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ISLAMIC EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE An institute that focuses on learning and self-realization of its member and the way they

will respond in the future. Abstract: An institute which focuses on the education as well as the up bringing/grooming of an individual in an environment which itself responds to the inhabitants. Religious buildings in this modern time has been neglected I will try to understand and deliver a design which will not get outside the boundaries of shariya catering people from all backgrounds. Introduction: Life at every step is continuously teaching us lessons which leave great impact on our personality, thinking and the way we response to certain situations. The different interactions which we face through out our life are a mean of our learning process, today these interaction exist in form of school college universities community center etc And the most important amongst them are school and colleges. Which are taking us away from the path of real learning I will cater this issue by providing an environment which will enhance the students capability individually as well as a community. My Research will be based on the: a) Earlier Islamic educational institute b) Present day educational institute


What is an Educational Institute? , What is an Islamic Institute? , Difference between Islamic and Non-Islamic Educational institute? , Why there is a need of Islamic Institute? An institute created to educate for life. Can cater people of any gender or age. Islamic institute aims to provide education as per teachings of Islam, remaining in the boundaries defined by shariah. An educational institute educates a student for a profession and to grant degrees, where as Islamic institute focuses on how to understand teachings of Islam. In this time and age people are indulged in the worldly activities, ignoring religion and moral value, hence losing the real essence of life. Islamic institute will educate them the real meaning of life and how to live such that your existence becomes beneficial for others. Need for Study: The product of todays educational system lack in creativity, risk taking (mistake making) which lead to new innovation. Implications of Research: a) Creativity vs. literacy b) Mistakes are a part of learning procedure. Aims and Objectives: 1. To give a new identity to the I.E.I with up-to-date curriculum, with mandatory Arabic learning (tajwid , sarf, nahaw), emphasis on Spirituality(tasawwuf), understanding of fiqh.

2. To realize the importance of Islamic teaching and its need in this time and age. 3. Denial of Existing Education System. 4. Macro level designing: designing the institute w.r.t its impact on the surroundings. 5. Micro level designing: designing a table of student. 6. A space that is a teacher itself. 7. To grow into creativity and self-realization with respect to every individuals impact on a community as a whole. Scope: To cater the Islamic educational system with modern structure and technique that enhances the creativity of student. Limitations: a) Access to knowledge. b) No Islamic institute, which caters these issues. c) Availability of faculty. d) The image of Islamic institutes as a backward, noncompetitive with todays standard of prosperity. e) Usually people from religious background are their members. f) Socially it is considered backward if you are part of it. g) It is assumed that their products will find it hard to survive in the race of life. h) Terrorism is affiliated with it. Clients Brief: Creative capacity for the richness that they are and beneficiaries for the hope that they are and to educate their whole being so that they face the future in a healthier way. To design an institute for Scholastics school. Which will cater all the disciplines of Islamic institute. Islamic institute is a need for this time, people dont know the

potential which they bear as they have been misguided to western ideology which misfits this part of the world. Study Methodology: Method that will be used: Self research, seeking help from practicing architects who have catered this sector. Criteria Study questionnaires Data Collection and Analyzation: a) Case studies. b) Literature resources. c) Theories. d) Facts (polls). e) Graphs, tables, charts. f) comparative analysis. Material Selection: Local materials. Limitations, assumptions, and range of validity: a) Present situation of country. b) Lack of data availability c) Any reliable source of data collection. Work plan: a) Presentation of my understanding towards the concept b) Detail drawings

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