Jewish money-lenders were

taking part in these pious Bac chanalia. But he continued to subject the faithful to a rule of

The Judge admired without



He whipped them and terrified them. You pass your lives bed , he thundered, or in taking walks, in gossip, in orgies and debaucheries. Your lives are the lives of swine!* And in one



the theme of Death:


to bury the dead. There will living will no longer suffice so many dead in the houses that men will go about the streets



and they will place them in and bum them. wagons and on horses, and they will pile them up And thai they will proceed down the highways and cry: "Who

out your


has dead to bury? Remains there not one who is not dead? Who * has no more dead?" Such images of the Last Judgment, other visions too in which
Hell itself seemed to be gaping, pierced the Floi^itines to

marrow. They were an imaginative folk, and easily frightened. Evesi so, the Judge remained popular. Men were gratefiJ to

for having


overthrown tyranny, reformed the constitution, suppressed usury and improved the public credit. In October 1495,
to celebrate the revival of liberty, Donatello s Judith was removed from the Medici palace and set up on the terrace of the Palazzo
della Signoria with the following inscription: Exemplum salutis pubUcae cives posuerel Judith, the murderer of Holophernes, a

symbol of deliverance. Savonarola had won gratitude also for having dissuaded Charles VIII, on his return to France after the failure of his expedition, from passing through Florence. It was true that Pisa and the various forts had not been given back; on the other hand, the merchants were in no hurry to pay what they owed the King. And if one needed further proof that the theocracy was accepted, it could be found in Piero de Medici s failure when he tried to
recapture his city (June 1497). This failure cost the lives of five of the conspirators, including the old Bernardo del Nero, who, as

neck for the executioner, said that at his age he was there was not much that they could deprive him seventy-five

he bared


of the Medici prudently refrained from themselves conspicuous, and were jokingly referred to as making the itgi, the grey ones. Many of them ended by inscribing them
secret partisans


of Savonarola, who indeed had proclaimed a But a certain minority hated the Judge and general amnesty. remained untouched by his teachings: these were the free-thinkers,
selves as followers

the libertines, the arrabbiati (the rabid), and they made play with anything calculated to injure that pig of a dirty monk who is

going to be boiled in his convent of San Marco The open conflict between Savonarola and the Borgia Pope Alexander VI proved a trump-card for this opposition. Thefrate, who pointed again and again to the revelations he was receiving, stigmatized the vices of the Church, and attacked the Roman

Babylon so vehemently that the Pope, despite the lenient view he had taken of this visionary, ended by losing his temper. He forbade Savonarola to preach. But I cannot live when I am not


citizens set


this (statue as a)

symbol of public





cried the monk; and after some half-hearted efforts to , he again mounted the pulpit and renewed his attacks so obey, vigorously that he was excommunicated. The piagnoni were dreadfully upset. Being forbidden now to

attend the

monk s

sermons, they debated the problem with

anguish in their hearts. Just or unjust, however, excommunication was to be feared, and few of them now went to hear their leader


for Savonarola, he abstained for a time

from any


function, then suddenly, at Christmas 1497, he celebrated three Masses, administered the Communion to his

fellow-monks, and delivered a personal attack on the Pope. *As for me, he cried, it is enough that I have not been excom

municated by Christ!

Such audacity disconcerted his followers. Fewer people now attended church and more and more haunted such taverns as the
Frascato^ a pothouse and gambling-den near the Mercato Vecchio. The child-policemen were no longer to be seen.

The arrabbiad and

felt that

the wind was

their friends the compagnacci, or fast-livers, now in their favour; and when the Pope

threatened Florence with an interdict, the members of the Signoria,

who had

knew what an

hitherto favoured tkefrate, changed their tune. One interdict would mean: no more masses or sacra

ments; and moreover the probable arrest of Florentines living

the probable confiscation of their goods. This was to touch the Republic in the tenderest spot; mystical as the city

Rome, and


appeared to have grown, it was above all a commercial city; and was not surprising that the Signoria should resign itself, in its turn, to forbidding the frate to preach any more.

was decided much less by Rome than by relatives of the conspirators who had been beheaded swore to avenge themselves. The arraiUad supported
Savonarola s





the Franciscans, being opposed to the Dominicans, desired the overthrow of the Judge who had rebelled against


Supreme Pontiff.



especially, the Florentines


testified lest their trade

should be ruined,
oflfered to establish die truth

One day

Savonarola ihad

of Ms



by passing through fire. Francesco of Apulia, a Franciscan who was preaching in Santa Croce, took him at his word and offered to undergo the ordeal by fire at the same time.
I truly

think I shall be burned

at the

he added. But




not burned

same time, then you

can believe in


as in a

prophet/ This proposal, in the eyes of the public, was to force Savonarola
to face the consequences. He accepted the challenge without but the more fervent of his disciples declared that enthusiasm,

they would be overjoyed to undergo the ordeal. One is amazed , wrote an eye-witness, to see so many lay-folk, even women and

young boys, as resolute as the monks to pass through the fire. You would think they were invited to a wedding. But I believe all that will go off in smoke/ On April 7, 1498, two stakes, drenched with oil and resin and standing about five feet apart, so as to leave room for a man to
pass between them, had been set


in the middle

of the


della Signoria. The portico now known as the Loggia dei Lanzi had been separated by a partition into two compartments. The Franciscans and their champion on one side, Savonarola and two of his adepts on the other, awaited the ordeal while the judges

began to discuss the procedure. As the champions clothes might be enchanted, they were first stripped naked and then dressed in
other clothes; whereupon one of Savonarola s followers declared that he would enter the fire only with a crucifix in his hand.
Profanation! cried the Franciscans.


I will carry the

Holy Sacrament/
meanwhile a cruel



horrible profanation/ were spent in discussion, and


began to fall, dusk to disperse.

came on, and the Signoria ordered the crowd

It was evident that neither side was anxious to undergo the famous ordeal; but Savonarola and the Dominicans came worst out of the adventure. Why should the Judge be afraid of risking

his skin

his mission?

when it was a question of proving the divine character of From that moment his cause was lost. The Floren-




had been deprived of a great

their credulity should


spectacle and were furious that have been turned to ridicule. They called curses on the excommunicated hypocrite and described him

as a gdbladeo (one who deceives God); while the irreconcilable faction and the debauchees organized a riot which cost the lives of three ptagnoni^ and invaded the convent of San Marco with
cries of:



monk! At him!

Savonarola had had a presentiment of his end. All prophesied , he said, have suffered and been hewn in



was on

pieces/ He his knees before the altar, the holy offices with chanting the last of his adherents, when the order came that he was to

appear before the Signoria. He took leave of his brethren, received the Communion and surrendered himself to the officers. On his
appearing in the Palazzo, with his hands bound, he was stoned.

One man


him behind,

crying: Prophet,

who struck you?*

Another said: His he was struck/

of prophecy resides in the place where

Once the prisoner was secured, the Signoria hastened to seek from the Pope absolution from all the sentences pronounced against Florence, permission to put the monk on trial and at the same time leave to raise a tax of three-tenths on the secular clergy and the religious. The Signoria obtained satisfaction all along the line and there was general rejoicing, except among



faithful to Savonarola.

The frate

has been

sold for thirty pieces of silver, like

Our Lord;

for three times ten



was scandalous. Torture was applied,1 the record of the examination, and the answers given, were falsified, while a succession of manoeuvres, in which cruelty was allied with falsehood, impressed the public. Here are some fragments of the con fessions which were alleged to have been extracted: that for twenty
years past Savonarola had not confessed to a single mortal sin although he had frequently fallen into the sin of incontinence he had used imposture to make people believe his prophecies; he bad
spied on private families; he had persuaded the monks of Ms order 1 Savonarola liad one arm put out of joint.




to divulge the secrets of the confessional; he had administered Communion without consecrating the host.

Landucci, read of this.

who was no




with sadness

when he


soul was sorrowful



saw such an

crumble in


. .

Florence was awaiting a

new Jerusalem,


coming of a new splendour, the example of an upright life, the renovation of the Church, the conversion of the Infidels. . /


was founded on lies! 1 took the medicine , the wrote resignedly. apothecary On May 22, 1498, in view of the enormity of their alleged crimes and pestiferous sedition, Savonarola and his two stalwart adherents were condemned to degradation as schismatics and contemners of the Holy See, and were handed over to the secular



On the 23rd in

set up;

when however it was

the Piazza della Signoria three gibbets were seen that one of them had the shape

of a cross, the branch was sawn of his sacerdotal vestments:


Savonarola was



I separate you from the Church militant and triumphant/ Not triumphant was the reply. That is not in your power/

After seeing his friends put to death, Savonarola himself mounted the scaffold. Trophet, someone cried, now is the

moment. Perform a miracle/ The bodies were now hanging from

the gallows, and fire was put to the keg of powder beneath them. For a moment the flames blew sideways, and the multitude cried:

But the fire soon mounted vertically. Gradually the bodies which looked black as rats lost their arms and legs, and remained but the torsos suspended by chains. Stones nothing

A miracle!

were thrown to bring them down since it was feared that adherents of the frate would carry them off. The executioner felled the
gibbets and took care to see that everything was burned; then the ashes were carted away and thrown into the Arno.
crosses he had distributed,

All that remained of the son of perdition , his writings, the red was to be handed over to the authorities

purified by fire. Nevertheless, certain of the faithful made a patient search for relics; some, taking every precaution for fear


of being denounced, went by night to gather up the incinerated


fragments that were floating
the martyr s execution


down the river; and three days after women were to be seen kneeling on the

spot where he had been burned. Formerly, in the time of St John Gualbert, in 1068, a

monk named Pietro had passed between two flaming pyres with
out being burnt. It had been a question of proving the guilt of a Bishop accused of simony, and after the miracle Pietro, surnamed
Igneo, was carried in triumph and made a Cardinal. But those times had passed away. Savonarola died and his adherents were

The compagnacci and


now threw off all restraint and

indulged in indescribable horrors They let loose in the Cathderal a wornout old hack, tormented and excited it with their shouts
until the beast collapsed half-dead on the steps of the porch. They burned asafeotida in place of incense, threw filth into the pulpit,

poured ink into the holy-water stoups. From the convent of San Marco they took the crown of the Virgin and set it on the head of
a courtesan. At the fireworks on Midsummer Day the Feast of a number of dogs were displayed along with a pig; the St John

dogs were thepiognom and the pig was that pig oizfrate. After and torches nightfall the rioters armed themselves with weapons

and danced madly under the covered portion of the Mercato Nuovo. It was Hell/ But these very excesses threw into relief the noble image of the
Judge, as
studio, Sandro

men recalled it. One winter s night, by the fireside in his Botticelli was asking a relentless arrabbiato why on the prophet. He ignominious a death had been inflicted

himself had remained his follower.

Sandro/ replied the other, must I tell you the truth? We never discovered that the man had committed even a venial sin. But if we had sent him back to San Marco, the populace would have cut
us in pieces,

We decided to put him to death in order to save our

not the Scriptures say:



needful that one


should die for die people*

Madbiavelli had at



his instinct for self-preservation

the astute arrabbiato justified by quoting a sacred text.

regarded Savonarola as a dever rogue;



him for denouncing the corruption of As regards his prophecies, he said: 1

on however he praised the Vatican and the clergy.

do not wish

to judge whether he spoke truly or falsely, for one should speak only with respect of a man so extraordinary/ Gradually the prophet was transformed into a herald of Virtue

and a witness to the Truth. As early as 1 500 people in Rome were buying medals which had been struck in his honour: the words Blessed Martyr were engraved on them. And on the anniversaries of May 23rd ? as late as the eighteenth century, flowers were strewn over die place where he had been put to death. It is true that the first people to weary of the theocratic system he had established had been his own fellow-citizens. They were temperamentally less interested in religion than in politics and found little pleasure in seeing their town transformed into a monastery. And yet the flame of piety and mysticism he had kindled was to leave traces which we shall come upon again in the most tragic hours of Florentine history.




Vicissitudes of war

- Florence and the sack of Prato


of the Medici and restoration of the principate - Florence once again a city of festivities and merry-making



most humiliating to the Republic had been the of Pisa, which had been liberated by the French.

condottiere was engaged to recapture it, Pagolo Vitelli; and he, with 16,000 men and a great and fair artillery-train*, now laid siege to the rival city, A breach had been made in the ramparts

and victory seemed certain when Pagolo gave orders for a retreat. It was a clear case of treason. Pagolo was arrested and beheaded on the night of October 2, 1499, in front of the Palazzo della Signoria.

Under the light of a single torch, an officer raised the traitor s head by the hair and displayed it to the crowd, more than 10,000
rapine. The Republic was not in luck. The son of the Boigia Pope, the terrible certainly Cesare Borgia, Due de Valentinois, was at this time carving out a

who were awaiting his death And now came the threat of war and

kingdom for himself* At the suggestion of the exiled Piero de Medici and of Vitellozzo Vitelli, who thirsted to avenge the death
marched from Romagna towards Louis Florence, though not as an open enemy, for he knew that XII of France was favourable to the Florentines, He simply asked
his brother Pagolo, Cesare

for free passage for his troops. But the Republic knew its man and prepared for the worst Landucci and Masi now noted day by day the depredations of the


how he pillaged

the farms or set

them on


and seized

oxen from the peasants to drag his artiEery-train. On May 13, to be drawtog 1501, Cesare Boigia s mercenaries were reported ordered the citizens to appear in arms near, and the Signoria now mider their gonfalon as soon as they heard the bell begin to tcfl.



The order was not well received. What have we to do with this

We are not at war with him. If the Signoria was not

VHTs 30,000 men, why should

afraid of Charles


now humiliate

with the patience

this intruder






not worth

to the point of negotiating three farthings, this bastard

whose army is no more than a barefooted rabble? One is ashamed

of being a Florentine/

But the Signoria negotiated all the same. Florence was weak, exhausted also by the war against Pisa, and it was feared that the Medici might be restored by force. On May 15, 1501, an agree

ment was made by which

condotuere for a

the Republic engaged Borgia as


sum of 36,000 florins. In return for this he agreed

to evacuate the territory. To receive payment was one thing, to leave the country another; and the Borgia was in no hurry. He now asked the Florentines to

give him half their



while his mercenaries redoubled their

They cut the corn for their horses, squeezed the them up in the most painful positions to peasants heads or hung make them confess where they had hidden their money. Worse
than devils out of Hell, they violated women and young boys such horrors as had not been known in the time of Charles VIIL
Vitellozzo seized girls and women and took them on packanimals to Rome, perhaps to sell them as the Turks sold Christians.

He stabbed

a child

who was begging


mercy on

his knees;


set fire to a tower full of refugees, and they perished amid howls and cries, not one escaped alive/ Such were the deeds of this

bandit and his master, lie Valentinois, vile wretches not the Lord!



The Florentines thought now only of hoarding bread. The city had drunk so much of melancholy that it was like to be drowning And, to make things worse, Cesare proclaimed that he would go The only on condition of receiving an advance of 8,000 florins. continued to humour him. No injury was Signoria nevertheless

done to him or to his mercenaries, under pain of the was to gallows: and to obviate nocturnal rioting, every window be lit up.
to be


Good news came
at last.


Louis XII of France declared



harm to contrary to his will that the Valentinois should Florence or impose any levy upon her . If he did not remove
himself, French troops

would march against him. The Signoria once thought of how it could break its promises to Cesare. But the latter was compelled to obey, devour ing his vexation*, and to depart without receiving money or

drew breath




The merchants had suffered least from the ordeal, but they were
to recognize that the situation was not brilliant. Com modities were expensive, taxes heavy, and the Great Council, in which the majority was constantly shifting, was in a state of


would have to be changed; as a wise observer Since the Republic has no one to take care of the public weal, let us establish a long-term magistrature. So a popular government was set up under the direction of
confusion. All this


Pietro Soderini, who was appointed gonfaloniere for life. He was a wealthy burgher married to a lady of the nobility, and wellversed in public business as had been his brothers in the time of

Lorenzo the Magnificent. He had a yellowish face and a big bald head with a few wisps of black hair. A clever and sometimes eloquent speaker, he was pious in his way, and economical although rich*. But his work was cut out for him. Cesare Borgia, who had just seized the Duchy of Urbino, bore the Florentines a
deep grudge; and though he cared little about the restoration of the Medici, he played with them and used them as a kind of scarecrow to terrify the RepubEc. His condottiere Vitellozzo had
seized Arezzo, a subject city,

of Marzocco,1 which meant Medici and immediately, as Landucci put it, it seemed to the Florentines that their bowels were in the frying-pan*. 2 Reduced to these extremities, they dispatched Soderini and



Machiavelli to Urbino where, on June 24, 1502, a little before midnight, Cesare Borgia received them. He did not mince Ms

words. Florence is ilk-disposed to me*, he told them. If you dotft




An apo&ecar/s e$etapiior.



for a friend

want me






an enemy


was no

use talking. Talk and cleverness are cheap ; what was needed was cash down, for a renewal of the condotta which had been agreed to
the year before. Cesare knew that in time of peril the Florentines had been in the habit of buying their safety with money, full weight; intimidation was his weapon, and while Soderini trembled,
Machiavelli admired.

Had Cesare enjoyed freedom of action the outlook for Florence

would have been grim. But the Republic appealed once more to the King of France; and as Louis considered the Borgias ambitions
excessive, he ordered Cesare and Vitellozzo to leave the Floren tines in peace and to restore Arezzo. Simultaneously the bowels

came out of the frying-pan

Meanwhile, the siege of Pisa was still being prosecuted, but the mercenaries were half-hearted about it. Knowing as they did that
Spaniards were defending the city, they refused to go into the trenches and their craven attitude was contagious. The popular

government in Florence had hitherto been tacking about among the reefs, and had not fallen foul of the wars that were then ravaging Italy, wars in which Frenchmen, Germans, Spaniards and Swiss were at grips; but Machiavelli, one of the most clear
sighted observers of the age, guessed that such




scarcely country, compared with others, and he wanted to reorganize its military appeared very weak,




Mercenary soldiers he had seen


work, and he had a horror of

these bands of ruffians carrying standards, these ribald soldiers who were always gambling until the moment for action, when they

would take good care not to be killed. They had corrupted the art of war, they were a State within the State. Only a national army, he believed, could really protect the country; and it should be an infantry militia. Owing to recent changes in modes of fighting, cavalry brigades had lost their former pre-eminence. So Machia

marched through the

turned recruiting-officer, and in February 1506 there streets of Florence 400 militia-men, dressed

in white doublets, blue

and red trunk-hose, blue


and iron


breastplates, and armed each with a spear is what s called a battalion. They are led


and a



a constable,


They received regular pay, were required to report as soon as they were summoned, and were subject to punishment if they blasphemed when playing cards or dice.

them the


Florence was proud of this innovation, *the finest array of men was ever seen in our city . In December the Nine of the



were appointed, and Machiavelli became their chancellor*. counted on increasing the ranks of this embryo so as to with

stand the Spaniards

whom he feared more than the French; and he

would conduct themselves

hoped that these trained peasants better than mercenaries,

Soderini was now favoured by good fortune. Cesare Borgia had departed from the scene after his father the Pope; Piero de Medici had been drowned in the Garigliano; and on June 2, 1 509, after an agreement with Louis XII, Pisa was given back. What an

event! Everyone in Florence *is mad with joy, bonfires are blazing over the city. You can imagine what it will be at night. Hatred
cities had been intense, as one may judge from Pisan had ventured into the Florentine the following example. camp to beg bread for his dying mother, They gave him some.

between the two

But when the dying woman saw it was white bread, and heard where it had come from, she cried: Take it away. Take away the bread of those accursed Florentines. I would rather die/
But once victorious, the accursed Florentines displayed good sense and generosity. There was no violence, no cries of Mar^occol Offences were pardoned and property restored. The Pisaiis could
hardly believe their eyes.

Wrote Mash

They greatly feared that Pisa would be sacked. They never believed they in this escape. They said: If we had thought you would pardon us be sure we should never have come to the point of being ready way, you may to die of hunger, as we were.* And they also said: *We were accustomed to
being the greatest and most cruel enemies of Florence.
best and

New we wish to be the


affectionate fiiends


the Florentines have under their




was now

at the zenith

lished peace, restored the finances

of his reputation; he had estab and recovered Pisa. This newly


prosperity was however accompanied by a relaxation of morals which shocked the disciples of Savonarola. The courtesans emerged from the quarters that had been assigned to them and

openly walked the

streets, dressed as

nuns or escorted by a

respectable-looking widow; they were taken for honest women. But they adopted a haughty air and threatened the authorities by means of their hired bullies. 1 Young men, for their part, were displaying a more and more pronounced taste for celibacy; or, if they agreed to marry, they demanded a dowry so enormous that the number of marriageable girls was constantly increasing. But how could one remedy this state of affairs when, apart from the gonfaloniere, the government changed every two months? The Florentines, on the other hand, were beginning to have had enough of this Great Council and of a gonfaloniere who had

been appointed for life and who thus barred the way to advance ment. They told themselves they would be happier under a single

remembered Lorenzo they had had more food and had enjoyed themselves; and in time of dearth women were heard crying out

many regretted

the Medici; the lower classes

that under

in the public squares: arms) and bread.

Pcdle e


the balls (of the Medici

Everything was moving toward a new crisis. After their Pyrrhic victory at Ravenna, in April 1512, the French had been obliged to abandon Lombardy under pressure of the Papal, Spanish and German armies, and Florence was to be the first victim of this

She had refused to join the Holy League against France and had persisted in a pro-French altitude, which was unendurable. She would have to do penitence. For the Medici, this was an excellent opportunity to return to
their city, to take

reversal of the situation.

up the


of government, and to recover




Spanish general Cardona



whence our word strictly means a procurer. But Ruffiano (Italian) French Ruffian can mean either a rake, a debauchee, or a ruffian or bully and usually the latter. (Translator)




towards Tuscany, and with him Cardinal Giovanni, the one who fled at the time of Charles VIIFs arrival. At first the Floren


get rid

were beguiled with fair words; then they were ordered to of the gonfaloniere Soderini and to recall the Medici,

simply as citizens. Florence refused to submit. Her forces had cut off Cardona

supply-lines, so that before three or four days were out, his troops must have died of hunger or been taken prisoners . And the

Florentine militia were ready.

The enemy was approaching


Prato, the exquisite city


evokes the names of Donatello and Filippo Lippi; but, although superior in numbers, the Florentine militia, on whom MachiavelH pinned such hopes, broke and fled. The city


was taken in a day, almost without a blow being struck. The sack, which began on August 30, 1512, went on for three weeks. Four thousand people perished. The inhabitants, not merely men
but small babies, were burned alive like pigs. The barbarians who, it was said, included Moslems and infidels, did not spare the young

who were sheltering in sacred places:

pouring into Florence,

churches and convents


witnessed scenes of lechery and sacrilege




had escaped came poor women with girls and boys, staggering under their poverty ; and there was no house that was not lodging from eight to twenty peasants who had fled

from the fury of the



cousin, Cardinal Giulio de Medici,

obliged to

confess that victory had not been won without some cruelty and added: The taking of Prato, a rough and speedy slaughter; but he business which has caused me some grief, will have had the good

of serving as an example and of inspiring terror. Meanwhile panic reigned in Florence. There were omens of



the Prato gate

was struck by lightning the

of the arms of France were shattered, which proved golden that the city was to pass under another master. The Palazzo delk and the prison-gates opened. And now Stgtioria was abandoned the partisans of the Medici, together with the nobles who had been sedulouly courted by the Media Bank, demanded Soderinfs



deposition. And he, treated even by his fellow-citizens as respons ible for the defeat, left the city.

The Medici had triumphed. Escorted by a thousand lances, the whole family made its formal entry into Florence. At the head of the procession rode Cardinal Giovanni, and beside him his brother Giuliano, his nephew the young Lorenzo and his cousin Cardinal Giulio; behind them, two other nephews, Giuliano s bastard Ippolito and Cardinal Giulio s bastard Alessandro. It was
like seeing a genealogical tree.

The Medici Bank, arrayed in scarlet, took possession of its old quarters, and Florence paid for the loss of her independence with 150,000 ducats. The Palazzo della Signoria was thrown open to the condottieri and the mercenaries who pillaged it and defiled the hall of the
Great Council which Savonarola had built. In the piazza of Santa Maria del Fiore, the Spaniards, those white Moors, those rene gades, more cruel than the Devil , sold the booty they had seized at Prato. But they did not always profit from this ill-acquired
wealth. Sometimes the goods were stolen or even recovered by the rightful owners; sometimes the soldiers were killed. On

September i2th twenty Spaniards were struck down and rifled near Florence by masked men; and it was found that they had on them several thousand florins and letters of exchange for

These were the

last stirrings

of independence.

A Republic of a

popular complexion seemed an anomaly among a number of monarchical states which were struggling for predominance in Italy. When the great bell of the Palazzo summoned the people

one twenty-fifth of the population is said to have presented itself. The exits from the square were guarded by Mediceans, and the new regime now inaugurated was merely a restoration of the old tyranny accompanied by the caricature of a constitution. Twelve citizens from each quarter, annually elected, were supposed to represent Florence. Actual authority was exer cised by Giulio de* Medici, who obeyed the instructions of
*to parliament*, scarcely

Cardinal Giovanni.

One must recognize that the latter,

while expressing regret for




the massacre of Prato, treated his country without tenderness; but,


and, as

he was no

he and his family had been expelled eighteen years before; saint, he meant to show who was master. So the

like foxes , and the Florentines prepared to fell under the yoke. Some even congratulated themselves. again Business would no doubt prosper; and the cry ofPalle went up as in former times, 2

Medici came back

We were told above that it was Giulio who had expressed these regrets. Perhaps Giovanni had as well? But it scarcely seems to matter. (Translator) 2 The Republicans did not, however, regard themselves as beaten. In February 1513 Pietro-Paolo Boscoli, a Florentine of good family, conspired

against the Medici, The plot failed; and the last hours of Boscoli, who had been condemned to death, are a revelation of the state of mind and disquiet

of a cultured Florentine of the Renaissance

who had undergone


both the

mystical influence of Savonarola and the influence of pagan




he to

his friend




member of the famous

family of artists, although himself a philologist), ah! drive from my head the image of Roman Brutus, so that I may follow the way of a Christian!


replied that the characters of the old

Romans have come down to us,

not as they truly were, but idealized. Boscoli strove to bend his reason to belief, but, as he knew only the Lord s Prayer and the Ave Maria, he wanted
to spend a

month with good monks in order to become a good Christian. A Dominican of Savonarola s convent explained to him the ideas of Aquinas on

tyrannicide. Father/ replied Boscoli, *do not waste your time. The philoso phers can give me courage to die: do you aid me to suffer death for the love

of Christ.*

Although he could conceive the divinity of Our Lord, he could not manage to understand His humanity; he wished especially to see the Man in the God, *as if Jesus Christ were coming out of a forest to meet him . Before his execution he was served with a soHd meal, which he did not refrain from;
but then he lamented over

like a child. *I

have eaten salted meats so that


God have pity on me, now seems impossible to unite my spirit with God / for these people have loaded me with food. When the executioner was preparing to wield the axe, Boscoli asked him to

wait a moment, because, since his sentence had been read to him, he had not ceased to aspire to complete reconciliation with God; but at this moment

he hoped to devote himself entirely. Then the axe felL He was thirty-two years of age; short-sighted, bet admired for Ms handsome fair hair.



In March 15 13 a great piece of news arrived by the telegraph of those days, a chain of beacons. Cardinal Giovanni had just been elected Pope and had assumed the name of Leo X.

Florence went


with joy. This was the


Medici Pope.

People played the fool without respect of age or sex/ The cry of Palle was louder than ever, bells rang and bonfires were lit

on every side. In the Mercato Nuovo the young fellows tore boards and planks from the establishments of the silk-merchants
and the bankers, so
that by next

morning not a single roof belong

ing to the Vaccheraccia and the Calimala was not broken and burned. And if the authorities had not intervened, no doors or

would have remained. This went on

for three days.

shops were empty, church bells rang for gloria, carbines were discharged and trumpets sounded, while fires burned on the summits of die towers and on the campanile of Santa Maria del Fiore. The whole city was topsy-turvy with noise and smoke. Every evening a triumphal car was drawn by oxen from the Medici gardens in the Piazza San Marco to the Via Larga; the praises of the new pontiff were sung, and then the car and garlands were set




The Medici had

windows they

scattered ducats

wisely shut their palace, but from the upper by the hundred. These had been

contained in napkins of cloth of silver; when each one was empty, was dropped too, and the people disputed the fragments among
silver cloths,

themselves. Masi says that over 10,000 ducats were distributed,

not counting berets, cloaks, of red and white wine, and baskets of bread, stood in the street, and people took what they wanted. Florence seemed to be mad with joy. Condemned prisoners were pardoned, and everyone lauded his Holiness Leo X, our Floren

and more than twelve

For three days



for his goodness



Far away was the time when

on the balcony of his palace, trembling with fear. But now the frenzy of delight was over, and Florence settled down to enjoy the amenities of Medicean supremacy. This was young

Cardinal Giovanni had prayed on his knees,


Giuliano, the


s brother,

a melancholy



man of thirty-four whose poor constitution was further weakened by debauchery. He was however a witty person and a friend of writers and artists. 1 And after him came Lorenzo, the Pope s
nephew, a young fellow of twenty; swarthy and rather fierceeyed, fond of hunting and something of a libertine. The Pope entertained few illusions about these two kinsmen. *I have , he said, appointed two inexperienced captains; if they en
difficulty, I don t know how they will manage. Lorenzo had however received good advice as to the most opportune way of treating the Florentines. It was advisable in the to first place to organize a number of gracious ceremonies; next,

counter any great

invite people to dinner in the city or the country. Graciousness and entertaining would win him sympathy. Then, in

generous accordance with time-honoured procedure, Lorenzo went every morning to the Palazzo, accompanied by young nobles and armed
attendants, and kept up the comedy of a Republican government. He assisted ambitious Florentines to advance their interests in


Rome, in civil or ecclesiastical careers. To have a fellow-citizen as Pope was a great advantage. No longer was Florence the city of the weepers*. Gay mas were organized, like that of the Diamond with Giuliano,

and that of the Broncane* with Lorenzo. Although the Pope as his private estate, governed from a distance, he treated Florence absolute. But, as a philosophical contempor and his tyranny was All kingdoms and communities ary observed, what could one do? now have a savour of tyranny, and one can live decently under
is a good them, provided that the ruler who has usurped power Now Leo is a rich lord, still young and notoriously sort of man. The merchants saw a prospect of good business under


his pontificate.

but Machiavelli was right when he prevailed; will cry: "Peace! Peace! *; but there will be no peace. They In 1 5 1 5, after their victory at Marignano, the French reappeared



He had known Da Vinci.

A Broncone is a large vine trained up a stout wooden prop.





on the horizon; and to prevent their coming into Tuscany, where they were too popular, Leo X went to meet their king, Fran$ois I, at Bologna. On November 3Oth he passed through Florence, where thefestaiuoli surpassed themselves in organizing a reception.
Gattolini and the Porta Santa Trinita were adorned with columns in such fair array that never could any architect in the world have made the like . There was also an

The Porta San Pietro

obelisk like the one in Rome. Four triumphal arches stood in the Piazza della Signoria, and everywhere were porticoes and columns which looked as though made of marble. You feasted your eyes

day long, you could not take your eyes off them. Received by the whole body of the clergy and the religious, and escorted by sixty young men wearing a livery of purple cloth brocaded with gold, the Pope appeared under a superb canopy adorned with his coat-of-arms. Under another canopy the Holy Sacrament was borne by a beautiful white mare which, it was said, had never carried a rider and whose blanket and bridle were embroidered with pearls and gold. Behind the Pope eighteen Cardinals, mounted on mules, rode two by two; then came Bishops and Prelates, and the Swiss Guard, 150 strong. After passing under the triumphal arches by the Signoria, Leo

on them

reached Santa Maria del Fiore, where the architect Jacopo Sansovino had built a special fagade which Andrea del Sarto had

adorned with

stories in chiaroscuro


population gaped

the processional route, at street corners and by where girls and children were gateways looking on, the Pope s friends scattered money far and wide. In


at this


the Cathedral Square, a gilt-liorse had been set up, trampling under foot a giant armed with a shield and gilded like the horse. It was here that Leo dismounted and took up his quarters in c the

Pope s Room*, which had been hung with tapestries, while a vast blue canopy, decorated with his arms, had been stretched over head.
scene after dark was fairylike. Chinese lanterns lit with tallow candles, shone from the loopholes in the towers and from



in the campaniles and galleries (





than torches and


lasts longer ). It seemed as though the whole of Florence was alight, with smoke and flames; and in fact the trades men s tents near the Baptistery were destroyed by fire, Over 2,000

workmen had been employed


to construct


things that pass

a shadow and with which one might have raised a temple to the glory of God; however, it means money for the poor artisans, and the spectacle is such that no city could ever have organised the
. Leo was not niggardly, especially with other people s money. The Signoria was out of pocket to the tune of 50,000 ducats, and more. When in December 1515, after signing an agreement with 5





Pope returned to

Florence, the festivities consisted

mainly of races that were run along the Via Larga, not only the traditional patio, but races in the Roman manner, between boys,
or old men, sometimes on horseback, sometimes on All this amused the populace. And the new rulers con donkeys. trived many ingenious entertainments. One day, the car of



Bacchus would advance along the street, the god himself bestrid ing a cask of wine, while this cask and a huge pot of macaroni
kept dipping in both of them, while making friendly gestures to the crowd. On another day, a tourney was held in the Piazza Santa Croce, which was intersected

were surrounded by buffoons


a diagonal palisade. Or again there was bull-fighting, the bulls being attacked with short swords or spears; and sometimes a great


procession of the kind that Savonarola had organized, for example, when the Pope proclaimed a Holy War against the Infidel. Then

Florence would fest, butchers and greengrocers would be idle, and

the Mercato Vecchio deserted; but such austerities were not of long duration.

Giuliano de* Medici had married a Frenchwoman.

The young

Lorenzo, following his example, obtained the

hand of Madeleine


Tour d Auvergne, and thus the family of the old merchant Cosimo lost its homely and civic character. Allied with royal

and surrounded by a brilliant court, it had acquired a demeanour truly princely. There was no more of hail-fellow-wellmet simplicity as in the days of Lorenzo the Magnificent.



a cost of 500,000 florins Leo carved out a principality for who thus became Duke of Urbino. But the nephew Lorenzo,


Medici of that time seemed fated to die young. After the passing of Giuliano, who died of consumption in 1516, and then of Lorenzo, the government passed into the hands of Cardinal
1 Giulio, who had already played an active part in the restoration of the Medici.


new head of the Republic was

a patient and affable



lived unostentatiously in the midst of his notables. He appeared to leave the magistrates in the full enjoyment of liberty

and not,

like his predecessors, to

He reorganized the State finances,


Our city ,

be making use of arbitrary and built new fortifi observed a contemporary, was never governed

with a greater appearance of courtesy and freedom, and never was

the Principate so well concealed/

But everything passes away, and this was especially true of Florence. Twelve years later the fortifications which had been built by Cardinal Giulio were to serve against the same Giulio,

who was now Pope Clement VII.


