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Submitting an Identification Record Request to the FBI

Step 1: Complete the Applicant Information Form.

If the request is for a couple, family, etc., all persons must sign the form. Include your complete mailing address. Please provide your telephone number and/or e-mail address, if
available. Step 2: Obtain a set of your fingerprints.

Provide the original fingerprint card. Previously processed cards or copies will not be accepted. Your name and date of birth must be provided on the fingerprint card. Fingerprints should be placed on
a standard fingerprint form (FD-258) commonly used for applicant or law enforcement purposes.

Include rolled impressions of all 10 fingerprints and impressions of all 10 fingerprints taken simultaneously
(these are sometimes referred to as plain or flat impressions).

If possible, have your fingerprints taken by a fingerprinting technician. This service may be available at a law
enforcement agency.

To ensure the most legible prints possible, refer to the Recording Legible Fingerprints brochure. Step 3: Submit payment. Option 1: Obtain a money order or cashiers check for $18 U.S. dollars made payable to the Treasury of the
United States. Please be sure to sign where required.

Option 2: Pay by credit card using the Credit Card Payment Form. Dont forget to include the expiration
date of the credit card that you are using.

Important note: Cash, personal checks, or business checks WILL NOT be accepted. Payment must be for the exact amount. If the request is for a couple, family, etc., include $18 for each person. If the request is for multiple copies per person, include $18 for each copy requested. Step 4: Review the FBI Identification Record Request Checklist to ensure that you have included everything needed to process your request. Step 5: Mail the required items listed abovesigned applicant information form, fingerprint card, and payment of $18 U.S. dollars for each person or copy requestedto the following address: FBI CJIS Division Record Request 1000 Custer Hollow Road Clarksburg, WV 26306 Note: Although the FBI employs the most efficient methods for processing these requests, processing times may take approximately eight weeks depending on the volume of requests received.
Knowledge is power, Unity is strength, and Attitude is everything.

089 Leaders are created primarily by the demands that are placed upon them. The demands that are placed upon a person are a big challenge for him to become a leader. In a business enterprise, a manager is expected to lead the people working under him in such a way that the productivity of the company increases and the company reaps high profits. Good qualifications and experience may have assisted in placing the manager in this position. However, he will need leadership skills in addition to his capabilities in order to meet the demands placed upon him if he has to succeed as an effective leader. Inability of the manager to handle the people under him in the most cost-effective manner may lead to a scenario wherein he is replaced by a more competent manager. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary for a person to prove his competence after being nominated as a leader because merely placing demands is not sufficient for creating leaders. One can look up history to find examples of numerous leaders who rose to lead their people because there were demands placed upon them. Mahatma Gandhi led the people of India to independence, but could the people of India have created a Mahatma Gandhi out of any other person by placing demands on him? It was the qualities, ideology and principles of Mahatma Gandhi which were revered by the people who followed him. The freedom struggle of India placed crucial demands on all its leaders, however only a few of them were actually able to lead the people successfully. Therefore, effective leaders can be created by external demands placed on them along with the support of the inherent leadership qualities that are required to be present in the person who is nominated as a leader. What are the roles of leaders? Leaders are supposed to lead people who have common interests. The job of a leader is to represent the people's concerns and try to meet their needs as closely as he can. Thus it is fair to say that leaders are created primarily by the demands that are placed upon them. In democratic country, voters get chances to choose their leaders. Naturally, they would prefer a leader whose ideology similar to them. They would select the representative who can best fight for their interest. This ensures that the elected ones must always meet the demands placed by voters so that they can get elected in the future. Two parties dominate USs politics, one is Democratic Party, and another is Republic party. Democrats are traditionally identified as the friends of the minorities and the liberal; while Republicans represents the interest of white burgeon and the religious conservatives. To win white house, the two parties must try their best to secure their traditionally votes and draw as much votes as they can from other parties. How can they do it? The only way is to meet the demand of the voters. Take Lewinsky's scandal for example. After the incident, Americans longed to restore their broken family value. They want a leader who is credible and loyal to their partners. That's why two president candidates at that time placed so much emphasize on religion and family during the campaign, and that's why Bill Clinton had to stay away from Al Gore. Politicians can't afford to go against the needs of the voters because their mandates come from them. The topic statement is especially true during trying times. Winston Churchill was elected at time when Britain faced external threat from Germany during World War 2. British voted Churchill as the Prime Minister because they need the service of Churchill. They believed that the charm and the magic stick of Churchill was the formula to the problem. Churchill didn't disappoint his compatriots by leading allied to victory. However after the war Britons decided that they should make a change, and they simply voted Churchill out of office. This is the best proof that leaders are created by the demands of the people. After the war ended

