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Your search returned over 400 essays for "AIDS". To narrow your search results, please add more search terms to your query. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [Next >>] These results are sorted by most relevant first (ranked search). You may also sort these by color rating or essay length. Title AIDS - Missing Works Cited AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). "The virus was discovered in France in 1983 and in the United States in 1984. In the United States, it was initially identified in 1981. In 1986, a second virus, now called HIV-2, was also discovered in Africa.(Bookshelves)" Female prostitutes in Africa probably spread it very quickly. AIDS became a huge crisis of major proportions in parts of Africa. It is my own strongly held opinion, and that of most medical and research community world wide, that the AIDS epidemic is a serious problem.... [tags: Aids Immune Deficiency Syndrome Essays] User Rating: AIDS Vaccine - I. Introduction: A. We do not see ourselves as victims. We have the right to be Length Color Rating

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treated with respect, and understanding. We have the right to live our lives. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome also known as AIDS is a disease of the human immune system caused by HIV. AIDS is now considered a pandemic; over 30 million people in the world have the disease. But After all this, is there really a vaccine that will help this and is it feasible in all of the countries in the world was the disease is.... [tags: AIDS] User Rating: HIV/ AIDS - HIV/ AIDS HIV/AIDS is an epidemic that effects both men and women of all ages. It has an impact on many people's lives either by themselves being infected, knowing someone who is infected, or being a health care worker. HIV is a virus that attacks the body's immune system. It also effects the blood cells (lymphocytes) and cells of the organs (bone marrow, spleen, liver, and lymph glands). It effects the lungs, central nervous system and gastrointestinal system. People begin with having the HIV virus.... [tags: HIV and AIDS] User Rating: HIV and AIDS - HIV and AIDS The AIDS and HIV virus is a very dangerous disease that sees no race, no color, no gender, no economic background and not even a specific age group. It can affect anyone, at any time if they put themselves in a situation where they could be at risk. AIDS stands for what is called acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. The virus causes the body's immune system to break down and become useless in fighting illness and bacteria. Even a common cold could lead to the death of a person affected with the AIDS virus.... [tags: HIV and AIDS] User Rating: AIDS: The Modern Day Epidemic - AIDS: The Modern Day Epidemic Did you know that if a straight line of pennies was made down any given road, extending one mile, there would be over a hundred thousand dollars worth of

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change on the street. Dimes. Well over a million dollars. How about something that hits closer to home, something like lives. In 1996, when the AIDS pandamenic was at its peak, a memorial quilt made of individual panels about six feet by three feet in size was displayed in Washington D.C. Each square of the quilt represented a single victim whose life was claimed by the disease.... [tags: AIDS]
:: 9 Works Cited

User Rating: The True Tragedy of AIDS - The True Tragedy of AIDS When I was in South Africa, I spent some time in a township called Crossroads, which essentially began as a squatter camp for immigrants looking for work near Cape Town. In the late 80s and early 90s, to make room for an alleged development project, the apartheid government tried to relocate the settlers. Whatever the reasons, entire sections of the settlement were razed. Many people did not want to move and, consequently, their resistance was met with arson and both random and targeted violence; many of the victims were women and young children.... [tags: AIDS] User Rating: HIV/AIDS - HIV/AIDS No one can be certain about how or when the AIDS virus emerged. The closest related disease would be a simian immunodeficiency virus. This is where the suggestion arose that this disease was first contracted from a primate. It has also been thought that this once primate-only disease had evolved and somehow became transmitted to people. On June 5, 1981, the first report of AIDS hit the United States. The people weren't quite sure of what they were dealing with, so mistakenly, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention released an article concerning a strange outbreak of pneumonia within the male homosexual community.... [tags: HIV and AIDS] User Rating: HIV and AIDS - The Effects of HIV Mutations

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on the Immune System is deadly. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. HIV is classified as a RNA Retrovirus. A retrovirus uses RNA templates to produce DNA. For example, within the core of HIV is a double molecule of ribonucleic acid, RNA. When the virus invades a cell, this genetic material is replicated in the form of DNA. But, in order to do so, HIV must first be able to produce a particular Enzyme that can construct a DNA molecule using an RNA template. This enzyme, Called RNA-directed DNA polymerase, is also referred to as reverse Transcriptase because it reverses the normal cellular process of Transcription.... [tags: HIV and AIDS] User Rating: AIDS In Africa - AIDS in Africa Spreading rampant throughout the African continent, AIDS is killing any and all who cross its path. As the death toll from AIDS recedes in America, Africa is reeling from an epidemic of Biblical proportions. South of the Sahara, AIDS is worse than anywhere else in the world, and this catastrophe is transforming the continent forever (Schoofs part 5). Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, better known as AIDS is a virus that weakens the immune system and subjects the patient to opportunistic diseases such as pneumonia and tuberculosis.... [tags: Disease Research Papers AIDS]
:: 10 Works Cited :: 3 Sources Cited

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User Rating: AIDS/HIV - AIDS/HIV Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, better known as AIDS, is caused by the incurable HIV virus. AIDS is a deadly disease that deteriorates the immune system. There are two groups of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), HIV-1 that occurs throughout the world and HIV-2 that mainly occurs in Africa. The HIV virus enters the white blood cells and takes over the reproductive system of that cell and uses the system to reproduce itself. The white blood cell dies and the new HIV cells infect other white blood cells