An illegitimate son

of the Giuliano de Medici

who had

been murdered

in 1478 at the time of the conspiracy of the Pazzi.


The educational system - Petrarch eclipses Dante Opposi tion of the humanists to the vernacular - That there were not - Some of two renaissances - The



of literary men: Poggio, Filelfo, Poliziano and Pico della Mirandola


now turn

our backs on wars and rumours of wars and


seek out a quieter atmosphere if that garden of the letters and the arts.


in the

nature desire knowledge and, as St Jerome saith, the learned and the lettered are like stars in the firmament/ This All

men by

was shared by his compatriots, opinion of Bisticci the bookseller and the organization of teaching was one of their concerns. of University Bologna had preceded Florence in the matter
it was only in the fourteenth century that we find a Florentine university, based on compulsory education and of 2,500 florins. supported by an annual subsidy 1 education, and

led a


Readers, whose terms of appointment were temporary, life like that of actors, passing from one Studio

to another: they were pedlars of knowledge, although they some times settled in one place. In 1402 the Florentine Studio IKK! a

of twenty Readers. good half of them lectured on Law to trade and politics?); (could it be otherwise in a city devoted some six, on Medicine, Surgery and Anatomy (and for them were taken down from the gallows); and others on reserved the

most sought-after chair was that Logic and Philosophy. But the of Rhetoric. The Readers were ill-paid. It is worth noting that

And so had


By the end of the fifteenth century Padua had taken


the lead

and was

become, between abottt 1590 and 1640, the leading

University in western Europe.



they depended wholly on the civic government and not on the


Thanks to the Carnival, Midsummer Day, the sixty Church festivals, not to speak of Sundays and the autumn vacation, the students were not overworked. They wore the regulation gowns, of a common black cloth, and sat in the great Hall of the Studio, not on straw as in other Universities but on benches. When examinations were due they rode on horseback to invite their
and acquaintances to attend the oral tests, and in the event left the Studio to the sound of fifes and trumpets, and distributed wine and sweetmeats. Never would a Florentine neglect an opportunity for rejoicing.

of passing, they

What spirit presided over this educational system?

to her advanced culture,


was then regarded as the Italy, owing Heir and descendant of the Romans, she waxed queen of nations. great in pride and held in low esteem the barbarians beyond the
Alps. Petrarch, for instance, barely agreed to consider the French as slightly less barbarous than the other nations, who were no

more than

a horde of Scythians.

Swollen with their learning, proud that they could think and
write in the atmosphere of Antiquity, the Humanists strutted about among its vestiges as through the streets of a vast Pompeii.

We*, they proclaimed, are bringing the dead to life/ Florence contained the best known of these humanists who professed a kind of scorn for Dante and reproached him with having written his poem in everyday Italian, instead of using the noble idiom of Virgil. One of them, it is said, tried to translate the Divine Comedy into Latin hexameters1 without suspecting that this would con demn it to rot in the cemetery of dead epics.


may be an

allusion to

Giovanni da Serravalle, Bishop of Fermo,


actually did translate Dante s poem into Latin, at the instance of the Bishops of Bath and Salisbury. Monsieur Dubreton calls him an insondable



must be remembered


or Frenchmen


that in the fourteenth century few English Italian, whereas all learned men knew Latin. And

a Latin version


ledge of the Divine

Comedy outside

therefore the only reasonable way of spreading a know Italy. See the present translator s Italian

Influence in English Poetry, 1955, p. 103.


the incomparable


their serene self-confidence these learned fogies neglected poem that touches Heaven and Earth, the

marvellous fountainhead of mystical heroism; they abandoned it to bakers, cobblers and of that description; yet, after all, people

Dante had wished to be their familiar because he spoke like them and at least in his poetry appeared to turn up his nose at the cult of Latin. But the people, who were wiser than the

accepted the gift. They adopted Dante, they sang his caa{oni, they liked those passages in the Commedia that reflected their own

such as the verse about the


which seems



over the dying day:


I giorno

pianger cJu



But the writer whose fame then eclipsed Dante s was Petrarch, the complete Roman living in the fourteenth century and yet appearing to relive the life of the ancient world which he had

The ancient Roman; and yet the first modern man, to Renan; and he was modern in this sense that he knew according how to make his way in the world, to win favour as well as money,

and to gain personal prestige. He succeeded so well indeed that he was crowned with laurel and that all the fanatics of Rome

bowed humbly before him. But here is Latin works are now only known to

the beauty of it. Petrarch s scholars and historians. It

only his poems, written in the vulgar tongue and on which he

appeared to set

little value, that are familiar to posterity; for this liked his ease and comfort was an artist; he sang epicurean his verses to the lute, and they were so moving that he inoculated


Italian literature

with a chronic malady, a kind of recurrent fever*,

which is called Petrarchism. Another and more attractive writer, the Tuscan Boccaccio, exemplifies the same phenomenon. He also wished to live the life of the ancient world. Setting out ardently in quest of manuscripts, he made his way to Monte Cassino and there asked to see the Library. A Benedictine Father showed him a foil ladder which led up to an attic that did not even boast a door. Inside lay piles of mutilated manuscripts; sometimes the mai^m had been cut off^



sometimes sections had been removed. He asked the reasons for such vandalism. Two of my brethren/ replied the monk^

wishing to earn a little money., have used this torn parchment make psalters and breviaries which they sell to women and

indignation, Boccaccio pieced together the fragments and continued his search. Full of enthusiasm for all that pertained to ancient Rome, he wrote learned treatises. But a

Weeping with

day came when he felt tired and then, tempted to give rein to his the book that fantasy, he composed the Decameron in Italian was to bring him fame. One of the humanists said: We use Italian for writings which we do not want to transmit to future ages. It was the exact
contrary that took place.

Greek was unknown in the fourteenth century. My Homer , wrote Petrarch, lies voiceless beside me, and I am deaf beside him. Yet I rejoice at the sight of him, I often embrace him/ This devotion was rewarded in the following century by the Greeks who had emigrated to Italy. Old Gemisto, whom they called Plato , lectured and indoctrinated his pupils with the
ardour of a youth of twenty wonderful in a greybeard of eighty-three. To Chrysoloras of Byzantium, Florentine church men and patricians, old and young, listened as one might listen
to a being from another planet. And great was the prestige surrounding the learned Argyropoulos, a violent and cross-

grained eccentric who ate and drank like a trooper. Finally, after these notable pioneers, came a whole proletariat of scholars

driven out


1453, P masters. After the foundering of Greece, wrote a contemporary, all the learned men of that country took refuge in Florence as in a sheltered haven.

r devils

the Turks after the taking of Constantinople in who found jobs as scribes, copyists and school

Very soon the children of the nobility were speaking the idiom of Sophocles so correctly that you would not believe Athens had been destroyed and occupied by the barbarians. Athens has
emigrated to Florence, bringing

her baggage and her very

Florence has totally absorbed her/ The words are those of a humanist obsessed by the literary point of view; but they are

relatively correct.

After the true Aristotle

not Aristotle adulterated by Arabic

divine Plato*.

had been discovered, it was the turn of the He was regarded as a herald of the Christ. We have

already encountered his high priest, Marsilio Ficino, in the entourage of Lorenzo the Magnificent. Ficino was a puny little man with a slight stammer, a gentle and melancholy creature who explained and dilated on the master s words from the of

the church of which he was a canon.


Thus it was that Plato became Lamps burned before his bust, he was depicted


side with the Apostles, festivals were celebrated in his

honour, and his bust was crowned amid the chanting of Lauds and concord. There was even, later on, a question of including

work among the passages prescribed to be read on Sundays. Canon Ficino would begin his discourse, not with


My very dear brethren in Jesus Christ , but with My very dear ones in Plato . Pagan thought was adapted in this way to the of Christian dogma, and the soul of Ficino requirements

found satisafaction in the


Historians have told us there were two Renaissances, the pagan and the Christian, but the distinction seems rather theoretical. In the Middle Ages it was the Church that had preserved the patri of the ancient world, and even in Florence there was no mony lack of monks who were humanists. Such were the Dominicans of

Santa Maria Novella and the Franciscans of Santa Croce.


What is


between the humanists and the Church there was,


not overt opposition, at

tacit aversion.

The champions of

Antiquity imagined that they had renewed the face of the world and rescued philosophy from the divagations of the Scholastics, In reality they were merely turning in a circle of their own. They
strung words together, apostrophized their masters, quoted them

on every

pretext, imitated the periods

of Cicero: they

in feet


thought only of the form and counted the substance for nought. Anything was good provided it smacked of Greek or Latin. They have made themselves so entirely the slaves of the Ancients and

have so utterly subjugated the freedom of their minds

that they

are not only averse to stating anything that is contrary to the views of the Ancients but they dare advance nothing that has not

already been said



them.* So Savonarola informs us, and



For the use of the Florentines who had

to speak in the civic

councils or at public meetings, the rules of declamation, with the

appropriate attitudes and gestures, were fixed in accordance with ancient models. You might hear the announcement of an engage

ment beginning with: Aristotle, the celebrated Peripatetic, says .* Another kind of speech would open with: Publius Cornelius . / It was a pelimell of literary reminiscences and common Scipio because they had been dug up places which were thought rarities out of an aBcient writer. There was not an image but had a learned source. We, Cicero and ourselves . / There was nothing further
. .
. .

to add.

All these rhetoricians were wearing blinkers which separated

them from life and nature. Originality in their eyes lay in not being so accurately that, from a certain original, in copying a model humanism looked like the occupation of literary under angle,
takers. Sincerity,

a sense of the picturesque, a taste for colour, the richest elements that we find in the chronicles and the

novdky counted for nothing with these fanatics. What they wrote was in contradiction with the facts of life, their works tell us nothing about the age they lived in and so contribute nothing to

Possessed of a measureless vanity, completely out of touch with liheprofanum wlgus and persuaded that he and his like were the elite, the humanist became a sort of literary condottiere, pre pared to serve those

who would pay him

the highest wage.


was indifferent to all questions of politics, religion and morals, and his own morals were usually depraved (with a view to imitating the Ancients). His main object was to win favour and money.



Deeply jealous of his colleagues, he disparaged and slandered them when he could, and he and they bandied ferocious insults and even blows on occasion. You would think you were in a badly run boarding-school, and there was in feet among these scholars

much childishness that you might have

taken them for ill-bred

for recovering the smallest vestiges of the ancient one curious effect: it prevented the Florentines from world had being the pioneers of printing. They revered Greek and Roman manuscripts as their great ancestors had revered the relics of the Holy Land. They too were Crusaders in their way, pilgrims in quest of the Holy Grail of andent learning. One recalls the

The passion

experience of Boccaccio

on Monte Cassino. But while two German monks were introducing printing at Subiaco, the Floren
seemed to take no
until 1471
interest in this revolutionary invention.

and engraver iiamed Bernardo Cennini, when examining some books that had come from beyond the Alps, had an intuition as to the methods and technique of this new art. He cut his own type, and in the first book he published, the Commentaries Virgil, printed these words, instinct with ingenuous pride: *To the mind of a Floren tine, nothing is difficult/ Later, in the middle of the sixteenth century, the Dutchman Lawrence Torrens, known as Torrentino,
that a goldsmith

was not

was and

invited to Florence

by the Grand Duke Cosimo

de* Medici,

was he who

printed Vasari, Guicciardini, Villani




old humanists ended

by forming a class

apart. Later


wfaen their lame had evaporated^ they ceased to be poets and

orators in princely courts to become overseers in printing estab lishments. But the taste for culture in Florence remained as lively
as ever. It was a merchant

who wrote: *There is as nmch difference

between a man with Eterary culture and a man widKmt it as between a real man and a painting of one,* We read in a banker s of May 1503, how I promised diary: 1 recall today, this *4th our brother Andrea that I would give him a new pair of hose if^ every morning and also in the evening at table, he would read to



me some lesson in Latin and in verse, and now, after two months,

have to give him the said hose, and thus I have concluded my bargain with him. In the eyes of this Florentine attention to business should not be allowed to prejudice the adorning of one s mind.

Let us now evoke the memory of a few literary men who played an important part in the daily life of Florence. Leonardo Bruni had been an almost penniless student before

becoming a private coach and tutor. But he attained something like glory by perpetrating a history of the Florentine Republic in Latin (1439). He had honoured his country, and was rewarded by exemption from tolls and taxes, both for himself and his heirs. Henceforth he was to be seen conversing with other luminaries and discussing questions of grammar and literature in the Piazza della Signoria, under the Loggia of the Pisans or in some bookshop. People waited for his arrival and hung on his words as on an oracle, A Spaniard once went down on his knees before Bruni and was only with difficulty induced to stand up. Though rather small, Bruni made the most of his stature. Clad in a scarlet cloak, open at one side, and falling to his heels; with fiir-trimmed sleeves, and a pinkish hood round which thefoggia was rolled, he passed slowly and majestically through the streets, As his early life had been difficult, he was churlish, laconic, touchy and avaricious; but he knew Greek, and Florentines and foi^eigiiers alike revered him as a new Socrates. When he died, in
covered with a cloth of black
1444, he received honours befitting an ancient sage. His body was silk; on this was placed a copy of the

History of Florence; and from a nearby rostrum his colleague Manetti delivered a Ciceronian discourse in which he saluted *the

luminous star of Latinity*. Then in presence of the assembled notables and people, the head of Leonardo Bnmi (that head which had given birth to seventy-four books) was crowned with a laurel wreath.
Bruni represents the pontifical type of humanist. There were

(ofove) Festival in the Piazza delta Signoria


Frescos by the school of Vasari in the Palazzo Veeciiio

(below) Jousting in the Piazza S. Croce

(akwe) Procession

in the Piazza del


n. Frescoes by
die school of




Vecclhio (the old


volcanic types, and





occupies the


His parents

who came from

near Florence had been ruined


the money-lenders, and he himself made a living by copying books, as he had a beautiful hand. He learned Latin and Greek

almost without a master and created such an impression that the Papal Curia employed him as secretary for official correspondence.

His passion for Antiquity was sincere. When he sat on a fragment of marble from the Tarpeian Rock and gazed on the ruins of the
Capitol and the broken columns half-buried under brushwood or

of refuse, he would be seized by a sort of vertigo and such thoughts possessed him that he spoke of Rome in accents that

make one

think of Montaigne and Chateaubriand.

travelled in search

Before entering the offices of the Curia this robust and impet

uous young man had

of manuscripts; he had

pushed his enquiries as far as England. life here seemed veryfour hours at table; they did painful. The islanders would spend but eat and drink, and Poggio was obliged to bathe his nothing
eyes in cold water so as not to fell asleep. But he discovered ten of Cicero s discourses in a monastery. Although a Papal official, he was definitely anticlerical; to make
the ceremonies of the people laugh he did not hesitate to ridicule Church. He had no gift for pretence or diplomacy. But all this did

not prevent him, in his will, from asking that a hundred masses should be said for his soul, and a chapel served by monks founded
for the purpose.

He was a great woman-hunter and boasted of his


numerous about town, exploits. His bastards were conspicuously was however a very broadand when Cardinal Cesarini who
*I have sons, which is seproacfaed him, be replied: in a layman; and I Mve without a wife according very respectable

minded man

Bracoolini (i 3801459) came to London in 141 8, at the invitarioii Poggk> of Cardinal Henry Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester, who had held out the to Italy early in 1423. There hope of considerable eBaofanBeats. He returned are scattered, throng}* his writings, a few interesting remarks on English

social customs.


to the general


custom of the

By his

mistress Lucia he had

twelve sons and two daughters. Cosimo de Medici exempted him from taxation on account of his merits! But Poggio got tired

of concubinage and in 1435 married the Vaggia, a Florentine of eighteen, *As God was merciful to me when I departed from the
straight path,*

he wrote to Cesarini, *He


pour out His mercy

more abundantly now that I have returned to it/ He was fifty-five at this time. At the age of seventy-three he returned to Florence
and lived there as a philosopher surrounded by his progeny. This patriarch was violently abusive, ever ready to attack any

him with invective or obscenity. Stinking, blear-eyed satyr, ass on two legs , he would shout; and the other would pay him back in the same coin. It made no matter: Poggio was gay, one was not bored in his company. While in the Vatican


he had devised the Bugiale, full of hoaxes and humbug, and here too he had written the Facetiae^ which alone have survived from
the wreckage of his other writings. These humanists were colourful enough, and Francesco Filelfo



so than the others.

He had been born near Ancona in


his father a

monk, his mother a tripe-seller according to Poggio. He had studied at Padua, thai gone to Greece; and from Greece
he brought back manuscripts and also a wife, Teodora, the daughter of the learned Chrysoloras. On his appearance in Flor ence he was regarded as the most elegant of Latinists and the best

of Gneek scholars. People stopped in the street to admire his young wife and his magnificent beard. The most fashionable ladies
stood aside for him: he was one of the marvels of the world.

Though still young, he accepted such homage

had he been crowned with

as his rightful due;

he could not have made a braver

show. He thought that if the stones of Florence could speak, they would proclaim Ms glory. His colleagues were unwilling to tolerate such conceit. They taunted him, they worked also to prejudice Cosimo de Medici against him. One morning as Filelfo was on his way to the Stuo where he was a professor, a bravo disguised as a tradesman attacked him with a naked sword; but Filelfo dealt Mm such a

buffet that he




drew off. Enquiries revealed that he was a wellnamed Filippo and that he had been hired by

Girolamo Broccardo, a student who hated Filelfo; but the latter believed that the Medici were at the back of it alL It was at this time (1438) that, as we have seen, Cosimo was exiled in conse quence of a revolution. Filelfo was jubilant A year later Cosimo c returned, and Filelfo fled. Ah! if I had remained , he said, *it would have been good-bye to the Muses! good-bye to Filelfo P To Siena, where he had taken refuge, he was followed by Filippo, who kept shadowing him but so clumsily that he was arrested and tortured, and he ended by confessing that he had meant to murder Filelfo. His right hand was cut off. Filelfo now conspired with a number of Florentine exiles and they hired a Greek named Antonio Maria of Athens to get rid of Cosimo, of the student GirolaiBO ami of Carlo Marsuppini, a humanist whom Filelfo loathed. The Greek excused himself as too well guarded, but he undertook to regards Cosimo, who was tackle the other two. He proceeded to Florence and met them; but as the opportunity for killing them was unfavourable, he calmly proposed that they should kill Filelfo. As a result of this he was arrested and tortured, and his hand was cut off; but his confession enabled the authorities to condemn Filelfo, who was to have his tongue cut out, if he was unlucky enough to be caught. The Book of Exile, in Fileifo, to keep face, now composed the Medici as tavern-keepers, promoters of which he <iescribed usurers, traitors, foxes, tigers, etc. ... In reality he was
terror of poison and the stiletto, Poggio, hired to attack iving loaded him with abuse ami alleged horrors about his private him, life. But the exile knew the game and did not worry. Two years later he made his peace with Cosiiao, because he preferred calm and famiry. He needed four mgick, two serving-men, a comfort

able house, choice food and wine, silk raiment and fine furs. He also maintained a number of ooiirtesans whom he called his


money was needed, aed FiMfo sold te pen ribe Itigjbesi: bidder. His prose and wrse iswe no nme than con*But for a!





modities, and he traded on that thirst for immortality which felt then fay all the Italian tyrants, great or smalt

would not be expedient

After the death of his wife Teodora, Filelfo wondered whether to renounce the world and embrace an

ecclesiastical career.


raised the matter with the then


regarded him as mad and did not trouble to reply. Having therefore to remain in the world, Filelfo married Orsina Orsaga, of a noble family of Milan, and she added

Eugenius IV,

who however

three daughters and a son to the already considerable brood sprung from the first marriage not to mention the bastards. Orsina s death, Fiklfo s thoughts turned once again to the Church;


but the question was now more complicated. According to canon law a second marriage constituted a bar to the taking of orders,
unless one obtained an apostolic dispensation. the new Pope, Nicholas V, was a friend of the humanists, and Filelfo besought


in Latin verse to grant the dispensation.


From my tenderest years , he wrote, *I have longed to renounce

of this world and to dedicate person to Christ, Pilot of Olympus, and Muse to the glory of Pope great Nicholas.* After that, he thought, the Pope can scarcely do less than make me a Cardinal. 1 will always be heartily on his side.*




notion of this Cardinal-Poet with his

to Nicholas
silent. Filelfo

swarm of children
like his

no doubt appeared comical

decessor, remained

V, who,


waited, lost patience,

and then,

abandoning all hope of the purple, married for the third time. He wandered from Rome to Milan; he was not happy; he regretted Florence; and finally, after bestowing the warmest eulogies on

Lorenzo de* Medici, the grandson of his old enemy, he received permission to return and was given a professorial appointment (1481). It was too late. He died almost as soon as he reached the city he had once adorned, leavicg as his successor the humanist
Giorgio Meruk, Merduk. He was


he was kind enough to refer to as

Coming now

eighty-three. to Angelo Poliziano,


leave the

band of the

He had been born in the charming Montepuldano, perched on



the hill above Lake Trasimene. As a poor student in Florence ha was lucky enough to catch the eye of Lorenzo the Magnificent, who appointed him tutor to his sons, gave him a studio near the

Cathedral and a

villa at



half-fknisfaed student


put on

a pronounced squint and was graced with an enormous hooked nose, the lips of a gourmand and the chin

He had

But his mind was of the keenest; he was subtly severe in his judgment of other writers, not ambitious*, scrupling to plagiarize them on occasion, and his listeners with astounding

of a

from Herodotus which he passed off as fruits from his own garden*. He was always pretending to be poverty-stricken. But of

the humanists, this mountebank had the most exquisite feeling for poetry. 1 The popular festivals, the showy games of these

biughers dressed up as paladins, he commemorated in Italian in stanzas of which the form is verse diarming and the content

of small account. Spring, night, country-life, hunting, the house of Venus, the garden of love, and the tournament are his fevotirke subjects. Each stanza presents a little static world, posed like a
model; and, as Francesco de* Sanctis has observed, the form is a description that melts away in notes of music. One can understand



were inspired by him.


no more underestimated

his talents than did Filelfo


let it

be understood that thanks to him Florence had

become a new Athens. But one day in 1494 he was then forty when he had taken up his lute to sing the praises of a young
man, he had a sudden attack of fever. Delirium followed, and he
quickly passed away. The noble Pico
flower of his age.

Afkandola2 was also

mown down

in the

At the time of his birth, in


1463, a circular flame

He used to say to MarsiBo Ficmo;


seek for


I seek for the beautiful/

He wandered round Tuscany

collecting popular turns of speedi. He liad a peal feeling for classical beauty. It took foim ofdy a few days to improvise and compose the Orfioy wfekb was
ttie first Italian

drama (cf. ScfciUman, Hht&ry of Tuscan CtmMsamm^ p. 170), wefl-knofwn paroling o die time is supposed to represent Poliztaoo and Pico standing tog-edier. (Translator)

*9 8


his head; It quickly vanished a presage, people supposed, that the young Giovanni s life would be brilliant but transitory.

had appeared above


A Jewish philosopher named Elias del Medigo taught him Hebrew and Arabic, and introduced him to the mysteries of
the Cabbala.

Moving from university to university, from Bologna to Paris, he early acquired a laiowledge of Latin, Greek and Law, By the age of sixteen he was the most precocious of scholars; and the most


defended at


nine hundred theses.


some of these involved him in charges of heresy, he fled to France. There he was arrested and spent some time in the fortress at
Vincennes. Finally, after his

he returned to Florence to


his oriental studies.

People admired his great piety and his continence, for he appeared to be unmoved by the charms of the fair sex; and yet
this semi-divine being, as Machiavelli described him, did not remain wholly exempt from human weakness. He became secretly involved with the wife of a grocer at Arezzo. On the grocer s

death, the widow s kinsfolk married her to a very poor member of the Medici family. But Pico could not endure this misfortune

agreement with his mistress, to abduct her. Arezzo accompanied by his secretary and a score of companions. On reaching the city he found his beloved waiting for him at the gate, took her up behind him and galloped off for Florence. But the town-guard, believing that the lady had

and decided,


set out for

been abduefced without her consent, raised the alarm. The bells rang and the constables rode in pursuit and came up with the


battle that followed left fifteen

men on



They were however imprudtJit enought to halt at Marciano, where the authorities incarcerated them and sent the news to Florence. Fortunately Lorenzo, who was ever magnificent, now saved the situation. He decided in his wisdom that the young lady could not have been unfaithful to a Medici such a theory was untenable. It was only the who had hatched the and Count secretary

but Pico escaped with his mistress and his secretary.


who really knew nothing about it, had acted in all innocence.



Arezzo and Marciano would be free to punish the secretary if they wished, and the husband was to recover his wife.
This adventure cooled the young scholar s ardour. He punished himself with the scourge, thought of entering the order of St

Dominic, became a devotee of Savonarola and plunged into Greek and cabbalistic speculations with such fervour that he died
before he was thirty-two. Many other men deserve a place in this gallery of scholars and bibliophiles. Such, for example, was Gianozzo Manetti, a former

accountant in a bank.



He had gradually become obsessed with not accounts and had come to give his whole were

time to study. He rarely left his garden except to confer with great Hebrew scholar, be engaged colleagues at Santo Spirito.

the Jews in endless controversies. Take carej he told them, *and look to your weapons, for I wish to attack you only with your

own. Unfortunately his enemies contrived to have him exorbi tantly taxed, and though he tried not to take tragically this infirmity which is not mortal*, he was obliged to go into exile. But, as Bisticci says, the more he was persecuted, the higher rose his fame. His son Agnolo was a prodigy, a marvellous polyglot
and mathematician


the merchants


in disagreement

would come to


of highly endowed Florentines one should add others, such as Piero di Pazzi who was not merely a shrewd ambassador, but devoted himself to learning Petrarch by heart and who, while on the way to Fiesok or strolling round his estate
this list


at Trebbia, could recite to


you die Aenadw. strong and musical Another remarkable maa was the astronomer Paolo




up a gn&mcm or

sun-dial, wfakfa remained

famous, on

the cupola of Santa Maria del Fiore; and who con tributed to Gohimbus s notion of unctertaldng his great voyage.

Florence as the Mecca of surprising that strangers regarded


a very dignified ecclesiastic wearing a violet doak came iato Bistkcfs bookshop. It was John, B^bop of Ae Five

One day




cried Bistieci.


Are you

a Hungarian?


the Bishop embraced

him warmly and declared

that before returning

home he was

to see the especially anxious

men of Florence. Bistieci therefore took him to Careggi

where Cosimo de Medici received him kindly and introduced Poggio and the celebrated intellectuals. The Bishop then visited
the city and the Library, purchased Latin and Greek books with out regard to the price and left money so that others could be procured for him. IP, he said on leaving, if you wish to know

what the Bishop of the Five Churches

that he


Hungary is doing, know

translating Plotinus the Platonist

less well-to-do,

Hungarian Bishop spent so much money on manuscripts that he found he had none left and was in despair. Fortunately Bistieci was at hand. The good bookseller
Another, and
busied himself with the matter, collected 200 ducats for *we must show that there are no lack of good men in Florence*

and brought the money to the Hungarian, who thus recovered his

iiote that if Florence

Before leaving the society of writers and scholars we should was the first city to adopt Latin, she was also

the first to return to Italian, to the Volgare as it was called. The humanists had in the end wearied the public with their presump tion, with their mania for posing as superior beings who had a

monopoly of
the place

true culture. Alberti,



be remembered, had
literature to

already founded an

academy which restored popular

deserved, Lorenzo the Magnificent boasted of writing

in that language in which he had been born and nurtured*. And as the vogue of humanism declined, the star of
in mlgarey

Dante rose

in the firmament. In 1481 in the Studio,

he was




and printed. His tomb at celli, Ravenna was restored; and the Signoria, after raising the ban of exile which had darkened his memory, caused his effigy to be

commented on


in the baptistery

of San Giovanni.

Professional training

Manners and

- Adventures of Filippo Ltppi-Fra Angelicoand poetry - Andrea dd Sarto-Tfae sculptors: Verrocchio, Donateflo The architects: Gfaiberti, Bnmelleschi - The universal of Florentine art

Conscientiousness and simplicity morals -The painters: from Masaocio to



has been said, aspired to become the


glory that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome*. This was especially true of the Florentine Renaissance. In

the fourteenth century, when the merchant Giovanni Villani was standing one day before the ruins of Rome, he felt himself
inspired to write the history of her daughter Florence, in honour of God and of St John and to the glory of his city*. His nephew Filippo, son of Matteo, found a pious consolation in recalling the

of Florence and the doings of her great men with a

view to purifying his own generation which seemed to him so corrupt. These men played, in some sort, the part of a Herodotus. A century later Matteo Palmieri extok the happiness of being

bom in

flourishing than has been seen for a thousand years. In the sixteenth century Varchi boasts of the exjcelkijce of these same arts which have enabled tihe
arts are

an age when the


Florentines to adorn not only their own city but many others, foe their greater glory and profit* . Afl these duoekfacs were prmid

of their country.
Florentines, like the Athenians before them, weie mearand miserly ones; but this did not destroy the loftiness of cliants>


to fcne conceptions. Accustomed as they were



of wool and silk, they could, tfc^y wanted, follow less mundane instincts and apply themselves $o \j enterprises. The i C J



Floimtiae had no


for half-measures, and



was a




question of learning, and

to spend

more of beauty, the miser was ready

money, whether to pay a teacher or to buy a picture. The art honoured in Florence was a trade; the artist, like the workman, had to undergo a long apprenticeship, and it took some time to pass from the status of dhcepolo to that of raga^Oj and
from raga^o to maestro. When he was nearly eighty, the painter Cennino Cennini was imprisoned as a debtor in the Stinche and he occupied his time by writing a treatise on painting which is full of personal experiences ( I 437)- The apprentice, as a very young boy, becomes a servant in the studio of a master who, for a year, teaches him the art of correct drawing on tablets , and then how to pick the colours, to make the sizing, 1 mix the paste, prepare and polish the panels. This goes on for six years. Six more years, even feast days, are
devoted to learning all the varieties of colour, such as cinnabar, mimoy amadte^ dragon s blood; how to lay gold on fabrics, how to work in fresco. He must also learn a whole series of recipes,

and Cennini is lavish of them. Nine chapters of his book deal with the way of laying on gold, seven tell you how to imitate velvet, bow to make iridescent colours, and ultra-marine, and how to paint rivers and fishes. The old prisoner explains all this at great length and in meticulous detail, and ends by commending his soul to God, to the blessed Virgin and the Saints. Most of the great Florentine artists passed through these grades. When they became masters dbey were treated as artisans; they received orders which they had to complete on a fixed day. They
and standards
or fade.
did not scorn to paint coffers or trays. Botticelli painted fabrics in such a way that the colours would not run

The same conscientious simplicity is to be noted in the sculptors, who, even when their reputation was established, would make


chandeliers or crests for helmets, or produce silver enamel-work. the same applies to the architects. When the of Santa
built, Brunelleschi

Maria del Fiore was being

cupola concerned himself


size*, i.e.

the substance that on.

applied to die canvas, or other surface,

before the paint

is laid



with the smallest


detail, examining every brick to make sure it had been properly baked. He fussed about the oven and even super vised the mixing of sand and lime. These artists whose names are now immortal were nearly all

men of the people. They wore a long tunic with a leather belt and a cloak that came half-way down the leg. Their mechanical trade was deemed hardly fitting for a gentleman. Nor were they very
well paid. Fra Angelico received sixteen ducats a month, Gozzoli only seven. Frescoes were sometimes paid for by the yard. But

most of the artists made a tolerable living, thanks to the fidelity of their patrons; and they gradually rose in the public estimation, because a Florentine, whether grasso or minuto^ liked pictures and
had a feeling for
plastic beauty.

whose work in painting is equivalent to that of his friend Dante in poetry, was the true founder of the Florentine school. This little shepherd whose genius invented the pathetic

was the


as Berenson says, to satisfy the tactile imagination

without which a painting cannot exercise the fascination of a But Giotto had died in 1336, and it was reality that is intensified.
sixty years before his teaching

came to flower. But what a flower

did not forget the

ing followed!


corporation of


name of


and great founder,

his sayings



and repeated Eke

Giotto, who was gay and talkative, was ^dating a story to his friends in the Via del Cocomero when a gi^eat heitJ of swine rushed past, aed one of them struck his legs so violently Aat he feJL Assisted to his feet, Giotto shook himself, refrained

One Sunday

from abusing the pigs and remarked with a half-smile: But are made thousands of Kre in my time with their they not right? I have I have nercr even given them a bowl of soup in bristles, aad


This tradition of a gay and rather childish good humour was by the artists. They were anything but pedants, as



may be

seen from the following anecdotes, Nanni Grosso, a of Verrocchio, had lived so imprudently that he had to pupil spend some time in the hospital of Santa Maria Novella, On being not well , discharged, he was asked by his friends how he felt. he repEed And you have been cured!* Tes, but I m not well. I need a little fever so as to be maintained comfortably and looked


after in the hospital*

But the story which Florentines never tired of repealing was the one about Manetto AmmanatL Although only twenty-eight he was a fat and dumpy fellow: and, for the rest, good-natured, rather simple, but an excellent master in marquetry. His friends Branelfcschi and Donatello amused themselves at the expense of fat Manetto*. Bruiielkschi thought it would be a joke to persuade Manetto that he was no longer *il Grasso*, but Matteo, another of their friends. He therefore, towards nightfall, shut himself in Grasso s workshop near Santa Maria del Fiore, and when Grasso knocked at the door, he was amazed at hearing a reply in what was appamitly his own voice, What is this?* he asked himself. It seems to me this fellow is myself.* Then Donatello, *a maker of figures in marble*, came up and said to Grasso: Matteo, if you are looking for Grasso, he has just returned home,* And the jest continued. At the request of a creditor of Matteo, Grasso was arrested by the bailiff s officers. He struggled violently, was put under lock and key, and felt terror-stricken. *Yet it seems to me I am still Grasso!* he reflected; and after further reflection he sent word to his friends that he had been imprisoned but that he feared if he confessed the truth, he would be taken for a madman. Finally Matteo s two brothers paid the imaginary debt and took Grasso home with them. At supper they gave him a little opium; then, taking him to his own house, put him to bed with his head where his feet should have been, and turned his workroom topsy-turvy. Poor Manetto ended by thinking he was really mad; and when one one day he met a companion who was looking for a master in marquetry-work with a view to practising the art in Hungary, he went abroad. Fortune smiled on him, he became a rich man and sometimes revisited Florence. When Brunelleschi asked him why


he had


he related his story which was known as that of

Grasso the carpenter. In later years artists clubs were founded, such as the Company of the Cauldron and the Company of the Saucepan, principally
for merry-making. In the hall

where they met for gala-suppers,

near Santa Maria Nuova, the

young daubers vied with each other

in amusing and ingenious entertainments. To a shrill accompani ment of fifes, the cook would set on the table buildings that were of entirely edible: first, perhaps, a temple with foundations

Parmesan cheese, columns made of tripe and capitals consisting of roast chicken. The entrance was shaped like a serpent s mouth and the rotunda represented Hell with its pits. Then would follow

numher of

dishes frightful to behold but delicious to devour;


and the evening would end with a comedy. The always taken from Dante.


