Statement On Budget Process and Redistricting

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Friday, March 16, 2012

Contact: Edward Fleming (718)357-3094/(914)672-0101


Yesterday in the early morning hours, Albany reverted back to the old way of doing things. Dean Skelos, Sheldon Silver and Governor Andrew Cuomo have shunned representative democracy in favor of the backroom self-serving deals that have plagued State government for decades. During the last election cycle the Governor and nearly every member of the legislature signed a pledge promising independent redistricting. Unfortunately, the Governor failed to lead us to that end and has capitulated to desires of the enemies of reform who are doing everything they can to choose their own voters in order to stay in power. In addition, by striking a backroom deal with the Senate and Assembly leaders for Tier VI, Andrew Cuomo has sold democracy out for the price of reducing public worker pensions. In another egregious assault on democracy, the Senate Republicans cut the time allotted for debate from four hours to two. Important and substantive arguments on the issues of redistricting were cut short as the Senate minority voices began to carry the day. The voices of reform embodied in the elected representatives who believe in open government where silenced. I proudly joined with my Democratic colleagues as we took a stand against this affront to democracy and open government and walked out of session. It is inherently dangerous and undemocratic for elected officials to vote on extremely important legislation without having the proper time to read and debate the pros and cons. Furthermore, the Tier VI bill that threatens the pensions of future public employees was over eighty pages in length and its highly technical language made it impossible for any Senator in the chamber to properly understand much less debate in the time allotted. Especially since it was not even presented to the Senate chamber until minutes before a vote was called. Governor Cuomo still has time to right the wrongs of Wednesday night and I urge him to make an 11th hour change of heart and veto this legislation. Tier VI is too important an issue to be rammed down the throats of the legislature and the promise of an independent redistricting commission through a constitutional amendment is a hollow gesture. Allow time for the legislature to go back to the drawing board and draft legislation that would be beneficial to all New Yorkers and not just the chosen few in charge. Veto these bills now.

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