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Modes of collection -Delivered to a fixed storage bins placed at intervals- collected for disposal by vehicles.

-block collection-containers by individual to a waiting vehicle. -kerbside collection- placed in containers on footways in advance of the collection time. - industries treat their waste or transport it themselves to disposal sites -liquid waste & gaseous waste by underground pipes to treatment sites. Pre-treatment -manipulating moisture content- increased for anaerobic digestion technology decreased in case of combustion. -manipulating particle size- shredding to reduce size & briquetting to enlarge by compacting small size particle waste Waste storage prevents against -Carbohydrates/sugar losses thro contamination of high moisture content or sugar content wastes ; thro fermentation. -Rotting &burning of dry waste if exposed to the ambient -emission & losses of gaseous waste if exposed to the ambient -spilage of plant leaves, grass trimmings, vegetables by weavils. Storage techniques -high moisture content & high sugar content eg morlasses- concentration & sterilization (evaporation, heat sterilization, chemical steriolization) -tightly enclosed containers> gaseous and high moisture content waste. -sewage sludge & animal dung- cool containers. 4R principle of waste management - Reduce waste: minimize waste generation thro adoption of appr. Tech which minimizes waste generation. greater efficiency in production. -Reuse waste: utilizing used products to perform the same function they were manufactured and used for because it is in its original state. Used again & again. -Recycle waste: reuse of reusable material which otherwise be discarded to produce similar/ inferior product. -Recover energy: recovering much energy as possible from combustible wastes, organic waste. Done thro: 1. Pyrolysis 2. Thermal gasfication 3. Controlled combustion/ incineration with energy recovery system 4. Anaerobic digestion by wet organic waste Waste disposal method Open dumping: into open rubbish tips. Left for an extended period of time sanitary landfill recycling incineration energy recovery Impact: solid substantial size of land, forest cleaning cause air pollution when burnt when decompose; public health problem, bad oduor, greenhouse gases- global warming. Aesthetic value

:Liquid pollution of water. Depletion of dissolved oxgen death of aquatic animals & plant life fresh water system rendered unfit 4human n animal consumption acidic & alkaline discharges alter pH solid bio accumulate in aquatic organisms: risk 2 predators color n smell change Sanitary landfill Waste is compacted in layers and covered by soil at the end of each day. Permanently placing wastes under max density in earth with daily cover. Operation: a clay liner or synthetic liner for MSW landfill is used to isolate waste from the environment. After solid waste is damped from collecting vehicles, spread 7 compacted 2 high density uniform thin layer within a small area. For proper compaction layer< 2m. Traditional landfill: 1st layer lined on the original ground level of the depression with no landfill liner as in the case of modern landfill. The compacted layer is then covered with a layer of soil/sand at least 20cm thick spread uniformly & compacted. Advantages minimizes public health problem; flies, rats unable 2 breed. No air pollution; thick final layer. Fire hazards are minimized Potential energy fuel recovery method, bio-waste Ground used 4 recreational activities, park Little or no capital investment for a solid plant Disadvantages Potential ground water pollution leachate fm waste( in no landfill liner) Substantial size of land- rendered unsuitable4 construction Surface water pollution; improperly chosen landfill site. Harboring rodents n disease vectors flies, rats Greenhouse effect poorly prepared Modern landfill Situated where clay deposits n other land features acts as natural buffer btwn landfill n surrounding env. Bottom n sides lined with layers of clay or plastics to prevent leachates frm escaping into the soil. Has leachete collection system which collects n pumps it to surface; treated. Has methane gas recovery system

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