TheSun 2008-11-26 Page02 Unesco Dossier Confirms Height Cap of 18 Metres

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2 theSun | WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 26 2008

news without borders


‘Study impact
of projects at
Unesco dossier confirms height Penang
heritage sites’

cap of 18 metres
by Giam Say Khoon

KUALA LUMPUR: Unity, Culture, Arts and

Heritage Minister Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal yes-
terday said the Penang government has been
told to conduct an impact study on develop-
ments in heritage sites to ensure they will not
by Himanshu Bhatt TOO HIGH... A affect the World Heritage status awarded by 51-metre hotel the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and
building being Cultural Organisation (Unesco).
GEORGE TOWN: A nomination dossier developed along Following a “warning” by Unesco that
approved by Unesco in granting World Weld Quay in Penang could lose its newly-acquired status
Heritage Listing to George Town and Unesco’s heritage because four high-rise hotels were being built
Malacca has confirmed the international zone. in the heritage zone, Shafie said he had met
body’s endorsement for new development with the state government on the matter on
projects in George Town to be capped at 18 Monday.
metres. He said the state will work with the min-
According to the dossier – a copy of istry as well as Unesco representatives and
which has been obtained by theSun – new the developers to determine the impact of
developments within both the core and buffer the developments in a month.
zones “is allowed up to a maximum of 18 “The recognition for the two states includ-
metres measured from the ground level up to ing Malacca as World Heritage Sites was not
the roof eaves.” done separately but because of the historical
The dossier, however, makes no mention Straits of Malacca shared by the two states.
about status of projects that exceed the limit “So we must ensure that there will be
but were approved by the Penang Island no disqualification because if Penang loses
Municipal Council (MPPP) before the Unesco its status, Malacca will also lose its too,” he
listing was awarded. told a press conference at parliament lobby
Unesco’s regional adviser to Asia-Pacific, yesterday.
Richard Engelhardt, had last week warned evaluation report by the International Council Interestingly, the dossier also comprises a However, Shafie said the impact study
that Penang’s heritage status may be affected on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) make Heritage Management Plan (HMP) approved does not mean that there should be no de-
due to four high-rise projects approved in the any mention of such a “supplementary by the SPC on Feb 12, 2008, which mentions velopment in that area as informed by Unesco
conservation area. document”. (Unesco’s decision to list George the existence of planning permissions and as renovation and preservation work can still
He said the sincerity of an authority Town and Malacca was based largely on the building plans approved prior to 2007. be carried out.
would be put into question if inappropriate ICOMOS evaluation.) “Issues arise from these new development “I have told Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng
structures were passed after application for The height restrictions in George Town’s projects which have yet to be built but that we must maintain and ensure that (the
heritage status had been submitted. heritage zone are specified in the Guidelines are now not in consonance with the new World Heritage title stays) as it is not only
Former state executive councillor Teng for Conservation Areas and Heritage Guidelines for Conservation Areas and good for the state but the nation as well. So
Chang Yeow claimed on Saturday that two of Buildings. Gazetted on Aug 23, 2007, these Heritage Buildings approved by the State we must work closely together,” he added.
the projects, both along Weld Quay, had been guidelines were placed as a key document in Planning Committee in August 2007,” the Asked if the development projects will be
approved in accordance with guidelines. the dossier for Unesco to approve. HMP says. stopped, Shafie said he did not want to jump
He said the State Planning Committee The guidelines also stipulate that the Both the dossier and the ICOMOS to any conclusion as there are many options
(SPC) had in early 2007 amended a five- maximum height of new developments evaluation also air concerns about the but it may be the last resort.
storey limit for new development in the inner “located within the ensemble of heritage negative impact of tourism in George Town. “We need the cooperation of all develop-
city, to allow some high-rise projects to be buildings or adjoining to important or highly Tourist arrivals in Penang totalled three ers. I advise the state government officers to
built “with conditions”. significant buildings” shall not exceed that of million in 2006, and is forecast to increase talk to the developers and I think we can work
Teng added that Unesco was made aware the adjoining heritage buildings. with the Unesco listing. it out,” he said.
of the projects through a supplementary ICOMOS in its evaluation refers to the “Control of tourism pressures must be one
document before the listing was given. guidelines as a “relevant legal instrument” for of the goals of the management plan,” the
However, neither the dossier nor an heritage conservation in George Town. ICOMOS evaluation says.
“ICOMOS considers that the increase in
visitors to the nominated properties could
potentially jeopardise their values, integrity
and authenticity and recommends that the
management plan include measures for
sustainable tourism development,” it adds. Groups deny link with Umno
PETALING JAYA: An umbrella body of Malay
and Muslim non-governmental organisations
(Pewaris) yesterday disputed the allegations by
certain quarters including Penang Chief Minister
Lim Guan Eng that they are linked to Umno.
Rahimuddin Md Harun of the Pewaris secre-
tariat said in a statement that Pewaris represents
the voice of the silent majority of Muslims who
have been patient for a long time and now want
to speak up to defend the religion.
“There is no reason for Pewaris to take instruc-
tions from Umno because Umno is weak and
down with various chronic diseases,” he said.
“Pewaris’s final call is for Umno, PAS or PKR and
all government staff to continue championing
their ideologies.
“But when it comes to religion, all must
unite,” Rahimuddin said.

Charge on loan deferred

KUALA LUMPUR: The 1% charge on the Na-
tional Higher Education Fund Corporation’s
(NHEF) study loan, which was to be imposed
from June this year, has been deferred to
January next year, Higher Education Minister
Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin said.
“The deferment is necessary as the NHEF
is still sorting out several matters, including
documentation,” he said.
In August, the government announced a
charge reduction to 1% from 3% for those
taking undergraduate studies and a 5%
charge for post-graduate studies, effective
Mohamed Khalid was speaking to report-
ers after witnessing the signing of a memo-
randum of understanding between the NHEF
and Maybank as the agent for the national
education fund scheme yesterday.

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