TheSun 2008-11-27 Page04 Karpal Gets 57 Signatures For Debate On Zaki

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4 theSun | THURSDAY NOVEMBER 27 2008

news without borders ‘No’ to motion on

Gaza blockade
THE Dewan Rakyat yesterday rejected
a motion by Dr Mohd Puad Zarkashi
Giam Say Khoon and Husna Yusop at the Dewan Rakyat (BN-Batu Pahat) to discuss the block-
ade imposed by Israel on Gaza despite
the issue being supported by almost all

Karpal gets 57 signatures

the MPs from both sides.
Deputy Speaker Datuk Ronald
Kiandee said the government had
made its stand known to the world by
issuing a statement in October asking
for strict action to be taken against
the Israeli regime.

for debate on Zaki

“I am satisfied that the issue
is not urgent and need not be
discussed here,” he said.
Mohd Puad said in his motion
Israeli has shown disrespect towards
the demands of the international
KARPAL SINGH (DAP-Bukit Gelugor) yester- Earlier, Karpal had moved an emergency community and the UN resolutions.
day managed to get the signatures of 57 MPs motion to debate the statement made by
– a quarter of the total of 222 – to file a motion Zaki on Nov 7 on his alleged “experience” Azizah to stay on as
under Standing Order 36(8) and Article 127 in bribing court officials when he was still a
of the Federal Constitution to debate the practising lawyer in 1987.
president: Anwar
conduct of Chief Justice Tan Sri Zaki Azmi. The emergency motion was rejected by OPPOSITION Leader Datuk Seri An-
At a press conference at the parliament Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia on Nov war Ibrahim brushed aside specula-
lobby, Karpal said the 57 were made up of 12 as the house was not allowed to debate tion that there will be a transition
Pakatan Rakyat MPs as well as an independ- the conduct of the judges unless a quarter of power between him and his
ent MP from Sepanggar, Datuk Eric Enchin of the total number of MPs supported it, as wife Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan
Majimbun. stipulated in the Federal C onstitution. Ismail, who is the president of Parti
He said Article 127 of the Federal Constitu- Karpal also urged the prime minister to Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), during the
tion allows for the debate on the conduct of invoke the provision of Article 125(3) of the as the truth.” party congress this weekend.
a judge with the support of one-fourth of the Federal Constitution to refer Zaki to a tribunal Karpal also accused Minister in the Prime Did he lie The PKR de facto leader said
MPs. appointed by the King in accordance with Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz or not? Wan Azizah is doing good work as
“Such a subjective motion requires 14 days clause 4 to remove him from office. of “lying again” when Nazri said a letter by Karpal wants the party president.
notice, so it will be on the order paper before Asked if he felt the motion will be read out the King to the chief secretary to the gov- house to debate “I do participate much more now
the house adjourns in December,” he said. and debated, Karpal said the speaker cannot ernment was not made public for 20 years conduct of but she is (the one) looking at the
“I have given Zaki until today to step down reject the motion now. and, therefore, he did not know about the Zaki (left). operation in the party and she got
(for his correctional statement clarifying that “We will insist that it will be discussed even pensions paid to the sacked judges. the mandate (from the members)
he was misinterpreted in a news report on after the government business,” he said. “A story was carried on The Star on Oct 7, as she was elected,” Anwar said.
Nov 8). So we have to take it further. On whether he was in possession of a 1988 that the King had ordered that pension “I would support that she stays
“We now want to debate Zaki as he (alleg- recording of Zaki’s statement, he said: “We to be given to the judges,” he said, adding and continues as the president so
edly) lied (in his correctional statement) in his have the recording and since there is no that he will produce the paper cutting of the that I am given more time to work
capacity as a chief justice.” denial from the chief justice, we accepted it report today. not only on PKR but also Pakatan
Rakyat as this is the synergy and
understanding between us.”

MyKad: Syed Hamid apologises for ignorant cops ‘Absolute open skies’
ruled out
INCIDENTS in which the police did become “rusty” and could not be read possibly be forged because the thumb- cases and that is why we have in-
not know that the identity card (IC) by the scanner – but assured him that print is different. So, it is easier for us to creased our staff and they also work MALAYSIA cannot have an absolute
and driving licence are combined in efforts were being taken to improve it. identify the owner of the card.” on Saturdays and Sunday to tackle all open skies policy whereby flights can
the MyKad should not have happened, To a question from Datuk Mo- Mohamad had also asked for the the old cases,” he said. have landing rights to any destination,
Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid hamad Aziz (BN-Sri Gading), Syed number of MyPR holders, the problems Syed Hamid also told Datuk Abdul Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee
Albar said. Hamid said the latest MyKad is of high they faced in getting citizenship and Ghapur Salleh (BN-Kalabakan) he Keat said.
While tendering an apology to quality and could not be tampered the problems faced by people in Sabah realised there were cases in which Replying to N. Gobalakrishnan
Nasharuddin Md Isa (PAS-Bachok), with as it uses the biometric system and Sarawak who did not have ICs. qualified applicants have yet to get (PKR-Padang Serai), who suggested
who said he has been faced with such and the thumbprint. Syed Hamid said that out of their citizenship status approved even blanket approval for all flights to go
situations several times before, Syed “Before we introduced the MyKad, 371,281 permanent resident status after 20 years. He promised to solve to any des tination, he said there are
Hamid said there should be coordina- there were problems because the pre- holders in Malaysia, 198,510 have them as soon as possible. limitations and guidelines, depending
tion and understanding about this vious IC had a lamination which could been issued with MyPR. The rest have Abdul Ghapur had also complained on bilateral relations, which must be
among the agencies concerned. be torn but now it cannot because it is yet to change to the new card. about the quality of the card, saying: complied with by all parties.
He also said the government was in the form of a card,” he said. Once they have changed to MyPR, “Our IC actually does not have quality There is also the question of quota,
aware of the poor quality of the elec- “And, using the biometric and it would be easier for them to get at all. In my area, if the villagers were which depends on the business deci-
tronic chip in the MyKad – as claimed thumbprint system, even if we put citizenship. to carry their IC with them everyday, it sions made by the civil aviation com-
by Nasharuddin, who said some had someone else’s photo on it, it could not “But there are still a lot of backlog could break into two pieces.” panies, Ong said.

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