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Textile Composites

Composite Properties
Major effects

Ing. Blanka Tomkov, Ph.D.

Department of Textile Materials

3. Textile Composites

Effects influencing composite properties Properties of components

mechanical, thermal, electrical etc.

Geometry and distribution of components including pores

Volume fraction of components

Properties of interface (adhesion)

interaction of components

Ing. Blanka Tomkov, Ph.D.

Department of Textile Materials

3. Textile Composites

Properties of components

Ing. Blanka Tomkov, Ph.D.

Department of Textile Materials

3. Textile Composites

Selected properties of main fibrous reinforcements

Ing. Blanka Tomkov, Ph.D.

Department of Textile Materials

3. Textile Composites

Selected properties of main matrices

Most useful composition of components Highest efficiency of SYNERGIC EFFECT

Ing. Blanka Tomkov, Ph.D.

Department of Textile Materials

3. Textile Composites

Ing. Blanka Tomkov, Ph.D.

Department of Textile Materials

3. Textile Composites

The shape of dispersed component

It is chosen due to the function of component Composite reinforcement
short fibres made from low cost materials
technology similar to standard plastic technologies the load is transfered between fibres and matrix

through fibres surfaces through fibres ends

continuous fibres
highest reinforcing effect the load is transferred mainly through the fibres clip effect

tensile strength of fibres is influenced by their length

longer fibres lower tensile strength strength is also influenced by moisture and temperature

Ing. Blanka Tomkov, Ph.D.

Department of Textile Materials

3. Textile Composites

Geometry of one continuous phase system

Geometry characteristics size and distribution of particles shape of particles

System characteristics concentration (volume fraction of particles) concentration distribution of particles (range of phases mixture)

Different concentration distributions - same concentration

orientation of particles

topology of particles
interaction of particles

Ing. Blanka Tomkov, Ph.D.

Department of Textile Materials

3. Textile Composites

Geometry limits for component volume fractions

Example: Volume fraction of spheres - the same diameter, various formation Simple cubic 52 % Body-centered cubic 60 % Face-centered cubic 74 %

Random formation of spheres

volume ratio 60 63 %

Random formation of spheres with various diameters

volume ratio 85 90 %

Ing. Blanka Tomkov, Ph.D.

Department of Textile Materials

3. Textile Composites

Properties of fiber-matrix interface

Ing. Blanka Tomkov, Ph.D.

Department of Textile Materials


3. Textile Composites

Fiber-Matrix interface
Nano-sized boundary between fibres and matrix
boundary between any two phases drop change of chemical and physical properties

result of two surfaces interaction, that depends on the surface structure and properties of both phases the structure and properties of interface differ from both phases

Ing. Blanka Tomkov, Ph.D.

Department of Textile Materials


3. Textile Composites

Each system possess specific interface Ideal interface

infinitely thin, tight, no defects

Real interface
complicated chemical and physical structure

Important influence on composite properties

fracture toughness corrosive behaviour

Ing. Blanka Tomkov, Ph.D.

Department of Textile Materials


3. Textile Composites

In composites are important

The structure of interface
what it is made from and how?

Physical properties of interface


great difference between mechanical properties of fibres and matrices the tension is transferred from matrix to fibres through the interface other important properties elektrical optical thermal

Ing. Blanka Tomkov, Ph.D.

Department of Textile Materials


3. Textile Composites

Impact of joining components on interface properties

Various layers
different properties no chemical bonds, no physical joining no tensile strength of composite
in-plane modulus depends on the specimen clamping

All layers tightly fixed in jaw CLIP EFFECT

all layer carry tension

Strength and stiffness of composite

fibres are bonded by matrix

Ing. Blanka Tomkov, Ph.D.

Department of Textile Materials


3. Textile Composites

Composites with weak interface

lower strength and stiffness more flexible

Composites with strong interface

high strength and stiffness hard, brittle

Character of joining between fibres and matrix

atomic distribution chemical properties of fibres conformation and chemical properties of matrices

Strength of joinings is affected by ADHESION

Ing. Blanka Tomkov, Ph.D. Department of Textile Materials 15

3. Textile Composites

Mechanisms of adhesion
Five main mechanisms
joining between fibres and matrices they work either separately or in conjunction

Adsorption and wetting Interdiffusion Electrostatic attraction Chemical bond Mechanical adhesion

Ing. Blanka Tomkov, Ph.D.

Department of Textile Materials


3. Textile Composites

Adsorption and wetting

Adsorption is the accumulation of atoms or molecules on the surface of material This process creates a film of the adsorbate (the molecules or atoms being accumulated) on the adsorbent's surface

- contact angle SG = SL + LG.cos = 0
spontaneous wetting

Wetting of real surface:

Two electrically neutral, hard, rough surfaces
also roughnesses in microscopic scale contamination by oxides, dust particles etc. contact points only

= 180
no wetting

Improvement of wetting
cleaning and smoothing of surface

Ing. Blanka Tomkov, Ph.D.

Department of Textile Materials


3. Textile Composites

strength of joining is influenced by
number of diffusive molecules conformation of molecules molecular movement entanglements

Electrostatic attraction
two oppositely charged surfaces
interaction of acid and base

oppositely charged ions

positively charged groups on molecular ends are attracted by anions rised from polymer orientation strength of interface depends on charge density
it is not wet-stable
Ing. Blanka Tomkov, Ph.D. Department of Textile Materials 18

3. Textile Composites

Chemical bond
chemical groups on fiber surface + compatible chemical group of matrix

Mechanical adhesion
Two surfaces are just mechanically stucked
high shear strength depends on size of irregularities

Ing. Blanka Tomkov, Ph.D.

Department of Textile Materials


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