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and repeat the process.... [tags: STD, HIV, AIDS] User Rating: HIV/AIDS - With reference to one animal or human disease, explain why its economic consequences can vary spatially. Introduction There are many diseases, which produce economic consequences and which can vary in their effect depending on location. Some are Tuberculosis (TB), Malaria, Ebola Virus and AIDs. Throughout this report I am going to focus on the AIDs virus. HIV is the Human immunodeficiency virus, and AIDs is the Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, which it causes. HIV is a slow retrovirus, which means that not only does it take months to show any symptoms and years to develop fully.... [tags: HIV, AIDS, Health] User Rating: HIV and AIDS - HIV/AIDS INTRODUCTION At the beginning of the 20th Century it was believed by many, including the United States Patent Office, that there was nothing else to invent. Now, 100 years later at the beginning of the new millenium the ancient Egyptian philosopher is more relevant, "there is nothing new under the Sun". While HIV/AIDS may be a new disease, there is nothing new about a novel epidemic, which can potentially or actually decimate a population. In the late middle ages, the Black, now known as the Bubonic Plague, swept through Europe killing virtually half the population.... [tags: STD, HIV, AIDS] User Rating: HIV and AIDS - HIV & AIDS HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus that causes AIDS. A member of a group of viruses called retroviruses, HIV infects human cells and uses the energy and nutrients provided by those cells to grow and reproduce. AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a disease in which the body's immune system breaks down and is unable to fight off certain infections,

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known as "opportunistic infections," and other illnesses that take advantage of a weakened immune system. When a person is infected with HIV, the virus enters the body and lives and multiplies primarily in the white blood cells.... [tags: STD, HIV, AIDS] User Rating: The Neuropathology of AIDS - The Neuropathology of AIDS AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is a disease of an individuals immune system caused by HIV-1 (human immunodeficiency virus 1). HIV-1 is a retrovirus of the lentivirus subfamily. This virus is atypical in that it does not require mitotically active cells to reproduce. Reproduction of the viral nucleic acids occurs in the nucleus of infected cells. Until recently it was believed that AIDS related deaths as a result of HIV infection were caused primarily by opportunistic infections, usually bacterial or fungal, gaining a foothold in an immuno-compromised individual.... [tags: AIDS Health Medicine Essays] User Rating: AIDS/HIV - In 1981, the first cases of severe immune system deterioration were recognized developed unusual infections. The new disease was later named "AIDS". At that time, no one knew what was causing the disease. Since then, science has shown that the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the cause of AIDS. As HIV infection progresses, it weakens a person's ability to fight off diseases. By attacking the immune system, the virus leaves people more susceptible to other diseases. When a person with HIV contracts one of several additional diseases, or when a person's immune system shows serious deterioration, that person is classified as having AIDS.... [tags: STD, HIV, AIDS] User Rating: AIDS in the Eighties - AIDS in the Eighties Four years ago I got into a near fatal car

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accident and lost a lot of blood. I was rushed into a nearby San Francisco hospital where doctors treated me with transfused blood. Ironically, the same blood that saved my life will eventually lead to my death. It is currently 1987 in San Francisco, one of many areas in the world suffering from a virus believed to have come from Western Africa. Earlier in the decade scientists discovered the virus was linked to the disease, Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome, which dominantly afflicted gay males.... [tags: AIDS HIV Diseases Essays] User Rating: AIDS in Africa - Missing Works Cited The AIDS epidemic has reached disastrous proportions on the continent of Africa. Over the past two decades, two thirds of the more than 16 million people in the world infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which causes AIDS, live in sub-Saharan Africa. It is now home to the largest number of people infected, with 70 percent of the worlds HIV infected population. The problem of this ongoing human tragedy is that Africa is also the least equipped region in the world to cope with all the challenges posed by the HIV virus.... [tags: HIV AIDS essays research papers] User Rating: AIDS in Africa - AIDS In Africa HIV-AIDS has infected over thirty million people in the world. Over 95% of all AIDS cases in the world are in Africa and in some of those countries over 40% of the people are infected (Frederickson and Kanabus HIV and AIDS in Africa 1). AIDS does not solely affect homosexuals, or any certain ethnicity of people, either; HIV-AIDS can affect any type of ethnicity including African Americans, Caucasians, Asians, Indians, and Hispanic people. AIDS cannot be reversed or cured, but with proper treatment this deadly virus can be controlled and people can live a nearly normal life.... [tags: AIDS HIV Disease Africa African Essays]
:: 4 Sources Cited :: 11 Sources Consulted

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User Rating: AIDS and How it Spreads - Incomplete Essay There is one other fact that needs to be mentioned here because it is highly significant in determining recommendations for safe sexual conduct which will be discussed below: Currently, it is felt that after exposure to the virus, most folks will turn seropositive for it (develop a positive blood test for it) within four months. It is currently felt that if you are sexually exposed to a person with AIDS and do not become seropositive within six months after that exposure, you will never become seropositive as a result of that exposure.... [tags: HIV AIDS] User Rating: HIV/AIDS in the U.S.A. - HIV/AIDS in the U.S.A. Human Immunodeficency Virus (HIV), virus of the retrovirus family, the agent that causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). A person infected with HIV gradually loses immune function and becomes vulnerable to numerous infractions that can lead to AIDS. The virus was discovered in association with AIDS by three separate teams of researchers: first in 1983 by Luc Montagnier and scientists at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, and then in 1984 by Robert Gallo and his colleagues at the National Cancer Institute, on the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, and by Jay Levy and his colleagues at the University of California at San Francisco.... [tags: HIV and AIDS] User Rating: HIV/AIDS Awareness - HIV/AIDS Awareness How would you feel if you saw a four-year-old girl have to watch her mother die a slow painful death from AIDS. Well this is what millions of children face everyday living in Africa. Do you ever stop and think about how lucky you are to live a happy and healthy life or do you just take it for granted. An estimated 25 million adults and children are living with HIV in Sub-Saharan