the Britons didn't need a Prime Minister who could win war, instead they need a leader who could handle post war scenario. And so Churchill didn't get selected. Similar things happened in religion. At 15th and 16th century, the seeds renaissance was blossoming despite the fact that Europe was still clouted by Dark Age. The consequence of this awakening was that Europeans began to doubt the power of Roman Catholics Church. Martin Luther was one of the heroes of Reformation and today we would remember Luther as the valiant fighter who fearlessly defied the authority of Rome. In actual fact, Luther had no desire to lead the Reformation movement. He had no intention to break away from Rome and formed his own dominations. The people who were very unsatisfied with Rome pushed Luther to the arena of history. Europeans wished to see alternative religious teachings other than conventional dogma found Luther's teaching attractive. The dissatisfaction about Roman Catholics was growing and many were unwilling to remain in Catholics tenet. It was under these pressures that Luther became the Reformation Leader. To sum up, there are ample of historical evidences proving leaders are created by the demands of the people. Thus politicians who wished to succeed must learn the lessons by fulfilling the demands of the people.

Leadership can be defined as a process of social influence in which one person has the ability to enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common goal. Are leaders born or are they created by the demands placed upon them? I believe that circumstances and necessities do play a significant role in the emergence as a leader; however the role of innate and nurtured personality traits like intelligence, conscientiousness, openness to experience, integrity and self confidence cannot be minimized. Leaders have played an integral part in shaping our history. Abraham Lincoln is considered as one of the greatest presidents of United States. It would be premature to say that his leadership borne just out of the circumstances like the wide spread prevalence of slavery in the southern states and the reluctance of the slave owners to set them free. Lincolns conviction that a country cannot exist half free, his high moral and ethical standards, his tactics and determination, his organizational skills, his oratory skills, all played a role in him emerging as an effective leader. The same can be said about leaders like Martin Luther King or Mahatma Gandhi. They were not simply created by the demands placed upon them - in Kings Case, the need to break the shackles of racial discrimination, and in Gandhis time, the need for Indian independence from the British Empire. Instead, their strong resolve to gain true freedom for their people, their conscientiousness, their uncanny ability to convince people about the power of nonviolent resistance through their words and deeds, all formed inevitable components of their great leadership. In summary I believe that leaders emerge when people with leadership traits which can be inherent or nurtured traits exist in an environment that demands them to rise to the occasion of guiding their followers to a common goal.

Leadership's Essential Truths In the final analysis, the essential truths of leadership are:

Leaders create (and need) followers. Leaders create (and need) change. Leaders and followers have (and need) congruent value systems. Leadership is a process not an event.

The question is not who the leaders are and who the managers are. The question is how we motivate our people to effectively lead others and efficiently manage their own work. Leadership is a verb, not a noun. Leadership is action, not a position. Leadership is defined by what we do, not the role we are in. Colin Powell defines leadership as "the art of accomplishing more than the science of management says is possible." In today's ever changing world, we must internalize into our beliefs that leadership is a process and not an event. Mohandas Gandhi spoke to the essences of the process of leadership with his (approach) overture, "We must be the change we wish to see in the world". Processes that have stood the tests of time define leadership as understanding people, getting people focused, and moving in the same direction. The leadership process requires activating abundant creative energy and commitment to ensure execution and completion of each stage of the critical work. In other words, leadership depends on having a unique vision, making strategic choices, finding the right tools, the right people to do the job, and enabling an organization to get it done. Research concludes that the leadership process is to Envision, Enable, Empower and Energize.

To envision a clear view of the external world, a "unique vision" which drives the operational strategy, defining what to do and what not to do, building mutual goals into the day-to-day work. To enable the right kinds of actions by the right people who have the right skill sets to get the job done. To empower with training and trust, building the space to innovate and the feedback necessary to improve results which motivates followers. To energize individual success through the meaning of winning and the achievement of a sense of personal pride and satisfaction.

The more energy generated by the team, the more energy the leader has; it is a continuous circle of reinforcement. It is not leadership if the followers don't get it. Just as leadership is a process, so is the development of leaders. If we all are to be leaders, regardless of title or role, then this process must start with the inner self. The process of becoming a leader is the same as the process of becoming a highly effective person. Personal growth means finding our own way, and the path for each of us is uniquely different. Although there is no one

set of guidelines, analyzing leaders and successful people provides insight as to the common key factors:

How you think is everything. Always be positive. Your choice to focus on possibilities or problems is a critical one. Remember no one else can ever make your choices for you. Your choices are your own. Choices are as much a part of you as every breath you take. Have passion and commitment. Leaders are energized by a love of what they do because it brings them ever closer to who they are. Seek to act on that which comes from within. Leadership isnt what we do; it's something we are which drives what we do. Be real and walk the walk. Live the meaning of your work. Engage people's hearts as well as their minds. Communicate your vision, principles, values and mission. Be able to answer the question, "Why do we exist?" All leaders must develop the skills to "know what to do" to become the visible standard of acceptable behavior and to be comfortable with the role of leader.

In the final analysis, the essential truths of leadership are:

Leaders create (and need) followers. Leaders create (and need) change. Leaders and followers have (and need) congruent value systems. Leadership is a process not an event.

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