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Important: Read First Release Notes for ROMeo 6.

Welcome to the release of ROMeo 6.0. These Release Notes supplement and supersede the corresponding sections in all previous ROMeo5.3, 5.2.2, and 5.2.1 documentation. Starting with version 5.3, ARPM and ARPM MBM will be included and accessed as part of the ROMeo Product suite. All documents related to ARPM and ARPM MBM are incorporated as part of ROMeo documentation. RELEASE 6.0 Where to Find ROMeo Documentation ROMeo v6.0 Release Installation Summary of New Features in 6.0 Migration to ROMeo 6.0 Summary of Defects Fixed in 6.0 Summary of Open Defects and Known Issues in ROMeo 6.0 License and Copyright Information 2 2 5 7 11 12 18 20

Release Notes for ROMeo6.0

Release 6.0
Where to Find ROMeo Documentation
Printed documentation

Release Notes (this document) ROMeo Getting Started Guide and Tutorial ROMeo Users Guide

The ROMeo Getting Started Guide and Tutorial document replaces the ROMeo Installation Guide previously included with full installation kit.

Online documentation
The following online documentation listed below can be found on t he distribution CD under the MANUALS directory.
Applibs (Application Libraries) Application Briefs MILANO Users Guide Modular Thermo Reference Manual Process Models Guide ROMeo Installation Guide same as ROMeo Getting Started Guide and Tutorial) ( ROMeo Real Time System User Guide ROMeo Users Guide SLV Guide (Solver Guide) Thermo Data Manager Use Guide INSQLEMI Adapter User Guide OPCUA Server User Guide

Application Briefs include the following documents:

Model Application Briefs Solver Application Briefs

Application Libraries include the following ROMeo/ARPM model databases:

P2_AromaticSeparation R3_CrudeOilDistillation G5_ExpanderPlant

Release Notes for ROMeo6.0

R5R_FCCMainFractionator P5R_NaphthaleneRecovery

The following documentation that updates the ROMeo Users Guide and ROMeo Real-Time System Users Guide can be found on the distribution CD under the SUPPLEMENTAL USERS GUIDE directory.
ROMeo 6.0 Release Note (this document) ROMeo Advanced Settings User Guide ROMeo Model Building User Guide ROMeo Real-Time System Supplemental User Guide ROMeo Accumulated Release Notes

All user guides previously included as separate documents for supplemental updates to the ROMeo Users Guide have been combined into the ROMeo Advanced Settings User Guide, ROMeo Model Building User Guide and ROMeo Real-Time System Supplemental User Guide. In addition to previously released user guides, the ROMeo Advanced Settings User Guide, ROMeo Model Building User Guide and ROMeo Real-Time System Supplemental User Guide contain additional sections for the following new features and enhancements.
Multi Measurement Move Measurement Time Slider (PHM Improvements) KBC Reactor sections for FCCSIM and REFSIM upgraded reactors OPC UA Client (RTS/Model App EDI) Import Export Enhancements Boundary SubFS Customization Enhancements Sensitivity Analysis using Jacobian ReUse Macro Configure User Added models based on VS 2008 migration SimSci ISOMERISATION Reactor SimSci VIS-BREAKER Reactor SimSci Delayed Coker Reactor

Contact the Simsci-Esscor Website (, your local SimsciEsscor representative, or a S imsci-Esscor Technical Support Center for instructions on obtaining documentation about creating custom process models in ROMeo. Ask for the document Process Models in ROMeo: A Guide to Creating Custom Process Models in MILANO. A listing of Technical Support Centers can be found in the ROMeo Users Guide or the ROMeo Installation Guide.

Release Notes for ROMeo6.0

Note: The manuals present an overview of the features and functionality available in ROMeo and Modular Thermo. In some cases, the online Help accessible from within ROMeo or the ROMeo Real Time System will contain more detailed information on process unit data entry and technical questions regarding specific process models and subsystems.

