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DESCRIPTION The four-day Inca Trail trek will reward you with a stunning combination of the Cuscos Incan

sites, mountainscapes and cloud forests. Because we run our own treks, we can ensure the fair treatment of our porters and the quality of food and equipment so that youre free to enjoy the beauty of the region. The Inca Trail to Machu Picchu is physically challenging but worthwhile, and the excursion is within the ability of most reasonably fit. It is a 45-km (30 miles) hike, with 3 high passes to be crossed, one of which reaches an elevation of 4200m (13776 ft). The inca trail is often steep, and it may rain even during the dry season. The temperatures at night may fall below zero, so it is important to come prepared. Our local crew of porters cooks and guide look after us well for the duration of the hike. If you are going to hire out Porters; they will carry the majority of the gear for the hike, so those passengers doing the hike only carry a small daypack with water, rain gear, snacks, a camera, etc. Depending on the season, you may see a great variety of flora, including miniature and large orchids, and fiery rhododendron bushes. The Inca Trail goes over high passes with unforgettable views, through cloud forest, and finally into a great subtropical vegetation that you will feel since the third day or on the dinner on the second day. Remember that Peruvian government now limits Inca Trail traffic to 500 persons per day,including the porters who must carry all food, tents and other necessities. Wouldbe hikers must sign up through an authorized guiding service, usually months in advance since spots sell out quickly. It is important to use the names & passport numbers that you send to the tour operator with your trek booking application and You must bring these same passports with you to Cusco and take them on the Inca Trail. The Incas had specialists who kept track of the stars during the road the building closely resembled a similar structure at Machu Picchu

ITINERARY DAY 1: Depart Cusco to km 82 where we begin our walk in the footsteps of the Incas. You will pass the first archeological site calledLlactapata.As you walk the inca trail that linked this ancient empire, admire breathtaking views at every step as we move from high plateau areas to dense

cloud forest. After lunch, we continue to Huayllabamba, where well set up camp the camp for the night. DAY 2: You will climb the long steep path to Warmiwausca, or Dead Womans Pass. At 4198 m (13769 ft) above sea level,passing through Llulluchapampa this pass is the highest point of the trek. At the pass, we have a spectacular view of the Andes before beginning the descent to camp in Pacaymayo. DAY 3 We head off towards the second pass of the hike is at 3998 m (13113 ft) where on clear days, we enjoy superb views of the snow-capped Cordillera Vilcabamba. We will visit the archaeological remains of Runkuracay, and then we begin our descent to the archeological site of Sayacmarca. After lunch, you reach the archeological site of Phuyupatamarca, or the 'Town above the Clouds', at about 3650 m (11972 ft) above sea level. Our hike finally takes us to WiayWayna, which will be our camp on the last night. DAY 4 On the final day of the hike we climb the steps to the Sun Gate overlooking the peaks that surround Machu Picchu. When the morning is clear, there is no way to describe the feeling of the first views of Machu Picchu, as the mist rises off the mountains early in the morning and the famous site appears in front of you. Thereafter we descend to view its various sectors, and then take the bus to the village of AguasCalientes, where we take the train back to the city of Cuzco.} WHAT TO TAKE Most people automatically assume that the weather is hot in South America, but because of the higher altitude in the Andes, the temperature can feel quite cold, especially at night. We recommend the use of a duffel bag or backpack, whichever is easiest for you to carry. A good size daypack is also essential. Passport USD cash and travellers cheques Credit or debit card (see personal spending money) Camera and film Reading/writing material Binoculars Cover for backpacks Pocketknife.

Fleece top Windproof/waterproof jacket -Small towel and swim wear 4 shirts/t-shirts Sun hat 1 pair of shorts 2 pairs of long trousers 1 pair hiking pants/track pants Hiking boots/ sturdy walking shoes Sport sandals Sunblock Sunglasses Toiletries (biodegradable) Watch or alarm clock Water bottle Flashlight First-aid kit (should contain lip salve, Aspirin, Band Aids, anti-histamine, Imodium or similar tablets for mild cases of diarrhea, re-hydration powder, extra prescription drugs you may be taking).