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Africa, and AIDS has orphaned an estimated twelve million children. HIV/AIDS is one of the biggest challenges the world faces today.... [tags: HIV and AIDS] User Rating: Brief History of HIV and AIDS - This assignment will give an outline of pathogens and the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) also the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). How HIV is spread and where the virus comes from. This will also investigate into who discovered HIV and also when it was discovered and which was found first between HIV and AIDS also if HIV and AIDS are somewhat related. Also give a brief description what a pathogen is, also what types of pathogens there are, and look into the human immune system and discuss CD4, T cells and B cells and what these cells do for the body.... [tags: HIV and AIDS] User Rating: Glaxosmithkline And Aids Drugs Policy GlaxoSmithKline and AIDS drugs policy The case talks about GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), its merger with Burroughs Wellcome, its commitment to developing countries, the pricing controversy and pricing pressures from multiple directions. GSK had to determine how to address the AIDS crisis in Africa while maintaining business viability in developing countries in the midst of all the pressures. In Africa, GSK confronted the reality of the AIDS crisis every day, and its decisions impacted thousands. Everyone--governments, nongovernmental organizations, the media, shareholders, and others--had an opinion, but there was no real answer to the question.... [tags: AIDS Pharmaceutical ] User Rating: Discrimination Against Those with AIDS Discrimination Against Those with AIDS Discrimination has grown over the years to be a major problem around the world. There are

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many different issues that discrimination addresses. One of the main issues that it evaluates is HIV/AIDS. Many people who are infected with the disease are discriminated against for something that they cannot control after they are diagnosed. More specifically, insurance companies and employers are one of the big factors in discrimination of these people in the work place.... [tags: Discrimination AIDS] User Rating: HIV/AIDS Testing: A Wake Up Call - ... The same year, that government had projected 10 million HIV infection cases by 2010 (114). Therefore Thailand has set up an educational program of prevention and control of the AIDS, massive public information campaign, mass condoms distribution among prostitutes rings, and a comprehensive needle exchange program(114). From 1991 to 1995, a behavioral change of the prostitutes has been registered bringing Thailands annual rate of infection from 143,000 to around 50,000 (114).To date, we do not know the trend of that infection.... [tags: AIDS]
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User Rating: The Stigma Attached to HIV and AIDS - Stigma and seroconversion are a few familiar words that come to mind when dealing with HIV/AIDS. These are a few processes that people go through when they are indentified as being HIV positive. This is when their life on whole comes into contrast. This is so because people often take things like sex for granted and it is because of this some cant live a healthy lifestyle. Just imagine finding out that you are positive. How will society accept you. What about the stigmatization that one goes through.... [tags: HIV, AIDS] User Rating: AIDS and The Nervous System: A Focus On The AIDS Dementia Complex - AIDS and The Nervous System: A Focus On The AIDS

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Dementia Complex Infection by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the biologic agent of the AIDS syndrome, has emerged as one of the most important threats to public health in the United States and its incidence is rapidly increasing. A highly lethal disease with over 70% of AIDS patients dying within 2 years of diagnosis. This disease has already become the leading cause of death in men aged 25-44 and women aged 25-34. The Centers for Disease Control have for the purpose of epidemiological surveillance, defined AIDS as a "reliably diagnosed disease that is at least moderately indicative of an underlying cellular immunodeficiency in a person who has no underlying cause of cellular immunodeficiency nor any other cause of reduced resistance reported to be associated with that disease." [5] The pathophysiology of HIV is indicative of a retrovirus.... [tags: AIDS Disease Diseases Essays]
:: 5 Works Cited

User Rating: AIDS - AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, better known as AIDS, is caused by the incurable HIV virus. AIDS is a deadly disease that deteriorates the immune system. There are two groups of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), HIV-1 that occurs throughout the world and HIV-2 that mainly occurs in Africa. The HIV virus enters the white blood cells and takes over the reproductive system of that cell and uses the system to reproduce itself. The white blood cell dies and the new HIV cells infect other white blood cells and repeat the process.... [tags: essays research papers] User Rating: Stigma of HIV/ AIDS - Stigma of HIV/ AIDS From the moment scientists identified HIV and AIDS, social responses of fear, denial, stigma and discrimination have accompanied the epidemic. Discrimination has spread rapidly, fuelling anxiety and prejudice against the groups