Release Notes for ROMeo6.0

ROMeo v6.0 Release Installation

As part of ROMeo v6.0 i nstallation, various components of ROMeo will be upgraded. These components cannot co-exist with previous versions of the components. ROMeo v5.3x, v5.2x, v5.1x, and v5.0x share many of the same version components and may co-exist. ROMeo v6.0 updates to ObjectStore from v 6.3 to v7.2. The ROMeo v6.0 installation of ObjectStore v7.2 does not currently properly co-exist with ObjectStore v6.3. For ROMeo v6.0 R elease installation it is recommended any ObjectStore v6.3 i s not installed on system as Object Store v6.3 and v7.2 is not officially supported. However for users we have prepared a procedure document to use both ROMeo v6.0 and ROMeo v5.x versions in the same machine having both versions of Object Store. Please refer section Coexistence of ROMeo6.0 with ROMeo5.x Versions of document ROMeo Getting Started Guide and Tutorial.pdf. The following section provides procedure for un-installing previous versions of ROMeo and their components and installing the ROMeo 6.0 Release software.

Un-Installing Previous ROMeo and Components It is recommended that all ROMeo software for v4.3x, v4.2x, v4.1, v4.0 x, v3x, and peripheral components (ObjectStore, TAO, Orbix, and Java 1.2.2) get un-installed prior to installing ROMeo v6.0 Release software. It is recommended ObjectStore v6.3 for ROMeo v5.x get un-installed prior to installing ROMeo v6.0 Release software. ROMeo v5.x will be disabled while ObjectStore v6.3 is un-installed. Users may re-install ObjectStore v6.3 after un-install ObjectStore v7.2. The following procedures will un-installs all ROMeo software and components unique to ROMeo. 1. Control Panels Add/Remove Programs uninstall: - all ROMeo and ARPM software (v4.3x, v4.2x, v4.1, v4.0x, and v3x) - TAO - ObjectStore - Orbix - Java 1.2.2 - (optional) TDM v2.0 only if other software using TDM 2.0 are not installed the system such as DYNSIM v4.2x or PRO/II v8.0x. 2. Reboot system 3. Delete or Rename ObjectStore, Orbix, and TAO folders.

Release Notes for ROMeo6.0

4. Delete or Rename installation folders for ROMeo. Example of ROMeo installation folder is C:\program files\simsci\romeo42 folder Install ROMeo 6.0 Release Kit The ROMeo 6.0 Release installation kit may be found on the ESD site. The ROMeo6.0 Release install program is restructured to allow Solver 64 bit and InSQL Adapter as option installs in the custom setup. Refer separate section titled Using Solver 32 and 64 for ROMeo 6.0 for installing and swapping the 32-bit and 64-bit solvers when you are working on a 64-bit machine in document ROMeo Getting Started Guide and Tutorial.pdf Refer separate Section on InSQL Custom Installation in document ROMeo Getting Started Guide and Tutorial.pdf 1. Download and unzip installation build 2. Retain UAC default settings for Windows 7 or Windows 64 bit OS ( other OSs do not bother ) 3. Execute setup.exe found in installation kit 4. Provide information as requested a. For ROMeo installation folder the default is C:\Simsci, you may change to any folder and drive b. For Common Framework Installation the default is C:\Program Files\Common Files\Simsci, you may change to any folder and drive. 5. Reboot

Note: Installing ROMeo6.0 in W2208R2 64 bit OS In W2008 R2 64 bit OS machine and try to install ROMeo 60.You will get following error message while installer try to install .net3.5 as a part of ROMeo:"You must use role management tool to install or configure Microsoft .Net framework 3.5 " Enable the feature and install from the Add Features Wizard in Server Manager. After we enable this feature, when you run the ROMeo Setup, the installer will detect that the 3.5 framework is already installed and skip to the next step of installation and ROMeo6.0 installs fine.

Release Notes for ROMeo6.0

Summary of New Features in 6.0

New features added since 5.2.1, 5.2.2 and 5.3. Simulation Data Access Layer (SimDAL)