Whit student card identity (ISIC) discount $ 20.00 For questions / booking, please email us at: +51 984476122

DESCRIPCIN Los cuatro das de Camino Inca se le recompensa con una impresionante combinacin de los sitios incas del Cusco, paisajes de montaa y bosques de neblina. Debido a que manejamos nuestras propias excursiones, podemos garantizar el trato justo de los guas locales y la calidad de los alimentos y equipos a fin de que usted se sienta libre de disfrutar la belleza de la regin. El Camino Inca a Machu Picchu es fsicamente difcil, pero vale la pena, y la excursin es 90% psicolgico para personas razonablemente fuerte mentalmente. Es un recorrido de 45 km (30 millas) de caminata, con tres pasos elevados para cruzar, uno de los cuales alcanza una altura de 4.200 metros (13.776 pies). El camino es a menudo fuerte, y puede llover, incluso durante la estacin seca. Las temperaturas en la noche pueden caer por debajo de cero, por lo que es importante estar preparado. Nuestro equipo local de porteadores, cocineros y guas deben cuidar de nosotros esto por la duracin de la caminata. Si usted desea contratar porteadores, entonces usted solo llevar una ligera mochila con agua, ropa de lluvia, snacks, una cmara, etc Dependiendo de la temporada, y usted asi podr disfrutar de mejor manera la gran variedad de flora, entre ellas orqudeas en miniatura y grandes, y los arbustos ardientes rododendros. ITINERARIO DIA 1: Partimos de Cusco al km 82, donde comenzamos nuestra caminata siguiendo las huellas de los Incas. Pasar por el primer sitio arqueolgico de Llactapata. Al caminar usted ver el sendero que una a este antiguo imperio, unas vistas impresionantes a cada paso a medida que avanzamos en las mesetas altas de bosque de niebla densa. Despus del almuerzo, continuamos a Huayllabamba, donde vamos a acampar para pasar la noche. DIA 2: Subir el largo camino escarpado a Warmiwausca o Paso la mujer muerta. Que est a los 4215 m (13.769 pies) sobre el nivel del mar, pasando por Llulluchapampa este paso es el punto ms alto de la caminata. En el paso, tenemos una vista espectacular de los Andes antes de comenzar el descenso hasta el campamento de Pacaymayo. DA 3 Nos dirigimos hacia el segundo paso del trayecto que est a 3998 m (13.113 pies), donde en das claros, disfrutamos de unas vistas inigualables de los nevados de la Cordillera de Vilcabamba. Vamos a visitar los restos arqueolgicos de Runkuracay, y luego comenzamos el descenso hasta el sitio arqueolgico de Sayacmarca. Despus del almuerzo, se llega al sitio arqueolgico de Phuyupatamarca, o la "Ciudad sobre las nubes", a unos 3650 m (11.972 pies)

sobre el nivel del mar. Despus del almuerzollegaremos finalmente a WiayWayna, que ser nuestro campamento y la ltima noche. DIA 4 En el ltimo da de la excursin continuaremos el trayecto hasta llegar a la Puerta del Sol, con vistas de los picos que rodean a Machu Picchu. Cuando la maana es clara, es indescriptible la sensacin de las primeras vistas de Machu Picchu, ver como la niebla se levanta entre las montaas y que el famoso santuario aparece en frente de usted. Despus de esta impresionante sensacin bajamos a ver sus diferentes sectores, y luego tomar el autobs hasta el pueblo de Aguas Calientes, donde tomaremos el tren de regreso a la ciudad de Cusco.} QUE LLEVAR La mayora de la gente asume automticamente que el clima es templado en Amrica del Sur, pero debido a la mayor altitud en los Andes, la temperatura puede variar y tener bastante fro, especialmente durante la noche. Se recomienda el uso de una mochila ligera, lo que le resulte ms fcil de llevar. Y una mochila de buen tamao tambin es esencial para hacer el Camino Inca.

