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The Curse

Written by: Lee Su Ann

In The Curse, Azreen, who is currentl;y studying in London, receives news from home that her sister has passed away.She immediately make plans to return to her hometown, a small island near Langkawi. Her journey home is filled with apprehension. Azreen recalls the good times she had with her sister and regrets the resentment she harboured to her. When Azreen arrives home, her mother hardly recognizes her due to her Alzheimers Disease and her father is still cold and distant. She finds that her sisters death is shrouded in mystery and no one is willing to reveal the circumstances behind her sisters death. Even her friend Mohd Asraf will not tell her everything except that Haji Ghani, Madhuris husband, cleared the body and buried her quckly. Azreen then hears rumours that her sister was murdered and she bled with white blood. Azreen seeks answers from the Old Lady who caonfirms that Madhuri was indeed murdered and there were people who covered up the crime. A series of bizarre events on the village leaves Azreen puzzled and she is determined to get to the bottom oh her sisters mysterious death.Meanwhile, the village is plagued by continuos rain which destroys the crops and cuts the villagers off from communication with the main island. There are also sighting of mysterious lady who bears uncanny resemblance to Madhuri. Then Azreens mother dies suddenly. Asrafs grandmothers health also takes turn or the worse. In desperation he seeks the Old Ladys help. However , the Old Lady presence in the village is not well-received by the villagers. Although Asrafs grandmothers health starts approving after the Old Ladys treatment, Rumours began to circulate that the Old Ladys presence a curse on the village. When Asrafsgrandmother suddenly dies,the villagers led by Asraf storm into the Old Ladys house. Although Azreen tries to stop them, the house is accidentally put on fire and the Old Lady is killed. Azreen then learns from Asraf, that he and Madhuri were in love and that they had planned to leave the island just before her untimely death. Hurt and disillusioned by what she has just learnt, Azreen runs away to be by herself. Later she decided to visit the site of

Madhuris murder in the rubber estate. She runs into Awang the bomoh who reveals to her that Madhuri was not her real sister. When she returns home, she has encounter with the mysterious lady who resembled Madhuri. The lady bring Azrees attention to something in her compound. Azreen realizes that it is her father who killed Madhuri. Saleh Abdullah then confronted by the mysterious lady, who is actually Madhuris real mother. He has sudden heart attack and dies. Azreen thebn prepares to return to London. Azreen visits the Old Ladys grave and the graves of her three deceased family members before leaving. She returns to London and is surprised to find that it feels like home to her.

Azreen leaves London to return home when she receives news of her sister death.


There are many rumours surrounding her sister's death and Azreen tries to get to the truth of matter.



A series of deaths occur in the village and Azreen discovers that who murdered Madhuri. She then learns about Asraf's secret realtionship with madhuri. She is also devastated to learn that Madhuri was not her real sister.

Falling Action

The mysteries of the strange occurrances that took place in the village are solved.

Azreen leaves her village and returns to London.


Chapter Summary
Chapter 1 : A death in the family
Azreen Saleh prepared to leave her university in London to return to Malaysia. She is reluctant to leave London but is forced to do as she just received news about her sisters death. She tries to leave quietly but is intercepted by her friend Julian. She explains th circumstances and offers to accompany her to the airport but she refuses. She bids him farewell and leave.

Chapter 2 : Heading Home

Azreen has no appetite for lunch on the flight back home. She is looking forward to having Malaysian food once she reached home. The view outside her windows remind her of home and she winces at the tought. She also remembers how everyone always compared her with her sister. Azreen fells nostalgic and acknowledges that those were happier times but she realizes that those days are now gone.

Chapter 3 : Rumours
In the village, Puan Kamsiah has just returned from her vegetable garden. She is flustered by a piece of news she has just heard from Puan Normala, the village gossip.

Amidst Puan Kamsiahs ranting and raving, her daughter, Siti, adds that Puan Normalas daughter, Noor, has been spreading rumours in school that Madhuri was murdered. Puan Kamsiah is livid that Puan Normala has told her- that Madhuris blood was white. Meanwhile, Datin Sharifah and her husband Datuk Zulkifli, greet Azreen at the Langkawi airport.

Chapter 4 : Last Respescts.