Invensys OPC UA Simulation Server 1.0 installed with ROMeo Built-in Custom OPC UA Client in ROMeo EDI OPC UA Simulation Server activate via Start Menu -> SIMSCI OPC UA Server accessible to ROMeo via EDI Data Source Port Groups access OPC UA Server Data Source Access multiple ROMeo, PRO/II and other OPC UA Server applications within single ROMeo flowsheet Requires Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SP1 (Only SQL server 2008 SP1 and above versions are supported) Requires InSQL Historian (Wonderware Historian) version 10.0 Requires Wonderware ArchestrA or Application Server 3.1 SP2 Requires Wonderware Intelligence software install (EMI install Version 1.0, 1.1 or 1.5) Requires INSQL SDK 9.0 included with ROMeo installation Context tag definition and data are sent to InSQL Historian via collection definition Option to send Sensitivity Analysis results to InSQL Historian via TCL macro Tag creation and values automatically updated in InSQL for ROMeo context Time Slider will perturb time by user defined time range and interval Generates Start time, End time and Count for each interval pass Data from slider such as Start Time, End Time, Count, etc. accessible via TCL custom that maybe passed to ROMeo Model application TCL macro as argument Allows multiple variables to be attached to one main measurement model/icon Each variable is attached to sub-model measurement Retain same functionality as single measurement Summary measurement view and configuration Allows for re-attaching measurements to new streams and units User picks new variable to attach Variable must be same variable type All EDI configuration are retained

Integration with INSQL Historian and Intelligence (EMI)

Real-Time System Process Health Monitoring for Case Studies

Multiple Measurement Model

Measurement Model Move

Release Notes for ROMeo6.0

New Real-Time System Custom Task TCL

GetBranchDestination GetBranchList GetSequenceList GetSequenceType GetTaskInfo GetTaskList GetTaskName GetSequenceScheduleInfo See TCL Help updated for new TCL custom commands DeleteEDIItem EDIDataTransfer SetEDIParameter2 GetEDIParameter2 See TCL Help updated for new EDI macro commands

New ModelApps and RTS EDI Macro

New Modeling Macros GetComplementarityInfo - Get all Independents variable names of Complementarity unit LHS and RHS GetPortList See TCL Help updated for new modeling macros

SimSci Reactors

Updated HF Alkylation Updated SF Alkylation Updated FCC Newly integrated Reformer Newly integrated Isom Newly integrated Delayed Coker Requires individual FLEXLM license key for each reactor TCL macros provided to build example flowsheet for each reactor Reactor kits including user documentation, required DLLs, required system files and TCL macros are provided on top of ROMeo release software Upgraded FCC-SIM Upgraded REF-SIM Requires updated licenses for SimSuite 3.3 KBC provided DLLs for upgrade version Older versions of reactors still supported by ROMeo interface Updated user documentation Sensitivity analysis using Jacobian files instead of solvable model utility Uses sensitivity analysis case (sac) files to define cause and response variables 8

KBC Reactor Upgrade SimSuite 3.3

Jacobian File Sensitivity

Release Notes for ROMeo6.0

Executed through TCL macro command SensitivityAnalysisJacobianCase TCL Help updated for SensitivityAnalysisJacobianCase

SIM4ME Thermo V3.5 Upgrade Software Independent Thermo Data Manager (TDM) Heavy Oils Thermal Conductivity Method Predictive Peng-Robinson Thermo Method Support any group contribution method going forward (e.g., UNIFAC, PPR78, PSRK, Joback) Steam Table Improvements

Installation and Software Support Updates

Requires Internet Explorer v7 or later ObjectStore v7.2 is installed with ROMeo 6.0

NOTE: ObjectStore v7.2 co-exists with v6.3 but only one can be active at time. We do have a procedure to use ROMeo v6.0 along with ROMeo v5.x. Refer Section ROMeo v6.0 Co-existence section in Getting Started User guide.pdf Supported Operating System and Software Updates

Windows 7 (64-bit and 32-bit) Windows 2008 R2 (64-bit) Windows XP SP3 (32-bit) Windows 2003 (32-bit and 64-bit) Windows Office 2003, 2007 and 2010

NOTE: ROMeo installs as 32-bit emulation on 64-bit machines Compiler Upgrade to VS 2008 SP1

Upgraded to Fortran v10.1 See User Added Models User Guide updates for more details for building custom models

Export/Import Customization Export/Import of variables referenced by customization outside exported section boundary will retain reference on import-replaced of section Flowsheet and Subflowsheet Notes and Description View and edit notes and description of flowsheet and subflowsheet from the GUI Captive Historian Improvements

Captive Historian handle large and small double numbers Captive Historian clips very high and very low values during import

User Added Model Post Solve Post solve method called for user-added models solved alone

