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Math 113: Homework #2

Due on Friday, Feb 3, 2012

Instructor: Kate Poirier MWF 9 - 10

Xiaoqin Zhou

Xiaoqin Zhou

Math 113 (Instructor: Kate Poirier MWF 9 - 10): Homework #2

Problem 1
(a) Z with usual addition (i) a, b, c Z we have (a + b) + c = a + b + c = a + (b + c), thus + is associative. (ii) Since 0 Z and 0 + a = a + 0 = aa Z thus e = 0 Z (the identity). (iii) a Z we have a Z such that a + (a) = (a) + a = 0 (identity). Thus Z with usual addition forms a group. (b) Z with usual multiplication (i) a, b, c Z we have (a b) c = a b c = a (b c), thus is associative. (ii) Since 1 Z and 1 a = a 1 = aa Z thus e = 1 Z (the identity). (iii) a Z we do not have a( 1) Z such that a a1 = 1 (ie. 1 Z) 2 Thus Z with usual multiplication do not form a group. (c) Z/nZ where n is any positive integer, with multiplication. The above condition does not form a group. For example: for n = 3, Z/nZ but does not have a multiplicative inverse. 0 0 Thus Z/nZ where n is any positive integer, with multiplication do not form a group. (d) Z/nZ , the set of invertible elements of Z/nZ, with multiplication. (i) , c Z/nZ we have a ( c) = a b c = a b c = a b c = ( c. Thus multiplication is a b, b a b) associative. (ii) , x = x = x so that we have e = x 1st1 1 1 (iii) Since we are dealing with the set of invertible elements of Z/nZ, does all elements have inverses. Therefore, Z/nZ , the set of invertible elements of Z/nZ, with multiplication forms a group. (e) Mnm , the set of n m matrices with entries in R, with matrix addition. (i) A, B, C Mnm we have A + (B + C) = [a]ij + ([b]ij + [c]ij ) = [a]ij + [b + c]ij = [a + b + c]ij = [a + b]ij + [c]ij = ([a]ij + [b]ij ) + [c]ij = (A + B) + C for i = 1, 2, . . . n j = 1, 2, . . . m (notice that [a]ij denoting the i, jth entry of matrix A).Thus matrix addition is associative. (ii) let Onm be the 0 matrix such that all the entries of the matrix are 0. So that A Mnm , A + O = O + A = A. Thus e = O Mnm (iii) A Mnm we have A such that [a ]ij = [a]ij . (meaning all the entries of A are the negative of A). So that A + A = [a]ij + [a]ij = O = e Thus Mnm , the set of n m matrices with entries in R, with matrix addition forms a group. (f) Mnm , the set of n m matrices with entries in R, with matrix multiplication. Notice that A Mnm if B such that AB = A then B must be a m by m identity matrix where you cannot have BA. Thus there no such identity in Mnm such that A e = e A = A Therefore Mnm , the set of nm matrices with entries in R, with matrix multiplication do not form a group. (g)Mnn , the set of n n matrices with entries in R, with matrix multiplication. Observe that I Mnn such that IA = AI = AA Mnn where I is the identity matrix. However, some square does not have inverse. Meaning that not A Mnn has A1 such that AA1 = I 1 2 3 For example, 1 0 0 is not invertible since the determinant of the matrix is 0 1 1 1 Therefore Mnn , the set of nn matrices with entries in R, with matrix multiplication do not form a group.

Problem 1 continued on next page. . .

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Xiaoqin Zhou

Math 113 (Instructor: Kate Poirier MWF 9 - 10): Homework #2 Problem 1 (continued)

(h)G = {a + b 2|a, b Q} R with multiplication We know that the multiplicative identity is 1, However 0 G such that 0x = 0x G. Thus 0 does not have n inverse such that 0 01 = 1 a Therefore G = {a + b 2|a, b Q} R with multiplication do not form a group. (i) G = {z C|z n = 1}, where n Z>0 , with multiplication of complex numbers. (i) choose any from number from G such that z1 = a1 + ib1 , z2 = a2 + ib2 , z3 = a3 + ib3 . (x y) z = [(a1 + ib1 ) (a2 + ib2 )] (a3 + ib3 ) = [(a1 a2 b1 b2 ) + i(a1 b2 + a2 b1 )] (a3 + ib3 ) = (a1 a2 a3 a3 b1 b2 a1 b2 b3 a2 b1 b3 ) + i(a1 a2 b3 b1 b2 b3 + a1 a3 b2 + a2 a3 b1 ) = [a1 (a2 a3 b2 b3 ) b1 (a2 b3 + a3 b2 )] + i[a1 (a2 b3 + a3 b2 ) + b1 (a2 a3 b2 b3 )] = (a1 + ib1 ) i[(a2 a3 b2 b3 ) + (a2 b3 + a3 b2 )] = (a1 + ib1 ) [(a2 + ib2 ) (a3 + ib3 )] = x (y z) So multiplication associative. (ii)Choose a = 1, b = 0, we have z 1 = 1 z = zz G. Thus e = a + bi where a = 0 is the identity. (iii) Since z n = 1z G we have z n1 Gz such that z z n1 = z n1 z = 1 = e Thus the inverse exists! Therefore G = {z C|z n = 1}, where n Z>0 , with multiplication of complex numbers forms a group.
c (j) Q where a is given in lowest terms and . is dened by a d = a+c , reduced to lowest terms. b b b+d 1 2 1 1 If we pick three numbers to be 1 3 1 , now ( 2 + 3 ) + 1 = 4 + 1 = 3 + 1 = 3 = 2 ( 3 + 1 ) = 1 + 1 = 244 4 4 6 4 4 7 4 4 2 associative property does not hold! c Therefore, Q where a is given in lowest terms and . is dened by a d = a+c do not form a group. b b b+d