The villagers gather at the funeral house to pay their last respects to Madhuri. Puan Normala gathers a group of women and begin gossiping Azreen make her entrance, accompanied by Datin Sharifah She ignores the group of womenfolk and proceeds to her bedroom. The women exchange disparaging remarks about Azreen and comments on her strained relationship with Madhuri Azreen questions Datin Sharifah about her sisters death Azreen calls on her mother, who can barely recognize her own daughter due to her senility. Azreen insists on taking her mother to the burial plot, even though her mother un aware that Madhuri is dead At the cemetery Azreens father is clearly angru with Azreen bringing her mother alonh After leaving the cemetery

CHAPTER 5 : Getting Reacquainted

Azreen meets Asraf. She enquires about Madhuri's death but is only given vague details of the incident. Normala, the rumour monger, spreads rumours about what had happened to Madhuri. Awang, the bomoh, makes an appearance as he dreams that a disaster is about to hit the village soon. Awang recalls the incident when he stole a chicken at Encik Mohan's farm causing a bull to escape. Asraf was blamed for the fiasco but Azreen bravely took the blame on his behalf. Back to the present, Azreen looks for the Old Lady in the jungle to catch up on old times. The Old Lady discloses that Madhuri was murdered.

CHAPTER 6 : Remembering
The Old Lady relates to Azreen that she saw Madhuri's lifeless body and the wound on her. She suggests that Madhuri's murder was covered up as investigation into her death would reveal more secrets. Puan Fatihah, the village headman's wife recalls how her life changed forever when her husband, Haji Ghani, became attracted to Madhuri. Azreen recaps how Madhuri tried to defend her from her fathers wrath for stealing mangosteen and the good times she spent with Madhuri. In a flashback, Azreen admitted

her folly for letting the bull go in order to save Asraf from Encik Mohan and his son's wrath. The escaped bull knocked into the motorcycle that her parents were on and caused her mother to be paralysed. The Old Lady reveals her past life with her abusive husband who drove her to kill him in self-defence. She made herself a home in a deserted house in the jungle.

Chapter 7 : A Brewing Storm

Asraf is concerned about his grandmother's deteriorating health. At the same time, Hj. Ghani, mourns at Madhuri's tombstone. While deep in thoughts, he almost saw someone, a woman in a flowing white dress, strolling past the trees. At home, Azreen's father reprimanded her for not latching up the chicken coop. A chicken carcass, with its neck broken, lies on the bottom step of the coop. The next morning, Azreen reads Julian's letter about the examination week in college. Then, she reads Madhuri's letter of her marriage and relationship with Kak Fatihah (Haji Ghani's first wife). The letter also hints that Madhuri has a secret to be revealed to Azreen when she returns home for her holidays.

Chapter 8 : The Old Lady

Azreen's mother dies. Meanwhile, Mohd. Asraf continues to worry over his sickly grandmother. Mohd Asraf goes to the market to look for medicinal plants for his grandmother but fails to find any. In desperation, he goes to the Old Lady's house for help. the Old Lady hesitates at first but after much persuasion from Azreen and Mohd. Asraf, she finally agrees to go over to Mohd Asraf's house to help his grandmother.

Chapter 9 : Curing Nek

Siti keeps an eye on Mohd. Asraf's grandmother (Nek) while he goes out to get her medicine. Pn. Kamsiah and Normala are curious at the Old Lady's presence at Mohd. Asraf's house. The Old Lady tries to cure Nek. Azreen is puzzled to discover a university prospectus that reveals Mohd. Asraf's intention to pursue his studies in Kuala Lumpur. When Azreen returns home, she sees the bomoh scampering behind the bushes. As she confronts the bomoh, he informs her about the mob incident at Mohd. Asraf's house. She immediately runs to Asraf's house. Normala blames Azreen for bringing the Old Lady to Mohd. Asraf's house and causing heavy downpour to hit the village. An argument starts and Azreen's father intervenes to stop the commotion. Meanwhile, Nek is beginning to recover and Mohd. Asraf is extremely relieved. They thank the Old Lady for bravely coming over to cure Nek and the rain finally stops.