Release Notes for ROMeo6.0

Replicator Feed Replicator supports multiple feeds TCL Commit and Abort Transaction Checkpoint Commit\Abort option for Transaction Checkpoint TCL macro

Release Notes for ROMeo6.0


Migration to ROMeo 6.0

Thermo enhancements in upgraded versions of ROMeo may cause flowsheet to produce open residuals after schema evolution migration. New thermo enhancements may also produce better thermo calculations. Solving and updating initial values for portions of migrated flowsheet may be required to improve flowsheet initialization prior to full flowsheet solve. ROMeo6.0 uses TH3.5p and earlier versions like ROMeo5.3 used TH3.3p. So in ROMeo6.0 there may be differences in the RON and MON Properties (Clear\Leaded) in TH3.5p compared to TH3.3p. when databases are migrated. The TH3.5p RON and MON values are the correct ones. Refer CR (LFRM#14932) in SimSci database.

Moving Custom Reports from ROMeo 3.x\4.x\5.x to ROMeo 6.0

To access Custom Reports created in ROMeo v3.x, v4.x or v5.x into v6.0, you should copy User\Mra\ModelReportViews folder in previous build to new build User\Mra\ModelReportViews folder.

Migrating Captive Historian Tags from ROMeo 3.x\4.x\5.x to ROMeo 6.0

Users are required to export the Captive Historian configuration to a file before uninstalling the previous version. The user can then Import the configuration file into the ROMeo 6.0 Captive Historian Admin Tool.

Migrating databases to ROMeo 6.0

ROMeo model application databases in v5.0x, v5.1x, v5.2x and v5.3x will automatically migrate (through schema evolution) upon opening in ROMeo 6.0. Real-Time System sequence database in v5.0x, v5.1x, v5.2x and v5.3 will automatically migrate (through schema evolution) upon registering in ROMeo Real-Time System 6.0. Users who have 3.x/4.x must migrate to 5.0 first and then migrate to 5.2 or 5.3 before going to 6.0. Please contact your SIMSCI representative for a migration path of ROMeo systems prior to 5.0. Note: Starting with ROMeo 5.0, migrating model application databases requires the user to perform Save As after migration to update the database with imbedded thermo content that is required for future upgrade migration. Failing to perform Save As after schema migration will generate errors in subsequent upgrade of the database.

Release Notes for ROMeo6.0


Summary of Defects Fixed in 6.0

Defects resolved since v5.2.1, v5.2.2, and v5.3 included in ROMeo v6.0.

General Flowsheet
SISO Cascading (LFRM#14711) SISO controller cascading between MV to SP of two controllers will work properly. Gain Unit Coefficient Display (LFRM#14778) Gain unit coefficient n Data Entry Window will display in correct units of measure and value. Case Save and Load (LFRM#14860) Case file will save and load without exception. Copy/Paste Compressor (LFRM#14871) Export\Import or Copy\Paste a Compressor with Bivariate_Sum Curve Model will not generate DOF. Column Multiple Section (LFRM#14882) Column with multiple tray section will not generate degree of freedom for pressure specifications. MHX Linker Report Tab (LFRM#14889) Multi-HX Linker clicking on report tab will not cause crash. Subflowsheet Customization Tree Filtering (LFRM#14913) Subflowsheet customization unit will correctly filter fix/free specifications for unit variables. Pushing Up Stream on Customization (LFRM#14938) Pushing up stream from on subflowsheet to higher flowsheet will not cause customization units to lose specification swaps.

Release Notes for ROMeo6.0


Valve Tray StageID (LFRM#15012) Valve trays will not have missing StageID. Feed Composition Estimator (LFRM#15020) Feed Composition Estimator (FCE) will not be non-squared when user does not generate estimates. Instrument Manager Other (LFRM#15022) Add new member to Instrument Manager for "other" will not generate exception error. SPYRO NANS (LFRM#15025) SPYRO models will no generate NANs due to underflow of composition values. FindVariable Wildcard (LFRM#15054) FindVariable macros with double wildcard will not execute with crash. Gain Unit Out of Scope Variable (LFRM#15056) Gain unit will generate warning message when user try to link a gain unit model variable to boundary stream to a higher level as this is not supported. SISO Graphic Flip (LFRM#15075) The SISO graphic flip works properly. Turning off Pbal DOF (LFRM#15081) Turning off the Pbal model for SimSci FCC will not generate DOF. Pressure Gauge Absolute (LFRM#15290) Pressure Gauge will behave correctly when converted to absolute UOM. Pressure Gauge Basis (LFRM#15374) Pressure Gauge Basis value to PSIA works properly.

