Unified Division Test in Science IV Correct

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Second Grading Unified Division Test in Elementary Science IV

School Year 2008-2009

Directions: Read and answer the questions carefully. Write the letters of the correct

1. The picture below shows how a seed germinates. Which is the correct order?

1 2 3 4

A. 1-2-3-4-5 C. 5-1-3-2-4
B. 4-5-1-2-3 D. 5-3-4-2-1

2. What is the first stage in the growth of a new plant?

A. Pollination B. Germination C. Fertilization D.

3. The potato is an example of an underground stem. It is called a _____.

A. bulb B. rhizome C. runner D. tuber

4. You want to propagate a ginger plant. Which of these will you plant?
A. leaf B. rhizome C. root D. seed

5. Which of the following plants reproduce by means of their leaves?

A. ginger B. onion C. strawberry D. katakataka

6. What are the characteristics of seed dispersed by wind?

A. dry and light B. hairy parts C. parachute like parts D. All of the

7. How are ipil-ipil seeds dispersed?

A. Mature fruit pops open and the seeds fall.
B. They are carried by birds.
C. They are eaten by animals and given off as waste.
D. They have winged seeds.

8. Which artificial way of growing new plants wherein the branch from one plant
is attached to the branch of another plant?
A. marcotting B. layering C. grafting D. budding

9. Which of the following artificial way of growing San Francisco plant?

A. layering B. grafting C. budding D.

10. Which of the following substances spread evenly when mixed in solvents?
A. coffee B.styrofoam C. soil particles D. sand

11. What is formed when two or more substances are combined?

A. mixture B. solvent C. solute D.

12. Which of the following mixture settle at the bottom if left undisturbed for
A. colloids B. filtration C. suspension D. solution
13. Which substance can be separated by sifting?
A. sand particles and palay seeds C. grains of sand and water
B. mud and water D. iron filling and flour
14. Which of the following will NOT dissolve in water?
A. sugar B. oil C. table salt D. monosodium

15. Which of the following can easily remove dried nail polish?
A. acetone B. alcohol C.oil D. kerosene

16. Which solvent can dissolve dried paint?

A. acetone B. cooking oil C. turpentine D. water

17. Which liquid will dissolve sugar fastest?

A. cold water B. hot water C. cold oil D. hot oil

18. Which of the following solute floats in solvent?

A. powdered milk B. powdered juice C. instant coffee D. paper

19. Which of the following substances is a solvent?

A. vinegar B. salt C. biscuits D. sand

20. What is a solvent?

A. a substance that is hard
B. a substance that is solid
C. a substance that is dissolved
D. a substance that dissolves

21. Which of the following is a solute?

A. water B. vinegar C. corn grains D. soy sauce

22. Why is water called a universal solvent?

A. It is colorless. C. It can dissolve many substances.
B. It is cheap. D. It is odorless.

23. You want the powdered milk you will mix with water to dissolve fast.
Which of the following will you do?
A. Use hot water instead of cold water.
B. Use more milk than water.
C. Use more water than milk.
D. Use equal amounts of water and milk.

24. A pan contains saltwater. Which is the fastest way to separate the salt from the
A. Heat the pan over a stove.
B. Put the pan in a windy place.
C. Filter the saltwater.
D. Freeze the saltwater.

25. Which of the following substances spread evenly when mixed with solvents?
A. paper bits, styrofoam, plastic
B. sand and soil particles
C. corn, grains, sand, coffee
D. salt, sugar, powdered milk

26. Which of the following will you do to separate tiny solid particles from your
drinking water?
A. filter the water C. throw the water
B. pick up the solid particles D. boil the water

27. Why does water in the river look cloudy during the rainy season?
A. Soil particles settle at the bottom.
B. Soil particles are suspended in the water.
C. Soil particles dissolve in the water.
D. Soil particles float in the surface.

28.Which of the following substances pollutes the land?

A. garbage B. manure C. plants D. smoke

29. The residents in the garbage dumping area are coughing and suffering from
tuberculosis. This is because _______.
A. Their relatives have the disease.
B. There are no doctors around.
C. Nobody clean the surroundings.
D. Land, water and air is polluted.

30. Which of the following is a good practice in handling harmful chemicals?

A. Put harmful chemicals in a safe place.
B. Store pesticides together with food items.
C. Place gasoline & kerosene near a stove.
D. Place insecticides anywhere.

31. Which of the following practices should be discouraged?

A. Using waterbase insecticides
B. Storing pesticides together with food items.
C. Placing harmful chemicals in a safe cabinet.
D. Refraining from putting gasoline and kerosene near a stove.

32. Which is the manipulated variable?

Set up A Set up B

A. Plants B. Water C. Pots D. Sunlight

33-36. Fill up the table with the correct answer.

Kinds of Energy Position

33. 35.

34. 36.
Answer Key in Second Grading Unified Division Test Elementary Science IV
School Year 2008-2009

1. C
2. B
3. D
4. B
5. D
6. D
7. A
8. C
9. D
10. A
11. A
12. A
13. C
14. B
15. A
16. C
17. B
18. D
19. A
20. D
21. C
22. C
23. A
24. A
25. D
26. A
27. B
28. A
29. D
30. A
31. B
32. B
33. Potential Energy
34. Kinetic Energy
35. At rest
36. Moving
Science and Health IV
Second Grading
Unified Division Test in Elementary Science IV
School Year 2008-2009


Objectives No. of Test Percentage (%) Test

Items Placement

1. Perform an experiment on seed 2 5.6% 1-2


2. Describe how some plants reproduce 3 8.3% 3-5

asexually e.g. runner, rhizomes, bulbs

3. Describe how certain 2 5.6% 6-7

structures/properties help in seed dispersal

4. Demonstrate ways of propagating 2 5.6% 8-9

plants asexually

5. Show how mixtures are formed 3 8.3% 10-12

6. Describe ways of separating mixtures 1 2.8% 13

7. Shows that some solid materials can be 4 11.1% 14-17

dissolved in some liquids

8. Define solvents and solutes 4 11.1% 18-21

9. State that water is a universal solvent 1 2.8% 22

10. Identify the factors that affect how a 2 5.6% 23-24

solute dissolve in a solvent
11. Observe that some solutes spreads 1 2.8% 25
evenly when mixed with solvents

12. Observe that some solutes when 2 5.6% 26-27

mixed with solvents settle at the bottom

13. Describe how chemical substances can 2 5.6% 28-29

pollute land, water and air

14. State that improper handling of 2 5.6% 30-31

household substances like: pesticides,
kerosene and other chemicals can cause

15. Identify the variables in the 1 2.8% 32


16. Describe the position/condition of 4 11.1% 33-36

materials that has potential energy

Total 36 100% 36

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