Chapter 10 : Burning Rage

Azreen awakes to a flurry of knocks on her door. She finds out that Nek has passed away and Mohd Asraf is heading towards Nek's house with a few men for revenge. Azreen tries to stop him and in a struggle, stabs him at the foot with a spade. The torch that he was holding fell onto the wall of the house and soon the house was on fire. Azreen finds Nek, barely alive lying beside the stove and she advises Azreen to learn to forgive before it is too late. Azreen's father saves her before the whole house crumbles. Mohd Asraf confesses to Azreen that he loves Madhuri and they were planning to abscond from the island when he was offered a teaching course in Kuala Lumpur. Madhuri wanted to confess to her husband, parents and Azreen about her affair with Mohd. Asraf. However, Madhuri was found dead at a rubber plantation. Azreen then meets Awang, the bomoh, who tells her that Madhuri was not her real sister. Awang also confesses that he was the one who left the gate open that led to the motorcycle accident that paralysed her mother. Awang also confirms that he had seen Madhuri and Mohd Asraf together several times in the rubber estate.

The chapter ends with Haji Ghani, the headman thinking about his young wife meeting her lover on that fateful day when she was killed.

Chapter 11 : Finding Out

Azreen delves on the bomoh's words that Madhuri was not her real sister. She encounters a shadow of a woman from behind the wooden fence again that directs her to a woodpile a few feet away behind her house. Azreen and her father walk towards the woodpile and see a parang that Saleh used to chop wood. There is white and sticky stain at the edge of the parang. Azreen immediately recalls Normala's words She had white blood and she stares at her father in disbelief. Saleh recalls how fond was he with Madhuri and how he found her as a baby at the paddy field. He stumbles upon Madhuri and Mohd Asraf together at the rubber plantation. In his fury, he kills Madhuri and her body knocks over the latex-filled container. Upon hearing this revelation, Azreen runs away from her father. Saleh suffers a heart attack and dies. Meanwhile in the village, a rumour spreads like a wildfire that a woman who looks suspiciously like his dead daughter had been wandering about at the time of his death.

Chapter 12 : Farewell
Azreen visits her family's graves. She leaves a flower on each grave and leaves quietly. She leaves a flower at the hillside where the Old Lady was buried, too. As Azreen leaves, she sees a smiling figure which resembles Madhuri's smiles.

Characters & Characteristics

Azreen Madhuri Mohd. Asraf Saleh Abdullah

Main character of the novel. Studies in England. Happy to be away from her village. Did not have good relationship with her parents especially her father due to her defiant behaviour and tomboyish outlook. An outspoken and independent girl. Envious of her adopted sister, Madhuri. A helpful friend especially when she claimed responsibility for letting the bull run loose in order to save Mohd. Asraf's skin. Caring for her sick mother and Old Lady. Intelligent as she managed to further her studies in the United Kingdom

A beautiful and polite lady. A submissive wife and daughter. Religious and good at reciting Quranic verses. Conservative compared to her sister, Azreen. Protective of her sister when they were young. A polite and caring daughter. Concerned about her sick mother.

A dedicated and popular teacher in a local school on the island. Independent since young. Good friends with Azreen while they were in school together. A caring grandson who is concerned about his grandmother's well-being. Loves Madhuri and wanted to take her with him to Kuala Lumpur. Madhuri and Azreen's father. Active and strong for his age. A stern father to Azreen since when she was young. Not on good terms with Azreen since the motorcycle accident which paralysed Azreen's mother. A manipulative father who let Madhuri become Haji Ghani's second wife in order to protect his interests. An egoistic person who could not accept Madhuri's love affair with Mohd. Asraf and in the end

Haji Ghani

The village headman who fell for Madhuri and took her as his second wife. Neglects his first wife, Fathihah in the process. An influential man on the island. Hides the cause of his wife's death in order to protect his reputation. Knows of Madhuri's affair with Mohd. Asraf. A religious man.

The story is set in a village on a tiny island just a kilometer south of Langkawi island. It takes place in the present time and the event occur over the span of a few days. The island is describes as having green hills and rocky beaches ,with small kampungs dotting the coast. The village where the events take place is situated behind the hills, hidden from the view of people approaching the village by boat. Although the village seemed sleepy and idyllic, it is surrounded by an aura of mystery and secrets. Among the significant places in the village are rubber estate where Madhuri is murdered, Azreens home, the graveyard and the old ladys house in the middle of the jungle.