The artist who took up the torch that Giotto long before had bid down, was not a gay fellow. He was not spiteful or ill-natured, but simply a man with one object in life, a man who was devoted heart and soul to art, and who paid little heed to himself and still

to others. Masaccio was indeed so


appreciated in his

inscription twenty-seven in 1428 when

lifetime that


was placed above

he died


He was

Leonardo da Vinci, who scarcely names any artists in Ms Treatise on Painting^ wrote: He who takes as an absolute model the works of other painters will produce only mediocre work; but i as the goal of his study, he sets Nature before Mm, he wii the cites Masaccio, bring forth good fruit.* And he

perhaps of poison, because but his trail was like that of Bgkning* people were jealous of him;

that all who do not tafce as tbeir perfection of Ms works proved model Natui^, that instructress of a! masters, will strive in vain

to produce artMt has even been said that Masaoio gave birth to the whok of the Renaissance; and it is tnie that Ae frescoes in the

Vinci as a young

Carmine were an open book for siKxessivegCTei^tkHisofpaintsers, ** copied them, as did Michelangelo and




Raphael. Masaccio was the


to discover the deeper meaning of


realize this,

he grasped them at the highest point of emotional intensity. one has only to study his picture of Eve driven

from Paradise and howling


a wonderful era, when Masaccio was painting the frescoes in the Carmine and Ghiberri casting in bronze the doors
for the Baptistery of Sai: Giovanni, doors glow has but recently been restored 1


whose warm


After Masaccio came other and picturesque artists, drawn like him to reality, hut to a reality more violent or more nigged.

Paolo Uccello, who had once been an assistant of Ghiberti s, bizarre and melancholy soul, of subtle and sophisticated outlook, whose only joy was to grapple with difficult problems

was a

of perspective. At night he would spend hours in his studio solving these problems, and when his wife called him to go to bed, he would sigh: Ah, what a sweet thing is perspective!* Sometimes people would not see him for months together.
*At! Paolo/ said Donatello, by your study of perspective you
are exchanging the certain for the uncertain. All this helpful to marquetry-workers/


But Paolo refused to


He indulged his mania until he fell

into poverty, and agreed at last to work for the Abbot of San Miniato, who fed him only on cheese. This was too much. I fear
I shall

become nothing but

cheese*, he cried,

and be used as

putty*. And he ran away. But once more he was reduced to poverty. His iacome-tax statement is a long lamentation: 1 am now old,

and without business, and I cannot work, and my wife is ill He died towards 1479. Yet this stearige monomaniac produced a great number of

most varied genres. He was much interested in whence his name Uccdlo.1 He even tried to draw those animals, he had not seen, and sometimes of course he fell into error. Thus when he wanted to paint a chameleon, which symbolized air and light, he drew a camel, open-mouthed and filling itself with air. But his great joy was in depicting battle-scenes, which are full of


in the




the horses seen from various angles, the forest of perspectives: lances and the tangle of swords, shields and helmets. There was a virtuoso as well as a visionary in Paolo Uccello. 1 And then

suddenly, after painting a scene of violence, he would produce a quiet and restfiil little picture in the Flemish manner. It will be
recalled that the Flemings played

an essential part in the evolution of fifteenth-century painting and that Florence was in constant relations with Flanders.

Andrea del Castagno, whose roughness borders on the brutal, may be described as a condottiere of painting. He had been a shepherd-boy like Giotto and was discovered by one of the Medici scrawling figures on a wall with a piece of charcoal. Do you want to be a painter? he was asked Nothing would please

me more.* And he soon rose to

and his
speciality for painting

fame thanks to

his terrible* talent

men s and women s

heads larger

In Sant Apollonia, on behalf of Pandolfo Pandolfini, he painted a Last Supper, and also a gallery of famous men, excellently
marshalled and arranged. Conspicuous



was Filippo

Scolari, known Pippo Spano, one of those Renaissance figures who are not easily forgotten. A man of good family but poor, he founded a busin&ess Pippo settled at Pesth, in Hungary, where and became a favourite of the King. In consequence of a revolution

he was condemned to death, but he escaped, restored the mon and defeated Ae Infidels archy, was appointed Captain-General in sevraal battles. It was in his home in Hungary that poor Grasso rediscovered his own identhv. Pippo, now that he was great and
glorious, afiaid of

returned to Florefice, where, though the Signoria was Mm, he was conspicuous only by the splemlour of his


Now Andrea del Castagno was exactly the man to bring


Pippo to

before CHIT eyes:




in Saiit*


holding his

sword wi

A both hainfe, his fe^ firmly pfaifiedbeiieath

ten aad Ms head proudly, almost imofendy thrown back.


the artist of die equestrian portrait of die femoos aHsdottk^e, Sir Hsrwkwood, an one of the inner wais^lfaeDtKMMxHawirwoodhad l>eefiietlieseivke of Florae (Translator)

He is




violent type of painting we enter quieter regions with Ghirlandajo and Gozzoli. Some critics regard them as pure illustrators, interested in general effects, but this makes them the more valuable to the historian.



Ghiriaadajo was the son of a goldsmith and was brought one. As he used to sketch the customers who came into the

up as

and as

his drawings

were very


he became the society-

of Florence. The flower of the city lives again in his frescoes, from the timid young kdy in her silk skirt to the haughty patrician in heavy brocade. Thanks to him, we can look on the misshapen profile of Lorenzo the Magnificent, surrounded by notables, including the big Poliziano, a whole society depicted in all its spontaneity and easy charm.
after the

recorded as saying to his brother:

*Do you look

that I

money and our means of livelihood.



beginning to understand this sublime art, I should like to be commisslooed to cover all the walls of Florence with pictures/

But his great facility did not prevent his being a careful craftsman. He knew how to place the groups, to distribute light and shade, to arrange perspectives and open distant views. The general effect of his pictures is nearly always agreeable; they appeal to the imagination and sometimes to the heart. It was in his studio that the Podesta of Chiusi s son, the young scion of the Counts of
Canossa, Michelangelo Buonarotti, began his apprenticeship at the
i, 1488, when Ghirlandajo was decorating the choir of Santa Maria Novella. The master s admiration for the pupil was soon to turn to jealousy. If Gfairiandajo evokes for us the high society of Florence, the

age of thirteen. This was on April

good GozzoE, whose

placid countenance



red bonnet

looks out from the fresco of the Riccardi palace, brings before our eyes other aspects of Florentine life, especially those crafty

bmghers who could handle with equal dexterity the business of the State, of the wool-trade and of the banking-house: miniature copies of old Cosimo de* Medici Whatever the scene he is depicting, one guesses that the actors
have been painted simply and truthfully from

yet there





platitude and the impression is that of a well-told story. When thinks of his frescoes at Pisa, Florence and Montefalco, one realizes

what a


tireless worker he was, and how conscientious. Once, Piero de* Medici declared he was not satisfied with certain

seraphim who figured in the sky of a fresco, Gozzoli replied that one could scarcely see them, that this caused no distortion but was rather a beauty; but, still, he would do what he was ordered. Then
should have come to speak to you, but this morning I began to put on the blue and that work cannot be left. The weather is very hot and the sizing spoils after a few moments*

he added:

This upright and talented man lived as a true Christian, spending his whole life in an honourable profession", and died in old age in his small house at Pisa.


10, 1459).

Compared with this peaceful existence, the career of FtMppo Uppi reads like an adventure story. As an orphan drild he had been brought up by an aunt and then, while still young, became


pupil. after engaging

in the Carmine convent, where he was Masaccio s best But he was of an amorous turn and Cosimo de* Medici,

him to work in his palace, locked Mm in so that he would not waste his time. After two days of imprisonment
Filippo tied his sheets together,



into the street

and decamped. Cosimo soon had him recaptured and brought back to work; but he now allowed him complete freedom. Men of such rare genius , he said, are an emanation of celestial beings and not donkeys to be pack-saddled/ But our monk did not sober down. After a troublesome case of forgery he emigrated to Prato, where the nuns in ooe of tfae con
vents engaged him to paint a St Margaret. On Iris asking for a model, the Mother Superior sent him a charming young mm, Lucrezia, the daughter of a Florentine nanied Francesco Buti;

and on the day when the girdle of Our Lady, a relic greatly honoured at Prato, was to be displayed, Filippo carried off Lucreria. Great then was the flutter in the convent and in die Buti household. Lucrezla was recovered, bet sl$e dedbred she would never abandon her lover. Pope Eugenies IV tried to arrange matters by ofiering to release Fffippo from his vows, so



he could marry Lucrezia; but Filippo would not listen to this, and things remained as they were. The child of this union was the
amiable Filippino, a painter like his father. This was not Lippfs only adventure. One day at Ancona he was out a sailing-boat with a friend when a corsair-ship

belonging to Abdul Maumen hove into sight, captured them both and took them as slaves to Barbary. Filippo remained there for a year, handling the oar instead of the brush. But he was amusing himself one day by drawing on a wall, with charcoal, the picture of his master in Moorish costume, so brilliantly that you would have thought it alive. Abdul happened to come up, admired the picture and took lippi into his favour. Once again he was able to exercise his art; the Moor gave him presents, and finally

him and his companion to Naples. This was freedom, no doubt, but not wealth.




1439, Lippt appealed for aid to the miserly Piero de* Medici: *It is dear*, be wrote, that I am one of the poorest frad of Florence.

God has left me six nieces to be married, all useless and infirm, aod the little they have, though it is much for them, is L If you would arrange for me to receive from your house a little corn and wine that you would sell me, it would give me great joy. Set it down to my account, I beg of you with tears in my eyes; for if I depart, I leave it to these poor children/ But Piero refused him
even a

In spite of all tfaiSj Filippo was still subject to his bead omari^ and when he died in 1469, at the age of fifty-seven, it was said that

he had been poisoned by the faintly of a woman he was courting. Now this abductor of a nun, this slave in Africa, this monk
sinking under the burden of his unmarried nieces, knew how to depict the most innocent and virginal Madonnas, and he saw them

not as great ladies but as gentle peasant-girls. To him had been given, with the art of pleasing, the charm of the intimate and the

Spokto when he died, and Lorenzo de Medici went in person to ask for the mortal remains of Fra Filippo which he wished to have buried in the Duomo in Florence. But the men of Spokto replied that their city suffered

He had been working



from a dearth of distinguished men and they begged him not to press his request. Lorenzo had to be satisfied with a cenotaph. Though few signs of true piety have been discernible among the artists we have studied, it triumphs in Fra Angelico, the St Francis of painting, the illuminator of the Golden Legend. His secular name had been Guido. Entering the order of preach ing Friars, he led a life that was consistently quiet, modest and
appreciated his merits, wished to make him Archbishop of Florence, he begged the Pope to appoint someone else, since he felt himself little fitted for government.


Nicholas V,



dining on one occasion with His Holiness, he was offered meat but dared not eat it without permission of his Prior. When

asked to paint a picture, he referred you to his Prior for per mission. In feet, he was always in mawts dependent. He would never draw from the nude. When depicting the Christ he wept;

and he refused to add after-touches to his pictures because he said that they had come into being by the will of God, His frescoes display reminiscences of Antiquity, but these are secondary. It was above all the world of his dreams and visions that was painted by the gentle monk of San Marco, the purehearted mystic whom the Florentines sumamed Angelico and of


Michelangelo was to say that he must have visited the there. Earthly Paradise with permission to choose his models ethereal about his paintings, with their hosts of There is

something arises seraphim and their quiet and smiling landscapes. From them a hymn of praise in which the world seems pierced through aad

scenes through by the golden rays of the love of God; and these are ample, wordless, fancier, yet free of insipidity very remote from the viofeiice of Savonarola, who was to live in Ae same

convent of San Marco.

Berenson quotes, apropos of Fra Aegelko, the words of of Fra Browning, which might serve as an epitaph for the tomb


in the church of the Minerva in


God s in
f sixty-eiglit.

His Heaven

AB s riglit with

in Rotae at

Fra Ai^eico had been

at Fiesole IB 1397.






If one had to give examples of the great diversity of Florentine

genius, one might

compare Fra Angelico with Sandro Filipepi. Sandro had been ailing and restless in his youth. him in the charge of a goldsmith named Botticelli, whose name be afterwards adopted; and it was here that he learned


in 1444, His fetter put


to plait gold and silver filigree, engrave ladies ornaments roses with which, in reliquaries, and carve the daisies and

later years,

he would adorn

his pictures.

In Florence the goldsmith s art led inevitably to painting. For a time Sandro was a pupil of Filippo Lippi, who took a fancy
to him.

Then he

followed his


bent, dabbled in literature


selected from the Classics and Boccaccio subjects for painting. 1 They were always tragic* And he illustrated Dante. But there was nothing sombre or ascetic about the man himself. His neighbour was a weaver whose looms shook Botticelli s studio and who was

complaints. Botticelli retorted at last by setting a large stone on the top of the dividing wall, poised insecurely but in such a way that it would inevitably fell into the weaver s

deaf to

workshop. The latter s protests were met with the remark: *As for me, I do what I like at home*; and so matters were arranged. Botticelli s trick was greatly admired in a society still rather
simple-minded. He had little notion of economy and spent his money at random.


to teach

tectors, advised

him sense, Tomaso Soderini, one of his pro him to marry. *My Lord, replied Botticelli, 1

want to tell you what happened to me one night, I dreamed I had a wife, and such was my anguish that I awoke. And I was so

much afraid of having a similar dream once more that I spent the

of the night striding about Florence like a madman,* Soderini

insist further.

did not

This dreamer s art is primarily intellectual. Consider these lines of Poliziano s: Pure white is she, and pure and white her robe, but painted also with roses and flowers and grass; her golden curls fall over her brow Around her the forest smiles** Is not



for example the legend of Nastagio degli Onesti: the story of die pursued by mastiffs and the Black Knight.


this Botticelli s allegory

of Spring? Poliziano wrote elsewhere: *So the goddess rose from the waves, pressing her hair with one hand and with the other the apple of her breast ... the sand, smitten by her divine foot, is clothed with flowerc and grasses/

Here is the Birth ofFenus. All this is replete with morMd^Oj and from a certain angle makes one think of Far-Eastern art The Hues and forms are harmoniously balanced as in a symphony, and one can understand how generations of poets have drawn inspiration from these pictures,1 It was only just, for Botticelli had drawn his from poetry. But these Florentines always have a surprise in store. After the death of Lorenzo the Magnificent, Botticelli became a fervent adept of Savonarola. Terrified by apocalyptic visions and sincerely repentant, he gradually gave up his painting then he became *old and poor and useless, walking with the aid of two sticks, for he could not stand upright ; so at last he died, over seventy years of age. But we must not think of this aged and stooping figure when we stand in front of the Primovero. One of Botticelli s pupils had been Filippo Lippfs son, FiMpHand orderly as his father s had pino, whose life was as modest
been undisciplined. The thing happens fairly often. Filipptno was always courteous and afiable. The ingenuity and inventiveness

he displayed in the organization of festivities explain his popularity among the youth of Florence; but connoisseurs also appreciated the artist who completed the wall-paintings in the Carmine in a

manner not unworthy of Masaccio, and admired the painter of so many exquisite canvases and frescoes with delicately drawn architecture. like his father, Filippino had the ait of pleasiag. Of die painters who afl played a part in the daily Hfe of Floraice one did scarcely more than cross the stage. Bom in 1452 Leonardo and a peasant glii named da Vinci was the son of the notary




a constant cooaectiao between poetry and the plastic


arts in Italy.

iMla Qtieixia, Dante makes oee think of die bas-iidk& of Doeateflo and GMberti; he as it weie foresees scene of them. See, eug. tiie

description of die Angel canned in



Pw^a^it^ X, w.




A. Symondb, Zkm*^ 1891,

p. 254-)

2I 4


Catering in the small town of Vinci near Empoli, a country of vineyards and olive-groves. He was so handsome and agreeable a youth that people compared him to Hermes; but he had the rarer He lived hand qualities of unbounded curiosity and

to mouth, heedless of preparing a career, but constantly engaged in meditation or research or the solution of which his


contemporaries thought


such as the invention of a

flying-machine, the piercing of a tunnel or the transport of enormous weights. At the same time he was learning how to model and draw in the studio of his master Verocchio, acquiring a love of plastic beauty, admiring Masaccio, reproaching Nostro

with his neglect of landscape, and generally taking his place in the life of the city. It was he who, after the conspiracy of the Pazzi, was com missioned t30 paint Bandini on the walls of the Palazzo that

had been handed over by the Sultan and put to on the rough sketch: Tancoloured cap, a black, lined tunic, a blue cloak lined with fox-skin, black hose.* He represented the corpse dangling by a rope, with clothes and the hands tied behind the back And k>ose-fitting soon after this he painted the Virgin of the Rocks. This new edition of Leone Battista Albert, endowed now with
death. Here are the notes he wrote


genius and universal in his



had studied ancient art without

deceive him. being conquered by Swoiee with pride and pomposity, they are clad and decked out, he said, not with their own works but with those of others: *a
stupid breed
aiid recalled the ancient

The humanists could not



Vmci himself remained loyal to the common only when it was a question of For he kaew everything. We think we know him,

we do not; his strange curiosities seem to have led him to stand deliberauely in a half-light, half-shadow of mystery. Fortune was not always kind to him. After losing his protector, Ludovico il Moro, and then Cesare Borgia whom he had served as military engineer, he returned to Florence. Here, in 1504, he met Michel
angelo. The contact produced a spark, but not a friendly one. discussion regarding a verse in Dante degenerated into a dispute



so it was said and then into hostility. And yet Leonardo must have been capable of appreciating the sombre genius of his junior. With Raphael, on the other hand, he was on tarns of confidence. He became the respected master of the




followed his counsels and learned from him not

only the value of landscape but what artists call sfamato, the art of giving an aerial and indefinable softness to contours. Berenice
says that Vinci was the spiritual father of Raphael disagreement with the gonfaloniere Soderini led Vinci to leave Florence; and in 1507 Louis XII of France obtained

per mission from the Signoria for Leonard Avince, Pamctre de votre cite de Fleurance to become painter to the King of France.

As to Michelangelo, Pope Julius II invited him to Rome, where he arrived in 1505; and now began that strange dialogue between the terrible* Pontiff and the terrible artist*, a dialogue kiterspersed with quarrels and recoiKiEations.
the sculptor of the Tomb of the Medici at the most in the life of Florence.


moving crises

In the fifteenth century Italian art had been dominated by Florence and Rome was one of her suburbs At the beginning of

the sixteenth the situation seemed to be reversed. the Florentine

political shocks




for her greater glory; and yet, despite the caused tjie City of the Flower to oscillate be^

tween Republic and Tyranny despite the exodus of her painters and sculptors die remained a brilliant artistic centre. The name of Aadrea del Sarto alone (1488-1530) is efiot^h to ptwe it. The life of the tailor s son Is steeped a sort: of iBecioaity which however enfamces the glory of his woriL Beginning Eke so many as a goldsmith and then passieg over to pictorial art, he

figured in the ittie society ofthe Scalzo of San Iforco; asid here he paintoi frescoes of astmislifflg charm and grace. But lie feB love witb a bosie/s wife, a pretty,


conceited creature
hosier, however,

named I^Ka^ia,


woA The

died; ainl forthwith

Andrea, without advising



anyone, married the young widow who brought him, as a dowry, the whole of her family, her father and sisters. In vain did

Andrea s

friends deplore the situation.

Andrea had drunk the

love-potion. her beck and

He was

jealous of Lucrezia, who held him easily at and so he remained under the yoke of this

who sent pretty shrew, forsook his own relatives and friends him to Coventry and despite torments of jealousy considered
himself a happy man.

Two of his pictures had been admired in France; and Francois



wished to attach him to

his service, sent

money with



As he was not perhaps sorry to see the world and, for a

time, to slip the chain of conjugal servitude, Andrea went. He had been poor hitherto (Lucrezia and her family had taken care to drain his resources), now he was loaded with presents. After a Efe of bourgeois economy, he enjoyed more than comfort and

well-being; and his smiling Charity, in the Louvre, probably reveals the tme of his mind at that time. He was in any case, with

Rosso and Primaticcio, one of the eminent members of

the Italian colony in France. But Lucrezia had not forgotten him. Her letters plunged him into sadness^ they awakened his memories of home; so much so

would come back


he sought leave to return and swore upon the Gospel that he 5 in a few months time with his wife; and King and a well-filled Francois, trusting to his word, gave him leave

But on his ietum to Florence he fell once more into the power of Lucregia, spent all the money and forgot his oath. He was never more seen in France; but some of his finest works in that
country were to keep his

memory alive. Such was this slave of condemned by his passion to a kind of solitude and yet free love, a world he coloured with an in the wodd he had made his own

knew to invest ait that is refined while appearing simple. Ms saints and Madonnas with an extraordinary charm and dis



One could only wish that he displayed more warmth and

if he

had a greater range;

had not,


was perhaps Lucrezta s




We have mentioned how, in May 1483, the apothecary Landucci had admired the Christ and St Thomas of Andrea di Verrocchio. This goldsmith, perspectivist*, sculptor, engraver, architect, painter and musician, was now over fifty and had reached the
of his feme. And what could have been more just? He was in Florence to divine the importance of landscape, of atmosphere, of the play of light in a picture; that is, of the means of giving rein to the imagination. His Annunciation would not be what it is without the cypresses which form a kind of escort. As a sculptor he has left the Child with the Dolphin, and the David, whose graceful posture, whose almond-eyes under the clustering curls and whose air of merry triumph over the success be has achieved reveal him for what he is a Florentine youngster not yet even adolescent. Verrocchio has been reproached for a hard and dry manner, which is regaitled as a mark of effort. But such a criticism is not valid for the David who, with that smile which Da Vinci was to remember, seems to have sprang spontaneously into being. Nor is it valid for the Collecme, one of the most per fect specimens of equestrian statuary, and one of the jewels of





name naturally evokes Donatello


The latter was

the son of a wool-carder, and, though not rich, was lucky enough to have been distinguished by Cosimo de* Medici. The Pater
patriae gave

him numerous orders and paid him

with his dress.

well, but




One fete-day he sent Donatello

some new clothes, a pink dbak, a hood and a cape. The sculptor consented to put them o% but at dbe end of two days he declared he could wear them no longer: TTliey are too fine far me.* He was

man of the people ami looked for his models among the people,

even wfaea he wished to represent the Saviour. BruadQesdri, whose meals he used to share, said to him one day: You have pit c a peasant cm the Cross, not the body of Christ.* Wei/ repEed


you take wood and carve a



time later

DotiaiseBo, who had been to market, reached house with a basket of eggs for dnelr meal, he saw the carving of Christ which tod been made by his frkmL He was


BriMiellesciM s




so overcome with

beauty that he dropped the basket

and the

eggs. What s wrong?* cried the other. And how are we going to dine now? As for me. rejoined Donatello, I m satisfied. It is for to carve the Christ and for me to carve peasants. you But he was not, in fact, so limited. His own David is not a little

peasant but a handsome Greek youth as seen through the eyes of a Florentine realist who has not been blinded by reverence for
ancient art, although indeed Donatello had been to Rome. After throwing to the four winds of heaven the old arsenal of the


and applied himself to reproducing individual types without being burdened by any tradition, whether classical or medieval. Hence theyoi de vivTe^ the air of expansiveness and eternal youthfulness which animate his work. And his love of Florence accompanied him
Ages*, he had looked
as she

on Nature



he was


1 Padua, he declared:


can learn

nothing here* I need the criticism

of the Florentines, not the com

pliments of the Paduans. He continued to work even as an elderly man. Towards the age

of eighty he became paralysed and was slowly dying house in the Via del Cocomero when some relatives,
to inherit a

in his small

who hoped

property he owned at Prato, came to see him. I cannot content you , he said, because it seems reasonable to leave
this land to the peasant

who has always worked hard in cultivating rather than leave it to you who have done nothing and simply

wish to

by coming

to see me.

Go your ways, and


God s blessing.* He was still the man who had said to Brunelleschi
were his province. initial impulse had been given, a whole company of artists sprang into being; but to classify them as sculptors, painters and architects would be to ignore their true nature. They cannot be placed in separate categories. Antonio and Piero PoBajuolo, who were sons ofa poultry-dealer, began as goldsmiths in the Mercato Nuovo. Then they made wax bas-reliefs and other
that the peasants



Hie splendid equestrian statue of the mercenary Gattaraselata*, whkh stands in front of tfae great church of Anthony iaPatliiajisofieof Douatdlo s masterpieces. (Transferor)






example. But Antonio

Piero began to paint, Antonio followed his also carved the tomb of Pope Innocent

VIII. All these Florentines were prodigiously gifted, and


trammelled too in their


mode of self-expression.

In the mid-fifteenth century the realism of the earlier period was

it ceased to be terrible and acquired a kind of grace which did not yet degenerate into dainty affectation. This was true of Rossellino, who, according to Vasari, displayed such gentleness, refinement and delicacy that his art may really be called modern. It was true also of Desiderio da Settignano, who

tomb in Santa Croce; and of his pupil da Fiesok, who carved the Madonna and the pretty Mino children who adorn Count Ugo s tomb in the Badia; though
fashioned Marsuppini s



was already showing signs of mannerism.

Duomo other children might be seen and joining in dance. These were the sons of an singing, playing emulator of Mino, Luca delk Robbia, who possessed more than any other artist a sense of charming innocence in movement. But
In the organ-loft of the

Luca was

also an inventor. Terra cotta

tion before his rime1 ; but he conceived the notion

had been used for decora of making it

more resistant by applying enamel to the clay; and thanks to this new art, he brought into being a world full of charm, ever young
and ingenuous, which seems to mark a period of repose in the tormented life of the city. Now this mode of inexpensive decora tion was accessible to persom of modest condition and even of the common people. Luca had a large family and his descendants
cofitinoed to exercise the art.


children in swaddBi^-dbthes

wfao adorn the porch of the Hospital of the Innocents were the wodk of his nephew Andrea.
Distinguished architects figure also in the Pantheon of Floren tine art; although, as we have said, tibe various trades* overlap in this land of privilege. Ghiberti, Btunelesdht and Mkhdtezo

weie sculptors as wdl as architects* When Ae two former visited Rome they spent wbole days measuring the ruins, watching the

the island: iseaoe

Hie Pfaes had imported this art from tfee name of Majotka.

Majorca, afber their cofKjuestof



excavations, and looking for medallions with such pertinacity that people supposed they were in search of treasure. In this
instance the ancient world

was to exert an undeniable influence on Italian architecture; and yet Florentine inventiveness was not warped by it Thus Brunelleschi thought of adorning Santa Maria del Fiore with a double cupola, with an inner vault and an outer vault, so that one could climb between them* Ghiberti himself
thought the project so chimerical that Brunelleschi dared not walk abroad, because people had been pointing at him and saying There goes the madman. But the madman was right. Lorenzo Ghiberti s fame rests principally on the doors of the Baptistery of San Giovanni; but he was very near to not being the sculptor for one of them. On April 29, 1444, it was proclaimed in the streets that he could not exercise the function with which the SigjK)ria had commissioned him, because he was not the child of a legitimate union. His mother, Mona Fiore, had been the wife of a half-stupid creature named Gone PaltanL She had fled the domestic roof and had fallen into the hands of Bartolo Ghiberti, by whom she had two children, one of whom was Lorenzo. Later on, when Bartolo was reproved* for living in adultery*, he, after the death of Gone, married Mona Fiore, It was none the less true that Lorenzo was illegitimate. The denunciation which throws a curious light on the daily life of the times was probably due to some rival who had suddenly turned moralist. But he might have spaied his pains, Ghiberti was allowed to carve *tfae gates of

He had a i%h notion of his art and of learning in general. *He who has learned everything , he used to say, will be a stranger
Even without money or friends, he will be a citizen of every country and can disdain the vicissitudes of fortune/ What distinguishes the great fifteenth-century artists is their

freedom and the sincerity and clear-sightedness of their outlook. They traced out their own way, remained themselves^ and owed
nothing to others, Florence was Kke a orucible in which ev^y artist took his own bearings, followed various routes as his nature
dictated, sought

out and essayed



and vied with




compeers in untiring inventiveness. There was as yet no question of schools*. One had been the raga^p of such and such a maestro^ but one remained oneself.

Things were

to change

later years.

The advent of


masters and a fuller knowledge of Antiquity were to weigh heavily on art; and a day was coming when the artist would be trained to

He would draw from memory, and spontaneity would be stifled. Vasari, in the sixteenth century, wrote: Art today has been carried to such perfection that, whereas our predecessors produced a picture in
study fixed patterns and ready-made methods.
six years,



six in

one year.


that, precisely,


what was




Evolution in the attitude to


of the renaissance -

Feminism as a product

- Advke to

Agnolo Erenzuoia as a theorist of beauty ladies regarding charm and good manners The

emancipation of women

- Platonic - The various

love - Disparagement of categories of courtesans

Italy, as

woman had

IN of a those
of man and

elsewhere in the Middle Ages, invectives against been the rule Her morals and rationality were

her glory should lie in submission to the will Laura s especially in holding her tongue- Petrarch

Siennese says that woman is usually a devil incarnate. writer calls her a devourer of patrimonies and an instrument of

HelL What was required of woman was not to be graceful but to be physically capable of bearing fine children. Her virtue lay in not walking in the streets or going into shops, in not meddling in business, in not gazing out of the window, but in feeding the babies, telling her beads, mending the linen and looking after the

The Renaissance destroyed this narrow outlook, and freed and rased the dignity of woman. She now had warm advocates, and the old-fashioned type of husband was thoroughly well trounced.
*You regard woman as slaves and servants rather than comparions^ which is what justice requires; and this is so impious and


cofi&ary to the natural order of things that no other animal than has the audacity to do it This opinion of the Florentine Geffi was shared most of the Italian writers of the sixteenth by

century. *A husband , wrote the novelist Matteo Bandello, should bear his wife company at all times, dress her according to his means and grant her that decent which befits her rank/

And here is the even warmer defence of

Coragiano, that breviary for gentlemen:

Castiglione, author of the




woman we could experience no pleasure in her absence, would be rougk, bereft of all gentleness and harder than that of wild beasts? knoweth not that women banish from
knoweth not that without




vik and base thoughts, griefs, misfortunes and those dull sorrows that accompany them? Women raise our minds to the knowledge of great things, rather than turning us from them; in tfme of war diey render
our hearts



. . .

suppose that this is sentimental verbiage, or a reminiscence of the Courts of Love. The enlightened Italian of that time was a resolute feminist, and was not even shocked when

We are not to

someone argued



women govern


would not perhaps be a bad thing to kt make kws and control armies. Did tbey

not attain excellence in

the arts to which they applied them

the less determined feminists admitted that* the progress the education of girls was tending to establish equality among in young people, and a grave author quoted Genesis and Aristotle


to demonstrate that


possesses the

same moral dignity as

wrote Bandelk), *to wish to do every thing that comes into your head and not recognize that women have the same right. If they venture to do something that dis us, we very quickly have recourse to rope, dagger or



vary cruel of you



Such baibarism was no longer

fitting in


community, where, at least amofig the well-to-do classes*


was being emaiMipated and asserting her personality. The higgles* prase one could bestow on a woman was to say that she had the mind and soul of a man. Old people wesoe stii amazed at the

had taken


should never have believed*, said a jurist when talking with a lady, that the ladies of Florence were so conversant with moral

and natural philosophy, ami with


and rhetoric/

Master/ replied the other, Florentine ladies do not fifce to be deluded Hence die activity of their minds and the way they

conduct their fives/


was not: merely a


of philosophy and rhetoric. These


ladies read Petrarch, Ariosto and even such light-minded authors as Aretino. But beauty was their principal interest, and on this matter they had first-rate advisers in Florence itself. Boccaccio

had already given his opinion as to what constitutes feminine beauty. The head should be fairly large, the eyebrows should not form two curves but a single line; a slightly aquiline nose, a broad

bosom, a white hand which looks well against a scarlet cloak, a smooth, straight forehead (not bulging, as had once been fashion able), brown, almond-shaped eyes with a gaze that could be serious, or lively, or even roguish, a round neck and small feet such were the constituents of a beautiful woman. But in the six teenth century Boccaccio was to be outdone by another Tuscan, who became a sort of professional theorist of beauty. Agnolo Flrenziiola (1493-1 545) was an ex-Benedictine who had retired to Prato. Inspired by the smiles and graces of the women of this country*, he wrote discourses on love and beauty in which he strove to lay down principles and provide definitions which make his work a sort of canon of aesthetics. And it was to play an important part in the daily life of the ladies of Florence. Charm, in the eyes of Firenzuola, is a woman s gift for bearing
or moving, or acting, harmoniously. Grace is like a hidden an indefinable gift conferred by some secret privilege and light, arising out of a harmony of the whole person. Here are the

of a beauti&l countenance: the hair should be fair but golden-tinted and verging on brown ( Blonde is the queen of colours and can be obtained by artifice. Venetian women are

expert in die matter.) The skin should be bright, not dull; the eyebrows* fall in the middle and tapering off towards the nose and the ears; the eyes large, slightly protuberant, the eyelids white and

marked with scarcely perceptibk red veins. The white of the eye should be slightly bluish, the eyelashes not too long or too thick or too dark The brow should be white, rather like a mirror but not so shining as to reflect objects. The borders of the eye must
be red and shining,
like a

pomegranate seal. The pink on the

cheeks is more marked round the curves.

slender, but by insensibk degrees, towards the top.

The Etose becomes more The mouth



should be rather small, and should not display more than six teeth the lips (which should have a dimple and not be too thin)

are half open.

The gums should remind one of red

velvet: they

should not be too dark.

for the body the neck should be white, round, and too rather than too short. The leg should be long long and slender, and firm at the calf; the foot small but not thin. white hand


fairly broad, a pink palm not too deeply marked with lines, shining finger-nails, pink also, and not extending beyond the fingers by more than the breadth of the back of a knife - The

large and

bosom must be ample and

Italian possesses


and not show any bones.

a whole vocabulary for beauty. Vaghega is that attractiveness which awakens desire; leggiadria is charm; venusta denotes the rhythm of pure contours; morUd&ga is tiie

ami pallor of the skin and the physiognomy in the airy lightness due to slender Hmbs, ami so general; sneUe^a on. Ladies might choose, when they could. There were means of remedying imperfections. As women
exquisite delicacy


temple fa should use flowers to conceal the defect. slightly depressed, they The long-stemmed cornflower may be suggested for this purpose.


their right side often find that the right

To keep your hands soft and white, heat a little lemon, with white
sugar, or take some mustard mixed with apple and bitter almonds, and rub the mixture CHI your hands at night, and thai put CM
tight-fitting chamois-leather gloves.

