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FederalUrduUniversity Arts, Science & TechnologyIslamabad

Faculty ofAdministrative Sciences MBA: 1stSemester (Evening)

Section: A

Spring Semester, Academic Session 2011 Course Name: Management Concepts & Application Prerequisites for:Any advance course of Management and HRM Career:Postgraduate Credit Points: 3 Teacher guided hours (per semester):48 Mode of Delivery:Face-to-Face Contact Details:Name: Muhammad Imran Office Phone Number:2891760 Email:

IMPORTANT NOTE:This course syllabus is a working outlines for our semester. It is your responsibility to read everything stated in this document and meet all the requirements in order to complete the Services Marketing course successfully. If you do not read the whole course outlines and meet the requirements entailed therein, you will take the responsibilities for any penalty, e.g., fail grade, misunderstanding, misinformation, or anything that may affect your grade.

Muhammad Imran (Management)

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The basic aim of this course is to give the students a theoretical and practical understanding of the fundamentals of management. This course is an introduction to the study of management theories and practices. Management is discussed as a functional, problem solving, decision-making process that is geared toward the effective and efficient accomplishment of organizational goals

On successful completion of this course the students should be able to: Define the management functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling. Explain the responsibilities of a business manager. Identify management knowledge and skills required within the culture of organizations. Determine competitive advantages through competitive analysis. Determine business opportunities, challenges, strengths, and weaknesses. Assess business resources methods of learning

The assessment, set out below, is designed to evaluate the outcomes. 1. FINAL EXAMINATION (Centrally Conducted) 50% (3 hours) 2. COURSE WORK 50% Case Study Presentation/Assignment 5% Quizzes (3) 5% FINAL PROJECT AND PRESENTATION 10% (1500 words) MID TERM EXAMS (Centrally Conducted) 30%

Students will present the material provided to them. The material presented in these presentations is the part of overall course in this semester


The major class requirement is a comprehensive group project. Groups will write a term paper on the topic assigned to them later by the teacher, selecting the organization of their own choice and will present it in-class as presentation. Muhammad Imran (Management) Page 2


Scheduled Topic Course Overview Part 1 Part 2
Introduction 1. Introduction to Management and Organizations 2. Management Yesterday and Today Defining the Managers Terrain 3. Organization Culture and the Environment Constraints 4. Managing in Global Environment 5. Social Responsibility and Managerial Ethics Planning 6. Decision Making 7. Foundations of Planning 8. Strategic Management 9. Planning Tools and Techniques Organizing 10. Organizational Structure and Design 11. Managerial Communication and Information Technology 12. HRM 13. Managing Change and Innovation Leading 14. Foundations of Behavior 15. Understanding Groups and Teams 16. Motivating Employees 17. Leadership Controlling 18. Foundations of Control 19. Operations and value chain management 20. Controlling for Organizational Performance


Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Note: Number of Chapters may be included/excluded as per Semester Requirements (on teachers discretion) REFERENCE BOOKS: The following books are recommended for further readings:
1)Stephen P. Robbins and Mary Coulter, (2001) Management 7 Edition

2) Bovee, C. L., Thill, J. V., Wood, M. B., & Dovel, G. P. (2000). Management (International ed.). USA: McGraw Hill Inc.
3) Stephen P. David A. DeCenzo, (2005) Fundamentals of Management 5 Edition

Plagiarism is an attempt to pass someone elses work off as your own.

Muhammad Imran (Management)

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This is an issue that the Department of Business Administration takes very seriously. Honesty and integrity are critical attributes in both our professional and personal lives.

It is expected from you to maintain a very high standard of academic honesty. Plagiarism may result in a grade reduction or other penalties as described in University Code.

Your enrollment in this course indicates your agreement to follow the class rules. This means: Be on time to class and dont leave early Be quiet when someone else is officially speaking Dont read newspapers or do outside work in class Leave the classroom as clean or cleaner than you found it. SEMESTER CALENDAR TIME-FRAME & DUE WEEKS/DATES FOR INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP ASSIGNEMENTS AND INTERNAL EVALUATION
Activities Activities Activities Activities

Formation of Group for Applied Group Project Quiz # 1 1st Assignment Quiz # 2 2nd Assignment Quiz # 3 & MidTerm Exam: Feedback on Term Paper 3rd Assignment Bookish Presentations Final Project Presentation & Report

1stWeek 3rd Week 4th Week 6th Week

7th Week
8th&9th Week 10thWeek 11th Week 12th Week 13th & 14th&15th Week 15th& 16th Week

Please read this outline carefully. If anything is not clear your lecturer will be pleased to help you Teacher can change the above schedule anytime if necessary.

Muhammad Imran (Management)

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