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Nevada Department of Wildlife

Cover: Photo by Doug Oullette Cover Banner of 2012 Nevada State Records: 1) Mike Mott, 16 lbs. 8 oz. Rainbow Trout from Ruby Lake NWR, 2) Scott Barrett, 32 lbs. 7 oz. Channel Catsh from South Fork Reservoir, 3) Kirill Solovykh, 3 lbs. 9 oz. Mountain Whitesh from the Truckee River, 4) Joe Elegante, 15 lbs. 9 oz. Tiger Trout from Ruby Lake NWR.

Introduction written by Patrick Sollberger, Fisheries Staff Specialist Trophy Fish Program compiled and edited by Jody Wilkinson, Fisheries Division Assistant A special thank you to Aaron Meier for all of his help with the layout.

Table of Contents
Introduction...................................................................................i Record Fish of Nevada.......................................................................1 Largest Fish of the Year by Species .......................................................2 Recipients of Largest Fish of the Year Certicates for 2011........................3 All Trophy Fish Entrants for 2011 ..........................................................5 Summary of Nevadas Lakes and Streams Record Fish, 1968-2011 ...................16 Number of Trophy Fish Entries by Water, 1968-2011 ...................................50 Summary of all Entries, 1968-2011 ........................................................69

Lynette Martin with her 2 lb. 12 oz. Sacramento perch caught at Pyramid Lake.


The Nevada Trophy Fish Program began in 1968, recognizing the talents or luck of anglers catching notable-sized fish in the state. There are 28 different fish species currently for you to enter in the program and over 600 different streams, rivers, lakes, ponds, and reservoirs throughout the state for you to catch them from. Generally, all you have to do is catch a fish at or greater than the minimum weight, measure and weigh it, take a picture, fill out the entry form, and mail it to us. It is important that if you suspect it is a state record, you must weigh it on a scale that is weight certified and have an NDOW employee witness it. The table below shows the greatest angler accomplishments for the 2011 Trophy Fish Program with 15 new water records, 5 of these also being state records. Overall though, 109 fish were entered in 2011. Some anglers really got to work and entered multiple trophy fish such as Darren L. Hamrey catching a variety of 16 trophy fish from around the state and Gene St. Denis catching a variety of eight trophy fish from Lake Tahoe. However, large fish can be found throughout the many waters across the state and, this year in particular, anglers caught trophy fish from lesser known waters such as Chiatovich Creek, Cold Creek Reservoir, and the Duffurena Ponds. You will also notice throughout these pages that not all fish entered meet the minimum weight requirement. Some waters around the state, generally smaller creeks, just do not have the ability to grow large fish or, as in many cases, never have had a trophy fish entry. Therefore, entering a smaller fish may establish the water record for a particular species and earn you a certificate.

2011 State and Water Records

Species Weight Length Location Bluegill 1lb3oz 11in NorthPond Browntrout 15lbs15oz 36in LakeTahoe Browntrout 6lbs0oz 23in KingstonCreek Browntrout 1lb3oz 13in ChiatovichCreek Bullheadcatfish 1lbs7oz 14in WalkerRiver Channelcatfish* 32lbs7oz 35.5in SouthForkReservoir LargemouthBass 10lbs2oz 25in FloydLambStatePark Mountainwhitefish* 3lbs9oz 18.5in TruckeeRiver Rainbowtrout* 16lbs8oz 30.5in RubyLake Rainbowtrout 4lbs1oz 25in WilsonReservoir RainbowTrout 3lbs2oz 19.5in ChiatovichCreek RainbowxCutthroat trout(hybrid) 2lbs15oz 18in WalkerRiver,EF Smallmouthbass 5lbs5oz 20.25in LakeMead Tigertrout* 15lbs9oz 28.0in RubyLake Tigertrout 14oz 14.5in HobartReservoir * Denotes a State Record Fish Angler HaileyMarieHartshorn MarvinChilds JamesE.Cope DarrenL.Hamrey DarrenL.Hamrey ScottBarrett JoeWhitaker KirillSolovykh MikeMott SamT.Lair DarrenL.Hamrey DarrenL.Hamrey KevinLuby JoeElegante MikeMcNeilly

The following pages describe current and historical trophy fish catches from Nevadas waters. We hope the great success that anglers found last year will excite you to head out and enjoy the great fishing Nevada has to offer.

Record Fish of Nevada & Largest Fish of Year 2011

Joe Whitaker showing his largemouth bass water record catch for Floyd Lamb State Park weighing in at 10 pounds 2 ounces.

Sam Lair with his rainbow trout water record from Wilson Reservoir weighing in at 4 pounds 1 ounce.

Largest Fish of the Year Certicate Recipients 2011

Darren Hamrey with a largemouth bass from Weber Reservoir weighing in at 5 pounds.

Gene St. Denis with a 19 pound 6 ounce mackinaw trout from Lake Tahoe. Jay Jones with a 7 pound 5 ounce wiper caught at Wildhorse Reservoir.

All Trophy Fish Entrants 2011

Louis Varela with his 2 pound 13 ounce mountain whitesh caught from and released back to the Truckee River.

Mike McNeilly with a nice catch from Pyramid Lake, Lahontan cutthroat trout weighing 11 pounds 4 ounces.

Summary of Nevadas Lakes & Streams Record Fish 1968-2011

Kent Burroughs with his 6 pound 14 ounce walleye catch from Rye Patch Reservoir.

Ron Tolotti with a beautiful largemouth bass from Cave Lake.

Number of Trophy Fish Entries by Water 1968-2011

Steven Bostic with a nice 8 pound 15 ounce largemouth bass from Haymeadow Reservoir.

A nice water record for brown trout caught in Lake Tahoe weighing in at 15 pounds 15 ounces caught by Marvin Childs.

Summary of all Entries 1968-2011

Janet Basso caught a nice 6 pound 1 ounce largemouth bass from Ruby Lake National Wildlife Refuge.

Thank you to all who contributed to this years record book. Without your entries, the Trophy Fish Book would not be possible.

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