In the morning wash your

hands in water mixed with a



benzoin-oil, and




unfortunately, imagine they can acquire or increase beauty by the use of paint and odher ingredients. In tibe morning they plaster their feceswitfa make-op so that they seem to

Many women,

be wearing a mask, and they i^efrain from fatigteer (laughter, which Ebenzuok rafk *the radiance of the soul ) for fear of crack ing it; and so they remain aE day Mke wooden statues. They cover their brows, dbeeks and bosoms with white paint and their Hps
with rouge to make them look like coral, Aey curl their hair wirfi a hot lion and keep the curls in position ai night, and they

also pluck their


eyebrows so as to leave only a thin
line like

According to Ariosto, a lady s toilet table resembles a labora tory. How many little knives and scissors for the nails; and little cakes of soap, and slices of lemon for the hands! They need an hour to wash them and another hour to anoint and rub them until they are perfect. And how many powders and how much work are needed to clean the teeth! I could not count the number of boxes,
phials, little bottles

and other


that they use.

One could


a ship from stem to stern in


these sub

Wise matrons recommended moderation. Leave

limates and ceruses alone, they said. To keep the skin white, limit yourself to sweet-almond oil with white wax and a little

books deal particularly with this subject. A well-bred lady should wash herself completely every day with warm pump-water in which some sweet-smelling hats have been boiled. Cleanliness is what enhances beauty/ A lady should attend to her person for There is nothing her own satisfaction and for her husband worse than to look clean where you are visible, and cross yourself

camphor; and think rather of hygiene. Certain Renaissance hand

as regards the rest,* Pay feed also to the laundry. Mix some pine-resin and laurel leaves in die water to make it smell sweet; and wash shirts
separately. your dies. If for

To maintain your health and complexion, pay heed to


avoid dbeese,

example you suffer from obstruction, you should and very sweet wines. Rub yourself every

morning, and take more exercise than you are accustomed to. *I dcm t suggest that you should hunt like Diana, but I should not

blame you

played at ball every day/ manners, a woman should cultivate a reserved and regards not a provocative attitude; in her movements she should display
if you


and conceal what is less so. By wearing gloves, chess or cards, or again at table, she may display her or playing liaad, if it is pretty, to advantage. She may give a glimpse of her


is beautiful

kg, skilfiilly and in moderation, when walking, fishing, hunting or leaping some small ditch; ami in a salon too she may show



just a little of her leg, especially if she has pretty velvet slippers and very clean stockings*. It is all a matter of skill and moderation.

One should not wear too many jewels. A necklace of white pearls,
a tastefully enamelled collar worth fifteen crowns or so, and a diamond ring on the left-hand finger, will be enough. Scents

should not be too strong, nor should they be mixed. Do not display too keen a taste for balls, games and other

which might disquiet your husband, but simply a natural and innocent inclination. When amusing yourself preserve your usual outer demeanour. Do not talk too much, ami think before you speak* One needs a hundred eyes, a hundred ears, but only one mouth. In this way you will refrain from slanderous gossip and avoid many worries. Do not on the other hand display excessive timidity or prudishness; and do not with draw if the conversation becomes a Ktde broad, because people
social functions,

may suppose

something behind this preteice of Such uncivilized ways are always objectionable.* And
that there is
airs as to

do not give yourself such

think that the

allow people to say:

Do you

buzzing round are in love with you?* Avoid affectation, be smiling and gracious and^ especially, charming. If Italian ladies do not surpass the French for their figure charm at least makes them queens of the world.


Beauty, personal merit, balls, games and society fooctioos are nothing without love. They are like *a fine house In winter

where there



Renaissance literature

is fill

of hymns to

love spring all good rfimgyy ai virtues and all pleasant customs. Love is the sweetest oofKisiejit of existence


and without it everything would be insipid.* To doubt this would be as absurd as to look for die whiteness of saow in the middle of a fire: such was the creed of these lords and ladies whose breviaries were Petrarch s Canymerv and treatises fike Mario qmcoia*s which appeared in 1525 and immediately ran through Bine

In former days a notary named Francesco da Barberino had

22 **



warned young women to distrust the advised them as to how they


of love and had


preserve their

guard against free and, while taking your measurements, walks not go to Church or to the baths at you. night; to go to a ball where there will be young men

Beware of those long-bearded pilgrims who come with their begging bowls and sit beside the women and prophesy things that ensnareyoung fools. Beware of the physician who pays less heed to the sickness than to the charms of the patient. Be on your the tailor who offers
his services


round you and admires be prudent. If you want

ready to dance, let it be by daylight or at least when the lights are bright enough for you to see those who are tickling the palm of your hand.

To the girl who had been placed when very young in a convent and who was now proud of her emancipation, all this seemed like
dusty and out-of-date verbiage Let us now hear what advice was given by that experienced matron Rafeelk, whom we have
already encounter^ to young Margherita. the best fellow in the world

The latter s husband is


from home. Margherita, being left a good deal to herself, and embroidery, dreams of another kind of sewing

but, being very busy,



to her


Rafeella gives her very different instructions from those of old Barberino;

devil Honour rests only on publk esteem, and that is why a woman should use ai her ability to prevent people from talking scandal of her. Honour, in feet, does not consist in what one does or does not do, but in the impression one gives of ooesdf, advantageous or otherwise. Sin if can t but

One must not waste the years of one s youth and, to avoid greater scandal, yoti should consent to some small backsliding, because, if you do not yield a Mttk to the attraction of pleasure, despair wffl deliver you bodily to the

s*^ your good




This was already Tartuffe s principle

El ce newest pas ptcher que

p&kcr en





to the choice

of a lover.

Awad yoong mea of twmty fike the deviL




They are ine3q>erieiic^ arid do to keep an afeir secret; they even boast of it. Distrust old



they see others enjoying the sweets of love, and so they grow envious and back-biting. Avoid also falling in love with a married man. Be prudent and choose an honest and discreet fellow whom you have opportunities of meeting

Naturally Raflaella has such a fellow at hand The story of Margherita confirms the following observation


a novelist: Florentine husbands give their wives great freedom to be unfaithful because, winter and summer, they sometimes remain in the Council as late as the third or fourth hour of the


One of the inconveniences of a democratic regime.

Raffaella s

Wives who were imbued with

readily enough look for

maxims might

love, and their infidelities rarely eaided in catastrophe. People even came to regard than as legiti mate when they were provoked by a husband s faithlessness. It

was the law of tit

for tat,

and when the vengeance was



portion to the outrage, the public did not hesitate to applaud. Crimes of passion, especially those for which a third party had

were more rare in Florence than in other parts of Italy, and was doubtless due to the existence of a regular judicial system which gave redress to the complaints of those who were

wronged But after the disappearance of free institutions and with the coining ofdictatorship, as we shall see, murders of a particularly
atrocious character, committed


hired assassins,

became more


Tfae cultural and eoaaiicipated Florentine was not always interested in physical passion. The learned scholars aad ooesmentators had toM her about the spiritual kind of love associated
this opened new horizons^ as we shall see from the example of Costaeza Amaretta. During Ae Easte festivities of 1523 in Floraice^ this anriabfe young lady met a refined ami cultured yo ung man named Cdbcx

with Platonism, and

same roof in
couples who had formed
perfect chastity. After Easter diey^ with two other similar unions, left foe Celso s country-



house, and here they led the most delightful existence that could be imagined. During meals they chatted or listened to music; then they would walk or ride out to some agreeable spot, where the view was charming, and improvise verses on a subject proposed


told the story

Costanza, the queen of the cenacle. of her life.

On one such occasion she

She had been married for reasons of money and convenience* to a Roman whose only talk was of increasing his fortune and whose tastes were wholly coarse. It was in vain she had tried to love him. If this man had not desired to have a child by me, which led him to treat me with a certain benevolence, I am sure that there would have been nothing but hatred and quarrelling between us/ With Celso, on the other hand, she had discovered the meaning of true love. Our souls are in accord and we listen to their harmony. This love has shown me that the way to virtue is not barren and strewn with thorns as I had supposed; and so I have dimbed it with foy/ Costan2a wait on to explain the Platonic distinction between the two kinds of love. The one which is bestial and a source of crimes and adulteries, is born of a false Venus, of mortal origin; the other, born of the heavenly Venus, is redolent of celestial things; it leaves the body aside and delights
the soul.

a wholly Platonic footing.

appears that the Constanza-Cdbo couple continued to live on One of the other couples only managed

to maintain tMs ethereal relationship for six months, after which

they succumbed. Matrons like Rafiaela represented marriage as a risky enterprise

requiring minute precautions. Here

the advice for maintaining

domestic peace with which they regaled young married woman: * Just as a musician does not sever those strings whieh are dissonant

but patiently and



fitde attunes

them to harmony; so the


good wife should, without sourness, endure hear husband s ill faraaiir until she has brought him round piano piano that
domestic Irarmony which is not too often eocoon^a^ed nowadays.*
Marriage was not in fact highly thought of at that time, and, as we have seen, celibacy was becoming fedb[k)ii^e. People wrole

against marriage,


made mock of it, and nearly all literary men with Aretino that a wife was a burden best left to an Atlas agreed
to bear up. Machiavelli, however, drew distinctions: Women*, he wrote, are the most charitable beings in the world, and the most tiresome. Those who repel them escape troubles but also


is beneficial.

Those who frequent or maintain them have

and the troublesome. So true
it is

both the


that there is

always a fly in the ointment.*


result, in



of the


begun and increased at the beginning of the sixteenth. These persons were of course of different types- There was the
fifteenth century

success of the courtesans. It had

in the second half

of marriage was the of the

low-class kind, the intermediate kind


as the cordgiana

candda (because she generally lodged in the house of a candlemaker), and lastly the honest courtesan who was held in honour




alone played a part in social life. the terrible Savonarola described them as



meat with eyes , this was just medieval invective. The high-class courtesan was a well-bred and cultuied woman, sometimes a poetess too and a musician; she was witty, knew how to receive in a courteous manner, and was in short a woman of the wodkL Florence contained fewer of such women than Rome, Venice and Naples^ but die names of some liave beesn recorded. NaiHiiaa Zjngeia, for example, had a voice so sweet and geede
might, people thought, move mcMintaiiis and calm titewiiML manners wene those of a great lady, and *as shadows vanish before the sun, so everything base aed vile flees from her *botii by appioacfa*. ZafoBna was sharp-witted, gay aad piquant; nature aod experiejice* she was redolent of tfae Tuscm iasd, wd appreciated by the nobility. When the booest conmesam paid a visit or went to a fee or to die baths, she was tafcee for a fedy of quality. She had the bearing and reserve of one. She attended


*. * .

qa ii u y a pas die isiei saas


Mass and Vespers, gave her opinion on the preacher s eloquence, observed Lent and the Ember-Days by remaining quiet or at home. She could be invited to dinner without anxiety. She ate and drank slowly, delicately and in moderation, with no sign of greed. Her air was pleasant and smiling, she never whispered in people s
ears or paid attention to anyone but her host. If by chance he pressed her foot or touched her hand, she merely smiled.

blonde which she and exposing it for long periods to by dyeing liberally the suru At home she was surrounded with little lap-dogs and
that Venetian


was always of



cats, talkative parrots

and mischievous apes which

whenever she appeared. The

and mirabolan*. The Zingera and her

the house with their cries and greeted their mistress joyfully air however was saturated with

perfumes, such as rose water, orange-flower water, civet, amber

sisters were usually fond of good food; extolled the delicacy and elegance of their tables. They took people particular care of their wine-cellars where Trebbiano, Malmsey

and other

were stored. Their apartments were luxuriously appointed, the walls, seats and chests being covered with tapestries and rare fabrics; while the sideboard might be adorned with chased silver, and here and there stood vases of alabaster, porphyry or wavy-patterned marble. An honest
delicate vintages

courtesan described her wardrobe as follows:

My dresses are made of velvet or sflk, interwoven with gold and adorned widb pearls and piredous stones. I have more than a hundred silk chemises, gold-fringed, and a profusion of dancing-shoes, half-boots and slippers. I
-wear a necklace worth at least

two hundred gold


My linen is whiter

I have such quantities diat anyone who sees it is amazed. It is impregnated with rare scents, and I There myself like to be perfumed. can be no harmful miasma or infection where I am, for I fifl the air with so

snow and


sweet-smelling odours,

The wise courtesan avoided any display of anger or contempt,

aodsfae sought the company of literary men, not for their money, because they rarely had much, but because they could celebrate

her beauty and advertise her charms. She contrived in this

way to



acquire a clientele, and sometimes she would decide to regularize her position. Such was the case with a certain courtesan who was

formally married by her lover. He took her to his home and treated her with every kind of respect. She attended social functions like
the other ladies of the city and went to church. One day, however, when she was kneeling beside a patrician dame, and the latter

took offence and got up to move elsewhere, the one-time sinner said, loudly enough to be heard: Do not move away from me,


I assure




infirmity only attacks those


wish to be attacked/
notable events of 1531 was the arrival in Florence of the famous courtesan Tullia d Aragon, daughter of the no less
celebrated Giulia. She had
taste for

One of the

come from Rome where her culture and and music were so well known that her departure poetry had been deplored. No sooner had she appeared in Florence than

young knights

in the

declared themselves ready to maintain, armed against all comers, that there was no woman in the

world of greater worth and talent than Tullia. She in fact spent most of her time with writers or historians like Vardhi, and do you know what they talked about at least according to a certain wag? How to prove that the Etruscans are not Arameans, and tint frogs are toads. Some years later a decree of the then reigning Grand

Duke fortade cotii^esans to wear cloth

them to be covered with a yellow
veil to distinguish

them from

women. But

public opinion could not allow Tuffia to be

subjected to so degrading an obligation. Her admiras agitated in high quarters and woo their case. Tuffia d Aragoe migjbi: dress as she Eked and should not be obliged to wear the yeBow sign*,


that, in consideration


of tibe rape poetical and philosophical which are found in her to the great joy of nofele minds*.

of holy wedlock. For the rest^ a statute s jnsnfcJHg t the weaker sex was so remote from Florentir^ maa^^ and the woir^n in question went about much as they fiked and advertised tfaemseiws awe -ftm *wr*



declarations but


someone asked, not to persevere in their , do one thing today and undo it tomorrow?*

The courtesan, however, had her little troubles. She had

the tax



on the date appointed. Sometimes the Signoria would have

fit of morality and take measures to see that the professionals did not leave the quarter reserved to them. And, lastly, there were


any sense of proportion and gave themselves airs and then they would be lampooned, and young men, especially during the Carnival, would go about the streets singing of the infamy of those who had plucked them . The courtesan was surrounded with a little circle of shady pesrsons whom she could not do without unless she were in a well-established position. First there was the procuress whom you might see trotting down the street and mumbling like a shemonkey ; and after her the witch, often a Jewess, who prepared love-philtres and charms, cast spells, pronounced incantations, and practised the art of rejuvenating feminine charm. According to a conaoisseiir the cupboards of a courtesan contained human skulls, bo*nes teeth and skin, soles from old shoes, and clothing stolen from graves; and beside the cupboard was a kind of devil s laboratory in which, like an ancient sorceress, the courtesan foimed a heart out of hot ashes and then pierced it with a needle,

among them who

chanting these


Ere the


be dead and


Let him at

my door appear.

Love to Htm may I impart, As I mow transfix rMs heart.

amorous witch was a big step down who Hved in a supposed for servants, or mamma^ucJe^ where she worked under the registry eye of a faotisefceeper. The name of one of the latter has come down m. She was known simply as CooseieiEza, and was an oiderfy and metkiiloiis woman. These houses which stood in distant of tiie city served as meeting-places for men of letters,
Fiona the Zingera to


ward; a

step takes us to the girl




served as an

and employees, the flotsam and jetsam of life; they office, a restaurant and a sort of salon where one
his post

conversed in company with the servants*, Machiavelli, after he

had been dismissed from

and had

fallen into



acquainted with such places.



The Florentine
taste for stories

- Song$ - Legends - The repertory

accidents, misfortunes, plague

- The fable-singers and



of Ginevra


Amieri - *Cercar Maria per Ravenna* -

News items:
paradise of



men of

Conversation in a country retreat

taneous. Wars, exiles and party-struggles were interspersed with gay festivities under the sign of Lord Cupid, and every domestic happening was shared in, not merely by the family and
their friends but by the citizens as a whole.



stormy days of Florentine democracy were at least by something lively, original and spon

From birth to marriage,

and from marriage to

burial, each episode of one s life gave rise to or to sorrowing in common. rejoicing These Florentines were never tired of gossiping and relating


passion for stories, and such novelists as Boccaccio, Sacchetti and Giovanni Fiorentino, author of //

They had a

Pecorone^ were their favourites: they possessed a sense of the a whole gamut of emotions burlesque, the strange, the tragic
told tak could

which delighted the reader. Now this inveterate love of a wellbe satisfied in the street, thanks to the

In some public square, such as the Piazza San Martino in the working-class quarter, a crowd of curriers, tanners, porters, donkey-men, dyers, second-hand-clothes dealers, armourers and
blacksmiths would be crowding round a



women would be present. The fable-singer mounted the platform,

upon the Lord Jesus and the Holy Trinity to direct his words and complimented the august assembly whose mere the paving-stones on which presence dignified they stood; then, proposing a certain number of themes, concluded by



Choose the one that best pleases you, The audience having chosen a subject, he began with a slow melody and then recited the story to the accompaniment of lute or violin, hurrying or
slackening the cadence according to the nature of the action he was describing; then suddenly he would stop in the middk of an

episode and adjourn the sequel to the next recitation. *I exhort you to return on such-and-such a day/ After which, cap in hand, he

would made a


A labourer who had toiled all day in the sun or the workshop
would not care to miss such entertainments; a case is even recorded of one giving the singer money to persuade him not to let Hector die in the next episode. With a public of this kind the most varied themes, ancient, modern or even contemporary, could be treated.
Short stories or novelette alternated with the long storie which were divided into canton^ but the main substance of the repertory was furnished by the *matire de France91 the stories of Renauel de Montauban, Ogier Je DaiK>isandFierabras, whidh were adapted and naturalized. Charlemagne was celebrated because be had reconstituted the Holy Roman Empire, Roland because lie had been born among the Etruscan ruins of Fiesole! The story-singer*, an itinerant bard who had the ear not only of the people but of the middk classes and even the Signoria, whom he entertained at meal times, drew largely from a collection



dating from the later fourteenth century:

/ Reall

Franda? This volume, which summarized several French poems and also furnished the outline of Italian poems still to be written, is not distinguished for any qualities of compc^itkHi, kit it Is
of ttagk scenes and episodes enabeffisfaed and romanticized, which restore to the dusty old paidmesits something of the


mati&re de Bretagme*




as witness the episode


Paolo and Francesca in Dante, and some of the Qiinxi-saiiptiire in northern (Translator) Italy; but it apparently exercised less popular appeal. t This was Ae work of Andrea di Jaoopo da Barberiuo in Vaklelsa. It

been fk*|t!eatly islanded, modermzed and adapted to oontempotary and popelar editions aie still current in Italy. It is jEaroiirite reading lor coimtry-lbik aad at least as gpod as most serial novels.


vividness and


movement of
life itself.

Reali became really popular, and they are the source of the famous heroi-comic narrative poems of the Renaissance, in eleven-syllable verses


arranged in rhymed octaves.



admits that

quickened the daily life of Florence if one needed any quickening recited more than epic


They also sang pious lauds, and capitoli of a descriptive or satirical turn. Some of diem could improvise with remarkable ability: such were Cristoforo Fiorentino, known as VAldssimo^
and Antonio
campaigns so eloquently that people almost thought they were listening to Petrarch. Landucci deplored the passing of this gifted artist.

Guido who sang of Orlando

On a lower level blind men, beggars and even young apprentices

sang the Tuscan refrains in which it might be a question of Nero, Ccmstantme, Charlemagne or some holy legend or miracle, and

even more of woman


s beauty, an inexhaustible source of songs which Lorenzo the Magnificent made a notable contribution. Let us imagine ourselves among the merchants, shop-keepers, and shopping-crowds in the Mercato Vecchio, and listen to these vokes in which there is no sign of effort: *O thou of the milk-white face, the winds are hushed as thou

passest by. All the stars caress thee with their beams. Thou art the fair rose of the garden. orange-blossom plucked in Paradise,


faring to France.

of the olive whose leaves are so lovely, thy loveliness . . /



And other voices would strike up in chorus: Beautiful, O dear beautiful, who made thy eyes? Who made them so amorous?
as the

mountain snow, O rose from Naples, why do they call thee Neapolitan when thou wast born in Florence and bap tized with clear spring water?*


went iny way, seeking a flower, but thou hast on thy milk-white face Thou hast so many flowers in thy fair tresses that they seem like a garden of freshblown roses. So many flowers are intertwined in thy hair that they seem like a garden. . . . And I see such lovely flowers in those white hands that they appear as a garden of pomegranates. . .*







N avete tand

in quette biancke


Cke pawn un giarn di melagrcuu}-

These rustic songs, fiill of pretty speeches, would quickly grow monotonous without the accent of the country, the cantoJiorentwo*
In quite another key, the anecdotes of oriental inspiration, apologues suggested by the Arabian Nights and related by the

Seven Sages whose names were Bancilasso, Ansile, Lentulus, Innachindas and so on, appealed to the Florentines because they

of the deceitful tricks of woman. In quite another genre liked the tragic story of a King of Dacia s they daughter who, when pursued by her father s incestuous love, cut off her hands in

order to disgust him. But her virtue was rewarded, for her hands were restored whole as before, by the grace of Heaven.

Another legend which had a lasting success and which illus and taste for the supernatural, was the legend of Sanf Albano. A certain hermit, wishing to make sure of salvation, swore that he would abstain from all lust, murder or perjury. Now one night die Devil brought into his hut the pretty daughter of a king, who had lost her way when hunting the deer. Overcome by sensuafity, the hermit violated the royal maiden and then, terrified by his sin and dreading also that he would be discovered, he decided to remove the only parson who could bear witness against him, that is, to kill the innocent victim of his lust. When die men whom the king had dispatched in search of the princess arrived, he swore that for long, long past no one had come to disturb his solitude. Thus, in one night, he lost the reward of so many years spent in prayer and mortification. After that, IB ofder to regain the way of salvation, lie imposed fearful penances on himself and took an oath that he would hencefordi pitxeed only Ofi liands and feet,
trates the old Florentine piety

and never speak again until God, by some manifest sign, should his signify diat lie was OIKC more in a state of grace ami diat crimes were foiglven. Years passed by; but one day the king happened to be bunting in die region where his daughter had disappeared, and his barons


found the hermit, a hairy creature on all fours and looking more than a man. When brought before the king, who regarded him as a monstrosity and plied him with questions, he
like a beast

at last confessed to the

murder which, Christian though he was, he had committed. The king then asked him where he had buried Ms very dear daughter. The bones were discovered. The king placed them against his heart, and besought God, if he pardoned the murderer, to bring back to life his pure and innocent child.


hermit begged the king not to force him to raise his eyes to Heaven, which was contrary to his vow, but to put him to death.

Look up


Heaven/ ordered the king,


pray to

God with




hermit obeyed.


raised his eyes for the first time for

years, and after craving mercy, *O Lord God*, he cried, *if you forgive me, deign to release me from, the dark prison of this world, so full, for me, of misfortune and anguish. Suddenly the king s daughter came back to life just as she was on dbe day when she had arrived at the hermit s hut, and in the same instant the hermit s soul left his body and was carried up by angels into Heaven amid songs of ineffable sweetness. The king caused Sam* Albano s body to be buried in the fair and noble church of his city, and from the tomb arose an odour so pleasant that twenty-thousand nutmegs could not have surpassed


Another and even more popular story was the legend of Ginevra
degli Amieri,

a notable


of love* which took place in

the plague was raging. Being vouched for by contemporary witnesses, the story came at last to be regarded as authentic. The Amieri belonged to the aristocracy of commerce, but as they resided in the Mercato Vecchio which was the home of such minor arts as those of butchers and fish

Florence about 1400 at a time


mongers, they were said to be

association* This

affiliated to

the pork-butchers*

was a great


Ginevra belonged to a good


not AlmkrT, according to Afessandro d Ancona.




a lover, Antonio Rondinelli, on the other hand, was and hostile to the wealthy class. After these preliminaries, popolano


here is the story, told in verse for the greater joy of the Florentines: Ginevra, whose speech was so sweet and gentle that she might

have been born in Paradise, had been married to the rich Francesco and from that day onward the man who loved her, Agolanti; Antonio Rondinelli, had felt as though a knife had pierced his broke out and Ginevra, who fell sick of it, heart. The

seemed to have ceased breathing. Her husband, dreading the between the two infection, ordered her to be buried immediately of Santa Reparata. And this was done. Now the spirit, doors and which had wandering, returned to Ginevra s body

two hours

departed later she came back to


finding herself



the Virgin, implored the aid of The stone covering the tomb contained a fissure through which the moonlight filtered. Steeling her nerves, Ginevra crept towards the moonbeam and found a small ladder by which she reached the tombstone which was not heavy or sealed. She raised it, emerged and prepared to return home, riot by the main street but by a narrow alley where the cold and wind were cruel This alky was afterwards known as the CUasso detta Mom. Previously it had had no name, it was simply the place where refuse from the sewers was thrown. When Ginevra knocked at the door of her house, her husband
I am your came to the window. *Who is knocking there? crossed himself, saying: Francesco Ginevra, do you not hear me?

Tomorrow I


go and pray




ho: modbear s bwse, Giaevra went Rejected by her kisband, where a similar scene was eeacted, *Go ia pe^e, biased ^)til*, said uncle s house the mother, as she closed the window. At her

Ginevra had






is she miserable and deceitful world, she cried, unhappy shame! Mother, uncle and husband all mists IB


abandon me in my distress/ In a corner, then Siie was on the verge of letting herself die the linage of Antonio a convent; but dioiigjbt of seeking re&ge



whom she had long loved in all modesty, restored her She set out again and at three in the morning knocked courage. at the door of his house. But here she fell exhausted; her fair body,
trembling with cold, could no longer stand upright. Who is dawn there? called Antonio. 1 am Ginevra. For the
love of Jesus, help this poor creature whom all men abandon. On hearing her voice Antonio descended, four steps at a time, with a
light in his hand,

awakened the servant and the groom, and took

Ginevra s body,


cold as

ice, in his



this blanket T


own hands he

Quick, woman, Ginevra on the

bed, covered her warmly with blankets and then sat on the near by coffer, a prey at once to joy and sorrow.

hour Ginevra opened her eyes. Antonio My love, have no fear. Ask, I am devoted to your approached Anton mio, I place my honour in dear beloved/ service, nay
After half an

your hands/ She told him her story, then said: Go to the tomb, Anton, and dose it so that no one may know of my adventure/ *I wiB do so, dear love/ After replacing the stone, Antonio went to the market, where he bought a fat pigeon, some marzipan, pistachio-nuts and sugared almonds to comfort his beloved. Ginevra was restored; she slept; and in the morning she declared: I have ended all my troubles/ After four days she was completely cured and had recovered the 9 j&eshness of her complexion. What do you intend doing? asked Antonio. Returning to your husband?* Anton, don t think of it. That is far from my mind. I am ready, if you wish, to become
your wife.* *Wody to God I could marry you. I should deem Be easy in your mind; I will show you myself only too happy/
the means.




as a dead



death ends

everything, it breaks every bond and strong attachment. There fore if you like me, Anton, we will live together until we die. I

then we will see what the Bishop says, and the officials at the Palazzo/ Antonio gave her a ring, and Ginevra, now a fiancee, thought next of dressing, *Go*, she said to Antonio, *and find the wretch who had me buried alive and see if he will sell you my dothes/

am going to the notary s;




content you, I will

make no


about that


Antonio, who
to Ginevra.

proceeded to

the clothes and bring

them back

So one Sunday morning, accompanied by Antonio and his mother and the servant, this fair, charming, noble and gallant morning star* proceeded to the Nunziata. She was recognized by many people, and Ginevra s mother, who happened to be coming from the direction of the Servi, cried out: *Oh Heaven! she is

my daughter. Tell me, how did you come back to life?* Ginevra answered not a word. And now came Francesco, the husband. Where have you been? Who brought you out of the

tomb?* Now Ginevra spoke: Certainly not you, because you had buried me alive. After that, I returned to our house and you drove me away. 3 And she added: Leave me alone. Never shall I return

under your roof/

Francesco then addressed Antonio.

Why are you laying back

that I have never

my wife?

he asked,

You know*, was the reply,

take played you a foul trick, nor ever wilL The marriage will not before this evening. Defend yourself in Gieevra s eyes, if place

you are right, because I would do you no wrong/ That contents me/ what the Bishop says.*

We shall see


Francesco set off for the Bishop s palace, to accuse his This did not disturb Ginevra. I would rather take the veil than come once more under his authority , she said. When in her


tern she appeared before the Bishop, she made a bow so noble, modest and decent that she appeared Eke a divine spirit, created in Heaven*, The Bishop fcrcaued her with coiiit^aiid asked her


her case. She replied tfaafc her kasbaad could have had eyplaiti and as very little affection for her since he had declared her dead

found myself buried, Everymz refected ^ae, and this would have been the eod for me, if I had not i-emembeared Antonio who had been int love with me for four years. B*i for
such had had her placed in the tomb,



sti! in this world.

ten IsfaonH be deasd; thanks to Jiim I am alive/ Ffanceseo ooitB ied no afiswer, and the Bisfaop pronoimced teffitete e^e^tto^ go dieo, against Mm. If, he sai4 deaths





cannot but decide in your favour.


Go with
in peace,

Anton and be happy. And you, Francesco, go

think over

your and




lost wife

and dowry to



can imagine


dolefully Francesco returned to his

The whole



affair. Ginevra, who city her case at the Bishop s palace, and Antonio were

was informed of the

lived long in happiness and glory. Here ends the story I have told in your honour/ The Bishop s judgment leaves us wondering; but the Floren

married in

due solemnity and

tines accepted it without more ado and even applauded it as the triumph in noble spirits of love over death, Ginevra s adventure

was handed down from generation


to generation, thanks to the

even furnished material for a play which was public singers; before the Grand-Duke Cosimo in 1546. As for our performed
cannot but admire, in this daughter of well-to-do Florentine merchants, such presence of mind that she had hardly returned to life before she thought of raising the tombstone,


recovering her trousseau, and bringing an action against her husband.

Another and different Ginevra, whose home was Ravenna, is the heroine of a short Florentine poem of the fifteenth century, of

unknown authorship. This Ginevra was the daughter of a citizen, not a plebeian, and she loved a handsome young man whom she
had seen wearing a
fine green silk doublet as

he rode past her

window on a white horse. His name was Diomed. She would have

dhosen him for husband, but her father intended her to marry an man whose *back was bent like a bow*; and Diomed left the

city in his grief.

The marriage took place, and in the evening the women undressed Ginevra. She resembled *a mountain of snow without

so clean and immaculate as to turn a tiger into a Iamb*;

but the old husband was no more than a spectator. Now after the lapse of eighteen months he was appointed Podesta of Perugia; and Diomed, on hearing the news, returned hastily to Ravenna*

He was so young


he looked

like a girl,

without a hair on his



face*; and so he had disguised himself as a woman and offered himself as a serving-maid under the name of Maria. Now Ginevra s old husband was, in point of fact, looking round for a maid who, during his absence, would keep an eye on his better half; and when he heard that Maria was neither ambitions nor exacting, but would be satisfied with board and he


immediately engaged her. Ginevra agreed, without however being aware of Maria s identity. The consequences may be divined, but the conclusion bears the true Renaissance stamp. The ex-Podesta returned from Perugia, having apparently recovered his

He began



with Maria and discovered that she was a man.

Then one day

he broke his



lovers sent



down the staircase;

skull at the

bottom, Ginevra finished him off, and the

murderers inherited his money. This tragi-comedy gave rise to the popular saying, Cercar Maria per Ravenna, to seek Mary through die streets of Ravenna, or, in other words to go in quest of one s own downfall.

A Florentine merchant depended a good deal for entetainment

on what happened or was talked of in the street; and when he kept a diary in which he recorded any notable doings, we learn some thing of the news-items which occupied his daily life. Here are a

April i^SS. A Httk girl was arrested for killing the daughter of a goldsmith and stealing a pearl necklace and other ornaments she had been wearing. She had then thrown hear victim into a wdL Tlie cMld-murdetess was beheadedApril i4j5~ A peasant of twenty-dbfee, from near Florence, remained in Santa Maria del Ftore after the Catfaedol-cbots had been shut CHI Easter night. He IKK! hidden himself under the altar of Our Lady. In the morning he pursued his nefarious Tbtisieess, purloined Jewels, articles of silver, aad arms, legs and eyes (of ifctics)*. Arrested and hanged Scorn the beH-towar. August 2^97. la Ae dhamel-honse near the Church of Sao Paolo, the undertakers weie occupied with an Interment. One


of them let his keys fell into the trench and went down to recover them; but so terrible was the odour that he died before his com
panions managed to haul him out. May iSos. The headsman was to execute a young fellow who had murdered one of his companions from motives of jeal
ousy. At the third attempt he did not succeed in beheading him; and the chief executioner gave him a cudgelling. Now the culprit was only twenty, and the onlookers, overcome with compassion, began to cry out: Stone the man, stone him ! The chiefexecutioner only escaped with difficulty from being stoned, by throwing himself on the ground; but the headsman was lynched by the fury of the populace, and children dragged his body as far as Santa Croce. It is said that this was the headsman who had executed Savonarola and his two adherents.1 Other entries record acts of profanation and miracles: Jufy ^5b^, An unlucky gamester threw filth over a statue of the Virgin which stands near the Canto de* RiccL He was hanged that night from the window of the Podesti. All Florence went to see Mm. The Bishop had the dirt removed, and (so many candles were burned that)2 pounds of wax accumulated at the foot of the

November z5o6.


of the Virgin above a doorway

opposite the entrance to a bathing-establishment dosed its eyes as if it did not wish to see the indecent things that were done there.

As a consequence of this miracle, a great quantity of candles were


and draws out a loaf. He swallows a flaming torch, touches red-hot as a coals, washes his hands in boiling oil and sells a
prayer just
charlatan would. TTris prayer makes him invulnerable to *Never has such a nrirade been seen, if it is one,*

up in

front of the figure so as to form a kind of rampart Spaniard goes naked into the heated oven of a baker,

Building operations and sewerage could of course give trouble.

Near LanduccTs shop


in July 1489

men were piling up gravel for


is from LanduccTs journal have supplied these words which seem needed to explain what fofbws.



the construction of the Palazzo Strozzi.


The foundations were and pebbles, chalk and building-stone brought up. being dug, * We artisans were living amid clouds of dust and were hampered
by the people who would stop
There was a furore
to gaze and could not pass on because of the mules and asses laden with building-materials/

for building at this time, both in Florence and the environs, especially for building palaces (cose di dgnori). To encourage building, the authorities granted forty years of exemp



taxes to all those


built houses in vacant areas.

