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Muhaini binti Mat Junoh (M20092000965)



i. A. Learning Outcomes: Student should be able to demonstrate the ability to interpret and explain information generated by their exploration of scientific phenomena. 1. B. Demonstrate that scientific knowledge allows us to make predictions.

Students will demonstrate positive attitudes toward science and its relevance to the individual, society, and the environment. 1. 2. Recognize that everyone can do science. Demonstrate persistence.


Students will demonstrate the ability to employ the language, instruments, methods, and materials of science for collecting, organizing, interpreting, and communicating information. 1. 2. Developing a testable hypothesis. Explain findings orally or in writing.


Objectives: A. Cognitive Student should be able to state the Bernoullis Principle that is in a moving fluid, the points which have a higher velocity will experience a lower pressure whereas points having lower speed will experience higher pressure after do the activity that simulate the principle.

B. Psychomotor Students will be able to do activity to investigate the Bernoullis Principle and comes out with the idea of the principle in the end of the activity. C. Affective Students will display an open-mindedness as they work with their peers to determine the Bernoullis Principle.

Muhaini binti Mat Junoh (M20092000965)



Materials A. Rising Paper Strip Experiment Paper

B. Hanging Ping Pong Balls 2 Ping Pong Balls String Blower Straw

C. Ping Pong Ball in a Funnel Experiment Filter Funnel Ping Pong Ball Blower


Presentation A. Engagement Show to the student the video of flying bird and flying airplane to give them the idea of moving fluid around the wings and the bodies. Introduce them to the Bernoullis Principle (without actually explained to them what the principle is all about). Ask student to find out what is behind the Bernoullis Principle from activities they will do after this.

B. Exploration (predicting, observing, communicating, inferring, constructing) Students are divided into groups and each group do the activity A, B and C and write down their observation in the handout given. Teacher will walk around and ask questions about their findings and observation.

C. Explanation Teacher prompts further about their findings during the session.

Muhaini binti Mat Junoh (M20092000965)


Discuss the similarities of each activity theyve done. Have students to identify the same variable theyve put for each activity.

D. Elaboration (predicting, forming hypotheses, communicating) I would like you to work with your group to determine how it works and be able to explain it using the terms we have just learned. Each group should select a spokesperson to explain their groups theory about the Bernoullis theorem. Identify groups with correct explanation.

E. Evaluation Distribute the Bernoullis Principle worksheet and have students complete independently. Put the students back into groups and allow them to test the answers on their worksheet using the materials. Ask if there are any unclear areas or questions which may have developed.


Summary A. Display a diagram of each activity and have student set-up the activities correctly. B. Have student defined Bernoullis principle correctly.


Modification for learner differences.

Muhaini binti Mat Junoh (M20092000965)


Physical Science Lab

Name ___________________________________________Group #_____ Date ___________

Others in Group ________________________________________________________________

Introduction: Daniel Bernoulli was a Swiss scientist, born in 1700. Among his many discoveries was the fact that the pressure in a moving fluid (either liquid or gas) was less than the pressure in a stationary fluid. This principle, which bears Bernoullis name, is partially responsible for the ability of airplane wings to lift the airplane off the ground. When an airplane moves through the air, the shape of the wing causes the air moving across the top to move faster than the air on the bottom of the wing. As a result, Bernoullis principle tells us that there will be more pressure on the bottom of the wing than on the top, helping to lift the airplane. (In reality, this is only a partial explanation: the wing also exerts a force on air to move it downward. The reaction force (Newtons Third Law) pushes the airplane upward. This is the major part of the force involved and explains why airplanes can fly upside down. If only Bernoullis principle were at work, the would not be able to fly while inverted.) Here are some experiments to test Bernoullis Principle:


Cut a piece of paper 2" by 6". Hold the narrow end, with the other end hanging down, in front of your mouth and blow across the top. Most people think the paper should go down as you blow across the top but surprisingly the paper rises up. This is because the air you blow is moving faster than the air under the paper. That means there is more pressure on the underside than the top.*

Muhaini binti Mat Junoh (M20092000965)


Questions to investigate:

Does it matter how hard you blow? How can you test this?

Run your test and observe the result. Describe it here.

If you put paper clips on the lower end of the strip, how many does it take to keep the Bernoulli effect from raising the paper? Make a prediction here: ______________

How many did it actually take? Put result here: _______________

Muhaini binti Mat Junoh (M20092000965)



Using tape, attaches a piece of string to each of two ping-pong balls, and suspends them from a horizontal support of some kind. Using a ruler, measure the distance between the balls. Then blow between the balls from a distance of about 2or 3" in front of the balls. Bernoullis principle then causes the two balls to move toward each other. (The air traveling between the balls is moving and the air on the outer sides is stationary.) You can also do the same experiment using soda cans instead of balls. This is like Bernoullis original experiment that used bells (cans are cheaper, so thats what we have). The principles are the same.

Questions to investigate:

Try the above procedure with the balls spaced different distances apart. What is the farthest apart you can make it work?

Prediction: ______________

Experiment: ________________

Will the effect work if you blow through a straw instead? If it does work, does the maximum distance you can have them apart change? Is it better to have the end of the straw between the balls, or further back?

Repeat the above steps using the bells instead of the balls:

Try the above procedure with the balls spaced different distances apart. What is the farthest apart you can make it work?

Prediction: ______________

Experiment: ________________

Muhaini binti Mat Junoh (M20092000965)


Will the effect work if you blow through a straw instead? If it does work, does the maximum distance you can have them apart change? Is it better to have the end of the straw between the balls, or further back?

Explanation: Using Bernoullis principle, explain how this demonstration works.

Muhaini binti Mat Junoh (M20092000965)



Surround the stem of the funnel with a tube of tape to avoid direct contact with the funnel. Place the ping pong ball in the funnel and blow. What would you expect to happen?

What actually happens? Explain this in terms of Bernoullis Principle:

Try turning the funnel as though to dump out the ping-pong ball while blowing on it. What happens? When does the ball fall out?

Have someone watch and describe the balls motion while you blow. What does it do?

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