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A. Differences in Structure and Organisation of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Genomes Structure Feature Ploidy No of chromosomes Size and complexity Prokaryotic genome Haploid One Diploid Can have more than one chromosome Larger and more complex compared to the prokaryotic genome Double-stranded, linear DNA Eukaryotic genome

Smaller and simpler compared to the eukaryotic genome

Shape/nature of chromosome No. of origins of replication Degree of condensation

Double-stranded, circular DNA (with some exceptions)

One origin of replication

Multiple origins of replication

Lower degree of condensation as compared to the eukaryotic genome. Each prokaryotic chromosome is folded into 50-100 domains/loops, each of which is negatively supercoiled.

Higher degree of condensation as compared to the prokaryotic genome In each eukaryotic genome, DNA is wound around proteins to form the nucleosomes, which folds into the 30nm chromatin fiber/solenoid, then into looped domains. The looped domains are then compacted into the metaphase chromosome. DNA is bound to histones which facilitate the folding of DNA

Associated proteins

DNA is bound to nucleoidassociated proteins that facilitate the folding of DNA No distinct, specific regions

Presence of specific regions on chromosome

Distinct regions are observed on chromosome centromere (a constricted region consisting of repetitive sequences) telomere (repetitive sequences at the ends of the chromosome)

Organisation Feature Components of an expression unit Promoter Prokaryotic genome Many genes organised into an operon, which consists of several genes organised into a single expression unit Many genes controlled by one promoter Operator is situated between the promoter and the first structural gene, Activator binding site is situated just upstream of the promoter Organisation of each gene Introns are not present and each gene consists of a continuous coding sequence Eukaryotic genome Each expression unit only consists of one gene

Each gene is controlled by its own promoter Proximal control elements are usually situated just upstream of the promoter Distal control elements can be situated anywhere in the genome Introns are present and separate the coding regions (exons) of the gene.

Position of regulatory sequences


Differences in Control of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Gene Expression

Transcriptional level Feature Chromatin modification Prokaryotic genome Does not occur. DNA methylation occurs only for protection purposes Eukaryotic genome DNA methylation results in inactivation of the gene Histone acetylation results in increased transcription of the gene Global regulatory systems A single protein can regulate a collection of genes or operons scattered across the bacterial chromosome The stronger the promoter, the higher the frequency of transcription initiation at the promoter. Operators are situated between the promoter and first structural gene Activator binding sites are situated just upstream of the promoter Different types of sigma factors Transcription can be regulated by the different types of sigma factors synthesized under different conditions. Each sigma factor is specific for a different promoter Attenuation Premature transcription termination can occur as transcription and translation are coupled Does not occur Does not occur

Strength of promoters

Not a major mechanism

Position of regulatory sequences

Proximal control elements are situated near the promoter Distal control elements can be situated anywhere in the genome

Does not occur

Post-transcriptional level Feature Rate of RNA splicing Prokaryotic genome Does not occur as prokaryotes have no introns Eukaryotic genome Rate of RNA splicing affects how fast the mature mRNA is formed Different proteins are formed as a result of alternative RNA splicing Presence of poly-A tail affects rate of transport Efficiency of transport channels also affect rate of transport

Alternative RNA splicing

Does not occur as prokaryotes have no introns

Differential rates of nuclear export

Does not occur as prokaryotes have no nucleus

Translational level Feature Access to sequences that are recognized by regulatory proteins mRNA stability Prokaryotic genome Antisense RNA, repressor proteins and sRNAs can bind to Shine-Dalgarno sequence on mRNA to block ribosome binding Eukaryotic genome Regulatory proteins can bind to 5 UTR to block ribosome binding

mRNA is degraded during transcription and translation

mRNA is degraded in cytosol via enzymatic removal of 5 cap and 3 poly-A tail

Post-translational level Feature Posttranslational modification Prokaryotic genome Not as extensive as in eukaryotes Eukaryotic genome Carried out extensively in Golgi apparatus or cytosol to regulate activity of protein after synthesis


Differences in Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Gene Expression

Transcription Feature No. of genes per promoter No. of cistrons Types of RNA polymerase Subunits of RNA polymerase Initiation sequence of transcription Prokaryotic genome Several genes of one operon controlled by one promoter Polycistronic One 5 subunits Eukaryotic genome One gene controlled by one promoter Monocistronic Three (RNA pol I, II and III) 10 subunits

-35 recognition site (sigma factor binds) -10 binding site/ Pribnow box (unwinding takes place)

TATA box of promoter

Initiation proteins

Sigma factor binds to -35 region RNA polymerase holoenzyme binds to -10 site

Basal transcription factors and RNA polymerase bind to TATA box

Regulatory proteins

Activators bind to activator binding site near promoter Repressors bind to operators between promoter and first structural gene

Activators bind to enhancers anywhere in the genome Repressors bind to silencers anywhere in the genome

Coupling of transcription and translation



Post-transcriptional modification Feature 5 capping Prokaryotic genome Not present Eukaryotic genome 5 end capped off with modified guanine nucleotide Enzyme synthesizes poly (A) tail consisting of 50-250 adenine nucleotides at 3 end of mRNA Spliceosomes cut out introns and join adjacent exons to form a continuous coding sequence

Polyadenylation Not present


Not present

Translation Feature Ribosome Initiator tRNA Prokaryotic genome 70S Carries Met) formyl-methionine 80S (f- Carries methionine Eukaryotic genome

Ribosome recognition site

Shine-Dalgarno sequence

5 cap/ribosome binding sites

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