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most affected, as well as those living with HIV or AIDS. It goes without saying that HIV and AIDS are as much about social phenomena as they are about biological and medical concerns. Across the world the global epidemic of HIV/AIDS has shown itself capable of triggering responses of compassion, solidarity and support, bringing out the best in people, their families and communities.... [tags: Disease Aids Stigma Essays] User Rating: Aids - AIDS in Africa Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is one of the most deadly viruses in the world. No country in Africa has escaped the virus. Some have been effected more then others though. The spread of AIDS in Africa is because of poor medical treatment and a lack of education on the part of the people. HIV is the virus which causes AIDS.(Aids in Africa,1994) HIV stands for Human Immune-deficiency Virus. The virus attacks the bodies immune system and weakens it. Scientists have wondered about the origin of HIV ever since the epidemic emerged.... [tags: essays research papers fc]
:: 2 Sources Cited

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User Rating: AIDS - The name for AIDS is short for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Some people think that aids are the same thing as HIV. But they are wrong because HIV is the virus that means human immunodeficiency virus. Some people can have the HIV virus and not be diagnosed as having aids for up to ten years. What the virus does is attacks the immune system directly until it just shuts down and you die. There are two main ways that people can get aids one of them is by doing drugs, like using the same needle.... [tags: essays research papers] User Rating: AIDS - AIDS AIDS, a severe immunological disorder caused by a virus that leaves the victim unable to fight infections. The AIDS epidemic is

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becoming a severe health menace throughout the world, but particularly in Africa, mainly South Africa. In Battling AIDS in S. Africa, an article from The Chicago Tribune, Pooven Moodleys discusses why AIDS in Africa is a world problem. He states that nearly 1,600 Africans become infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, each day. In 16 countries throughout Africa, the AIDS epidemic affects more than one-tenth of the adult population is infected, according to Peter Piot, the executive director of UNAIDS, in a statement made to the Security Council.... [tags: Health Medicine Medical HIV Essays]
:: 5 Sources Cited

User Rating: AIDS - AIDS Aids is a disease that effects the immune system. Your immune system is unable to fight off diseases, viruses, and infections. Aids usually makes you very skinny and tired, and it effects the nerves system in your brain. You also can get certain cancers from aids especially Kaposis sarcoma, are purple lesions on the skin, and tumors known as B-cell lymphomas. Aids can be transmitted through several ways by blood, through intimate sexual contact, from infected mothers to there babies in there uterus, and even through infected mothers milk.... [tags: essays research papers] User Rating: AIDS - AIDS AIDS, is known as, the acquired immune deficiency syndrome and is the disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The virus is transmitted from one person to another through means of intimate sexual contact or exchange of blood or bodily fluids (whether from contaminated hypodermic needles or syringes, transfusions of infected blood, or transmission from an infected mother to her child before or during birth) (Schaefer; p. 119). AIDS has become a worldwide epidemic that has struck every identifiable group.... [tags: Papers] User Rating:

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AIDS - AIDS AIDS is actually the final stage... of infection with what we know as the AIDS virus (Langone 8). AIDS is... also accepted as a syndrome, a collection of specific, life- threatening... infections and symptoms that is the result of an underlying immune deficiency - a deficiency not caused by any known conditions and illnesses other than infection with the AIDS virus (8). There is one main explanation of how AIDS started and came to America. Scientists believe that when the Portuguese took Africans to Japan, the Africans got AIDS from the monkeys (63).... [tags: Papers] User Rating: Aids - AIDS Unprotected sex, dirty needles,pills!. Now that I have your attention, today Ill be talking to you about the causes and effects on how you can contract this deadly virus. But first let me start by explaining what Aids/HIV really is and what it does to you once you have contracted the Aids virus. Aids/Aids lowers your immune systems ability to produce the white blood cells and antibodies that protect you from colds, infections, etc. Lowered immunity makes a person vulnerable to attacks from different types of viruses.... [tags: essays research papers] User Rating: Aids - AIDS AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a deadly disease for which there is no cure. This disease was first recognized in the mid 1980's. The cause of AIDS is the HIV virus, and is most commonly spread by venereal routes or exposure to contaminated blood or blood products. This disease weakens the body's immune system, allowing other diseases to occur. The most common treatments available for this virus are the drugs called AZT, DDI, and DDC which interfere with HIV'S ability to reproduce itself.... [tags: essays research papers] User Rating:

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Aids - AIDS Invades Rural America AIDS has been a problem in the United States for many years now. However, many people view victims of AIDS as homosexuals or drug users; this is no longer the case. AIDS is now being spread through teenagers in rural America. Many problems have arisen from the increasing number of victim in smaller America cities where hospitals and doctors are not able to provide suffienct treatment because of a lack of funding and experience. Also, the young adults that have no contracted the virus are victims of emotional and verbal abuse, because small-town America is not used to dealing with the AIDS virus.... [tags: essays research papers] User Rating: aids - The media is full of aids stories these days. Articles in different newspapers and magazines headline the death of celebrities, new aids tests, and controversies about who should be tested, promising advances in the research labs, and frustrating and tragic problems of coping with the disease using the treatments available today. Aids is not only pervading the newspapers and magazines, but the television fare as well, not only the news items and features, but also in dramas sitcoms and soap operas.... [tags: essays research papers] User Rating: Aids - To talk about AIDS today, one has also to talk about sexuality. Nowadays AIDS is largely related to sexual activities since AIDS is a consequence of the virus HIV, which can be transmitted during sexual relations. The movie that we saw, Philadelphia, deals with this. It tells the story of a homosexual man who contracted HIV during sexual intercourse with another man. After some years he starts to suffer from AIDS and the discrimination that came along with it. He was a successful lawyer, and was fired only because he had AIDS.... [tags: essays research papers] User Rating:

