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Critical analysis on Hindu belief in life after death

There is much evidence pointing towards the existence of life after death in Hinduism, the majority of evidence is in near death religious experiences that people, mainly Hindus experience. Most of these experiences follow the same pattern however some have more physical implications than just visions that people experience. One example of a Hindu experience of life after death is that of Chhajju Bania who at the time of his death was 34 years old. In this he said to have been taken away by robed figures to a man who said that they had taken the wrong person, and that they had to send him back. This is similar o most of the near death experiences witnessed by Hindus. This shows that there could be a life after death in the Hindu belief and shows that it could possibly be a pro to believe in Hinduism. However there are many theories and experiences that can disprove life after death in Hinduism, for example any religious experience witnessed by a Christian or a Muslim. This shows that not all religions can be taken seriously as each religion cancels out the other with its beliefs. Hindus believe that in their life after death they will either be reborn into another body or you will be reborn into another realm; either of the heaven or hell realm. In the heaven realm the person lives a life similar to their living life but without the sufferings such as ageing and illness. However in the hell realm people are constantly tortured and punished for their sins. This is a pro to believe in this type of life after death as it causes people to live their life to the best standard that the can in order to avoid going to the hell realm. This is good as it keeps and Hindu society peaceful to an extent as people would be more willing to do good rather than evil as the punishments in the hell realm are enough to keep people from doing wrong. Therefore this could be a good point to the Hindu belief. However in the pattern of people religious experiences some people may believe that as they have been sent back from the afterlife then they can live life differently to how they originally lived. This could cause them to make the wrong decisions in life. This could be seen as a bad side to the Hindu belief in life after death however it is outweighed by the prospect and eventual fear of the hell realm. So to conclude the Hindu faith has many pros and cons in regards to life after death, most prominent of these is that of the heaven realm where people live in absolute paradise, a goal which every member of the Hindu community should hope to achieve.

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