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Re: Mclnnish,


CountySheriffsffiw Maricopa Joe Arpaio,Sheriff


.efp {ri{r slgE_eg!}lgrc eIE
Msrch 2012 I, (Phoenix, MaricopaCountySheriffJoeArpaioin a press aZ) conference todaytold conducted my cold case repoders, six monthlong investigation posse lead "A by has cause believe to me to believethereis probable that President BarackObama's longrelea.sed the WhiteHouseon Apnl27,201 1, is a computerby form birrh cenificate generated forgery.I do not believethatit is a scanofan original 196l paper by as document, represented the WhiteHousevvhen long-formbinh cenificate the public." *'as made finding of a six-month is thc principlepreliminary on-going Sheriff s Cold Case into Posse enforcement law investigation the authenticity Obama's of birth certificate andhis eligibilit"rto be prcsidcnt. Investigators advised SheriffArpaiothatthe forgers committed two crimes:first, in whichthe WhiteHousecharacterized, creating fraudulent a document knowinglyor govemmental untnou.ingly, an officially produced as birth r:ecord; second, and in presenting document the residents MaricopaCountyandto the fraudulently that to of Obama's Americanpublic at laryeas"proof positive"of President authentic 1961 Hawaii long-fbrmbidh certillcate. investigation afterhavingdeveloped and probable Dwing the six-rnonth-long cause to is believe long-ibrmbirth cenificate a computer-generated the forgery,investigators of Obama's historyincluding:. began examining othercvidcncc President liib 'l'his

presidcntobama's selectiveservicecard is most likely also a forgery,revealed of by an examination the postaldatestampon the document; To quell the popularideathat obama was actuallybom outsidethe l-lnited of rhe we stares, examined Records ImmigrationandNaturalization$ervice flights aniving on intemational .uia, *outin"fv filled out by airplanepassenge$ Those_ in the that originateilourside United States the monthof August 1961. D.C' Interestingly' ,ecordJarehousedat the NarionalArchivesin Washington, obama's birth, August l, 1961to August 7' recordsfrom the dayssurrounding missing.This is the only:week in 1961*.eretheseimmigrationcards i-S6f "r" cannotbe found.

of ArizonaTea Party,residents of In August20| I , 250 members thc Surprise this sheriffArpaio ro undertake petitiona"sking a vturi.ip, couniy, presenred sigrred investigation. The Tea Party membersperitioned under the premisethat if a forged birth certificate presidential *as utilized io obuin a positionfor Barackobama on the 2012Arizona ballot, their rights asMaricopaCounty voterscould be compromised' it and to SheriffArpaio agreed acceptthe investigation assigned to his "Cold Case __ The Sheriffs Cold plrrJ; ut to rh tax payersfor a thoroughexamination' "*frnr. "o consistingof tbrmer law enforcement officers and lawyerswith law case posse, of hundreds spoketo dozensof witnessandexamined experienced, enforcement aroundthe world. from witnesses docurnents,and took numerousswom statements

generaled forgery,&ey that Suspecting the long form birth certificateis a computer oi now saythey haveidentifiedpersons interestin the case' ol duringthe course Mike Zullo says,"We havealso.determined Sheriffls Investigator in what we of our inuertigatiorithatthe Hawaii Department Healthengaged that they may havein their effort to hide any original 1961birth records ,,v*r"fi posression." ,.A to not only understand is SheriffArpaio added, continuinginvestigation needed to determile *o." uuoutrtr" crearionof the allegedbirth certificateforgery,but also it'" may haveauthorized *t,o, irunyon.. in rhe white Houseorthe stateof Hawaii The Matter of the SelectiveSemiceReeklration Cstd Obamaselectil'e President's werethen led to investigate Sheriffs lnvesligators in 1980' card allegedlyfilled out in Hawaii serviceregistration obama's cardto othersfilled out in sameyear andto at least compared Investigators two cardsfilled out in the samelocal. serviceregisFalioncardsshouldincludeall The year stampthar is usedon selective with iourilgit of the year,for example1980,the yearObamamay haveregistered is highly card notethat Obama'sregistration service.However,investigators selectiJe to "80" which appears be an unusualhavinga year stampincludingonty two digit-s, invertednumfir. Additionally, thosenumbersareoffset by a significantamount manuallymanipulated' that suggesting the stampwas somehoa'

why thc obama producedsix technicalvideosto demonstrate The cold case Posse forgery'The to long-formbirth certificateis suspected be a computer-generated the testingusedby the investigato* to examine to ,,ia!", *"r. designed display

Conclusive remarks Sheriff Arpaio stresses that thseare preliminary findings and concludedby a suggesdng Congressional investigation might be warranted. Arpaio askedthat any enfbrcement w'ith infbrmationreferencing other law agency this investigation be forwardedto his office. "l want to makethis perfectlyclear.I am not accusing sitting President the oflhe of United States committinga crime.But thereremaina lot of questions which beg for answersand we intend to move forward with this investigationin pursuit of those hopefullywith the cooperation all partiesinvolved,"Arpaio said. answers, of

yerrs asa New Jersey PoliceOfficer beforcbecoming a MilgZUllg spentseveral privateinvestigator that stale. Affer rclocatingto Arizona in 1993. in licensed Zullo joincd SherillArpaio's posse wasnamed ald headof theCold CasePosse Arpaioia by 2007.He hascontributed over 12,000 hoursof volunleertime to the Sheriffs Posse and over 100hoursof criminalinvestigation, hasreceived homicideandcold case investigational raining andhasbcur the rccipientof numerous Sheriffs commendations for his r+ori< u'ith thevolunlecrposse. and Mrrr Zb6t is a co-author technical edilor on numerous books.manyof which producls. Because centeron ^Adobc ofher expertise thc creationofcomputer in Zebest callodinto rh;sinvestigation provide was documents usingAdobeproducts, to dctailedanalysis to the vcracityofthe Obama as birth cefiificate. krcludedin themedia packettodayis Zrbesfs l0 pagereportoutliningthe atromalies foundin this documcnt. Stltc Reprcrtrtltivc Cd Scelrnd St aeSctrrtor Judv Burlcs arRepublicans fi,oo Districts6 and4 rcspec,tively. Both haveworkeddiligenrlyto get legislationpassed that would put into law thatanyonerurning for elected office in Arizonamus be ableto provetheir US citiznshipprior to their namebeingplacedon an Ariz.ona ballol They versionofthat legislation. continue work on an anrendod to non-fictionauthor.With a PI{D from Harvardin Dr. Jerome Corgi is a best-selling journalist for the,an intcmet political science, an investigative Corsiis also viewers. Dews srvicewith over l0 millioo monthlv

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