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SWDC e-Bulletin March 2012

South West Regional Bulletin

March 2012 Final Issue

Dear Colleagues, When I first moved from Local Authorities to the NHS, I remember being told that the greatest lie (however unfairly) was the visit from the regional office which started with the words We are from the regional office; we are here to help you. In the last 9+ years of our role as Mental Health South West, National Institute for Mental Health in England, Care Services Improvement Partnership and most recently South West Development Centre, we have been in the very privileged position of being able to use roughly the same words and both believe it ourselves and be believed by those we worked with. During the whole of that time, more than 100 people have worked for us and we also drew on the knowledge and expertise of the other 7 regional centres. Staffing of all centres reflected well the range of stakeholders with whom we worked and I want to thank those past and present who have contributed to the development of services in the South West. While I may risk discriminating by picking on one group, I know that all the development consultants will support me in paying particular tribute to our admin and support staff. They have been with us for many years and it is their work in organising events, networks and responding to day-to-day queries that much of our good reputation was built upon and I know they have valued the relationships they have made with people throughout the region. But our strength was always built on a partnership across the South West with those using the services, their carers, those commissioning services and those providing services whether in the statutory or Third Sector. For our failures we apologise but for our successes we say thank you for those partnerships and wish you all good luck in the future. Paddy Cooney Director
South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the experience of people using services

SWDC e-Bulletin March 2012

Closure Responses

Following the news of the South West Development Centres ultimate closure, some of our colleagues contacted us to thank us for our contribution over the years. Below are some of the responses we received. I was sad to hear the news that the SWDC was coming to an end, it was an excellent resource, and it is a great pity its ending. I've really valued the work of NIMHE/CSIP/SWDC over the years. Sorry to hear this news, but a great job done! Sorry to find yet another public service has fallen victim to the current financial climate. I was critical of your service in the early years on not focusing closely on service user issues and been distanced from them with an active element of exclusion and lack of expenses provision for service user activists. However a balance has to be made. I thank you for everyones hard work and effort. The SWDC has performed an invaluable function and done so in a way which has built trust and confidence amongst the Health and Social Care Community. This is in large due to your leadership (Paddy Cooney) and on behalf of 2gether NHS Foundation Trust please accept our grateful thanks and pass these on to your team. Many thanks for all the newsletters - have found them very useful Really sad to see this end! What a shame, have found this very helpful. Best of luck in the future and thanks for all your help over the years. I am sorry to hear of the RDC closing in the SW area. Well done on keeping things going so well for so long

South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the experience of people using services 2

SWDC e-Bulletin March 2012

Dignity counts when caring for older people Older people feel that their health problems pose a challenge to their sense of independence, dignity and identity and sometimes the health care they are given makes things worse. Read more:

Carers Week - 18-24 June 2012 Carers Week this year will take place on 18-24 June 2012. Read more

Millions missing carers assessments More than a million cancer carers may be missing out on vital support, the Daily Mirror and other newspapers have reported. Read more

Care Integration Awards The Health Service Journal and Nursing Times have announced the launch of a brand new awards programme; the Care Integration Awards, recognising and rewarding excellence in collaborative clinical practice. Read more

South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the experience of people using services 3

SWDC e-Bulletin March 2012

Commissioning Care Homes: common safeguarding challenges (Online resource)

Long-term Conditions and Mental Health The cost of co-morbidities -comorbidities.pdf

Practical Mental Health Commissioning Volume 1 Setting the Scene

Practical Mental Health Commissioning Volume 2 Dementia Services

Practical Mental Health Commissioning Volume 2 Liaison Mental Health Services to Acute Hospitals Practical Mental Health Commissioning Volume 2 Mental Health Services for Young People Making the Transition from Child and Adolescent to Adult Services Practical Mental Health Commissioning Volume 2 Primary Mental Health Care Services

South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the experience of people using services 4

SWDC e-Bulletin March 2012

IAPT Positive Practice Guide for Working with People Who Use Drugs and Alcohol Defining Mental Health Services Prompting Effective Commissioning and Supporting QIPP The Mental Health Strategy System Reforms and Spending Pressures: What do we know so far? Monitoring the Mental Health Act 2010-11 The CQCS Annual Report

Getting It Together for Mental Health Care: Payment by Results, Personalisation and Whole System Working

The Public Health Outcomes Framework for England 2013 2016

Improving Outcomes Supporting Transparency Part One A Public Health Outcomes Framework for England 2012-2016

South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the experience of people using services 5

SWDC e-Bulletin March 2012

Improving Outcomes Supporting Transparency Part 2Summary Technical Specifications of Public Health Inculsion, January 2012 Common and Complex Commissioning Effective Dementia Services in the New World Involving Older People in Commissioning More power to their elbow

Short Changed Protecting People with Dementia from Financial Abuse

National Child Measurement Programme: England 2010-11 School Year

Getting Personal Making Personal Budgets Work for People with Dementia Close to Home An Inquiry into Older People and Human Rights in Home Care

