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Narrative Text The Rats and The Elephants Once upon a time there lived a group of rats under

a tree in peace. However, a group of elephants crossing the jungle unknowingly destroyed the homes of all the rats. Many of them were death. Then the king of rats decided to approach the elephant chief and request him to guide his herd through another route. On hearing the sad story, the elephant king apologized and agreed to take another route. And so the lives of the rats were saved. One day elephant-hunters came to the jungle and trapped a group of elephants in huge nets. Then the elephant king suddenly remembered the king of the rats. He summoned one of the elephants of his herd, wich had not been trapped, to go seek help from the king of rats. The elephant went to the rat king and told him about the trapped elephants The rat king immediately look his entire group of rats and they cut open the nets which had trapped the elephants herd. The elephants herd was totaly set free. They dance with joy and thanked the rats. Question :
1. What is the story mainly tell us about ?

The story mainly tell us about the rat king and the elephant king.

2. What is the main idea of paragraph two ?

The main idea of paragraph two is about the rat kings order to the elephant king about the group of elephants mistake to all of rats.

3. He summoned one of the elephants of his herd,.. (Paragraph 3).

What is the synonym of the word summoned from those text ? The synonym of the word summoned is ordered.

4. What does the elephant king do when his group trapped in huge

nets ? The elephant king summoned one of the elephants of his herd, which had not been trapped, to go seek help from the king rat.

5. Does the king rat agree with the elephants order to help his group

who trapped in a huge nets ? Yes, he does. The king rat agrees with the elephants order to help his group. Explanation Text Water Cycle Water on the earth is constantly on the move. It recycles over and over again. This movement is called water cycle. Precipitation occurs when there is so much water in the air. It cant hold on to it anymore. It will rain, snow, sleet or hail. It fills up our lakes, streams and oceans on the surface of the earth. The earth also soaks up some of the water storing it in the ground until it is needed. This storage area is called aquifer. Many people pump water directly from an underground aquifer and use it for their drinking water. When the sun comes out and heats up the water, it turns into vapor or steam. Helping to add vapor are plants, trees and lands because they lose water too. This is called transpiration. When the vapor in the earth gets cold, it changes back to the liquid to form clouds. This is called condensation. Those clouds get heavy and we start all over again. Considering the complexity of water cycle and the important of it, lets appreciate and use water efficiently.

Question :
1. What is the text about ?

The text is about water cycle.

2. When does precipitation occurs ?

Precipitation occurs when there is so much water in the air.

3. What is the storage area called ?

The storage area is called aquifer.

4. What happens when the sun comes out and heats up the water ?

When the sun comes out and heats up the water, the water turns into vapor or steam.

5. What are the generic structure of explanation text ?

General statement Sequence explanation


Discussion Text Cloning of Animals: Allowed or not allowed In this modern era, technology has developed to such a certain degree that scientists are able to create new forms of life. One of them is cloning. The debate whether cloning of animals should be allowed or not seems endless. Those who agree with cloning of animals usually argue that the cells produced from them can be used to stop animals from becoming extinct. They also add that cloning has a purpose to produce high quality of cells. Many species are becoming rarer and rarer. Scientists are concerned if they dont do something to save certain species, these animals will be extinct forever and this would be a big loss for the animal kingdom. For this reason, researchers have improved cloning technology so that many rare species can be successfully cloned. However, not everyone is excited about cloning animals. Some people feel that it could have terrible consequences.

For example, if dinosaurs are cloned, then men could be extinct. It is clear that these ferocious beasts cannot live together with humans. In history, these creatures lived several thousand years before men appeared. Can you imagine these giant killing creatures living within the same era and on the same planet with us? As a result of this controversy, people still havent got the answer yet for cloning animals. Moreover, some members of the scientific community think that the banning of cloning technology will destroy the creativity of science. Question :
1. What is the text tell us about ?

The text tells us about the controversy of cloning at animal.

2. Write four arguments for those who agree to the cloning at animals !

The seed produce from them (cloning at animals) can be used to everlasting rare species. Cloning at animals can be used to enhance the creativity of science. Cloning at animals can be used to produce high quality of seeds. Cloning at animals can be used to prevent the species from extinction.

3. What does the writer want with his/her text ?

The writer wants his/her text to present opinions from two points of view about cloning at animal.

4. What is the structure of the last paragraph ?

The structure of the last paragraph is conclusion.

5. that the banning of cloning technology will destroy the

creativity of science. (Paragraph 6). Find the synonym of the underlined word ! The synonym of the word banning is restriction.

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