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Facts & Figures for March 11, 2012 Attendance (110 and 116)...........................226 Sunday School........105 General Fund Receipts..............$7,992.00 Capital Fund Receipts..........................$507.00 Loose Offering/Sunday School.......$73.80 Non-Budget Funds Receipts......$2,984.02 Facts & Figures as of Jan. 31, 2012 YTD Budget Receipts...........$34,279.33 YTD Budget Expenses......$41,778.92 Net Receipts over Expenses.......($7,499.59) Presented by Kay Smith, Treasurer,

The Stillwater Christian

Volume 2012 In This Issue
Announcements Snapshots from Sondra Birthdays & Anniversaries Children & Youth 1 2 2

March 13 WNF This Wednesday! Meal at 6, Class at 6:30 We will be having Chicken Alfredo, green salad, garlic bread, and Apple turnovers. Class Choices for this Wednesday night are: Weaving with Marie Hesser, Gospel Sing Along with Ival, Photography with Christy Luper, Mah Jongg, Lenten Scripture/Prayer with elders, Choir

Time to Order Easter Lilies!


Order forms will be in the Sunday Bulletin for the next few Sundays. FlowFacts & Figures 4 ers cost $10 each and may be purchased in memory of or in honor of someone special to you. Donations may also be made to Phillips Theological Seminary or the Helping Hand Fund in memory of or in honor of loved ones as well. Rev. Dr. Peluso-Verdend to Preach March 18 Gary Peluso-Verdend will be preaching on March 18 while Owen is away. Gary is President of Phillips Theological Seminary and Associate Professor of Practical Theology. He is an ordained minister in the United Methodist Church. It will be a fantastic day! For more information about Gary and the seminary you can go to

Central Area Churches Praying for Churches This week we are praying for: Iglesia Cristiana Rey de Gloria in OKC Next week we are praying for: Iglesia Cristiana Discipulos do Cristo in OKC

Stillwater Trash Off, March 31st 9amnoon

It is time for the annual Stillwater Trash-Off event! Last year we had 9 members in our church group and we picked up 20+ bags of litter at Strickland Park. We are hoping for more participants this year. We will meet at the Church at 8:45am and go as a group. There will hot dogs and door prizes at noon. Because of the need to plan ahead, you need to RSVP to the Church Office or Judith Elliott by Sunday, March 25th. Questions? Contact Judith Elliott Apr. 1 Palm and Passion Sunday, regular schedule April 2-6 Noon service at St. Francis Catholic Church. Owen preaches on Friday. April 5 Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service at 6:30pm April 6-7 Friday noon to Saturday noon Prayer Vigil April 8 Easter Sunday Sunrise Service at 7am Worship at 9:00am and 11:10am Easter Egg Hunt and Light Breakfast 10:10am
Join us this Sunday for Rev. Dr. Peluso-Verdend Message, Look Up and Look Down based on Numbers 21:4-9 and John 3:14-21 Traditional 9:00am Sunday School 10:10 Contemporary 11:10

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Of Stillwater, OK, Inc. 411 W. Mathews Ave. Stillwater, OK 74075-7517


Holy Week Schedule

There will not be a newsletter during Spring Break, March 20th.

The Stillwater Christian is a weekly publication of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The deadline for articles each week is 1pm Monday. Tracy Freeman, Editor Church Office Phone: 405.372.7722 Fax: 405.372.7726 Find The Stillwater Christian and more information at

Send prayer requests and general email to

Snapshots from Sondra

Children/Youth Ministry Director


Sondra Ladd, Children/Youth Ministry Director

Pastors class is one of my all time favorite opportunities. The enthusiasm and excitement of the youth attending reminds me of how exciting our faith should be, at all times. There are SO many positive things that happen during that short hour each week. A few weeks ago, we talked about Confession during lesson time and they had a list of questions they were supposed to discuss with a parent, another adult and a peer. The questions were about what that person believed about God, Jesus, and Church. Jordan Levings responded, it was a lot of fun, I didnt know my dad knew so much about this God Stuff. I had to laugh, but I also have to admit that Im so glad to know that through Pastors Class, she was allowed to experience that discovery. The commitment and love exhibited by the parents of our children and youth cannot be exceeded. First Christian Church is blessed with an incredible group of parents, children and youth. Their talents, gifts, and abilities never cease to amaze me. Parenting is a tough job. We hear that often, but I dont think we ever quite grasp the concept. Difficult decisions. A barrage of choices. Discipline. Love. It is a daily mix of emotion and reality. However, please dont think that they are not in need of the support, encouragement and care of this congregation. There is not a family that can do the job of raising up a child on their own. Im not talking about pointing out our errors or telling others how this parenting thing should be done. Im talking about recognizing the positive and taking the time to affirm the effort. When was the last time you pulled aside a parent in this congregation and told them how grateful you are that they have their children in church? Have you recognized the love and affection of a mother for her child, and let that mother know that you see that love? Have you been the support for a parent during a difficult or challenging situation? Have you encouraged a father that worships with his children? Please take time to think and pray about how YOU can support the families of this church. Get to know them. Love them in all ways possible. They wont be the young families for long; they will be the elders and leaders. I pray they will be able to follow in the example of those set before them. You all know a lot about this God stuff. Share it with someone today.

There will be no childrens musical rehearsal during Spring Break. Please note however that speaking parts will continue to rehearse following spring break each Weds. at 5:30. T-shirts have been ordered. If you have not submitted your $10 fee please do so ASAP. I also need 3-5 photos of each child with family, friends, teachers, etc. THOSE NEED TO BE SUBMITTED NOW. The kids are doing an absolutely spectacular job. PLEASE continue to have them practice their music and dances with the CDs and DVDs, especially if they have a solo or speaking part. The performance will be here before we know it. This year the Regional Youth Council will host Youth@Assembly and are planning for more youth to attend this Regional Church gathering than adults attend Regional Church Assembly, April 26-28. Chi Rho & CYF youth groups are invited to Duncan for mission, worship, play, and study as we serve others by lending a hand around town on Saturday morning and then join (invade) the closing worship at Regional Church Assembly on Saturday afternoon. But, when Regional Church Assembly ends, Youth@Assembly will continue through Sunday morning. We will be in the word and be the word this weekend! Cost is $80 per person and includes two nights at the Quality Inn, 2 meals, transportation, t- shirt and mission supplies. (The church pays registration fees for everyone making your cost $40 per person). I need registrations NOW so if you plan to go please get me your $40 and t shirt size ASAP. This will be a great time to visit camp friends dont miss out. Purchase an Apple Pie Today! We still have a few delicious Apple Pies in the freezer. We need to clear these out ASAP. If you want to purchase one, they are $12.00, please contact Sondra Ladd. Happy Birthday to: 3/15 Natalie Edwards; 3/16 Susan Bigheart, Keri Bruce, Lesa Grussing, Garrison Sorrell; 3/17 Ben Yates, Madi Young; 3/18 Chad Nordquist; 3/19 Rusty Carrier; 3/20 Sonny Apman; 3/21 Cates Cathey, Makayla Levings; 3/22 Sheri Gumm, Charles Rogers; 3/23 Vera Bilyeu, Dayln Gunkel, Eva Ricks; 3/25 Wes Andrews, Bob Michalski, Edna Shebeck; 3/26 Austin Gilmore, Carly Hart; 3/27 Tom Kinnick Happy Anniversary to: 3/13 Casey and Lacy Brown, Johnny and Jackie Griffen; 3/26 Bill and Mary McFarlin

Happily Forever After News

Youth@Assembly, April 26-28

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