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20 theSun | THURSDAY NOVEMBER 27 2008


set to rule
the waves
by Eric S. Margolis their nation’s exclusive sphere
of influence. India’s steady naval
THE question of what to do expansion is designed to protect
about the epidemic of Somali its commerce and long coasts,
piracy is becoming a major and exert Delhi’s growing
international security issue as influence around the Gulf and
ships fear to ply the waters off Southeast Asia’s strategic Strait
the Horn of Africa and Arabian of Malacca, which used to suffer
Sea and insurance rates soar. from pirate attacks. India’s navy
This year alone, brazen also keeps a weather eye on the
Somalia pirates have attacked 95 evolution of China’s fleet from a
vessels. They still hold 16 ships coastal defence force into a true
and some 300 sailors hostage. blue water navy. Just last week,
Among them, a Ukrainian a senior Chinese official caused
freighter loaded with T-72 tanks a stir in Washington by hinting
whose ultimate destination his nation was planning to build
remains a mystery, and now a its first aircraft carrier (the US
Saudi supertanker, the Sirius has eleven).
Star, laden with 2 million India’s fleet includes an
barrels of oil valued at US$110 aircraft carrier; a former ex-
million (RM398 million). The Soviet carrier on order; at least
pirates demand US$25 million 16 modern submarines, plus a
(RM90.5 million) ransom for the series of nuclear-powered subs
vessel and its Filipino crew. being built; 48 surface warships;
Western powers have a powerful naval air arm, and
increased naval patrols off advanced reconnaissance
the Horn of Africa. But the satellites.
piracy epidemic underlines the India’s growing navy may
urgent need to bring stability one day challenge the Indian
to anarchic Somalia, where Ocean’s premier naval power,
millions face famine. In fact, the United States, which regards
according to some UN experts, the Gulf oil routes and Arabian
starvation, disease and violence Sea as its own pond. India’s
in Somalia is even worse and acquisition of Russian Akula
more widespread than in class nuclear-powered subs
Darfur. that do 40 knots submerged; the
Somalia’s last government, deadly BrahMos missiles (ideal
a moderate for sinking
Islamist carriers);
An Indian frigate, INS Tabar, and the
called the stole the limelight by Russian
Islamic Courts sinking a Somali pirate mother heavy,
Union, had ship off the coast of Oman. TU-160
managed Tabar had previously driven off long-range
to restore a bomber
semblance other Somali buccaneers. have the US
of order. Navy warily
But it was overthrown in 2006 watching.
by the US and regional ally In another important event
Ethiopia. Since then, chaos has barely noticed in the West,
ruled what is left of Somalia. on Nov 14, an Indian space
An Ethiopian-installed puppet probe hit the moon. If India can
government has no power. deliver a probe to the moon, the
One of the more interesting same launchers and guidance
aspects of the pirate drama systems can deliver nuclear
involves India. An Indian frigate, warheads around the globe.
INS Tabar, stole the limelight by India is testing a new 5,500km
sinking a Somali pirate mother medium-range ballistic missile,
ship off the coast of Oman. Surya, which will be upgraded
Tabar had previously driven off into a true inter-continental
other Somali buccaneers. ballistic missile with double
I first saw Tabar, a Russian the range. India is deploying a
Krivak-III missile frigate, under submarine-launched, nuclear
construction at St Petersberg’s armed ballistic missile.
Baltisiskya Zavod yards. This India is also emplacing new
elegant warship carries the new Agni-II intermediate missiles
Russian/Indian BrahMos, the along the Tibet border, in
world’s deadliest supersonic response, says, Delhi to more
anti-ship missile, and the Israeli than 100 Chinese nuclear-
Barak missile system. armed missiles on the Tibetan
Tabar was on station in the plateau targeted at India.
Gulf of Aden protecting Indian The lesson to be drawn from
and international commerce. all this is that India must be a
Her presence is the latest sign force to be reckoned with in
of India’s growing maritime the Indian Ocean and Gulf as it
power, a subject about which advances its own oil, trade and
I have been writing for two political interests. Hindustania
decades. India is now making does not yet rule the waves, but
her maritime strength felt right one day, who knows.
to the mouth of the Red Sea and
up to the oil exporting Gulf, Eric S. Margolis is a contributing
along Africa’s east coast, and editor to the Toronto Sun chain
all the way south to Fiji and of newspapers, writing mainly
Australian waters. about the Middle East and
Many Indian strategists South Asia. Comments: letters@
regard the vast Indian Ocean as

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