South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the experience of people using services 6

SWDC e-Bulletin March 2012

Mental Health Payment by Results Readiness Review

Delivering Dignity

South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the experience of people using services 7

SWDC e-Bulletin March 2012

South West Region
20 March 2012 Commissioning Drug and Alcohol Services Somerset Cricket Club, Taunton TA1 1QD The aims of the conference are that commissioners: Will have a better understanding of the commissioning for recovery agenda for alcohol and drugs Can share best practice around alcohol and drugs service provision Will have a better understanding of the impact of organisational changes (including the creation of Health & Wellbeing Boards) on the commissioning agenda. A conference brochure is available at: To book a place, please go to: For further information, Email: or Tel: 07779 246813 25 April 2012 Community Support Brokerage Bristol (venue to be confirmed) The emerging model of Support Brokerage is defined The Community Model of Support, an approach that includes all people and organisational contributions, to ensure there is a range of supports available for local citizens. At this workshop we will share our learning in to this recently tried and tested approach based in the knowledge that the more sources of support we have in local communities the closer we get to offering people a real choice about who they receive the assistance from - people and organisations that they believe best understand them and their situation. To book a place, please contact Jeanette Gill ( or telephone 0151 647 1055 29 May 2012 Rights Handbook (in terms of housing, support, own life, mental capacity) Bristol (venue to be confirmed) The workshop is based on Housing Options' new "Know Your Rights" guide. It gives an understandable explanation of how various areas of our lives are affected by the law, and how we can use the law to enforce our rights. These areas are: Decision making; Housing; Money; Fair Treatment; Practical Help from the state; and Protection and Liberty. These are areas you have to know about as resources become scarcer and disabled people risk losing out. To book a place, please contact Jeanette Gill ( or telephone 0151 647 1055 South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the experience of people using services 8

SWDC e-Bulletin March 2012

21 March 2012 Modernising the NHS: Supporting the Frontline QEII Conference Centre, London Modernising the NHS conference will bring together over 350 key decision makers from across the public, private and voluntary and community sectors, alongside 20 speakers who are experts in the field, and 25 service providers offering innovative and effective solutions. This is a must attend day for all those involved in the delivery of frontline healthcare. To book a place online, please go to: confcode=NHS2012 For further information, please contact Lucy Needs on 0161 211 3460. 22 March 2012 A New Approach to Mental Health: Improving Outcomes for All Manchester Conference Centre One in four of us will encounter a mental health problem of some kind during our lives and one in six do so at any one time. 45% of GPs say stress and mental health issues will be the biggest health issue they will treat this year. Nearly a quarter of disability in the UK is caused through mental ill health and treatment is the single most expensive cost to the NHS. The publication of the White Paper 'No Health without Mental Health' sets out the cross-Government strategy that aims to mainstream mental health in England and improve standards of care, support and treatment. You can view a copy of the Programme at: ID=203&ev=a-new-approach-to-mental-health Book a place online at: For further information, please contact Daniel Rankine at Email: or Tel: 0161 831 7111 29 March 2012 Health and Social Care Conference 2012 One Whitehall Place, London Following the success of our first Health and Social Care Conference in September 2011, Government Knowledge is pleased to present our 2nd Annual Health and Social Care Conference 2012. This conference will build on the success of last years event as a forum for discussion and debate of the key issues surrounding health and social care. We look forward to hearing from invited speaker, David Behan CBE, who will set out the new landscape across localities as part of the Health and Social Care Bill. For further information and to book a place online, please go to: 20-%20NHS%20HS1702&utm_source=emailCampaign&utm_medium=email

South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the experience of people using services 9

