Child Development Indi

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Cognitive development is the development of thought processes, including remembering, problem solving, and decision-making, from childhood through

adolescence to adulthood. In simple words, cognitive development is the growth in children's ways of thinking about and interacting with their environment. Young children initially learn about the world through active, physical exploration and then gradually develop the ability to think symbolically and logically about their experiences. Children are curious explorers, and their cognitive development involves learning new concepts and testing a variety of ideas. Every child however develops differently. Even children who grow up in the same family and learning environment can develop at different rates and in different ways depending on the children themselves. There are several factors that affect the progression of cognitive development of the children culture, heredity, external motivation and environment of the present time. The dominating factor that affects cognitive development is culture and external motivations where it gives a great impact of the children development. As an example, children who come from an educated family background will have a great cognitive development compared to the uneducated family. This is because an educated family often emphasise the importance of education to their children. This kind of family will place great interest in education and encourage their children to do homework. As an example, they give fully concern on their child education, checking up their homework, send the kids to extra classes etc. Besides, their conversations with the kids are informative just the way they are. Survey conducted in Sekolah Kebangsaan Sri Melor to the first class of standard 6, 6 Bakawali shows that most of the kids comes from an educated family background. Their personality is totally different if being compared to the last class, 6 Teratai. Completely differ in manners, students in 6 Bakawali has a good way in communicating with teacher and they are knowledgeable where they manage to choose a good decision after given a complicated situation and most of them can speak English well and they do speak English at home with their parents. The next highlighted factors in children cognitive development is heredity where most people said, intelligence can be inherited from the parents. Indeed, research done by the psychologist often link the individual intelligence with the parents; great parents will generate great kids while a parents who possess an

unstable emotion and hot-tempered will produce an aggressive kids. However, according to Newman (1937) and Sheldon (1962), every individual has a different intellectual and these differences can be observed through the performance in the classroom and not based on their parents intellectual. This is proven true in SK Sri Melor where not all the excellence students comes from a brilliant parents and there are students who was born by the doctors, engineers and teachers are at the last class. This shows that heredity contribute best in their physical appearance and maybe interest. However, their achievement might differ from their parents. Though their parents is well-develop, not all the kids are develop greatly in cognitive development. As an example, the brilliant parents might be too busy with their career that they do not give full attention to their children. Hence, their cognitive development might be obstructed due to many external factors. The last factor that affects the children cognitive development is the environment of the present time such as mass media; where recently the kids are bombarded with numerous entertainments, movies, information, gadgets etc. According to Piagets theory, (1958) kids at the age of seven to eleven year-old are curious in finding out every detail about life and world. Curiosity makes the child at this stage would like to ask something that interests them to a more mature person. They tend to explore things by themselves with the help of the environment technology. After interviewing the teacher at SK. Sri Melor, she emphasise the importance of this gadget in teaching where kids are more interested and the cognitive development is develop well with nowadays technology. As a conclusion, there are many factors that influence the progression of cognitive development of the children. Piaget has done a great job in analysing the stages of children cognitive development. It is just the matter of time where everything is changing parents, environment etc. Hence, everyone should be exposed with his theory to find out every detail and improve anything lack for the betterment of the children cognitive development.

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