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Third Sunday of Advent

December 16, 2007

Those whom the LORD has ransomed will return
and enter Zion singing,
crowned with everlasting joy.
— Isaiah 35:10a
University Catholic Center

2007 UCC Raffle a Success!

Our St. Nicholas Party and
2007 Raffle was a success!
St. Nicholas pulled the lucky
UCC Holiday Schedule winners name who happened
to be Maria Frederick, a re-
Sun.- 12/16: Masses at 10:30am and 8pm cent UCC alumna, and she
chose the $15,000 scholar-
Sun.- 12/23: Mass at 10:30am only ship!
Mon.- 12/24: Christmas Eve Marynia Demkowicz sold the
Family Mass at 6pm most tickets and will have her own reserved parking spot here
Blue Christmas Mass at 9pm at the UCC next semester. The Mu Eps sold the most tickets
as a group and will have a fun time at Austin Park and Pizza
Tue.- 12/25: No Mass with Fr. Dave. CLFL sold the second highest and will enjoy
some Amy's Ice Cream
Sun.- 12/30: Mass at 10:30am only
with Fr. Dave.
Sun.- 01/06: Masses at 10:30am and 8pm Thank you to everyone
Sun.- 01/13: Masses at 9am, 11:30am, who supported us by pur-
5pm & 8pm chasing tickets, and better
luck next year!
UCC offices closed M-F, 12/19 - 01/04
No Daily Mass

Our Gifts to God

Stewardship is an expression of our love for God as we
Poinsettias remember the depth of God’s love for us.
The poinsettias this week are offered in
memory of Dr. Jose Montiel’s son John Paul
Montiel and Guillermo “Bill” Perez. $18,000


Mon: Gn 49:2, 8-10; Mt 1:1-17 $10,000

Tues: Jer 23:5-8; Mt 1:18-25
Wed: Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a; Lk 1:5-25
Thurs: Is 7:10-14; Lk 1:26-38 $6,000
Fri: Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a; Lk 1:39-45 $3,149 $3,075
Sat: 1 Sm 1:24-28; Lk 1:46-56 $2,333 $2,222
Sun: Is 7:10-14; Ps 24; Rom 1:1-7; Mt 1:18-24 $2,000

11/04 11/11 11/18 11/25 12/02 12/09
Christmas Eve Pageant and Rehearsal
We will have the rehearsal and costume UCC FUNCTIONS FOR THIS WEEK
distribution for the Christmas Eve Pageant on
Sunday, Dec. 23rd, following the 10:30am Mass. Week of December 16, 2007
As most know, absolutely no talent is required for
participation, and there is no limit to the number of "actors" Monday Dec. 17
that our pageant can accommodate. Come one, come all! • Finals
Mark your calendars and please contact Amy Burkhart • 12:05pm Mass HSC
( if you have any questions. • 7pm RCIA BSMT
• 7:30pm CLFL MT
Blue Christmas Tuesday Dec. 18
Rather than being a time filled with lights and • Finals
laughter, gifts topped with red bows and holiday • 12:30pm Mass HSC
parties where family and friends feast and en- • UCC CLOSES AT 1PM - NO RECONCILIATION
gage in light-hearted conversation, for many peo-
ple, Christmas is a very lonely, depressing, “blue” time. Wednesday Dec. 19
Whether grieving the loss of loved ones, other losses, or feel- UCC CLOSED
ing alone wounded or otherwise disconnected from the usual Thursday Dec. 20
holiday festivities Christmas can be a very difficult time, es- UCC CLOSED
pecially when it comes to attending Mass. If you are feeling
Friday Dec. 21
out of synch this Christmas season, know that you are not
alone. The University Catholic Center invites you to come UCC CLOSED
and bring your life experiences and feelings. You are wel- Saturday Dec. 22
come and accepted. December 24, Christmas Eve—9:00 pm. UCC CLOSED
Life isn’t perfect. If it were, Jesus would not have had to
come. Sunday Dec. 23 4th Sunday of Advent
• 10:30am Mass
Fr. Hecker Quote of the Week:
The Holy Spirit is to guide us in the work of God,
and not we, the Holy Spirit.

It takes a lot of elves to decorate our

worship space for Christmas. Decorating
will take place immediately following the
10:30am Mass on Sunday, December 23.
Please stay a little longer and help make the Reflection Question
UCC beautiful! Any time you can give is deeply appreciated.
• How would you respond, if someone were to
ask you today, “Is Jesus the one who is to come
Please help make our worship space beautiful for
or should I look for another?” Would they know
Christmas by donating poinsettias as a memorial
Jesus is “the one” in your life by your actions?
for a loved one. The names of those memorialized
will be listed in our bulletin. Flowers can be
brought to the UCC on Sunday, December 23, in time to Micah 6 Food Pantry
decorate after the 10:30am. Mass. Don’t forget our neighbors during this Holiday
Season. Please continue to support the Micah 6
Confirmation Food Pantry with your generous donations so that all
Our adult (18+) Confirmation program will begin may have a wonderful Holiday!
Monday, January 22, 2008, at 7pm. This program is
for Catholic adults who were baptized Catholic, re- Join the Paulists for Hecker Week in Rome!
ceived First Communion, had some Catholic religious educa- The Paulist Fathers Office for the 150th Anniversary
tion, but are not confirmed. There is no pre-registration, but it is proud to offer you Hecker Week in Rome March 1-
is very important to be at the first meeting. The meeting room 7, 2008. This land-only package ($1,499 per person,
is in the Catacombs at the UCC. Confirmation will be cele- double) includes attending 150th anniversary celebrations at
brated by Bishop Aymond at the UCC on Monday, May 5. Santa Susanna, the Paulist-run American church in Rome, a
The fee for the program is $20. Any questions, contact Jim papal audience and more. Walk where Father Hecker walked;
Harrington, Program Facilitator, at or pray where he prayed during his trip to Rome! For more
Deacon John De La Garza at information, log on to or call 202-269-2521.

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