SWDC e-Bulletin March 2012

29 March 2012 Redesigning Local Services: Policy and Practice Central Hall, Westminster The government has set out its plans for a radical transformation of how services are provided, to be achieved at the same time as making significant savings. This will see the decentralisation of services to the lowest appropriate level, the opening of public service delivery to a range of providers, moves to ensure fair access to services and greater accountability to users and taxpayers. For further information, please contact: Katie Tweats at Email: Tel: 01782 613924 To book a place, please go to: 17 April 2012 A New Strategy for NHS Procurement: Securing the Future of NHS Services Manchester Conference Centre, Manchester The Department of Health is working with the NHS to draw up a new strategy for NHS procurement which will be published by 31st March 2011. This event will help launch this initiative and engage with all parts of the NHS, both to brief delegates and promote discussion about how it can be implemented, the implications and, in particular, how the savings can be achieved. Now in its fourth year this event has established itself as one of the leading NHS Procurement events. For further information, please contact: Alexis May on Email: Tel: 0161 831 7111 To book a place online, please go to: 29 April 2012 iFLOW: Time Management You've Got Time For Baden Powell House Conference Centre, London SW7 This is a course for people with too much to do, and too little time to do it in. The iFLOW approach is to personalise Time Management. You don't have to change the way you work to fit in with someone else's ideas of what's good for you. Instead, iFLOW helps you find a way that really works for you, that chimes with your particular preferences, your own rhythms and routines. Different people want different things from improved Time Management - benefits such as: confidently knowing that you can meet all your commitments having a healthy balance between your work and the rest of your life being sure that you're giving your time and energy to what matters most working in a way that is enjoyable, calm, and highly effective Whatever you want from being in control of your time and your work, iFLOW can help find the way forward and quickly! That's because iFLOW builds on your existing strengths and systems, so you don't have to start from scratch. Instead you take small steps forward - steps which are each to implement and deliver immediate benefit. In this way you can rapidly move to greater and greater time effectiveness. To book on the course or find out more, please go to: or Email or call Shakya Kumara on 08453 707 145 The full cost of the training is 375 - reduced to 299 if booked by 26th March. This includes 1 day of training plus 1 hour of telephone coaching, buffet lunch and refreshments. All fees are fully refundable against in-house training's delivered within 12 months.

South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the experience of people using services 10

SWDC e-Bulletin March 2012

22 May 2012 Tackling Broken Britain: Building a Stronger Society Manchester Conference Centre A lack of respect, a misguided sense of entitlement, a breakdown in moral authority, simple opportunism, pure criminality these are just some of the responses to the riots that erupted across Britain in August 2011. But what are the real reasons behind this mass disorder? Many were quick to blame gang culture or issues within the criminal justice system, but surely the riots are really indicative of the deepening inequality within our society. For further information, please go to: or contact Katie Tweats Email: Tel: 01782 613924 You can book a place online at: 30 May 2012 Health & Wellbeing: Tackling Long Term Conditions The Barbican, London At Health and Wellbeing: Tackling Long-Term Conditions our programme of prestigious speakers will be discussing how to shift towards a more flexible, integrated and people-centred health system. Delegates will hear from leading case studies, discover the latest developments of new services and gain a better understanding of how to improve patient outcomes. Book a place online at: For further information, please contact Katie Tweats Email: or Tel:01782 613924 3 July 2012 Going for Growth: Stimulating Sustainable Local Regeneration Manchester Conference Centre Going for Growth: Stimulating Sustainable Local Regeneration offers the most up to date information about the progress and future direction of the Government's localised growth initiatives. Our programme of high-profile speakers will give experienced insight and examples of how these measures will influence the practical delivery of public services so that they are truly tailored to the needs of a local area. For further information, please go to: ID=219&ev=going-for-growth or contact Laura Lyons Email: Tel: 01782 613924

South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the experience of people using services 11

SWDC e-Bulletin March 2012

4 July 2012 A Patient Centered Approach: Providing Personal Care and Delivering Value Central Hall, Westminster Understanding how health services, commissioning groups and partners can work together is key to ensuring care is integrated around the needs of the patient. Effective co-ordinated working can also help to cut costs, making sure that resources are deployed efficiently and best value is achieved. At A Patient Centred Approach delegates will discover how our healthcare services can put the patient at the heart of decision making, improve outcomes and tailor care to meet individual needs. Delegates will have the chance to challenge, discuss and debate the key issues and gain relevant insight applicable to their professional roles which they can embed within their organisations and improve services. To book your place online please go to: For further information, please contact Katie Tweats Email: or Tel: 01782 613924

South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the experience of people using services 12

SWDC e-Bulletin March 2012

Newsletters from Other Organisations

Caring Minds Charity Commission News newslist.aspx Chief Nursing Officer Bulletin Chiefnursingofficerbulletin/index.htm Children's Health and Maternity Services e-Bulletin ChildrenFamiliesandMaternitybulletin/DH_4105512 Compass Disability Services (Networker) Connecting (Newsletter for the Learning Disabilities Community in Cornwall) Dying Matters Go Wild, Stay Well (Mind in Taunton & West Somerset) Innovations in Dementia (Brainwave) Mental Health Promotion Newsletter keywords=mental+health+promotion National End of Life Programme National Mental Health Development Unit national-mental-health-development-unit/ Personalisation Newsletter

South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the experience of people using services 13

SWDC e-Bulletin March 2012

Newsletters from Other Organisations

Policy & Parliamentary Bulletin for Carers Leads Public Health South West Skills for Care Bulletin Social Care Bulletin index.htm South West Alcohol Improvement Programme Newsletter south-west-alcohol-improvement-programme-newsletter/ South West RIEP News Updates south-west-alcohol-improvement-programme-newsletter/ Sustainability Now Telecare LIN Newsletters TelecareResources/TelecareLINAdvice/TelcareLINNewsletters/ The Month The Week - Chief Executive Bulletin

South West Development Centre works with partners across health and social care to improve services, and the experience of people using services 14

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