Immediately everyone rushed into building so that there were no more masons or material kft. 1

on occasion, or such as to inspire philosophical reflections. Thus on November 17, 1487, the Sultan s ambassador presented the Signoria with a giraffe, a 1km and other animals. He sat among the Signori^ conversing by means
items would be amusing
interpreter, and carpets and armchairs were placed in the gallery to accommodate the leading citizens. The ambassador


of an

gave Lorenzo Moorish vases.


Magnificent) sweet-smelting perfumes in

later all the

Less than eight years

was sold by auction



property of Piero de Medici San Michek. There were velvet bed-

with gold, paintings, pictures, and so on. How quilts embroidered transient is Fortune! reflects the diarist. Let not man be puffed
chapter relates to accidents and calamities. In the evening of December 30, 1500, the roof and ceiling of tbe Tavern of the She-Apes collapsed and fell on the sixteen people


Ae bulkiest

wiio wese drinking there.


By a mkacle,

only three were kiBecL

aamfaer eatry from LandaccTs journal, this time David. The gfeantk marble statue was taken out of tiie of Santa Maria dd Fiore on May 14, 1504. pact of the wall above worksliop



die door iiad to be demolished

m order to get
and a

people flirew s^ooes at

irery slowty



out Then, duriog the night, guard ltad to be set. It was drawn

tferoiigti tiie


Piazza delk Signoria

aa ifee

wliicii position, Bsiag fourteen greased foists tiaad. It was set up in tbe loggia on June Stk

and forty men wiere needed to move it into weie dialed from, hand to
. . .



November 1498- Dearth. The cost of flour is prohibitive and the Commune is selling the stocks at a controlled price: two lire for a bushel, or two soldi for a baked loaf. Only one lira s worth is allowed per person. There was such a rush of buyers to




end more than fifty persons were climbed over each other, like animals. They August 8, 1510, there were three earthquake-shocks. The
that in the

house of Masi the coppersmith was shaken, the bed and every thing in the room trembled. Most of the Florentines spent the night in the public squares, fearing that their houses might collapse;
but by the grace of God, none of them fell in ruins. That same year brought a terrible winter. Every drop of water froze as it on diamonds. The fell, so that you thought you were walking

Amo was frozen from bank to bank. People ran on the ice as in an
open square, whole companies crossed it on horseback, and games of caldo were played as in All Saints meadow. In the meantime artists amused themselves by making fine snow lions, for example at the campanile of Santa Maria del Fiore. But the great recurrent theme of these Florentine diaries was the nwria the plague especially the one in 1522. It began in August in a house near San Piero Maggiore. A man had arrived there to escape the epidemic which had broken out in Rome. He had caught it, however, and died two days after his arrival The householders were so frightened that they removed the body at midnight and buried it with their own hands behind the church. However, they were seen by some baker s boys who informed the authorities. An order was issued in the morning to seek out those responsible for the excess*. It was believed that the man had been strangled. The body was then dug up, but no one recognized it as it was a good deal disfigured and, besides, the man was a stranger. Hence a new order to those who had buried him to appear before the Signoria. They obeyed and confessed what they had done; it was seen that the thing had happened just like that . In the same house, a little later, several other people died. This was the beginning of the plague which lasted a year and carried off some 3,500 victims.




Florence appeared like a city which had been taken by the and then abandoned. good number of the citizens with


to the cantado^ the surrounding country, but here too the

was raging. One peasant, crazy with despair, killed all seven members of his family, set fee to his farm aed departed to God*. In the city all shops were closed; no more elections were held, the tribunals were not sitting, the laws had fallen into disuse. Now there would be theft, now homicide. The public squares and market-places where the citizens had been used to assembling had become graveyards or the haunt of the vilest rogues. People lived alone; instead of friends they saw only persons infected with this mortal disease. One would carry flowers in his hand, another

herbs, or sponges, or phials, or other pharmaceutical preparations.

They held them constantly under their nose, by way of preserva tive. Bread was distributed in cellars, and when one collected it,
felt as

though one were spreading the plague.




people say: So-and-so

to the country, that


dead, the otter is sick, this man has fled remains cooped up at home; some are in

some under

observation, others have been lost trace of.

These were the darkest times that Florence had known since the famous plague of the fourteenth century which had served as pre
lude to the tales of Boccaccio.

were sunny days too. All Florentines loved conversation, and those who were most oiltoied

By the grace of God, however,


and well-to-do organized parties in agreeable seiroiiiidiiigs wfeere their wits by discussing they could exchange ideas and sharpen
the most varied suSbjects. Towards the end of the fourteenth century Antotik) deg$i Alberti had fomided a sort of Eterary aide in Ms viia and garden

ParwBs degK beyond the Amo. It was to remain famous as the was a cultured iBerdbant, spiritually minded at A&enL Antonio times and BOW again immersed in State business. He was often and was banished, he took part in conspiracies when in erife,
hef?iy iaeol for tes attmipts to return home

m secret But whea


he had

at last

grown prudent and made

his peace

with the author




to entertaining his friends.

These were

notable persons old and young, professors, literary celebrities,

churchmen and sometimes ladies. The company began by attending Mass. This was followed by a very choice collation, with high-class wines, fruit and preserves from distant lands,
while a concert with instruments and voices created an atmosphere

of harmony. Then came the hour for conversation among the and flowers.

There was no


programme. These merchant-princes were

not vulgar pedants, and the conversation followed a natural course, according to the caprice of the speakers and without being

by a chairman. Only the persons competent to speak held Thus you might hear discourses on the best form of government, or on autocracy, or on the lawful means of making

the floor.

money, or as to whether usury

is permissible, or whether animals reason. The comparative merits of man and woman were possess debated, and also the superiority of the volgare^ that is of Italian, c so rich and ductile that it can express any abstract idea, any

thought however complex or involved/

that fantasy was neglected. The guests related stories or fictions, an art in which our old acquaintance Francesco Sacdhetti


was adept. These precursors of the seventeenth-century salons had

varying the entertainment. One of them, a man blind from birth, very keen-witted and possessed of an exquisite


difficulty in

musical sense, would amaze his friends by his singing and his pkytag on die organ. Another had a gift for mimicry and excelled

making himself unrecognizable even to those who kaew him best. One was i^ver bored at Antonio degli Albertf s. The Para&so degli A&erd took root and spread. In the second half of the fifteenth century a rich aiKl lettered nobleman named

Bernardo Rucefiai built a iBagmficeiit pdboe in the Via della Scala near Santa Maria Novella. It was surrounded by a garden shaded witib trees and adorned with grottoes and rare plants; the

haH 00 the gKHHid-floor was so contrived as to afford pmteetloii from the lain and fiom the heat of the dog-days. cool and agree-


able retreat where



could renew the learned discourses of

former days, such were the Oricellari gardens, as they were called. Bernardo, who died in 1514, was succeeded by his son
Cosimino, a sufferer from gout
in a litter shaped like a cradle.

crippled by the

Trench malady*

whom one was sure to find at home. He could only move about
Maecenas there gathered a circle of writers, philosophers and even political thinkers; and among the latter your attention might be drawn to a lean, hungry-looking fellow with keen eyes, a long nose, hollow cheeks and a rather large mouth encircled with deep furrows. There was something rough and tormented about the whole person of Niccol6 MachkvellL Being unable , as he admits, *to speak of the art of silk, or the art
this afflicted


of wool, or of profits and losses, it befits me to speak of the State; I must speak of that or resign myself to sileoce/ Fortune had dealt harshly with this man of genius who was die founder of political science; yet now, late fa life, he had discovered the audience that befitted Mm, and it was in the gardens of the OrkeUarf that he read passages from his works, extolling freedom

and praising the Roman Republic; and all this without causing dbe

Media to raise any objection, for they still feigned to be governing Florence as a republic. In 1515 Pope Leo X was well received by

Cosimino. But as the government grew more authoritarian, the of the Oricellari circle began to change. They resented as so often happened, having been duped by the Medici and, Ae plot failed. everything ended in a plot, and

IXMIM! Fk^oEJce wiricfa woe Happily, however, &*&& were oases taunts beskfe some stream not cmtaaAiaJjed wi pofek^


or spring where tfae shepherdess Inoti^faarAxitowai^wirile

singing a rustic idraia. Fiom the ladder called *& scola
in the valley.

Ae hill above,
you could

wfakfa die peasants

came tfae wise fevers of peace ml die ladies m

with cushions. carriages, piled fa^h eartbea a itde meadow simmfficieci

To sudfa kniBts,

see Floteaee otitspi**ad the city good time,


&ek loose-swm^ Tte comply vodB iafe m

wA fa





fierce rays

from the

of the sun. Lunch was taken between ten and

eleven, while someone played the lute; now concord were sung; and then came the hour for amusing talk talk which, as a kdy

makes dear, may still be called suitable for us women and must not seem to have been inspired in you gentlemen by the fumes of 5 wine And there was more converse in the evening, as the shadows




The plague - Asceticism and - Florentines become soldiers to resist patriotism -A duel under the walls - Famine - Treachery: the fall of the city-Life of the people after tie defeat - Crimes of - The will
Isolation of the Florentines -

came to an end. Leo X could now say: *We belong henceforth no more to the house of Medici but to the house of God/ In December 1521 Leo X himself died, perhaps of poison, at the age of forty-seven, ami a revival of Republicanism in Florence appeared possible. But Cardinal Giulio was vigilant, He had already had executed two young conspirators who had frequented the Oriceiari gardens; and when in 1523 he was elected Pope under the name of dement VIE, his first step was to ensure die obedience of his home-city. He therefore sent, as delegate to
Florence, P&sserini, Cardinal of Gortona, a greedy and domineer


the death of Lorenzo, Duke of Urbino and father of the famous Catharine de Medkis, the legitimate branch of the family descended from old Cosimo

ing prelate whose servility Clement could count on, and whose duties weie to keep an eye on the two Medici bastaixls, the yoiHig
Caidinal Ippofeo, wfoose father had been Giolano (Leo X*s bradber) and Alessaadro, a son of the Pope himself perfi^ps by a



Alessaedro fed in

fact die

appearance of an

African with frizzled hair.1

To |^?e a notion of the kind of regime 10 wiridb Ffotwoe i$as

dim subject, here is a typical eEteipIe. At
1 It is more probable, however, diat Alessaadro s mother was a peasast from die Roman Casia^ in die senriee df



for the election of a

the candidate who

new Pope, it was customary to ky bets as to would be chosen. Now a certain Piero Orlandini

had wagered against Cardinal Giulio and as, after the latter s success, he was asked to pay down one hundred crowns, he replied that he wished first, in view of Giulio s illegitimate birth, to see whether the election would be regarded as valid. The successful wagerer immediately denounced Orlandini to the magistrates, and they had him executed the same night without form or trial. Such talk could not be permitted. The rivalry between Fran$ois I and the Emperor Charles V was then in full swing, and the clouds of war were piling up over Italy. After a good deal of shuffling and evasion Clement VII
dragged Florence into the Holy League against the Emperor. To meet expenses the city had to furnish 26,000 gold florins a month. And to what end! When the French had been beaten and driven

from the Milanese, the Imperial army, a rabble of hungry Germans and Spaniards commanded by the Constable of Bourbon, descended on Tuscany in April 1527. Torn between fear of the Imperialists and of the troops of the Holy League, both of whom ware devastating the countryside, Florence prepared to defend

think only of war*, wrote MachiavdUi, without one single thought to peace. There can be more limping giving along now. One must act Mke a madman. Remedies which a free choice laever found may be discovered in moments of despair/ But this outburst of heroism awakened no echoes. It is tree that an anti-Medici riot broke out in front of the Palazzo della Signoria, aud Michelangelo s David had one of Ms arms broken; but order was quickly restored, and, to keep the Imperialists away, for they were thinking of pillaging Florence, the city undertook to pay them 250,000 ducats. What days of calamity! of plague, famine aad uneeipIoyiBeiit! The citizens great and sraai, we tead, are all sad and weighed down with unutterable melancholy*. More capes than cloaks were to be seen, more

One must

soldiers than citizens. People passed each other without daring to raise their eyes, wbedier from fear or sliaiBe; tfae was self-




and mutual


Shops closed hurriedly and people

stayed at



Suddenly, about May 12, 1527, came a terrifying piece of news: had been sacked by the Imperialists six days before.

sanctuary of Christendom had been profaned, its wealth and Clement "VH was a prisoner! The sack of Prato pillaged

seemed pale by comparison. The friends of liberty once more raised their heads; but Passerini, who thought that a State s
greatness consisted in compelling obedience, had neither enough wit to understand Florentine brains nor enough judgment to

them even had he been able to understand them*. A mere of the Pope, he stripped people of their money without concern, and they faafced this peasant of Cortona*. The opportunity to change the form of government was so favourable that in tibe rebeflkm which IKTW broke out P^serinl was expelled^ trembling with fear, as were the two Medici bastards, Afessandro and Ippolito. As they Hiacfe their way Aroc^i the crowd in the Via Larga, men remarked that Floireace wodkl repent one day for having let tfiem go free. So this interesting


who had previously been expelled in 1443 aiK^ went into exile for the third time. Its arms and escutcheons 1494, were broken, while the insignia of the Republic were set up again. Once more Floi^eoce acclaimed the recovery of freedom, ami the soul of Savonarola mse from Ms ashes, On the first Sunday in June 1527 a solemn procession, headed by a pktoe of the Aimunciatioo, set oet from the
family of bankers,

of die Sig^oria, all arrayed black; it dies proceeded by -way of ended with die celebration of Mass. It die Mercato Vaodrio

was possil^le*

fey piittfppt ttie



i^ESt-sffliHSL itastilv


Hal of die deal: Corad as it tad been of tfie MedkL O& June 2isl sioie assembled m i% ifae M om^dii^m was

before die

Capponi, a disdpfe of Savonarola, was elected go-nfekmier Now tbat they bad re-e^AKsaed a Itepi&fic^, the



city to the service of Christ; they became ascetic, closed the taverns, regulated women s dress, restricted the activity of courtesans, and

renewed the old measures against Jews, debauchees, blasphemers and persons given to sodomy. By way of a public demonstration,



statues in the Nunziata representing Leo and Clement * were destroyed, What have these Popes to do here?

Meanwhile the plague, which as we know had claimed so many victims in 1522-23, was once again raging. People with money applied the maxim: Get away early, come back late , and sought

away as possible. Those who remained took every precaution and avoided communicating with each other, unless it was to call out from a safe distance: Stiamo chiarettT, that is, let
refuge as far

us keep our distances. They went out only in the late evenings, and then kept sniffing at the drugs they carried, which, so they

kept the brain healthy. Before getting out of bed in the morning they rubbed themselves with electuaries.

and the

Physicians had unfortunately been the first to take to flight, titizeos were reduced to the absurd mixtures concocted

by charlatans. Nearly all the shops of the major arts, such as those of silk, wool and pharmacy, were closed or, at most, only halfopen, with a protecting bar to prevent people from leaning against the door. Money was not taken by hand but received on a wood



till but in a bowl of Most domestic animals, cats and dogs, were sacrificed. Offidak of Public Health were appointed, and they, for the love of God and out of benevolence, kept watch at the city-g^tes to bar the entry of any travellers from Rome. Citizens suspected of infection were required to display a piece of white material oil tfaek siiooWer or at their girdle; aad the same sign was fastened to Ae outside door-bell of infected houses. Persons definitely infected wore cared for in a special hospital and, when this was iii, tfae Commune built a number of wood and straw cabins outside Ae walk, from the Porta Santa Croce to the Pom di PraiiOj and tee Bearfy 600 patients were ccm&ledtod^careoftlie

naetal tray,



was then not put

in the

Society of Mercy,

Twas a wretched


wrote a witness^ and deserving of




lady with her

two women

by Ghirlandajo.


Novella, Florence)

(below) Birth of the Virgin

by Ghirlandajo


Maria Novella)

showing Florentine


3 - (left)




Marco Museum,


The martyrdom
of Savonarola

the Piazza della


by Ignoto
Fiorentino (S.

Marco Museum)




appropriating without fear or respect for the law/ Most of the public executioners

once so flourishing, now almost compassion, to see this city, and a prey to the lowest scum, folk who thought only of empty other people s goods and of enjoying themselves

were missing, and the two who remained could not cope with their task. So great was the insecurity that men made their wills 1 in the street or on the roof-tops; and they even confessed there. In order to get rid of the little ragamuffins who picked pockets in the Mercato Vecchio and elsewhere, it was decided in the end to maintain them at the expense of the Commune in a room of the Sola dd Papa, at Santa Maria Novella, Here they were fed and
like puppies. slept together

of extolling the new preachers meanwhile thought only the Pope. People s nerves were more than regime and attacking ever on edge. Coming out of the Council one day, a relative of


the gonfaloniere Capponi

was annoyed

at tbe sight

of die young

mm mounting guard.



remarked, *we shall be these brats. His words ware overheard by Jacopo

Thank God , he

their sensibility was not People grew accustomed to the epidemic, and Take die exampk of Benvenuto Cefini on his return to improved by it. Florence after die plague. When be knocked on the door of die femly home *A furious female humpback appeared at a window and tried to


me away by loading me with abuse and saying that I was infecting her.

Ah, spItefbJ humpback," I cried^is&erenQfk*

may the Devil tbrottk you!" she replied. "Tliac s fust what to you in less fern two hours ik*m now**, I shonfeed back. AH this happen noise Hrongfo- out; a ndgjbbotir, who Isold me that my feber and a!


waslesskeen. But die neighbour added diat die scourge had odfysparedmy
clead "Thesigbtof me,so found Liperaia, wio had believed saz5efflest that she o such a transport of |oy aed tfaew her [mexpectedly,


her husband and a


she had


sfee tiboi^jht


gay and mad

a wecMa^aad so our meal was TO tilings as if we were at fei tie Ifecaio eceM% wiieie he ^reeabie.* Cdfei tfeem set up IB bfEmsess








be finished with before




of departs/ Whereupon Leonardo, Capponi s, taxed Jacopo with being over touchy. Jacopo took it amiss and, when they were near Donatello s statue of Judith,

drew his dagger and attacked Leonardo, who fell. Thinking he had killed him, Jacopo took to his heels and, as he was pursued, cried out/Guard, to the rescue. There was no response. He was arrested and hauled off to the Palazzo, where the Signoria then had the doors shut. A vote was taken on the spot and the verdict, but for one white bean, was unanimous. He was condemned for
trying to raise a riot and for calling for the guard. He died courag eously, and his head was afterwards displayed at a window for the

of the multitude.

But the plague had



made the general situation even more painful was. The chief magistrates, and especially the

gonfaloniere who was not the bravest of men, saw only too clearly how dangerous was the isolation of Florence, abandoned as she

was by

the French and unable to rely on help from Venice, her commercial rival. The Venetians, for their part, did not think that

the Florentines would put up a prolonged resistance. Even when faced by an armed foe they think not of the general interest of their city but of the particular interest of their group/

The event however was

to prove the contrary.

Public feeling was no dodbt shaken by the defeats suffered by Fiance, but the resolution to defend the city against all arid

sundry, against Charles V and his bands and against dement VII wbo wanted to regain mastery over Florence, remained intact. All
citizens between the ages of eighteen and thirty-six were mobilized. These famed the militia, dear to the heart of Madfakveffi,1 and "wfeea they wene seen on the march behind their standards, wei dressed, we! disciplined and in saaitiaf array, one of ribe citizens cried out: *Witbont her mJitia, Fioareoce was Empiiig and as if

He bad died, negjee^ed aad despised, cm June 22, 1527, afer die jrestoja-

tksiof the Republic.


fury of

on one


with her

militia she

walks on both



the plague was diminishing at this time: rid the city of the pusillanimous.


at least served to

As Umberto Dorini says, the of the ancient virtues acted upon the young nobles reawakening and intellectuals and so, by a reflex movement, on the people.
Asceticism favoured patriotism.

one might call the even reproached Capponi with lacking in energy. You will be broken in pieces , they told him. You have changed the cork but not the wine; now the people want a change of wine.

The uncompromising
Jacobins of the age



But Capponi was not the man to form great resolutions and by them. He manoeuvred, and one day a letter of his in cipher was discovered, proving beyond a doubt that he was
negotiating with the Pope. In Venice lie would have been beheaded. The surprising thing is that the Florentine Republicans

merely excluded him from the city and appointed in his place a merchant of doubtful probity who had been twice declared
bankrupt but CarduccL

who was

a notable anti-Papist. His

name was

The rest of Italy was at peace, but Florence had to prepare for wan she had been excluded from the treaties which Charles V had signed with the French and with the Pope. The Signoria now
oldened the city to be fortified under the direction of the governor and procurator of military works , die great Michelangelo, who

abandoned die Medici chapel where he had been working cm Ae tombs of the tyrants , aiKl served hisapprenticediipasaiiaL^iiieeF and as inspector of the fortresses of Tuscany. And in the mean time an wraitoiy was made of the hotisesaiid convents that wc^dd faarc 10 be demolished, and of their value. So we see rito these artisans, who faad been accustomed to wocfcfag all day and part of die night, carrying bales of dodt and
keeping mericukxis accounts, could on occasion
rise to


to arms and bad passed their -tii



some benevolent Circe had

the militia. It seemed as though

changed them from beasts into men for the salvation of their country/ But what was lacking was money. The Medici had so thoroughly
*medidbed* the country that they had, so to speak, flayed it. Many Florentine merchants had been ruined by the sack of Rome,

and there was a budgetary deficit of 450,000 ducats. The govern ment now had recourse to the most drastic fiscal expedients. A forced loan was imposed, and the ten per cent tax was levied on
the clergy as well as


Finally the uncoined silver that found in churches and convents was sent to the Zecca and




converted into money bearing the lily on one side and a cross with

crown of thorns on die


militia which had been reinforced by levies of peasants from die surrounding country now numbered 13,000 men, of whom 7,000 were stationed in the city under the command of the coedottiene Malatesta BagEone of Perugia. As he was himself the sou of a coiKlottiesre who had been beheaded by order of Leo X,


was hoped ttat hostility to the Medici would ensure his remain-


had appointed to subjugate whom Charles Florence whose freedom appeared as a scandal in the w^Ast of an Italy reduced to servitude was a French refugee,




the Prince of Orange; and he was cotinttog for success on the of die inhabitants, and notably of the aristocrats who
set so much stsoce by their villas and palaces. But these very men took a foremost part in demolishing any parts of their property wfakfa m^jbt iiBpede military operations. Apart from this, the ooe\rafs aad cfamdbes ie the suburbs were abo razed to the

ground. One day, however, a deiBoBticmsqo^wWdbhadreadbed the OOTe of San Salvi stood before a paints^ of the Last

Supper by Anscfeea del Sar&x They had iK)t t^ coinage to destroy it Tfae same artist, by the way, was ammsskmeA somewhat

UD pcmiay



%ade of the IfocataimatiielibK^^crfa

h^^ed.Ifedare4 not GaB0w$> Eke

niimbeir of natars and idbefc who had been

te&se; kit fearisg ID be simiamed Anefcea of the



one of his predecessors, he carried out the work in secret* Later still he caught the plague from a landzknecht and died alone,

abandoned by Lucrezia.


Florentines, meanwhile, seemed like men regenerated. girded up their loins, exchanged the hood for the military

let their beards grow, lived the life of cap, cut their hair short, soldiers and kept an eye on defeatists as well as on the mercenaries.

They were

prepared to

resist until


moment when men could

Here once was Florence/

In September 1 529 the Prince of Orange s army appeared in the Val cTArno. The Spanish troops took up their position on the hill of Fiesole, while the cavalry overran the countryside. pack of

marauders under an adventurer named Maramaldo now joined the

besieging forces. Arezzo and Cortona, strong places which pro tected Florence, had already {alien. The jaws of the vice were

October 2^th the bombardment began, closing. of the citizens tended to go down.


and the morale

On the other hand the commissaries who were directing opera tions remained unshakeable, and thek dispatches were Ml of



expenses. Everyone are ready to employ

are vary willing,* they wrote, *and our courage by day. The only anxiety arises from the great feels he is fighting for the honour of Italy.


our resources rather than fell under dbe yoke of tyranny. Our citizens aie willing to endure anything

in older to maintain the liberty -sdbkh they appreciate the mote has attained sueb keeely now that it is threatened. Orar infantry

perfection as to

numbers and valour

tttat, if it


Ae ieW,


wotiM make This was largely bluster; and jet k was tree that these Hierebaats cotiH cfo far moie than measure out dotfa or wield the pen
aB Italy ttembfe/

the coifflteg-liatise.


as Vaicbi says, otter cities



would ha^e feeweiecl her oM-time freedom. Ae meri>efs of the gOTeoffiie!& did not always oestain to tie agree zmsmg tfaemselTCS. *Qtie m&st peeler the Ae peace-party. *An agpeesaae^t: is a de&ke uncertain*, argued




advantage, which would save our goods, our our freedom. War is of uncertain advantage.*
spirits replied that there


perhaps even which the bold

was no question here of a commercial

bargain, *If you try to make terms with the Medici, then either you will cut us to pieces or we shall cut you!*

Nevertheless, a deputation was sent from Florence to wait upon Clement VII. They asked him to grant them liberty and the

maintenance of a popular regime. Of liberty, he replied, I will give you more than you can imagine, but as for the popular

an intolerable servitude, imposed by the few on the many, and I will have none of it/ The Pope s temper rose; full of rancour , he shouted indignantly at the emissaries: You have
regime, that

murdered me in wax, which makes it all the clearer that you would have murdered i&e in real earnest. After complaining of the burning of his villa at Careggi and of the sale of Church properties, he shrugged his shoulders and remarked: *I shall

people did see, on the front of the Medici palace in the Via Larga, was a painting of Clement wearing the papal tiara and
brandished a climbing the ladder to a gallows while Charles sword on which was written: What have you come to now, my


This was the work of a descendant of Ghiberti. Attempts Emperor above the head of the Pope were no more successful. When the Florentines insisted that they would bold out against force, Charles was positively c scandalized. Ah! he cried, is that how you speak to me? Begose, and let nae liear no more of your business/ AH this discouraged the peace-party, and the voice of the bolder

to negotiate directly with the


spirits pievalled.
e; tJ^ey

The enemy s forces, on the other hand, continued

soon niHnber^

Get yotir brocades Madasie Florence; we are comiag to measure them with our m&iy9 pikes.* But the beleaguered Flotmtiaes did not Menck On the night of Deoesaber u, 1529^ a thousand of them donned white

^Ao fed idafoiced the Imperialists, cried ot:

so as to leoognize eadh other in the dadbiess a0dtlie& made


a sortie and surprised the enemy

camp. The Imperialists

fled in


disorder, hustled



the white shirts* and demoralized


herds of swine which had broken out of their

by great The sortie

might have met with even greater success, as 200 of the enemy were lying dead or wounded when Maktesta Baglione unexpectedly

sounded the retreat. His procedure was becoming more and more suspect. He wore the device Libertas on his cap, and affected an immense love for the people; but men murmured, here and there, that he was com pounding with the enemy and that by continuing the war he was
deliberately exhausting

and ruining the Florentines. Michelangelo

had long been of this opinion. But the people as a whole suspected nothing, any more than did the new gonfalonlere Girolami, an


but weak and optimistic,

the masters^ I depend


kept repeating:


you are

on you. His predecessor,

however corrupt, was more of a man,

Morale, however, remained good. Had not brother Savonarola for her sins by a predicted that Florence would be beleaguered

Pope, but would be delivered by angels? Prophets now sprang up in numbers, notable among whom was Sister Domenica del Paradiso, a nun; and a wool-carder named Pieruccio who was the oracle of the lower classes aad who announced the death of
Charles V. Processions of men, and of women separately, threaded
the streets.

At Santa Maria
all this,

del Fiore a citizen ended his harangue

with the words: liberty or Death!

went on much as before. went to work, the housewives open, everyone there was less and less to buy. fireepented the market although for fooling*, longer quarreled: This is not the moment People it was said. *We shall settle these matters later. The words Tooc
Apart from
the daily routine

Tbe shops were


and Free* were written up on the walls; kit all night long tite sound of bells was replaced by the thunder of caniK>n. Evee so, tibe Florentines missed no opportunity for amusement.

There esosied


deeiHKiatioo-banef into which you could drop

a caid bearing the name ofanyoiie who was sespectandwlK>iis^^ risk being declared a idbel; i*ow one day the names of the Pope


fotur Flofoitifie Carffaiais

uAo* weie his counselors

found in


During the

of 1530 a great game of caldo was organized in the Piazza Santa Croce between twenty-five young men of the white team against twenty-five of the green; and in order to be heard in the enemy s camp and to defy the

men with trumpets and other instruments were posted

on the roof of the church. This provoked a cannonade, but there were fortunately no casualties. On March 12, 1530, hostilities were interrupted for a short
time by the duel between Ludovico Martelli and Giovanni Bandini. They belonged to different parties and both were in love

with Marietta de* Ricci, a pretty married

woman who was some


what giddy-pated,

to say the least.

The two

wore red


fackets, red trunk-hose interwoven with white, and red bonnets with a white plume. They were mounted on Arab horses and

accompanied by their seconds. Trumpets went before them, and the captains and soldiers of the militia followed. After crossing the Ponte alk Canaja the procession made its way to the Porta San FriaiK) where physicians, barbers and restaurateurs were waiting. The company halted at the outskirts of the enemy s
that the artillery on either side would and the agreement was strictly observed. day, The adversaries entered the lists without helmets and simply armed with a SWOK! and mailed gauntlet; the sleeves of their right anus were tucked up to the elbow. Martelli attacked and Bandini

treaties. It

was understood


fire that

the head; although blinded with the flow of blood, nidied forward and was again wounded in the head. Yield yourself to use, if you don t wish to die*, cried Bandini. *I yield

struck Iraa



(Ae commander of the Spaniards).- Today, I am the Prince*, said BaiKlini Martelli yielded. Marietta was allowed by her husband to go and see tying oe the bed where he died soon afterwards, more frofa cliagrin than from his wounds.
to the Prince*


SfcirmishiDg meanwhile became m&$e frequent ffid the Floren tines usually had tie better of it, kit fust when an operation was
likely to

be nealy successful, BagBone would sound Ae lefeeat. was tfaeo that the red. hero of the siege appealed, a mae wfeose name was to remain in honour among life oomH3ynia^ Fr




He was a man of forty-one, an accountant, and liad been

had paymaster to the forces* Enthusiasm for ancient history reinforced his natural qualities of leadership, his energy and to severity in meting out punishment. "When commissioned
the volcanic hill-town which had been taken recapture Volterra, by the enemy, he succeeded in driving out the adventurer Maramaldo. Unfortunately, however, at the end of May 1530 his

victory was offset by the fell of Empoli. The only route by which Florence had access to the outer world was thus blockaded, and famine grew more severe* Ass-meat was a delicacy reserved for

had disappeared, and efforts were made to kill swallows, owls and falcons. A rat cost thirteen soldi, an egg ten and there was no wheat. The soldi, a barrel of wine ten crowns;
great occasions,
shall let you continue to at the defenders: Imperialists jeered we take you out on leashes like and hungrier, until


get hungrier

to get rid of aU useless dogs/ One day the Signoria decided then the decree was withdrawn or, rather, applied only to mouths; decision of which the public disapproved. elderly courtesans, a Treason was rife. A certain canon secretly deposited, in the information which was sent for by loophole of one of the gates, Baccio Valori, the Pope s agent in the Imperialist army. Otter the roof-tops, waving pieces of cloth by people made signs from after dark. But the arch-traitor was Malatesta day orshowing lights of tie Florentine army. Bagjione, the commaiider were He hoped that when the citizens, abandoned as they reduced by hunger, they by France and Venice, were sufficiently this way he would beg btTTt to tzeat with die enemy, and that of treason. But tfee Fkwestioes peislsted coiiid not be accused wiridh wrung a cry of defending themselves witfe a stubbornness admiration from tiiat coolest of observers* GiricxfedfaM. Truly





the example of tliese met* who, diseated as

have bead witfastaasdifig for serai months the dforts of an amy -wtidb it seemed that theyooi^iiocwi^aaii^rsewe

BaeMorte fid not admire tbese fnadteen. Hfe^KwetohoHAe o



back, gave them conflicting advice and so contrived that their enterprises should miscarry. When they spoke of making a sortie


a child s project





pure madness,


will lead to the ruin

which the Signoria

replied that instead of fighting. obeying, prating May 25th Baglione decided to bring matters to a head, to betray the city. He negotiated with the Pope and with the Prince

*To show your face to the of the city. To he was commanding instead of


of Orange

who was personally in great need

of money, as he had

gambling: during those long days before the walls of Florence time had weighed heavily on his hands,
lost everything in

Ferrucci had written these words, in the of an accountant and the spirit of a hero: Even if language three-quarters of us perish rather than become slaves, the quarter

few weeks


survive will have such glory as to compensate for tie ex

the last hope of Florence. The city invested him powers, equal to those of the Signoria and the was given the right to make treaties and to hand over


He was now




or iBorcy. From Volterra he marched to Pisa, where he contrived to raise troops and obtain horses. His next object was to

Floretioe in three days and compel the Imperialists to raise the siege. The latter, commanded by Orange, went to meet him, reassured as to their rear by Baglione s undertaking to make no

July jist Femicti marched towards Pistoia, closely followed by Maramaldo s ruffians. From a Mi-top cm August jrd


he saw foes raging among the houses below, aad the enemy s bamieisftxaii^from the bell-tower of the little town of Gavinana. He had been forestalled: of this there was no doubt; but he had BO tfaoogfat of skinning the emxrait^.ItwcMldhavebeaicowardke


although he had scarcely 3,500 men as against Spoo of enesiiy. At a crossroads his cavalry worsted those of the

Prince of Orange, who was killed as he tried to rally his men. used fooBerly to point out the lane whore (The peasants

ML) Under

sleep a heavy xsixis&m. FemiocI forced Ms





the town. Driven out again by Maramaldo, he took shelter in a small house where, armed with a pike, he defended himself

almost single-handed. Finally, when covered with wounds, he was taken prisoner by a Spaniard, who trusted that he could hold


to ransom. Unfortunately

Maramaldo came up.

Vile merchant, you shall die/ You are killing a man already dead

Maramaldo plunged
perished the


man whom

the reply. , was into Ferrucci s throat. Thus dagger the Florentines had named the Gideon

who would

deliver their country.

was trying to prevent a general sortie. seemed ready. The captains had com everything municated; an interminable procession of penitents, bare-footed, had marched through the city, Savonarola s disciples were


his side,


promising victory: God Himself would send His angels. But, accept among a few fanatics, there was little enthusiasm, and on

August 8th Baglione showed his disapproval by asking for leave, thinking that it would be refused. Instead, he was taken at his word. His anger was terrible. He was lying down, a prey to the French malady*, when a messenger from the Signoria brought thek reply. On hearing it he sprang from his coocfa and struck the envoy with his dagger. Come to terms with the Pope*, he cried,
*or 1 shall let the Imperialists into the city. Rbresice is not a stable for mules, 1 1 wil save her in spite of traitor* The traitors in Ms

eyes were die SavoearoBans and those who were for resistance to that the mask was off, he took possession of the the end.


gates aad tamed Ms canoon against the city. StK& caafbsion prevailed in die Signoria dhat souse of die members even biaaaed a Ettfe giri of eleven who was accused of

The following wonlsa^



on die


a scpzwe that wffl


eaiecl die P&tffia tin

JfdL Ncwdiewwl Mie^iiieari^

saodbo and die Pope bfesseH



spreading discord. Catherine, the daughter of Lorenzo de* Medici and Madeleine de la Tour d*Auvergne, had been living in Florence
since 1525.

