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theSun | THRUSDAY NOVEMBER 27 2008 11

news without borders

to immediately stop the use

Germany to send 1,400 troops
of teething mixture and syr-
ups for now pending the full
report of the investigation of
the outbreak, which is caus-
ing renal failure in children,”
Daughter pleads Lawal told reporters here.

to fight Somalia pirates

At least 33 cases of renal
for dad’s life failure in children have been
BEIJING: China’s top court has reported in Lagos, Zaria and
approved the death sentence Ibadan since Nov 3.
of a scientist accused of pass- Nigerian health officials,
ing information to Taiwan, mak- working alongside the World
ing his execution imminent, his Health Organisation, specifi-
daughter said yesterday as she cally warned parents not to BERLIN: Germany may contribute up sonnel would crew a frigate patrolling off attacks by pirates in recent days af-
appealed for mercy. use a teething syrup called to 1,400 military personnel to a Euro- the Horn of Africa and the remainder ter responding to calls for assistance.
“A court official told us that “My Pikin.” pean Union mission to combat piracy would be commandos providing se- Meanwhile in Kuala Lumpur
the death sentence has been The minister did not name off the coast of Somalia, government curity on German-owned merchant yesterday, a maritime watchdog said
confirmed by the Supreme the manufacturers of “My sources said on Tuesday. vessels in the region. the ship sunk by the Indian navy in the
Court, so the execution could Pikin.” – Reuters The daily Frankfurter Allgemeine The EU mission which is expected Gulf of Aden was a Thai fishing trawler
be very soon,” Ran Chen, said the defence ministry had given the to comprise five-to-seven ships and not a Somali pirate “mother ves-
green light for the troops and sailors to backed by surveillance aircraft will be sel” as was first announced.
daughter of Wo Weihan, who
was sentenced to death in
LA bids to be first take part in “Operation Atalanta”, to be under the command of British Rear- Noel Choong, head of the Interna-
May last year, said. solar city in US launched around Dec 8. Government Admiral Philip Jones. tional Maritime Bureau piracy report-
“We think it could happen LOS ANGELES: Los Angeles sources confirmed the figure. Two German frigates patrolling off ing centre, said the vessel it attacked
tomorrow (today),” she said. wants to become the United The newspaper said 500 naval per- Somalia helped merchant ships fend was a Thai-operated fishing boat
“Chen has been told by a States’ first solar city by gener- which had been seized by pirates off
A picture
Beijing court that she can visit ating about 10% of its electricity Yemen on Nov 18.
her father on Thursday morn- through solar power, the Los from a TV
“One Thai crew member died dur-
ing”. The Beijing court refused Angeles Times reported on footage on
ing the attack by the Indian navy, on
to immediately comment on Tuesday. the same day the vessel was hijacked
the case when contacted. The ambitious plan would by Somali pirates.”
– AFP. create the largest solar base of Choong said that one Cambodian
pirates on a
any city in the world, according crewman was rescued by passing
fishermen four days later, but 14 other
Syrup suspected to solar energy experts.
Under the plan proposed by
crew on the Kiribati-registered vessel
of killing 24 kids Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa the
one of their
are still missing.
ABUJA: Two dozen children sprawling city would purchase India’s navy defended its actions,
have died and nine have 1,280 megawatts of solar power saying the vessel its stealth frigate
fallen ill in Nigeria during – about 500 megawatts would fired on had been hostile.
near Eyl in
the last three weeks after come from private generating “The Indian ship asked them to stop
being given teething syrup, plants in the Mojave Desert, a for investigation on repeated calls. The
the health minister said on further 380 megawatts would vessel responded by saying it would
Tuesday. come from a programme to blow up the Indian ship,” its spokesman,
Dr Hassan Lawal ordered encourage residents to put so- Cmdr Nirad Sinha, said. – Agencies

a government investigation lar panels on their roofs, while

into the deaths. another 400 megawatts would
“All parents, especially come from panels on city-owned
» Hindustania rules the waves
mothers, have been advised buildings. – dpa Page 20

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