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Alison Chan May 16, 2011 G Block Chapter 4 Definition 1. Informed consent: a.

Laws that require abortion clinics to tell clients about what abortion involves. The government requires abortion clinics to follow the informed consent law for the better of the patients. 2. Consistent life ethic: a. Protecting the life and dignity of all people. People are required to live everyday with consistent life ethics. 3. Culture of death: a. We are what we have. Culture views human life as separate from God, who is its source. It is a worldview that leads to the death for those who are considered to be less valuable. Most people in our generation live with a culture of death-like view because as technology expands, people become more materialistic. 4. Culture of life: a. We are more than what we have, and death is not the end of the story. The worldview recognizes that all human life comes from God and is meant to return to God. Not many people see things with a culture of life- like view because they are blinded by what they seem to think is more important than what God gave to us. 5. Conception: a. The moment when the genetic material from the womans ovum and a mans sperm fuse, creating a genetically unique individual who then grows. Some believe that at the point of conception during sex is when the individual can be considered a person while others think that it is at the moment it is born. 6. Euthanasia: a. The intentional killing of someone whose life is deemed to be no longer worth living it is sometimes preferred over a natural death. The very sick man requested for euthanasia because he didn't want to go through with any more pain. 7. Restorative Justice: a. Focuses on restoring the good that has been harmed by criminal activity.

The justice system of today views restorative justice as showing equal concerns to the victims and offenders in the process of justice. 8. Joseph Cardinal Bernardin - Joseph Bernardins original academic ambition was directed towards becoming a physician, inspiring him to enroll in the Pre-Medical program at the University of South Carolina. Joseph Bernardin was ordained by the Most Reverend John J. Russell as a priest for the Diocese of Charleston at the St. Joseph Church. 9. Retributive justice - The approach to criminal justice in which the emphasis is on hurting the offender. Those who believe in retributive justice always seek for revenge. 10. Restorative justice - It focuses on restoring the good that has been harmed by criminal activity; for the victims, the community and the offender. Restorative justice allows people such as the victims and offenders to work through their problems.

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