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BOX 7062, Kampala, (U) THE RESIDENT REPRESENTATIVE, BELIGIAN TECHNICAL COOPERATION IN UGANDA, IB, LOWER KOLOLO TERRACE P.O.BOX40131, KAMPALA, UGANDA. DEAR SIR, RE: PERIODICAL REPORT AS REGARDS SEMESTER 2, YEAR 2. As I am filled with extreme delight, I would like to place on record the fact that the second semester of year two was successfully completed as I did not register serious problems except for the fact that the university claims to demand from me a sum of 56000 shillings. In trying to solve this, I contacted the office and I was told to inform the university bursar to take initiative of informing the office of which I did but when I got my financial statement of academic year 2011/2012, there is still likely to be a shortage of that money. I am therefore kindly requesting that my issue be rectified so as to avoid problems of missing my examinations. I still want to extend my enormous gratitude and sincere appreciation for the sacrifice made so as to provide for my education. I also managed to squeeze the allowances so as to fit in the challenging economic hardships. I say so because the standards of living have seriously hiked. Accommodation is now at 370000 moreover the cheapest around and am finding life hard because I cannot afford other essentials because am always at a fix. I also got sufficient access to stationary that helped me excel in my examinations. I used stationary money to buy all the necessary materials for my academics but my major challenge

now is feeding, since you are my only soul provider, I can barely afford enough meals for myself since the money is not there so I seriously have a problem of feeding. Generally, I attended my lectures and gave maximum attention to my studies and am happy to announce that as I had promised, I greatly improved in my exams. I was offered five credit units that is to say poverty and development which I scored 80%, project planning and management where I managed to score 83%, i also did politics of global economy and managed to score 74%, I also had political ideologies and managed to score 75% and lastly I did human rights and development and scored 65%. I am happy that I steadily coped up and want to continue working hard so as to improve. I also made an improvement in one of the papers that I did not perform well in first year that is political economy of development and underdevelopment which I had scored 55 %and got 76% which helped improve my CGPA which now stands at 3.93 and still aiming higher. During the three months holiday, we were sent out for a field attachment and my course sent me to a Municipality within my region and provided a sum of 378000 to facilitate the process. Though the money was inefficient, I managed to successfully complete the research.I chose Gulu and carried out a research on water accessibility, coverage and distribution. I wrote a report which was collected for marking and once it is out, I am bringing it to the office. In a nutshell, No words can adequately express my deep appreciation of the support I receive from Belgian technical cooperation and the Belgian government especially Mr. Koen Goekin and his team who are persistent and hardworking in their dedication to me to complete this thesis. I am sure you quietly suffer the throes of my study, May the Almighty God bless you abundantly.

Yours faithfully, Amony Beatrice

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