Release Notes for ROMeo6.0


Turn On to Down in a splitter causing DOF (LFRM#14904) Turn On followed by Turn Down on a splitter was making some of the Off Streams from the Splitter to On. Changing Parameter collection causing ROMeo crash (LFRM#15385) Changing Parameter collection value for last parameter and removing the first parameter in the collection causes ROMeo to crash. Incorrect Penalty Block UOM data (LFRM#15420) UOM of data retrieved from penalty blocks by macro is incorrect.

Handling too small values in TCL (LFRM#12187) Get message "Floating-point value too small to represent " when executing TCL macro with values smaller than 1e-307. Handling Export/Import Objective term (LFRM#14715) Export / Import a sub flow sheet whose main flow sheet has a User Added objective term gives an exception. Add Offset term to REFSIM feed (LFRM#15066) Add offset term to REFSIM feed inputs to allow for sensitivity Add offset term to REFSIM feed inputs to allow for sensitivity. MSXML 4.0 SP3 Issue (LFRM#15130) Dragging a Source in a new FS causes ROMeo to crash if machine has msxml4.dll and msxml4r.dll of version MSXML 4.0 SP3. OPS Addin Model Solve (LFRM#15565) Particular Model when solved from OPS Addin does not solve. Bound Selection permanence (LFRM#15626) Lack of permanence on mode manager bound selections. Inability to Set Calculate SG (LFRM#15519) Inability to Set Calculate SG when model in DataRec mode. Release Notes for ROMeo6.0 14

Material Balance Model

MBM Meter Report (LFRM#14864) MBM report correctly includes meters attached to Pipe or Block valve feed.

RTS Failed Stream (LFRM#14519) RTS tasks when collapsed into a block diagram all of the "Failed" streams will not be outside of the block diagram. EDI OPC DLL (LFRM#14664) EDI_OPC.dll with works properly. Input Block Failure Server Disconnection (LFRM#15090) SSD sequence Input task block will not fail when PI server connection is broken for some time and then re-established. RTSMsgServer Memory Leak (LFRM#15236) RTSMsgServer process does not generate large memory leak. Sentinel Parameter (LFRM#1523) Sentinel parameter changes (addition, deletion, rename) works properly when RTS sequence is moved to another machine or plant. RTS Scheduler Memory Leak (LFRM#15269) RTS Scheduler process does not generate large memory leak. RTS Hanging Streams (LFRM#15326) RTS Block diagram creating Hanging streams inside the Sequence. RTS DRR Max Gross Errors Option (LFRM#14132) RTS DRR (Data Reconciliation Review) task does not consider the Max Gross Errors no to meet good fit criteria.

Release Notes for ROMeo6.0


Solver/Sensitivity Analysis
Penalty Non-Square (LFRM#14868) Penalty unit will be squared following execution of sensitivity analysis via TCL macro. Subflowsheet Sensitivity Analysis (LFRM#15007) Sensitivity analysis of same equipment from different subflowsheet levels will produce same sensitivity results. Solver Trace Option None (LFRM#15237) Solve option trace level set to None will not cause solve to fail. Sensitivity Analysis UOMs (LFRM#15317) Sensitivity analysis will generate text report with correct units of measures. Matrix Projection failure on GEDE (LFRM#15305) Matrix Projection failure on GEDE "Error: Matrix project was not successful". Objective Scaling limitation (LFRM#14834) Objective Function Scaling does not allow scaling below the value of initial scaling. Print Objective Scaling (LFRM#14835) Add scaling for Objective Function to SLVINFO. Blend Unit Solve using Solve by passing Checks (LFRM#14200) Blender Unit will solve fine in offline ROMeo GUI but will generate DOF when running online if BYPASS CROSS-CHECK is enabled in solve task. Matrix Projection Failure (LFRM#15305) Matrix Projection failure on GEDE "Error: Matrix project was not successful". Wrong Diagnostic for Single Unit solve (LFRM#15531) Wrong diagnostic option for single-unit solve.