2 3


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Xiaoqin Zhou

Math 113 (Instructor: Kate Poirier MWF 9 - 10): Homework #2

Problem 1

Problem 2
Let (G, ) be a group. (a) Show that for all g G, (g 1 )1 = g. Since (G, ) is a group by proposition on page 18 for each g G unique g 1 G Why unique? See the proof for Prop 1.2 in page 18. So that g 1 and g are the inverse of each other. Thus g 1 s inverse is g ie. (g 1 )1 = g (b) Show that for all g and h G, (g h)1 = h1 g 1 . Let f = (g h)1 So that we have f (gh) = e f gh = e f ghh1 = eh1 f g(hh1 ) = eh1 f g(e) = e h1 f g g 1 = e h1 g 1 f (g g 1 ) = e h1 g 1 = f = h1 g 1 (g h)1 = h1 g 1 (c) Show that if g h = g h then h = h . g h = g h g 1 g h = g 1 g h (g 1 g) h = (g 1 g) h e h = e h Thus if g h = g h then h = h .

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Xiaoqin Zhou

Math 113 (Instructor: Kate Poirier MWF 9 - 10): Homework #2

Problem 2

Problem 3
Write down the multiplication table for the dihedral group D24 of order 8. Use it to determine the elements of order 2. D24 e r r2 r3 s sr sr2 sr3 e e r r2 r3 s sr sr2 sr3 r r r2 r3 e sr sr2 sr3 s r2 r2 r3 e r sr2 sr3 s sr r3 r3 e r r2 sr3 s sr sr2 s s sr3 sr2 sr e r3 r2 r sr sr s sr3 sr2 r e r3 r2 sr2 sr2 sr s sr3 r2 r e r3 sr3 sr3 sr2 sr s r3 r2 r e

The elements of order 2 are {e, r2 , s, sr, sr2 , sr3 }

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Xiaoqin Zhou

Math 113 (Instructor: Kate Poirier MWF 9 - 10): Homework #2

Problem 3

Problem 4
Let D2n be the dihedral group of order 2n generated by r and s such that r represents rotation by and s represents reection in (an appropriate) line l (a) Show that rs = sr1 . For D2n we have = {1, 2, . . . , n 1, n}. Now rs = r{1, n, n 1, . . . , 2} = {2, 1, n, n 1, , 3} Considering sr1 = s{2, . . . , n 1, n, 1} = {2, 1, n, n 1, , 3} From the above we have concluded that rs = sr1 . (b)Show that ri s = sri for all 0 i n. For i = 0 we have r0 s = s = sr0 Suppose that ri s = sri holds for all 0 i k. Now considering i = k + 1 We have rk+1 s = rrk s = r(rk s) = rsrk = (rs)rk = sr1 rk = s(r1 rk ) = sr(k+1) . Thus by strong induction ri s = sri for all 0 i n.
2 n


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Xiaoqin Zhou

Math 113 (Instructor: Kate Poirier MWF 9 - 10): Homework #2

Problem 4

Problem 5
(a) Write down the multiplication table for the symmetric group S3 of degree 3. S3 (1)(2)(3) (123) (132) (1)(23) (3)(12) (2)(13) (1)(2)(3) (123) (132) (1)(23) (3)(12) (2)(13)

(1)(2)(3) (123) (132) (1)(23) (3)(12) (2)(13) (123) (132) (1)(2)(3) (3)(12) (2)(13) (1)(23) (132) (1)(2)(3) (123) (2)(13) (1)(23) (3)(12) (1)(23) (2)(13) (3)(12) (1)(2)(3) (132) (123) (3)(12) (1)(23) (2)(13) (123) (1)(2)(3) (132) (2)(13) (3)(12) (1)(23) (132) (123) (1)(2)(3)

(b) Write down the cycle decomposition of the element (1432) (12) (24) in S4 . (1432) (12) (24) in S4 = (1)(23)(4) = (23) Since 1 map to 1, 2 map to 3, 3 map to 2, and 4 map to 4

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Xiaoqin Zhou

Math 113 (Instructor: Kate Poirier MWF 9 - 10): Homework #2

Problem 5

Problem 6
Show that S3 is isomorphic to D23 . NOTICE THAT: the following table apply the col operation rst,and then apply the row operation. (i.e. row*col) D23 e r r2 s sr sr2 e r r2 s sr sr2 S3 (1)(2)(3) (123) (132) (1)(23) (3)(12) (2)(13) e r r2 s sr sr2 r r2 e sr sr2 s r2 e r sr2 s sr s sr2 sr e r2 r sr s sr2 r e r2 sr2 sr s r2 r e (132) (1)(23) (3)(12) (2)(13)



(1)(2)(3) (123) (132) (1)(23) (3)(12) (2)(13) (123) (132) (1)(2)(3) (3)(12) (2)(13) (1)(23) (132) (1)(2)(3) (123) (2)(13) (1)(23) (3)(12) (1)(23) (2)(13) (3)(12) (1)(2)(3) (132) (123) (3)(12) (1)(23) (2)(13) (123) (1)(2)(3) (132) (2)(13) (3)(12) (1)(23) (132) (123) (1)(2)(3)

From the above table, we dene: : S3 D23 such that: (1)(2)(3) e (123) r (132) r2 (1)(23) s (3)(12) sr (2)(13) sr2 notice that : S3 D23 is bijective since we can tell from the table above that the mapping is injective and surjective. Also we have identity mapped to identity, namely (e) = e, and if we check the table, we also have (x1 ) = (x)1 Additionally, by the table above we have (xy) = (x)(y) for all the elements in the table! Thus from all of above have shown that S3 is isomorphic to D23

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