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aids - Nearly 90 percent of Russias HIV infections occur among addicts sharing dirty needles (Klesius, p.35). This percentage from a National Geographic magazine would differ heavily from that of the United States. The Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation reported that through the year 2002 in the state of Colorado that only 9% of aids cases in the state were due to injection drug use and 25% on the national level. (Kaiser Family Foundation) In the United States, Men who have sex with men would more closely share Russias dirty needle problem for being the number 1 cause for AIDS transmission with 46% in the U.S.... [tags: essays research papers] User Rating: AIDS - AIDS is a serious (often fatal) disease of the immune system transmitted through blood products especially by sexual contact or contaminated needles. It is the most serious outcome of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection. People with AIDS often suffer lung, brain, eye and other organ disease along with debilitating weight loss, diarrhea, candidacies, dementia, toxoplasmosis and a type of cancer called Kaposi's Sarcoma, and makes the immune system weak and therefore less able to fight certain infections and diseases.... [tags: essays research papers] User Rating: AIDS - AIDS AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS is caused by the HIV virus, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Most of the people get the HIV virus by having sexual intercourse with an infected person, sharing syringes (when using drugs or in cheap hospitals) with an infected person, some are also born with the disease or the babies drink the breast milk of an infected woman. Once a body is infected by the HIV virus, the human body produces antibodies to fight the virus.... [tags: Papers] User Rating:

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AIDS - AIDS AIDS is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. High risk groups include homosexual or bisexual men, intravenous drug users who share needles, the sexual partners of those in high risk groups, infants born to mothers with HIV, and persons who received blood transfusions or clotting products between 1977 and 1985 (prior to standard screening for the virus in the blood). In the United States, AIDS is the fifth leading cause of death among persons between ages 25 and 44. The Center of Disease Control has estimated that about 2.2 million Americans were infected with HIV virus as of January 1998 and that just about 30.6 million people worldwide were infected with HIV.... [tags: Papers] User Rating: Aids - Acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or AIDS, is a currently recognized disease. It is caused by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which attacks selected cells in the immune system and causes them to function defectively. These deficiencies may not be apparent for years. They lead to the suppression of the immune system's ability to combat harmful organisms. This leaves the body open to invasion by various infections, which are called opportunistic diseases, and to the development of unusual cancers.... [tags: essays research papers] User Rating: AIDS - AIDS is one of the world's greatest leading causes of death. Today it is one of the world's most well known diseases and most feared. AIDS knows no race, age, or gender. One will be provided with information on exactly what AIDS is, the stages of HIV, the differences between HIV and AIDS, the knowledge of AIDS in the early 80s, and the knowledge of AIDS today. One will also come to know how AIDS can be contracted, treated and how it can be prevented. What is AIDS. AIDS, which stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is a viral infection

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that is developed in the last stage of HIV.... [tags: Health] User Rating: AIDS - The Basics What is AIDS. What is AIDS. Who can be Infected. How is it Transmitted. The Basics Who can be Infected with HIV. What is AIDS. Who can be infected. How is it Transmitted. Symptoms of New HIV Infection Using a Condom Using a Dental Dam Safer injection An HIV Vaccine. Anyone. A virus doesn't recognize risk groups. HIV has affected gay men, lesbians, heterosexuals and bisexuals. It is found in all races, nationalities and age groups. In the U.S., gay men were among the first people to be infected in the U.S.... [tags: essays research papers] User Rating: Aids - AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome HIV and Aids affect more than roughly thirty million people worldwide. Race, sex and age have nothing to do with who can get this disease, however, the race with the highest number of infected people happens to be Caucasian males ages 25-44. About forty-five percent of the 641,000 AIDS cases in the U.S. have been white people. Blacks arent far behind with over 35 percent of cases, and Hispanics have about 20 percent of all cases. Asians have less than anyone does, with 1 percent.... [tags: essays research papers fc]
:: 1 Sources Cited

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User Rating: The HIV & AIDS Virus - Citations AIDS.org news, treatment information, and other resources. www.aids.org/ HIV and AIDS Activities - information from the FDA Office of Special Health Issues. www.fda.gov/oashi/aids/hiv.html Specialized Information Services Home Page - US National Library ... - ... Library of Medicine (NLM) is responsible for information resources and services in toxicology, environmental health, chemistry, HIV/AIDS, and specialized ...

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www.sis.nlm.nih.gov CDC-NCHSTP-Divisions of HIV/AIDS Prevention (DHAP) Home Page ...... [tags: HIV, AIDS, Health] User Rating: Aids - Aids The issue of HIV/AIDS has been a developing concern since the early 1980's. It is an issue that has sparked fear in everyone, but "society" has narrowed it down to certain people that can contract the AIDS virus. The stereotypical "AIDS" victim is not an IV drug user or a practicing homosexual; it is anyone, anyone who has unprotected sex, anyone who has had a blood transfusion in the past twenty years, or anyone who was innocently brought into the world by an infected mother. As unfair as it is, HIV/AIDS can attack someone whom society would have never "branded" as a stereotypical AIDS victim.... [tags: social issues] User Rating: Aids - "Somewhere among the million children who go to New York's publicly financed schools is a seven-year-old child suffering from AIDS. A special health and education panel had decided, on the strength of the guidelines issued by the federal Centers for Disease Control, that the child would be no danger to his classmates. Yet, when the school year started on September 9th, several thousand parents in two school districts in the borough of Queens kept their children at home. Fear of plague can be as pernicious, and contagious, as the plague itself(Fear of dying 1)." This article was written in 1985.... [tags: essays research papers] User Rating: AIDS - Michelle Lee Pelletier & Sarah Smith December, 16, 1998 Mr. Marquis Honors Chemistry Aids A.I.D.S is an epidemic of the nineties. There are over one million people infected with the HIV in the United States, and over 250,000 cases of Aids. The World Health Organization estimates that there are between five and ten million infected with the H.I.V

