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12 œ theSun | FRIDAY NOVEMBER 28 2008

news without borders

Press Digest
by Kong See Hoh

PKR national congress AirAsia X


I’m no ‘yes’
man, says Wong

promises ‘new hope’

by Tim Leonard party’s national congress in previous years, this
pg 22

ciated with us,” he said, relating the struggles of the

MCA secretary-general Datuk Wong
Foon Meng says he will not be a yes-man
in the party although he is close to party
chief Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat.
Speaking to Oriental Daily News,
Wong said irrespective of the roles he
plays, he has his own stand in discharg- year’s event means a lot in terms of the party’s past and how doors were often closed on PKR. ing his duties and is not one who panders
achievement because PKR did not even have a “But today, it’s a different story … because we to others’ wishes.
PETALING JAYA: Parti Keadilan Rakyat’s (PKR) three- proper place to host their congress in 2004. dare to hope and believe we can bring change to “I have my reasons for everything I
day national congress themed “Harapan Baru” (New “We tried to rent the hall of a private school in Malaysia. do. If the party chief feels that certain
Hope) begins tomorrow at the Malawati Stadium in Ipoh but in the last hour, the school’s management “Today, Malaysians are not afraid of change as things that I did is not right, he can point
Shah Alam – the former jewel-in-the-crown of Barisan refused to give us their place because they became evident from how people voted us in the recent it out to me, and I will explain why I did
Nasional-ruled states before the March 8 polls. scared,” said Salehuddin. general election, and there is hope that a new it that way.”
The theme, according to party leaders, means “So that year, we ended up having the congress dawn will come soon for all Malaysians,” he said, However, he said, all directives from
PKR hopes to “move a few more mountains” like it in an annex of a Chinese temple because no one adding that issues that directly affect Malaysians, the president that are within the scope of
did on March 8 by taking control of a few states from wanted to give us a place. especially economic problems, will be discussed his duties will be obeyed and carried out.
Barisan with other Opposition allies. “A few leading hotels too didn’t want to give us at this year’s congress. Wong, who is senate deputy president,
For PKR secretary-general Datuk Salehuddin rooms even when we were willing to pay the full He said PKR wants to find solutions for prob- is out to prove that he can be a good
Hashim, who was responsible for organising the price … so imagine the fear they had, of being asso- lems faced by Malaysians and push for reform and government servant and a good party
changes to prove its relevance to all Malaysians. secretary-general at the same time.
For PKR Youth chief Shamsul Iskandar, this He felt MCA leaders need to be clear
year’s congress is aimed at instilling hope in the about their roles in the government and
hearts of all young Malaysians that this country their duty to the party, and once this
will one day be a much better place. is sorted out, they can play their roles
Shamsul told theSun many youths are starting to well.
get interested in PKR because it is the only party that He said he will prove in March next
does not put a limit on one based on age or gender. year that at the Dewan Negara he can
“If you are good, you will be given a chance to play strictly by the book.
play a lead role in the party and that is evident from “I know there are voices (detractors)
our 11 MPs and assemblymen who are below the who say I am not suitable for the senate
age of 40,” said Shamsul. deputy president job (anymore).
“Other parties can’t accept change and they “But the post has always been held
will not allow a young, intelligent person to shine by people with political background, the
because of the age barrier, and some are even only difference between my predeces-
sidelined because they are women. sors and me is that they did not hold
“But in PKR, we don’t have any such practices. senior party positions like I do,” Wong
“So if one has lost hope with other political added.
parties, it’s time to learn that there is hope in PKR When told that the MCA secretary-
for themselves and the country,” he added. general has always been nominated
The congress will start off with the women for a cabinet post, he said any such
and youth wing congress followed by the other appointment is the prerogative of the
programmes on Saturday and Sunday. party president.
PKR head Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will ad- He said whether he would be ap-
dress the public on Saturday at 9pm. pointed a minister will not affect his
work as the party secretary-general, as
he still can use the experience gained
65% of driving and the networking carried out during
his tenure as MP and assemblyman to
instructors in Perak establish close ties with leaders of other
Barisan Nasional component parties.
fail traffic law test Wong said there is no hurry for him
to be the go-between between Ong and
IPOH: Sixty-five per cent of the driving instructors deputy party president Datuk Seri Dr
in Perak failed in the first part of the written traffic Chua Soi Lek to patch up.
law test conducted by the Perak Road Transport “Whether I play the mediator role is
Department (JPJ) recently. not a problem.
Its director, Mad Yasir Mastakim, said only 35% “They are senior leaders and as long
of the 396 driving instructors passed the test. as they put party above self, the problem
“The test given to the driving instructors was (between Ong and Chua) will not be a
the same as the computerised test given to the problem at all.”
candidates for ‘L’ licence, but some of them (in- He said the suggestion by treasurer-
structors) even scored less than 10 marks. general Tan Sri Tee Hock Seng to act
“This is very disturbing and efforts to improve as mediator between Ong and Chua is
their performance and understanding of the traffic good, but brushed off the suggestion
law will be carried out,” he told reporters after that his lunch date with the two leaders
closing a seminar on “Improving Driving Instruc- today is an arrangement for them to
tors’ Professionalism” yesterday. mend fences.
Mad Yasir said the test, the first in its series, On Wednesday, Chua said he did not
was aimed at reminding the driving instructors need a mediator.
of the traffic law so that they would be more
knowledgeable than before. – Bernama

PJ council to work with cops

to combat crime
PETALING JAYA: The Petaling Jaya City Council “But we have to look into other aspects, in
(MBPJ) is looking for a way to work with the police terms of power to be accorded to our men,”
to carry out crime prevention activities to make said Mohamad, referring to the power to carry
the city more safe and secure. firearms and make arrests like other law enforce-
Mayor Datuk Mohamad Roslan Sakiman said ment officers.
MBPJ traffic enforcers who currently go on rounds Mohamad said MBPJ will be the first local
on motorcycles to summon traffic offenders will council to implement such a move if the pro-
be roped in with others to assist police in carrying posal is well received by the police and relevant
out crime prevention duties. authorities.
“We are in the planning stages and have to On another development, Mohamad said
discuss this with the police to ascertain how our MBPJ will wait for the Selangor government’s
men can work effectively with them to make PJ directive on the restriction of sale of alcohol as
a safe place,” said Mohamad. proposed by some state leaders recently.
“Our men can perhaps assist police in cars “There is no need for us to worry or com-
and motorcycles just like how our traffic enforc- ment on it as any move will only be based on
ers move around the city to maintain traffic the directive of the state government,” he said.
order. – Tim Leonard

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