Release Notes for ROMeo6.0


Blend RIP (LFRM#13654) Thermo Blends that are made up of other blends properly update component properties and Refinery Inspection Property. Light-End RIP (LFRM#15000) Refinery Inspection Properties values for Light-End Components in a blend calculated in a Blend unit will not always appears as 1.0 fraction. RVPN Crash (LFRM#15140) Presence of RVPN property in a stream will not cause crash during solving. Open Enthalpy residuals on continue solve (LFRM#15322) When using Steam Tables 95, enthalpy residuals were found to be open even after update initials. Non Monotonic behavior for D2887 (LFRM#15589) Model exhibits non-monotonic behavior for the D2887.

Portal Refresh Speed (HICF#2704) The speed of refreshing links in Portal file is way too slow. Portal failure from Command line (HICF#2705) Running the Portal from a command line causes ROMeo to run slow or crash unless reboot.

Updated Solver Documentation (LFRM#15238) Use the updated the solver documentation in Release package. Wrong RI correlations (LFRM#15361) Reporting wrong correlations for Refractive Index correlations in ROMeo calculations in documentation.

Release Notes for ROMeo6.0


Summary of Open Defects and Known Issues in ROMeo 6.0

The following are open defects reported since 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.3. Please check the Simsci-Esscor website at known defects in Version 6.0. Exception for SGAir (LFRM#15262) Generating estimates gives an exception for SGAir. Wrong do/dx for tier streams (LFRM#15414) The Post Solution Analysis trace file is showing wrong do/dx for tier streams. The derivatives are correct for sensitivity analysis runs and reports but wrong for the solver trace file. Deleting Quality from stream (LFRM#15463) On deleting quality from stream, quality still appears in model window and GDEW, and can still be attached to measurements. Captive Historian launch in Windows7 (LFRM#15551) Captive Historian fails to launch in windows 7, 64-bit machine. User has to run this application as an Administrator. In addition, we provide a pop up message to the user when he tries to run Captive Historian in windows 7, 64-bit OS machine. Inserting Cells in Portal (HICF#2706) Inserting or deleting a row or a range of cells is not handled well in Portal file. Command Line Launch (LFRM#14939) Command line launch not compatible with Microsoft Excel 2007. In order to avoid pop-up dialogs user must save-as ".xlsm" but the command line exe does not accept as a valid file type. Plant Areas in Windows 7 OS (LFRM#15502) In Windows7 64 bit OS, Plant areas are not getting enabled when UAC is turned ON. Work around - run the sec_userGrpMgr.exe in folder ...SimSci\ROMeo6.0\Server\Bin as administrator to create Plant Areas properly.

for a s ummary of

Release Notes for ROMeo6.0


TDM COEX (LFRM#14809) Installing ROMeo 5.2 or ARPM 5.2 on t op of ROMeo 5.3 will result in the Help about build date on TDM to changed from Jan-02-2010 to Aug-06-2009 (one from 5.2). The TDM version files are still the later version and will work with for ROMeo/ARPM 5.2 and ROMeo 5.3. Client Install (LFRM#14854) Client only install will generate pop-up "Client Product has been Swapped, Please Select Server Product Accordingly" at end of install. Click OK and the installation will continue.

Solver/Sensitivity Analysis
Multiple Sensitivity Analysis (LFRM#14678) Multiple Sensitivity Analysis execution may cause memory increase for processes MA_Server.exe and Solver.exe.

Release Notes for ROMeo6.0


License and Copyright Information

ROMeo 6.0 Release Notes
The software described in this guide is furnished under a written agreement and may be used only in accordance with the terms and conditions of the license agreement under which you obtained it. Invensys Systems, Inc. reserves the right to make changes without prior notice.

Copyright Notice
2011 Invensys Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be copied and/or distributed without the express written permission of Invensys Systems, Inc., Lake Forest, CA.

ROMeo is a trademark of Invensys Inc. SimSci-Esscor is a registered mark of Invensys. Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows 2000, VISTA, and MS-DOS are registered marks and/or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Pentium is a r egistered trademark of Intel Corporation. FLEXlm is a trademark of Macrovision Corporation. ObjectStore is a trademark of Progress Software, Inc. All other products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Printed in the United States of America, August 2011.

Release Notes for ROMeo6.0


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