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virus. This number is rising steadily. A.I.D.S is the end result of H.I.V, and to this day there is no cure. H.I.V was discovered in 1981, but not until 1984 was it proven to be the cause of A.I.D.S.... [tags: essays research papers] User Rating: Aids - AIDS The United Nations AIDS organization released disturbing estimates Thursday of the seemingly relentless expansion of the HIV pandemic. At a time when many Americans are increasingly optimistic that stateof-the- art drug therapy might eliminate the virus, HIV is taking a heavy toll worldwide. According to the agency, every minute of every day somewhere in the world, six people become infected with HIV: 7,500 adults per day and 1,000 children. About 30 million people have acquired the virus during the last 15 years; 6.4 million of them have died of AIDS.... [tags: essays research papers] User Rating: Aids - AIDS is the final, life-threatening stage of the infection with human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV. AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiecy syndrome. The name refers to the fact that HIV severely damages the patients disease-fighting immune system. Cases of AIDS were first identified in 1981 in the United States, but scientists have traced cases to as early as 1959. Millions of AIDS cases have been diagnosed worldwide. HIV can be present in the body for 2 to 12 years without producing any outward signs of illness, yet there are definite symptoms.... [tags: essays research papers] User Rating: Aids - If you are living with HIV or AIDS, you need many kinds of support -- medical, emotional, psychological, and, yes, financial. Your doctor, your local health and social services departments, your local AIDS service organization, and your local library can aid you in finding all kinds of help: answers to your questions about HIV and AIDS doctors,

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insurance, and help in making health care decisions food, housing, and transportation planning to meet financial and daily needs support groups for you and your loved ones home nursing care help in legal matters, including Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) claims confidential help in applying for Social Security disability benefits You also can get information on these things from the CDC National AIDS Hotline at (800) 342-2437.... [tags: essays research papers] User Rating: AIDS - AIDS Is the message getting through. We already know enough about AIDS to prevent its spread, but ignorance, complacency, fear and bigotry continue to stop many from taking adequate precautions. We know enough about how the infection is transmitted to protect ourselves from it without resorting to such extremes as mandatory testing, enforced quarantine or total celibacy. But too few people are heeding the AIDS message. Perhaps many simply don't like or want to believe what they hear, preferring to think that AIDS "can't happen to them." Experts repeatedly remind us that infective agents do not discriminate, but can infect any and everyone.... [tags: Health Medicine Papers] User Rating: HIV/AIDS Research - HIV/AIDS Research Every part of African society from teachers to soldiers is under attack from Aids with over 30% of the adult population infected in some countries, the United Nations says in a new report. 80% of the world's deaths from AIDS occur in Africa, which at current rate is estimated to be 34 million people to have been infected with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa, since the start of the pandemic and 11.4 million are estimated to have died. This epidemic is creating instability in an already fragile African economy.... [tags: HIV, AIDS, Health] User Rating:

3346 words (9.6 pages)

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AIDS - For an epidemic that would explode to claim hundreds of thousands of lives, AIDS surfaced very quietly in the United States, with a small notice on June 4, 1981 in a weekly newsletter published by the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, alerting doctors to five unusual cases of pneumonia that had been diagnosed in Los Angeles residents over the previous few months. All the patients were homosexual men who had come down with PCP (Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia), a lung infection usually seen only severely malnourished children or adults undergoing intensive chemotherapy.... [tags: essays research papers fc]
:: 2 Sources Cited

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User Rating: AIDS - The acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) was initially recognized in the first half of the twentieth century and has since become a major worldwide epidemic (Discovery Health). Debate about the origin of AIDS has enticed considerable concern and controversy since the advent of the epidemic. It is has been proven that AIDS is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) by stimulating the destruction and functional impairment of cells in the immune system, potentially destroying the human bodys ability to fight infection (CDC).... [tags: essays research papers] User Rating: Aids - AIDS is the acronym used for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is a disease transmitted through the blood. It is transmitted from person to person through sexual intercourse, blood transfusions, I.V. drug users, and from mothers to babies during birth. AIDS is a disease which breaks down the human immune system causing the body to become very susceptible to infection. The disease is brought about by the HIV-1 virus. HIV-1( Human Immunodeficiency Virus) can remain dormant for years and then begins to attack the

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bodies T- cells and white cells which help fight off infection.... [tags: essays research papers fc]
:: 2 Sources Cited