1) Caring for family members -Madhuri was a loving And obedient daughter -Madhuri also look on the role of protector and would shield Azreen from her fathers beating -Even after marriage, MAdhuri still visited her ailing mother every day and would help out with the household chores. -Azreen also took good care of her mother and prepared breakfast the way she liked it. -Asraf took good care of his ailing grandmother and sought treatment from the Old Lady when she fell sick. 2) The danger of indulging in gossip and rumours -The ruomurs about Madhuris blood being white in colour turned out to be unfounded -Puan Normalas ranting about the village being curse made the villagers frightened and caused them to behave irrationally. 3) Belief in supernatural -from its onset, the novel is plagued with supernatural occurances. Its storyline is startlingly similar to the legend of Mahsuri,who bled white blood as proof of her innocence.

-Puan Kamsiah believed that harm would befall her daughter just because she was in the same house as the Old Lady. -Awang the bomoh wore ayellow cord which was handed to him by his ancestors as he believed it empowered him to perform rituals and healings. 4) Overcoming prejudice - Although Siti was warned against associating with Azreen, she did not consider Azreen to be a bad or dangerous person - Azreen befriended the Old Lady eben though she had heard frightening tales about the Old Lady.

5) Forgiveness - Azreen found it in her heart to forgive Asraf for causing the Old Ladys death - The Old Lady emphasized the importance of forgiveness to Azreen. - The Old Lady forgave her abusive husband many times before she took matters into her own hands. 6) Betrayal - Saleh Abdullah felt betrayed when she saw Madhuri embracing a man who was not her husband. He allowed his rage to overpower him and he killed her own daughter. - Azreen felt betrayed when she saw Madhuri embracing a man who was not her husband. 7) Revenge

- Madhuris mother wanted to avenge her daughters death but the murderer died of a heart attack before she could strike him with her parang.

Moral Values
1) We must be proud of who we are and we need not change our personalities to accommodate societys perception of what we should be. *

2) We must, respecr, support and protect our loved ones.

3) We must stand up for what we believe in. *

4) We must not be influenced by rumours and gossips. *

5) We must form our opinions about people and not be influenced by others. *

6) We must seek to better our future by furthering our studies and advancing our career prospects. *

7) We must learn to let go the negative events of the past and look forward to a positive future. *

8) We must not allow superstition to rule our lives. *

9) We must not shun those who are perceived to be different from us. *

10) We must bear responsibility for our aactions. *

Point Of View
The story is told from an omniscient point of view. The narrator is not one of the characters in the novel. The story is therefore told from the third person point of view-the narrator is able to describe the thoughts and feelings of the characters involved.

Literacy devices
1) Contrast Two or more ideas are compared to emphasize the difference in their qualities. Azreen is potrayed as a completely different personality from her sister Madhuri. While Madhuri was described as sweet, pretty, charming, Azreen was the tomboyish, short, bespectacled, and fiery-tempered girl who always spoke her mind and got herself into trouble. 2) Irony The use of word and phrases that suggest the opposite of their literal meaning. Siti felt she was stuck in a backward village where nothing interesting ever happened- the events that unfolded in the village caught everyone by surprise. 2) Alliteration The usage of several words that begin with the same consonant sound to produce a rhythmic effect siti sat solemnly in the living room. eventually

3) Onomatopoeia The use of words which imitate the sound they describe

Azreen yanked open the cupboard and began packing Puan Normala hissed into Puan Kamsiahs ears when describing Madhuris body.

4) Imagery The image created for the reader to understand what the characters see or feel. When Puan Normala saw Madhuris body being removed she shivered as if she felt a sudden gust of wind

5) Symbolism The use of objects to represent something else The dead carcass of achicken, with its neck broken found outside Azreens house was a sign of impending 6) Metaphor The use of words or phrases that are nor meant literally but serve as good comparison 7) Simile The use of words or pharses that draw a comparison between two different things Puan Kamsiahs eyes buldeg out like a toad when she heard about the rumour being spread by Puan Normala. 8) Personafication Giving humans qualities to non-living things. The glare of the afternoon sun welcomed her when they stepped into the car park Siti compares Puan Normala to a slimy cobra with three-forked tongue doom.

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