She was a symbol of hope for some, of fear for others. Each party wished to have her in keeping, and while yet so young she learned the meaning of political ambition and passion. In 1 527 she had been placed in the convent of the Murate, where her presence provoked argument between those nuns who were for

Pope and those who were

for liberty.


the situation

deteriorated the Signoria thought it necessary to transfer Catherine to the Convent of Santa Lucia in the Via San Gallo, a safer place;

but the gentleman commissioned to arrange the transfer had great difficulty in carrying out his mission. The little girl broke
into shrill cries, protested that she wished to remain where she was, and thought she was going to be murdered. She cut off her hair, dressed as a nun and told the gentleman who had requested her to put on her usual dress that she would not do so; she declared she would go as she was, so that everyone could see that a nun was being abducted from the convent; and in feet it was as a nun, on

horseback, that she reached Santa Lucia. When singing of the birth of Catherine, Ariosto makes Florence

*Oae branch


is still green with a few leaves; betwixt fear and remain uncertain whether winter will leave it to me or


away.* Catherine de Medicis survived, and this early experience was not lost to her. The Prmce of Orange s death had filled Florence with joy,

FefreccTs plunged her info despair, the treachery of her commaadeMn-diief was the final blow. Now, Ae Florentines were

dying of fear*, cursing the Pope and his agent BagBone. Those who stil cried; us fight* were no foeger listened to. The in the meantime, were Imperialists, hovering round the city like vultures and already computing the amount of pillage that would

fel to them.

*We can do anything*, Aey said, since the head of the Gmrcfa gives us the right to do eviL* The iiigk of August 8& was dismal The dtizrais dared not go down into the streets or the soldiers leave their charters. On die




mm to be


down, o


lodb lie



prisoners were to be freed Then the whole city assumed a new appearance, and the cry of Pallei went up. Four hundred young nobles, judging that resistance was impossible, went over to

Baglione, and the Signoria sent envoys to the enemy s camp to riot involving the obstinate* discuss terms. party nearly broke

out in front of the Palazzo, and Florence, according to Varcfai, "was within a hair s breadth of being sacked*.

But wisdom prevailed, and on August

of the Pope
s representative, Valori, the

i ith,

under the direction

terms of capitulation were

drawn up. Florence would pay 80,000 ducats to the besieging army and hand over fifty hostages by way ofsecurity. His Holiness would pardon the insults he had received, and within the next four months the Emperor Charles V would fix the form of govern
ment, always providing for the maintenance of liberty*. very honourable agreement, said a naive patriot, delighted with this

Baglione, who had been responsible for the Papal .victory, was somewhat anxious as to the sequel, and he now asfced the Pope to confirm the favours he was supposed to have promised^ and in of Duke. But Clement VII took offence at such particular the title a pretensions. *If Maktesta had me by the hair or imprisoned in barrel where he was feeding me through the bung-hole, he would not be asking for more or better!* Treason was agreeable enough, kit not the traitor. In December 1530 the man who had sold
yielded up his soul to die Devil^ in die place where Judas and other traitor arc*. Befoe dyiog he had advised bis son nevar to serve die
has Inethien *Bke

Iambs in a

Floiefice could


calculate the cost

of die

thousand persons irare dead^ and the losses money, harvests* iocfcs and hed^ houses and do& were iiBaiieBse* A. bteer out
look, indeed, for the saeidbaiats. The ootucfitioi* of the city was of phidJe, with die nobles fbriotis at halving faeea stiijppecl the peasants and dboA^led by Ae pfebeiaiis; so much


p^openj of hunger; the monks and dying


despised lor thek false



and distrustful/ And, overtopping


other misfortunes,

the plague which had broken out in the enemy s and which, now that the gates were open, once

camp in June, more invaded

The Imperialists, on their side, had lost 14,000 men, more than the defenders, and they were not satisfied. Frustrated of their hope of sacking the city, they added to their demands, crying out for
more and more money. Fortunately they disagreed among them selves. On August z8th the Italian mercenaries in the Imperialist army attacked the Spaniards, after making sure of the neutrality of die German landzknechts who ended by betraying them. This battle, which went on for two days and cost 600 lives, proved the salvation of Florence. The Spaniards took refuge in the fortresses, whik the Italian mercenaries allowed food supplies
to enter Florence and then withdrew to Fiesole.

The Pope, who every day during the siege had hoped to hear that his native city had surrendered, was groaning: Would to God that Florence had never existed!* He now meant to punish

but from a distance, without taking a personal hand in the matter; so that, in spite of the pardon that had been granted,



Gukdardini, who displayed

but by intermediaries. Valori was one, great cruelty , another. Five persons

iBchiding the gonfaloniere Carducd were beheaded, while his successor Giroknii died, no doubt from poison, in the fortress of

his days

m a dungeon.

A Dominican who had preached resistance was to end

on account of private fatted or resentment.

Great numbers were exiled, not only for

reasons of State but

Men were

sold like beasts

and many




alAongjbi VaJori agreed to spare those


could buy themselves

Thus, after insisting for eleven months under a general who frusteied rather than directed her efforts, Florence feD gloriously ttee years after Rome had been assassinated by the same soldiery
ofCfaarfes V, and, thanks to a Pope wk> WEB abastard of the Medici,

the banner of Italian Itickpeocleiioe

was struck down. In the en-

slaved oofiditioa of the peninsula, Aes^geaiHlthefeMofFk)iiice



heroism on the part of a city of mer produced a sensation. Such chants had not been expected, and the historian Paolo Giovio, to heaven, admired the prolonged resistance they raising his hands had offered more than all the acts of the Ancients or the Moderns.
Stendhal in the early nineteenth century was to write: Despite the treachery of her leaders, all the miracles of which dying liberty

was capable were displayed during this siege. All that Florence needed, to save herself, was a regime of terror/ Today Umberto Dorini has summed up the drama in the following words: The over the fell of the Florentine Republic; siege shed a ray of glory it was an act of epic grandeur that terminated the three centuries of her marvellous history.

When the capitulation was signed, Michelangelo had hidden in the belfiy of a church near the Porta San Miniato; during this time his house was being searched. He dared not show himselE And
yet Clement VII

Medici chapel, amazes me , pm^igal of kind words. *His conduct during the siege for I have never done him any harm; on the said the Pope,
contrary, I admire him.*

was anxious to see him resume his work in the he had no thought of punishing and was even

The Pope s words were communicated to Michelangelo in to go back to work. It was even hoped order to eficourage the "terrible* sculptor would change his whole aitkucle. What that blindness to the truth! If he once more took up the dbisei, as



of beefy rage: lie saw before his eyes the nrin of Iris country, the eod of freecfon^ a series of humiliations and of efforts that had proved abortive. of Danfce aiid Savonarola, he Filled more tha** ever with the


in a

mood of dul



carveid in iBarible





and the dearest Jply gave lie w$ote on Nigbt: <patealii

cBsesKdhaatmeet, even his meditathe the Pope is contained he





m? gran ventura;

Perd non mi

1 destar; deh! parla bassof

Florence now sank little by little into slavery. The period of four months, within which the city was to receive a constitution, was greatly prolonged; but it had served like the interval between


of a play* to destroy the last hopes of liberty and prepare the transition from republican to monarchical forms of govern
It was only in February 1531 that the Pope, in agreement with Charles V, ordered the frizzly haired bastard Alessandro de Medici to be joined to the Batia, or provisional government. The


other bastard, Cardinal IppoKto, refused to accept this appoint

ment and rushed to Florence. But he was too late, and although a more likeable man than his rival, he was excluded. Charles V,
after antedating the lodo?

published the decree appointing Alessandro as Protector of Florence.

Arriving, though without ceremony, on July
at first to create a
5, 1531, he tried and even to flatter the people. good impression was general. The inhabitants were ordered to hand




who were

over their weapons at the risk of severe penalties; the police-spies sent round to search houses took the opportunity of stealing; private grudges were avenged, and sometimes the police planted* weapons on a house by pushing them through the


and then arrested the householder. This created panic; and everyone tried to get rid of anything that might look like a

weapon, larding-pins for example, or any pointed object. Symptoms of unrest were now to be discerned. It was the cus1


translation cited

by Baedeker runs: Ah! glad am I to sleep in stone, while woe


dire disgrace rage

A happy chance neither to see nor hear.

So wake
Tlie -verses were written

unreproved near

me not! When

passing whisper low.

in reply to a complimentary ^natraiB by G.-B, Scrozzi, which also appears on the statue of Night. Hie statues of Day and Night were made hy the great sculptor to adorn the sarcophagus of Ginliano de* Medici, in the New Sacristy which was designed

hy Michelangelo

as a last resting-place for members of the Medici family. * Lodo dbe decision of an arbitrator. (Translator)






on fete-days for the young men, especially the come out in disguise and push through the streets

a large

inflated balloon,

which they would throw at open shop-fronts in order to oblige the tradesmen to close them. In wet weather every thing was splashed with mud, and so these youths had been in the

habit of warning the tradesmen

by trumpet, in advance. Now one day towards Christmas two sons of the aristocrat Strozzi,

with their companions, all in disguise, invaded the Mercato Vecchio and the Mercato Nuovo without preliminary warning.
everything topsy-turvy, and their balloon struck a whose clothes were badly stained and spotted with dirt. magistrate A complaint was lodged with the Signoria, whereupon the rowdies were arrested and taken to the Bargello. Filippo Strozzi contrived to hush up the aflair and compensate all who had suffered; but Alessandro saw clearly enough that the intention had been to

They turned

organize a riot against him. The truth was that this swarthy ruffian had quickly disgusted the Florentines by his plundering and his debaucheries, Guicciar-

whole population against had sought refuge at us . The partisans of liberty, now Venice and in France, especially at Avignon. The Retz and Mirabeau families are of Florentine origin. But Clement VII was still
dini himself confessed that *we have the

in exile,

not easy in his mind and, despite the proviso for liberty* contained in the capitulation, he continued to work for the complete
abolition of republican institutions, Charles agreed to tfais^ so that without appearingin theopen, *by throwingdie stone wiAoitt

Alessandro to

Ae Sigaoria and caused be appointed bapedteary Duke of Florence (April of 1552). Alessamfao was to marry Margaret, a eaten*! daighier efM!sthe Emperor; for Qbades had need of this sonAebw,
s seeing the faand*,fae suppressed

tingulslied as

he was, to ensnie Ms doiiik^itio^ over Ti^cs^. The

E^W fcew off

as he

pomp, caled, he proceeded fanfares of temipets and salvoes of anHlecy, to eeler i possess He wMi feis four siq of the I^fcc^o deia







all decisiQas;






2 74


which were the only surviving assemblies, had

now been reduced

doge had a

to the status of registry-offices. To execute his will the ruffian named Alessandro Vitelli on he could


rely, this


being a born enemy of the Florentines since they had beheaded his father Paolo at the time of the Pisan war, in 1499; ^d finally, to establish a firm he followed the suggestion of the domination, aristocrats, and notably of Filippo Strozzi himself, in a

on the neck of the people

that Florence


at the

Porta di Faenza. This

was something

had not yet known.

austerity. Alessandro, a great woman-hunter, passed his nights in carousing and after

The Principate was not distinguished for

emerging from these orgies, would go masked through the streets with two acolytes in attendance His amusements cost from four

hundred crowns a day, and though the Pope advised him to exercise more reserve, he spared no woman in Florence, not even
to six

the nuns.

He had of course somewhat to moderate his behaviour when at

the end of April 1535 the Emperor passed through Florence on his

way from Rome. The

reception was cold, if sumptuous. Forty lords each girt with a silver hiked sword and dagger, and wearing a

purple satin doublet, white trunk-hose, a violet beret embroidered with gold and a white s plume on the left side of itthe




aloft a

canopy of brocade under which Charles

advanced on his white charger. Alessandro presented him with the keys of the city and Charles courteously returned them.

Along the processional route, beginning at the Porta San Pietro

the Porta Romana), a had been set up, bearing statues which



of triumphal arches


the joy of the Florentines, and which extolled the


Emperor s

Ae ladles in gala dress leaned out of die windows that were


Everywhere appeared

his device,

Plus Oultre^ and

4 tapestries.


Severe and distant in mien, and accompanied by only a few to show that he had no fear of these former gentlemen rebels, diaries the spent a week in of the

ctefaes for example, and the Media

sights chapel, die


work of Michel-



angelo whom he admired. And when he proceeded on his way, he, unlike former emperors, left no privilege or souvenir of his visit.


desired in this




exiles know that they were per mitted to return home; but they would not agree, even with the

his domination.

toward these Florentines who He had let the

contempt and even hostility had been the last to try to escape

prospect of recovering their property, to reappear as slaves in a


where they had once been


3ist Alessandro s fiancee, the Emperor s daughter a girl of twelve, arrived in Florence. Filippo Strozzi took Margaret, a conspicuous part in the festivities that were then organized; and

On May

appears that to humour the duke, he behaved in a manner illsuited to his age. And now began the dramas that accompany

the despotism. Cardinal Ippolito de Medici could not tolerate accession to power of a bastard of mean origin and ignoble

He attempted to gain the Emperor s good will with a view

to supplanting Alessandro.

Now while he was at Itri in the king

dom of Naples in August 1 535, he happened one day to feel rather

unwell; and in order to restore him his seneschal, a Tuscan named Giovanni Andrea di Borgo San Sepolcro, brought him a bowl of

chicken soup, flavoured with pepper. Scarcely had he swallowed it than his malaise became more acute, 1 have been poisoned*, he


it is

Giovanni Andrea


has poisoned


He died five days

afterwards, at the

age of twenty-four.


the seneschal was questioned he simply replied: thing is done/ He had pounded the ingredients for the poison between
stones, but eo one knew who had given them to who called the Cardinal people ascribed the deed to Alessaedio



him. Most



for a time wasp* and hated him. After being imprisoned


the seneschal




to Florence wfaefe he was



received in Alejandro s cotut; but later on put him to death. BoTgo San




Alessaiidfca exer tutelage of his fether-ia-law, Boge a close waiA oa cised sole authority in Floienee. kept

Under the




his spies

wefe everywhere: he distrusted




m& grwmd

ibem dkwa with taxation Hoc did



abandon his habits of debauchery. Every night would be marked by some joyous adventure in the company of Lorenzino. This young man was the elder son of a descendant of the junior branch of the Medici; his mother was a Soderini. A creature of poor constitution, dark-featured, restless and melancholy, Loren zino never laughed, he merely sniggered. He was a poet and

humanist, and yet subject to absurd fits of violence. When living Rome he had broken the heads of the statues that adorn the

Arch of Constantine, doubtless


in order to

make people



The Pope, not daring to mete out punishment, merely banished him, and Lorenzino settled in Florence where he became the familiar and hired spy of Alessandro. When his friends re
proached him with this ignominy, he replied that they would soon have proof that, on the contrary, he was a good man. One

when talking with Benvenuto Cellini about the device that was to be inscribed on the reverse side of a medal for Alessandro, he said: I am thinking of nothing but to furnish you with a reverse

worthy of

his Excellence/


as the


himself urged

Lorenzino to

I will do so as soon as possible*, satisfy Cellini said he, *and I hope it will be such as to cause the world to marvel.

with being Alessandro s spy, he was also his procuren he obtained for the blackamoor the women on whom the




cast his eye,

and he shared in

his nocturnal escapades.

Francesco Vettori, an old friend of Machiavelli s, one evening saw tbe Duke riding across the Ponte Santa Trinita, accompanied on the same by two attendants and with Lorenzino behind



Next day he felt he should put the Duke on his guard. *Wha fbBy is this,* he exclaimed, *for a prince who has triumphed 0ver Florniceby forceof arms and is the first to enjoy such author ity, to go out alone at night, cm horseback with a man behind Mm, and orfy two or three attendants! and what is still more perilous, trast Ofie man only to hold the ladder when he is scaling a waif Vettori was alluding to the convent of San Dofueeko and other convents wfakfa tfae Duke used to enter by means of silk or tope ladders with tfae fadp of LoEenztno. Alessandro was not shocked and he even smiled as he aoswefeeb



Have no



A man does not escape his destiny. But

truly, I will


that I see




be more prudent.

coveting was no other than Lorenzino s aunt, Caterina Soderini, a very handsome, noble and haughty person who was married to a Ginori and lived behind the

The woman he was then

Medici palace.


Lorenzino in love with his aunt? If so,


would explain a good deal. In any event, when Alessandro asked him to perform his usual office as an intermediary, he replied that it would be difficult but that, after all, women were always women and that the husband happened at that moment to be on
business in Naples.


He now got in touch with

acquaintances were not confined to the aristocracy, a certain Scoroncocolo, a bandit who

had been condemned for homicide and to whom Lorenzino com plained bitterly of a great lord who, he said, was making sport of him. Tell me who he is, and leave him to me , said the other; *he will trouble you no further. Without divulging the name Lorenzino said that it was one of the Duke s favourites. Let him be anyone he likes, I will kill him , was the reply. Lorenzino was lodging at that time near the Medici palace in a house where he often sheltered Alessandro in the course of the latter s adventures. At the beginning of January 1537 when he knew that Vitelli, who commanded the army, was away from Florence, he told Alessandro that he had at last persuaded

Catmna Ginori to come in great secret to Ms, Lorenzmo s house.

meeting was arranged for January 6th, the Festival of
the Carnival

was to begin. That evening the Duke was already fetigued with the afternoon s festivities. He tfafew a loag and ample robe round Iris shoulders aed asked gaily whether he was to wear mailed gamrieis or scented gloves. Was it to be war or love?1 He diose the fatter,,
AiessaiwirobadarOTa^ had no need to go otherwise forgotten ain} left it on his bed, L
that lie

Epiphany, when


Now one day when he had

welL (These

curiotts ciroimstaiices,

and most of those that follow, ace



dismissed his attendants and lay down in the room that Lorenzino had prepared for him, A bright fire was burning on the hearth. Alessandro unbuckled his sword and Lorenzino placed it near the pillow, after taking care to wrap the buckle round the hilt so as to make it more difficult to unsheath. He then went out after advising

Alessandro to
returned a



while awaiting the arrival of the fair aunt. He later with Scoroncocolo. The door-latch did not

open at the first attempt. Softly he approached the couch. Are you asleep, lord?*



the same

moment he

struck a furious

blow with

his short


at Alessandro s loins.



to evade the attack, but Lorenzino hurled

turned round, attempting him back and then fell

bodily upon him and put his hand over his mouth, so as to prevent

him from crying

lord , he sniggered. into his adversary s thumb, Alessandro sank his teeth with rage and the latter, being unable to use his sword, called to Scoronco

Have no



who was running this way and that and finding no place where he could strike, so closely were the antagonists interlocked. He tried first to stab the Duke between Lorenzino s legs, but managed only to poke the mattress. Then, recollecting that he carried a little knife, he drew it, plunged in into Alessandro s throat and so killed him. Up to the last moment the Duke had not loosed his hold on Lorenzino s thumb. The body rolled on to the floor amid pools of blood. The assassins now replaced it on the bed and concealed it under the blanket which Alessandro had drawn over himself before he had
gone to sleep, or pretended to. Lorenzino then opened the window which overlooked the Via Larga. There had been no alarm. It was true that people had heard a noise of stamping, but the Florentines

knew that
a riot

and crying

these gentlemen often amused themselves by imitating out: Kill him, the traitor!* or You have killed


But Lorenzino

now failed

to profit

by his

success. Fearing that

the people would not follow him, and suffering too from the injury to his thumb, he left everything, abandoned his dreams and

decided to join the exiles.

At dawn next day he





guard to open one of the gates on the pretext that he was going to his villa, and fled with his bravo to Bologna. But the exiles who

were there received him so distrustfully that he decided to take refuge in Venice. Here he met Filippo Strozzi, who had quarrelled with Alessandro and who ended by admiring Lorenzino s action and described him as a new Brutus.
had been some time before the murder was discovered; people supposed the Duke to be resting after the festivities. But Lorenzino s sudden departure aroused suspicion, Vitelli was recalled, and on the night of January yth to 8th the

In Florence

room was

and carried

secretly opened. They wrapped the it to the Sacristy of San Lorenzo.


in a carpet,

The festivities, meanwhile, had been continuing as usual; men were tilting at the quintain1 in front of the palace in the Via Larga; and it was only on the morning of the 8th that the Florentines heard of the assassination of their tyrant The blackamoor had not
been loved, and there were no regrets or disturbance. Lorenzino s house, it is true, was pillaged and partly destroyed so as to make room for a passage which was to be called Traitor s Alley*; his effigy too, hanging by one leg, adorned the wall of the fortress. But there was no further movement. The people had no weapons, the most determined foes of the Medici were in exile, and Savona

what the God-inspired frate away amid gossip. It was predicted long ago ; observed, for example, that the Duke had been killed cm January 6th, at the age of twenty-six, at six o clock in the evening, that there were six wounds in his body and that he had reigned for six.
rola s disciples merely said:


and the




Moralists and political theorists have striven to imagine what were the motives for the murder. In the eyes of some, Lorenzino was a true patriot and lover of liberty, a great-hearted soul after the antique pattern. For others, he was merely a fanatical humanist,
1 The or figure of quintain. (Italian and Provencal Quintana*) was a post, a warrior, with revolving arms, The game consisted in running and striking it with your lance; if you did not hit it in exactly die right place, one of the

arms came round and dealt you a



a maniac



wished to make himself a name and

It is

who was

merely animated by vulgar ambition.

an open question. 1

Benvenuto Cellini, who had just set out for Rome, relates that on January 6th, as he was climbing a little hill, he saw what looked

an immense beam of fire


of Florence. Assuredly


in the direction glittering in the sky, shall hear tomorrow that said,


some extraordinary event has taken place/ The news of the assassination caused him no surprise. He had often seen Alessandro beside Lorenzino and such confidence appeared to him
incredible. In

the anti-Medici party were jubilant; one of them, laughing uproariously, said to Cellini: There you have the reverse of the medal that Lorenzino promised you for that


infamous tyrant.

You wanted to immortalize the Dukes:



don t want any more Dukes/ Another added: We have unduked them: U aMnamo sducatL We shall have no more! To which
Cellini replied:

In two

or three days, you will have another, worse perhaps

than the last/

Musset, who of course knew no more than anyone else, took the former view; but he made his drama a penetrating study of the contagious influence man who, even from a lofty motive, becomes the companion of a of vice.

debauchee, will find himself corrupted in the process.


The mud

will stick.



- The last Principate and the State Police stirrings of - Cosimo an end to republican illusions - The liberty puts


Court and business

tragic events


for the Constitution of the


- The academies - Florence pays Grand Duchy - Outrages and

loses its picturesqueness



from Florence there dwelt, in the


of Trebbio


in the Mugello, a young man of eighteen who seemed completely isolated from the vicissitudes of the city.

de* Medici belonged to that junior branch of the family in the time of Savonarola, had declared themselves PopdanL, who, and like good demagogues had replaced the Medici balls with the

red cross of the people, on their arms.

Young Cosimo s father, Giovanni


Bande Nere,1 had won

the respect and admiration of the Florentines for a very good reason. In all the family of merchants from which he had sprung,

he was the only man of war. An adventurer in the great tradition, he had been thrown by his birth, his education and his appetites into the furnace of Italian politics*. When his temper was roused he did not stop short of murder. Once in the Hostelry of the Glove, in the shadow of the Palazzo Vecchio, he had killed an
ambassador in his bed, then
horse, galloped through die Mugello.
killed the innkeeper, leapt on his the city and taken refuge in his lak in

He completely neglected his wife, who was a Salviati, his only real bond with her being the baby Cosimo. One day when
clad in steel armour, he saw returning to the palace in Florence, die child in his nurse s arms at one of the windows. Throw him But the window was high, to me r he cried to the


Son of Giovanni de Medici and the

celebrated virago Caterina Sforza,


enemy of Cesare Bofgia.




and she did not

father received



me/ he



Closing her eyes in terror, the nurse dropped the child, and the

him in his arms and clasped him to his breastplate, to observe that his offspring did not cry out with fear. delighted Giovanni delle Bande Nere was a great trencher-man, a famous
condottiere and the last of the Italian captains who had tried to s savage hordes. His bands of oppose the invasion of Charles

soldiery were celebrated for courage. But at the end of 1526 a bullet lodged in his leg, the leg had to be amputated and he died with the complaint on his lips: Must I pass away like this in the midst of plaster casts?

Now, after the assassination of Alessandro the chief magistrates

became involved in fruitless argument, and when the artisans saw these important personages walking past their shops, they
remarked, loudly enough to be heard, but without interrupting their work: *If you don t know how to act, or cannot, call us.


Such words were somewhat disquieting, and Cosimo, member of the Medici family, was summoned in with an air of easy-going benevolence heightened by a haste. He, natural dignity of bearing, declared himself ready to do as the
last possible

magistrates might decide. The latter went on deliberating, but the crowd outside was restless and someone called through a
quickly. As there was some fear that the soldiers might not be able to hold the populace in check, the debate was quickly brought to an end, and on January 9, 1537,

crack in the

doon Decide

Cosimo was



magistrate of the Florentine Republic.

His house was pillaged, according to time-honoured custom, but Viteii, who was in command of the forces, brought him the best

of the booty. Murder a prince, and others will at once be raised up , said Guicciardini, who was principally responsible for Cosimo s election and imagined that he could easily guide and control this inexperienced youth. But the inexperienced youth now displayed a domineering temper and quickly ridded himself of any kind of

tutelage. Being poor, he repaired his fortunes by imposing heavy taxes on the citizens. Besides, how could he doubt of his good




An astrologer had told him that his horoscope was most

Charles V ratified his election and declared him to be the legiti mate successor of Alessandro. True, his authority was still subject to certain restrictions, but these were not to last for long. Cellini, who was a sort of prophet, could now pride himself on his fore

favourable; he had heen born under the sign of Capricorn, like the Emperor Octavius and like Charles V. On June 2ist this same

The Florentines have set a young man astride a marvellous horse, they have strapped spurs to his heels, put the bridle in his hand and finally, after leading him into the middle of a splendid meadow, gay with flowers and rich with fruit, they have forbidden him to go beyond certain limits, Now, just

his head?

me if you can, who will prevent his going beyond diem, if he takes it into Can one subject to the laws the man who is master of the laws?
in feet


was in



and nothing was done with

nothing so great or so small , it was observed, to which he does not say yes or no , whatever might be the opinion of his counsellors or of the assemblies. As he had

out his assent. There

learned to distrust the Florentines who, according to him, were miserly, ambitious, conceited, envious, crafty and so on, he
imitated his predecessor by maintaining a system of espionage: but he perfected it. There was not a city, little town or hostelry in the whole of Italy on which he did not receive reports. Piles

and other information reached him in such time to read quantities that Varchi wondered how he ever had them.


letters, extracts

so the


Florentines resigned themselves to the situation, but not When the latter met in Bologna to consider their

Cosimo, being informed of it, established a kind of state of siege. It was forbidden to go into the street after sunset under cut off. pain of having one s property confiscated and one s hand House windows must show a light after sundown, under pain of a fine of twenty-five florins. Anyone who took part in an irregular assembly, or in a riot, might be put to deatk Now the wealthy and Fiippo Strozzi, goaded on by the French, by his son Piero the continual complaints of the exiles, ended by gathering by



troops and making open war on Cosimo. But this voluptuous merchant was no general, and he stupidly allowed himself to be

caught by surprise by the Spanish and German troops which Charles had placed at Cosimo s disposal, to defend him and

also to keep an eye on him. At Montemurlo near Prato the rebel forces were crushed. Piero Strozzi managed to escape in disguise, but his father, who was asleep at the time of the attack, was

captured along with the most prominent of the exiles; and on August i, 1537, the Florentines witnessed a procession of these

former magnates of commerce,

and finance, riding along the street on miserable hacks, clad in dirty cloaks, bare-headed and
It was an example to make the and cause the bourgeois to reflect. plebeians The punishments followed quickly. In the Piazza della Signoria, in front of the tribune of the Marzocco, sixteen of the rebels were beheaded, at the rate of four each morning. Filippo Strozzi, who was the prize capture, was imprisoned in the fort occupied by the Spaniards and placed under the guard of Vitelli, who made himself agreeable and extracted money from his captive. But Cosimo was anxious for this rebellious noble to be convicted of having taken part in the plot to murder Alessandro, and began proceedings against him, despite the intervention of the Vatican and of the French. Strozzi was hoping to get off with a ransom, but in this he was greatly mistaken. He had difficulty in bearing a few strokes of the whip, for his constitution was delicate. One day in December 1538 they found him lying dead between two blood stained swords; he had apparently, in order to justify his conduct, left a letter in which he declared: If I have not hitherto known how

shame-foced in their degradation.


to live, I shall know how to die*, and, like a good humanist, quoted the following verse from Virgil: Exoriare aUqids nostris

ex ossibus idtor}This was probably a staged suicide. Strozzi was one of the richest men in Italy (300,000 crowns in specie were found after his
not the
death) and also one of the most dissolute; he had the culture but spirit of the ancients; and it is reasonabk to suppose that


avenger will arise from

my booes.



he was simply done away with by the orders of Del Vasto, the commander of the Spanish garrison, or of Cosimo himself

murdered in that

fortress which he had himself, by giving money to Alessandro, assisted in building; or, as the sententious put it,

he had dug


own grave*.

Delighted by

his success in dealing



exploited his advantages. He next, though much less roughly, freed himself from his old allies, Vitelli and Guicciardini, to whom

however he was under a great



Tyranny now showed

under a new guise. The better to establish his power, the son of Giovanni delk Bande Nere married Eleonora of Toledo, the daughter of the Viceroy of Naples, an amiable girl of seventeen whom he had met in Naples itself. This was a love-match, and

who hitherto had had only one illegitimate child, was to a model husband; although, after Eleonora s death, he prove threw off any restraint. With a view to strengthening his position

more, he


the Medici mansion and took


his residence in

the Palazzo della Signoria, the one-time seat of the Republic, which he had ordered to be reconditioned and decorated by Vasari

and other

artists. It

was here

that his son Francesco

was born in

541. Finally, as the last step to despotism, he paid Charles V, who was always short of money, to hand over to him the various fort

July 1543, he could sleep syinbolicaliy with his family in the fortress that had been built to hold down Florence itself. He was at last freed from his Spanish

of Tuscany: so

that, in


though not without expense.


had cost him 200,000

gold crowns*

*When the lord Cosimo was raised to power, the city which had been buoyed up by great hopes was now so cast down and look each other in the face. degraded in spirit that men dared not
Everyone was sunk in melancholy and went about with lowered head, cursing to himself the evil destiny wiricfa had made Mm a citizen of Florence.* la this way the Repoblkans chewed the cud of misfortune and defeat, and consigned to the execration of



mankind the founders of the tyranny which had allowed Florence to lose her independence and which, besides, had bargained ill
enough for
itself since

despotism had brought the family into

disrepute. To all this the political thinkers Vho favoured

orderly replied that Republic and Democracy had never succeeded in establishing a stable regime; they had served merely one doesn t as a cloak for the egoism of contending parties.


govern a country by means ofcoups-J etat or conspiracies hatched by exiles; to restore unity, harmony and peace one needs a prince
vested with supreme authority.

We now have such a prince.

Now that freedom had departed and that the republican mirage had laded away, Florence indeed underwent a transformation. No more were there heard any controversies or arguments as to the best possible form of government. The city was prostrated, wearied of all the changes that had taken place and so distrustful of herself that the citizens lost interest in public business and looked merely to their private concerns. The corporations of the arts had been so reorganized as to bear no trace of their former


Everything depended on Cosimo who concentrated power in his own hands, took control of the state revenues and increased them

enough to enable him to expend 500,000 crowns a year. In this way he financed the building of fortifications and monuments, fitted up the galleries of the Uffizi and built the bridge which, by crossing


connected the Palazzo Vecchio with the Palazzo


which he acquired in 1 5 50. Mines for silver and other kinds of ore were established; and all this he organized in accord with his wife
Eleonora, a very practical person with a taste for sumptuous living and who, like her husband, was fond of games and races

and spent large sums on them.

It is true that after these political upheavals there was a lively renewal of festivities and public spectacles. Cosimo had too keen a feeling for tradition not to pose as a protector of arts and letters,

in so far as they gave no oience to the majesty of the State. in 1 5 57 he wrote to Magnijico nostro caris&mo


was then eighty-two,

inviting him


come and

Michelangelo, who live in peace and


freedom under


his wing.


similarly encouraged

for him.

I from France, to work will pay you better than your King , he told him. But he suddenly seemed to forget his promises, and Cellini, who could not even obtain payment for his famous statue of Perseus, concluded at last that Cosimo s soul was that of a merchant rather than a


the latter s return


And he was not



Cosimo and

his wife

were business


traded in sugar, skins, jewels, alum and guano, and

maintained two galleys purely for this traffic. Cosimo tried to encourage the manufacture of the fine cloth known as del garbo

and of silk-stufis but, as in this field the foreign competition was too severe, he turned his attention to agriculture. By trading in cereals he made considerable profits in time of dearth and he sold countries. Furthermore he and his wife, grain to neighbouring true merchants worthy of the first Cosimo, founded such new industries as the fashioning of articles in coral or crystal and the manufacture of plate glass, Flemish tapestry and pottery of the
Chinese type, and thus contributed to an expanding economy. The intellectuals were favoured but strictly supervised. Young nobles still haunted by the memory of former days sought a new

kind of liberty by organizing meetings in which they could talk with a certain degree of freedom under cover of pedantic jargon and obscure formulae. These little academies gave themselves
the Academy of the Umi which had been grotesque names. In founded in 1540 by the noveEst Grazzini, who was known as the Lasca^ or roach, each member had to adopt the name of a damp

such as Ranocchio, the frog, Lombrico, Ae earth object or being, worm, FogncL, the drain, and so on. Such dubs, which were
organized like
dcalate, places

republics behind for idle chatter.

dosed doors, were simply

Although Cosimo was not unduly disquieted by this novdty, he was prudent enough to bring it under control. Thus he turned into the Florentine Academy and the Accadema degU Umi its discussions to matters of language and vocabulary restricted




This was to grve bfefa in 15*7 to the



Accademia della Crusca^ the Academy of the bolting-sieve,1 which legislated on matters of correct usage. These debating clubs, which were a product of servitude, were destined to flourish such as the exceedingly. Fourteen existed in Florence alone,
InJarinatoOTlnJerigno(bTOwn bread), the Smaccato (the crushed), the Stritolato (the pounded) and many others down to the end of the sixteenth century. Siena possessed twenty-three academies of

which the most famous was that of the Intronati (the stunned), a circle which the Medici dissolved in 1578. The members of these academies wore expressive devices and tried to be amusing by
combining pedantry with obscenity.