User Rating: Aids - In 1918 the United States experienced one of the worst epidemics in its history. With 500,000 dead in a matter of 6 months, the Spanish influenza left its mark. With approximately 11.7 million dead worldwide, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome(AIDS) is still leaving its mark. It is a pandemic the likes of which the world has always feared to see. The HIV virus comes in several varieties, yet they kill basically the same. Our understanding of this virus and how it works is essential to finding its cure, and to preventing its spread.... [tags: essays research papers] User Rating: AIDS - AIDS Aids stand for Acquired Immune Defiency Syndrome, which is the final and the most serious stage of the HIV Disease and it causes damage to the immune system. Between the ages of twenty five to forty four, AIDS is the fifth leading cause of death. Since the start of HIV disease forty seven million have been infected in the world. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus is what causes aids. This virus attacks the immune system and leaves the body open a lot of illnesses and cancers. Aids are transmitted through sexual contact, through blood, or from mother to the child.... [tags: essays research papers] User Rating: AIDs - A.I.D.S Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome A.I.D.S., also known as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, is a disorder of the bodys immune system. In A.I.D.S. the body stops producing some of its important natural defenses against disease. Victims often die from disease of infections they cannot fight. A.I.D.S is the result of an infection known as HIV, human immunodeficiency virus. A person with HIV gradually loses function of their immune

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system, becoming less able to fight off common colds and virus, thus eventually leading to death.... [tags: essays research papers] User Rating: AIDS - Scientists have concluded, based on mathematical research, that the virus that lead to the epidemic of AIDS can be traced all the way back to 1930, somewhere around Central Africa. Bette Korber, of the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, presented this conclusion at the Conference of Retroviruses. The notion that HIV was introduced in contaminated oral polio vaccines in Africa between the years of 1957 and 1961 has been often debated and challenged. The results presented by Korber, not only refute the before mentioned allegations, but also move us toward finding out where the virus really came from and in which direction it is heading in the future.... [tags: essays research papers] User Rating: AIDS - AIDS Sub-Saharan Africa is the region of the world that is most affected by HIV/AIDS. An estimated 26.6 million people are living with HIV/AIDS and approximately 3.2 million new infections occurred in Sub-Saharan Africa in 2003. In just the past year the epidemic has claimed the lives of an estimated 2.3 million Africans. Ten million young people (aged 1524) and almost 3 million children under 15 are living with HIV. An estimated eleven million children have been orphaned by AIDS in SubSaharan Africa.... [tags: HIV Diseases Health Medical Essays]
:: 1 Works Cited :: 8 Sources Cited

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User Rating: Aids - AIDS HIV and/or AIDS is a life threatening disease that is affecting society today. It is a serious epidemic that is threatening millions of lives around the world. A person can become HIV infected thorough the sharing syringes or through vaginal or anal sex, one does not become infected from the air as some might think. It is infected through the blood.

975 words (2.8 pages)

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Testing positive for human immunodefiency virus or HIV, means that you carry the antibodies, you can be HIV infected and not have AIDS, AIDS occurs in later stage of infection.... [tags: essays research papers] User Rating: AIDS - AZT The AIDS virus is one of the most deadly and most wide spread diseases in the modern era. The disease was first found in 1981 as doctors around the United States began to report groups of young, homosexual men developing a rare pneumonia caused by an organism called Penumocystis carini. These patients then went on to develop many other new and rare complications that had previously been seen only in patients with severely damaged immune systems. The Center for Disease Control in the United States named this new epidemic the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and defined it by a specific set of symptoms.... [tags: essays research papers fc]
:: 3 Sources Cited

1537 words (4.4 pages)

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User Rating: HIV/AIDS in Prisons and Jails - HIV/AIDS in Prisons and Jails missing works cited In addressing the prevention of the spread of the HIV virus in prisons, we have seen a rush to develop and implement prevention measures. Much attention has centered on such controversial issues as compulsory or voluntary blood testing, isolation versus integration of HIV infected inmates into the prison mainstreams, provision of condoms and disposable needles, and effective educational measures for specific groups within the prison. Unfortunately, this rush to develop and implement preventive measures has resulted in a degree of polarization which has hindered progress towards implementation of effective prevention measures.... [tags: STD, HIV, AIDS] User Rating: HIV and AIDS - We are Close to a Cure - HIV and AIDS - We are Close to a Cure AIDS is a

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major disease that has threatened the world's population but many scientists believe that a cure is in sight. These scientists say they have developed a vaccine that will cure a dying AIDS patient. They also believe that have created a vaccine that will prevent a person from contracting the virus. AIDS stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Acquired stands for that the disease is not hereditary but develops after birth from contact with a disease causing agent in this case, HIV.... [tags: STD, HIV, AIDS]
:: 10 Sources Cited

User Rating: AIDS and Schools: Educating those who are High-Risk - The general population of America today is having great difficulty facing a very frightening situation. Unfortunately, rather than seek information which might lessen anxiety about the subject, many people just choose to ignore the problem. Unwillingness to deal with a problem, however, only makes matters worse, and in this case, avoidance often leads to unrestrained disgust and hatred for those members of our society who are directly affected by the problem--our unfortunate citizens who are suffering with AIDS.... [tags: AIDS, schools, ]
:: 4 Works Cited

1672 words (4.8 pages)



User Rating: AIDS Prevalence and Awareness in South Africa - AIDS Prevalence and Awareness in South Africa Johannesburg, the largest metropolitan area in the continent of Africa. The population of the main metropolitan area is 1,907,229 ( WorldBook encycl.130). Johannesburg is also one of the world richest gold fields. Despite these positive aspects, Johannesburg is a city with a dismal future, because it is suffering from one of the world's worst AIDS epidemics. Every Saturday, nearby cemeteries are busy with the arrival of people who have died from AIDS.... [tags: AIDS HIV Disease African Essays]
:: 8 Sources Cited

