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Page | 4.6 Write a Character Sketch Worksheet Write a Character Sketch I.

Answer the questions below and use the information to write a character sketch. Enter the text for your character sketch at the end of this exercise (35 points): 1. Name a person who has made a difference in your life and explain what the difference has been. My church band director has made a difference in my life. He is the best person that I have ever encountered. He has helped me through many situations. He is also the assistant pastor. He never has a negative thing to say about anyone. He is always willing to help and is just an astounding individual.


If the person is a family member, where do you see him/her most often? If the person is not a family member, where did you meet him/her? At first we didnt really meet I saw him playing at church and after a while we became acquainted through family and then eventually I joined the band.

3. What do other people think of this person? What might other people say about him/her? Almost everyone that talks about Mr. Bob has positive connotations. They all say he is a great man and a man after Gods own heart.

4. Picture this person. Describe him/her in as much detail as you can. Include facial features, physical appearance, clothing, manner of speech. Mr. Bob is physically fit, tall, about 61 his muscles are usually very defined through is clothes. He dresses very young for his age, wearing American eagle jeans, a pair of plaid vans, and maybe a Volcolm long sleeve tee. He has a friendly face but at first glance he kind of reminds you of the Green Goblin from the movie Spiderman. He has large teeth, hes tan with short hair. He wears glasses, contemporary/ young glasses. He has rough hands because he plays guitar. He sings just like his voice sounds. He has very kind eyes and a pure laugh. Hes Canadian so he says his os odd and says eh, sometimes.

5. How does his/her appearance reflect his/her personality? First of all being physically fit proves that he works very hard at taking care of himself, meaning he thinks of his body as a temple and that you should take care of it. I think the fact that he dresses so young contributes to the fact that he does have a young spirit and still does a lot of the things that he used to in his younger years.

6. When you picture this person, what do you think of him/her doing? Either looking up songs on his computer, playing his guitar, spending time with his family, or helping someone through talking, counseling, or just laughing.

7. Describe something special or memorable that happened between you. This should be an incident that shows how this person has made a difference in your life. I remember when one of my dads best friends had died and he got the whole band together and prayed, and cried with us, and just offered words of encouragement and put life in perspective for everyone in the room.

Scroll down to enter your Character Sketch: Optional method for writing your character sketch. This is a suggested way to put together a character sketch. You can use it or write yours using your own method. First Paragraph (one sentence) Use the answers to your first two questions to write the first sentence, but do not reveal the person's name or identity. Second Paragraph (several sentences) In the first sentence of this paragraph, name the person, the person's relationship to you, and include the information from question 3. Then support that topic sentence with selected details from your answers to 4, 5, and 6. Don't use all your details, just the ones that fit the topic sentence. Third Paragraph (several sentences) Write another paragraph that uses other details about your person from questions 4, 5, and 6. Be sure to include a simile in the first sentence of

Page | 4.6 Write a Character Sketch Worksheet this paragraph. Fourth Paragraph (several sentences) Write a paragraph about your answer to question 7. This is the most important thing youll add to your character sketch. Fifth Paragraph (one or two sentences) Write a final paragraph that summarizes why this person is important to you. It should connect back to your first paragraph. Enter the text for your Character Sketch below (Minimum 150 words) (65 points): He has proved that there is hope in humanity through the hard and the easy he has always been there with support and kind words. Mr. Bob Chambers is my church band director/ pastor/ family friend. Almost everyone that says anything about him has positive connotations. You would never picture Mr. Bob as being a pastor because he dresses twenty years younger than he really is. He is also very fit and actually favorably muscular. He has one of the kindest spirits you will ever encounter. Mr. Bob never has a negative thing to say about anyone because he feels that it is not his place to judge. Whether he is looking up music on his computer, playing his guitar, or counseling someone he finds a way to bring joy and positivity into the air. He is truly one of the few examples of a man after Gods own heart. The man is always helping others whether it be praying, playing music, or counseling people. Throughout the years that I have spent my life in Elizabeth city Mr. Bob has been one of the best and positive influences. He has helped me through a lot and he is the kind of person that I strive to be.

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