Whik tolerating them, Cosimo kept an eye for nothing that he had founded a police-state: his police were more active than ever. Any action that contained a hint of liberty
was repressed by laws of which the mere wording inspired terror. on by those who Espionage was rife, and honest men were spied
had the reputation of being honest.
In 1548 Burlamacchi, the gonfaloniere of Lucca, who had been converted to Lutheranism and was being encouraged by the

on them. It was not

formed the original plan of and leaguing them together He was a humanist and by temper against Charles V and Cosimo. ament a disciple of Savonarola. Having been appointed to lead the militia of Lucca, he prepared for action. His plan was to seize Pisa aiKl then, with the aid of the Pisans who had dreams of liberty, to besiege Florence and drive out the Medici. The whole of Tuscany would then come over to his side. One of the conspirators, as usually happened, divulged the plot to Cosimo, who asked for Burlamacchi to be handed over to him. Lucca, however, undertook to punish the culprit. As Cosimo was anxious as to the possible outcome of these proceedings, he sought the intervention of a Spanish commissary. This gave rise to a new trial, in which torture was applied. Finally, in September 1548, Burlamacchi was beheaded; and .with him died the dream of a confederation of Italian repubEcs,
French and by the Florentine

reviving the old Italian republics

Which was









did not pay to attack the tyrant. man who had tried to him in the villa at Poggio had been executed in 1544,

and more recently Cosimo had liquidated an aflair he had set his heart on, namely the killing of Lorenzino, now known as Lorenzaccio the evil Lorenzo. The latter had inspired an apologia for his deed, representing tyrannicide as meritorious and citing the of Timoleon1 who had slain a relative in order to free his example country: but he had since then been leading the life of a hunted animal, in constant dread of the appearance of some hired assassin of Cosimo s or of Charles Vs. It was like a death in life. He had wandered from Venice to Constantinople and thence to Paris. But he was imprudent enough to return to Venice, where his family, the Soderini, were living. Cosimo s ambassador now hired a couple of ruffianly soldiers to kill Lorenzino. They made friends with their intended victim and then one day attacked him with daggers which, to make doubly sure, had been dipped in 2 poison. Lorenzaccio died in his mother s arms. Thanks to the ambassador s protection the two ruffians were able in the end to leave Venice and to end their days quietly at Voiterra on the proceeds of what they had received.

Cosimo possessed the qualities of a despot; he was consistent in his policy, astute in the conduct of public aflairs^ distrustful on
principle of everyone, With his bearded face, 3 his cold and dubious eye, he was not attractive to look aL

Ms hard mouth and

But lie

Timoleon, who had killed the tyrant of Corinth from motives of had then felkn into a state of melancholy from which he was roused hy an invitation to save Syracese which was then groaamg finally tmder tyranny* He became not only the saviour of Syracuse but her ruler and I*3*e^*ctor,and is accounted, no doubt rightly, as one of the heroes of

the ancient world.



On February 26,

3 See his portrait represented as aimed

by Btwzino

1648. IxH^ezaccio was then thirty-four. in the Galeoa del* Aocademia.



head to ioot, aiid

wi& a poweadW





knew how to make his way safely through the jungle of European

the Tuscan exiles, who were supported by France, raised the green banners marked with the word Liberia and the verse from Dante: LUerta vo cercando cTie si cara C I go

Once again indeed

seeking liberty which is so dear to me/ This was the signal for another rebellion. Led by Piero Strozzi, son of the Filippo who

was supposed to have committed

Spanish garrison from Siena, and

drove the once the whole of Tuscany was in a ferment. Cosimo immediately ordered the gates of Flor ence to be closed and no one to leave without his permission. This was in order to prevent an exodus of the well-to-do people and of
suicide, the rebels

the young men who might be tempted to join Piero Strozzi. It was a sad time in other ways also for Florence. The countryside was being pillaged both by the exiles and by the Spaniards who carried

and notably the grain which had been threshed. In the city corn was unobtainable save at an exorbitant price: it cost eight lire a bushel. Wine, oil and meat were virtually off the and people were dying of hunger. Some 18,000 poor folk market,
off everything,

wandered through the


and under the walls or hung about


the cellar-entrances, although Cosimo caused 8,000 pounds of bread to be distributed every day. Add to this that an

was raging, as in the days of the siege not the plague, to be sure, but purpura; and also that astonishing signs were observed. An earthquake, more severe than had ever been experienced, over threw a number of houses; voices and the clash of arms were heard in the sky; trails of fire appeared; and all this struck terror
into the hearts of the Florentines
, listening for any favourable sign that they might be abk to recover their independence. Such dreams were quite chimerical When Charles V heard a the revolt of Siena, he said: Loose the Duke of Florence upon them/ Cosimo asked for nothing better. Hitherto he had

new hopes and were

who had been much roused by

maaiaed on guard and had made no

public declaration;


he went ahead. After resisting courageously for fifteen months, Siena capLtuklsed, and this great city, with ail its territories and




wealth, passed under the control of the

Duke of


(July 1557).

him him

Vasari, wishing to glorify the victor, was planning to paint in the midst of a circle of counsellors, but Cosimo wrote to as follows: This circle of counsellors whom you want to

pkce round me in picturing the deliberations regarding the Siennese war is unnecessary, I was alone. But you might paint a symbolic figure of Silence, with some other Virtue, which would not represent the same thing as these counsellors/ Cosimo was

He alone had brought the history of Florence to a con he alone had initiated that of Tuscany by founding the clusion, state of which Florence was to be the capital. Until that time the had been animated subject cities of Volterra, Arezzo and Pistoia each of them a hostile with a spirit of separatism which made power, however small . They had afforded Florence no help of any kind during the siege, regarding the city with the same hatred

which they felt for the invaders. The truth is, that the Republic had shown itself incompetent to establish any community of in terests or duties with the vassal-states, any bond of affection which might have enabled them all to unite in resisting the foreigner. Florence, as Antonio Panella remarks, had not been able to create or political. Now Cosimo killed the spirit of spiritual unity, and achieved political unity. Tuscany was his work. separatism And the work had been costly. The expenditure is estiimted to have run to 3,000,000 crowns. To prosecute the war large gifts had to be made, and loans to Charles V who was always short of

money and never repaid his


The Florentines npw groaned

under taxation which grew ever more onerous. It is true that the of Ae budget was very materially assisted by the confiscation of the rebels and exiles: and afoeady in 15 56 Cosnuo had property
concerted witb the naeadfaaats a
State lottery. It crowns after

new fiscal

expedient, namdfy-


was p^oAictive from the


outset, yielding 30,000

Ae first eight draws.

was however becotirog

The eeoiKMBlc


a mez



Macao and China; but these

outlets were exceptional, and the sources of well-being were exhausted and the spirit gradually of initiative, hampered as it was by controls and suspicion, tended

to disappear. These signs ofweakness did not however hamper the He had contrived to secure the political ascendancy of Cosimo.

favour of the Vatican, and particularly of Pope Pius IV; and when he was received in Rome with a splendid following of 800


to say the exiles, him when they had previously insulted him. So great applauded was his success that someone wrote under the statue of Pasquino

the Florentine




in the place used for satirical inscriptions: Cosimo de Medici, and that the Pope gave him a number of Supreme Pontiff

ancient statues which he took back to Tuscany.

Cosimo remained on equally good terms with the Emperor s son, Philip II, king of Spain. The latter conferred on the heir of Giovanni delle Bande Nere the title of Grand-Duke of Tuscany, a new title which implied dominion over a number of states, including Florence and Siena. Other Italian princes might feel
unlike Cosimo, they did not jealous and discontented, but, dispose and a national army in which the young nobles had of a navy
enrolled; nor had they founded an order of military monks under the patronage of St Stephen and inspired by the Knights of Malta. Pius regarded Cosimo with the same benevolence as that of

his predecessor. One day he asked the Grand-Duke to hand over a certain dangerous heretic named Carnesecchi, who had placed

himself under Cosimo s protection; and rather than



out with

Supreme Pontiff, Cosimo was weak enought to obey. The heretic was condemned by the Inquisition. Cosimo maintained
close relations with the Vatican and the Pope conferred on him, with the Grand-Ducal dignity, the privilege of wearing a special crown adorned in the front with the red lily of the Florentine


The coronation took place with great ceremony in Rome

on March 15, 1570, and the Pope embraced Cosimo while the was kneeling before him. Kings and Emperors might judge these honours excessive for the master of so small a territory; but what did that matter? The



winds were favourable and Cosimo had set his sails accordingly. He had already married his son Francesco to an Austrian Arch duchess who in December 1 565 had entered Florence in a manner

Tuscany now had her

an imperial princess. Whether people liked place on the map of Europe.


or not,

The birth of a new state was not accompanied by the birth of new morals, but, on the contrary, by a series of outrages and shall now see. tragedies, as we
have often encountered Benedetto Varchi, the son of a and a former student at Bologna. On his return to die jurist Canto alle Rondini, near San Pietro Maggkne, paternal home in the


he was welcomed by Cosimo, who asked him to write the History

ofFlorence. Varchi set to work conscientiously, with a concern for which was not always in keeping with the poEdcal impartiality one night he regime under which Florence was then living. Now,


attacked, near Santa Maria

Nuova, by an unknown



his furiously with a poniard. Varchi, protecting defended himself courageously, escaped by a arm with his lucco, hairbreadth and was healed of his wounds. He knew now, as well



as his assailant,

what was the motive for the outrage:


was the

History of Florence.

And when



expressed surprise that

the book had not yet appeared, Varchi replied: astonished that I am slow in writing it. I value lie risk of losing

Tou must not be my life, and I run


if I

1 speak the truth/

Cosimo himself, though

for quite different reasons, enjoyed

and he was so wdtt aware of this security against physical assault; of mail under his clothing, wbidi fox that he always wore a coat

that matter was usually unobtrusive. He had already as we know, In 1559 a certain Paiidolfo Puect, a fonner 1544, escaped one plot. the swarthy Alessandro and who had barn imprisoned familiar of

for offences against morality, conspired with a few associates to But his was not the manner of a successful get rid of Cosimo. to Ms goal; and so bravo, be shuffled instead of going straigjhl:

VarcM was



Im days m

1565, at la Topaia, a villa near Flosieace.


was discovered and Pandolfo and his accomplices were from the windows of the Bargello. hanged It was however in the tyrant s own family that tragedies were numerous. In the autumn of 1562 three of Cosimo s sons, Giovanni, a
the plot

young Cardinal, Don Garcia and Piero happened to be hunting in the Maremma. They contracted pernicious fever, as a result of which the Cardinal died on November 2ist and Garcia on Decem
ber 1 2th: such was the
official version. According to the unofficial Giovanni and Garcia had both claimed credit for killing version, an animal, and so bitter was the contention that Garcia had slain

himself upon Garcia

Giovanni. Cosimo subsequently, in an access of rage, flung who had taken refuge in his mother s arms

and stabbed him: Congratulate yourself, he cried, on losing your life by the hand of him who gave it you rather than with the ignominy of a felon. It was added that Cosimo had become certain of Garcia s guilt on seeing the victim s blood boiling when
placed near the presumed assassin. Thus the story of pernicious fever was countered by a story of two murders. Was the latter version simply a legend invented

days after Giovanni s death, She had been a good wife and business-woman, greedy of gain, and had amassed enough to buy the Pitti Palace; but she was not popular with the Florentines,


the exiles?


fact is that five


mother Eleonora also

died. 1


at seeing her always surrounded by ladies and gentlemen own nation. Did the Florentines merit such scorn?

reproached her for her Spanish arrogance and took offence of her

he was a widower, Cosimo grew unrestrained. He became enamoured first of a giovinetta, Eleonora degli Albizzi,

Now that

who, with the

in the

assent of her father,


to bear

the villas where he rested. Involved


him company in more than a boy

five, felt tired


rough and tumble of existence, he now, at the age of fortyand even surfeited with public life; he therefore in

it was said. (If Giovanni had died on November the Eleonora on the 26th, and Don Garcia on December izth, then the unofficial version cannot have been entirely accurate Translator.)

Of tuberculosis,



June 1564 delegated the conduct of


to his eldest son

Francesco, while retaining supreme authority in his own hands* But Francesco, who was now regent, feared that the liaison with the Albizzi girl might end in marriage and he was confirmed in this



revealed to

Sforza Almeni, a gentleman of the Duke s bedchamber, him the most secret particulars of this love-

Francesco then ventured to remonstrate with his father. This was a perilous move, because Cosimo in a fury attacked
Sforza for betraying his confidence and killed him. After that he
lived in retirement with the Albizzi, by whom he had a son; but finding then that he had ceased to love her, he married her to a member of the Panciatichi family in 1567, and gave her a dowry.

But he had no talent for solitude or asceticism and, having pro vided for his former mistress, he chose as his companion Camilla Martelli, the daughter of a gentleman of modest condition, and a
cousin of the Albizzi. People began to gossip, and the Holy Father, Pius V, advised his protege to regularize this new connection. But Maximilian, Emperor of Austria, and Francesco,
at all of that opinion, although the Martelli could pretend to no formal tide. *You must be indeed mad , said the Emperor, to think of marrying a woman of such

Regent of Tuscany, were not



To which Cosimo replied:


took her to


my con

science at ease, and for that I owe account only to God.* The Grand-Duke s second wife did not make life easy for him. He had become not mad, but prematurely paralysed in the legs,

hand and almost in his speech. Now, the Marteffi, woman, not beautiful, was cursed with an hysterical temper ament and a vanity which made everyone dislike her; and she treated the poor invalid, who could not take his food unless he
in the right

a tall

was assisted, without consideration. She made him weep with her
violent language and ill-temper and sometimes seemed to abandon him. It was in this state of misery and fallen greatness that die

Grand-Duke passed away, on April


25, 1574, at die age

of fifty-

His enemies took care to blacken his memory. As if the murder of his son Don Garcia and of his gentleman of the bedchamber



were not enough, condiments so to speak were added. He was aUeged to have had his daughter Maria poisoned on her refusing to marry the Duke of Ferrara s son, because she was in love with a page at the court; and in fact Maria, an agreeable girl who was then sixteen, did die suddenly at the time when the marriage was being discussed. Cosimo was also said to have had incestuous relations with his other daughter, Isabella, and with the wife of his son Piero. A tale of infamy is only too readily extended, and it is likely enough that the exiles and Cosimo s enemies in general did all
they could to build up for him a fearful reputation; in certain respects he had himself provided the means.
said and done, this half-forgotten Medici had remarkable qualities of statesmanship. He had enlarged displayed the Florentine territory. Tuscany; when he died, was a wellall is

But when

organized and fairly powerful Duchy.

It had a population of ova: of whom 700,000 were in the Florentine domain proper; 800,000, an army of 36,000, a navy of sixteen galleys, and State revenues

amounting to over a million ducats, thanks to heavy taxation and forced loans which would have infuriated the old republicans, accustomed though they had been to being bled.
Morally speaking, there is little to be said for Cosimo; he was even something of a blackguard. And one can scarcely be sur prised that his culture was mediocre. At the age of eighteen he had been plunged into a welter of politics which would have tried the virtue of a saint On the other hand he had been interested to some
extent in the natural sciences, in botany, for example,- he had from America and established botanical gardens. imported plants

he was a sober man and, when not in dread of the dagger, would indulge in a kind of gaiety. His life, on the whole, had not been enviable. One has the impression of a painful rise to power, beset with pitfalls. But if

For the

the top, the daily life of Florence did not gain in joy or serenity. The days of the either whether they Republic,

Cosimo reached

had been days of real or only apparent freedom, had been





Decline of the population - The Florentines are excluded from public life - Debility or indifference of public opinion -

Tragi-comedies of court


- The

decadence becomes more

marked - An

assassination in the Renaissance

manner - The

years of comedy in Molire*s manner The last of the princes

that she



under the Austro-Spanish hege


mony, the decadence of Italy as a whole became more reasons. pronounced as the years went by; and for several

the excessive taxation, protective tariffs that were imposed, the rage for luxury and the shifting of maritime trade-routes an unfavourable consequent on the discovery of new lands, all had

Between 1550 and 1600 the population declined from

over a million souk; 11,165,000 to 10,080,000, that is, a loss of time the proceeds of trade and agriculture while at the same

and its representatives brought benefit only to the State and viceroys and to the nobility and clergy. From governors this trend the Florentines themselves did not escape; and it was
an irony of fate that it was they who bad taught their conquerors the secrets of accountancy and the very terminology of commerce. We shall now see them, under the last princes of the house of

picturesque enough persons 1 of dullness and mediocrity.

in their


sinking into

s successor Francesco was thirtyyear 1574 Cosimo did three. His flattish physiognomy and large expressionless eyes his apprenticeship in but he had served not






during his

fetfaer s

had estabHfetime, he fed traveled,

The most

to tMs period have recently discovered documents relating


by Antonio Panelk and Urnberto DorinL



and had been married to an

lished contact with the Spaniards

Austrian Archduchess.

conditions necessary for a peaceful reign, namely alliance with the victor, seemed to have been


achieved, but once again public and private tragedies com plicated the situation and created a threatening atmosphere. These tragedies began in 1575 with the plot of Orazio Pucci, a son of the Pandolfo whom Cosimo had had executed fifteen

years before, Orazio wanted to avenge his father; but, as was almost bound to happen in a well administered state, he was

denounced. After trying to commit suicide, he was hanged from the same gallows as Pandolfo. Twenty of his accomplices were
then condemned to see not only their personal property, but the of the law known property of their families, confiscated by virtue
as the Polverina^ which was most profitable to the Treasury. It brought in 300,000 ducats on this occasion; but the act involved

Francesco and his government in great odium in Florence. The following year was marked by a domestic drama. Fran

youngest brother, Piero, was a vainglorious brute, a vagabond, idler, gamester, constitutionally immoral and in fact

Cosimo had married him in 1571 to Dianora de a niece of his wife, then a girl of eighteen. It was an Toledo, unhappy union. On the night of July 9th to loth, 1576, in the

Cafaggiolo, Piero strangled his wife with a napkin and then wrote to the Grand-Duke to say that his unfortunate


villa at

spouse had just succumbed to an attack of apoplexy. Francesco knew Piero too well to be taken in by this, and so the two
brothers agreed to issue the following version of what had happened: a handsome Florentine named Bernardino Antinori

had been Dianora

lover; her

husband had simply avenged

no one, but, though there was no proof of adultery, Antinori was made to pay. He was murdered
himself. This fiction convinced

in his prison; whether as Dianora s lover or as an accomplice of Orazio Pucci, the public was left to choose. But Piero s evil deed
entailed at least

of the Toledo and Alba

story far and wide.

one unpleasant consequence: it roused the fury families in Spain, and they spread the



must now rekte the story of Cosimo s elder daughter This handsome, intelligent and cultured young lady, an excellent dancer, musician and horsewoman, represented the perfect type of a Renaissance princess. Her parents, however, had


married her to Paolo Giordano Orsini,

loutish soldier

Duke of Bracclano, a who possessed none of the qualities of a nobleman

and who passed most of his time in Rome. Isabella in these circumstances was left entirely to herself. But she was surrounded by admirers, and the example of her father with the Martelli, not to speak of similar cases, was probably not lost on her. She found consolation by talcing as her lover Troilo Orsini, a cousin of Bracciano s. Informed of this situation, the Duke came in haste from Rome and, under pretext of going out to hunt, made Ms way to Cerreto Guidi, the villa where Isabella was living. Heie at sk days after the murder of Dianora dawn on July Bracciano strangled her. The court did not trouble to invent an ingenious explanation. Isabella, it was said, had had an attack of apoplexy just when she was washing her hair and had expired in the arms of her women. Thus the month of July 1 576 was marked

with blood.
it was a clear case of adultery; and in the the Grand-Duke sent his bravi on the tracks of following year his sister s lover. The latter had sought refuge in Paris under the

This time however

wing of Catherine de Medicis, but he was duly stabbed to death ai

the same.
to Bracciano, he later fei in love with Vittoria the wife of Francesco Peretti (a relative of die fiittire Accoramboni,


Sixtus V); and, as it was now almost a matter of habit, 1 Bracciano had the husband murdered and tiiesn married the widow,



historian has


difficulty in

adapting his mind to the

1 This t&e scandal of Rcra^ was one of tlie Vit*oiia,wlM>9e behaviour was most heartless and brazen aimers on record: a m>man with nerves of stel and the courage of a she-wolf. Her deeds created a tremendous sensation in WUte, Deyily and mote Europe, and famished material for Webster s The fbr one of Stendhal s Ckraruques itaB&mes. (Translator) recently



pitch of this period, which truly recalls the most savage days of the Quattrocento, the age of the condottieri and the adventurers all
athirst to create

duchy or tyranny for themselves, carved out of the living flesh of unhappy Italy. But history demands that we should not fight shy of the truth. The Florentines, who were now excluded from any share in


a bare living out of their various trades. They were sheep to be fleeced, to enable the Tuscan court to live in luxury. Gone now were the days of party strife, of those street



brawls which imparted colour and movement to existence, maintained people in a perpetual state of excitement, stimulated the brain and produced new ideas as steel produces sparks from a

The only


now were dramas of the palace, and it was

the echo of these dramas, often distorted in the telling, that pro vided material for conversation behind closed doors; and of
material there

was no shortage.

the observer and commentator of the domestic tragedies in his family. He had his own affair, which in no way fell short of the others. Towards the end of 1 5 63, when Cosimo I was still Grand-Duke,
there had arrived in Florence a certain Bianca, the daughter of a

The Grand-Duke Francesco was not merely

Venetian patrician named Bartolomeo Cappello. She was hand1 some, energetic and, though still young, had a number of
adventures to her credit, or rather, her discredit. She had been the mistress of a Florentine named Pietro Bonaventuri, who was

employed in the Venetian branch-office of the Salviati Bank; and when this liaison was discovered, her lover, who had a practical turn of mind, married her and advised her to flee to Florence
after laying her

hands on


she could in her father

house. This

The portraits we have of Bianca date from the time of her high fortune and give no great impression of beauty. She was a fleshy, much-painted, Venetian type, with the beginnings of a double chin; fine eyes, however, a

well-marked mouth, rather thick-lipped, long fingers which look greedy and The hair, which is naturally of the reddish-blonde Venetian

colouring, is set off by ear-rings and necklaces. There is little of the aristocrat about her. See the portraits by Bronzino in die Uffizi, and in the Pinacoteca of Lucca.



done, the couple decamped. In Venice Pietro s uncle and employer was arrested, and died in prison; and a reward was offered to

anyone This


should hand over the abductor.

romance, commonplace enough in


way, inspired

great interest in Francesco,

to seek. Bianca s

whose protection the lovers had come wit and vivacity impressed him and he beauty,

ordered the police to take measures for the security of the He also tried, though in vain, to persuade Venice to fugitives. raise the ban on them. But interest was soon followed by love;

and one night,

way we have

in defiance of the danger, Francesco made his to Bianca s room. Her husband, a practical-minded man as

connived with a good grace at these nocturnal visits. Now all this took place in secret, and for a very good reason.

The negotiations

for Francesco s marriage with the Archduchess


Joanna of Austria ware then in


swing. But once the marriage to conceal the affair. And as was concluded, Francesco ceased of being rather meanly lodged in the house of Bianca
the Bonaventuri,

who were

he gave her, very modest bourgeois,

near his



Via Maggio, a fine house (which is palace in the had it furnished and decorated; and appointed her
gentleman of his wardrobe.


as first


Florentines and even the courtiers were scandalized.


all over Italy; and Cosimo, who made a point thing was talked of the of keeping up appearances, tried to reason with his heir. But wife was the same age as latter refused to listen. His Austrian and moreover she was Bianca; but she was slightly hump-backed, and of limited outlook. and

of a morose

melandholy disposition

she sonxracMkd herself with Distrusting the Italians,



could one see any diarm in tte countrymen and women. How With Biaeca it was different. What fait a certain

foreigner? the discussions between fetter and son was that piquancy to the s as an austere nKHalst at the time of his feAer latter had

posed with the AlbizzL Floimtlfies wiio knew about



have smiled. set up, In any event the thfee-a>rnefd est^feliiiKiit 1^ been

But before long the

&4mfc<mflyee wfao

was now




gentleman of the wardrobe began to give himself airs and to afiect an intolerable conceit; and it was perhaps to restore the
balance of his situation in regard to Bianca that he took Alessandra
Bonciani, the

widow of a

Ricci, for his mistress.


then went

about proclaiming his good fortune so loudly that the Ricci family felt deeply insulted. The Castilian point of honour now
reinforcing Italian susceptibility, Pietro Bonaventuri was assassin ated on the night of August 26-27, 1572, in a street behind the Via Maggio. No one doubted the reason. The Ricci family had acted
in agreement with Francesco, getting rid of the husband.

who had taken this opportunity for

little later

Alessandra Bonciani met

her end, at the hands, or at the instigation, of her brothers. Neither of these crimes was punished.

The field was now clear. Bianca was free, and Francesco, who had become Grand-Duke after Cosimo s death, built a palace for his beloved in the once republican gardens of the Oricellari. The Grand-Duke cynically neglected the Archduchess, and it was in
vain that she protested against the humiliation that was put upon her. Bianca the Venetian was the real sovereign and she led

Francesco by the nose; perhaps,


was thought, by means of the

procured from a Jewish sorceress. The scandal more gossip than ever; the Florentines had never loved provoked what came from Venice.


spells she

The question of the succession arose about

this time.

The only

surviving children of the Archduchess were girls, her son having died while still a baby; and Francesco was very anxious to have a

Now it was that Bianca came on the scene. She had had a daughter by Bonaventuri, but since that time her formerly disorders* and maladies had left her sterile. No matter: as a woman

without scruple she would pretend to be enceinte* So, during the night of August 29, 1576, she simulated a long and painful labour and then, having dismissed the persons in attendance, remained with her accomplices, who secretly introduced into the bedroom

woman of the people, born the night before; the concealed in a large lute. The pseudo-mother s room baby being was then opened and Francesco, informed of the good news and
the bambino of a



weeping with joy, rushed in and clasped the lambino to his bosom. The child was to be called Antonio, Bianca affirming that she


his arrival to the intercession of that Saint,

three women

now remained to remove any traces of the plot. First of all who had agreed in advance to hand over their babies

disappeared one after the other, as if by chance. year kfcer the indiscretion of her Bolognese Bianca, fearing waiting-woman

who had

organized the whole affair, sent her back to her own while crossing the mountains this woman was country. wounded with a bolt from an arquebus, but she had mortally


recognized her assailant and before dying she confessed the whole

And the story was immediately transmitted to the GrandDuke s brother, Cardinal Ferdinand, in Rome. His relations with Francesco had not been cordial, and now he was stiU further

as his heir.

Francesco for his part was enraptured at having little Antonio When Bianca felt sure of her power over him and con

fessed the truth, he forgave her; Ms love even increased, and he bought a principate for his supposed son in the Kingdom of

11, 1578, the poor Grand-Duchess quitted this of tears, leaving behind her only daughters,1 one of whom valley was to be Marie, Queen of France, Her misfortunes had inspired for Francesco her death was a pity and regret in the city; but

Now on April




same time he was tormented with

scruples. In

an attempt to detach himself from his bewitscMng mistress he midertook a long Journey through pans of Tuscany; but at eveiy or threatening fettars. halting-place he was harassed by desperate In this situation his confessor, a ^accolattte mook who had been well by Bianca, set the consciefice of die penitent at ease and

paid dismissed his scruples so effectually that when Francesco heard that his mistress was preparing to leave Tuscany for good, he held

out no longer but returned post haste to Floience. And here, on June 2, 1578, less than two months after the Archduchess s death,

he married Bianca in the Grafkl-Diica! CtapeL The marriage was


A son born in

1577 died as a baby.



even Cardinal Ferdinand did not


of it. Bianca was

simply to be governess to the princesses. But when the year of obligatory mourning was over, the


was thrown


and the marriage proclaimed

urli et orbi.


Venetians, always good politicians, judged make themselves agreeable to the Grand-Duke.


expedient to

They solemnly

declared Bianca to be a true and special daughter of the Republic by reason of her very rare qualities : festivities were organized, and Bianca s father and brother were knighted; after which the

whole Cappello clan repaired to Florence, where amid new


they celebrated the triumph of the

woman whom,

fifteen years before,

they had consigned to perdition. On October the marriage-ceremony was solemnly renewed in the 12, 1579, on the great hall of the Palazzo Vecchio. Francesco seated himself throne, Bianca took her pkce beside him and the ambassadors

pkced on her head the Grand-Ducal





Cappello family being a provided with handsome revenues, and Bianca herself receiving dowry of 100,000 ducats. In spite of the dearth then prevailing, the Florentines paid the expenses. This series of rejoicings
lightened their purses of a total of 300,000 ducats. Bianca Cappello had now reached the zenith of her fortunes.

home at the end of the month, the

There was, it is true, one dark cloud on the horizon the animosity of Cardinal Ferdinand. But Bianca prudently worked to reconcile the two brothers and succeeded in persuading Francesco to send moi*ey to his brother a thing he had previously refused to do. The effect was good, Ferdinand quietened down ... for the moment. The new Grand-Duchess had too much sense not to realize that her husband deeply regretted the absence of a legitimate heir. She saturated herself with drugs, had recourse to the artifices of

qpadb and sorcerers, bm all in vain; and so, while awaiting better
times, sbe persuaded Francesco to designate as his heir the young Antonio who was neither a Cappello nor a Medici and to

give a viBa.

Mm a suitable portion including a palace

in Floreiice




Meanwhile the comedy continued. In 1585 the Florentines

heard that their sovereign lady was expecting a child, then that her hopes had not this time been realized, but that she might be fortunate in the future and have sons. Cardinal Ferdinand took

and kept a sharp look-out. was again announced that Bianca was enceinte. The Grand-Duke was jubilant, and grave dignitaries including the Archbishop were invited to the palace to assure themselves to the imminence regarding Bianca s condition and to bear witness
note of all In 1586

Was it simulation, or illusion, or merely a nervous or autosuggestion? 1 The experts could argue on these condition, no child made its appearance. points, but one thing was certain: And meanwhile the discord between the brothers became so
of the event.
violent that the Archbishop had to put Ms foot down. Such were the relations between the members of this interesting

malaria while family when, in October 1587, Francesco caught on the 19th, hunting near the villa of Poggio a Caiano. He died and Bianca succumbed to the same malady on the 2Oth- The post

mortem, it is recorded, left no doubt as to the origin of the trouble; but such an explanation appeared too simple, and the almost simultaneous disappearance of the couple, combined with the well-



between the brothers^ gave

rise to the


in her Bianca, who hated the Cardinal a perpetual spoke and offered him a slke of wheels invited him one day to kmcfa
carefully poisoned. Ferdinand declined, to be served before the Grand-Duke, not only out of however, he wore on his finger a courtesy and deference, but because Jewel from the emanations of the poison. colour had


which had been

suddenly changed Francesco ate Ms portion and Bianca, not daring to give a hint of her sinister design, ale hers. She was counting cm taking an antectote to save herself and her husband, but the CareUm! was ot*
their death agonies

with an air of cold




a story

Maiy Twice




quite in the Renaissance vein, and of the Borgia pattern; but there no likelihood of its being authentic,

The Florentines received the news of Francesco

their servitude

death without

the least regret, and even with a certain pleasure. He had confirmed

become the liege-man of the Austro-Spanish coalition, and the latter had rewarded him by recognizing his title as Grand-Duke. Furthermore, he had inspired

by consenting


the antipathy of the French by refusing any financial assistance to Catherine de Medicis, whereas he was generous in his subsidies to the Italian tyrants; and

by having one of the accomplices in the Pucci conspiracy assassinated in Paris where he had taken refuge. Melancholy and uncommunicative, puffed up also with vanity
and pride, he had no contact or spiritual community with his subjects or even his familiars, except with Bianca, to whom he had remained attached for twenty-four years. His only distractions appear to have consisted in dabbling in chemistry and alchemy, in poisons and counter-poisons, in searching for gold and rockcrystal, and sometimes in the manufacture of Indian porcelain. His activities in the laboratory were mostly those of a moron. It must however be added for there was still a spark of the Medici in him that he began the reconditioning of the upper rooms of the Uffizi as a gallery in which he exhibited his art-treasures. For the rest, he was a despicable creature; although one can under stand why the imagination of the Romanticists was so unduly excited by a life at once gloomy and tragic, highly coloured, scarlet and black in the manner of Stendhal.

Under Ferdinand



resumed a more normal,


had been a Cardinal from the age of fourteen, and being disgusted by the intrigues of Bianca CappeHo, had been living for a long time in Rome, where, in Vatican
less colourful, tone.


aides, he had become an adept in politics. As soon as he heard of Ms brother s death he left for Florence; and here he was received


A gladness, as people knew him to be agreeable and benevolent.


He had



not to indulge in any reprisals against his


at court, the


former partisans of his brother; but, on the he could not agree that the very evil Bianca should other hand, beside the other Medici, and he had her repose in San Lorenzo, coffin removed to some secret spot in the Basilica which has
never been discovered.

now came up again. That question of the succession a male heir was a precedent of Francesco should have died without

marry as soon as he was a Cardinal. Fortunately Pope Sixtus V under possible, but the importance of State interests; he authorized Ferdinand stood




desirable that Ferdinand should

to lay

1589 Ferdinand married Christine de Lorraine, a granddaughter of Catherine de Medicis. By her, in the following year, he had a son and successor, the future Cosimo

down the purple; and in

This rapprochement between Tuscany and France very much
their vassal was slipping annoyed the Spaniards who feared that 1 out of their grasp. But Ferdinand was not to be intimidated. He of Henri IV to an part in the conversion



with his s Catholicism, and then arranged for the king marriage Francesco and poor Joanna of own niece Maria, a daughter of Austria. The banns were published in the great hall of the Ducal
one of the most fer-sigjited statesmen of the age, was folly aBve to dbe need for checking the increase of Aostro-Spanish power. When in 1600 it was tkni^t that EHzabedi I claimant to ibe throne was James VI of ScotkiKfe tiie best Calk)lk



the Infenta Isabella. If the In&nta succeeded,

Eog^ mig& we& mow into



the Spanish orbit, France would be overawed,

United Provinces overran,

and die independent

would tiien share the fate of Milan and had just had wind of a plot to murder die Scottish Naples. Now Ferdinand entrusted young Henry Wottori, bappeoed to be king by poison, and he
Italian states

in Florence at the time,

with a secret dispatch to James and an antedote to 0f Sir Haxry io case of need. Izaak Walton in his poison to be used as an Italian, the Englishman, JFetxm describes how seccessfuly disguised^ that Ferdinand averted Thus it Is mot out Ms mission.




first m^^^ie wtet wmMhsve bees for England aoJ Scotland a crisis of tfee --Ferfband was BO creature of &e Pqpe, but a ^^mt^mc^mdP^e^-E^Mie,ci(I always fod a wiio wraenot al iiat time very sale



Palace, Maria was recognized as queen, and on October 5, 1600, the marriage itself was celebrated in Santa Maria del Fiore by

proxy, Ferdinand on behalf of Henri ring on the bride s finger.


placing the wedding-

Marie de Medicis, who had been born in 1 573, was twenty-seven at this time. She was a handsome woman but rather stupid and

vainglorious, and she did not for long retain her husband s Although Ferdinand had desired her not to take with

her to France a large retinue of Florentines, Marie refused to be separated from her foster-sister and confidante, Leonora Dori, the

daughter of a joiner and a woman of ill fame who pretended to belong to the noble family of the GaligaL Another adventurer who figured among the attendants of the new Queen of France

was Concino Concini, a grandson of Cosimo s first Now Leonora and Concino soon discovered that their



were very much in harmony, as also were their interests. So they married (Leonora not being an ill-favoured person, whatever has been said to the contrary), and they were to play a conspicuous
role in history. If Ferdinand did not abolish despotism, he tempered it, estab lishing a Consulta of which the business was to receive and examine
his subjects petitions and suggest means of dealing with them, life in Florence now became less distrustful and more agreeable.