3144 words (9 pages)



User Rating: Aids, Poverty and Ignorance in South Africa Aids, Poverty and Ignorance in South Africa Twenty years after the first clinical evidence of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was reported, it has become the most devastating disease humankind has ever faced. Since the epidemic began, more than 60 million people have been infected with the virus worldwide. Data shows an estimated 57,520,805 infected people around the world with that number increasing by approximately 1,400 people per day (redribbon.co.za). AIDS is now the leading cause of death in sub-Saharan Africa.... [tags: South Africa AIDS Disease Health Essays]
:: 16 Sources Cited

3707 words (10.6 pages)



User Rating: A History of AIDS and the Foundation that is Promoting Abstinence from AIDS in New Jersey - In this wonderful world that we subsist in it has its fluctuating limits where in life an individual can have successes and fame to being unsuccessful. Life is precious, the way one can conserve it and their health is performing certain procedures that help maintain and sustain the human body. In addition, there are different elements that occur to impair a persons health like physical and mental disorders, bacterial infections, and viral infections. These illnesses can cause minor to major fragments in a persons life.... [tags: Abstinence, AIDS, New Jersey, HIV, history,] User Rating: And The Band Played On: Mercy During the AIDS Epidemic - With liberty and justice to all, though this was not the case when the AIDS epidemic first jumped off. I believe that the only reason justice, mercy, and veracity were not served in the beginning of this battle is simply because of majority and minority. AIDS, at first, was only found to be attacking the gay population (minority), but the people that could do something about it, or controlled the money

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that could help with the situation were not being affected, and didnt feel threatened by it (majority).... [tags: Mercy, AIDS Epidemic, AIDS, homosexuals, homosexua] User Rating: Treatment While Seeking a Cure for HIV/AIDS - AIDS is a life-threatening human virus called HIV. AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. The name refers to the fact that HIV severely damages the patients disease-fighting immune system. Cases of AIDS were first identified in 1981 in the United States, but scientists have traced cases back as early as 1959. Millions of AIDS cases have been diagnosed worldwide; unfortunately there is not a known cure but only treatment. The two most common ways in which HIV is transmitted is sexual intercourse and direct contact with infected blood.... [tags: AIDS, HIV, treatment, medical,] User Rating: The Oppression of Women Drives The AIDS Epidemic in Africa - The Oppression of Women Drives The AIDS Epidemic in Africa Africa is facing a devastating crisis with respect to the AIDS epidemic, currently accounting for over 70% of the world's HIV-positive population. There are, of course, many factors that drive the explosive transmission of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, but in the tangled web that is the epidemic in Africa, many of these issues share a common thread. The oppression of women in Africa can be considered the virus' cultural vector. Females are rendered powerless in African societies, and existing gender inequalities are largely responsible for the spread of the disease.... [tags: Disease AIDS Essays Africa Women]
:: 3 Works Cited :: 2 Sources Cited

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User Rating: The Pharmaceutical Industry and the AIDS Crisis in Developing Countries - The Pharmaceutical Industry and the AIDS Crisis in Developing Countries Describe the nature of 1837 words (5.2 pages)

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supplying drugs to emerging markets at an affordable price without undermining their profits Research and analyse in depth the effectiveness of one proposed policy response to this issue. Introduction 1 2001 saw a flurry of events, as highlighted in the excepts of the case study, which caused an awareness by the international community of the inequality between rich and poor nations in the care and treatment of people living with HIV/AIDS.... [tags: AIDS Vaccine Drugs Supply Demand] User Rating: The Controversy Over HIV/AIDS Disclosure Law - The Controversy Over HIV/AIDS Disclosure Law Abstract Forty million people worldwide are infected with the HIV virus. About six percent of them will not inform their intimate partners about their health condition. Many efforts that have been made over the past decade towards establishing a HIV/AIDS law, have finally paid off. The act of disclosing the virus was written in 1990. It caused quite a stir among the citizens of the United States. Many people concluded that there were holes in the disclosure law concerning HIV/AIDS because it lacked complete thought.... [tags: Biology Medical Biomedical Disease HIV AIDS]
:: 5 Sources Cited

1371 words (3.9 pages)



User Rating: Aids In The Usa - AIDS PAPER AIDS has been an issue dealt with in the United States for 20 years. What is usually appalling when told to someone is that the American public contributed to the spread of AIDS. This may be appalling by its true and is not helping the AIDS epidemic. The media has lacked attention to the AIDS epidemic as well and this has also contributed to the spread of AIDS. Some of what caused the American publics lack of interest in AIDS are prisons, foreign countries, and the U. S. statistics on AIDS.... [tags: essays research papers] User Rating: Funding for AIDS - Funding for AIDS AIDS, it

609 words (1.7 pages)

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is the black plague of our youthful generation. Not only is it spreading quickly, but it also can affect anyone and can be fatal. So why not concentrate all our time and money into research for this disease that is fairly new and we know little about. Well, Naomi Freundlich, science and technology editor for Business Week magazine, thinks we should do all we can to prevent the spread of AIDS. In her article "No, Spending More on AIDS Isn't Unfair", she explains the need for increased funding and research in this field.... [tags: Papers] User Rating:

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