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INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION An approach to achieving the objectives of a marketing campaign, through a well coordinated use of different promotional

methods that are intended to reinforce each other. Integrated Marketing Communications is a simple concept. It ensures that all forms of communications and messages are carefully linked together Promotion is one of the Ps in the marketing mix. Promotions has its own mix of communications tools.

All of these communications tools work better if they work together in harmony rather than in isolation IMC is cost effective. IMC concept is difficult to implement because communications are handled by different organizations. Personal selling is thus handled by the sales department, whereas advertising is handled by an ad agency. BENEFITS , boost sales and profits Less money, Less time and stress. IMC wraps communications around customers and helps them move through the various stages of the buying process. cements a bond of loyalty with customers which can protect them from the competition. The ability to keep a customer for life is a powerful competitive advantage. In a busy world, a consistent, consolidated and crystal clear message has a better chance of cutting through the 'noise' of over five hundred commercial messages which bombard customers each and every day

Developing an sales promotion Campaign

Integrated marketing...incorporate w/ sales promotions, and other communications tools.

Video...development of an ad within a campaign Designing a series of advertisements and placing them in various advertising media to reach a particular target market. Seven steps.

1. Identify and Analyze the Advertising Target. The group of people for which the advertisement is aimed at, may direct campaign at only a portion of the target market. Research and analyze advertising targets to establish an information base for a campaign. Generally increase advertisers knowledge about their target--the more effective the campaign. 2. Defining Objectives. What the firm hopes to accomplish from the campaign, should be clear, precise and measurable, can help measure the success at the end of the campaign. Use a benchmark. At what stage are the target market in the Product Adoption Process. What are the goals of the increase purchases, to generate traffic in the retail store etc. Demand oriented objectives vs. image oriented objectives Increase product/brand awareness Change consumer attitudes...reposition product Increase customer knowledge of product features

3. Determine the Advertising Appropriation Total amount of money that a marketer allocates for advertising in a specific period.

Objective and Task Approach determine the objectives, then list the tasks needed to achieve the objectives.

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Percent of Sales Approach Sales create marketing?! What happens when the products sales are declining. Competition Matching Approach Other companies have different advertising objectives. Arbitrary Approach determined by high level executives, Delaware MBA Program

4. Creating an Advertising Message A function of the product's features, uses and benefits. Must be aware of the characteristics of target market, different message to different target market. Dependant on objective of the campaign. Can use a Spokesperson. Components of the advert:
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Headline Illustrations SubHeadline BodyCopy Signature

Copy verbal portion of the advert. Includes all aspects except the illustrations. Attempts to move the reader through: 6. 7. 8. 9. Awareness Interest Desire Action

Headline--should attract readers attention, make readers want to read the copy.

5. Developing a Media Plan Sets forth the exact media vehicles to be used and dates and times of ads. Effectiveness of plan determines how many people in the advertiser's target will be exposed to the message. Need to select the media to be used and dates and times ads appear.

Primary goal--reach the highest # of people (within the advertiser's target) per $ spent. Achieve the appropriate message reach and frequency for the target audience while staying within the budget. Various Media
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TV Channels/programs, Baseball = male 18-49 Academy awards = female 18-49 Sponsor cable channels, Reebok with Cable Health Club "Reebok University" Radio, Becoming more segmented, also allowed to own 2 FM stations in one area. Magazines, Lead time considerations, also pass along rate, subscription plus news agent sales. Newspapers, Local vs. national Direct Mail, Evolution of Database marketing, able to narrowly target with DM. Outdoor, Billboards Atlanta is most billboard per capita city, Transit...City Buses, Blimps...At Events Placed-Based, Schools, also sponsor educational programs, Supermarkets, Health Clubs, Dining Halls. Intrusive..."Only go where you are wanted!!". Target market is known...not assumed. Electronic, WWW, Compuserve et al.

Need to select general media, IE Newspapers, then subclass, IE Philadelphia Inquirer. Look at location and demographics of advertisers target, use media that appeals to this group. Content of message to present affects the choice of media. Cost of media, use cost comparison indicator-within specific media (IE between two magazines), CPM "cost per thousand" for magazines. -cost, total cost; per reader/viewer cost -reach, #viewers/readers in the audience, print media includes circulation and pass on, more for magazines than newspapers -waste, portion of marketer's audience that are not in the target market -frequency, how often can the medium be used/changed, i.e., TV radio hourly, newspapers daily, Yellow pages yearly. -message performance, number of exposures each advertisement generates and how long it remains available to the audience; outdoor ads, many exposures/message, magazines retained for a long period of time. -clutter, # of advertisements contained in a single program/issue of a medium. TV ads moving to 15 secs. each is increasing clutter. Some moving to 2 minutes...or

even 5, especially if there is a complex maybe!!

6. Executing the Campaign Requires extensive planning and coordination. Advertising Agencies, production costs, research organizations, media firms, printers, photographers, and commercial artists etc. Detailed schedules are needed to insure everything is accomplished on time. (video)

7. Evaluating the effectiveness of the campaign Measure the achievement of the objectives, assessing the effectiveness of the copy etc., and the media. Typical consumer is bombarded with about 300 advertising messages/day, 109,500 per year. 80% of people cannot remember a typical ad one day after seeing it. NEED CREATIVITY!?!? Pretests before campaign, use a consumer jury. During the campaign, "inquiries"-coupons numbered. Posttests after the campaign, use consumer surveys to measure the change in communication objectives, change in sales or market share. Cannot be precise due to the environment. Use recognition tests to determine the degree to which consumers recognize advertisements. Recall evaluation, consumers are asked what they have seen lately. Aided or unaided.

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