Ferdinand ruled without rigour, he strove to diminish the suffer ing consequent on the dearth, he founded a convalescent home
and, to improve the state economy, undertook important public works such as the dredging and extension of the harbour at livorno.1 This was a free port where many Protestants could live
at ease; die
* This

former Cardinal being a naturally tolerant prince.





work of Sk Robert Dudley, a son of the Earl of Leicester He was a skilled mathematician, engineer and ocean-

he had fled to Tuscany, where he and was rewarded with a handsome pension, a town house in Florence and a villa in the coimtry.Hehadaisockainedthemaiemnia of Pisa- One might add diat official relations with England were also partlcuiasriy dose and cordial during the seventeenth century. (Translator)
ogiafiier; Being in trouble in England,




remained true to the Medici


Although not a man of outstanding culture, Ferdinand tradition. It was he who, while still a had built the famous villa on the Pincian hill in Rome. Cardinal, The family sanctuary in San Lorenzo, that campo santo which

glows perhaps too brightly with gilt and marble, was raised in his time. And finally he recognized the merit of that genius Galileo


at the

age of twenty-five, became lecturer in mathematics at

the University of Pisa. Ferdinand died in February 1609. Everyone regretted him. The funeral was simple, as it had been decided to use the money which

might have been spent on it in providing dowries for the daughters of poor families. Apart from this, however, he left a comfortable fortune. A good business-man like his ancestors, he had made considerable profits in banking and in the corn-trade.

The historian Umberto Dorini writes that Ferdinand I was the


of the Medici

in once more, odious or absurd.

after his death,

who deserves to be remembered. Decadence set with princes who were incompetent,

II came to the throne, he was an indolent and of nineteen, without a will of his own. He was weakly youth dominated by his mother, Christine de Lorraine, and Ms wife Maria Maddalena of Austria, a lusty German who fatigued him a good deal He had little notion of how to govern and, being very devout, surrounded himself with priests and moeks who mixed

When Cosimo

with the nobles of the court, exploited him and hedged htm in. The other classes of society coii^^ and Cosimo did not gain in popularity. life was difficult in other

ami famine. ways, owing to a succession of wars, epidemics stifled by taxation aed governmental restrictions, Agriculture,
hardly held

own* The popiilation declined, labour because a mows fattens and sofieriog from cociscairce, atKi Cosimo t0 one diese evils. One may was not the stHBjptiofi to Ms emit dte protection whkfa perhaps place accorded to GaHee^ wfco received the tide of





extraordinary and philosopher to his most Serene Highness the



Cosimo II in 1621, his successor, Ferdinand was only eleven, and under his reign calamities descended on
the death of

Florence in even greater numbers. In 1630 the plague claimed 7,000 victims out of a population of 70,000, and still more three years later. The woollen and silk industries, which had been the
ancient source of wealth, suffered severely from English and


competition; while the wars, which were a result of the explosive international situation, added the final touch to the miseries of
Florence. It was not until 1644 that peace dawned on the horizon, and from that moment indeed Tuscany had the privilege of being

exempt from wars and armies until 1799. The new Grand-Duke, though somewhat grotesque in person and of mediocre abilities, was a gentle and simple creature whose great desire was for peace. He had to spend a lot of money to maintain himself more or less tolerably amid the tempests then rocking Europe. Nor did he enjoy domestic happiness. Vittoria della Rovere, to whom he had been married as a very young man, was terribly haughty, cold too in her affections , and life with her proved so unendurable that the Grand-Duke and his consort lived separately for eighteen years. Like her, however, he was severely arid strictly pious, and blindly obedient to his director of conscience. This was perhaps why he did not oppose Galileo s
being sent to Rome to face die Inquisitors; but he did at to have him freed after his condemnation.1
least try

Ferdinand II died of apoplexy in 1670 after a reign of forty-nine years which were in no way distinguished or memorable. One
simply note a few minor circumstances which recall the names of his relatives but with which he had nothing to do. CareliBal Giovan Carlo, a tan vivant who was very arduous in hfe attentions to handsome women, presided over the Academy of


a village

Galileo passed his last days in the beautiful vilk he owned at Arcetri, on the Mis to the sooth of Florence, Although under house-arrest,


ckmbdul wiiether


made much

difference to Jrim as he


lost his

was near his end.




the Immobili in the Via del Cocomero (now the Via Ricasoli) and also over the colloquies in the Oricellari gardens. Prince Leopold,
greater capacity, helped to found the first academies, that of the Cimento, which was the 5 heir to the work of Galileo. 1 The collection of artists self-

man of considerably

of the

which one can see in the Uffizi was also due to Prince whose pastimes and interests were of a studious nature Leopold
5 .

The somewhat


and monotonous reign of Ferdinand


witnessed a drama in which Florence recognized the savour and colour of the Renaissance, of the great days of her history.

Veronica Cibo belonged to an old family which had counted among its members a Pope, a number of Cardinals, some remark

women, lords and assassins. She was not very beautiful, and not displeasing, but a woman of unfathomable pride, energetic yet

too and vindictive. This Veronica had been married to Jacopo Salviati, Duke of San Giuliano, a Florentine noble descended

from wealthy bankers. The couple did not get on very well, and as the Duke was wearied of his wife s moods and temper, he
sought distraction elsewhere. One evening when surprised by a rainstorm, away from home, he was sheltering undo: the portico of a palace when a maid came to invite him in, on bdbalf of the
master of the house, old Giustino CanaccL Jacopo accepted the invitation and on entering the salon he was almost rooted to the

ground in admiration of Caterina Canacci, a young person whom his host had taken as his second wife. Grace, charm, marUde^a^ the whole vocabulary of aesthetics was inadequate to describe her, Compared with such splendour, Veronica harciy seemed count. and Jacopo was completely bewitched. He paid further visits; surrounded with gallants, let herself in the end Caterina, although be seduced by this noble gentleman. Veronica, however, had

And ofTorricelL Tuscany at tte tisae was playiag a very notable part
Hie State Ifehreisky at i%a iiad o

in tie adduce of die natwai sciences.


a number of



and was a coatee of sapartani




doubtless been warned of what was happening by some unfortun wooer of the Canacci. She had Jacopo watched and, once

of his infidelity, she ruminated the means of vengeance. At the end of December 1638, at the time of the year when it was customary for a wife to present her husband with a basket of Veronica fine linen shirts, handkerchiefs, lace and collars 1 Scoroncocolo type, who were to secretly hired some bravi of the kill Caterina, cut off her head and bring it to the San Giuliano

The assassins accordingly entered CanaccTs house, found

Veronica having foreseen and planned every thing and duly executed the orders they had received. Veronica now, with a smile of triumph, placed the head at the bottom of
Caterina alone
the basket, carefully hiding

under the linen which was





3ist she handed to her husband the

and then swiftly departed. A little later, when he dressing, Jacopo discovered under the lace and handkerchiefs the livid head of his beloved. This seems to have been what really happened. But in order to heighten the story and give it a more artistic turn, currency was


given to the following version: "When Veronica had been advised of her husband s


ness, she purchased an enamelled vase from the Delia Robbia workshops. On this she painted in Gothic letters the word Tra&-


and arranged in the vase a bouquet of rare betrayal flowers to which she pinned a paper with the word Sorpresa on it. When the Duke said he was puzzled by these two surprise

words she answered: In a few days I will give a marry party and 2 yod will understand.* On the appointed day, when the murder had been carried out, Veronica concealed die head among the

According to Guerrazzfs

Veronica. Cibo^

Ferdinand II himself main-


havi) among whom was the famous Tiherio Squiktti, commonly kaown as Fra Diavoio or Fra Paolo because he was an apostate monk.
Sqdietri however went too far and ended up in the BargeHo dungeons. Veronka is said to have assured herself of the complicity of old Canacei s

two sons who were poor and one of whom, Bartolorateo, was in love with his stepmother Veronica, * "What made the crime more atrocioos was that Caterina was encemte.


flowers. Jacopo expressed surprise that



guests had arrived and

she was expecting. Can t you guess, my friend? It is your beloved Caterina. And she displayed the head, hidden among the flowers. My dear friend , she murmured in Jacopo s ear, 1 loved you, and you have betrayed me. I have taken vengeance/

asked his wife what mysterious

that Veronica

Whether there was a basket or a vase, linen or flowers, the feet had time to make good her escape, that she was

seen again in


that those

who paid

actors in the drama and not the

the penalty were minor 1 guilty one ; and that the

who had long been deprived of any sensational 2 news, could now discuss the case, and express pity, approval or
indignation at their leisure.

Coming now


find ourselves in a

to the reigns of the last members of the Medici world that reminds us of Mollere.

There was to be no more effiision of blood; what came now was conjugal discord and the accession to power of a society of

Ferdinand ITs son, Cosimo IH, was abig fellow, much attached to court etiquette and pompous titles, fond of luxury and exotic fashions. At the same time he was an extreme bigot; and Iris whole

was to be tormented by the wife to wiiom he had been still a very young man, namely, Marguerite-Louise d Orfeans, a cousin of Louis XIV. This marriage, which had been planned by Mararin, aojirired

married while

the proportions of a catastropiie. Marguerite, a young, brill^n, witty and capricious person, was in love with Charles, Dofce of
Lorraine^ she detested everything Italian, and especially did


A. cocEteinpQoiy


d)Srv ed in ifet& oofmexkM webs which c^ch flies ai^



tbelarws are Kt?g those

Itmaybeofmteresttoi^lthatM when lie apparently stayed at tfae Palazzo

Gackfi, paid

a second visit






despise and detest her husband. She was constantly telling him she wished to return to her own country and when, in order to tame her, there was a question of removing her French attendants, she

entered into such a fury that she had to be confined in the villa of Poggio a Caiano. The method was not good. When Cosimo

not yet Grand-Duke by the way came to see her and try to calm her, for he entertained only kindly feelings for his wife, she
threatened to hurl at

him the first object she could lay hand on. There were some intermissions of quietness which allowed of the birth of a few children, but then her violence was renewed. Once, although she was with child at the time, she tried to escape with a French groom, on another occasion she planned to go to Pisa with a gipsy. Poor Cosimo was reduced to seeking dis
traction in military parades and foreign travel. 1 he succeeded his father, Marguerite,


who was now

Grand-Duchess, a circumstance flattering to her pride, displayed a milder temper, and in 1671 another child was born. He was to become the absurd Giangastone. But the respite was of short
duration. Marguerite s aversion for her husband broke out once more, she complained that he treated her badly and wrote to him,

not without reason:


dearest wish

You make me wretched and I make you/ now was to devote her life to God; and so,

after twelve years

of conjugal

the couple separated with the

assent of Louis

into the convent of Montmartre; but of piety soon evaporated. She began to haunt the Court: feelings anci, what was far more unseemly for a nun, she associated with the royal guardsmen and the stable-hands. This made the Sun King

XIV. was received Marguerite

lealy angry.


sent her back to the convent; she tried to set


In 1668 he went to Spain and Portugal, and thence early in 1669 to England, where he visited the southern counties, was royally entertained in London by Charles IE and taken to Newmarket. The two iLiveisities received

Imn with distinguished honours. On his return homeward byway of Paris, be was entertained in the Luxemburg by Mademoiselk de Montpensier

Grande Mademoiselle

who on

this occasion

engaged Moliere and



to give a -performance.


play they presented was Tortujel





and turning her wrath against her husband, albeit from a distance, she wrote to him: *I swear, by all that I most hate, that is
yourself, that I enter into a compact with the devil to drive you mad/ Her favourite at this time was an ostler. The now

king decided to confine this ungovernable fiiry in the convent at SaintMande; and here she was to die in 1721, a wiser woman, at the age

of seventy-six.

more under

Cosimo, in the meantime, as he grew older, had come more and the influence of a company of calculating Tartuffes,

pious hypocrites. In the previous century the

spirit of the Counter Reformation had restored the purity of the faith and the greatness of the Catholic Church; but here it was degraded. In this Tuscan

court, closed as it was to any noble or intelligent influence, money was spent like water on such illusory projects as the conversion of Protestants, Jews and heretics in general Speculating on tfaseir ruler s piety, these persons drew pensions designed to maintain them in the right path, allowances which the Florentines described cynically as pensions on the Creed*. One could have wished for a more enlightened sort of charity, for the people as a whole were poor and very heavily taxed. The

country districts were becoming depopulated owing to the ravages caused by thieves and starving vagabonds. But the Grand-Duke was unaware of all this; he seems not even to have realized the
extent of his extravagance, and in feet he exhausted his leveimes to the extent of lacking funds to pay the mffitia and die rfvi


the other hand the Florentines were subfect&d to a of austerity which, from a certain angle, recaied tlie distant


times of Savonarola.


police proceeded severely against

kwe. Young girfs weie not even allowed to hush descended on Florence. in tihe street. slog COSIHK/S main anxiety was to assure the pennanence of his house on the throne. But tte was not easy. BBs eider so -was a fist fiver wbo^ even wfeea lie maorled, dy i^ dbaiige fci$ ways aa
debauchery and

iota, miA iact

oo dleslie for cHcfaea. Tlhe secxmd sc^i, Ga^stooey

see, rife

kri ieoi married to a German and, a& ^e f ifa^^ was a s&ft of


different pattern.


Cosimo now
in despair turned to his brother,

Cardinal Francesco-Maria.



now fifty years

of age,
to dis

was physically

finished. Nevertheless

Cosimo forced him

card the purple and, lured on by the hope of a successor, chose as his wife Eleonora Gonzaga, a very young princess. But when after
the marriage ceremony Eleonora found herself in the presence of a husband as ugly, obese and repulsive as the ex-Cardinal, she

And so at last, after occupying the throne than half a century, Cosimo III, now an octogenarian more and still a prey to the fixed idea of the succession, was gathered to
refused to live with him.
his fathers.

We now come to the last specimen of the Medici dynasty. The

bust of Giangastone which has been preserved conveys the impres sion of a half-wit and even of a candidate for Bedlam: the eyes are
large, wild

and threatening, the moustache bristling like that of a musketeerj the whole face is the face of a grotesque who is trying to look terrible. The man was in fact a degenerate and a drunkard. His father had supposed he was doing the right thing by giving him as his companion, and for breeding, a wealthy Saxon woman, Anna Maria, the widow of the Prince of Neuburg. Now this rough, graceless and intractable person had a mania for hunting and, after the marriage which took place at Dusseldorf, she
obstinately refused to leave her castle of Reichstadt and her hunting-grounds in the Bohemian Forest. She preferred the
society of wild beasts to that of human beings. Although there was a touch of the wild beast in Giangastone Mmselfj he could not persuade his wife to follow him to Italy.

After tea years he gave up the attempt and left the Teutonic Diana to her stags and wild boars. He was seen in Paris with his


another crazy eccentric: then in Prague. And throughout

waterings he was pursued by his father s appeals: Give But Giangastone was disgusted with women. He cottoned on to students, caroused, got drunk and gambled. Once in a while, however, a certain homesickness for the hills of Tuscany came upon him. In 1705 he reappeared in Florence,

me a grandson/

but soon wearied of the


of the Court.

He returned



Bohemia and
tried to cajole the formidable huntress;


then came

And now the Florentines saw a species of old man who was
forty, a solitary figure,

not yet

dead drunk, stumbling along the

In 1723 when he was over

fifty this

wreck of a human being


the throne.

he have to listen to Surrounded as he was by widows a sister, a sister-in-law and an aunt he had before his eyes the very picture of his family s dis solution. He could be under no illusion now as to his destiny. The sovereigns of Europe had already decided what was to be done with Tuscany, By virtue of the treaty between Louis XV and
Charles VI, Emperor of Austria, Tuscany was assigned 10 him for the loss of his Francois, Duke of Lorraine, to compensate had been ceded to Stanislas LecziesM cm own dominions which
the latter s having surrendered his rights to Poland,

He was now independent: no longer would the eternal refrain of Give me a grandson.*

In Tuscany Spanish garrisons were now replaced by Geaman, and Giangastone stood by, accepting the degradation without pro test. Having become a complete materialist, a thing which would have shocked his father, he abandoned himself to his vkes in the midst of a sort of sham court composed of wome% men of mean

and a few nobles to

whom he gave a ruspd- a week, whence

their name ofrusponti Giuliano Dami, the major-domo, who was this clique, became the dispenser of fevotus; he helped head the first instance, and succeeded in keeping bis master himself

under his exclusive coaforot Amid soci Bacchanalia dwelt dangasfcone, worn out with in 1732 whm debauchery and srak in deoqaifiide. One day foot out of joint, manner he put his staggering aloeg in his usual then took to his bed ami in an afeiospliei^e of alcohol and evi odours finally passed away on July % 1737- ^^7 dynasties have of come to an end, but none as ijpiooriiiiocis as ifeat
cite as

the Media.

collusion to this sfcetscfa of He in Floraiee the remarkably lucid comments of Bernardo Segpi, a

One might



would have been and powerful, had she been governed by good laws; but to great obtain them she never contrived. She was never able to set up a really stable constitution, whether princely or republican, which
historian of the sixteenth century. Florence

would have made her strong. Weakened by internal discord, she was content with a limited sort of dignity instead of uniting with
other states in order to augment her reputation and dominions. the bad popular regimes, the very bad regimes of little 1 and choked potentates, the tyrannies, which continually afflicted


her, so that she

was never

able to flourish

and spread



wide the glory that animates the men of this country. In the judgment of political philosophers, Florence might have prospered as a notable State, had she possessed an orderly govern ment and an army which would have invested her with real power. Unhappily, it was not her lot to increase but to decrease
and, as a
state, to perish.


constitutions are not

may be true in the political sense. Intelligence and brilliant enough to make a people happy. And yet

the influences that radiated from Florence, with her wonderful

gift for initiating

and propagating new ideas and beautiful have none the less rendered her immortal. forms,

It is not clear whether he is speaking here of Florence herself, or Tuscany, or Italy as a whole. Apparently all of them. (Translator)

Among the vicissitudes of Florence, writes Symonds in The Age of the Despots^ p, 175, one meets with the intrigues of factions and exiles, the skill of demagogues, the selfishness of party-leaders, the learning of scholars, the
cupidity of inferior employees, the ingenuity of theorists, the malice of traitors and all this put into action hy burghers who regard the State as

something they can mould to




Acciaiuoli, Agnolo, 28, 32
Bisticd, Vespasiano, 48-9, 114, 141143, 185, 199-200


Battista, 36-8, 59, 91,

Albizzi family, 51-5, 58

Blacksmiths, 32
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 21, 187-8

Alchemy, 43
Alexander VI (pope), 164

Bonatto, Guido, 43

Bonaventuri, Pietro, 300, 302

Borgia, Cesare, 171-5


mining, 71

Ammanati, Manetto
Angelico, Fra, 211


Boscoli, Pietro-Paolo, 179 n.


Sandro, 61, 70



Antonino (churchman), 49-50

Apothecaries, 31 Architecture, 90 foL, 219-20: see also

200, 202, 212-13

Bracdolini, 72-5

under names

of in

Branda, Cardinal, 48-9 Bridges, 88

dividual architects

Brudolo, Antonio, 46 n.
BrunellesdH, flippo,
93, 133, 202-3, 36, 52,

Arezzo, 20, 34, 35, 100, 147, 173, 198, 261

217 foL

Argyropoulos, 188
Arlotto, Piovano, 67

Bruni, Leonardo, 192-4

Buildings, 21, 246-7
Bull-fighting, 183

Asceticism, 48-9

Astrology, 42-3
Atrocities, 18, 76-7, 172, 177

BuoiK&moete, 13-14


139 foL, 27; faotises o^ and peasants, 103-4; kraie103-4, 108

Baglione, Maktesta, 260 foL


Bakers, 32
Bandello, Matteo, 29, 222, 223

Butchers, 32 Byron, Lord, 69 n*


Bande Nere, Giovanni


282,285 Bandni, 72-4, 78, 214 Bamsfmmt, 28, 32, 46 a^ 163,270 fenkers and baskmg,

Cafarfa {gold), 29-30

Capitalism, 16
55, 113,

16, 18, 31-2,


255 foL



I 77-^

Carpenters, 32 Casa, Gtovaairi



Bankruptcy, penalties for, 31

Banners, 31
Barbers, 92 Bardi, Alessandra de*, 112-14 Bardi, Contessina de*, 60

Castagno, Andrea del (f^k^er), 207 Caaaaeo, Sfeooefta, 70 Ceifecy, 103, 230
Ceffiim, Beeveffl^o, 14,


m 276^ 28^283,2^7

9211^ 05,

Beacons, 180

Bemardiao, Fra (of Siena), 41-2,


Cemrai, Bermixfo {goktoWiX 9* Ceanini, Ceifflfflo Cramer), 202

CercM faaiy, 18
Ife&i, ,107^


de*: sve


Cteacter of ihe Ffc^es^iies, 54 fel



Charlemagne, 32-3 Charles (Holy Roman Emperor and King of Spain), 254 fol. Charles VII (King of France), 32 Charles VIII (King of France), 155







Tuscan and

sorcery, 42 Disease, 290: see also Plague


Dominicans, 165, 189 Donatello (sculptor),

206, 217-18









108-9: see also Education

Donati, Lucrezia, 64, 69

Ciulla, 13




vents, 89, 90, 123, 147, 187-8

Class distinctions, 16



Clement VIE (pope), 62, 78,

Donati family, 18 Dowries, ico Drunkenness, attitude to, 118, 119 Duelling, 264 Dyeing of cloth, 15, 30
Eating and drinking, 65, 102, 115118, 205, 252 Economy, Florentines* regard for,
102, 104, 115

255 fol., 269-73: see also Medici, Giulio de Cloth industry, 15, 21, 29-31: see




industry Clubs, 26, 205, 287-8

Columbus, Christopher, 199


Education, 109


185 fol.

Commune, the, 15-16, 59 Company of the Trowel


Edward IV (King of England), 59



Eight of the Guard*, 26, 47 and manners, 118-20,


Constitutions, 16, 22, 23 fol., 72 Conversation, Florentines* fondness

for, 119, 249 fol. Coppersmiths, 146-8

Fables and parables, 44-5, 108: see

also Legends; Story-telling Famine, 83, 256

Cosimo, Piero di, 136-8 Costume, 124-8, 264; of sorcerers, of 44; of ecclesiastics, 57; Lorenzo the Magnificent, 67; of peasants, 98; of physicians, of 121; of actresses, 134; f students, soldiers, 174-5; 1 86; of artists, 203; of nobility,
74 Council of the Hundred, 60

Fasting, 183
Feltre, Bernardino da, 47-8

Ferrante (of Naples), 80 Ferrucci, Francesco, 264



carnivals, 70, 135-8 Ficino, Marsiiio, 60, 189, 197 n.


Fiesole, 15, 43-4

Filelfo, Francesco,





Cocirtesans, 231-5, 265


Oedit, ban on, 41 and punishment, 31, 71, 75,

81, see





194-6 Sandro, 212 finance, 31, 33, 149 foL, 260, 2&6, 296 Fiorentino, Cristoforo (singer), 238 Fiorentino, Giovanni (writer), 14 Firenzuola, Agnolo, 224


origin of name, 14-16; cleseription of, 24, 87-100 Florin, the, 33, 100 n.

Ctirreocy devaluation, 70



15; banisJbed,


respect for coimeerce, 33;


Forks, origin of, 117


ffl (pope), 13

in, 29;

trade with,





32; craftsmen s status, 33; the French in Florence, 155 foL; and liberation of Pisa: see also



Charles VII; Charles

Vni; Louis


Hospitals, 92 Humanists, 62, 186 foL Hunting, 96

Francesco of Apulia, 166 Francezi, 72, 78

Franciscans, 165-6, 189 Frangois I (King of France), 182,
183, 216, 254 Funeral customs, 122
Furriers, 31




Imola, 71-2 Innocent IE (pope), 83 Intellectual life, 185-200 Interior decoration and furnishings,
82, 106, 232

ewelkry, industry, 32, 149

Gambling, 50, 254 Games: see Sports and games

Gates, 88-9 Gebhart, Emile, 35 Ghibellmes: see Guelphs and GMbellines

:ews, 47, 149, 163

banna of Austria, Archdudiess, 301 olm (Bishop of the Five Churches),

Jousting: see



Lorenzo (architect sculptor), 91, 219, 220


Judges and notaries, 31, 32 Juggkry, 89 Julius (pope), 215




Justice, 16, 24, 31

GigL: see Puki, Luigi (poet)






Giotto de Bondone (painter), 203 Giovio, Paolo (historian), 271 Girls, training and education olj 111-

19-20 Landncci, Luca



cfaromcier), 76, 77, 85, 143-6,

Goldsmiths, 93, 208, 212, 215, 217 Gonfalomere^ 24-6 61, 208 Gozzoi, Beaozzo


14^, 171,




Giazzim, AnoefeaiMsc% 44 Gfeek language and fezatee, 54 &-,

Grosso, Naooi, 204 Guelpns and GhibeSsies, 13-14,

246 n^ 247 n. Law language, 34 n~, 186 foL Lavema mooastery, 147 oL Legen<k, 239 Leo (popeX 62, 15^ iSoii., 253, 256: see also Medici, Giovanni




Leonardo da Vino, 153, 205, 213-15, 217





159,265,270,282 Guido, Antonio di (singer), 238 Guilds, 16-17, 2

56, 71, 75, 76, 81, 83




(pataer), 209-10,

Ltorary ciicles, 2^-50 Loggia del Lanzi, 21 Ixxenzo, SpineMo di, 144

Lorenzo de*

3 22
Lottery, State, 291


198; and Italian language, 200; and Filippo Lippi, 210 Medici, Lorenzo de* (Duke of

Louis XII (King of France), 171, 173 Ludovico il Moro, 155, 214
Machiavelli, Niccolo, 23, 33, 46, 63,
84, 86, 96, 121, 134, 169, 173,

Urbino), 181


Medici, Piero de* (son of





171, 175? 2I

174, 181, 198, 231,

235, 251,

Medici, Piero de

(son of Cosimo
19, 52

Magistracy, 24 Manetti, Agnolo, 199

294, 298 Medici, Salvestro de

Maralmaldo, 261, 265, 267

Marriage, 65, 101-3; restrictions, 30; licensing of 71; Florentines
attitude to, 230-1

Masaccio (painter), 205-6, 209 Masi, Bartolomeo, 102, 103,

146-8, 171, 175

Medicine and physicians, 84, 121, 129 Medici palace, 37 M6dicis, Catherine de, 268, 308 Medicis, Marie de, 307-8 Menageries and pet animals, 80,
106, 131


*Men of the towers

15, 17

Mazzi, Lappo, 143 Medici, house of, 53 fol. Medici, Alessandro dei,

Mercenaries, 21-2, 171, 174



Merchants, 16; homes of, 95 Merula, Giorgio, 196

Michelangelo, 93 n., 205, 208, 211, 214-15, 247 n., 259, 271 Michelozzo di Bartolomeo, 219
Milton, John, 313 n. Miracles, 46-7, 169, 246




(I) de*, 53-61;


and astrology, 43; model business-man, 144; and Filippo Lippi, 209 Medici, Cosimo (II) de , 281 fol.,
Alberti, 36;



Mirandola, Pico della, 197-8 Money-changing, 31, 149

Cosimo (HI) de*, 313 fol. Medici, Ferdinand (I) de*, 303 fol.





312 n. Medici, Francesco

Money-lending, 59, 140, 149, 163 Monte, the (official records), 81 Monte Cassino monastery, 187-8 Montesecco, 72-3, 77-8

de*, 295, 297 foL Medici, Giangastone de*, 314-16

Monti dz Pteta (fund), 149-50 Music and singing, 25, 40-1, 70,
129-30, 135, 236-8




178: see also


X (pope)



Mythology, 136

Medici, Giuliano de*, 64, 65, 70 foL, 180-1, 183-4




de*, also


184, 252,







Nazi, Bardo, 71


V (pope),


Medki, IppoMto

de*, 253, 255,

Nobles, 16-17



276-8, 289 Medici, Lorenzo de* (Lorenzo the

Magnificent), 61-2, 64-86;

Orange, Prince




OriceHari gardens, 251, 253


the peasants, 99; and musk,

and Pico delk Mkandola,

Orsim, Clarice, 63, 82 Orsini, Paolo Giordano (Duke of Bracdauo), 299

University, 185 n.


Postal service, 97
Prato, 20, 177

Pagolo (astrologer), 43
Painting, 201
see also

Precious stones, trade







Printing, 191 Priors (of the Signoria), 24-7, 60

Palaces, 91-4, 250-1



19, 124-38

Palmieri, Matteo, 17, 129, 141-2, 201 Palmistry, 120-1

Pucci, Pandolfo, 293

Pulci, Luigi (musician), 129
Pulci, Luigi

Pandolfmi, Agnolo, 95-6, 99-100, 140 Passerini of Cortona, Cardinal, 253, *55
Patricians, 18

CGigT; poet),

67, 117,




Raphael Santi (painter), 206, 215

Religion, 45 fol., 189 fol. Rhetoric, 185, 190
Riario, Girolama, 71 Riario, Ranaelle, 73-4, 79, 128

Pazzi, Francesco, 72-6

Pazzi, Jacopo, 72-7





Peasants, 98-9

Persecution of citizens, 28-9, 36

Perspective (in art), 206-7, 217 Petrarch, 17, 121, 186, 187, 227 Petrucci, Cesare, 74-5
Piccinino, 80

Robbia, Luca




Catholic Church, 30

Rome, sacking



(alchemist), 43

Rossellino, Bernardo (sculptor), 219

Rucellai, Bernardo, 250-1
Sacchetti, Francesco, 139-40

Piccolomini, Alessandro, 128

Pippo Spano:
Pistoia, Pistoia,
1 8,

see Scolari, Filippo

Pisa, 34, 35, 100, 171, 174, 175

20, 100

Francesco, 72-5, 142


da, 142






Buonacoorso, 41 Pirti, Lucca, 61 Pius IV (pope), 292 Pius (pope), 292, 295

Giuliano), 311-12 Sarto, Andrea del (painter), 215-16,

Sav(Hiaroia, 84 fol, 127



Plague, tlie, 19, 56, 83, 145, 249-50, 256^25711., 270 Plebeians, 16, 18 foi, 140

aad taxses, 151-2; of women, 231

Schootoasfcers, 109-10


Braoiolifii, 193-5,


Flippo (paio^r), 207

Police, 26, 47

Scolari family, 32



fondness for, 23-4;

82, 130,

68, 215 foL: see entries for names of individual




29 Angelo,

sculptors Serravale, Giovanni da, Servants and slaves, 105


Antonio (painter and

Shoe-makers, 32
Sicilian Vespers, the, 158 Siege of Florence, 253-71

sculptor), 218-19

Polafuolo, Piero (pakter), 218-19 Polajuolo, Simone del (architect), 145


90, 297




Tourneys, 22, 64, 70, 183 Trade and industry, 16 foL, 291-2; and politics, 29-30; morals of,
41-2; protectionist policy, 149;

Silver mining, 286 Sixtus IV (pope), 71-3, 79-80 Sixtus (pope), 307

Soderini, Caterina, 277

Soderini, Niccolo, 62
Soderini, Pietro, 173 foL Soderini, Tomaso, 212

Cosimo II and, 287 Triumph , the (street



Sorcery, 42-4, 234 Specchio (debtors* register), 25 Spices, trade in, 31




Uccello, Paolo (painter), 206-7

Sports and games, 89, 92, 96, in, 132-3. 183 Squarcialupi, Antonia, 130
Statistics, Florentines* partiality for,

Undertakers, 144 University, 184 fol. Uzzano, Niccolo, 54-5


90, 149

Benedetto (historian),


Stefano, 72-4, 77 Stmche, die (gaol), 19, 93 Story-telling, 236 foL:







293 Verrocchio, Andrea di (sculptor),

204, 217

Fables and parables; Legends life and entertainments, 129-38 Strozzi, Filippo, 80, 89, 273 foL
Strozzi, PalLa, 28, 56

Vespucci, Marco, 70 Villani, Giovanni, 125, 201 Villani, Matteo, 43


Strozzi, Piero, 284, 290 Studio^ the, 21, 185 foL

Leonardo da: da Vinci








Sunday observance,
Superstitions, 42-8



Paolo, 171, 282, 284, 285 171 Volterra, 71, 100


Vitelli, Vitellozzo,

Symbolism, 24, 31, 100

Tanners, 32


Antonio da, 72-4, 77

Witches, belief in, 44

Taverns and hotels, 32, 118, 162 Taxes aod tolls, 60, 71, 150-4, 260,
275, 282, 291, 296, 297

as housewives, 103-7; as mothers, 107-8; costume and make-up, 125-8, 225-6, 232; as widows,

*Ten Counsellors of Liberty*, 26 *TenoftheBaBa*, 26

Theatre, the, 133-4 Tcanabiionij Lucrezia, 62, 65 Tooeos, Lawrence (Torrentino),


122; emancipation of, 111-12; in Florentines*


222 foL;


standards of beauty in, 224-5;


Torture, 81-2, 167, 172, 195 ToscaneH, Paolo, 199

manners for, 226-7 Woollens industry, 15,


18, 30, 32,

{Continued from front flap)

churchmen, the poets and artists, the peasants and princes. He describes dress

and fashion and food and drink; how

the Florentines ran their households



they conducted their ceremonies;

their morals

were and what their

attitude toward women; how they amused themselves and how they endured


siege or in the midst of plague.


rules of courtesy


not be seen




feuds, the author expertly captures the

flavor of life

during these colorful and

cruel years.

Here, as well,


the chronicle of Flor

entine history from the earliest times to

the beginning of the eighteenth century.

M. Lucas-Dubreton
through Cosimo

traces the fortunes

of the Medici dynasty


from Cosiine


sorry Iidr

power and re cords the course of rebellion and inva

to the family legacy of

tyranny and revenge of wfiicb his




DrawE with
portrait of



Daily Life in Florence


city that



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