Pasaporte Dlares en efectivo. Tarjetas de crdito o dbito (ver dinero para gastos personales) Cmara fotogrfica y filmadora Prismticos Cubierta para mochilas Navaja de bolsillo. Chaqueta impermeable a prueba de viento. -Toalla pequea y traje de bao 4 camisas / camisetas Gorro para el sol 1 pantalncorto 2 pares de pantalones largos Botas de montaa / calzado fuerte y cmodo Sandalias deportivas

Protector solar Gafas de sol Artculos de tocador (biodegradables) Una botella de agua Linterna Botiqun de primeros auxilios (debe contener aspirina, curitas, anti-histamina, Imodium o pastillas similares para los casos leves de diarrea, la rehidratacin en polvo, medicamentos extras que se pueden tomar). Con carn de estudiante (ISIC) el descuento de $ 20.00 Para preguntas y/o reservas por favor escrbenos a:

DESCRIPTION The four-day <a href=""> Inca Trail </a> trek will reward you with a stunning combination of the Cuscos Incan sites, mountainscapes and cloud forests. Because we run our own treks, we can ensure the fair treatment of our porters and the quality of food and equipment so that youre free to enjoy the beauty of the region. The <a href=""> Inca Trail </a> to Machu Picchu is physically challenging but worthwhile, and the excursion is within the ability of most reasonably fit. It is a 45-km (30 miles) hike, with 3 high passes to be crossed, one of which reaches an elevation of 4200m (13776 ft). The <a href=""> Inca Trail </a> ITINERARY DAY 1:

Depart Cusco to km 82 where we begin our walk in the footsteps of the Incas. You will pass the first archeological site calledLlactapata.As you walk the inca trail that linked this ancient empire, admire breathtaking views at every step as we move from high plateau areas to dense cloud forest. After lunch, we continue to Huayllabamba, where well set up camp the camp for the night. DAY 2: You will climb the long steep path to Warmiwausca, or Dead Womans Pass. At 4198 m (13769 ft) above sea level,passing through Llulluchapampa this pass is the highest point of the trek. At the pass, we have a spectacular view of the Andes before beginning the descent to camp in Pacaymayo. DAY 3 We head off towards the second pass of the hike is at 3998 m (13113 ft) where on clear days, we enjoy superb views of the snow-capped Cordillera Vilcabamba. We will visit the archaeological remains of Runkuracay, and then we begin our descent to the archeological site of Sayacmarca. After lunch, you reach the archeological site of Phuyupatamarca, or the 'Town above the Clouds', at about 3650 m (11972 ft) above sea level. Our hike finally takes us to WiayWayna, which will be our camp on the last night. DAY 4 On the final day of the hike we climb the steps to the Sun Gate overlooking the peaks that surround Machu Picchu. When the morning is clear, there is no way to describe the feeling of the first views of Machu Picchu, as the mist rises off the mountains early in the morning and the famous site appears in front of you. Thereafter we descend to view its various sectors, and then take the bus to the village of AguasCalientes, where we take the train back to the city of Cuzco.} WHAT TO TAKE Most people automatically assume that the weather is hot in South America, but because of the higher altitude in the Andes, the temperature can feel quite cold, especially at night. We recommend the use of a duffel bag or backpack, whichever is easiest for you to carry. A good size daypack is also essential. Passport USD cash and travellers cheques Credit or debit card (see personal spending money) Camera and film Reading/writing material Binoculars

Cover for backpacks Pocketknife. Fleece top Windproof/waterproof jacket -Small towel and swim wear 4 shirts/t-shirts Sun hat 1 pair of shorts 2 pairs of long trousers 1 pair hiking pants/track pants Hiking boots/ sturdy walking shoes Sport sandals Sunblock Sunglasses Toiletries (biodegradable) Watch or alarm clock Water bottle Flashlight

First-aid kit (should contain lip salve, Aspirin, Band Aids, anti-histamine, Imodium or similar tablets for mild cases of diarrhea, re-hydration powder, extra prescription drugs you may be taking).

Whit student card identity (ISIC) discount $ 20.00 For questions / booking, please email us at:

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